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[Lone Digger & BlaqueCatt]


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shivered when a rain droplet splashed onto his nose. He scrunched up his face and let out a soft groan, bleary brown eyes fluttering open. His pale face was pointed towards the sky, and he frowned at the sight of thick black clouds and a dreary gray sky. A storm was coming. The brunette closed his eyes for a moment before rolling onto his stomach, pushing himself up with thin, shaky arms until he was on his knees. He rubbed at his eyes before standing unsteadily, almost tripping as he stepped out of the small cardboard box he had been sleeping in. At that moment he wanted nothing more than to curl up on his makeshift bed made with moldy pillows and dirty blankets, but he had to get moving if he wanted to find shelter before it started to rain. Plus, he was hungry.


With one hand on the brick wall of the building to his left, he carefully walked down the alleyway, eyes searching for any signs of food or danger. He soon came to a dumpster sitting beside a small diner. He stumbled over to it and grabbed onto the lip of the dumpster with small hands, lifting himself up with a low grunt. Carefully, he sat on the lip of the dumpster and reached down, pushing trash around and searching for something edible. He let out a soft gasp of pain when a broken beer bottle sliced through the skin of his palm, and he recoiled, falling off of the dumpster and landing on his side. He whimpered, clutching his bleeding hand to his chest and using his legs to push himself up against a wall. His eyes were squeezed shut and tears trailed down his cheeks, soaking into the collar of his too-large maroon sweater, the sleeves of which went far past his hands. He brought his knees up to his chest, tucking his bleeding hand into his lap. Blood seeped into his torn jeans, and he hung his head, long, straight brown bangs falling into his face as he let out a broken sob. A few droplets of rain splattered onto his beaten black and white converse, and then it started to pour. Casey sniffled and curled into a tight ball, his small body trembling with the cold and pain.

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  • BlaqueCatt


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Kazimir was walking home, dressed perhaps just a bit too nice for the area he was in to be considered a local there. But not too nice that he stood out. Kind of a perfect mix of 'Hey I have money, but I don't give a fuck how I look because I'm just that hot' kind of deal.

Cocky didn't even begin to cover it when it came to the man. He was at the top of his game, fierce ice blue eyes and blond hair. Only a hint of stubble on the strong jawline and of course the defined nose. Built lean, but well muscled he was tall, but not quite towering.


He was coming home from work the same as anybody else walking that street, but the difference was this guy was walking by pure choice. Which didn't seem to make sense when you have an Audi sleeping in your four car garage. But sometimes being among the commoners of life was just too interesting. Let him get a taste of how they worked, lived, and most importantly how they survived. He was always alert and listening, never speaking, but taking it all in that wicked brain of his. Nothing got past him in that way.

He noticed every passing by conversation, the scent of someone's cologne, a piece of trash blowing across the road, the sound of siren in the distance, muffled by the rumbling thunder.

He didn't count on it raining today, but life is full of surprises.

Kazimir also noticed the strange shape of gar-- oh, wait. That was a guy...? Just laying there in the alley by the dumpster.


He would never know what it was about Casey that had intrigued him so, but Kazimir could always sense things in others. And something was drawing him over to the cat boy like a moth to the light.

But then he stopped and his brain kicked in. Strays weren't so friendly as the pets in the shops, they were scared and more importantly, hungry. That last part was going to be his ticket.


So figuring that the cat didn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon he walked down the street and found some seafood joint, cats love fish right? He walked into the restaurant and ordered take-out. Stepping out with a take away bag that had a tuna melt sandwich inside and some clam chowder soup because it was cold.

He walked back to the alleyway and slowly reached inside the bag and pulled out the sandwich first and held it out while making soft noises towards the cat boy.


"Here, kitty..."


He called out softly, crouching down so he seemed less threatening and out stretched his hand with the food in reach.

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Casey's brown ears twitched when he heard footsteps approaching, and he tensed, curling in on himself even more tightly. He knew that he should probably run, but he was cold and tired and wet and hurt and scared, and he just wanted the pain to go away. He visibly flinched when he heard a man's voice, and his heartbeat was so loud in his ears that it took him a moment to discern what the man was saying. "Here, kitty..." His trembling lessened slightly as he processed what had been said, noting the gentle tone of voice, and he cautiously lifted his head, peeking out at Kazimir from behind his knees. His nose twitched at the smell of food, and his eyes zeroed in on the sandwich in the man's hand. He knew better than to trust strangers after living on the streets for over a year, but he was so hungry. He would have to handle this carefully.


