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Say what ever you want III


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Time for my birthday party. Well I say party, it's really just a gathering of family members who wants to show up, and we'll eat some cake XD

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Omg I'm really pissed of now -__-

What the fuck is wrong with my fucking laptop now!?! GOSH, I try to freaking upload game parts for 2 days and I only have 2 parts because

then, its a failure

or, my fucking pc crashes

or my fucking pc shuts down.


Seriosuly, I got my freaking thing for not even 3 months's and its already acting stupid!?


I'm REAAALLY pissed now, =___=

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Ugh! I hate this! Husband's phone doesn't get good signal and I have to call him dozens of times before the stupid thing finally rings! I WANT TO TALK TO MY HUSBAND, DAMMIT.

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I'm feeling dizzy, sick... I feel like I need to puke any moments, did I ate too much or are my feelings way to much mixed?


Urg.... stupid laptop... y u no work...

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I always know when people are lying to my face, it hurts much more than the truth ever would. I wish they would just tell me the truth.

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My eyes are heavy, but I can tell my brain will be awake for a while yet. How to fill the time?


Dang. Two weekends in a row I've been robbed a day because my friend's work shifts are all messed up.

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Just been rooting around my loft, found a tonne of old drawings and one very... intresting self-printed junjou romantica novel.

I never wrote the title on the paper though, so I dont know anything about it...


I wonder if I type some lines into google it will show up? *Go to find out*

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Watching Deadman Wonderland. It's almost like an anime form of The Hunger Games and Battle Royale, but in prison, with some adults thrown into the game, and the characters have supernatural powers XD

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It's a good thing he hesitated before jumping into that person's bait knowing full well that such an action was simply stemmed from the mind of a brainless whiny self-important brat who merely craved attention and was willing to kick and scream when ignored. "Stupid." he muttered, "why would I even bother with the likes of you? You bore me with your witless so-called creativity and produce nothing but rubbish and juvenile schemes. You crave attention under the guise of being self-sufficient. Your mediocrity makes me yawn."

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Oh man,I have Maths exam tomorrow,but why am I so lazy to study..? Why do I have to study such a things like sin,cos,tg,cotg etc.. >_

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Bloody, I feel for ya, I hate maths as well and trigonometry wasn't that funny if I remember correctly...



"So I do what I do, and at least I exist. What could mean more than this? What could mean more, mean more?"


Ah, finally writing again. it's releasing, isn't it? Though, let's hope this story will have a happy ending~

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