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Between Heaven and Earth [Gladis & StainedCrimson]


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René Aubrey Caldwell












René usually comes off as a serious and well behaved individual, if not perhaps a bit soft spoken. He tends to prefer the company of tall bookshelves and leatherbound journals to that of actual people, and has a history of sneaking away from social gatherings whenever the oportunity presents itself. Calling him quiet might not be entierly accurate, however, given that when he is allowed to speak about something he feels passionate about getting him to stop might be the harder challenge. Anyone willing to indulge him, however, might be surprised by his broad library of knowledge. He is curious, inquisative and always open to learning something new – although this is an aspect of himself that he has learned to keep well under wraps. René has a bright mind, though lacks the assertive nature required to truly make his voice heard. He has dreams and aspirations, yet has never quite found courage to pursue them.



Born the fourth of five children, René always had a lot to live up to. The Caldwell family has a long history of producing high ranking military officers, and both his older brothers managed to exceed the expectations of their father. René on the other hand, was always a bit of a dissapointment. Any fool could tell at a glance that René’s gentle personality hardly made a good fit for the battlefield. So his father treated him harshly, trying desperately to raise him the man he wanted him to become, with little regard for René’s own feelings or desires.


At the age of fifteen he was shipped off to the Royal Mitary Academy, his father of the belief that the stricter enviorment would help wip him into shape. Needless to say, even this did not exactly work out the way he’d hoped. René quickly became the subject of ridicule amongst his fellow cadets, and although he has done very well at the academic aspects of his training, his results for the more physical classes have been less than stellar.

”Mr. Caldwell, do you know why I summoned you to my office?”


”Yes, sir. I-I mean no- I-”


”Oh, you do now? Then please be so kind and enlighten me, Mr. Caldwell.”


”I…. failed, didn’t I? The physical exam…”


”Not just this one, Mr. Caldwell, but every physical exam to date.” The headmaster slammed a small batch of documents onto the polished surface of the finely carved mahogany desk, all marked with the scathing red of failure. René cringed, his gaze locking onto anything in the office except the cold, piercingly blue eyes of the headmaster.


Professor John Roland Elsworth, headmaster of the Royal Military Academy and the bane of René’s existence. He was a man long past his prime, with a grizzly gray beard, bushy eyebrows and beak like nose. Though slender he was toned as well as tall, and for his age, appeared surprisingly fit. René in contrast was neither particularly tall nor well-built, often sticking out like a sore thumb amongst his fellow students. He was a scrawny thing, who’s only redeeming physical feature might have been a pretty face – yet in an environment where physical fitness and masculinity was mandatory, even that was frequently made fun of.


”But that is not all, is it?” Professor Elsworth continued, ”Mr. Gregory and Mr. Hathaway have filed several complaints over your frequent absence from their respective lessons. Mrs. Bells has voiced concern over how often you end up in the medical ward – in spite of your peculiar lack of participation in any form of physical activities. Need I go on?”


”I’m...” René hung his head, his slender hands curling on his lap. ”I’m sorry, sir.”


The headmaster sighed heavily, removing his glasses before pinching the bridge of his nose. Leaning back in his chair, he allowed his office to settle into an uncomfortable silence. Only when René began to shift in his seat did he finally break it.


”See, here is what I fail to understand. Since your enrollment at our academy, you have passed every theoretical exam with flying scores – even outdoing your excellent brothers in several of them. Your teachers in these subjects have nothing but praise for you. If only you put your heart into the things you don’t enjoy as much, you could potentially become one of our very best students to date. Yet you don’t, Mr. Caldwell. Why is that?”


Feeling his teeth dig into the softness of his lower lip, René curled his hands into fists. He was hesitating, and yet he wasn’t exactly sure why. He knew the headmaster was expecting an answer, but he wasn’t sure he could give him one. ”I don’t know...” he murmured wearily, and though he kept his gaze firmly downcast, he was almost certain that the headmasters face tightened into a frown.


”Mr. Cardwell, how many times must I tell you to look me in the eye when I’m speaking with you!” There was a certain sharpness in the headmasters voice as the uttered the command, leaving no room for disobedience. René found himself straightening up almost instantly, his green gaze alert and attentive as he looked into the eyes of the headmaster for the first time during that meeting.


”Well, that’s better,” he said with a slight nod of approval, pushing his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose. ”I’m beginning to suspect, Mr. Cardwell – and correct me if I’m wrong, that this may not be the path you truly wish to follow. Is it?”


As though a switch had suddenly been flipped, the tone in René’s voice changed from meek to mildly irritated. ”I mean no disrespect, sir, but what I want hardly matters, does it?”


”No, perhaps not…” Professor Elsworth tilted his head slightly to the side, and René could swear that he was smiling – if only ever so slightly. ”Yet if you, hypothetically speaking, were allowed to choose whatever your heart desires. What might that be?”


René paused, peering at the headmaster almost suspiciously. It was as though he was trying to gauge whether it was safe to tell him or not. In the end it seemed like he’d settled on the former, because he decided to answer the headmaster’s question truthfully. ”I would like to become a doctor, sir,” he said with conviction, before adding a bit more softly, ”The idea of harming people has never sat particularly well with me. I would much rather help them with my skills and knowledge.”


”Then why don’t you become a doctor?”


It was a question so simple, so direct, and yet René’s jaw still dropped. ”Excuse me, sir?” He asked, his voice laced with disbelief.


This time, the headmaster's lips quirked into a proper smile. ”Have you gone deaf, lad? I asked you why don’t you become a doctor. Now you had better close that mouth of yours, preferably before it comes crashing through the floor.”


René’s mouth snapped shut in an instant. ”I’m sorry, sir, but my parents would never-”


”Why not? You could still serve the military. Medical personel is just as important as the rest. I don’t see the problem.”


”But… I...”


The headmaster arched an eyebrow. ”What?”


”It’s not what they expect of me, sir.”


The headmaster smiled kindly, and for a moment there seemed to be softness in his otherwise stern gaze. ”Holidays are coming up, and like most of your fellow classmates I imagine you will be spending them at home. Use that time to consider your options.” as he spoke, he took out two sheets of blank paper, unscrewing the lid of his ink bottle before dipping his quill into it. He began to write, the quill traveling across the page with practiced speed.


As René waited, curiosity drove him to try and see what the headmaster was writing, but no matter how he stretched and shifted in his chair, he found that the old man’s handwriting was very difficult to read – especially when it was turned upside down.


Eventually the headmaster’s hand stopped, and the headmaster waited briefly before folding the letter twice and sticking it into an envelope. Once it was sealed and signed, he pushed it over to René before immediately beginning starting the process over with the second sheet of paper.


”What’s this?” René asked, unable to mask his curiosity.


”A letter addressed to your father. He may wish ignore the advice of the headmaster, but perhaps he will listen to an old friend.” Even as a spoke, he did not look up or stop writing.


Indeed, as René turned the envelope over, he could see the name ’Anthony Caldwell’ neatly printed onto the back. ”And that?” René asked, nodding towards the headmaster’s work in progress.


Professor Elsworth put down the quill, sticking this letter in an envelope as well before handing it to René all the same. ”A letter of recommendation, should you decide that you would be better of applying for medical school after all. Run along now, I’ve got things I ought to be doing.”


”Y-yes, sir!” Clutching the two envelopes he got to his feet. ”Thank you, sir!” And, as instructed he left the office, his heart racing and his head swirling with all the possibilities that only just seemed to have become available to him. Perhaps, just maybe, things would work out for him after all.


Unfortunately he would never make it as far as to confront his father about the matter – for alas, it seemed fate had other plans in store.


