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Imprint on Me (SapphireD910 x WolfDog12)


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There is this famous scientist, one known for creating sex robots that really please people. They are so realistic physically that it is hard to tell that they are fact by simply looking. What makes them so easy to work with is that they aren't conscious so they only do and say as their told. Some are even being created for house hold use rather than hiring a maid or something.


Just as these machines became a part of the world's daily life, the famous scientist, known for creating a project and simply moving onto the next without showing much interest after it was completed, vanished and no one knew where to. There were rumors that he had finally created a machine that he wanted to live the rest of his life with; his greatest creation, if you will.


One day, YC, who was friends with that famous scientist since you were younger, finds a machine tossed over a pile of trash. He was powered down with no charge left in him and left to become scrap. On the machine there is a note, one that simply says, "He is special, please take care of him." And the note is signed with a fake name, a kind of nickname YC recognizes as the scientists.


After a full charge and being powered on again, it is quick and easy to see what the scientist meant by him being special. Unlike the other machines, this one is conscious. It can think, feel, and overall act human as well as do as he pleases without listening to orders. The problem was, while he figured out how to live, he was still a sex machine and could get wet from the slightest of touches to certain sensitive areas. This was the sex machine, the partner the lonely scientist had created 14 years ago and went into hiding with to hide that he had made a conscious machine. Now that his life was in danger, he had sent MC away to find a new home to keep his secret.


What will happen between the two?


(Btw, just because he was created 14 years ago doesn't mean he is 14 per say. He was created as a 22-year-old. These machine's don't age and none are made to look or act like kids. Mostly for safety purposes even though their fake green eyes are dead give away's that they are machines.)






Name: Azusa (Feel free to call him whatever you want)

Code Number: 20406812

Gender: Male

Model: Unknown

Age: 14 (Human years) 22 (Age he should be if human)

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 150 lbs (Due to being a machine but if human would weight about 130 lbs)

Most sensitive spot: Tongue

Power button: Under the chin like every other Doll

Hair color: Light brown

Eye color: Synthetic green (Like every other doll)


Personality: Azusa is extremely loyal but one could argue that it was because of his imprinting and taking on a primary user. However, he would risk destruction if it meant being able to help someone in need. He is always filled with a childish wonder especially because of the fact that he was never really allowed outside or at least not far from the house. He couldn't go to town and that left him truly curious. That curiosity was dangerous but his creator was sure to raise him properly and didn't delete the code for that curiosity because it was a human quality to wonder and want to know. Besides, it would only be a problem if the creator were to die... (Oops)




"Wait!! Jay!! What's happening?!" The young male cried as he ran into the room his creator was in who was tossing all his paperwork and pouring gas. "Jay!! That's flammable!!" as if Jay didn't already know that as he lit a match and tossed it onto the paper covered in gas. The whole room was engulfed in flames in a matter of seconds.


The synthetic looked on in horror as his creator grabbed his shoulders and shouted at him to run and that he had to get away as quickly as possible. "They were coming" Jay seemed to keep repeating every few words as he pushed his doll out the door. "Who's coming?!!!" The Synth tried to get any information he could, but it was no use, his creator was rambling on and on trying to burn the house to the ground. He continued to shove his pleading doll away who refused and grabbed onto him scared of what might happen should he let go. "Please stop!!!" he begged.


"You have to stay safe," Jay said, voice calming as he placed his hands on the synth's trembling shoulders. "Here," Jay pulled out a tiny drawn map and told the smaller male to go there as quickly as possible.... He'd be safe.... "My friend will take care of you. Now, go!" He shoved the doll and continued to order him to run.


The synthetic, that had fallen into the grass upon being shoved now scampered to his feet and sprinted down the street as fast as he could. He could hear his creator ordering he not look back and not stop until he made it to the place on that map. The doll ran and ran until he couldn't run any longer. He found that his power run running out. There had been no time to charge. He shifted his extra energy and proceeded to walk. It took a day just to make it to where the town was in sight. It took another 6 hours just to get there.


The Synthetic had a sweatshirt on and pulled the hood over his head to try and hide his eyes a little and to hide the dirt from the fire he had come from. The map was complicated and the boy realized he only had about 6% of battery left. Every street, every turn... It took more and more out of him. There were so many people to avoid and Synthetics he couldn't afford to come into contact with. In a world where just about every other being is a synth, it was hard. Synthetics could share information through Eye contact but Azusa turned his sharing off. No one was suppose to know his existence... Though, if he had been in the city before he'd have been able to find a charging station and gotten a little more power.


2%. The male circled the block a couple times. 'Is this really the right block? Where am I?' He looked down at the map and up at the buildings. Around and around he walked.


1%. 'My system can't keep up... I have to..... find.....' 0%. The male shut down and his body dropped into a pile of trash bags. The map fell from his hand and blew under on of the bags. A few people that walked by attempted to turn him on but when it didn't happen, they shrugged and left. The only indication on him was a small wrist band he wore. It was certainly an odd band with nothing but a strange word or name... Perhaps initials staying with a "J" on it. It belonged to his creator given to him by an old friend.

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*Image based on Steins Gate, I do not claim any ownership of the image or character design, just working stand in to represent character features I imagined.


Name: Malcolm Hale

Age: 32

Hair: Short, jet black

Eyes: Honey

Height: 6’


Background: A struggling researcher and part-time instructor. Has constantly had to overcome his association with his old friend and colleague, who eventually became famous for a particular line of Synthetics. Malcolm found himself growing distant from his friend when the man started working harder towards a more self-aware robot. Malcolm could only be proud of his friend for his accomplishments in A.I.'s that now roamed the world, but he feared where he was heading when they last worked closely together. He's since worked mostly as a professor, but still once in a while will hear questions about his old friend and the "testing" of these robots.



"Hey, looks like it's started, someone seems to have tossed a perfectly good Synth in the trash heap. Didn't even bother taking it to be re-purposed." Malcolm overheard some ladies talking at the cafe at the end of his block.


"You mean that alleyway next to the townhouses?" Another woman asked. Wonder why no one's just taken it?"


"Well they're so easy to come by, why drag a couple of hundred pounds around that obviously someone else found a problem with?"


"Hey Malcolm, didn't you used to work with him, the guy behind Synths?"


"Graduated together, worked in the labs together, roomed together." Malcolm said, almost as though reciting steps in a common recipe.


"Did he ever test them out when you roomed together? Like did you walk in on him...?"




"Did he ever get you to...?"


"No!" He heard enough, the conversations seemed to always go that direction and he'd grown tired of it. One of his best friends was always the robot fucker and he was always a partner to the testing. He knew Jay was aiming for more than that, but also realized that people put their desires before innovation, and well, once Jay had the time and means to explore further, it scared Malcolm a bit.


He headed back towards his townhouse, about to just head right in and straight to his basement lab and study, but curiosity tugged at him. He looked around the corner to the alleyway where all the dumpsters and recycling bins were lined up. He, turned away, not sure he wanted to see, and opted to go straight inside. Those things, they still looked so human, when they were mistreated or tossed, when their bodies were poorly cared for and allowed to break, it made him feel sick.


With a deep sigh he grabbed his little waste basket and stepped back outside. He walked into the alleyway towards a dumpster when the sight made him freeze. Sure enough there was the Synth, collapsed face first into some trash bags. He stepped a bit closer to the dumpster where it was next to and dumped his bin before leaning in to examine it closer.


Malcolm leaned in, touching it ever so gently. There was so little to tell that it was a Synth, but he felt for the power button under the chin. He sighed deeply and figured he had to give the thing a chance, he had an adapter, he could give the thing enough of a charge to help it either get back to it's owner, if it's owner wasn't a jerk that dumped it here, or to a re-purpose station, where they could help the thing be set up with a new owner. There they could check and clean to allow it to be used for sex or to be used for other means without concerns of cleanliness. Every Synth doll had a record of use and while ones used for sex were the hardest to re-purpose for health concerns, it seemed wrong to leave it here.


He hoisted it over his shoulder, a bit heavy, but no worst than some of the lab equipment he sometimes moved. He could see some stranger looks as he took the thing inside, but figured those people were retracing their old jokes about him as a user of the prototypes.


Into the basement Malcolm sat the Synth in an old armchair and dug out the adapter that Jay had sent him as a gift for if he ever "felt like having a doll" of his own. Stepping back to look at it a moment after plugging the adapter in he noticed a band on it's wrist and wondered how'd he missed it before. He knelt next to the chair, gently looking the wrist over and reading the writing on the band, "Jamal Leah." His eyes shot open wide and he looked up into the Synth's face, such soft and peaceful features in its off mode. How likely was it that someone would actually have that name? "Jay?!"


With hesitation Malcolm pushed under the doll's chin to turn it on. He watched as its almost lime green eyes lit up and focused on him. He wasn't comfortable being under its attention, he'd never really taken to these things, even knowing the maker personally. "A-are you okay? I found you outside without any power, but you look in perfect condition." His other hand had never moved, still touching the Synth's wrist. "What are you called by?" If he didn't suspect that this Synth was directly from Jay he'd hesitate to be this close while first powering up, but he worried something had happened to Jay, possibly coming to him.