Casey slowly shifted onto his knees, still holding his injured, bloody hand to his chest. His ears were flat against his head and he bared his small kitten milk teeth, letting out a warning hiss that was more like a mewl. His long, fluffy tail was swishing back and forth behind him, puffed up in an attempt to look intimidating. Instead, he literally looked like a drowned kitten, hair plastered to his skin, thin as a rail and shaking. He pushed through the fear and pain clogging his throat and growled softly. "Stay...b-back," he stuttered, his voice rough with disuse, his English sounding broken. "P-please...no hurt. Just...give food."

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Kazimir never usually fed strays, they said it wasn't safe for either party. But he couldn't help it this time. He was very attracted to this particular cat and even for reasons he couldn't explain. All he knew was that he had to do this.

It wasn't like he had ever had a pet... I mean, he'd hire a couple slaves here and there, but nothing long term. He tended to go through partners like wildfire... And yes, just as equally destructive. Leaving nothing behind for anyone...


Maybe a cat was just the thing he needed right now. To teach him to be a better... better... Lover? No.

... Master? No...

... Father? No...

He couldn't even think of the right word, because it was something of all those things combined, but different.


Just look at the poor thing... He was all skin and bones, his clothes were far too big for the small frame and dirty. And when the cat boy tried to act scary by puffing out his tail was just so pathetic looking it made the man smile sympathetically.

What a mess...~


"Hey, tough kitty... nice teeth. I don't want to fuck with that, but I need you to take it from my hand, okay?"


The man hummed calmly, trying to get the other more comfortable while still pressuring him to get closer. With any luck and patience this would work and he would be taking home his stray little friend.

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Casey huffed and narrowed his eyes, glaring at the man. He was sure that the man was teasing him. But he wasn't hurting him, so... The brunette got to his feet, and while remaining in a crouched position, he took a cautious step towards the man. He remained tense, ready to jump up and run at a moment's notice. He inched closer to the man very slowly, pausing after every step to study the man's reaction. His body language was calm, and his eyes were trusting; Casey felt himself relax slightly. Once he was about a foot away from the man, he snatched the sandwich out of his hand with surprising speed. He retreated a few steps, honey-brown eyes still trained on the man's face. "Thank...you." Casey was still wary of the man, but he stayed where he was, which was much closer than before.


He sniffed the sandwich cautiously before bringing it to his mouth and taking a bite. He let out a quiet, pleased sigh and his tail curled around his waist. He was on his knees again, and his fingernails had elongated into tiny claws, digging into the sandwich so that he wouldn't drop it because of his shaking hands. He ate the sandwich quickly, as if afraid someone would snatch it away from him. When he was finished, he subconsciously licked his lips and stared up at Kazimir with curious eyes, his pupils slit. "Why h-help me?" he asked, his ears continuously twitching as he was pelted by the heavy rain. He was so cold at this point that his hand didn't hurt anymore. He knew that was bad, and he could still feel it bleeding steadily, but his mind was preoccupied at the moment.

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Kazimir, a Russian name that meant 'destroyer of peace'. It suited the man well, of course being that he was of Eastern European decent and it showed in his accent and slightly broken speech pattern.


"I promise you it's good... I only went to be the best seafood place around just for you."


He smiled, he could feel that the food was still warm. And it would likely even if it was terrible tasting, would be like the best thing ever to a starving cat... But just in case he had taken a small sample himself, just to make sure it was good enough for his future pet.

Once the cat was his he would make sure to take the very best care of him, spoiling his pet at any opportunity so that he could forget about his hardships in the street.... Plus, his home was so big, but lonely. He needed a pet for the companionship and loyalty you just can't get when you are paying someone to just pretend they give a fuck.


"That's it... Good kitty."


The man carefully passed the sandwich over to Casey and watched as the cat scoffed it down. It was a bit sad, seeing him so panicked when he ate.


