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Magic Users ~MasterSeme~


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Max walked into school avoiding everyone. He heard that a new guy was showing up today and he didn't really care. Max thought he would be a stuck up brat like the others. Max went over to his locker and opened it up, he never did any home work or take any of his books home, he really didn't care any more. Max also didn't know what to do about him having the power to control fire he was trying to hid it more and more and he couldn't tell anyone, that the fire fire he controlled was starting to get stronger and stronger.




Jason walked along the sidewalk, making his way to school. He had his face covered with a cloak since the benefits of controlling ice made his body freeze up even in the summertime. As he finally made his way to the school, Jason walks into the main office to gather a couple of things like a schedule, homeroom information and where his locker was.



Max opened was getting his book out of the locker when he saw the new kid enter the school he sighed and rolled his eye, because he knew what was coming next.


"Your the new student, Why are you wearing that cloak are you cute under there?" One girl asked.


"OMG a transfer we never get them here what's your name?" Another said.


Max watched as he got closer to him and he got done with his locker when someone slammed into him.


"Watch it!" the blond girl said. "I'm ariel and Its nice to meet you." she said smiling



Jason turns his head and then turns around as he listens to the others talk to him. He lifts up his cloak a little only to show his mouth, "I will let you decide if I am so called cute under my cloak." He opens his locker as he pulls down his cloak, "only one way to find out if you are in any of my classes or homeroom." Jason turns to face Ariel and then bows his head as he starts walking down the hallway.



Ariel was so happy she almost passed out, Then she looked at Max and turned away, and went to her home room.


Max went to his home room and looked out the window. The new guy was in the class with him. Max knew something was off the other kids were trying to take as much clothes off as possible and he was wearing a cloak wasn't any better then him it was hot out and he was wearing long sleeves.


RE Jason rests his chin on his palm as he was sitting at the desk with only his mouth exposed with his cloak hiding the rest of his face. He twirls a pen around his fingers as ice slowly covers the pen completely, setting the pen down on the desk and puts his hands into his pockets.


"Hey emo Looser, out of my seat." Ariel said.


"This isn't even your class." Max said.


"GET OUT OF MY SEAT PYRO!" She yelled and threw him on the floor.


"Fine." Max said getting up and leaving class he wasn't going to fight or do anything to protest it, they all knew the rumour that he burned his house down. Maybe I should just go home today no one cares he thought going into the hall and to his cornor by his locker.


"Looks like I'm in your class." She told the new kid.


RE: Jason perks up his head a little as he looks at Ariel and another boy go at it, ~hm.. he was at the entrance.. why are they treating him with such little respect I wonder,~ he thought as he rubs his chin. He watches the boy leave and then looks to the side, "hm.. kind of looks like you forced your way in here but I suppose you are in my class," he goes back to twirling his ice covered pen within his fingers.



Max was in the hall minding his own business. When someone kicked him. He looked up and it was Ariel. Apparently the bell ran and class was over. "I know you have almost all your classes with him so don't even show up to classes any more I will be in them. Because he will be mine." She said to max


Max ignored her and she kicked him again. "LISTEN TO ME WHEN I'M Talking."


Max finally had enought. "Why so you can give him the STD's you got from your last sex partner?" Max said.


Ariel got mad and started to kick him more and more the students gathered around to watch her kick Max.


RE: Jason gathers up his stuff as he stands up, surprise the teacher didn't yell at him for wearing a cloak in class. He walks down the hall and goes to his locker, placing his bag in his locker and perks his had up as he notices a group of students gathering a fight. He walks over to the group of students, noticing Ariel was kicking the other boy from before. Jason watches for a few minutes and click his tongue, "is this how you try to impress a new student? Because I have to say...," he pauses as he takes off his hood, exposing his face, "I am not impressed..."


Ariel looked at his face. "Well at least you took it off! Wait why is your face look like ice are you a freak too!" she yelled kicking the boy in the face. "I bet you set me up." She said soon she was done and Max moved and got up he walked past the new student like he wasn't even there his eyes started to swell shut.


RE:Jason glares at Ariel and crosses his arms as he continues watching her beat up the other male. He watches her walk passed him and shakes his head slowly with a sigh, "well.. this is unfortunate," he reaches out his hand and then quickly turns around and cover the floor with ice, causing Ariel to slip as he slowly walks over to the other male and places the ice covered pen on his eye to calm down the swelling.