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Upon being turned on, or in Azusa's terms, woken up, his eyes quickly came into focus but after being asked if he was alright, it was instinctive to do a system check. "Power at 4% currently connected to power source.... All systems online and functional." For a moment it just sounded like any other Synth until the male looked at the person who asked properly and then down at his hand where the man was holding his wrist.


"AH!!!" Azusa screamed and tried to move away but wasn't really able to. "Who are you?! Where am I?" He looked around in a panic now acting human. He stared back at the other and felt strange all of a sudden. "No primary user found." The synth realized what he was saying and looked like he could cry. Of course, synths didn't have tears so he didn't but he looked completely miserable.


"I'm called Azusa.... At least I was by my last primary user." He looked down for a second as he started to run through all his memories. He then glanced up. "I've seen you before... In a photo on my user's desk... Back from the laboratory... Tell me, have I found 204 Prime street? If not please can you tell me where it is? I have to find someone there!!" Azusa realized just how much of his nature he revealed. If this man didn't say the synth was in the right place then he was in deep trouble. Hopefully this guy didn't try and turn him in... A synthetic like this would probably be destroyed if not given a complete memory wipe and full system cleaning to take out everything that made him... well him... He'd just be another thing...


"Please, whatever you do, don't call the cops, I promise I won't hurt you... I just want to go home..." He glanced down now thinking about the fire. "At least, I did.... I guess I don't have a home to go back to..." Azusa felt horrible and what was worse was that he no longer could feel the imprinting in him... Which could only mean one of two things.... "Tell me, I haven't been modified right? What's today's date?" Part of him was hoping some long time had passed and someone managed to hack his brain and cleaned out the imprint... But then, if that were the case they'd clean out his personality and suppress the memories so he could be sold at a high price.


Once he got word that it was still the day he had shut down, Azusa placed his hands around his center and bent towards his knees. "So he is dead.... Jay...." He whispered the name to himself but it was probably overheard as the synthetic lost the one person that showed him what love was, taught him how to be a human, how to feel, act, think. Now that man was gone and so was his home. Azusa was completely alone... There was no one left for him... He only had one person and now that person had been taken from him.


The male wanted to get up and hide somewhere but he wasn't going to run away, not without knowing more about his savior and hopefully repaying him unless he tried to bring harm to the doll. Besides, why would he give up a charge? There was no getting far on 9% of battery.... He'd probably not make it out of the town before collapsing and shutting down all over again. "Thank you for helping me Mr...." Azuse realized he didn't get his name... he probably wasn't listening in his time of panic but was now managing to calm down a little more to think rationally.


"So, you knew Jay in school correct? Thank you for taking care of my creator. He was probably a handful... Getting hooked on a project and not getting his head out of it for days on end... Forgetting to eat or sleep? Sorry he was so tough..." Azusa spoke fondly of the man but seemed to know his little quirks as well.


By the way his eyes seemed to come in and out of focus, either there was something wrong with them or Azusa was looking through his system again to check for any extra helpful information or damages done to him. 'I'm charging just fine so why is my system not responding quite as freely as I wish it to... I also have no access to any outside information. All I have are my memories... Think... why is that...' It didn't take long to figure it out. All synthetics, including Azusa, a perfect AI was built with a core requiring a primary user which means that Azusa had to imprint or his external system would start to shut down and stop all together until he got the imprint. What should he do? He'd probably be able to last another couple days before his body stopped moving but how could he imprint on someone without getting destroyed for what he was?


The male's green eyes then focused completely on the male in front of him... He was Jay's friend so he could help... But did he want to?

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Malcolm cringed through his startled smile at the way the Synth was reacting and jerked away in panic. He'd never really interacted with one that much since he stopped working with his old partner, but this didn't seem right all the same. Reacting? Panic? He watched him with some consideration and curiosity at the doll's mannerisms and speech, barely registering most of what it was going on about only that he wasn't what he typically observed out of Synths at a distance. He seemed to be in perfect operation and seemed to just have fallen short on battery power, he thought Jay made it part of their features to monitor their own battery levels.


"Azusa... no reason to change that. It's a rather nice name." He reached over to his work bench pulling a stool between his legs and sitting facing the Synth. His eyes were the only thing that clearly gave him away, and he was not behaving at all like one normally did. It was almost like a human had contacts to look like a Synth instead of a Synth being this... human. He shook his head with worry. Had his former partner truly gotten this far?


"My name is Malcolm, Malcolm Hale." His brows knotted together in question as he heard the Synth had no primary user. He definitely appeared to have a close connection to Jay, but he wouldn't jump to conclusions that Jay had been the primary user, maybe he had a handler or tech testing a new prototype. "Your band... I know that name... most of it comes from my name," he smiled obviously reminiscing. "It's sort of a pseudoname combining our names for back and forth, to throw people off, just one name on messages, like a crazy person just talking to himself, instead of two crazy guys." He laughed a little.


He was startled as Azusa mentioned seeing him before among his user's photos. Did he keep those things up of me? So Jay was... is, his primary. "You are at 204 Prime Street." His voice became strained. "So Jay sent you... to me?" He snorted at the doll's reassurances. "I know you're strong, but I'm not worried. You seem more scared right now, seems understandably so." He looked to the floor, he couldn't accept that Jay was... gone. The man was a genius, it was possible that he'd sent this doll for some purpose, and simply remotely wiped his user data for some safety purpose. At least that was what Malcolm was going to tell himself for now. But the more he observed the Synth, Azusa was it, the more he concluded that he would have been important, at least to Jay and his life-long work, and not so easily given up. This one seemed so much closer to his desired work than any while they'd worked together. He wouldn't have sent the thing off alone with a risky charge level unless it was... necessary. Especially not to him, a guy who'd distanced himself from this science long ago and never even considered taking one of these dolls for his own purposes.


Malcolm watched with a level of concern as the Synth's responses, his visible pain, were clearly on a new level of A.I. that was overwhelming him. "Hey now, there must be a reason for all of this. I know Jay wouldn't have sent you here without a reason... you seem... special... and not just to him." He reached out hesitantly with a reassuring touch to the Synth's knee. "Did he tell you anything about what he wanted me to do? I haven't really interacted with your kind since I was working with him." He started rubbing his chin in thought. He thought to himself, you seem to be something like his life goal reached, I must say. I'm proud of him. "But to be frank, I don't know what I should do to help."


He smiled. "Well you were definitely with him." That statement made him almost question in what capacity, but he knew Jay pretty well. He loved his work, but to design something like this, using the sex features... if Azusa's design still had those, which he must, Jay would still love this one above all others. Human and not. "He was a handful. Despite being older I did have to nearly mother him to take care of himself. Swear that guy thought lab fumes produced calories to live off or something."


He sat back with a sigh. "If... if something has happened, at this point normally you'd need a new user. There are facilities that could check you out, make sure things are fine and help you get attached to a new user. Things happen and Synths need to be reassigned or something all the time." He had to redirect his thoughts. What was sitting in front of him didn't feel like a Synth, like a doll, it was like a person, and Malcolm didn't want to talk about data, programming and new users, especially given that users did really use their Synths to some extremes for what he saw. "Dammit Jay, you knew didn't you?" He cursed aloud. "I can't take you to one of those places. Not seeing how... different you are. Crazy son of a bitch really did it it seems."


He leaned in over examining Azusa closely. "I do have one thing I'll absolutely need to do while we figure out this grand plan that mad man had in mind. Wait here." He forced a gentle tone to keep Azusa calm, as he walked over to a small half bathroom in the corner of the lab, opening up the medicine cabinet and bringing something back with him. "Someone once learned I used to work with Jay, he asked me to help his... companion blend in better. There's contacts out there to make human's appear like Synths, but they're seen as a, uh, well... prostitution tool. With your enhanced... state, your eyes might give the wrong impression see. And for those who would definitely know you are Synth... well, I see your worries there. So put these in. They'll at least help with those eyes of yours, but they wont block other Synths, they'll just help fool humans."


"So did he... give you anything, say anything, input anything to know what I should do?"

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It was pretty clear that Malcolm was having a hard time wrapping his brain around the fact that Azusa was in fact a synth even though he looked human... Hey, he could have been a human wearing contacts but nothing could completely replicate those eyes perfectly and he wouldn't have an opening for a charge cord on his lower right side. Plus there was the fact that he didn't collapse because of hunger but from lack of battery... Even though he tried so hard to monitor it, he still ended up shutting down. Though thankfully, it was Doctor Malcolm Hale that saved him. It felt like Jay was still looking out for the synth even now. "Anyway, thank you for letting me charge Doctor Hale," the synth stated with a smile.


Azusa felt better knowing that he was where he was suppose to be but still... something was wrong... Right away the doctor began talking about having the Synth taken someplace where he would be checked out and probably sold as nothing but a sex slave. Sure, he had qualities but every Synth did and while Jay liked to tease, they never actually did go all the way. Jay was more like a father to him then a sex partner. It wouldn't matter anyway because if anyone got the chance to take a look in his brain, Azusa's core code would be looked at as illegal modification or some kind of virus and it would all have to be destroyed before he was sold.