"... Because it was raining, and speaking of we are both getting soaked standing here... Why don't you come home and get dry? There is more food and I can fix your hand."


How had he noticed when the sleeve was covering it??

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Casey's eyes widened and he stiffened. Come home? This man wanted to take him home? Why? He seemed caring enough, but Casey had heard stories, horrible stories about his kind being kidnapped and... He shuddered, not wanting to think about it. He hesitated, glancing down at his blood-soaked sleeve. He really didn't have a choice, if he thought about it. If he stayed outside, he would get sick from the cold and he had no way of properly treating his hand; if he left it alone he would lose a lot of blood, and it was sure to become infected. He bit his lip, his tail swishing back and forth in agitation. "Promise...not to hurt?" he asked weakly, knowing that if this man wanted to, he could easily overpower him and take him by force. His voice shook, and his expression was a confusing mix of defeat and hope. His ears were drooping, and he looked like he was ready to start crying again. He couldn't trust this man, who would probably hurt him, but there was a small part of him that hoped that the man was being genuine. "P-please..." He was begging at this point, and seemed torn between running away and collapsing into Kazimir's arms.

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"I know you're not supposed to trust strangers... but my name is Kazimir."


He even told the cat his real name, just to show how serious he was. Not to Casey since he didn't know him, but something more to himself. He wanted Casey to trust him so he would start by having no secrets between them... Well, maybe some secrets here and there for sanity sake, but you know.


"You are so tired and cold... hungry too... and bad hand..."


He tsk'd softly, out stretching his arms since it looked like the cat was trying to decided whether to accept him or not and he wanted him to know it was okay to show that kind of weakness. That he was here to take care of him now.


"No hurt... might sting when hand is disinfected, but then no more hurting..."


The man explained, trying to be as honest as possible. Again to build up that trust. The kitten looked like he needed someone to care for him, someone who would carry him home and love him like he deserved.

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The brunette’s eyes welled up with tears, and he swallowed the lump in his throat, croaking out a soft, “Casey,” before crawling forward and into Kazimir’s arms. He was scared, but hopeful, and following his instincts more than rational thought at this point. He buried his face into the crook between Kazimir’s neck and shoulder, letting out a shuddering breath at the warmth he felt there. His hands clutched at Kazimir’s shirt, tiny claws pricking his skin, blood seeping through Casey’s shirt and into his own. He was shivering violently, his entire body shaking with the force of the tremors. He squeezed his eyes shut and pressed as close to Kazimir as possible. He couldn’t bring himself to speak anymore, and just knelt in front of the man like that, crying quietly, biting his lip to prevent any sounds from escaping.

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Kazimir was never really good at being someone who was warm or caring, but maybe if he pretended enough to be that kind of person it would actually come true and transform him.

So when Casey came into his open arms at first he was stiff for the briefest of moments before he melted and carefully wrapped them around the kitten lightly, without pressure so he wouldn't feel restrained.


"... Can I pick you up? Is that okay?"


The man murmured, not exactly waiting long enough for an answer and just assuming when the other couldn't speak was because he was so overcome with his emotions that it would be alright.

So he placed his arm behind Casey's legs and lifted up him against his chest so that the cat could still have his body pressed close and head resting over his shoulder as he tried to shelter the other from the cold rain as he quickly walked through the storm. By foot it was quite the walk. But eventually they made it.


It was all a blur in his mind, almost like a dream, he couldn't even believe he really had a stray kitten in his arms and was taking him home.

He didn't know how they ended up in the kitchen so fast, or how suddenly he was preparing a huge meal for his new pet. But then he remembered something important while waiting for the dinner to cool... Casey's poor hand.


"Let me see it. In the bathroom."


That's where all the first aid supplies were kept underneath the sink.

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Casey let out a soft gasp when he was lifted, and his grip on Kazimir’s shirt tightened reflexively. He opened his eyes for a moment to peek up at the man, who was carrying him through the pouring rain. No one had ever done something like this for him before. His vision went blurry and he blinked the tears out of his eyes, staring up at the man with a look of wonder on his pale face. He relaxed even further into the man’s arms, closing his eyes once again. Even though they were both soaking wet and were being whipped by an icy wind, he felt a growing warmth in his chest. He let out a breath and dozed off, physically and mentally exhausted. The next thing he knew, he was blasted by a wall of warm air as Kazimir brought him into his home. His eyes fluttered open and he lifted his head, quickly glancing around the room. It had been a very long time since he had been inside a house, but he knew he was in a kitchen.