The pen touch his face and it melted as fast as it was put on. "Ice won't work." he said looking at him The ice was everywhere on the floor but where Max stood. "It'll be be better in a day or so." He said and tried to walk away from the male. "I should go home, I don't belong here I don't know why I even came here in the first place." he said trying to walk out of the school.


RE: Jason watches as the ice on the pen melts and glances at the other male, "the ice on the pen wasn't even my true form. It was just me 'fooling around' with my powers during class." He watches the other male trying to walk out of school and sighs, glaring at the other students, "you are all judgemental little punks are you... how dare you judge someone just because they are different.. especially you Ariel..," he walks closer to the other male and crouches down, "you shouldn't be walking in your condition."


"Great now we have two freaks." she said sighing.


"I'll be fine I have done it before." Max said getting up to his feet and started to walk out of the school. "I'm sorry I was even here forget me alright I won't be coming back to school." He said as he walked out, He wasn't planing on doing anything just not go to school any more.


"Emo kid is going to kill himself just like he did with his father." Ariel said and they started to laugh.


RE: Jason cracks his neck slightly and looks over at Ariel and shakes his head slowly, trying to ignore her words. He watches the other male student as he was leaving school and he slowly turns around. Jason walks over to Ariel as he growls long icicles off his hands, "oh it is so funny hm? Well you should be ashamed of yourself. I know how you treat that young man that left but let me just say...," he pull Ariel closer with his icicles, "you cannot treat me like that if you did.. well lets just say you shouldn't mess with ice."


"Yeah I mess with fire all the time never get burned. Let me guess now your gonna go after him if you want to know where he lives its in his locker." Ariel said staring out cocky, but then went to a scared tone in her voice by the end.


Max walked down the road and he sighed as he held his chest. "Damn I think she may have broke my rib again." He said as he slowly walked threw town and out into the forest where there was a clearing with a burn house, No one should have ever been living there yet Max was he went inside looked at his dad. Max remembered when he use to get home from school and his did would hurt him for having fire burns on his clothes he couldn't help it one day the abuse got so bad that he burnt down the house not meaning too and killing his dad he went into the cardboard box in the corner "I'm never going back to school."


~Flash back~

Max could hear his father’s voice right now.


"Let me see your arm how many times today huh I better see no marks." his dad would yell at him. His dad had learn that is how he dealt with the pain of the fire it was the only way to control it. He could still fill his dad hitting a beating him. Please stop dad. He would yelled but his dad never would some times he was so black and blue he couldn’t go school.


Max then thought about the day he killed his father he didn’t mean too kill him. Max had a bad day and his power was stronger than usual and his dad came at him with a knife and then Max freaked out and burnt the house down and his dad. After his dad had almost beat them to death and his power saved him, but killed his father.


Max went back to his since and looked around and noticed that he was soaking wet and he sighed he knew that tomorrow he wasn’t going to go to school tomorrow. Max started to cough and looked around more his vision started to get blurry and ended up passing out in the corner he was so hungry.

RE: Jason looks at Ariel as he walks to the boy's locker and opens it, searching around and takes out a form, seeing where he lived. He glares at Ariel with a smile, "also... it might be wise not to call me this so called freak, unless you want to find out the hard way what happened to the last person that called me that," he cracks his fingers slightly.


Jason walks out of the school, leaving a ice trail as he walked. He looks at the paper and then he starts following the directions as he walks. He looks around, making sure he was going the right way as he comes to a stop, seeing the male from a distance as he walks over to him and touches his shoulder, "your.. giving up aren't you? Don't you know that only makes your 'bully' stronger?"



"Why are you here, And I'm just got going to go to school any more.: he said holding his chest. "If you want to talk come into our house. "Its rude to talk thought the walls." Max said curling up more in his box and closed his eye. Once the new kid was in the house he sighed. "Why did you follow me I'm not going to kill myself or anything." he whispered


RE: "That is not how you face your problems.. I know it must be hard to be considered different but you need to make your point.. not shy away," Jason crosses his arms as he looks at the house, nodding his head as he walks inside the house. He looks at the other and glances to the side, "this is not how you deal with problems.."


"Just leave me alone to get better." he said as he turned away and coughed up a little blood."Damn it." he said and his body started to heat up even more soon he wasn't coughing any more. "I'm not going back and you can't make me, I have no home no family no anything this time and when I'm hurt I can go to the hospital like normal people. I can't keep fixing myself after every day of class I'm not doing it any more." he said looking at him.