"Please, don't take me to one of those places. I can read through my own system and make sure there aren't any irregularities.... I just... If I go to one of those places I'll be put down like a dog... No... I'd be lucky that way... My mind would be wiped and I'd get a whole new coding.... Then I'd be sold off as some sex slave. Please don't take me there," Azusa begged. He could only hope that Malcolm didn't try to take him to any of those places. Wasn't he Jay's friend? Why would he go and risk having Azusa destroyed? After all, he really was what Jay always dreamed of having... True AI... Heck, he was the only conscious synthetic to ever exist... No way the government would want a bunch of him running around.


When Malcolm addressed his concerns of not knowing how to handle the Synth or even what to do with him from here, it was time that Azusa started to explain some more. "You see, Jay was convinced that someone was after him... They probably were and the day before Yesterday, they seemed to have caught onto where he was. He set fire to the house and gave me a map to this house. You see, you were his only friend.... Ever.... He talked about you two but never used your real name... Actually, this was the name he always called you." He looked down and turned the wrist band to show the name. "He thought I would be safe here. You see, the people after Jay were people who wanted to make sure he never achieved his goal of creating a perfectly conscious synthetic... That's why he burned the house with all his research... He had to send me away because if they found me, they'd know and have their hands on the tech needed." Azusa paused for a moment trying to work up more courage to finish talking. "I was told to come here because he thought you would be able to take me in and keep me safe... Which would mean I should imprint on you.... But if you don't want me to I won't!!!" He quickly added the last part.


The topic did change over to Jay and his work ethic and he snickered. He'd never heard it put in such great terms on how he blocked out everything but work. Jay was always lost in his work.


Malcolm seemed torn about taking Azusa someplace else and knowing that it was impossible to do so... He wouldn't be able to walk in, get a check up and walk out... It just couldn't happen. "I'm sorry, I may not know much but if there's anything I know from the past 14 years, it's that people aren't ready and shouldn't know about me..." He was an extremely old Synthetic. Most lasted 2-3 years, 8 Max before going completely haywire. Azusa was 14 and still functioning perfectly.


He reached up and took the contacts as they were handed to him and the male looked down at them. Blue contacts to go with his blonde hair? That would look normal. Azusa opened them up and slipped the contacts over his eyes. blinking a couple times before looking up with a now human appearance. "Jay just hopes I can stay here and be safe... That's all.... Sorry for being a bother." He bowed his head a little. "If you're willing to let me stay, even if just for a little while, would you mind letting me imprint on you? Even I can't function fulling without a primary user.... Jay didn't want me to be independent so he left that feature in my core System. I guess I had too much curiosity for him to not be worried." Azusa snickered trying to lighten the dark mood he was feeling.


He was quite happy to be wearing the contacts. They may not do much against other synths but he had something else that would work against them... Lying. Synthetics couldn't lie. At least, normal ones couldn't. However, Azusa wasn't normal and his conscious brain was capable of lying and telling other synths that he was human. While they would know it wasn't true do to his lack of pulse and synthetic fluid in him, he could tell them he was human and that if he were a synth he wouldn't be able to lie... That should work... right? He'd never actually tested the theory.

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"Wow, you look pretty good with those." He arched his brow slightly, noting that he was actually pretty cute the longer he looked him over. He respected Jay, but he found it kind of suspect that his treasured A.I. would also manage to be this attractive. "I'm sorry, I scared you. I realize you're too different for one of those cleaners. You're too important to someone important to me if nothing else. He'd kill me if I found you another user. Even his dammed ghost would haunt me." He laughed. His hands nervously rubbed his knees trying to think straight. With the contacts in, Azusa looked almost entirely human. He looked off to the side solemnly, hearing the Synth speak of his old friend's troubles. "I would have helped him sooner. Even in all his craziness." He looked at the Synth as though to say that he still felt unease at his development.


"You... want to imprint... on me? Are you sure Jay meant to send you to me?" He was joking, but at the same time the idea did make him nervous. "I mean, I've never done that... I've never been a user before and Jay did all the programming. I helped mostly with the hardware... which thinking about it now..." He paused looking over Azusa critically, a little startled hearing him state his existence of 14 years. "You were made fourteen years ago?!" He let his fingers slide over Azusa's arm without thinking, looking carefully, taking mental notes. It was like looking over a regular machine for just a moment before looking back at those altered eyes. He pulled back bashfully.


"Sorry, I didn't mean to just touch you. Just that... how dare that guy go this far behind my back." Despite his words his smiled as if impressed. "All that time he had you, and he didn't even try to rub you in my face." He pulled away at his words. Shit, that sounded filthy. "I mean, he's a genius, but he loved bragging to me. That charger... he said someday I'd need it, I couldn't resist having one forever. Now... you're here, I suppose." He brushed the back of his neck. "Hows the charge coming by the way?"


"Anyway, what would you even require of me if you... imprinted?" He swallowed nervously. There were some things he and Jay had in common. While he could work and take care of himself, Jay was probably the only person he'd ever grown so close to. "I don't know if I can provide you stimuli... if that's how you function? I'm not even good with humans." He looked at Azusa with a serious look and sighed deeply. "I want to help you... I do... but... I don't know how. Just tell me what I need to do." For you Jay.

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"Hehe, I honestly thought that one day he would die working on a project and his ghost would finish it before he realized he was even dead...." Azusa looked down solemnly. "At least that's what I thought..." it was even hard for him to accept it... He relied on his memories for confirmation of information and Azusa didn't actually watch Jay die so he only had the fact that he didn't have a primary user... Though, knowing Jay he could have installed something that erased it for any number of reasons... Not just because he died... The synth really hoped that this was the case but knew he of all should face reality.


"Please don't be down on yourself... Jay knew you'd end up involved but didn't want it to be too soon. I overheard him talking to himself and he said that you would end up involved no matter what and that he needed it to be as a last resort... I'm not an easy secret to keep and the sooner and longer you were involved, the higher risk you were in by also being discovered by the ones that were after Jay... I wouldn't doubt if they came here asking questions... So I guess the less you know the better... I'm sorry..." It wasn't like Azusa was going to withhold information no matter what. It may have been safer for Malcolm that he didn't know but the synth also knew that what was going on with his friend was something he deserved to know.


"Being a user is the easy part!" He stated but it seemed his age was really weighing down on Malcolm. "It's ok, if you want to inspect me you can. If anyone could make sure my physical condition is in proper order it would be you. Right?" Malcolm did do a lot of the design for their structure so if he wanted to know then he off all people should be allowed to know. "Though, I'm not sure how much you'll learn from just the outside but you could at least make sure my body isn't rotting or something... Though I doubt anything is wrong physically... Except that I reek of trash and my feet are a bit sore from all the walking." He smiled. It seems Azusa even had a pain function. Kind of an odd function to add but then, it made him more human.


He listened quietly as Malcolm ranted on. He'd figure out the reason soon enough. At least, he hoped so. "I'm at 22% Amazing! I'm surprised at how quickly I'm charging. Then again, it will probably slow down soon. Typically, a full charge takes 13 hours. That includes taking in extra power for a back up... to keep the brain functioning while the rest of the body is shut down. I didn't use too much of that power so I should be fully charged in about 10 hours." Azusa was feeling pretty good. He would be able to charge faster if he went into energy saving mode but now more than ever, it seemed Malcolm really needed someone to talk to... Him to talk to. He could always worry about changing modes later, it wasn't like he'd lose charge up talking like this.


"Don't worry, Jay programmed me to be very self-learning. Most Synthetics can do the basic functions of cooking, cleaning, taking care of kids, and overall watching the house. There original function may have been sex but people found it weird that the doll would just lay in bed all the time waiting for them. So, now, even though their primary function can be for sex, they have been developed to even be alright for common families. You should at least know this since it's been going on since before I was created... Though, I guess back then they weren't being used by families because of the thought of what their original function was. They've come a long way though and Synths can now only have a legal adult as their primary user and will alert when a secondary user, or any minor tries to use the adult functions. They are safe locked so only a primary user can activate that feature but these days it doesn't actually have to be activated for the Synthetic to be able to function. There are some that go their whole lives without having their adult function activated."


Azusa took a minute to see if he was going off on an irrelevant tangent. "I will warn you that because I am conscious, that "Adult feature" is always active. Just like how humans can suddenly get horny exposed to certain stimuli but that stimuli isn't required for normal every day function. So, long story short... I can take care of myself and all you have to do is be my primary user in function only and make sure I stay safe and my nature completely unknown to the public. Like I said, being a user is the easy part." Azusa was positive that Malcolm could handle it. So long as he could handle having another human around... one that didn't eat or drink and plugged into a wall, then he could handle Azusa.

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"Then I guess I'll be your user. I owe it to Jay. I wouldn't get to do most of the work I really enjoy if we hadn't worked and grown our skills together. And he still acknowledged me in many of his final products." He smiled softly obviously thinking of his old friend. "Actually, while you're waiting for that charge to finish, I think an exam would be good. If you're going to be here... with me, it seems right to know as much about you as possible, and reintroduce myself to your build." His eyes wondered over Azusa with deep interest waning in and out of something strictly scientific to something more curious. "I mean, the mechanics of it shouldn't be too far off what Jay and I started with. It's that, brain he gave you that might stump me I'm afraid."


