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do you have a pet? (talk about it)


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XD my sister named it after reading the great Alexander

he has a habit of changing the cage decoration inside and sleeps now with a mini blanket

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wa~ such a cute cats u have there =3


well, we raised a lot of cats in the past, birds, rabbits, torturs...............duksXD

but well, now my father don't want any in the house.. he say it bring dissises and so -,-

but when I grow up, I'll surely pick some cats .. I totally love them X3

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i am cat lovers, i have 4 cat, they are; momo (female), chiko (male), jumbo (male), and blacky (male). they rarely together in one time, but you can always find momo at home, she was the queen, spoiled one. they not special ras, just local cat. i find them in the street, i always carry a few of dry cat food in my bag, then whenever i see a poor cat spontaneously i give it. i raise them since their little.

but i think they are coward cat, like momo; she never left home, if she want to see around, she will standing in front door or top of motorcycle on the garage of my house, she dont have special ability, she wont finish her food if no one accompany her and she always sleep in my bed. then jumbo; he really coward big boy, he would run into the house if being pursued by another cat, he love to lazzy around, bitting and screwing my paper, a lot of eat, always try to catch my brother fish on the aquarium (my brother raise two arwana fish) i hope he got bitting that fish someday.

chiko and blacky, their hobby as like as jumbo, but they like to climb my PC', sleeping on top of my lappy, playing and bitting my hand, etc...


after i am out of my house i wish i can raise a wild forest cat and a siberian husky....... >.

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I used to have a horse, his name was Major but he died when he was 33 yrs. old ,he was my best friend and I had him a long time but he lived a good life and he died surrounded by his other friends (other horses) . He was strawberry blonde in color. Eventaully I would like another horse but, financally, that can't be done at this time. For the time being, I have 2 male cats who think they are dogs!!!! They are black and white domestics and they are 12 yrs. old and big babies, Socrates (38 lbs.) and Beethoven (29 lbs.). They are also brothers, we had them since they were kittens!!!!! Socrates is the philosipher ,who still meows like a kitten(super funny!!!) and Beethoven loves music and also loves to talk ALL THE TIME!!!! (really!!!)

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Not sure I ever posted any pics here XD


I hav two cats, Socks (Socksie, age 9) and Bakeneko (Baka, age 14), both male, and like opersites. Socks will run from anything, and same as unblocked's Momo, never eats unlesss someone's with him. Baka is a lazy thing, but as soon as someone opens something (anything) in the kitchen, he's there in a flash, begging for food. :p


Here is Socksie ^^ (my lil scaredy cat vampire)




Bakeneko is to hideous to post, poor boy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I live in a private house in the village so there are a lot of animals near me but usually they are wild and don't think about me as their master or owner:) I have the alpinarium in my garden and there the black toad lives among the stones. It croaks when the weather is good. It sounds kind of like the snoring:) There are a lot of snails too. And the ferrets live in the neighborhood (wild ferrets). Sometimes when the night is bright you can saw them playing on the roofs or hunting. Sometimes an owl visit my garden (I've a great collection of the feathers). There is the sparrowhawk too: it is hunting my sparrows (that live on the roof of my house). I have some bats too (but you can see them only in the summer of course).


Unfortunatelly, I've lost my cats so now I don't have any real pets but I think that the wild ones are good enough too:)

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[ QUOTE=$originalposter]{I live in a private house in the village so there are a lot of animals near me but usually they are wild and don't think about me as their master or owner I have the alpinarium in my garden and there the black toad lives among the stones. It croaks when the weather is good. It sounds kind of like the snoring There are a lot of snails too. And the ferrets live in the neighborhood (wild ferrets). Sometimes when the night is bright you can saw them playing on the roofs or hunting. Sometimes an owl visit my garden (I've a great collection of the feathers). There is the sparrowhawk too: it is hunting my sparrows (that live on the roof of my house). I have some bats too (but you can see them only in the summer of course).


Unfortunatelly, I've lost my cats so now I don't have any real pets but I think that the wild ones are good enough too}




wow . it's great to be surrounded by wild animals.....(except snakes DX)....