The first part of René’s journey back home went smoothly enough. He was traveling onboard the Annabelle – a small but sturdy cruiser that had long served as a reliable method for getting between Arwell and Norwind, René’s hometown. Although he spent most of the journey tucked away in his cabin, reading or studying – every now and again he would go out on deck to catch a breather of fresh air or marvel at the view. Most of the time the sky was covered in a heavy blanket of clouds, stretching towards the horizon like a sea of white mist. Yet sometimes he would be able to catch a glimpse of the world bellow. There were mountains, lakes, open fields and flowing rivers – all part of a wilderness untamed and unexplored. It was vast and wonderful and just a little bit intimidating, and he was fascinated by it. He always had been. For hours he could stand and gaze out over the ever-changing landscape, dreaming himself away into a world that was not his own.


It was on the third day of the voyage that Annabelle was hit by a terrible storm. The sky was painted a thunderous gray, howling winds taring violently at her sails. They tried to bring her down to lower altitudes to ease her strain against the current, but at that point it was already too late. Annabelle was headed straight for a cliff, and nothing they did could change their course.


Everything thereafter was but a blurry memory in the back of René’s mind. One moment he was on deck, helping out with securing one of the masts. The next the impact caused ships collision with the cliff caused him to lose his balance. Rattled, he fell backwards, the rope slipping out of as the back of his head bumped against the railing. An explosion of intense pain – his breath knocked from his lungs. Faintly he could hear someone yell his name, and he recognized vague shapes of people coming his way. Yet by then it was too late – René had already slid off the edge, plunging into the cold, dark body of water bellow. Caught by the current, all he could do was struggle to keep his head above water, as it carried him away. Yet even this was getting difficult, as the throbbing pain seemed to increase with every passing second, a feeling a sickness settling in his stomach. Water kept spilling into his mouth, making it difficult to breathe. He was beginning to feel light-headed, the world swimming before his eyes, and all the while his body was starting to grow weary from struggling against the current.


And then he was struck by a horrible and terrifying realization. Surely this was the end. Surely he was going to die. And yet, strangely enough he wasn’t afraid. Knowing that there was no way he’d make it out of this situation alive; realizing that there was no point in struggling – it almost came as a relief. Bizarre as it might seem, he found comfort in the hopelessness of it all. The same comfort, he realized, the warm and numbing embrace of unconsciousness had to offer as it claimed his body – draining every last bit of strength from his limbs before plunging him into a dark void of nothingness.

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Dragon form


Human form




Lan Yama









Lan is usually seen as being blunt and sarcastic with a dry or dark sense of humor. He also has a bit of a temper, but due to being more of a loner (as wont to be with dragons), it is unknown that he he also has a soft spot for romance and enjoys music as well as art. His home is field with various kinds of artwork and even some instruments, as well as some smattering of what most would think of such as jewels and coins.



Lan has what he figures is a fairly typical life. He was raised by his parents by the far ocean that, oddly enough, had an active volcano nearby which had made for a somewhat interesting childhood. He has a few clutch siblings but none of them really stay in touch due to living so far apart, not to say that they don't meet on occasion. Still, most of Lan's socialization comes from visiting nearby villages and towns where he hears the latest news or finds things to take home. Other than that he keeps to himself and protects his territory from other dragons or invaders, though challengers are rare.



Lifting his head from the fabric he is inspecting, Lan frowns towards the sky. "A storm is coming." He mutters to himself before turning back to the bolt of cloth in his hands. The fabric is soft to the touch, almost smooth as a stream of freshly melted snow, and the color a deep blue-violet. "How much are you going to try and bleed me for this time?" He finally asks dryly while lifting his gaze to the smirking face across the counter.


"Oh come now, would I try to kill or bankrupt one of my best customers?" The female grins wider as Lan grunts at her, some smoke coming out of his nostrils, her eight eyes twinkle in amusement. The arachnid reaches out and gently strokes one claw along the length of fabric between Lan's hands. "Still, this is my own personal silk."


"Out with it woman..."


Chuckling the woman leans back, one hand tapping against the opposite arm. "So impatient. Very well..." Tilting her head back she looks at the entire bolt and seems to be doing some internal calculating. "A large uncut fire ruby, no smaller than a green ringo, and silverfern for my garden."


Lan narrows his eyes and snarls while leaning forward. "A small uncut fire ruby a third the size of a green ringo, a silverfern and moonshine plant." He counteroffers.


Leaning forward herself she returns his counteroffer. "A medium fire ruby, cut or uncut, and two silverferns."


Leaning back with a loud snort, smoke appearing once more, Lan nods. "Agreed."


The two clasp hands before the female bundles up the clothe and wraps it in a rainproof covering. Taking the bundle Lan gathers up the rest of his items, some food and other supplies, before leaving the bustling town. Once outside the town and into the woods, there is soon a large dragon where the man once stood with a spot of his back cradling the items on a flat spot between the spinal spikes.


With a low rumble he heads into the woods towards the mountains to hopefully reach his home before the rain hits. The wind having already gathered enough force for him to decide to walk rather than fly home. His eyesight is about a third from the top the trees, which being centuries old are enormous, which means he can't see overly far ahead.


Just as he reaches the mountain base, he catches sight of something most unusual. Not too far away from him, about the next mountain top over, Lan spots an unusual object heading for a cliffside. Tilting his head he watches while continuing up the mountain and slipping into a hidden crevice that leads into a mini-valley. Setting his purchases down, he turns back around to investigate the odd object he had seen. Perhaps it'll be something worth adding to his hoard.


Digging his claws into the stone, he is soon climbing across the mountain while blending in with his surroundings thanks to the storm. Once close enough he spies the small figures clamoring about before one falls off. The others seem upset over this, but are also preoccupied doing... Whatever it is they're doing... Those from above truly are odd.


Snorting he ignores the object crawling with those from above the clouds to seek out what had fallen. He has never seen one of them up close before. Making his way he sees the form hit the water and be swept away. "Why does he not simply change shape or fly away?" Lan frowns as he sees the other struggling in the water.


Resolved to ask and gain insight into the matter, he stalks forward and finds a somewhat calmer stretch of water to snatch the other out of. Not that the river gets deep enough to bother him, not at all. The deepest body of water in the area only goes up to his shoulders, when laying down. Lan would have to go to the ocean to be fully submerged.


When the form of the sky-being appears, and is limp, Lan growls and scowls ferociously. "It had better not be dead. Just my luck to have wasted time getting wet and saving it only for it to have died." The unconscious form is pushed into Lan's open and waiting paw. Carefully closing his hand around the other's body, he leaves the water behind and makes his way back to where he had left his belongings.


Once back he uses his tail to put the items back on his back then heads further into the hidden valley to where his home awaits. It isn't immediately noticeable as the trees and cliffside are utilized in making the entry. The trees and stone are almost melded together as if stone was turning into tree or vice versa, and once inside it seems to be a blend of open cavern and wooden or stone nooks scattered about the large cavern, but the min space seems to be a living area of sorts as there are various rugs, pillows, and other comforts as well as a large fire pit in the middle.


For the time being Lan puts his unexpected guest in a small wooden nook he uses on occasion. It's large enough for the small being to rest comfortably in but only has the pillows and blankets inside it. That done he leaves to put the other items away where they belong then begin making dinner perhaps. Or a nap until either the storm passes or it wakes up. Lan muses to himself as he walks around the warm and happily burning fire in the middle of the room.


Eyeing the flames he finally gives a small nod. Yes. A nap. That decided he puts everything away then returns to lay down with a large yawn.

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René woke with a start, instantly bursting into a violent fit of coughs. He heaved himself onto his knees as water mixed with saliva spluttered from his mouth. There was still a pounding ache in his head, and the spot where he’d bumped it against the railing felt sore. Confused and bleary eyed he glanced around, desperately trying to take in his surroundings. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. He’d been placed on a nook that definitely looked like it had been crafted by human hands, but the space was so large and the walls so uneven that they couldn’t possibly be a house. It looked more like a… like a cave? And then there was the firepit, bathing the area in a warm orange glow.