He flushed slightly feeling a bit stupid as he tried to talk around this situation. Azusa was a machine, but he didn't act like it and he'd only helped him to have less physical signs of being one. "As far as the insides, if you're willing I have some old tools Jay and I designed that the general public wouldn't really have the know how to use without corrupting their Synths. I can plug in, take a look... I promise nothing with wiping power, just reads your code, makes sure everything is in order. Though who knows if you'll overload it or if it'll even convert all of it to a code... given your special case."


Malcolm felt weird, like he was using some weird programmer's idea of sweet talk and compliments on the doll. Where others would say you're an interesting person, Malcolm was doting on processing power and capacity of memory in Azusa. It felt almost like he was indirectly flirting with Jay. He could imagine the older man proud and excited to hear such praise over his work, especially work that Malcolm had been openly hesitant towards. He felt a bit bad about not giving him more support, but it had sounded like the ramblings of a mad scientist to him at the time. They were young, he was younger than Jay, he was still more fearful of what they could really create.


"The reader plugs in right where you charge," Malcolm lightly brushed near the side where the charger was currently plugged in, letting out a soft sound at the feel of warm skin. It'd been so long since he worked on one, and he'd never had anything to do with Synths after they became operational. He was sure he'd passed them, maybe bumped into one, and of course he'd had to talk to some, but he never touched bare skin of one in operation. Despite their realistic form, when putting them together their bodies were fairly cold and it was almost like working with a corpse and Malcolm had to rationalize that they were machines just to get over that creep factor.


"So we can do an internal checkup after you're at full power. Let me get some stuff to clean you with as well to help with that odor in the meantime. You're not shy are you?" He laughed a little, though the truth was that he was a little uncertain of his own reaction to Azusa's form.


He gathered up a first aid kit and a few things from the bathroom. He kept a lot of items in there in case of small injuries or exposure in the lab. Though at this point the place was appearing more like a auto-shop than robotics and programming work space. Scattered around were large rolls for blueprints, a couple of blank fabric mannequins with scrap metal molded to certain shapes along their forms. A few computers lined up against the wall, each appearing to be in the middle of a different data process. The table where Malcolm had pulled his stool from in the middle of the room seemed to be fairly clear with his laptop, a couple of notebooks and a coffee.


Malcolm returned with a damp cloth and a box of medical and hygiene products. His first thought was to how interesting this might be to see Azusa's responses and sensitivity, already giving away his additional sensors and emotions. He wanted to say that it was strictly from a learning standpoint, but other than his concern and care for Jay, in his adult life he'd never really been that physically intimate or close to anyone. "Um, I'll need you to undress. I have some basic clothing for after, but we should make sure you're completely clean after that unfortunate place you ended up. Just tell me if anything seems wrong... I guess if you sense pain or discomfort. For your limbs I'll use a gentle soap and water mix, for more... intimate areas I have a gentle cleaner that works on metals, silicone and skin." What Malcolm didn't want to say was that it was cleaner approved for use with dolls and toys for sexual purposes. He didn't want that lesson, even if he knew about all that, he didn't need to learn about Malcolm like that.

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"My physical structure should be extremely familiar to you but I guess my 7,000 pages of code would be confusing..." Azusa spoke like it was normal but 7,000 pages was a hell of a code... But then to think about humans and everything that made them conscious to break it down into code, 7,000 pages didn't seem like all that much. "Here," The synth stood up and removed his jacket, draping it over the back of the chair. He made sure there was still length on the cord just in case before sitting down again to show Malcolm his arms a little. He was wearing a t-shirt so now he had a lot of skin exposed.... well more than before at least. Azusa then let Malcolm inspect the quality of the skin.


Once he seemed to grow more and more curious Azusa was prepared to show him everything. Ya, it was a little embarrassing but he'd been through worse and besides, Jay had seen it a million times.. Heck, Malcolm probably saw hundreds of synthetic bodies... the guy made them after all. Why be embarrassed?


"Oh, you don't have to worry about any corruption. Look," He pointed to the charger where it was plugged into the wall. "As you can see, the cord can be removed from the wall base and plugged into a computer. My code should download onto your computer without any problems. Also, if you ever want me to show you some memories for research, I will. Jay tended to look at them quite often and always found himself slightly embarrassed at how I was always watching him when I was first created. I needed to learn quite a bit. I had basic skills but he wanted me to be able to learn things on my own... I'll show you the first time I cooked... It's embarrassing but Jay ate it...." Azusa was really open with his coding and secrets. There was something about Malcolm that made it so easy to be able to trust him with all these secrets. Though it did feel like Azusa was sent here to fill Malcolm in on what's been happening with Jay over the past 15 years he'd been more or less missing.


He agreed that they would wait until he was fully charged which meant they'd have to just be patient. Azusa got up as soon as Malcolm got up to get something to clean him with and stripped away all his clothes leaving himself plugged in. They would have to do the imprinting as soon as possible. It was getting harder to do things. The synth was standing naked staring at his hand as he opened and closed it with a delayed reaction after his brain sent the message.


"You can relax a little, I am clean down there, I haven't been used," Azusa explained feeling more embarrassed by how Malcolm was reacting to him than anything else. "If you have an extra skin packet, I can take a quick shower. So long as we aren't completely submerged in water when powered down or out of battery, then we can handle water. That's what this skin is good for." Azusa was starting to wish he hadn't stripped away his clothes so quickly. Oh well, he didn't care that much. "You haven't really been around too many synths have you? At least not in a long time. Correct?" Azusa commented. He figured since Malcolm knew basically nothing about his system. Sure, there were problems with people having sex with the synths so they needed something to clean them but Azusa was built for Jay even though he wasn't used that way.


"Would you rather do the physical now or after the shower? Before would probably be best so that you can make sure there is no extra external damage done to me where I might take on water. See, I scanned and have found no external injuries but it's safer for the primary user to check for himself just in case." Azusa knew that Malcolm wasn't yet his user but now was a good a time as any to initiate it. "Would you mind if I imprint first? My body is growing sluggish so i might have physical damage I can't catch on a scan," he quickly explained before holding out his right hand.


Once the scientist took his hand, Azusa spoke a lot more like a normal synthetic. "Set up for primary user. New user-" he paused and waited for Malcolm to state his full name. Finally he said, "Confirmed. Welcome, Doctor Malcolm, you are my new primary user." He smiled brightly and let go. That's it. Now no one else can become a user unless approved of by you. Easy right?" He was so happy and yet so depressed at the same time to have a new user and not Jay... Thank god machines couldn't just forget because he always wanted to remember Jay.


It wasn't long that Azusa felt full functionality in his body after that.

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Malcolm flexed his hand open and closed after the imprint. Something about it felt so minor, but he felt like so much relied on him now that he couldn't turn back on. Not that he wanted to, but that it was so important that he not. "That was really simple," he said with a snort. "But I guess a lot of major things can be triggered by small actions." He looked up from his hand to Azusa, and then he looked over his nude form. It was very realistic, maybe too realistic for him. "And please, you don't need to call me Doctor. Malcolm is fine." He smiled wide at the Synth.


"Um, well, you were collapsed in the trash... and I overheard a few people talking about you, that's how I even came across you, thankfully." The last word came out like a parent scolding a child. Looking back on it they were lucky any of this was happening, and although it wasn't Azusa's fault, his tone still dropped to express his relief and sudden feeling of fear of what may have or could have happened. "But that doesn't mean while you were powered down... that something didn't happen. You didn't look like it, but it's best we be safe, don't you agree?"


Malcolm put on a set of gloves. "These are just in case I do find anything or you are leaking anywhere. I can better fix and handle tools if my hands stay clean. I don't have ready supplies of any of your parts unfortunately. I really haven't been around your kind, let alone a user. I can still make some things, but if you need anything you'll have to give me a bit of time to make it for you or we'll need to buy something compatible with you." His hands started trailing over Azusa's body slowly with a certain care and curiosity, starting from the yolk of his shoulders and back, around to the front, up and down the arms, torso, thighs.


As his hands moved he noted the way that the skin was warm, the way his fingers compressed and the flesh bounced back. "Is everything feeling fine so far? Are you moving fine? Stiff anywhere?" He trailed around to the doll's back, looking at his feet, up to his calves, and thighs before pausing at his ass. He hadn't thought this through and realized at this point that this was becoming more clinical than mechanical. Still he ran his hands over the mounds of flesh and looked for signs of really any touch since Azusa had said he and Jay had never been active that way. Sure the design would always snap back, but there could even we slight signs if something recently had occurred.


"Alright, everything appears normal." He snapped off the gloves and stood looking Azusa in the face. He examined his ears, his eyes, and then he asked him to open his mouth. He grabbed a tongue depressor and touched it to the oral muscle. The depressor gently grazed along the mass. He heard Azusa make a slight noise like a groan. "Is everything ok?" He asked as he retracted the depressor. He really didn't want there to be a problem already. "I was trying to keep it near the front. Do you even have a gag reflex?" The question made his brows furrow both truly curious to the answer, but also fully aware the dirty thoughts that such a question often came with. He may have been pretty consumed by his work, but he wasn't sheltered.

