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*Group Rp* Welcome To The Daemon Circus~


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Come one come all to The Daemon Circus! Where dreams become a reality and the reality becomes a dream~ Only the most talented and the most cunning can join this once in a life time offer! If you join now we will throw in a complementary gift basket! And as an added bonus we get to keep your soul! So come on down while the offer lasts! Seats are filling fast folks!




Have you ever just sit down and relax? Enjoying a show where you think its fun and relaxing. Well have you ever thought about what happens behind the scenes of the show? Well have you? If not then your just a normal person who thinks nothing of it. You see what happens behind "Hell's Fire Daemon Circus" is not something that is normal. Behind the scenes the acts are nothing but slaves to the ring leader who is always looking for new meat. The people already there are nothing but puppets to the ring leader.


On the 200th anniversary of this demonic circus being opened leads to a night of terror for some poor teens who were at the wrong place at the wrong time. On this very special day is the day of the red moon. A night in which souls are being taken.


~The Teens~

A group of teenagers were bored with their everyday lives and wanted excitement in their lives. So on the walk home they saw a poster that had said "Come see the Hell's Fire Daemon Circus! Where dreams come true!" At first the teens didn't think much of it until later on that night when their parents were asleep they sneaked out of their homes and headed to the Circus unaware of their lives soon slipping away from them.


~The Hell's Fire Daemon Circus~

Don't let their looks deceive you for they are nothing but evil and cruel creatures. However there are a few who are innocent. The ring leader is getting ready for the nights show. Wanting everything to be perfect! For tonight was the 200th anniversary that this horrid Circus has been around. Tonight will be the night to recruit new blood new souls. For on this night is the night of the red moon. It was the perfect time for a show!




Teen 1- XiuLin

Teen 2- Yin_yang

Teen 3-

Teen 4-


Ring Leader- Yin_yang

Dancer- Yin-yang

Fire wielder- iMarionette

Tight rope walker-

Clown- iMarionette

Trapezes 1-

Trapezes 2-

Animal handler- Techno

Magician- XiuLin

Magicians Assistant- Techno


~Character format~






Role(what character are you playing? Like Teen 1 or Dancer etc.):

Do you posses any special abilities?(Meaning like can you read peoples minds, or walk on air with out anything etc.)





How long have you been in the circus for?(Only for people who are the circus people):




~Okay so before I post my character on here and then transfer it to the thread that I will make once I get enough people I must say this once. This thread is for joining and talking about the rp. If you have questions about it the post here, pm me, or leave me a visitors message. Also you have to have semi-good English and semi-good spelling. Hell I screw up on words sometimes. Anyways like I said I'll wait off before I post my character on here. So I hope you guys will enjoy it.


-For people to see which roles are taken-

Teen 1- XiuLin

Teen 2- Yin_yang

Ring Leader- Yin_yang (Starter character)

Dancer- Yin_yang

Fire Wielder- iMarionette

Clown- iMarionette

Animal Handler- Techno

Magician- XiuLin

Magician Assistent- Techno

5 more spots are available~ And you better act fast because the spots are filling up quite quickly!

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When will the rp thread get made? Also my character is not human and he is single. He is only interested in men. So if you have a circus worker that's homosexual give my character a chance.

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Yup that way I can transfer them over to the thread, so I can arrange the order of who goes first and so on. ^^' I hope that didn't confuse you deary.

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Heeey ying, I have a question. Is it alright if you use an example of strengths and weaknesses?

And what special abilities? Any special abilities forbidden?

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We're going to use my character as an example: And yes This will be my person that I will be in the rp.





Yumi, Kuro

Nick Name:

The Dancing Rose






To dance and sing.


The ring leader and the circus



Do you posses any special abilities?:

Can read peoples minds and invade in peoples dreams.


His voice and his body it's his most powerful weapon.


Seeing his 'Family' suffering.


Yumi is very well spoken, he may look sweet and kind on the outside but he really is kind of promiscuous and mischievous. A handful at times but he mean's well. However some times when he compliments you it some how sounds like an insult and that just shows you how much he cares. However you do not want to see him when he's mad, because it will be the last thing you see. But he is mostly level headed and calm.


Yumi was a dancer way back in the day, he danced the forbidden dance which drew the ring leader to him saying that he could make his dream's come true and he believed him. After many many long hateful years of being with the circus he became closer to the people he works with considering them 'family.' However the ring leader kept them all on their toes. And each passing year became worse and worse. Instead of finding a home Yumi found his living hell.

How long have you been in the circus for?:

120 years


And yes some abilities are forbidden. But you can have them it's just you'll get into trouble if you use them.

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How about this? xD




(Has his own personal mask)


Name: (Last) Chuujitsu; (First) Yasuo


Age: 200+


Likes: His animals (especially the carnivores), having fun, toying with people, spicy, seeing people suffer (afraid, fear, scared, etc.), masks


Dislikes: Being controlled, disallowed/stopped to do what he wants (mostly his habit to inflict suffer), attachments, people sucking up to others


Role: Animal Handler


Do you posses any special abilities?: Illusions, Has the ability to read and make others reveal their true feelings or nature beneath the lies that they hide even sides that they don't want other people to see


Strength's: His mind and mentality


Weakness's: Soft spot for animals


Personality: Friendly and energetic, he is the kind of person you will be able to get along with because he always smiles and never ever frowns. But smiles can trick people. The more you get to know him, the more hints and acts that he is not all sunshine, which he isn't. He has a dark side hidden in his smiles. He is actually a sadist and loves to make people suffer, insane, fear, scared, scream and etc. He sees people as his toys. He won't hesitate to exploit and use your weakness against you, he is tricky like a mischievous fox and does not like it when one destroys his fun or doesn't let him, acting childish about it.


