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Warm Bodies (Kittypanda & Xianghua)


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  • kittypanda


  • Xianghua


Justin's father smiled even more as he started to walk out of the clinic with his son and his friend, Justin grabbed R's hand that was on his chest and removed it only to hold his hand. He followed his father outside to his car. The black haired boy got in the back seat with the other male. The Colonel looked in the rear view mirror and couldn't help but shake his head, he then drove away from the clinic and towards his enclave. He knew that it was going to be a long night...

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The Colonel glanced back at both boy through the mirror keeping an on both of them, he then turned his eyes back to the road ahead. Justin however was shifting around in his seat, the silents was awkward and making him shift a whole lot. He hated it when it was way too quiet but he didn't know what to say to brake the silents.


That was until his father broke it for him, "So... R is it?" He asked while keeping his blue eyes locked onto the road ahead of him.

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Justin's father just nodded his head, "Right... So... You were a zombie before right? Or were you always human?" He asked in a suspicious tone of voice which caused his son to want to slap his forehead but he re-framed from doing a childish act. Great dad make things even more awkward... Justin thought with an eye roll, he glanced over at R to see how he would respond to that question.

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"You remember when Justin brought a zombie to the military sight, told you they were changing, and you put a gun to the zombie's head?" R asked. "That was me."

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The older male almost stopped his car in the sheer fact that he was shocked about what he just hear but kept the calm expression on his face. "... But how is that possible? Zombies turning back into human's..." Justin raised an eyebrow at what his father had just said.


"Well it's possible dad... I mean look..." He finally spoke up and gestured towards R, "He changed back... Don't know how but he did... So... I guess anything is possible..." He said in a soft tone as he gave R a soft smile.

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"The others are changing too," R said. "I haven't seen them in a while, but last time I did, they were completely different... The bonies were chasing them, and they don't want to have anything to do with anything that doesn't have a heart beat."

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"You mean those things that were chasing us?" Justin asked in a terrified kind of way, those things were creepy! It sent a shiver of fear to run down his spine. His father did stop the car when he heard his son speak and the funny thing was that they were in the driveway to their house.


"Wait! Your telling me that there's more of you guys?!" Justin's father's voice rose in anger. He turned his car off after he parked it and turned around with narrowed eyes, he was looking at R with a very unhappy look.

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"Of course... There wouldn't be an apocalypse if there were just a few..." R said, confused that the man didn't fully understand just how many of them there were. Probably never left the safety of the camp, he thought.

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The man's eyes narrowed even more before his son jumped in and stopped him from saying anything, "Why don't we go inside and well cool off for a few hours and talk later okay?" His father turned his glare at his son before he got out of the car and walked towards the house.


Justin sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, "My dad is as hard headed as ever..." He shook his head before opening his door to get out. "Come on... Let's go inside... Besides I really need a shower..." He said blushing brightly as he remembered what Nora tried to do earlier.

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R remembered the two options Justin had given him, taking a shower by himself, or taking one together. The truth was, the only reason R said no to the latter, was because he didn't want Justin to see his dead body, otherwise he'd never be able to get past it. "Okay," R said, wondering if things would be different is he had agreed to taking a shower together before.

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Justin closed his door after he saw R get out of the car as well he smiled over at him and walked towards his house, he looked back at the other male and saw him not moving. He sighed and walked over towards him and grabbed his hand pulling him along inside of the nice two storied building.


He saw his father walking towards the kitchen which was in the back of the house while he pulled R up the stairs with him and into his room. When he got inside he closed the door and now that Justin was in his room with the other male he started to feel rather uneasy.


"S-So... Um..." His confidence was now gone, he let go of the other's hand and rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh..." Don't be a wimp! Just say it! He yelled mentally to himself, he gulped and looked over at him. "You're dirty too... Right?" He was kicking himself in his mind and his face was a deep shade of red.

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Justin's blue eyes widened in a surprised kind of way, but his blush deepened on his face when he heard him say yes and him kissing his neck was making him shiver in a pleasant kind of way. "O-O-Okay... Uh... L-Lets go then..." He shuddered in a soft tone of voice. I wonder how this will turn out... He thought while turning his head to the side to expose some more of his neck to R.

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Justin did realize that he had walked over towards his bathroom until his back hit the bathroom door, his blue eyes were closed as he felt the other suck on his neck. He unknowingly released a very soft moan, his neck was very sensitive and the spot that R was sucking on was the most sensitive part.


His left hand rose up from his side and went to the back of R's head, his fingers were going through his hair and he decided to push his head even closer into his neck. For some reason he wanted him to nip his neck and leave something there. He didn't know why but that thought sent another shiver down his back.

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Justin let out another one of his very soft moans when the other started to bite his neck in a gentle kind of way, however his once closed blue eyes opened up as he felt himself being undressed which made him confused at first but then it hit him...


R was taking his clothes off. He felt cool air hit his chest and the cold oak wooden door on his heated back. He then grabbed a hold of R's hands that were on his pants. "W-Wait... L-Let me... Undress my self... Please..." His voice was low and held a nervous undertone to it.

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".... S-s-so what i-i-if I am.... Is... That a problem?" Justin's voice held clear embarrassment, he looked away from R and closed his eyes. Yup his confidence was shot down to hell. "I've never had sex okay... I... I was just saving myself for the right person... So... go ahead and laugh..." He said in a soft but sad tone of voice. He knew he was sounding like a girl but it was true though! He really was saving himself for the right guy.

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R smiled. "Good," he said, gently kissing the other. "I would have lost it if you lost it to that son of a bitch," he whispered wetly into Justin's mouth.

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Justin blinked a few times as another wave of a hot blush ran down from his ears to his cheeks, did he just hear possessiveness in R's voice? But his train of thought stopped when he felt him kiss his lips, his body was shivering like crazy!


His blue eyes were closed tightly as he kissed him back, he wrapped his arms around his neck and brought him closer to his body. He felt his bare chest rub against R's still clothed one which caused him to groan in a slightly annoyed kind of way because the cloth kept rubbing against his nipples causing them to harden.

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R quickly removed his own clothes, then pushed Justin into the shower, turning the water on. He licked the other's chest, slowly getting on his knees and moving down.

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