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Those Little Magic Words (ideduce x AkiraVadel)


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He came inside him again and when Merlin fell so did he. He pulled out carefully. He didn't want to move, his legs almost refused it completely. Yet he managed. He tried to pull Merlin up but could barely lift up his arm. He called up all his strength and held his breath lifting him in his arms and waddling to bed. Which he collapsed on with Merlin. He huffed and rolled off of Merlin and pulled the sheets over them wrapping an arm lazy around his raven haired lover. With that he was out cold, and would be for most of the day.

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Well into the afternoon Gaius came to check on them and finding them in that predicament caused a bit of a startle from him. He made sure to tell the guards to not let anyone in that the King was exhausted and Merlin was taking care of him. He then went halfway into the room, "Sire... um... Merlin... Sire, it's well past noon."


Merlin stirred slightly but rolled onto his side pressing more against Arthur.

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He shifted and moved the arm around Merlin up a little higher carassing head head and playing with his hair before drifting off to sleep again after making some sort of noise.. (XD FAIL nice try Gaius)

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Gauis wondered over and gently shook Arthur then shook him harder, "Sire... the guards are starting to worry... It's getting to be the late afternoon. If they see you and Merlin here it could cause problems..."


The raven next to the other man yawned and leaned against Arthur, "mnnn..."

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"Tell them I'm actually with a noble woman." (XD) "Or thinking of things that need doing.....!!!!!" sits up rubbing his eyes. "All right I"m up...."

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Gaius took a deep breath and looked down at the still sleeping Merlin, "Sire... may I be frank?... What are you and Merlin doing together? I just don't want to see either of you get hurt. I talked to him about this a little bit a while back but I didn't know it was this serious."

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"those words are reserved for Merlin......As I've never actually said them yet. He should be the first to hear what I really think...." he looked at Gaius. "And it's a little obvious don't you think?" he got up and nearily toppled over. He grabbed the nightstand. "Oh....Kay...." his legs shook. "......I'm never.....Pulling an all nighter again..." he rubbed his neck feeling the bruise. "......." well that could be bad, and another bad thing was that his throat wanted to lock up for missing both breakfast and lunch. "......Now I don't feel well....." he got dressed and cleaned himself behind the screen. "If people love me the way they say they do Gaius, then they can get over who I sleep with."

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Gaius sighed softly and nodded his head, "of course Sire. I brought up food and water on the table." He motioned to the table near the princes bed. Wait... all nighter? His older mind finally caught up with what Arthur said. He blushed a bit and cleared his throat.


"I suppose you and Merlin have much to discuss now that you two have a little spare time," Gaius bowed and headed out of the room.


Merlin rubbed his eyes and shifted on the bed since he felt a lack of person on the bed.

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Arthur chuckled.

"i'll be going into town shortly. Thank you for the food Gaius, don't overwork yourself now." he said as he started to eat slowly to make sure his throat wouldn't lock up on him.

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Gaius nodded as he shut the door.


Merlin slowly sat up smelling the food, "I-I'm sorry I should have gotten you something... I guess I over slept..." He yawned and rubbed his eyes. He looked so adorable at that moment still mostly asleep.

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He went over and sat by Merlin sharing his food.


"Just eat. I have to do some things so....You should probably just stay here and not move....I doubt you could anyway..."

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Merlin nodded his head and ate the food offered to him. His body felt like it was Jello and his ass hurt. After another bite his eyes flashed gold for a moment as he healed himself and sighed softly, "thats better." It felt nice being able to use his magic without having to worry.

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"Gaius knows...Um...Maybe next time we should only drink half of it." he winked and put on his crown and walked out.


He was bombarted with questions about his health.


"I'm fine....Really." he smiled. "It had just been awhile since I wasn't bed ridden I wore myself out, I'm perfectly fine." and he was asked to not be so active. "I'll do my best but as king I have to be active." he went out into town looking around.

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Merlin sat on the bed as the real world started to sink in...


"Oh gggooooodddd....." the raven shoved his head into Arthur's pillows. What the hell was he thinking taking those potions?! He caused a lot of issues since they were up late and he was sure he got Arthur in trouble... well could the king really be in trouble? Deciding not to ponder on it too much he slowly started to try to get up.


Finally up on his shaky feet he used the loo, then dressed himself in the clothes he was wearing the night before. Slowly he made his way to his room. Using his magic he filled his bath water and soaked in it for a while. After about an hour he felt a bit better and well enough to join Arthur. Getting dressed in a new set of clothes he set out to find the blond.

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Seemed he had purchessed something in a bag. Arthur ruffled Merlin's hair.


"Awake now are we? I hate to ask but is the room clean?"

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Merlin cocked his head a little, "well the bed is made but I didn't change the sheets. Another woman came by and grabbed your food while I was making it... so... kind of." The raven blushed a little.


"I'm just now okay... walking..." he muttered the last little bit.

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"......" Arthur scooped him up bridle style. "Back to the castle for you, if you were that tired why'd you bother coming out?" walking back. "I also have something for you but you'll have to wait tonight."

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Merlin turned very red, "A-Arthur I can walk..." He was very tired but he didn't want to leave Arthur alone. He was so afraid of not being near his side. "People are looking..." he turned his head towards Arthur's chest worried the people would glare at him.


"Wait... your not still affected are you? What kind of something?" the raven was a little surprised.

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"Affected? I'm always affected by you, and you'll see mr. inpatient. Let them look. I doubt they'll be mad at the king that just lowered their taxes and his servant that rebuilt the town. You worry to much Merlin." he said it loud enough for everyone to be heard and he probably was right.


He walked back to the castle and as he did a horse was ridding behind him. A bow went taught. Arthur gasped and moved as the arrow hit where he would have been. He came around a masked assassin (do not kill him he's needed for plot XD) Again the bow went taught and Arthur pulled up the bag and it barely stopped it. It would have hit his throat otherwise. Guards rushed out and people threw stones at the attacker. There was a metal hitting metal sounds as Arthur's crown was shot off his head before the asalent fled. Whoever it was he was a damn good shot.

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Merlin blushed and held onto the front of the blonds shirt.


(LOL okay) Now not worried about hiding his magic Merlin shoved away from Arthur and stood putting his hand out in front of them and put up a barrier around him and Arthur, "You don't know who your dealing with sir! Leave now before I kill you myself."


The raven was a bit surprised someone would face him head on like that. The sky above Merlin started to grow dark as his eyes stayed gold. He made it obvious to get to Arthur they would have to go through him first.

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Arthur got up watching his the man run away. He picked up his crown cleaned it off and placed it on his head.


"Maybe it's a small group of people then....One knows magic the other, is an assassin. Lovely...Thank you."

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Merlin dropped and barrier and turned to Arthur, "maybe but we still need to be weary." He blinked and stumbled to the side a little feeling light headed. It was a strong spell he put up and after using his magic so much recently and the late night he had, the poor boy was exhausted.


He shook his head and looked at the blond, "I'm fine... just tired." He then glanced around at the people staring at him and felt so small then. They were judging him... for being a magic user...

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Arthur caught him.


"It's all right."


He picked him up.


"now you have a reason to be tired."


Arthur went inside the castle and placed Merlin in his own bed chambers. Arthur in the meantime called on his knights and explained what happened and had them ride out. In the meantime Arthur found that one of his subjects in the castle wished for his audience in the treasury. So head did but the king he emerged from the place was not who he claimed to be any longer....

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Merlin smiled softly at Arthur and held his hand, "don't go too far from me." He was worried about Arthur and didn't like him traveling while he would be sleeping. He felt he needed to be by his side at all times.

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