Seeing it served as a reminder that René was still soaked to the bone and shivering. His first instinct was to take off his clothes. If he laid them by the fire, surely they would dry faster and René might even be able to avoid catching a cold. Just as the thought crossed his mind, he sneezed. Well, either way it was a bad idea to keep wearing them as they were. So he stood up, swaying slightly on his feet as he crept closer to the fire. René started with his boots, which came off with a small, sucking noise. Turning them upside down, he poured out the sizeable amounts of water they had amassed. Then he placed them neatly side by side on the ground, before continuing on with his coat and shirt. He was just in the process of unbuckling his trousers when he noticed something rather strange.


One of the sides of the cave, which he had previously mistaken for a rocky wall, upon closer inspection didn’t really appear much like a wall at all. It was large and scaly and when he looked real close, he could make out a spiky head and a pair of large, folded up wings. His heart nearly dropped through the floor.


”By the holy mother!” He exclaimed in wide eyed surprise, instinctively he stumbling a few steps backwards and nearly tripping over his own feet in the process.


It was a dragon. René had never seen a dragon before – or at least not this up close, but he’d read about them, and he could tell for sure that this was one. Most records described them as bad tempered and bloodthirsty creatures from Gaia, some of which had been single handedly responsible for laying waste to entire towns and villages. Luckily they were relatively few in numbers, and on the off chance that one might be looking to cause trouble, the people of the Aerie had become fairly good at fending them off. That, however, was hardly going to be of any help to René here. Had the dragon saved him? Why? They… did dragons eat people?


”I-I don’t taste very good!” He blurted out, not sure whether the dragon would even understand him. ”I don’t think… look, all skin and bones.” As if trying to prove his point he pinched his own arm, which really didn’t seem to contain much in terms of body fat. ”So please don’t eat me…”

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Lan had ignored the human at first, hoping that the human would be quiet after the first high pitched screech. When that doesn't seem to be the case, he gives an aggrieved snort. "And yet here you are, alive and whole!" He grumbles out before opening an eye to stare at the annoying human for a moment before raising his head a bit glare at him. "The thanks I get for pulling your skinny and bony self is being woken up by being accused of wanting to eat you."


Letting out a rumbling scoff, he glares harder at the other. "Perhaps I should eat you since you're no longer water logged and are obnoxiously loud." Leaning forward, Lan stops just short of touching the other with the tip of his snout. "I'm sure you'd taste just fine flambéd. I'm sure I have something I could coat you in to help cover the taste of skin and bone." He huffs even though he thinks the whole concept of skin and bone bothering him, a dragon, at all is just ridiculous. He's eaten entire animals raw and whole for crying out loud.


With another snort, causing smoke to envelop the human, Lan pulls back then lays down after yawning. "Or maybe I'll just save you as a snack for later..." With another snort he looks at the human. "Now that all that's out of the way, just what were you doing out? Do you not know how to read the weather? This storm was brewing since late-morning at least." Honestly, how are the beings in the sky able to survive if they can't notice weather patterns? "One would think that those who live in the sky would know better."

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René was surprised to hear the dragon speak – something he hadn’t even known his kind to be capable of. The people of the Aerie tended to think of dragons as mindless beasts – not intelligent beings capable of holding proper conversations. That in an of itself was enough to pique his interest, though admittedly, nothing the dragon said seemed to speak in René’s favour. His less than tactful reaction had clearly rubbed the dragon the wrong way, and perhaps understandably so. Accusing someone of wanting to eat you isn’t very polite and he’d completely forgone any formalities that might have been in place. Normally, René would never have done that, but then again, normally he wouldn’t have been faced with an enormous dragon. The thought that he might still be passed out and all of this was just some sort of bizarre dream did strike him – though the hot smoke emitted by the dragon’s nostrils as he snorted felt real enough. He gulped, the small hairs on his neck standing upright.


”Perhaps an apology would be in place,” he agreed after a moment of hesitation, deciding that being diplomatic about the matter might be safest. After all, he had not meant to aggravate the dragon – his presence had merely surprised him. And now that he was fairly certain the dragon wouldn’t eat him, he felt slightly more at ease. Perhaps even a little embarrassed that he’d so quickly jumped to conclusions. ”You have my gratitude for pulling me out of the river,” he added softly, watching the dragon carefully as he laid back down.


He slid off his trousers, wringing them out thoroughly before putting them to dry with the rest. Then he sat himself down near the fire, the blazing heat making quick work of any remaining moisture. He pulled up his knees to his chest, appearing to drift off into his own mind. Upon being asked what he’d been doing out in the storm, René glanced up to look at the dragon, his lips curving into a slight smile.


”I’m sure if the crew of that ship had known how to read the weather, they wouldn’t have brought it crashing down into the cliffside. Or perhaps they did but underestimated the severity of it.” He shrugged his shoulders a little. ”I wouldn’t know. I was merely a passenger on that ship – not part of the crew.” Then he paused, tilting his head a little to the side. ”Do the ships of my people often come crashing down in this area or something?”

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Lan snorts and mutters to himself. "Some apology." Before rolling an eye to look at the human wriggling out of his pants. Hmm, pretty little thing. He muses to himself as he replies. "Yes, your gratitude was clear with the dramatic way you begged me not to eat you." Lan replies dryly before huffing in mild amusement. "However, you are welcome." He murmurs before also drifting back off in a lazy haze.


Rainy or stormy weather always makes him feel more like sleeping and, when the human isn't screeching and waking him up, isn't bad to have around decorating his home. Idly he wonders how the other would look in the silk that he had purchased in the market earlier. The image intrigues him enough to consider having an outfit made of it, before the other speaks up again pulling him from his thoughts.


At the bit of sass in the response, Lan gives a low rumbling laugh. "I see. Then perhaps choosing your transport more carefully may serve you in avoiding future mishap." He lightly teases back before tilting his head in thought. "No, it is not all that common. It happens now and then but the last time was many years ago." His eyes narrow in thought. "I don't think this one fully crashed either... Even with the storm I would have heard that."


Rolls his shoulders in a shrug-like manner, he returns his gaze to the being across from him. "It was merely an observation I was making however. Your kind live in the sky, it is expected then that those who traverse it would be able to do at least that much." He gives another snort releasing some more smoke. "Perhaps that is too generous though."


"Now then..." He squints at the other. "What exactly were you seeking transport for? I do find it odd that your kind hasn't developed a more efficient manner of traveling considering where it is you live." Honestly, they really should have wings or something since they live in the sky.

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He wasn’t ever going to put a sock on it, was he? René had already said he was sorry, what more was he supposed to do? Get on his knees and beg forgiveness? No, even René wasn’t that spineless. Besides, was it just him or didn’t the dragon seem mildly amused by it all? How cheeky, he thought, reaching out to see if his shirt had dried yet. He knew he was being impatient, but it wasn’t as though he exactly enjoyed sitting there half naked. At least the fire kept him from freezing, but he still felt exposed. Of course, his shirt wasn’t much drier then than it had been when he’d taken it off a few minutes earlier. He sighed softly, hugging his knees to his chest.


When the dragon suggested that he’d be wise to choose his transport more carefully in the future, his lips curled into a somewhat wry smile. ”That I cannot argue with.” he agreed, before arching an eyebrow at what the dragon had to say about Annabelle. ”It sure felt like it had gone crashing straight into the cliff. However, if it is as you say and they made it, I’m glad.” Then he paused, coming to another realization. His shoulders slumped and the smile faded from his features. ”Although that would also mean that my chances of getting back home have just gone from low to nearly nonexistent.” If the ship had at least still been around, they could have tried to repair it. Without even that, René couldn’t exactly see how he’d ever make it back. Suddenly he was overcome by a feeling of sadness and mild desperation. As much as his family could be a bother, they were still his family. He loved them. Even his father, who never seemed to treat him with anything other than contempt.