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Azusa felt like he was being scolded with the way Malcolm was saying things. It wasn't his fault he collapsed... Ok, it kind of was but he didn't want to get lost in a crowd.... Besides, if Malcolm's house was easier to find then he wouldn't have shut down before making it... Though, despite everything else, he could fully understand why the doctor would be so worried. Clearly others had seen him first and he was there for a few hours so anything could have happened. He was a little hidden and yet plenty of people managed to walk by and see the synth shut down in a pile of trash. Someone could have done something terrible to him and he wouldn't even realize it.


"I understand, Someone could have thought I was a free toy because I was in the trash..." Azusa said sadly. This was why he hated running out of power. It had only happened once before because Jay forced him to in order to try and learn something. The memory came forward and Azusa tried to push it aside. Not being able to forget was a blessing and a curse at the same time.


The synth then stood or turned accordingly for Malcolm to be able to check the rest of his body for any damage. He spoke about stiffness and now that he had a primary user, there wasn't even so much as a delayed reaction. "No, I'm alright." Azusa started to flex his hand happy to be moving normally again. To be trapped in your own body was terrifying and he never wanted to have his body unable to function while his mind worked fine... He then remembered that a disease could do something very similar to humans...


Azusa's focus was brought back to Malcolm and the check up. "Well, it is always safe to have extra Synth blood packets and lots of skin patches just in case. Those were the only major things apart from the charge cord that I've ever really needed... Oh, though if I'm going to be a human getting some stomach bags are a good idea because if I'm around people I'll have to look like I eat or drink normally," He explained. That might sound a bit strange to Malcolm who had been away from Synths for so long but Azusa could always explain or demonstrate later if he wanted to.


It was a little surprising when Malcolm touched his ass but he didn't react that much. After all, Jay teased him all the time and tended to grab at him. So he was a bit use to it. Hey, just because Jay never put it in didn't mean he didn't like testing Azusa's reaction to certain things....


The inspection was nearly done ending with his face. Malcolm checked out his eyes and ears but then he went to the mouth. Azusa probably should have said or done something but hadn't. Bad idea. He honestly didn't expect the tongue compressor so while the doctor was inspecting the sensors and nodes in his teeth to make sure there was no exposed wiring, he pressed on the tongue. The synth let off a moan and got weak in the knees. He fell back onto his seat and looked up with a strange look on his face. "I don't have a gag reflex... It's something different..." He looked down where he was now hard and his ass was starting to get wet and ready for sexual intercourse. "Remember when I warned you that I always had an adult feature on? My tongue is my weakest part..." He felt embarrassed and uncomfortable now.

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The researcher took in a sharp breath seeing the way in which the Synth had responded to his touch. He could see he had a substantial erection and that what seemed to be lubricating agents were seeping from his anal opening. His wide-eyed expression turned curious again. Despite his own body responding to the sudden sight, his basic nature to learn and understand trumped that for the moment. "I'm sorry, I had no idea." The statement came out less apologetic and more pleasantly surprised. He found his mind calling Jay a pervert for setting up his prized A.I. with such an intense arousal trigger on all the time, at least such a trigger that could be set off so innocently. Malcolm found himself questioning if he could recall signs that Jay had an oral fixation to encourage such a feature and trigger placement.


Suddenly he remembered some of the ways that Jay had teased him when they shared space. One particular time when he had tried to get him to eat a proper meal and Jay had jokingly asked to be fed. Malcolm fell into the trap taking the request as serious from the older man who proceeded to do evil things to the utensils in an attempt to spark a reaction out of him. From that point on Malcolm became "mama mal" and Jay suggested that next time he feed him with his mouth like a mama bird. What an ass he was. He looked up at Azusa thinking about the possibilities of his reason for being here with him. No... IS, and always has been.


"You say Jay and you never... yet he really did something interesting here," he pointed at Azusa's mouth, "to lead to this," he pointed at his erection. His expression stayed rather stoic the entire time, he hoped covering his own mental responses to the display before him. He started his day normal; he looked over some of his students work submitted online, he toyed around with some of his rough ideas, walked over to the cafe and then it all spiraled into other things once he found the doll in the trash. But now this was something else entirely. "I mean it's my understanding that every Synth can be pre-programmed or personalized by their user to respond to certain things, touches, words, but... well that's... a unique choice." He tried to keep from smirking as he could tell the Synth was experiencing embarrassment. But he had to admit to himself that there was something about that look triggering responses in his own body.


"Stay still," Malcolm dug into his supplies, pulling another set of gloves on. "This actually allows me to be better sure that nothing was done while you were powered down." It was a halfhearted explanation. Malcolm had pretty well confirmed nothing bad happened, he was just personally curious at this point to explore this part of the doll's functions, especially since he knew that Azusa was different from other Synths and would actually respond rather than just receive, unless... unless there was something he wanted. Malcolm could learn what the Synth wanted.


"I'm going to make sure no fluids from another source are coming with these lubricating fluids. This will confirm it." Pulling a swab he gently wiped around where the fluids were forming at Azusa's opening. "I'll also need an oral swab," he gave a sympathetic smile. "If you'd prefer to take it yourself." He held out another swab for Azusa to take.


"Would you say that your tongue or your penis is more sensitive during arousal? Do they both derive roughly the same level of pleasure for you? Can you climax from your tongue alone?" He was fascinated for a number of reasons, but he did feel like some of this information would serve in his understanding of Azusa and how exactly Jay had accomplished creating and maintaining him. "Actually... you said that you could take care of yourself in moments of arousal. May I watch what you do to stimulate yourself?" It was a legitimate thing when he considered it. Synths gave pleasure, but Azusa could receive pleasure, he was capable of pleasuring himself, not just because he had the sensors and could perform actions to trigger those sensors, but he could desire the pleasure and trigger particular sensors for his specific pleasure. Even if Malcolm wasn't also a little curious to watch the display from a more perverted standpoint, it was also scientifically intriguing to see what a self-aware A.I. would do to itself without outside input.

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It was obvious that Malcolm was interested... too obvious and he was too interested. Azusa was so embarrassed from getting an erection from something so simple as a tongue compressor. That almost started like the start of a bad joke in a way. The synth was now in a terrible position and Malcolm didn't seem to be in any hurry to shut it down. "Jay watched a certain show too much and there thing was grabbing the kid's tongue to get him to stop flailing it.... From there he thought it would be funny if the person got aroused from having their tongue grabbed.... Something about ultimate punishment..." he managed to explain. "After that he was suppose to do a check up and added that feature... That was about 10 years ago..." Azusa was having a hard time dealing with his situation.


"Jay never wanted to put it in but he used toys and messed with me a lot... His way to relieve "sexual tension." Though, he never even jerked off to it... Maybe he was omnipotent." Maybe that seemed like a dark joke but Azusa truly believed that was what was going on. Why else would Jay do the things he did? What was making everything worse was just how calm Malcolm was through the whole thing. He was interested... He really wanted to know as much as possible, Azusa could tell and yet as he talked about it he spoke like a third party scientist that didn't care all that much while it was clear, internally he was already losing it wanting to know everything like some kid making a new discovery on something.


What a lame excuse... Azusa knew that nothing happened to him and he knew that Malcolm knew that nothing happened to him... Yet here he was more curious on how he was still functioning properly for so long. It wasn't like Synths could just get new parts or be oiled to work better... That just didn't happen because they were never cut open. It could happen and Synthetics could be repaired but that was something else entirely. To keep a body for this long he'd have had to replace a number of parts. Yet, there were no marks indicating that any part of his body wasn't original and Azusa knew that he'd had the same body for all fourteen years. Why was the doctor so worked up about this? Couldn't he just wait for the memories? Then again, him being built aren't in the memories. The first one he had was waking up on the table after being created and turned on for the first time.


Azusa just had to wait on dealing with his erection while Malcolm took a swab of the fluids coming from his ass. Seeing the second swab, he took it and swabbed the inside of his right cheek. It wasn't like his whole mouth was sensitive... Just the tongue. After he finished, the synth handed the swab back before shifting slightly. It was getting painful to just have the erection standing there.


"My tongue is really sensitive to start it but I guess the penis would be more sensitive? I can come 2.7 seconds faster stimulating my penis than I can stimulating my tongue... Yes, that also means I can come with my tongue but it takes more to stimulate it long enough." Azusa was reacting the end of his rope. Malcolm pressed on about how he wanted to see the synth pleasure himself and wanted to understand how he could handle the embarrassment. "Of course I can take care of myself... I have a body similar to humans... However, as much as I hate to admit it, Jay always gave me the stimulation to work with... I suppose I could handle it though..." Azusa didn't seem too thrilled by the idea of what he had to now do.


The Synthetic took a moment before he started to simply rub himself. He was so embarrassed that he closed his eyes and thought about what Jay did to him. The free hand reached up and took his own tongue rubbing it between the thumb and the fore-finger. He was already getting so close doing both things that were the most sensitive. Though, when he reached a certain level of arousal, there was another spot that was even more sensitive. Azusa pulled his hand away and stuck two fingers up his wet ass. He seemed to be searching for something as he moved them around pressing and shoving his fingers as far as possible. "Damn... My fingers and angle can't reach it," he complained to himself still trying to reach the prostate. It was a little father than usual in this synth but not by much... Just enough to make it hard on him.