RE: Jason rubs his chin and sighs softly, nodding his head, "your right I can't force you to go back to school, but you need to learn a bit of self defense because well... you saw how that got you. Your a bully's victim which thought she could score with me until finally knowing what I truly am. Your best option is just to transfer to another school, why do you think I just transferred?"


HE looked down. "Tried that, won't work no one cares my dad told everyone I lie about everything so even when I get beat up and tell someone no one is there for me." he said sighing. "Why don't you just leave me alone." he asked as he heard thunder. "Great a summer storm. Is coming go home before you get caught out into this too." he said as he started to cough. IT started to poor down rain and his box got soggy and wet and so was he. Max looked up heard lightening strike and he passed out from being so tired. That and he did need medical suff done to him ASAP.


RE: Jason blinks a little and rubs his chin with a sigh, "well... they still shouldn't be treating you with disrespect," he crosses his arms as he looks up at the sky, watching the thunder and puts on his cloak, "are you forgetting who your talking to? It takes more that a summer storm to affect me." He blinks as he watches the other pass out, biting his bottom lip, "alright let's take care of these wounds," he stomps down on the ground, creating a ice trail to his house and then slides to his house while holding onto the other male.


He finally reaches his house and opens the door, taking him to the bathroom and lets out a sigh, "how can someone manage to have so many wounds," he grabs some rubbing alcohol and starts rubbing it on his wounds.


Max was passed out most of the time. When he finally came too he wasn't wet, but it a nice house. Max groaned, "Where am I?" he asked looking around and noticing his chest was covered in bandages. "What happened? Why didn't I wake up in my box covered in water?" he asked looking around then closed his eyes and tried to remember.


RE: Jason perks his head up as he heard the other talking, "ah looks like your finally awake. I have to say... you have lots of wounds but luckily they were simple and easy to fix up," he stands up from his chair and checks on the ice pack on the other's head.


now that he was up all the ice packs and all the bandage caught on fire. "I can't only have bandages and ice when I am out alright." he whispered. "You should of left me." he whispered and turned away from the other.


RE: Jason shakes his head, "clearly you have no idea what I used to cover your wounds," he raises his hand as the bandages reappear around the other's wounds once more and the water freezes into ice once more, resting on the male's head.


"What did you use." he said as it burned threw again and it came back just as before. "I'm sorry I shouldn't be here, I'll go home right now." he said as he started to get up. Max coughed and a pain went down his chest and that's when he noticed that he wasn't in that much pain.


RE: "Bandages and ice that are unaffective against fire," Jason glances at the door and freezes the doorknob with powerful unmeltable ice. "You can't just be closed in.. you need to realize not everyone is like that girl at the school or whatever your endured in the past."


"Why are you keeping me here, just let me be in peace I'm not going to kill myself." He said sighing as he tried to heat up the door. "You don't know anything about me!" He said and looked at him. "I will not go back to school and I won't be stuck in here." he said. "Crap." Max fell on to the ground. "Calm down calm down." He said as his body bursted into flames.


RE: Jason sighs and shakes his head slowly as he walks over to the other, leaning down, "now.. just because your fire, don't even think for the slightest you are able to beat me because I am ice. Now.. it is time for you to calm down and just be grateful someone actually cares about how you are feeling. I am just like you most likely other than having a different.. power."


"I can't control it." He said as he tried to calm down, but almost set the entire room on fire. "This is why I need to be on my own I don't know how to control it." he said

RE:"How long exactly have you had your powers then," Jason summons icicles ontop of the fire the other possessed and snaps his fingers, making the icicles melt and putting out the fire.


"All my life. I never got to control it every time.......: he cut off and looked away starting to shut down. "Thanks for putting me out."

RE:"I mostly put out your raging inferno...just so you wouldn't burn my house down," Jason taps his foot slightly, "can't tell if how you said that was good thing or bad," he rubs his chin.


He started to ignore him and curled up into a ball thinking about what happened to him suck in the memory. "Just let me go. You will never see me again I won't set fire to anything else I'll go live in the woods all alone alright." He said not getting to the point he didn't want to tell a stranger anything about his past.

RE:Jason glares over at the other male and walks over to him, "why are you shutting yourself in.. you got to be stronger than this or people will walk all over you, just like the students at the school." Jason walks over to the door and then melts the ice on the knob with a sigh, giving the paper he found in the male's desk, "you mind as well burn this."


Max looked at the paper, then left the room and left the house when he could he was going to leave and never come back. "Fine you want me to be stronger. I will but I can't do it."