”I was supposed to head home,” René answered, and there was sadness in his eyes, ”for the holidays.” The thought that he might never see any of them again was enough to make him feel sick. He didn’t want to dwell on it, so when the dragon changed the subject he felt grateful. Even if it seemed like he only had done so to keep harping on how inefficient humans were.


René allowed a soft chuckle to slip past his lips. ”Well then, how would you suggest we travel? Unlike dragons, we are not born with wings, and it’s not like we could just spontaneously grow some either. I’m fairly certain that’s not how evolution works. Are you familiar with the works of Carl Derwyn?” And then he paused, because he realized that this question might have been a bit silly. Of course the dragon wouldn’t be familiar with a human scientist from the turn of the century. ”No never mi-choo!” René was cut off mid sentence by another sneeze.


”Oh…” he sniffled a little, standing up. ”Would you mind if I borrowed one of the blankets over there?” He asked, pointing to the wooden nook.

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Lan raises a ridge, the dragon version of raising an eyebrow, "There were no loud explosion or anything so unless it managed to land on some random cliff edge, then I would say that they didn't crash." Shifting slightly he gives another shrug. "They could have scrapped alongside it and gotten some damage, that might have felt like a crash I suppose." At teh mention of the other being on his way home for holiday visit, Lan allows some quiet to fall between them and let the other have his moment.


When the other gives a laugh though at his criticism of his people, he allows some tension to fall away, pleased that the other isn't dwelling on the situation. Well, not yet anyway. When asked he huffs. "One would think that evolution would have made your kind more suitable to living in the sky by giving you wings." He retorts in a tone that says he thinks that should be obvious. "As far as spontaneously growing some, I don't see why not. Though growing them would be the wrong term." There are plenty of beings down here that have wings they can "put away" when they don't wish to use them or have them out. Granted these beings also can't fly for long distances in most cases either.


At the next question, interrupted by the sneeze, followed by another question Lan just gives the other a bland look. "You're not the brightest thing are you. Look around you." He states flatly and lives a claw to wave around them. His collection of various pillows and blankets are all around them and much closer than the nook. With snort and muttering to himself the dragon then reaches out to pluck up a blanket then reaches over to drop it on top of his guest.


"There. If you require any other comforts then feel free to bring them closer, but keep in mind things are in the places they are meant to be kept. Those in the nook stay in the nook." He sniffs slightly as he resettles down. After he does so, he frowns slightly. Should I be offering food or drink? Lan ponders to himself before shrugging. Perhaps after he introduces himself. Once mustn't encourage bad behavior overmuch after all. "Now then, as to your other question. I have heard the name but do not recall much about this 'Carl Derwyn'. It is possible that some of your history and information that makes it way down on occasion, that is something I came across." His tail lightly shifts, the tip tapping against the floor.

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”Well,” René said, seeming rather sceptical about the dragons suggestion, ”As it happens, evolution didn’t grant us wings, and we can’t grow them, so we had to invent our own way of getting about. And if you ask me, we’ve done a jolly good job of it too.” He was, of course, referring to the creation of the airships, which had allowed the airborne empire to grow exponentially in size. Yet then he thought about his current disposition, causing him to reconsider that statement slightly. ”For the most part.”


Upon being called not very bright, he pouted, just about to protest when he felt a blanket drop down on him. He grabbed it, wrapping it around his slender as he settled by the fire once more. Were all dragons so irritable or was this one just particularly moody? René was half a mind to ask, but realized that it wouldn’t be very polite. Not that the dragon seemed to care about manners. Especially not his own. Calling someone dumb was just rude. Sure, it had perhaps been a bit silly of him not to pay attention to his surroundings, but who could really blame him for not noticing a few blankets when he was suddenly faced with a huge dragon?


”Thank you,” he mumbled, a little sulkily. Then he frowned, a quizzical looking crossing his features. ”...mister?” He realized then that neither of them had introduced each other. They’d been talking for quite some time already, but he didn’t even know how he was supposed to address this gentledragon. ”Forgive my asking, but I don’t think I ever got your name. I am René. René Caldwell, if you will.”


René was positively surprised to hear that the dragon was familiar with the name, but a bit disappointed to find that he recalled little about him. ”I suppose that would make sense.” He said with a nod of his head. ”It probably doesn’t matter. I might have gotten a bit ahead of myself there…” he trailed off, bowing his head more out of habit than anything else. ”Please excuse me.”

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Lan huffs at the others explanation but lets it drop to the wayside. For now. "You're welcome." The dragon replies before yawning. At the uncertain expression on the other's face, he chuckles. "I am male, yes." He rumbles, tone indicating obvious amusement. Dipping his head in acknowledgement, Lan replies. "I am Lan Yama. May what you seek be found and your enemies run before your shadow." It is a formal greeting, but a fairly common one. There are also ones for specific groups, but this one is acceptable amongst most.


That done he wrinkles his nose a bit in thought. This means that now he should give the other 'bread and water'. He gets distracted by the next comment from the other. "I wouldn't say it doesn't matter. Each has their own interests and priorities. My interests just most likely didn't lie with this Carl Derwyn." Leaning closer to the other, he squints slightly to look the other over. "Despite the fire it will take time for your clothes to dry, and I am sure that you could do with some food. Stay here and do not wander."


Pulling back, Lan stands up, for the first time giving the human a sense of his actual size, to turn and head down a tunnel. Going down the way he mutters to himself. "Now where did I put them..." He mutters wondering about the odds and ends he's gathered in clothing. "If I remember right I put them in a chest for storage... Was that in the clothe room or...?" Turning down another tunnel he peers into the first room. "No." There are a few more 'no's before he finds what he's looking for. "Ah, there we go." He pulls out the chest and sets it on his back then turns around to head back.


He pauses in the kitchen area and grabs a basket of fruit. Items found and gathered, he goes back to where René was left. Re-joining the other, the dragon sets the fruit in front of the other before putting the chest next to it. "I'll get something more substantial for dinner. I hadn't planned on having a guest to feed." Lan huffs slightly as he lays back down. "The chest should have something that will fit you." He adds as a bit of an after thought.

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René blinked. That was a… rather strange greeting, to say the least. He’d never heard one quite like it, and he wasn’t entirely sure what to make of it either. Was there some sort of standardized he was expected to use? And if so, what might that be? The dragon couldn’t possibly expect him to know, right?


So thinking, he decided to go with the sort of greeting he himself was most familiar with. ”It’s a delight to make your acquaintance, Mr. Yama.” He said, and he was just about to extend his hand for a shake, when he remembered that he was in fact conversing with a dragon. Did dragons shake hands? Or uh… paws? The thought conjured a rather ridiculous image in his mind, causing a small smile to twitch on his lips. Then he paused, because the dragon had once again moved his head closer.


”I suppose that is true,” he agreed, giving a slight, reflective nod of his head, ”but most people tend not to appreciate when I go off into a ramble about my interests, so I usually avoid talking about them. My brother says I’m a bit of a chinwag, and perhaps that’s true.” It was true alright. René’s inability to shut up had been yet another point of contention for many of the other children during his childhood years. He liked to talk and he liked to talk a lot. At first the other children had admired him for his vast knowledge, but soon that admiration turned into mild irritation, because they, perhaps understandably, found it difficult to keep up with him. Before long that mild irritation had turned to outright annoyance, and René quickly learned that it was safer to shut up and keep to himself. It was better to be ignored than to become the victim of their frustrations. Things hadn’t been much better at home. Every time René deigned to open his mouth, his father would have something to criticize. So, just like everywhere else, it had been safer not to say anything at all.


Upon being told to stay where he was and not to wander, he nodded again. ”Understood.” He said, watching the dragon as he rose to his feet. If René had thought him large before, he only came to realize how truly massive the beast was now. In comparison he felt not only tiny but also insignificant. For despite the creatures size, there was a certain majestic grace about him. René might even have gone so far as to call him beautiful, in his own, draconic sense. He watched him disappear into the cave, wondering idly what his family might say if he told them that he’d come face to face with such a creature. Surely they’d be surprised.


