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What do you think of INCEST?


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hello honeys..

just wanna ask your views about incest?


do you agree with it or not? favorable or not?


the reason for this is because i have a close friend, and she's somewhat in-love with her first cousin..


do you guys see that as an ok or not?


please tell me your views about it..

i would also appreciate if this happens in your place and if it is accepted or not..


thanks so much.. Love you all...



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XD incest thats when family like each other more than they should right?

umm some is okay i guess ...

like if the mom marries a guy who has a son and that son likes the step moms daughter

i mean thats if they meet when theyre like 16... theyll never be sisters o.o

XD but if they grew up toghether ... that would be very weird v.v

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It is somewhat odd. But I've been learning new things about it. Like a mother had a son who used to be her husband in previous lifetimes. It happens. Is she/he old enough to make a decision?

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I guess its okay if you aren't blood related... i used to have a crush on one of my relatives and he liked me too but he had the same last name and we were related by half blood. We did kiss but that was it. we almost got caught out, but it was mostly his doing... that was like ten years ago though i think it was just childs play at the time... He's like my older brother now and we never do anything wrong

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I think incest is very strange.... I can't imagine to fall in love with someone blood-related. I think it's okay when they aren't direct blood-related (siblings, motherXson, fatherXdaughter). In my country this kind of relationship is forbidden by law (only with direct blood related - cousins/aunts etc. not).


I know someone who was with his cousin. I don't know what the rest of the family said to them but his sister didn't think bad of it (she is my friend :)). No one doomed them or talked bad of them. I think it's okay. In the end you can't do anything against the feelings.

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thanks honeys for replying to my inquiry... i guess each has their own unique views... XD


@ xusernamex: they aren't blood related right? :D

@ SloanAkira: yeah i think that's okay,, :)

@ BoysLove_Fangirl: may i ask how were you able to forget about your cousin? :D

@ Amarillo: Thanks Rsilio,, so it's okay in Germany.. :D

@ Senji: thank you,, is it prohibited in Bulgaria? :)



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Hmm, I actually don't think incest is so bad. Even siblings loving each other, I have nothing against (as long as they don't have kids), and esp. not if it's just a marriage relation.

But I have a very open mind. Here in England, I'm pretty sure most all of that is illegal. XD

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*didz015 that too but I also dont like it irl :( ,I duno ...this is too messedup in my oppinion ,but I have to also admit I liked few animes with brother x sis

KISS x SIS that was sooo cute ^^

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I don't like incest, I pretty much hate it. The only incest yaoi-ish I like is Loki x Thor (cause they don't look like siblings) and Yuki x Yuta (cause they are so amazing). About just liking each others as just friends, no problem. But doing that stuff, no just fucking no, it disgusting and sick. But in yaoi I try not to read that they are siblings, but if I end up thinking it I table flip =__=


Furthermore, never, ever would I like fucking incest in real. Its sick, seriously that is just s i c k. O_o

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it's true yaoi incest is really different from reality...


it's just really sad that they are cousins.. :(

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Ah. -rolls sleeves up,ready to type- I love such discussions where I can throw a few opinions of mine,with different theories.


I am 70% sure you all have studied history,eh. Very long ago when countries weren't ruled by different systems,like presidents and what not. But just kings and queens. It was a taboo for the future heir to choose a woman for his wife from different tribe than his. But even more back in time,it was a taboo to choose a different woman for his wife than from his family.

Basically in history it went this way,


King(The oldest brother) Queen(One of the sisters of his);


In Ancient Egypt was practiced,this current taboo and many others old civilizations. The goal was to continue the royal blood,as in,pure blood.


With time passing,it became taboo and royal families had to switch to,


King(The oldest brother) Queen(One of their tribe);


Of course, it didn't last long because countries had the so said contracts,or arranged marriages. For the sake of peace.


In Ancient China, people that had same surname,NO MATTER what was the situation of having same surname were forbidden to marry.


Why it was turned in taboo?


Not only because the society changed,people's thinking evolute every next millisecond of life,but because so said ''pure blood'' from brother-sister, daughter-father, son-mother and other combinations was dangerous. What exactly is meant.


People that know their biology will get me. As a person who graduated from Med school,I bumped with this so said ''pure blood''. It is this clock-bomb. The children born would carry in their blood many different types of possible keys to disease. No need to go with biologic names,I will just explain it normally. There is this famous among of them disease that when one cuts themselves,the wound won't close as it would normally. It stays open,even the smallest scratch. In other words, they would die young because of some infection. Many other and very scary diseases appeared because of this ''pure blood''.