He swayed slightly when Kazimir put him down, and he leaned back against a wall, his arms wrapped around his middle in a self-hug. He was tired, and he watched Kazimir through half-lidded eyes, unsure if he was allowed to sit down at the table in front of him. He became entranced by the man's movements, losing track of time as he watched Kazimir move about the kitchen. He’s making food for me? Casey breathed in deeply, savoring the scent of food that was wafting through the kitchen. He almost dozed off again, but was brought out of his mind when Kazimir spoke. “Let me see it. In the bathroom.” Casey blinked, momentarily confused. See it? At that moment his hand pulsed with dulled pain, and he bit his lip, eyes widening in understanding. He nodded in response and shuffled after Kazimir, following him to the bathroom.

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Kazimir lead them to the large bathroom that was only the first floor, the one upstairs was even larger. But both of them had baths. Unnecessary for one man, but that's just how he was. Everything was so unnecessary.


"Take off your clothes."


He demanded casually, but quickly remembering this wasn't just some whore he had paid for he quickly rephrased himself.


"... your clothes are soaked so I will give you new ones. A hot bath will help you feel better and I can fix your hand too."



The man explained as he began to get the bath ready for Casey, filling it with hot water and making sure he had plenty of towels and all the first aid stuff on hand. He pulled some clean bandages from underneath the sink, along with some gauze padding, and wound disinfectant.

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The brunette paused in the doorway, his warm honey-brown eyes widening as he took in the sight of the bathroom. It was huge, at least in Casey’s eyes. He...must have a lot of money. The young man was suddenly hyper-aware of his filthy clothes and disheveled appearance. His brown ears flattened against his head and he lowered his gaze in shame.Why would someone like this take someone like me home? I’m...gross. He was so lost in thought that the sound of Kazimir’s voice startled him, and he flinched, looking up at the man with a surprised expression. “Take off your clothes.” Casey stiffened, his entire body going rigid. Had he been wrong? Was Kazimir going to hurt him like what happened in those stories the others told him? Before he could start panicking, Kazimir spoke again. "... your clothes are soaked so I will give you new ones. A hot bath will help you feel better and I can fix your hand too."


Casey’s shoulders sagged in relief. “O-okay,” he whispered, but didn’t start undressing. His pale cheeks flushed and he bit his lip, lowering his gaze to the floor once again. “U-um...” He glanced up at Kazimir shyly. “C-can you...not look?” He waited until the man’s back was turned before pulling his sweater over his head and dropping it onto the floor, wincing and letting out a small hiss of pain as the movement irritated his injury. He looked at his hand, which was covered with dried blood. The bleeding had slowed down, but the wound was still weeping slightly, and throbbed dully. The cut was clean and not too wide, but was long, as the broken glass had sliced through the entirety of his palm, from his pointer finger to his wrist, forming a thin diagonal line. He swallowed thickly and looked away, carefully untying his shoes and toeing them off. His socks, jeans, and boxers followed, and he gingerly stepped into the bath once it was ready, sitting down and putting his hands in his lap. His cheeks were now bright red.

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"Of course, I was actually just going to leave to check on the dinner so you can get some privacy."


The man smiled as he left, turning the stove on low so that the soup he had cooking was turned down to a slow simmer to keep it warm while he cleaned up his new kitten.

The poor kitten... he needed to make sure that Casey never had to feel lonely, dirty, cold, or hungry again now that he was in his hands. He'd give Casey free range of the whole house too... the only place he had to mention as off limits was his office.

So he returned to the bathroom, about to just open the door but instead he coughed to himself and knocked, waiting for the okay before stepping inside. His side turned to the tub so he wasn't directly looking at Casey.


"How's the water? Warm enough? I'm going to look at your hand now..."


He knelt down, again trying to just keep his eyes on the kitten's hand and nothing else.