As he patiently waited for the dragon to return, though his body remained by the fire, his mind began to wander. How large might this cave be? Had it always been like this or had the dragon played a role in shaping it? If this room was full of blankets and pillows, what curious items might he be able to find in other parts of the cave? Though the dragon had told him not to wander, René found himself incapable of entirely staving off the curiosity. Still, even that wouldn’t be enough to make him leave the comforting warmth of the firepit. A good thing was that, because before long he could hear the dragons heavy footfalls, soon followed by the creature itself.


He blinked at the sight of the fruit basket and the chest, raising his hands in protest. ”Oh, that’s really not necessary. Don’t get me wrong. I’m very grateful, but you’ve already done more for me than I could ever-” he was interrupted by the sudden, strange noise coming from his stomach area. Heat rose to his cheeks. ”... hope to repay.” He lowered his head in mild defeat, because now there was no way he could argue that he wasn’t all that hungry anyway.

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"As far as your comment about most people, is that all inclusive or do you just tend to presume that everyone are like most?" Lan challenges the other before wrinkling his nose. "I am not Mister Yama, just call me Lan. I am not quite so old that I feel the need to be called such." Not too mention it just sounds odd. Perhaps it is just a sky dweller custom. That would make sense.


The dragon snorts at the other's attempt to refuse his hospitality. "Think of it this way then, if you get sick because you turned down dry clothing and food... I'll just eat you to make up for the trouble." He states blandly and stares at the other to see what he'll do. Granted, the whole stomach growl really defeated the other's attempt to be humble or whatever the other was trying to be.


"I got the food earlier today so it's fresh if that's a concern to you. I have other food if that is not enough or not to your liking." Granted he would have to shift to either get it out of storage or to cook, but at this point he's contemplating eating himself even though he's not overly hungry yet. Thinking about it he really should go hunting soon and stock up on his meat stores, maybe some herbs and such as well. Once the storm settles down perhaps. HE can still hear the faint sounds of the storm outside so it won't be over any time soon.


Returning his attention to the other, he continues on. "First, however, one should get warm and put on some clothes yes? Go on now, they won't bite. That's my job." He grins baring his teeth slightly before huffing in amusement before tilting his head up and frowning slightly. "I forgot to get you a drink didn't I?" Looking back down at the small huddled figure by his fire, he squints slightly. "Do you have a drink preference?" He has a little of everything. Water, tea, coffee, and a few different types of alcohol.

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René frowned at Lan’s question. ”By most I mean most,” he said, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, folding his arms across his bare chest. Albeit a bit awkwardly so, considering he was still wrapped in the blanket. ”Not everyone and not just a few – the vast majority.” There were exceptions, of course, but usually it was just safer to assume that this included everyone, so perhaps the dragon wasn’t too far off. He paused, his frown deepening slightly. ”... are you teasing me?”


As for the clothing and the food, it didn’t really seem like Lan would take no for an answer, and René would rather not end up the dragon’s dinner just because he’d decided to act stubborn about the matter.


”I suppose you are correct,” he sad, standing up to have a better look at the chest. Like the nook it appeared to have been well crafted – something that still managed to take René by surprise. It somehow appeared a bit out of place in the midst of a dragon’s cave, and he found himself wondering whom this elegant craftsmanship could be ascribed to. What he found inside the chest, however, was even more astounding. Beautiful pieces of cloth – some of which were bright with color and decorated with intricate patterns, and others which were more muted and simple in appearance. Running his fingers across the fabric, he could tell that the quality was nothing to huff at. One of them in particular caught his gaze. Dyed aquatic blue, with a breathtaking flower pattern that alternated between shades of blue, black, white and gold. Yet as he picked it up, allowing it to unfold as he lifted it out of the chest, he realized that it had been sewn into a strange, T-shaped robe unlike anything he’d ever seen. There were no buttons or, by the looks of it, any other way of keeping it together.


He was, for lack of a better word, dumbfounded – frowning as he tilted his head to the side, trying to figure out what to make of his peculiar clothing. After a moment of hesitation he carefully slipped it on, casting a weary glance in the direction of the dragon.


”Is this right?” He asked, hesitantly, for he was sure the dragon would tease him for it. ”How do I close it? There are no buttons…”

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When asked if he's teasing the other, Lan merely grins and doesn't reply. When he sees what the other chooses to dress himself in, a grunt of approval is heard. "That is a good choice, though I would have gone with something that was more purple in color for you." He comments offhandedly before snorting at the next question. "There should have been a wide belt wrapped inside the cloth, but before you look for it there should be four strings. One set along your side and the other on the edge of one front lapels."


He waits for the other to locate them. "Good. Now the lapel without strings gets tucked behind the other one against you, but don't pull it tight leave some slack. The bottom of the fabric should be just above the tops of your feet. Next you'll tie the two bottom together to hold it closed, then you'll have the access fabric fall over the strings you just tied, but again don't pull it too tight. You'll tie the other two strings once done. Now if you want to find the belt that goes next." Lan wrinkles his nose though as he thinks about how the other will tie it on his own.


Well, let's just see how it goes. I can't remember if I got a full obi or a pre-made bow to just stick in it. After the other finds it there are two more strings with the folded fabric. "Okay, so the two thin strips of fabric will go around your waist where the others are, just make sure there's about an inch of the fabric below each strip. After that you'll wrap and tie the belt over all that with the bow in the back."


He lets the other try it before giving a low frustrated but amused growl. "Well, this is what happens when someone do this on their own I suppose. Here, I'll fix it." Standing up he moves towards the other but as he takes the first step, Lan seems to fade and melt away in liquid smoke of sorts, and by the time he reaches René the dragon is gone. Instead there is now a tall male who reaches out and begins to undo all that the other had done.


In short order he has the garment properly tied up and a finishes the bow with flourish. "There." He steps back and admires his work with a satisfied huff. "Now then, I do believe we got a bit distracted. What would you like to drink?" He looks at René expectantly.

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René listened carefully to the dragon’s instructions, following along as the dragon explained to him what to do. The first bit with the strings was easy enough, but then he got to the belt which proved significantly more difficult to pull off. It wasn’t so much that he had misunderstood the dragons instructions. He’d understood them alright, or at least he thought he had, but it turned out to be the sort of thing that’s a lot easier said than done. In the end, all his hard efforts had accomplished was getting himself tangled up in the fabric in a way that even René could tell wasn’t right.


”I don’t think this is how it’s supposed to go.” He pointed out the obvious, peering up at Lan with a sceptic frown. The dragon seemed to agree. Although René had expected to get some form of help, he couldn’t possibly have anticipated what would happen next. One moment the dragon had almost seemed to be fading away, the next he was faced with a fairly human looking man. In the same amount of time, René’s jade green eyes almost seemed to have grown to the size of small plates.


”...” He opened his mouth and closed it again, surprise written all over his face. Where had the dragon gone? This man couldn’t possibly… it made no sense, it shouldn’t have been physically possible, and yet that was the only logical explanation. ”B-but...how….did...what…” despite his flabbergasted state, or perhaps because of it, he allowed Lan to correct the mess he’d made without protest, giving him some time to gather himself.


”That… That’s incredible!” He exclaimed, swirling around to gaze up at the man with renewed wonder. ”How did you do that? To change your form just like that...” Then he paused, Lan’s question of what he’d like to drink managing to calm him slightly. He took a moment to think about it.


”If it’s not too much to ask for, I’d like a cup of tea please.”

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At the other's exclamation and wonder, Lan gives the other a clear look of both bemusement and irritation. "I am dragon and magic. Of course I can change shape. It's not like I made my home with the purpose of entertaining after all." Which, when one really looks at the cave, makes sense. Yes there are nooks and such scattered about that are clearly meant for someone of smaller size than a dragon, but they are also clearly meant for an individual and when looked at closely have personal touches to them that carry the same feel throughout, marking them as used by one person regularly.