That's why,call it nature. The nature played its role,not allowing to humans sibling-sibling.


If we were back in time,all of us would think that sibling-sibling is something normal,not ''sick'' or ''odd''.


As I said,society changed and so the points of view evaluated.


To leave the facts aside and finally say my personal view based on facts I do know.

Some people believe in love after life. In brief, that when reborn they'll find each other again. Cool,but what happens if they are actually brother-sister? XD Irony,I call it. That's my reply - irony.

I've read something very interesting and I know this post became long,but want to share it.

If we humans are really having past lives,the memories are erased by god knows who. Why erased,because of karma.

To have harmony in the so said karma cycle, peace have to be reached. So, if you in your past life were killed by some woman. This connection ''hatred'' will be turned into love in your next life. So this woman might be your sister,mother or even girlfriend,or wife.


If one has their past memories,the ''hatred'' will continue even in every next life. So,memories are taken away and people from past lives meet again in other kind of connection,per say,the opposite. But, if the love from past life was strong,yet sinful, god knows who makes so called ''irony''. Your lover would be turned into your sibling,so you'll never be able to be with them again.


Some people though don't give a damn for the taboo when they love each other. Per say, gay love is a taboo too. But of course, you'll meet A LOT OF people stating that these are two different things,but let me tell you,they are not. It's just a question of personal understanding and mind. Society is at fault for many things,turning people's minds in their pawns.


But I shall end this with my personal message to all who are in a taboo love,

Love knows no age,no gender,no color and no money. It knows only senses. Smiles,tears,desires and sins. I am not religious to add some religion here and go all ''By the power of God/Buddha/Allah'' and so on. There are many solutions,if you are decided to practice a taboo. Just the ones should protect themselves by so said society and people born in this society.I am a neutral person and will never spit at the faces of people who love each other,even if there is age gap, same gender,or siblings. What I will anger me would be the forced taboo on people. Like incest rape, gay/lesbian rape or even other ugliest things. When it's forced I can't possibly stay neutral. (:


So,that's my opinion. Even taboo,this is their life, none of us,even their father and mother can lock them up for the sake of society. What will they do is in their human rights. I know no law sentencing people to death because of a taboo love,yet. Who knows, sick minds might be ours and in time to make the taboo love a reason for death. Chances, we humans are animals.

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Saga, i found your post very intriguing. I don't think I can say something that hasn't already been said XD But I would like to add my own opinion anyway.


I happen to know a married couple, they are in their 50s, and they are cousins. And I know their adult daughter and her children. And they are decent people to be around, so I would never hate on them because of their ancestory.


I too am a neutral person, and I don't comment on such things. I let people make their own decisions, that is their freedom.


As for me, I know I would definitely not have a romantic relationship with anyone in my family, because I just don't love them in a sexual way XD I love them beyind words, though, but it's not a romantic attraction. It's thight knitted and strong family bond.:)

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hmmm. well, i would never be in-love with any of my cousins,

but i don't like to interfere with people’s relationships

so as long they are okay together , and they keep it a secret from other kids . i dont see any problem

...........you know, there are some countries that allow marriage between cousins..

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Saga is very correct in what he writes.

Royalties used to like keeping "pure blood". This lead to most having cerebral palsy and impotency/infertility thus they needed to incorporate new blood. Too many mutations accumulate if a family line is incestous. Of course, that process does take a few generations to form!


However... on the subject of incest as "good" or"bad" I wish to stay neutral *laugh*

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wow,, guys,, you're really COOL..


@ Saga: really informative.. thanks.. XD

@ nicicia, sarah3161, 鼠ドル: thanks so much.. :D



BUT,, honeys,, what would you say if their PARENTS DOESN"T WANT THEM TO BE TOGETHER and wanted them to part?

- just having a back-up question




i myself, am really worried about her..

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I think... since both most parts of society and their parents are against it... to try to move on.

However, it's their lives, their choice. No one canr eally tell them what to do, ne?

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Didz,did you really read my long post? I even mentioned the parents at the end. It's their life,not of their parents.

But to avoid drama,they should reconsider things.

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@ 鼠ドル: hmm,, sure have a strong point.. thanks :)

@ Saga: yeah i read it,, must have not inculcated the "parents part" gomme ne.. :D


my friend's really crying because her parents prohibited her to meet her cousin,, she's really cheerful and always happy,, i just find it so sad when she told me she's crying for 5 days,, (not straight of course) :)

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minna-san,, i let my friend read this thread,, thanks.. i think she knows what to do now.. :D..

Love you all.. XD

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