Eventually, Azusa gave up and just started to jerk himself off until he finally started to rub the tip and managed to climax. He let off a loud moan and wa happy to be rid of the problem. "There.... That's all I have... "He admitted.

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Malcolm's cheeks flushed fully taking in what he'd just watched and realizing what he'd really asked of Azusa. "I'm sorry, that was wrong of me. Here I am, processing the fact that you're different from the others, but I just treated you more like..." He couldn't say it looking at Azusa now. He turned away and grabbed some general garments kept in case of dangerous exposure or extreme damage to clothes occurred in the lab. They looked like medical scrubs more than anything. He also grabbed some wipes and handed it all to the Synth. "Don't hesitate to tell me if something seems... wrong. Just because you can doesn't mean you have to. And just because Jay did certain things as your user, doesn't mean I will or should."


He smiled thoughtfully at the synthetic male. "You're just so amazing that I got carried away. But you have quite the will of your own, feelings and so on. I want you to use them with me. Its much more fun and challenging if you tell me you want something or don't than if you just follow my lead." He chuckled a bit. "I know how Jay can be. Trust me, he liked playing with humans just as much." His voice expressed he was recalling something annoying yet endearing about his former colleague. "Yeah, I think his sexuality was one of a kind possibly."


He looked at Azusa with a bit of pain. He was probably bringing up Jay too much right now and he felt like he'd taken completely the wrong approach, being too obvious about his own unique interests rather than serious admiration of the marvel sitting in front of him. He let this strange stimulation of his libido get the best of him. It was probably best he'd never taken in a Synth before. Though looking at Azusa he couldn't actually see another sparking these reactions out of him the same.


"I should stop this... let you get comfortable and finish charging. I'm sure that took up a bit of energy, probably stalled any increase on your charge." He started nervously moving about the lab, gathering up a few items and papers while Azusa put on the shirt and pants. "Listen, I'm going to go get some parts for you like you mentioned before any of it is absolutely needed." He paused. "I'd take you with, but if people see me with you buying parts, they'll suspect something." He cringed not really wanting to leave him alone but also not wanting to risk not having the supplies and depending on regaining his knowledge to make them on his own.


"Shit, there's so much to do. Um... tomorrow... I'll take you out shopping. I can get your clothes cleaned, but since you got here just with what you had on, we should get you a few other things, yeah?" He slumped onto the stool he'd been sitting on before, obviously going through a list in his head of anything Azusa may need. "Here, I'll have my phone on me," he wrote down his cell number. "Um... or maybe I shouldn't leave you alone just yet... I can just order things to be shipped overnight. We can even order you some clothes at the same time?" He furrowed his brow in thought for a moment a risky but intriguing question coming to mind. "What would make you most comfortable?"

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"A sex Synth?" he said finishing Malcolm's sentence. It was hard for either of them to admit but everything had to be laid out. "It's alright. I understand that if I'm going to stay here and take up space, time, and money, you should know all my secrets..." Azusa was only now thinking about the things that he kept secret or might still want secret. He quickly took the wipes and the scrubs, placing the clothes aside to wipe himself down. Azusa quickly finished and got dressed sitting down to rest for a little while longer. He was at 29% battery and found himself charging a bit slower now. It wasn't that releasing took that much battery but he was sore and tired from everything that happened. All he could do now was agree to bring up anything that made him uncomfortable.


"Don't worry, I'll be sure to say something next time," Azusa said as he sat down looking up at Malcolm. "Jay was odd but I'm happy that he made me... I can't do much or see much but I could tell that he was lonely and I'm happy to have been able to be by his side... Malcolm? Are you also lonely? There don't seem to be any signs that anyone else lives here with you..." He felt bad for bringing up what he was saying but it could be considered payback for everything Malcolm made him say and... well do just now. Besides, it would be nice to know if anyone was just going to show up and if he should hide or introduce himself.


Azusa sat there just watching how Malcolm was starting to panic thinking about what to do with the Synth sitting right in front of him. Even when he sat down, his brain still seemed like it was pacing around the room. The synthetic reached out and placed one hand on Malcolm's knee looking him in the face. "Don't worry. How about we go out shopping tomorrow." He took the phone number from Malcolm. "I'll hold onto this because I don't have a cell phone and this is just in case. I'm not use to being out and around people but I can hide my identity by being a Synth or a human. If I don't wear the contacts I'll just have to act like a Synth but with these blue eyes I can act and be human. Sure, Synths will know but so long as I don't make eye contact or direct contact, then I can just say I'm human. It's not like Synths can lie so no one would think I'd be one that could. " Azusa smiled a little


The young Synth wanted to calm Malcolm down. Clearly he wasn't use to being around another.... that or he just had no idea how to deal with Azusa. For that, the smaller male thought he had to explain a few more things. "You don't have to order anything on my account. I actually want to learn more.... It would be weird if you kept buying different things and not having me even exist... I can understand some things like the Synthetic tools but buying clothes that are too small for you? Most Synths wear basic clothes or certain store issued clothes. People would believe you got yourself a Synthetic to play with... If they came over and I accidentally acted human, then we'd be in trouble. Please, relax and we can go out tomorrow." For now, he really wanted to get a full charge.


Azusa only hoped that his words helped comfort Malcolm and make things easier on him.

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Malcolm averted his eyes at the statement that he'd treated Azusa as a sex Synth. "I was just thinking a Synth period, but yeah" he grumbled under his breath. "I'm sorry." The truth was that he had a more scientific attraction to Azusa, but that altercation and the state he'd witnessed him in had triggered other desires in him than he was prepared for and he wasn't happy to have it rubbed in by the doll, even if it wasn't maliciously. Malcolm really didn't have an intimate relationship, but that didn't mean he didn't have those needs or things that sparked reactions in him, much like that contact had sparked something for Azusa. The comparison made him think if he were a robot maybe.


He felt like he couldn't be more uncomfortable so quickly with the Synth, that is until he asked after Malcolm's feelings of loneliness. "Lonely? I don't think I've given it much thought really. I am the only one here, but that's suited me. He was the last person I was able to live with." He made a scoffing sound. "Well, the last person I did live with at least." He ruffled the hairs on the back of his neck a bit, feeling something heavy in the air making his skin prickle.


"Down here is my research, the main floor is just general living space I barely use, and the second upper floor is where I sleep and bathe for the most part." That made him realize he'd have to make arrangements for Azusa where he could be in a resting state, possibly charging during his sleep hours. "You of course can... will... may... do the same. There's plenty of space around here."


"No worries about other people... that is, unless you walk around the laptop." He pointed his thumb towards his laptop sitting in the middle of the work table. "I sometimes do webcam lectures for a few grad students. Best you not wander around it too much when its open, in case someone wants to confer with me. No one comes here though."


In all his panic he'd only begun to notice Azusa's hand on his knee, similar to the comforting touch that he'd offered him towards the beginning of all this. "If you feel secure in that, we can wait until tomorrow. Trust me... if people know you're a Synth, with me, you'll draw more attention. Jay and our research follows me to this day. Besides... I get enough accusations of being a pervert without ever having taken one up. Buying you a few interchangeable outfits isn't going to hurt. At least one extra for times like now."


He smiled slightly at the way Azusa was trying so hard to not be a bother, despite not being a standard A.I. His feelings actually made him concerned, probably more so than a regular model could ever be programmed to even pretend to convey. Then he paused for a moment. "Wait... you have the capability to lie? You identify the truth and then you don't just determine the opposite and can feed people the opposing information. You can alter portions of the facts to suit your agenda or the agenda of someone else as you so desire." He half grinned, but his eyes betrayed a slight worry. "How will I know you're not lying to me." He laughed a little awkwardly before he seemed to realize something. He was basically living with a human with all the advancements of a Synth.

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"Don't worry Malcolm, I don't make it a habit to wander around the house at night. I'll just stay here and charge properly in energy saving mode," he explained trying to put the other's mind at ease. He wasn't use to living with anyone and while Jay had a tendency to get up at odd hours with an idea on his mind, Azusa could sit quietly. Though, he stayed near Jay as almost a guard dog to get up and make sure he goes back to bed. He didn't suspect Malcolm would have that issue. Still, Azusa would charge down here where he could be out of the way and unnoticed.


It was good to learn a little more about the house and to stay away from the lap top. He felt he could get use to this place. "I promise to follow all of your rules. So I really appreciate you letting me stay here." Azusa wanted Malcolm to be able to feel comfortable around him. It was hard and they'd have some hard times getting use to each other but the synth had every bit of faith that they'd figure it out and be able to live together without any problems.... or with as few problems as they could manage...


Azusa understood the predicament of Malcolm being followed around by a synthetic. He could only imagine the rumors that had spread after Jay had disappeared from the world. He'd not heard much from opting to avoid people but if any of them knew he had run away with a synth then he'd be a laughing stock for sure. Azusa was willing to be extra careful to not let anyone know he was a synth... That meant making sure he didn't get a cut or hurt in any way because Synthetic blood was blue... Not red... So as long as he hid his charge port, his green eyes, and didn't bleed, he should be alright. That may sound easy but it was probably going to be harder than one would think.