"This will hurt, but it's for cleaning."


Kazimir warned before pouring disinfectant over the gash a couple of times to flush it out thoroughly.


"The bandage will come after you are done bathing so it doesn't accidentally get wet."

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Once Kazimir left the room, Casey allowed himself to relax fully. He sank into the warm water, letting out a quiet sigh of pleasure. He couldn’t remember the last time he had taken a warm bath, and it had been quite some time since he had last been able to bathe at all (the water had been freezing cold, and probably hadn’t even been that clean, now that he thought about it). His eyes slipped shut, and he leaned against the back of the bathtub, lowering himself until the water touched his chin. He stayed like that, reveling in the feeling of warmth seeping into his skin. His ears twitched when he heard footsteps approaching, and he was already sitting up by the time Kazimir knocked on the door. At this point his blush had returned, his pale cheeks tinted pink, and he responded with a soft “C-come in.” His hands were once again in his lap, and it was only when he lowered his gaze that he realized that the water around him had tinged pink from the blood washing off his hand. He lifted his injured right hand out of the water to inspect it, and at that moment Kazimir entered.


"How's the water? Warm enough? I'm going to look at your hand now..." Casey looked up at Kazimir briefly before averting his gaze again, obviously still very shy. “I-it’s nice,” he replied quietly, holding his hand out to Kazimir, keeping his gaze on the water rippling below him. He closed his eyes at the warning Kazimir gave him, and when the disinfectant was poured onto his wound, he hissed softly through gritted teeth, his muscles tensing. The pain stopped soon enough, though, which he was grateful for. ”The bandage will come after you are done bathing so it doesn't accidentally get wet." Casey opened his eyes and looked up at Kazimir, nodding in understanding. He took his hand back and glanced around, unsure of what he was supposed to do and what would happen next. “Th-thank you,” he murmured finally, his gaze once again on his lap, twirling a strand of hair around his left index finger.

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Kazimir noticed that though Casey's hair was wet, it was still a bit dirty and tangled so he turned around to look for some shampoo and conditioner, and a brush.


"... Is it okay if I help you wash and comb your hair? It's not that you couldn't yourself, obviously... but the tangles might need some work."


The man tried to explain, and this gentle and calm side to him was something so rare. Anyone who worked for him would have never guessed it in a million years that their cruel boss would take in a stray and care for it.

He had the money so why not get some fancy pure bred that was already trained? Or just another whore.

But that's not what this was about. He just wanted a pet that he could spoil and love. Get away from that side of himself and try to be something more... pure.

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"... Is it okay if I help you wash and comb your hair? It's not that you couldn't yourself, obviously... but the tangles might need some work." Casey's blush darkened and he ducked his head shyly. This man carried him home and gave him a bath, and now he wants to wash his hair? Never before had anyone expressed such concern for Casey, or taken care of him in such a way. Kazimir was kind and extremely gentle with him, careful not to cross any boundaries and to maintain trust. The hybrid had only know the man for a few hours, and he was already warming up to him. Whether it was because he was young and impressionable or because his instincts were telling him to trust Kazimir, he didn't know. But he didn't really mind either way, since it seemed to him that the man had nothing but good intentions for him.


"O-okay." The brunette glanced up at Kazimir and gave him a small, shy smile, the tips of his fangs poking out from beneath his lips. He carefully scooted forward in the bathtub, making sure not to splash any water, until he was sitting in the middle of the bathtub. Now he was in a position where Kazimir could kneel on the floor next to the bathtub and easily reach his hair. "I-is this o-okay?" he asked quietly, peering up at Kazimir hopefully.

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It was so precious when Casey smiled at him like that… the cute little milk teeth showing up. He really was still just a kitten, the man remembered. Or whatever the cat equivalent was for a teenager.


Kazimir watched as the other repositioned himself to the middle so that his back was turned and it would be easier to reach his hair. It was only semi wet, so he cupped his hands in the water and gently poured it over Casey’s head, wetting it down more first before shampooing it. His fingers lightly massaging his head before he rinsed it. Then it was time for the conditioner, he poured some out on his hands and ran it over the dark strands of hair. The whole room smelled flowery and he just sat there for a moment smiling to himself, he really liked having Casey here and giving him a bath was nice…


He then reached for the comb and as carefully as he possibly could began to work through the mats and tangles, he was almost positive it was pulling too hard and hurting at times despite his efforts.