With a light sniff he dismisses it without further comment as, to him, it's nothing extraordinary or worth such a fuss over. Many can change form for another thing. At the answer to his question, he gets a thoughtful look. "Hmm, yes... I do have tea, but you may want to pick out your own. Come with me." Turning he heads back where he had gone in dragon form previously. This time he heads down the another entryway that opens up to something resembling a kitchen. In the middle is a large in-ground pit that is split in thirds. One section is for roasting meats with a rotisserie-like set up, another has a metal grating over it for grilling, and the last is a large flattop to cook on.


There are other doors in the room and one wall is clearly a sink and washing area with counter tops. Of course there are little stations for either food prep or cooking utensils/spices, etc as well. Leading the way to one door, Lan opens it to reveal a pantry of sorts, except the smell coming from it is a mix of herbal, chocolate and coffee. "Let's see, the tea is most of this wall... Black teas first, herbal, green and then white tea." He points them out then steps back to allow the other to browse and goes to get himself some chocolate. Since he's in human form he may as well enjoy something too after all.


As the other looks at the teas, it can be seen that periodically there are little mesh bags to put the tea leaves in. After both have made their choices, he takes the other back into the kitchen to get a tea pot and some cups that he arranges on a tray. "Alright, back we go then." Lan states after putting water in the pot. Once back in the main cavern he gets the pot set up to heat so they can enjoy their drinks. While waiting, he looks at the other. "Now then, what is your plan from here?"

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”Yes, that does answer some of the questions I had swirling about my mind.” René agreed. He had never quite gotten around asking what a dragon that size would need all those pillows for, since it didn’t exactly seem like he needed them. Now, if he was capable of taking human form… that did drastically change things. ”Very peculiar…” he added, which could be said for almost everything he’d experienced thus far. The talking dragon, the homely cave, the t-shaped robes and the form shifting included. His mind was buzzing with excitement and curiosity. Almost everything he’d thought of the world below seemed to be wrong, but rather than feeling discouraged by this development, it actually just made him want to find out more. For a while, at least, it was enough to distract him from the harsher realities he would have to face eventually.


As he followed the dragon, his gaze kept flitting about, taking in his surroundings with great curiosity. It was very distracting – so distracting in fact, that he didn’t pay much attention to what he was doing, and nearly toppled over stepping on his own robe. ”Oh!” Stumbling into the kitchen area, he managed to regain his balance just in time. The robe, though comfortable to wear was impractically long, René decided. Yet he wasn’t given much time to dwell on that either, before Lan showed him his tea collection.


His eyes seemed to double in size once more. How did one have that much tea? Even his mother, who was a bit of a tea enthusiast, did not have a wall full of different flavours. It wasn’t cheap, after all. Especially not if one was looking for quality over quantity, which his mother certainly was. After a moment of browsing through the various flavours, René settled for a simple chamomile blend. It was good for preventing colds, and the familiar smell of it reminded him of home.




He hesitated, glancing up at Lan with a slight frown. ”To be perfectly honest… I don’t know what I am to do now. I would like to go back to the Aerie, of course, but that doesn’t seem like it will be possible anytime soon. Gaia is alien to me, so my options don’t seem very clear cut.” He smiled slightly, perhaps to cover up his genuine feelings of concern. He couldn’t really expect to enjoy the dragons hospitality for all eternity, and he had no idea what the world outside the cave was like. As far as he was aware, the world below consisted of primitive wildlands – nothing like the developed and sophisticated society he hailed from.


”What do people around here do for a living? Perhaps I would be able to find work somewhere…”

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When René stumbles over the kimono, Lan glances at him. "Be careful. I don't think you want to know how much you'd owe me to replace that or to have it fixed." He pauses and tilts his head. "Though she might take you in trade. She always talks about how she would like to have a pet above dweller." He muses aloud.


As the water starts to boil, he pours their cups. He hands René the cup of chamomile before making his own cup of chocolate with some heated milk he'd brought with. "Feel free to refill your cup as much as you like." He states while gesturing to the pot of heated water. When the other comments on finding work, Lan throws his head back and laughs. "Work you say? You don't even know the first thing of living down here and want to work?"


How amusing. Unless the other has skills other than falling out of the sky, Lan's guest has yet to show anything that would encourage others to so much as talk with him let alone hire him for work. Well, perhaps they would talk with him for the oddity that René is due to being one of the sky dwellers. "Perhaps you should first focus on learning about where you find yourself before aiming so high as to find work." Lounging back, Lan's eyes close while raising his cup to his mouth. "Particularly as you don't know what the land or people are like, or what is considered valuable."


Taking a drink, he opens his eyes to look back at the other while loosely holding his cup. "How you go about doing that, however, is entirely up to you." If the other wishes to blindly charge off to find work, then that is his prerogative and it is not Lan's place to stop him.

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René gazed at the dragon incredulously. Have him as a pet? What did the inhabitants of the world below think he was? He was just about to say as much, when a cup of hot chamomile tea was thrust into his hands. It felt pleasantly warm against his skin, so without further complaint, he dropped down into a seat.


”Thank you, sir,” he said softly, inclining his head towards Lan before taking a sip. The tea was good. Very good, in fact. Certainly better than anything he had received at the academy, and almost as good as the tea he was served at home. Not that he was given much of any time to appreciate it, as the dragon suddenly burst into laughter. Had his suggestion really been that preposterous? He didn’t think so, and yet heat still rose to his cheeks. Why was he embarrassed about it?


”I-I…” Perhaps because in actuality, he felt lost and scared. He had no idea what kind of world he’d been thrust into, so when the dragon had asked what his plan was, he couldn’t really have been expecting a proper answer, right? And still René had tried to give him one. He was trying really damn hard to keep his cool, trying really damn hard not to freak out. ”Well, do you have any suggestions for me then?” He asked a little sulkily, folding his arms across his chest. ”I am aware that I know very little about this place. You do not have to make fun of me for it.” He pouted, taking another sip of his tea.

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Lan's nose wrinkles at being called 'sir', but for now lets it be. When asked about his suggestion, Lan snorts releasing smoke from his nostrils. "Have you not been listening? I have told you my suggestion. That you learn about where you are first. How do you expect to survive when you know nothing of this land or its denizens?" Truth is that the land is, in part, very much like what René's people think it to be. It is very much so a dangerous and wild place, but for all that it is filled with wonders and treasures that those above could never even imagine.


"As far as what you know about this world, well... Best not hear my thoughts on that." He mutters dryly while taking another swallow of his own drink. "Making fun of you for it is the best thing, as I think it points our your erroneous thoughts and beliefs in a way you'll pay attention. You seem like the type that is far too easily distracted or misdirected." He drolls out while looking over at the other.


Tilting his head, Lan suddenly seems distracted as if listening to something only he can hear. "Hmm, that late already? Well, best to finish your drink and get some sleep. I imagine tomorrow you won't be feeling particularly happy once your aches and pains make themselves known." Lan downs what is left in his cup and begins to gather the items. "I'll leave the teapot in case you want more through the night. You may sleep in the nook you woke in earlier. I shall see you in the morning." Tilting his head slightly Lan turns to take the few dishes back to the kitchen to clean before heading to bed.


After all, he has to gather payment and go visit the arachne tomorrow to deliver it. If the other is in decent enough health and mindset then perhaps the dragon will offer letting the other join him. Still, Lan frowns slightly. That would not be without its dangers and risks as well. There are some who view the sky dwellers with animosity or as a delicacy since they aren't seen often. "A dragon's protection should be enough to keep most of them at bay..." He murmurs to himself but still seems to have some doubts as he settles into bed to sleep.


Come morning he is up early and after a wash in the natural springs within his home, goes to begin making breakfast. He has coffee brewing as well as eggs and meat sizzling on the grill when he ponders if he should go wake the other up.