Jason looks at the other leave and sighs, shaking his head as he walks towards the door, "well.. good luck kid," he closes the door and looks at the paper, burning it in the fire spot that was set up from the male and then freezes it before it would spread.



Mas walked into the forest and kicked a tree then turned back and walked to the other's house and knocked on the door. "Hey can you teach me how you control it?" he asked threw the door


Jason perks his head up as he heard knocking and walks over to the door, opening it slowly as he saw the other male, "I am not sure how well I will be able to help you with fire since mine is ice... but I will try. It shouldn't be much different."


“Please and thanks.....And sorry about going all fire on you.....I didn't mean too it just happens. That's what happened when my house caught on fire, but I was half dead." he said looking at the ground. "I just don't trust people." he said


Jason looks at the other and nods his head slowly, "I am guessing you had a hard life with your fire powers," he steps back so the other male can walk into his house.


"Since everything I touch burns so I can't do anything about it." he said looking at that. "And with parents that beat me for even looking at fire I haven't had time to try to control it." he said looking down. "Your the first person that maybe able to help me." he said


Jason nods his head and rubs his chin, clicking his tongue, "well.. If I am going to help you control your powers more.. we really can't do it here. We need to go into a open area with nothing to catch on fire or even ice."


"Alright the place by my house should do it." He said looking at him. "Its open and no one goes there any more." Max said looking at Jason. "My name is Max I don't even know your name."


Jason nods his head, "alright that sounds like a good idea for a place to train." He blinks and rubs the back of his head, "ah.. right well my name is Jason," he opens the door and walks out, "now the training might be a little hard because some of it may involve having a target, which I will take the responsibility."


Max nodded and took Jason to the place he was talking about. "I guess here would be good right?" he asked looking at him. Then got ready to try to fight.


Jason follows Max and looks around, nodding his head, "yes it should be fine," he took off his cloak and places it on the ground, "are you ready?"

"Yeah now what do I do?" he asked looking at Jason to be his guide he wanted to learn how to control it, but never had the chance.


Jason cracks his neck slightly and stretches his arms, "well.. first show me what your able to do first and we will take it from there."


he held out his arm and two trees with up in flames. "Damn and that was me trying to hold back." he said not wanting to kill everything right now.


Jason looks at the trees and nods his head, "hm.. alright is that all you can do or is there more," he holds out his hand and summons ice, letting it melt with Max's fire and puts the fire out on the trees.


"No there is more." He said as his entire body bursted into flames and he looked at the forest and half of the forest went up in flames. "Do you want more If I do anything else the town might catch on fire." he said



Jason rubs his chin, "hm.. maybe I little more of a open area without trees would have been a better option but I see what the issue is," he sudden throws a ice lance to the air, causing a mini rain shower so the fire would deflame itself.


He nodded. "And I can't control it. Right now I got mad and when I get a little mad that stuff happens." He said looking at him the sighing. "I almost set the school on fire one time too." he said looking down.


Jason looks at Max and rubs his chin, "is a reason you are feeling all this rage? It seems like there is something that is causing alot of rage.. which isn't really best for a fire magic user to have."



"I don't want to talk about it." He said looking at the ground ashamed of something and anyone could tell something really bad happened. "I can't talk about it." he said setting the other side of the forest on fire.


Jason looks at Max and then reaches out his hand to put out the fire, walking over to Max, "not talking about it doesn't help.. maybe no one else listened but I am always willing to listen if you are willing to tell of course. I am not going to judge you in anyway."


"not out here and not now the towns people will be up here soon and I have to leave." He said starting to freak out and set himself on fire. "Damn calm down!" he yelled at himself and fell to the ground. "You want to go to a cave to get out of here, before other people come." he said starting to be paranoid for some reason.


Jason watches as Max was starting to freak out and nods his head, "yeah I suppose we better go to the cave, it might be a bit safer," he rubs the back of his head as he starts walking, sighing softly, "you do need to tell me what is making you so enrage.. or I can't really help and control your powers."


Max grabbed him still on fire and ran to a cave on the other side of the forest he walked in and looked out side. "I don't know if I can." he whispered.


Jason looks at Max and blinks as he was running along side Max and takes a seat, "well how am I suppose to know then," he rests his chin within his palm.