Background: He grew up in a very poor family with parents who loves money and loves to suck up to rich people. As he grew up, he learned the hard way to live, it was up to him to take care of himself because his parents were too 'busy'. He also grew up with animals from the forest, somehow he attracts animals and they seem to like/love him, obeying him without a second thought. He was discovered by the ring leader, promising that he'll have the chance to tame and teach animals, to show them off to audience that would love them, and promised that he won't be able to live his life in poor. He accepted, knowing that there was something wrong in the picture. He doesn't mind the ring leader, loves that the ring leader keeps them on their toes, except he isn't affected.


How long have you been in the circus for?: 199 years


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Heh your welcome all we need now is more people unless some of you guys want to take on a second character? But that's completely up to you ^-^. Hmm... Since I made this I'll have to take the ring leader role too don't I... *scratches cheek*

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Just hope that many more will join. I can't waaaiiit to play my character~ (cuzimasadist) I would like to ahve a second char but for me, it's a bit weird. x3;

Huh... maybe you should have been the ringleader from the start? xD


- - - Updated - - -


Oh yeah, I have a question too.


Why do we have the 'teen 1', 'teen 2', etc? o:

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Haha yeah I know but I wanted to be the dancer and I don't mind being the ring leader either.


Because they play an important part which I will say later ^-^. Because for now that's a secret~ Well I guess I'll be the ring leader too~ ^-^ Since he is the starter character.

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About the second character, I was actually going to ask about that; if it is all right to have multiple characters, i.e. one circus person and one teen, or two circus people, etc.? It might take a rather long time if we wait to start the RP until all places are taken by- thirteen different players? And right now we only have 4/13 sooo-

Right C:

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Nearly forgot, here's my character ;; hopefully acceptable OTL





Name: Drystan Tine. He goes by Drogo, i.e. his stage name

Age: 223

Likes: n/a

Dislikes: small rooms with no windows


Role: fire wielder; when he performs, he usually uses the same type of

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Abilities: he can create fire so long as there is oxygen to sustain it. Also, if a body is tranquil, missing a soul, Drogo can claim the heart and store it away for safekeeping

Strengths: strong physically, very agile

Weakness: claustrophobia, as is his fear of becoming unable to keep fire alive

Personality: Drogo appears irritatingly calm at times; he is very private and rather likes to dismiss something as a joke than discuss it properly.

He is a stubborn jerk. He will argue with you, yes he will.

Drogo is a heavy smoker; don't try to take his cigarettes away from him.



. Drystan Tine

There was once a man who could dance with fire. He fell in love with a beautiful woman and got her to run away with him. They joined a traveling fair and were soon blessed with a baby boy. Drystan Tine never met his parents, but that is how the story goes.

. Life in the Circus

Having spent more than half his life in sorts of funparks, fairs or exhibited on stage, Drystan grew up on foot; during his acts, he would be noted by a circus. His fire was a natural talent that only boosted him up in training to be a fire wielder. Soon as it got out, however, Drystan was bought by a freakshow; and spent many years with several different circuses featuring those half-formed or of uncommon abilities. Then the Daemon Circus found him and Drystan took the name Drogo, finding his place with the dreaded Circus.

First years were horrible; Drogo had been very well worse off before, but every show had freaks like him – they connected. The Daemon Circus was something else entirely. Each act was carefully painted and delivered with brilliance. There was a number of performers favoured by the Ring Leader; even as he worked them to the bone, they earned themselves privilege. Earned themselves power. At this Circus, they were untouchable. And Drogo would become one of them.

. The Heart Collection

Collecting of souls became a special ritual for those travelling with the Daemon Circus. In those wondrous nights when the moon was painted red, Drogo would perform exquisitely. Each soul that was taken left behind a body; and a beating heart. And oh how Drogo liked to collect those hearts. He’d make small wooden boxes himself, each containing a single heart. He’d decorate them all differently, with colourful swirls of paint or tiny drops of glue that sparkled when exposed to light. He’d stick on fallen leaves or broken twigs and keep the boxes beside his cot. And the hearts glowed in the night, glowed through the cracks in the little wooden boxes.


Years spent with the Daemon Circus: 136


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If you want you can take on another character that way we can move along and make the thread. Also character accepted! ^-^





Dante Von Welmen also known as The master of Terror








When his so called 'act's' don't follow his order's. When things don't go his way.


Ring Leader

Do you posses any special abilities?:

Can create shadow creatures, has the ability to walk on air and move things with his mind.


His mind.


The blood red moon.


Dante is a fearless man, very sadistic and has a short temper. Occasionally he will let an emotion slip but it is quickly covered up by his harshness and cruelty. He is not a man to be wrecked with. His cold persona is what keeps the Circus in line.


Nobody knows much about him except from the fact that he founded the Daemon Circus. His past is a mystery even to himself, he thinks the reason why he can't remember much of his past is that something horrible happened and made him into the cold heartless person that he was. The reason he founded the Circus was to give other's a place to live and to show them that they were not alone in the cold sad world. However it was just a lie, although a bit true.

How long have you been in the circus for?:



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