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”... I suppose...” René let out a soft sigh, staring into his cup. The dragon was right, of course. He would be better off learning about the world first, and he very much wanted to do that. He just didn’t know how to go about it. Simply marching out into the wilderness seemed like a terrifying prospect, and ill advised by the sound of it. So then, was he supposed to ask the dragon for help? That troubled him. Lan had already done so much for René. The tea, the food, the clothes – and that was nothing compared fact that he owed the dragon his life. He found himself wondering why. Why was he helping him? If there was anything René’s father had taught him, it was that no one ever did anything for free. Genuine acts of kindness done out of the goodness of one's heart were so rare, it was safer to assume they just didn’t exist. And even then, there tended to be some kind of motive. Even the headmaster of the Academy who so kindly had written the letter of recommendation had reasons beyond what he’d told René. It wasn’t hard to figure out. Incompetent students were bad for the stellar reputation of the Academy. Getting René enrolled at a medical school was the perfect solution, as it happened to align with their respective interests.


Yet no matter how hard René tried, he couldn’t figure out what the dragons motives might be. What did he have to gain from saving a scrawny, miserable little above dweller like himself? Was it merely curiosity that had driven his actions, or was there something more sinister going on? Was René overthinking it? Most likely. Yet considering how blind trust had burned him in the past, he couldn’t help but feel the need to be cautious.


The dragon’s comment about how he seemed easily distracted and misdirected brought an apologetic smile to his features, his cheeks still red with embarrassment. ”That I cannot deny.”He said, before nodding his head in agreement to the dragons suggestion of getting some rest. Now that the initial shock and excitement had begun to settle down, the exhaustion of everything he had experienced was taking over. He stifled a yawn, emptying his cup before rising from his seat.


”Thank you for everything. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll gladly take your advice and withdraw for the night. I wish you a good night, sir.” He said with a polite nod of his head. He turned on his heels, heading back the same way he’d come. Unlike the dragon had suggested, he did not sleep on the nook. Instead once he’d undressed, neatly folding the borrowed robe, he wrapped himself in the blanket he’d borrowed earlier, and curled up near the fire. Not too close – mind you, but close enough to feel the heat on his face as he gazed into the crackling flames. It was comforting, somehow, and though he laid awake for some time – pondering all that had just transpired, sleep claimed him before long.


Upon waking up the following morning, René came to a startling realization. Large caves are bad at keeping the heat. Unsurprisingly the fire had burned out during the night, leaving most of the heat to rise towards the ceiling of the tall cave, whereas the area on René’s level had cooled down significantly. He shivered as he unfurled himself from the blanket, deciding that it was better not to waste any time getting back his old clothes. At least they were dried up nicely. Yet no sooner had he solved that issue, and already he was faced with another.


René was desperately in need of relieving himself, yet he had no idea where to go.


Shifting his weight back and forth, he glanced around nervously as he pondered his options. Should he go look for the dragon and ask him about it, or was he better off staying where he was, waiting for Lan to fetch him? Yet who knew when that would be? How long could he afford to wait? Feeling his teeth sink into the soft flesh of his bottom lip, he decided to do the former.


”Lan?” He called carefully, stepping into the passage he recognized from the night prior. ”Lan, are you there?”

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"Hmm, speaking of..." Lan murmurs to himself as he hears his name being called. Glancing over the food, and satisfied that it is in no immediate danger of burning, leaves the kitchen to go gather his wayward guest. When he sees the other in the clothes from the other's homeland, the dragons frowns slightly and gives a slight huff of disapproval though manages to restrain commenting on it. Barely. "Good, I was wondering whether or not to wake you for breakfast. Come, you have enough time to clean up before it'll be ready."


Turning he heads down the hallway and leads to where he had bathed previously. "Now then, the bath is through here. If you need to relieve yourself, go into that room." A hand is raised to wave at a hallway off to the side that is clearly more human-sized than dragon. "Once you are done just go back to the main cavern." With that he turns to leave the other to it. Though he doesn't immediately head back to the kitchen. Oh no.


First he goes to the front area and reignites the fire, which soon is blazing and warms the area much quicker than one would expect. That said, it is also created from dragon fire so is not a 'normal' fire. Having the fire going and the room warmed, he gathers the chest and promptly deposits it in the dressing area before the bathing area and removes the others offensive clothing. Of which he is tempted to burn, but for now will see that they are properly cleaned. Satisfied, he goes back to the kitchen to wash his hands before finishing breakfast and putting it all on trays to carry out to the main area for them to eat.


With that settled, Lan lounges back on a few large cushions and sips at some coffee while waiting for his guest so that they may break their fast. Listen to me. I sound like my grandfather. Snorting at himself, Lan takes another mouthful of hot liquid as he shakes his head at himself.


Once the other appears, he waves at the covered trays. "Make your plate. Hopefully you'll find something palatable." Though he's not sure if the food is really all that different from up above. Surely most places have eggs, and various animals whose meat they devour. One of Lan's favorites is the wild boars in the mountains which always seem to have a smokey yet sweet taste to the meat, but are difficult for many to hunt as they have thick hides in addition to being able to grow very large with immense tusks made of ore.


After the other makes a plate, Lan gets his own. "I have business elsewhere today that so I will be leaving for awhile." He comments after a few minutes of them eating. If the other asks then Lan will bring him along, but otherwise the smaller male will be left here to rest and do whatever it is his kind do. Though clear instructions of not to wander will be given. The dragon thinks to himself as he glances at the other out of the corner of his eye. Not that the other poses any sort of threat, but thought of the other digging around and messing with his treasure well... Any dragon would swiftly seek to end any being foolish enough to do such.


Should the other ask then Lan has various books and such that may assist with learning about the world the sky dweller finds himself in. Otherwise the dragon figures that such a small and fragile creature will spend most of the day sleeping and eating in order to recover.

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There weren’t words enough to describe the relief René felt when Lan showed him where he could wash up and relieve himself. He’d already spent most of their walk through the cave trying to figure out how to approach him about the matter without being awkward about it. Simply being told where to go saved him the trouble and embarrassment. So, after once again thanking the dragon, he quickly excused himself before disappearing into the room he’d been pointed towards.


With the most immediate crisis happily overcome, he made his way towards what the dragon had referred to as his ’bath’. René wasn’t sure it could even be called that. One could bathe in it, alright, but it was nothing like the properly equipped bathrooms he was used to. Casting one last, skeptic glance at the spring, he slipped out of his clothes and tentatively dipped his foot into the water. ”Well, at least it isn’t cold…” he mumbled to himself, allowing the rest of himself to slide into the water.


That might have been a mistake.


The moment his body was enveloped by the water, he was gripped by a sharp, inexplicable fear. A panic so strong it was suffocating. Suddenly, he wasn’t in the cave anymore. The water was no longer warm – it was icy cold. Rain whipped his face and deafening thunder rumbled in the sky. The waves violently tore at him, pulling him under, water forcing its way down his throat. He tried to scream but no sound came out. He tried to struggle but he knew, deep down, that there was no way he could best the stream.


And then it was over.


Coughing and spluttering, he had heaved himself out of the water, his chest rising and falling rapidly with affect. His heart was beating so hard he almost thought he could hear it. He wrapped his arms around his slender frame and for a while, he just sat there, kneeling on the rock hard stone floor as he attempted to grasp what had just happened.


It took him a while, but eventually he managed to calm down. It was only then that he realized his clothes were missing. So, after finding a towel to dry himself with, he started rummaging through the chest once more. Eventually he settled for a purple tunic – perhaps recalling the dragon’s comment, although he would never have admitted it if asked, and loose vanilla white trousers. Although still a bit odd in appearance, they were considerably easier to put on.


When he emerged in the kitchen area a few minutes later, still looking slightly out of it. He took a seat at the table, pausing as the dragon told him he would be leaving on an errand. René hesitated, but only briefly.