"I've never had an easy life my parents hated me and my dad sold me out to other people ok for anything they wanted to do to me." he whispered and looked away. "If I burned them they would beat me more. If I used magic they would beat me it go to the point where threw threw water on me before anything and they would make me lay in a bath of water handcuffed in so I couldn't get out." he whispered



Jason looks at Max and rubs the back of his head, biting his bottom lip, "so I see.. your family made it hard for you. I can see why you don't like talking about it," he sighs softly. "Unfortunately their methods are not good ones.. but since it was in the past, I hate to say this but it is truly time to move on and think about the future."



"Easy for you to say," he said looking at him then looked back out of the cave. "I can't just move on I tired, but I can't the only thing I can do is not feel anything." he said. Then looked back at Jason.


Jason looks at Max with a sigh, crosses his arms and sits down on a rock within the cave, "you think I wasn't treated with disrespect when I was younger and still learning how to use my powers?"


"YEah I do, but fire holds more anger than Ice alright I'm trying just maybe give me time to I guess forgive." he said looking at him and looked down.


Jason looks at Max and stands up, "ah so you think ice can't be destructive hm? Well ice is just as destructive as fire but I suppose the only way I can help is to get rid of painful memories."


"How do you get rid of them? I would get rid of those emotions in a heart beat to learn how to control my powers I just don't want them to be gone forever." he said looking at Jason.


"You clearly need someone.. special to help clear out your emotions that are hurting you," Jason slicks his hair back and watches the smoke coming off the trees.


"How do you think I can do that and who would even go for someone like me I almost burn everything that comes into contact with me." Max said looking at him. "Who could ever help me when no one will get near me." he said looking out and watching as it started to rain while they were in the cave.


Jason looks at Max as he slowly walks over to him, "like I said.. I am not afraid of you. I am not your usual ice user," he reaches his arms out and hugs Max tightly.


"Really are you sure you want to be around someone like me?" Max said blushing and his body heated up against Jason. "What is this feeling?" he asked staring at the rain and feeling relaxed for the first time in a while. How could this new kid give him what he wanted most from someone, A hug...


Jason nods his head slowly, "of course.. it is the first time meeting someone that is just like me and knows the pain that other's can't understand," he rubs his hands down Max's back as he continues hugging Max.


Max leaned into Jason and let all the emotion take over, for the first time he felt loved. Max never knew what a simple hug could do and he couldn't wait until he found more happyness


Jason moves back slowly and smiles softly, rubbing the back of his head, "well.. you seem to feel much better now. Hm maybe we should rest for a while."


"How is it you knew the one thing I needed to be calm." he said relaxing and nodded. "Yeah we need to rest, and Jason Thank you for that I needed it." Max said and closed his eyes.


"Because.. it was the one thing that would calm me down when I was younger and unable to control my powers." Jason blinks as he looks around, rubbing the back of his head, "you rather sleep in a cave then at my house?"


"Yeah, but its not fireproof either." he said looking at him. "I'm not sure if I will set it on fire or not. I still don't know how to control my power just yet. So do you think its wise to sleep at your house?" Max wanted to hear yes it will be alright, but he didn't think that he would hear those words.


Jason rubs the back of his head and then smiles softly, stretches his arms out, "well then ... we will skip school tomorrow and work on controlling your powers. In the meantime, I will just use my powers to put out your little infernos."


"Is that a Max stay in the cave tonight?" Max asked as he set down on the floor not knowing what Jason meant by his words. "I don't know about you but I am not going back to school." he said looking at Jason.


Jason sighs as he walks up at Max and takes Max by the hand and walks out of the cave as he walks back to his house, "you do need to face this... and not going to school will not solve anything."


"I know I do and I will after I finishing training with my powers that way I won't be afraid to stand up for myself without killing people." he said as he walked with Jason back to his house. "Where do you want me to sleep." he said rubbing his eyes, Max was getting really tired he was relaxed more then usual just because of that hug.


"Well that is why we will be training tomorrow," Jason continues walking and opens the door to his house, walking inside and looks at Max, "well.. since you need plenty of comfort, maybe you should sleep with me."


Max went to sleep with him and work up the next day. They went to a forest to train the next day


Jason finally stopped walking as he looks at Max, "okay.. time to get to training," he looks at Max as he takes off his jacket.


"Alright what do I do to start?" he asked looking at him and smiled. "Not sure what to do."


"First we will start with some mediating," Jason sits down on the ground and looks up at Max, "you need to first get to a relaxing point.. or your powers are just going to be filled with rage." Jason looks at Max and laughs a little, sighing, "all you got to do is just sit and don't think for a few minutes."