“I’m so sorry kitten, just a little more…”

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Casey closed his eyes when he felt warm water touch his head, leaning back slightly so that Kazimir didn't have to lean over the bathtub in order to reach him. A soft, rumbling purr emanated from the back of his throat as the man massaged his scalp and cleaned his hair. He turned to putty at the soothing feeling, the purr remaining constant as Kazimir rinsed his hair and applied conditioner. He had a small, serene smile on his face, which was completely relaxed; he could have fallen asleep there if given the chance. The scent of the shampoo and conditioner was sweet, though slightly overwhelming to his sensitive nose, and he let out a little sigh. The feeling of the comb sliding through his hair was nice at first, but he winced when Kazimir reached the first tangle. He bit his lip to keep from making any noise and remained perfectly still. “I’m so sorry kitten, just a little more…” Despite the pain, which wasn't that bad compared to what he had experienced previously, he found himself blushing at the older man's words. He didn't know why, but he loved it when Kazimir called him 'kitten.' It made him feel safe and...loved. "I-it's okay," he replied quietly, knowing that Kazimir was being extremely careful and trying his best not to hurt him.

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Aw~ What a sweet little sound that was... cat's purr was like music to the man's ears. And he didn't even know that he loved it so much until hearing it for the first time.

He'd be sure to give Casey many more reasons to rumble as he got comfortable here.


Kazimir used one hand to pinch the mat between his fingers as he pulled the comb through, this way it wasn't tugging on his hair so much.

With patience and a gentle touch soon he had it so that Casey's hair glided through the comb's teeth like silk, no longer tangled up.


"There~ Are you ready to get out now? Your dinner is waiting."


The man stood up with a soft groan, he wasn't used to kneeling down like that... Geez, was he really this out of shape?


"The towels are hanging there, and you can wear my clothes... they will be too big. But tomorrow we'll get you ones of your own that fit properly."


He said, and then closed the door so he could wait for Casey to get dressed while he set out the dinner.

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The brunette opened his eyes when Kazimir pulled away and reached up to touch his hair, feeling the soft strands slip through his fingers. His smile widened and he looked at Kazimir over his shoulder. "Th-thank you. I'll get o-out now." Once the older man had left the room and shut the door behind him, Casey carefully stepped out of the bathtub, being careful not to slip. He grabbed one of the big, fluffy white towels with his left hand and thoroughly dried himself off, mindful of his injured right palm as he did so. When he finished, he picked up the large gray t-shirt from the counter and pulled it over his head. It was so big on him that the sleeves reached just past his elbows and the bottom covered his knees. He followed with a pair of boxers and black shorts, which went past his mid-calf.


Once he was dressed he looked at himself in the mirror, standing on the tips of his toes in order to see properly. His hair was messy after having put the shirt on, so he picked up the comb Kazimir had left on the counter and fixed his hair neatly. When he was satisfied with the outcome, he exited the bathroom and padded down the hallway towards the kitchen. He stopped at the entrance to the kitchen and looked in, watching Kazimir as he set the table. The shorts he was wearing didn't have a hole for his tail, so he had it tucked in and wrapped around his right leg. He waited until Kazimir was finished, shifting from one bare foot to the other, before making his presence known. "H-hi," he called out, still shy but a bit more confident than before. It seemed that Casey was warming up to Kazimir.

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"Hello, kitten."


Kazimir smiled warmly, very happy that his new pet was getting more comfortable and talkative with him.

Though he couldn't help but stifle a laugh at how large his clothes were on Casey, his shirt was practically like a gown on him. He had just finished setting the table up all fancy and was about to pull up a chair for the other when his icy eyes suddenly shot down to Casey's hand.


"I promise I'll get you new clothes... Oh! I have forgotten about your hand... I fix then eat, okay?"


His accent was thicker than as he struggled for a moment for his words and ushered the cat back into the bathroom. Getting his hand all wrapped up with the bandages.


"Does that feel okay? It's been a while since I've had to done this..."