”Would I be allowed to come along?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. His lips quirked into a small smile. ”It may be an opportunity to learn about this world.”

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Lan gives a small rumble of approval upon seeing the other's clothing choice. Good. He listens after all. The dragon thinks while looking over the purple tunic. After a moment he gives a slow blink while looking back at the other, head tilted slightly, as the request is made. In all honesty the dragon hadn't thought the other would ask to go with. Or at least not so soon. Shrugging the dragon waves a hand. "That's fine, but do be careful. I wouldn't want your first venture out to end in you being eaten or killed due to unknowingly insulting someone."


Not that it's all that easy to do so, mostly he's just teasing the other but there are some that are quick to take offense. Even being in Lan's company might not be enough protection should René come across those and unknowingly commit offense. "I'll be leaving shortly after gathering a few items." He lightly squints at the other and gives a huff of irritation. "If you're to go out I suppose I'll need to dig you up some shoes and something to cover up with. After the storm it'll most likely be cool for most of the day, and perhaps even through tomorrow."


Frowning, Lan taps a finger against his thigh as he tries to think of where he might have such items. I'm sure I have a few cloaks somewhere, but shoes...? Snorting and letting loose some smoke, he decides to worry about it after he finishes eating and continues to eat until his portion, which is the larger of the two, is finished. "I will meet you by the entryway." Standing, he takes his dirty dishes to deposit them in the kitchen to clean upon his return before heading deeper into the cave.


As he knows where he keeps the items promised for payment, though he does have to hand gather by hand, he first goes to find the cloak and shoes. The cloak is easy enough to find amongst the other cloth items he has, but the shoes take some more work though eventually he does find some. Looking at his find, Lan eyes them skeptically though not so much for the items themselves, but of the other's ability to put them on. Shrugging he gathers the items then heads off to grab the payment he needs to deliver, well, the part kept in his cave anyway.


Soon he returns to the entrance and goes up to Lan. "Sit." Barely waiting for the other to comply he quickly grabs one foot and then the other. Soon the two are encased in what almost appears to leather wraps. "Good, they fit." Lan grumps before dumping the cloak over the other's head. "There. Put that on and we'll get headed out. I have one stop to make before my appointment." Turning, he walks away but soon the large form of the dragon once again fills the cave. Glancing at the other briefly, Lan leaves the cave and begins walking through the small grotto that his cave is tucked into.


Once they leave the hidden crevice in the mountainside, they leave behind the greenery of the grotto for the rugged terrain of the forested mountainside. Leading the way down, they eventually reach a lake that goes into an underwater cave in the shadows of the mountain. Lan looks around first before pointing to a spot near the water's edge. "Stay there, and do not move."


He gives the other a firm look before stepping into the water. Once he reaches a point he can no longer go further in dragon-form, he shifts then vanishes down into the depths. He has to go to a far side of the cave under the water, but reaches a small area that has an air pocket, in which is a small ledge that has several fern-like plants that almost appear to have been carved out of silver. With a gentleness that seems at odds with what he is, Lan gently picks two of one of the plants' branches then tucks them in a pouch.


Done, he leaves and goes back to the other. Once nearly out of the lake he shift back to being a dragon before looking at his tag along to make sure he was still alive. Without a word he begins walking back towards the forest and finds a fairly clear spot. "You're not afraid of heights or flying yes?" "Not waiting for a response, Lan gathers up the other up carefully with one paw then stretches his wings out. With a sharp snap they stretch out, filling the area before suddenly they're in the sky and heading towards the town Lan was just as yesterday. He doesn't fly all that high, for him, as the trees are are within reaching distance if he were to stretch a leg out, but to the small being held carefully against the chest it could appear completely different.


After a short flight, no more than perhaps 20 minutes, Lan lands in a clearing and sets René down before shifting. "The town is just another ten minute's walk." He states while starting off, not thinking to check on the other as well, the other male had come from a place where they apparently fly to get around so comparatively this should have been nothing.

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If nothing else, Lan’s rumble of approval gave René a mild sense of satisfaction – although he tried not to let it show too much. Smiling a little to himself, he started packing food onto his plate – although it did not even amount to half the size of Lan’s portion. He had just started cutting into the meat when the dragon’s words caused him to stop mid motion. He glanced up, seemingly paler than before.


”Eaten or killed?” René’s voice came out considerably more high pitched than intended, a small shudder crawling down his back. Perhaps it was not such a good idea to leave the safe confines of the dragons home after all. At the same time, the thought of staying there entirely on his own actually made him feel kind of antsy. Now that he was there he wanted to see the outside world, after all, and in the end his curiosity triumphed over his fear. That isn’t to say he wasn’t feeling nervous, and he spent most of the meal in thoughtful silence, only responding to the things Lan had to say. At least the food was good – better than he would have expected, and once he was finished he dipped his head in gratitude, thanking the dragon for the meal as was proper.


René didn’t have to wait by the entrance for long, which was good because he could barely contain his excitement. Pacing back and forth, he only stopped upon hearing the dragon’s approaching footsteps. A slight frown creased his forehead. Being ordered to sit so gruffly kind of made him feel like he was being treated like a dog. Even so he complied, watching as the dragon helped him into the strange pair of shoes.


”You know, I’m aware I look kind of delicate but I could probably manage this much on my own…” he trailed off, getting up to quickly follow the dragon who was already on his way out. It wasn’t all that easy to keep up. Lan in his large dragon form could cover a lot more ground in a shorter span of time than René could ever hope to match. He didn’t complain, however. René didn’t want to risk making the dragon think he was even more of a helpless damsel than he already seemed to believe. Even so, he was happy when they eventually reached the lake, giving him a chance to catch his breath.


He vaguely nodded hi shead on response to the dragon’s command, although he couldn’t help but frown slightly. Lan was kind of treating him like a child and he wasn’t sure he liked it. Telling him to wait by the lake was completely unnecessary. Where else would he have gone? He didn’t have the faintest idea of where he was or what dangers he might face. Clearly just running off into the wilderness was a terrible idea, and yet somehow it seemed like the dragon wouldn’t have put it past him. Mildly irritated, he kicked a rock into the water, only to regret it shortly thereafter. The primitive ’shoes’ (if they could even be called that) didn’t do a very good job of cushioning the impact, causing a hiss of pain to slip past his lips. He missed his boots. Why couldn’t he just have worn them? Although he supposed they wouldn’t have gone very well with the tunic…


René’s thoughts were interrupted by the reemergence of the dragon. Glancing up, he shook his head at the dragon’s question.


”No, of course not. I’m- woah!” He exclaimed as the dragon picked him up, the entire thing seeming almost surreal. At first René wondered if this was safe – what if the dragon accidentally dropped him? Yet soon that concern left his mind, and he found himself studying the passing landscape with great interest. They were flying a lot closer to the ground than he’d ever been with an airship, and he was noticing things he hadn’t before. Like a hoard of wild horses grazing in a clearing. Or a deer with two fawns by a creek.


Even once they had landed, René’s heart kept fluttering with excitement. He glanced around, eyes large and filled with curiosity. There was so much to take in that he nearly missed that the dragon had started walking away.


”Ah! Wait!” He called as soon as he was hit by the realization, hurrying after him with great speed. Or at least as fast as he could manage with these kinds of shoes. They didn’t really seem ideal for trekking this sort of terrain. This only became all the more apparent when the ground suddenly seemed to disappear from under him. With a surprised shriek, he fell into the mud.


It appeared that in all his effort to keep up he hadn’t paid much attention to the ground, which as it turned out, was still wet and slippery from the storm.


”Ah bugger!” He cursed, well aware of the fact that he probably looked as miserable as he felt. ”That’s just my typical luck…” Even so he gritted his teeth and got back up on his feet, ignoring the throbbing sensation in his ankle. He could probably manage getting to the village. Lan had said it wasn’t very far…

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