Malcolm seemed truly shocked to hear that Azusa could lie.... But what part of that was so shocking? "Any conscious being is capable of lying it's just a matter if they do or don't," the Synth explained. "I'm not a very good liar because I don't lie that often... Jay said I have a tendency to tap my right thumb against my leg when I'm lying. Most people don't notice that sort of thing but Jay has been with me for a long time and asked me to lie to him a couple times just to observe how I reacted. He liked to test how conscious I was and because that was an easy way to do it, he did that. I promise though that I haven't been lying to you all this time." Azusa wanted to make sure that Malcolm understood that he was basically living with a human and that he could trust Azusa with anything. The Synth wasn't going to trick or do anything against him.


"I promise you'll understand everything when I show you my memories," the young synth said.

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Malcolm smiled nervously. "Of course, it's just hard to remember to think of you that way still. This is very new... even if you're many years old." He ended with a nervous chuckle but then seemed to stare at the Synth with the note about the sign that he was lying. He rubbed his chin with a look of amusement. "Well I hope I wont have to recall that, but I'll keep it in the back of my mind. I believe you, its actually just really fun... and scary... to think of you being able to choose to lie. People have a hard enough time pulling it off." Malcolm stood up and stretched with a few audible pops to his joints. "I'll see you has a battery operated young man from now on. Though a 20 something living here with me seems almost scarier in my mind." He flushed at his sudden omission.


Looking quietly at Azusa, Malcolm suddenly felt a protective urge run through him. Azusa was something... someone, important to Jay, and despite their differences, Malcolm needed to keep him close and learn more before he wanted to leave him alone. Some of it came from a place of intrigue, and some of it came from the continued unease of what Azusa was capable of. But most of all, it felt like a way of learning about all those years he missed with Jay as well. He realized it was probably unfair to keep thinking of him as a Synth. Sure his body was, but even that seemed to be bordering with all the functionalities and custom features that Azusa had, not including his self-awareness and intelligence, not even fair to refer to it as artificial the way he was communicating, expressing, interpreting, even registering nuance things.


"I'll stay with you until you're charged then. After today I'll set you up something upstairs nearby. I'm not worried about what you'll do, I'm worried about those who might be looking for you," he started moving around the room, throwing things away and cleaning up the space like a nervous nanny. "Plus it'll make me feel better and treat you better to set you up properly to live here. As long as you're here you should feel at home." He smiled as he took his seat at his laptop.


"I'll work on some grading and see if any of my students needed something while you continue charging." He started typing on his laptop, but he shot Azusa a curious side glance here and there. After a bit of time he couldn't handle the silence with someone else present. "Let me know if there's anything you want to talk about, ask, whatever. Since I don't have a memory bank to look at, you'd just have to ask me directly. Don't take Jay's ideas of me alone... he could lie too." He took a sip of coffee, but his eyes gleamed with humor maintaining eye contact over the rim of his cup. He was interested to see how protective Azusa might be of Jay or how curious he'd be of learning more about him.

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"Don't worry, you'll get use to it in time.... Before you know it you may just forget what's considered the norm..." Azusa gave a reassuring smile and tried to get Malcolm to at least give this whole thing a shot. He then watched as the male stood with popping joints. That didn't sound all that good... was that what it was suppose to be? Did human joints always make such strange sounds? Sure, Jay's did but he thought that could have been an age thing... Maybe it wasn't. Anyway, he just watched on as Malcolm then started to move around the room in a strange attempt to pick up. Why was he bothering? It wasn't like the mess bugged Azusa... Besides, he was the one that showed up without any kind of warning so he shouldn't expect the place to be clean for him.


It was warming to think that Malcolm wanted him to be so comfortable while he was here. Feeling rather excited, Azusa thought about making a home out of this place. It was different from the home with Jay and he'd actually be allowed to meet people and the house wasn't in the middle of nowhere so it was incredibly different... What else would Malcolm do to make him surprised? "Thank you very much Malcolm," Azusa said. He had a more childish smile on his face this time as he showed signs of pure happiness.


Surprised about Malcolm's determination to stick around for his full charging, Azusa gave off a small look of concern. That would take 10 hours... Why would he do that? Oh well, at least he seemed to have something to do for a while. "Alright, good luck!" He said while Malcolm sat down behind his laptop and started to work. By the time the male had glanced over at the synth for the first time, Azusa had gone into energy saving mode and closed his eyes, His left palm facing upward as his middle finger flexed every few seconds to show his functionality.


It didn't last long before Malcolm got uncomfortable and started to talk to the male. Azusa opened his eyes and looked over. He could tell that he didn't like having someone else in the room and it being silent. Looks like they'd talk late into the night. "Alright, when did you meet Jay? And, What was your first impression?" The Synth asked. He was pretty curious and this was the invitation he was looking for to learn more about the man he spent 14 years with. "What's your favorite food? And what do you like to do for fun?" It didn't seem to take that long for Azusa to switch his thought process towards Malcolm. As curious as he was about Jay, the man that took him in was even more curious... After all, he didn't spend 14 years with this man and he lived a more normal life than Jay did. "Are you only a teacher now and do you teach kids about the creation of Synthetics? Think I could ever sit in on a class?!" Azusa was talking a mile a minute trying to get all of his questions out.

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Malcolm smiled with surprise at Azusa's sudden line of questions. He hadn't expected so many at once and he definitely didn't expect them to be so much about him... personally. He had to think for a moment, realizing that he was now going to be an important part of Azusa's memories, he was his user now. Even if someone else came into his life, Malcolm would always be there... unless he were wiped, which Malcolm couldn't in his heart let happen. He leaned on his elbow looking over at Azusa.


"Well, I met Jay my second year in college. He was a new instructor looking for a roommate. At first I was a little nervous rooming with an instructor, even a new one, but then I saw how different he was and I found myself following him around, helping him with his experiments out of curiosity and sometimes concern. I thought he was a genius, a crazy one that let himself come second or third to his work, and didn't seem to know how to make time to eat and sleep, but still a genius... obviously you prove that." He watched the other closely. "I was never one of his students though nor did I work with him at school. Soon he was off doing his big world changing ideas and I was right there. He wanted me to continue as a partner to him. I guess I did slip into the possition of assistant to him already." His smile spoke of fond memories. "Maybe thats why this was my fall back." He gestured to the computer. "The classes, teaching other young people. But... I've never found a Jay, or someone like me for me... um, if that makes sense. I've never bonded with anyone as Jay and I did.


He thought back on the Synth's request to sit in before getting to the small talk of his other questions. "Um... sit in on a class? I rarely go to classes in person. I video-in lectures. I'm just too awkward in front of the students I feel. Plus, I find my best explanations come from my demos with my own work here in my lab. But I would not want my students here, nor want to transport my stuff there. As soon as I do something on campus, they can claim it for research under the school name and take a lot of credit away. Maybe that's why Jay didn't really get into certain things until he was done teaching. Anyway, you could assist me here... I could probably use more help than I'm willing to acknowledge to anyone else."


Malcolm laughed a bit as he tried to shift topics to the lighter questions. "I love ramen... not that dried stuff either, just add hot water... I mean a real stuff, meat and vegetables, thick noodles, all in a savory broth." His stomach growled causing him to shift in his seat with embarrassment before moving on.


"Fun, well I find a lot of enjoyment in my work, but outside of that... I don't know, a lot of things. Clearing my head on a long walk along the waterfront, sitting down with a good book and a warm drink... I'm a simple man. Probably boring as all hell, but easy to please." The corner of his mouth up turned. "What about you. With everything else I've picked up about you, you much have developed things you enjoy doing. At least fond memories. Maybe while we're shopping I could help you do something you've found fun." He laughed a bit to himself as he spoke barely above a whisper. "Could even say it'll be like a date."

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With the way Malcolm spoke of Jay, Azusa could tell that he was remembering fond memories of the scientist. He smiles a little as the other spoke and told the stories he knew. "I can sort of understand but I also have never made any kind of contact with other people let alone been able to make a connection with someone other than Jay," Azusa replied. It was hard to live such a sheltered life and he hadn't been out of that house to even decide what his place in the world was. Hopefully, he'd be able to learn it here in this new home... But without even one other synthetic like him, did he actually have a place in this world?


The thought was rather depressing and Azusa was only now coming to the reality of the world and the way it worked. Nowhere in the world was there a conscious synth.... did that mean that there was nowhere in the world for a conscious synth to belong? Would he always have to pretend he was something else? Then again, all he wanted was to be human so would it really be all that bad if he pretended to be a human forever? At least he had one person left in the world that would know what he really was and he didn't have to hide it from Malcolm.


Azusa was happy to learn about Malcolm and the things that he did. He sounded a lot like Jay in the sense of wanting to keep things secret or keeping everyone and everything at arm's length. Hopefully the synth could be of some help in this aspect but then he thought about what the doctor said about people still giving him a hard time about being part of the creation of sex synths. Though, if the people found Malcolm living with another human, things might be a bit different... Hopefully anyway. "There is ramen other than instant noodles?" Azusa finally said after pulling his mind out of his original train of thought. "I don't eat but Jay made me make him a lot of instant noodles until I learned that it wasn't very healthy for him. Though, I never knew there could be anything that wasn't instant," he explained.


