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@yojichan I'm very excited too because I really like your fanfics.


@Ueda_Angel If you decide to write another one I will be very happy.

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@yojichan I'm very excited too because I really like your fanfics.


thanks so much, dear roberta! *hugs*


I don't normally do this but i'm going to make this an exception. so here it is an excerpt from the new Pureness story I am currently working on. just to clarify though that this is still a work in progress so changes can still happen, maybe or maybe not. I'm curious too. hehe!


“You've fallen for me?”


Ooji's eyes widened at Misu's bluntness and had no choice to nod his head to hide his burning cheeks.




Misu looked away and a smile reflected in his eyes as a memory flashed in his mind. Ooji did not know how to react to this other than an increasing amount of hope that Misu's reply would be in his favor. All he ever wanted was to be close to him. He was willing to have a serious talk with his sister later as to whether he would remain in Japan or study overseas depending on Misu's plans. He was ready for anything. He was determined to follow him, be with him, stay close to him, take care of him, love him....



haha! so what do you think?

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@yojichan: what is the fanfic of yours that the spoiler above is from. I like fan fic and I would love to read the one above. just the line "You've fallen for me?" I was hooked lol.


@Ueda_angel: what did you say your fan fics where called??


I love to read, mostly fan fics :)

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I understand know you guys read the manga so you know what happens in the fifth movie. you think if I finich reading it ill get what ita about with out the sub titles. that idea just came to me damn im slow.


I started reding the manga and I clued it on thats how you all know whats probably happening lol


blonde moment


love you all.



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@Hamao-Daisuke... well... manga was in Japanese...

So people don't understand anything...

I have been explain some part of story and Yojichan and I put a link a site where you could read about the movie...

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is where you could see...

It's 3 parts so just when you done 1st and go to 2nd and 3rd like that...

It's not Yojichan and my site... it's someone else...

So please don't misunderstand on that...

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@hama71: thank you for the site it is a big help makes a lot of since i'll read the first part then watch the movie up until then and so one for the rest of the part..thanks again love ya

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@Tat-chan: yep! yep! there is not a shred of doubt Ooji is in love with Misu. I've established that in the second Pureness fic (To Be With You) hehe! :D


@Hamao_Daisuke: Yes, it's an excerpt from a fanfic I am currently working on. :) You will find more of my MisuShin stories here. They are all classified under the Pureness story arc. So far I've already made 4 completed stories. Enjoy! :)

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as for the rest of my fanfics, you will find them here

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yes, i hope that site shared with you is a big help in understanding the fifth movie. Last night I re-read the manga (Pure 2) and a lot of the scenes there were incorporated into the 5th movie as well. :) like the phone call from Takumi's mom, meeting Gii in the greenhouse, bed scenes...:)

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@hama71: a thousand times thank you that site was very helpful for me. I watched and read them at the same time so i knew what was going on at the same time..i understand the movie so much better now. makes more since and that's what i wanted. yay you. well i should hit the hay just wanted to thank you again before i forget...didn't want you thinking that i didn't appreciate your help.


i loved the part at the end after the credits (and before i read this summary didn't even think to wait until the credits where over) when takumi is sleep on gii's shoulder and says his name that just had me in aww..


ps. thanks again

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@yojichan I expected that you will wrote something about Ooji and Misu because of that part in To Be With You. Ooji don't like Shingyouji to be near Misu. Take your time to write this. I will obediently wait.

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@yojichan I expected that you will wrote something about Ooji and Misu because of that part in To Be With You. Ooji don't like Shingyouji to be near Misu. Take your time to write this. I will obediently wait.


thanks so much, roberta! i like that the Ooji x Misu angle is being anticipated by my beloved readers. hehe! but it's just an excerpt and i still have so much to work on. thank you so much for waiting. :D

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I hve so many things to finish...

Haiz~~~ I am feeling so left out here.

I haven't finish my part and im getting headache becoz of the weather...@@

Somehow it makes me became very forgetful...

Well I will try to finish my part because 2morro is the last day of school before school holidays...




The new fanfic seems so interesting!!!

Ooji is one of the character that caught our eyes a lot in Pure..LOL

Hehehe ganbatte Bunny nee chan!!!

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I love how some people don't notice that Ooji is also the one who confronts Takumi in TK5 in the flashback. The scene where Takumi gets accused of ditching his clasroom duties. I wonder how many people realized that it was Ooji. Ohh this damn backache I'd wish it go a way! I'm having trouble concentrating on my MisuXShing Fic :(

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@Hama san

May I know where's Taiki new radio show??

Im curious 'bout his laughs..LOL

I need something to soothe me rite now..

maybe his laugh is one of the cure...LOL




same here!!! my headache really disturbing me right now..