... i'm sorry about your cat T_T

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[ QUOTE=$originalposter]{$pagetext}


I had a really strange cat, you know:D that was a male-cat but he looked just like a female - so slim, so gracefull, even his neck was sooo long:) he was just a homeless cat but he looked like the egyptian one (sphynx). The first time I've seen him he jumped right on my knees and began to purr. He was so kindhearted. But that cat was already old when I've found it so... that was no wonder I guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have one dog named Zorro (we didn't name him, he was adopted by us) and four cats, all female. Their names are (from oldest to youngest): Minouche (she was adopted too), Bixby (she was a birthday present from my best friend), Dagda and Neko (those two are sisters and were rescued by us, otherwise they would have been thrown on the streets)

I had a male cat, but he suddenly disappeared one day :msn_red_fox 18

I still miss him :(

But anyway those are the pets I have :)

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  • 1 month later...

i love bears so much and cats i have cat but i afraid of him so


he is just come in our yard for eating

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I have two golden retrievers, Amadeus and Valeska xD Amadeus (mostly called "Ami" (male)) was adopted by us 9 years ago, when he was a little cute puppy. His name was Pearl, but we thought it isn't really a name for a male dog, so we gave him another name (he didn't know his name, so it wasn't that bad ;D). And Valeska was adopted by us 4 or 5, maybe even 6 years ago^^ It's a female. We didn't name her, she was one year old when she got to our family. Her old owner had punished her with towels and newspapers, so she was afraid of them at first! O.O After she had an operation, she got a little fat, we don't know why o.O

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My beloved pets are Jin a female Maremma Sheepdog, Cillo (read Chillo) a male mixed-breed dog and Muning a female European shorthair cat.


Jin is 5 years old and we got her when she was 2 months. She is docile and acts as a mother to Cillo. She is very protective due to her sheepdog blood. Though she is not trained she is obidient. A perfect family and countryside dog.


Cillo is a disaster. Though he is not a puppy anymore, he is spiteful, steals food from Jin and follow us when we go walking. Due to an accident he lost 2 paws and despite of this he is very active. He even runs!


Muning is a mystery. She shows up when she is hungry and we really do not know where she hides all the time. The few times she is around she brings us some... "presents" (dead little rats or lizards).


I love them and i can't immagine my life without them!


By the way i have got some chickens and used to have goats (goat milk :Q____) (are they even considered as pets? XD )

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I have a female dog name Zoey that we adopted and three male cats named rebel, midnight and matches. He's name was patches but he always like to knock over the match box and play with the matches so the name kinda stuck.

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I had an aquarium with little fishes 8 years ago. I feed them 2 times a day and change their water once or two times a week (depended on how much messy were). I watched them swim every day. They were brightly colored and sometimes made noise when they rised to the surface to breathe.


Now I have a female dog, Lessy, 5 years old. She always is happy to see me and wants to kiss me. Her daughter, Pusha, is 2 years old and looks very much like her mother but she stays with my grandmother.

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I had a fishe named JOoJOo... i bought it for our new year's tradition. I feed it 2 times in day and change the water three times in week . it died 2 weeks ago.


JooJoo was like this


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I have so many pets in my house (sounds like a private zoo, i guess, LOL), they are 3 german shepperd dogs, fish (aligator gar, golden fish, koi, catfish, Sinodonkist catfish, etc) :leaf12:











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  • 2 months later...



we just got ourself this 4 month old dog we ,named it Max :D

but our 2 siamese cats are scared from the cute frightened poppy

he was scared but now Max is playing with a ball ........ i loooove animals XD

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I kinda have a pet..He's a street cat ^^ I named him Scruffy since he never seems to bother with grooming himself like most cats do.He's white with ginger patches so it can be pretty obvious when he's dirty.I always end up brushing him for hours until one can tell that he's actually white and not dark grey(yes,that's how filthy he gets)

Why I care so much about his hygiene?

He's the (second) cuddliest cat I've ever had!! As soon as I step out of the house he meows like mad while rubbing against my legs,then he rolls over and demands a belly rub!! He's so damn adorable I can't resist and I always stroke him,but then my hands are all black from the filth on his fur >.>

Seems like the only way to get that cat completely clean would be to throw him in a tub full of water and give him a really good scrub! >.

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I have a cute female puppy. She's overly playful, more than I'd like but she's very cute. She's a mixed breed (3/4 rodweiler and 1/4 labrador retriever but she looks like a yellow labrador), she bites all the time, she's spoiled, always wants our attention, she's troublemaker but I love her so much I can forgive her pretty much anything, even the scratches and bites I have on my hands, arms and legs lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a dog before named Patchie, we love him a lot, we gave him to one of my mom's close friend but he died in a car accident. Tch* until now I don't need a pet other than patchie.

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@ gin ..... that's really sad, i can't imagine losing my dog or cat ,,they are like friends >_

give it some time then bring a dog(friend) ^_^

you will remember the funny and good thing about patchie if you bring a dog ^_^

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