The last time was worse and he had done it under panic on one of his comrades.

He shook the thought out of his head and took Casey's uninjured hand and lead him back to the kitchen table and showed him his seat. The kitten's plate already filled with tonight's dinner, again it was largely seafood.

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Casey returned the smile with a shy one of his own, ducking his head slightly. The sound of Kazimir's voice spread warmth throughout his body, and his tail quivered against his leg happily. "I promise I'll get you new clothes... Oh! I have forgotten about your hand... I fix then eat, okay?" The hybrid nodded in response, not having much trouble understanding Kazimir with his accent, as his own manner of speaking and the way most hybrids spoke were similar. He allowed Kazimir to herd him back to the bathroom, holding his injured hand out and waiting patiently as the man wrapped his hand with bandages. When he was finished, he lifted his hand to inspect it.


"Does that feel okay? It's been a while since I've had to done this..." Casey flexed his hand; he felt very little pain from the injury itself, and the bandages were tight enough to provide protection but loose enough to allow him to move his fingers without any pain from constriction. "F-feels good," he responded, giving Kazimir a reassuring smile. He flushed when the older man took his uninjured hand and led him back to the kitchen, subconsciously squeezing his hand as soon as they touched. He was seeking comfort and contact, what with how touch-starved he was after having been on his own for so long. He sat down when instructed to, though obviously reluctant to let go of Kazimir's hand, and looked down at the food with wide eyes. His ears perked up and he opened his mouth slightly, allowing the scent to flow over the receptors on the roof of his mouth.


"Th-thank you," he said once more, something akin to disbelief in his voice. He reached for the food with his left hand, then paused, seeing the fork next to his plate. Oh! I'm supposed to eat with that... He picked up the fork, fumbling with it slightly, as he was right-handed and hadn't used utensils for many years. It took him a few tries, but he eventually figured it out and stabbed a piece of fish, bringing it to his mouth. The purring began again as soon as the food hit his tongue, and he started digging in, his shyness the only thing keeping him from eating with abandon.

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"You're such a good kitten..."


Kazimir had praised back while he had bandaged up Casey's hand. The fact the other had stood so still and patient with him as he wrapped it up was quite impressive. He had wondered if it still hurt, but was too scared to bring it up since maybe he should just let that topic rest for awhile so his poor pet could enjoy his dinner in peace.


It was fascinating watching Casey relearn how to use the silverware properly, but he was so proud of his kitten for trying so hard, even with only one hand.


"You like it? Here, try some of this too..."


The man plucked up a fork and scooped up a piece of whitefish, gently holding it out to the other's lips and feeding him. Seeing how that was easier than the other struggling with a non dominant hand he proceeded to feed him the rest of his dinner just like.

He really felt like they were already bonding and it warmed his usually stone cold heart. Anyone else who told you this wouldn't even say that Kazimir had a heart to begin with. He was ruthless at what he did.

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"You like it? Here, try some of this too..." Casey paused mid-chew before swallowing and putting down his fork. He turned in the chair to face Kazimir and blushed darkly when he saw that the man was holding his fork out to him. He hesitated for a moment, then shyly leaned forward and ate the whitefish from Kazimir's fork. His hands were clenched in his lap and his pale cheeks were bright red. "I-it's r-really good," he replied softly, his head tilted at an angle so that his bangs shielded his face. He was so unused to this level of affection that it felt as if his heart was going to burst. In fact, his hands started shaking slightly.


The hybrid stayed quiet as Kazimir fed him, simply relaxing and allowing the intimacy of the moment to wash over him. He was eating more slowly now, which was good for his stomach, as he would have made himself sick by eating too much too fast. Still, he was quite hungry, and he had almost finished the entirety of the plate by the time he was full. When he was done he looked up at Kazimir, cheeks still tinted pink. He opened his mouth to thank him again before noticing that Kazimir himself hadn't eaten much. He tilted his head curiously. "Y-you will eat too?" he questioned, his hands now resting on his knees, short legs dangling over the front of the chair. "A-also..." He seemed unsure of whether or not to continue, and his tone became uncertain as he finished, "C-can I have some w-water, please?" He averted eye contact.

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