"I really like sports. I've gotten really good at basketball!" Azusa sounded really excited. "I had a lot of alone time on my hands and I taught myself how to place basketball... Though... I only really dribble around the drive way and shoot baskets..." He suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He thought a little about the last and quiet thing Malcolm said and looked rather confused. "A Date?" It didn't seem like Azusa had ever been on or learned about one... "Oh! That's the time during movies where a boy and a girl go out and spend a day together going out shopping or to dinner together... Right?" Jay wasn't the emotional type.... actually, a wet dish towel probably had more emotions than Jay, especially when it came to love. He didn't know anything about it which was why he made Sex synths. He thought that was a normal thing needed in a loving relationship... to keep people form being lonely.


"Can we go to the movies? Any, can I cook for you some time? I've been working on my cooking for 11 years. It's been hard since I can't taste anything but Jay gave me.... well he wasn't much help either but I learned form cook books and the internet! I just like to see someone really willing to sit and eat the full meal... Jay actually pulled himself from his work sometimes just to sit at the table and eat what I made for him!!" Azusa was so happy and excited to talk about the things he learned an accomplished. He was the only Synth that ever actually had to learn these things on his own. Any other Synthetic was programmed to know certain things to help and do for the family but Azusa was given very basic programming and everything else was something he had to learn on his own.

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"Ramen other than instant?!" Malcolm cried, disappointment evident in his voice. "If only you could personally enjoy the difference. Yes, there's real ramen, and it's better, tons better!" He tried to pull back, realizing his overreacting towards Azusa. "Well anyway, Jay didn't know any better, but the man viewed eating like a chore... and he made feeding him a chore for sure." Malcolm seemed extra sore at the topic all together until Azusa offered to cook. "You want to cook me food?" He gave a coy look to the Synth. "That's more tempting than you realize. You know, there's a saying: the way to a man's heart is through his stomach." He shot the other a goofy grin. "Manage a great bowl of ramen for me and that could easily happen." He couldn't avoid a slight blush, but he couldn't deny that he had a weakness for good cooking either.


"Sports eh? That sounds interesting actually." He grinned thinking of the Synth dribbling around in a driveway like a young man with his appearance likely would. "I'm afraid I've always been terrible. I stopped trying sports after high school." He appeared a little downcast in memory as he stared at something on his laptop. "You start to go one way or the other as a young adult. You either push your mind or your body and a lot of people fall in the middle. I obviously was more interested in pushing my mind. Look what kind of body it's left me with... only thing that saves me is robotics does require a lot of heavy lifting." He teased, but he knew he could really focus on his physical well being more. It made him thinking more about Azusa, shooting the Synth a side-glance; he'd likely always look exactly as he did right now. For the last fourteen years he'd probably looked the same. Malcolm wasn't sure if this made him sad for him or a little envious.


"And if you want to go to the movies I could do that for you. It's been long enough since I've taken such a break, so yeah, it would be good for both of us I suppose." He let out a breathy laugh. "You know I was teasing at first, but it seems we're setting up a real date, I suppose." He sat up straight turning to face Azusa. "Will you cook something after our date then?" He was sure his cheeks were flush, rather unbecoming of a man his age, but he held firm to keep looking at the other male.

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It seemed like Ramen was a rather sensitive topic for Malcolm as he seemed almost offended when Azusa made the comparison to instant noodles.... Was the difference really that great? "I do wish I could taste it for myself but I can't even put anything to my tongue without.... you know... that happening," Azusa admitted. "It's not impossible for a synth to eat and drink but since none of them have to act human, there's no point and I could but my tongue is too sensitive." The young synth was trying to explain everything the best that he could. Thinking about it though, Malcolm probably already knew all this because of the replaceable bags that many synths used during sex to catch anything and keep it from going into their system... Those bags were typically strong so they were able to handle food and drinks as well.


Shaking the thought from his mind, the synth focused on Malcolm's reaction to him wanting to cook. "Well then I guess I plan on having a serious place in your heart because I really would love to learn how to cook your favorite meal, this ramen that's made from more than just instant noodles," he said not really thinking about any other meanings that could have been present by what he said. "Jay is rather hard to care for but at least he ate when I cooked and didn't just spit it out and complain even though I could see the pain on his face some of the time," Azusa said casually.


"Well we don't have to do sports if you don't want to," the synth said in comment to the idea of Malcolm not really being the athletic type. "We could do something more relaxing.... like a puzzle if you'd like..." Azusa was so use to moving around trying to take care of Jay that he didn't always have time to just sit around and relax... Though there was absolutely nothing wrong with sitting with a good book and letting his mind wander free... Though Jay wasn't too much of a fan because Azusa got really into the adventure stories and it just made him more and more curious about the outside world and wanted to go out and explore on his own... Though he knew that was never possible so in a way, reading those books may have been a way for his mind to be free but it was rather sad because he knew he couldn't even be part of a small adventure knowing that he had to remain hidden from the humans and those that wanted his capture... and potentially those that wanted his destruction.


"I'd love to cook after the date. Please just let me know what you like and I'll make it for you... Though I'll need a recipe if you want some ramen because I don't know how to make that yet..." he explained. Azusa wasn't really thinking about his wording anymore and figured a date was a good idea. Besides, he'd never been on one before and was extremely excited to be able to finally go.

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Malcolm suddenly felt overwhelmed. He hardly spent any real quality time with people let alone Synths, and here he was falling into this back and forth with Azusa so naturally, more so than even his closest relationship had ever been. It wasn't necessarily that he had an anxiety, he just never seemed to meet the desired expectations other people made up for him and seemed to outperform the negative ones. So after his younger days of being social and fully developing his academic and career goals, he found that he'd just developed away from the social environment. Maybe it was only that Azusa was what he was, a middle ground in a way, that Malcolm found him easier to intereact with. He could only admit to himself that he was actually kind of cute.


He averted his eyes from staring at the Synth when mention and thoughts of before flashed forward again. What a jerk Jay was, he thought, taking something like food and making it an erogenous trigger, then sending him to me, a man who loves food. His logical self realized that all those things were coincidence, but the other part of him felt some trap being devised against him to have a doll with such features, who was also self-aware with feelings, being triggered sexually, and to such an extreme, by one of his favorite and common activities. Granted, Azusa didn't have any reason to eat, but due to their accidental discovery, it was likely that Malcolm would always have a small reminder while eating around the Synth of his tongue... touching it, even a little... knowing that his body would become a completely arousing mess immediately before him.


He let out a breathy laugh trying to release the tension from his own thoughts. He didn't want Azusa to catch on that anything was wrong, but more so how Malcolm was lingering on that past incident with continued interest. "Alight, sounds good. I'll find a recipe and get it to you. It's actually pretty simple." He game a warm smile. "I interrupted your resting state, I'll leave you alone. In the meantime, it's probably best that I get something more in my system than this coffee." He wiggled the empty coffee cup a bit.


Standing up he stretched again, his long and lanky body stretching even longer, less odd noises coming off his body this time around. With a long satisfying grunt he dropped to normal poster and shot Azusa a grin, heading for the stairs. It would be odd to move around and be leaving someone behind in his home at any given moment. He'd had this house for the last decade or so, but he'd never so much as had a guest. Not family, colleagues, students, dates, nothing. The more he thought about it, the more lonely his life sounded, but he'd never actually felt that way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Azusa could tell that something was bothering Malcolm. He seemed lost in his own thoughts and it just made the synth wonder what was going through his head. Was he nervous about having the younger male in his house or was he still trying to get his head around it? What was going on? Azusa then began to wonder if it was his condition... Malcolm struck the synth as a real food-fanatic and yet, Azusa couldn't so much as taste anything... Heck, he practically came at a tongue press touching him gentle.


While he was lost in his own world, Malcolm got up and stretched again. He mentioned about needing some actually food and would let the synth stay put and charge but clearly neither of them felt overly comfortable by the idea now. "W-Wait, Malcolm! Would you like me to move upstairs or something? It might be a little odd for me to be down here..." The synth was feeling rather uneasy about being left in the basement alone. Maybe it was because Malcolm was also feeling uneasy and unsure about leaving someone with a consciousness in his basement alone. Wait, would it be better if he were down here if he was going to go into energy saving mode? Malcolm would certainly feel awkward walking around with him sitting there, eyes closed and off in his own world.


"Er, sorry, I really should just stay down here. After we get to know each other and everything, and you learn my program, do you want to try shutting down this curse of mine so I can eat food too? I don't know if any other synth has taste buds but you could try installing some in me.... If you want..." Azusa was thinking about what was coming out of his mouth. It almost sounded like some odd confession or a girl giving permission for sex.... Was that what it was? After all, altering his body was not only dangerous but extremely personal... The only person that knew his body well enough to alter it without destroying him or corrupting his program was Jay. All Synthetics had major wiring in the teeth, to the point that if those wires were damaged, a Synth may not be able to power on again.


"You don't have to answer now, you can wait until you actually know my body and coding before you decide..." That was the safest way to go. Azusa was now feeling a bit awkward standing there like that, still plugged into the wall. He backed off and sat down in the chair again. Damn... everything he said was either a contradiction or a conversation for another time... damn... The synth could feel himself getting a little embarrassed.

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