"Alright I will try." he said trying to think of nothing, but it wasn't working. "I can't." he said sighing After Jason’s help he soon learned to relax Max started to feel calm Then they both started to work on his fire Max sent a Fire ball on accident that set trees on fire. Jason also made Max feel like someone finally cared about him. And Jason put it out Max finally learned and did something right and was so excited. After doing something right he got tired Jason tool him home to relax made food for him and then Max finally took a shower which he really enjoyed Jason had made him feel honored with that shower feeling the water on his skin was great and he ended up taking one with Jason. Before all he could do was collect rain water to wash off his body. Max also started to think that Jason body was really hot. After the shower he wore some of Jason’s clothes They started to get to know each other And Jason made a meal for max and he loved it Jason invited Max to stay with him and Max accepted. They both relized they had feeling for each other Max was scared of being Raped again so Jason waited till he made the first move and both of them made love for the first time Max told Jason about all the scars on his body.



After a few days Jason lets Max go back to school where he wouldn’t let anyone pick on him but someone knocked him out after waking up Jason takes max home Jason learns that everyone bullies at school Jason then tells max that he is from a magic user world where everyone uses magic where everyone will accept him for who he is at first Max doesn’t think that it was real and thought they would have to move Jason informed him that he could move his house with magic.



Soon police came to the house to arrest Max for murder and forced them to move there place to the magical world. Once there max met other magic users that became his friends and he started school. He also learned that someone sent Jason to get him. Max wanted to meet him. Jason agrees and soon he meets the person who sent him to get Max. It turned out it was his real father who looked just liked him he met his mom. Max started to get other powers and freak out as he got them. Max also went threw magic training with Jason who helped him out adjusting. Max got the power of his mom as well moving objects with his mind he finds out that Jason had been keeping a secret from him and that his father was evil and had black magic he promised not to tell anyone about it.



Max learned he could time travel he told his dad about what happened to him in the past After talking with Jason he decided to change the past and see what was going on he went back in time with the help of his guide he made his father change his mind and Max grew up loved when he got back he didn’t know what was between him and Jason but when Jason kissed him he knew they were together. He kept his memories of the past to make sure he could help people he went back to the person who torture him and found out that he was torturing a girl named Tory he saved them with Jason and killed his old father. Tory had the power of seeing the future, Also seeing alteration in every possible future. Brink her back home his mom with the power of moving stuff with her mind help out the kid as max made it his Mission of seeing and helping the other in the human world.



He met lily and Jack after going to the human world after getting a list of everyone still there from his father Max told them about his past . Lily’s life was great, but Jack was great as well but someone in his family was hurting him. Jason and Max took them to there world to get some stuff to help them with magic tory met up with them and made friends with them They all got something from the magic store before Max gave them a phone and sent them home with the promise if they needed anything they could call him.



After that they went to the next person that was in the human world his name Luke and he had a broken arm from school bullies about his powers he said that his dad was nice and offered to home school him but he didn’t want to. Tory also made him take her Max made a Gem to let him go to the magic school.

RE: Luke shrugs his shoulders, "I am not really sure. I mean.. I made some friends at school and I don't want to say goodbye to them." He looks at Max and tilts his head, "huh? Well," he looks at the window and nods his head slowly, "sure I suppose so."


"You can still see your friends here." he said looking at him. "You just won't get hurt at this school. If you want to check it out before you decide place this gem on the ground and it will open a portal to the school once through it will be in your pocket."


RE: Luke looks at Max and tilts his head, looking at the gem before he slowly takes it. He looks down at the ground and leans down, placing the gem on the ground.


When he placed it on the ground a portal opened to another school in the magic world. "Do you want to check it out?" he asked looking at him.


RE: Luke looks at the portal opening up and then at Max, nodding his head, "I will like to see what your talking about."


Max nodded "Go right on through I will make sure you are home around the time we left for right now." he said watching him. "That one is just made for you so I will see you on the other side." Max said opening his own portal and Tory jump threw giggling and found Lukes portal and waved at him as Max went through and it would close when Jason came throught



RE: Luke watches Max and Tory go into the portal, looking at Jason and bites his bottom lip.


"You don't have to be scared," Jason pats Luke's head.


Luke nods his head slowly as he goes into the portal.


Jason follows Luke in the portal.


Max waited for Luke to take his time and go threw the portal. he needed to be the one to do it.


RE: Luke watches as Jason entered the portal, seeing it start to close behind them.




Max smiled as Tory ran to Luke and smiled. "You can get held here too and no more broken bone." she said smiling.



"where do you want to start we can go where ever you want." he said

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