All i can do is reducing it by listening to a very soothe music...@___@

so u're working on MisuShin fics huh??

Weeee~~~ can't wait to read it..^^



@yojichan You and June are such a good team. After A pure Twist can you write together a new fanfic about Misu and Shin?


I agree with what yojichan said. We still have so much things to do with Pure Twist yet so there's no plan for another RP but who knows...maybe?? LOL


If yojichan willing to work with me...We will..but till then..

Please look forward for Pure Twist..

I am writing my part right now..but dammit!!! My headache is really taking away my ideas...T__T



@yojichan + Last_sky16


Hey girls!

May i ask you, when your fanfic (A pure Twist) will be continued? I´m curious what will happen with Misu/Shin after that accident...


Gomen ne!!! I am working on it...I am sorry for the delay..

Too many homeworks plus headache really drowning me right now...

Please look forward for it ok?? ^____^

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I've had my headache literally all day. Painkillers aren't cutting it (pouts). I'm getting so annoyed with this and I want to work on my fic. Why is it when I want to write I can't and when I dont' feel like writing I have all the time in the world?

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well take your time tat-chan..

dun force urself ok?? Sometimes things like that alwys happen..

Even to a student like me..I took 2 days to write one 250 words Malay essay..LOL

and in the end the results is better than when we're rush around..^^

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I hear yhou on that June-chan. I'm just worried I'm going to forget my ideas as well. I like making sure I get my ideas down on paper or in microsoft word so I don't forget what I'm writing. I've had writer's block for Takumi-kun for the longest time, but now that I've finished writing the chapter for Crying Confessions I got inspired so I wanted to work on more.

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@Hamao-Daisuke... You're welcome!

I am here to help people to enjoy the Takumi-kun series more and to love the series more... ^^


@June... I put a link at BabaTaiki(MisuXShingyouji)

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I could check it from there... ^^

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@Hamao_Daisuke & @purple-kyu

Welcome to the Takumi Fanclub, I'm so sorry if my welcome greeting is very very very late...^^

You can smack my head now... ^^

Enjoy your time in here & lets have fun in this fanclub... ^^



Tat-chan....I already read your Crying Confessions story in FanFic, God.....even this time you don't put cliffhanger in story but still it's really sweet story. I love your idea with the behind story about the ring that Gii gave to Takumi....

Owww...that's really romantic & I'm smiling all day long after I read your story....^^

I imagine if that can really happen in the manga/movie that must be really awesome.... ^^

You really talented Tat-chan....^^



Hama-san, I have a little question about Takumi-kun manga....are you don't mind if I ask this hama-san?

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In the Takumi-kun manga vol. 4th hama-san

Chapter 1-3, I'm not sure the tittle cause it's use Japanese but in the pic write the tittle "Promise Under The Sea"..

In the 1st chapter is about Gii came suddenly in the middle of night to Takumi's home & they talking about something & Gii showing a ticket (I guees) to Takumi & they continue their conversation until dawn then they see the sunrise together...

In the 2nd chapter I think Gii invite Takumi to his apartment in New York but when they still in the airport Takumi get an accident & I think he loose his memory for a while & he doesn't remember Gii at all...

And I want to ask what happen in 3rd chapter hama-san, what make Takumi remember about Gii when Shimouka-san take him to the a big aquarium (I don't know how to say it in Eng but as much as I can see there is a big whale in there...^^), then suddenly Takumi remembers about Gii & he's crying?

What promise that they make together? or what Gii promised to Takumi that time?


I hope you understand what I mean hama-san... ^^

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@ Last_sky16 Take your time. Nobody presses YOU. We will wait. Good luck at school.


@ Ueda_Angel Thanks for chapter 10 of Crying Confessions. I was waiting for it. I'm glad you will do a new MisuXShin FanFic.

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@hana-chan... About that... Gii told Takumi where they will go when they get to New York...

And I think Gii told Takumi he want to show that big wheel(I think it was wheel)...

Takumi never saw... Then when Takumi saw that remember that and everything about Gii...

I think that is what happen... I hope this explain what you asking for...

I have to look manga again to see if I am right or not... ^^;;;

But, for now I have to go out soon so I can't look for it...

Sorry... if any otherthing is there I will tell you again... ^^

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Ah I get it now hama-san....

Thank you for your explanation hama-san, it's really help me to understand the story line cause I don't know Japanese at all... So all I can do is guessing what happen in the pics from the manga... ^^

Okay...see you later hama-san...^^

Thanks once again hama-san, sorry if I make you have to see the manga once again. It's must be really troublesome.. ^^;;;

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