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Another search with new ideas


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Hey everyone. I know I am always posting new threads for openings but I can't help it. I love roleplaying so much and despite having so many, I only get a few to reply to a day.... some days none. I get that people are busy which is why I don't mind and I am not replacing them, I'm just increasing my numbers, that's all. I promise to reply every day unless something serious happens or I am away... rare.



Imprint on Me


There is this famous scientist, one known for creating sex robots that really please people. They are so realistic physically that it is hard to tell that they are fact by simply looking. What makes them so easy to work with is that they aren't conscious so they only do and say as their told. Some are even being created for house hold use rather than hiring a maid or something.


Just as these machines became a part of the world's daily life, the famous scientist, known for creating a project and simply moving onto the next without showing much interest after it was completed, vanished and no one knew where to. There were rumors that he had finally created a machine that he wanted to live the rest of his life with; his greatest creation, if you will.


One day, YC, who was friends with that famous scientist since you were younger, finds a machine tossed over a pile of trash. He was powered down with no charge left in him and left to become scrap. On the machine there is a note, one that simply says, "He is special, please take care of him." And the note is signed with a fake name, a kind of nickname YC recognizes as the scientists.


After a full charge and being powered on again, it is quick and easy to see what the scientist meant by him being special. Unlike the other machines, this one is conscious. It can think, feel, and overall act human as well as do as he pleases without listening to orders. The problem was, while he figured out how to live, he was still a sex machine and could get wet from the slightest of touches to certain sensitive areas. This was the sex machine, the partner the lonely scientist had created 14 years ago and went into hiding with to hide that he had made a conscious machine. Now that his life was in danger, he had sent MC away to find a new home to keep his secret.


What will happen between the two?


(Btw, just because he was created 14 years ago doesn't mean he is 14 per say. He was created as a 22-year-old. These machine's don't age and none are made to look or act like kids. Mostly for safety purposes even though their fake green eyes are dead give away's that they are machines.)



A Yakuza's Pet


YC is the young head of a Yakuza group. He is planning on taking over for his father as the next head, However, his uncle, his father's brother, is also looking to be the next head. He sweet talks and tries to convince YC that he isn't old enough and that the group needs a stronger leadership that he can provide for a while. The problem is that the uncle had already been caught, thrown in jail and now is out but not very fit to be leader. After all, he is still dealing with the drugs that got him in trouble to begin with.


One day, YC catches word that a certain secret list of clients was stolen along with a ton of money. The person is eventually caught by his men and beaten nearly to death for the information. YC goes to MC to see what he can learn to try and get the money and list back. Of course, YC has to play the good guy and help MC get to a hospital before he bleeds to death. After so much unwelcomed kindness, MC finally gives the information and is taken in by YC to be a yakuza, a pet directly under his master. Our characters have to live together and let's see what happens between the group, the uncle, and the two who quickly get close enough where MC confesses and will put his life in danger and even get himself killed if it means he can steal YC's heart and will work only for him.


(You can feel free to keep him a bit more like a mistress but just note that if YC is in danger MC will defy him and run out to protect him even if that means using his own body as a shield)



Sex Tape


After getting drunk at a holiday work party, YC helps MC get home. In return, MC suggests that YC stick around for a while and even spend the night so he doesn't have to worry about getting home alone. MC leaves for a short while to go to the bathroom and wash his face hoping to sober up a little before going to bed.


While out of the room, YC, a coworker and close friend, goes sneaking about searching for some porn to jerk off to before going to bed. Hidden under the bed, is a box with a DVD on top. The DVD is a sex tape that YC thinks is perfect and inside the box, full of more unusual sexual related things. The box is filled to the top with sex toys for BDSM. The reason for it being there was right on the sex tape. It wasn't a female porn star getting it but MC getting it from the toys and another man.


MC walks in as YC is in the middle of watching the DVD and is mortified. He doesn't know how to react and thought he could take that secret to the grave. In order to deal with it, the two get drunk all over again which leads to some less than desirable actions and a morning full of regrets... Do they really regret it though or will they find that the night was part of some kind of fate?



Welcome to the Circus


(I can be a power Uke for this one if you want to play a shy Seme or you can be a truly sadistic and dominating Seme. It's up to you.) YC is a new recruit to the traveling circus. (You can decide what part YC takes from working with the lions and tigers or anything else.) MC is known as the "Strong man" He is thin but 100% muscle. What makes him such a wonder is the fact that he isn't big and bulky and yet, can lift enormous blocks of cement over his head. The think is, he finds himself falling ill. Every time he sees YC's face or gets close to him, he ends up with an embarrassing boner that is too easy to see under his skimpy outfit.


The two find themselves getting rather close with MC still under the influence of his erection issue. One time, while on stage at the same time, MC gets an erection while still holding up a heavy weight over his shoulders. Of course, the crowd finds it funny and interesting so of course, YC, takes advantage of his stuck situation and teases him for the crowds amusement. What will happen during this show? What about after? Will MC hold a grudge or will they both find love for each other and continue to put on great shows for the circus? (They'll probably put the sex show on for just themselves in the back before or after a show. Doesn't always have to be a public display).



Shaming an Assassin


MC is a professional assassin that has taken out dozens of very important people and no one has ever seen his face or even seen him for that matter. It is almost like he is nothing but a rumor, a shadow that doesn't actually exist.


A friend informs YC that this professional assassin is going to be targeting him and warns him to watch his back. He informs YC of MC's weakness and how to exploit it so when MC goes to where YC is staying, he ends up screwing up do to a stupid fear. After capturing MC, YC finds out that he is actually quite young and good looking. MC has a bad attitude and is still determined to win and kill YC. After getting sick of hearing him, YC does whatever he wants to try and embarrass MC to force him to want to run away with his tail between his legs. Nothing works and YC just leaves him tied up somewhere in an embarrassing way.


A few days later however, MC returns again in a more straight forward path announcing that he will kill YC and once again tries to assassinate him. YC, being a yakuza, manages to hold his own and even kick MC's ass. That isn't the end though and MC will return every day if he has to to try and complete his mission or even protect YC so that he can be the one to finish him off.



Social Anxiety in a Star?!


A very popular pop star and actor is getting a new manager. From all the songs he sings and all the incredible parts he plays, it is only natural to think that he is a great guy that will be hard working, easy to work with right? Wrong. MC is more of an introvert that hates leaving his house and would rather spend the day watching TV than going through his busy schedule of work outs for stage performances, working on his new songs, running lines for his acting parts, as well as preforming them. He hates the fame and is so terrified before going out to meet people, Many managers have just up and quit so they didn't have to give a famous kid (Probably 22 or 24) any more stupid pep talks just to get him to make an appearance.


YC is a specialist known for dealing with some of the most stubborn Celebrities ever. From Snobs to divas to even complete newbies. Now YC has to deal with being a manager to MC where the job may go beyond just managing where things should be put in the schedule. He may have to get a key to even start managing MC's personal life to try and help him get beyond his introversion.



So there are a few ideas. I have others if people seem interested but it is hard to put hours into a new thread that no one replies to or sends me any messages. Anyway, you guys should know my rules, but I will also say That I like someone that can do a minimum of 4 paragraphs. Please be in touch and if you have an idea of your own go right ahead I'd love to hear it.

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I love you're "imprint on me" It pretty much alike the one I was thinking about making. "How did you know!" XD


It just too bad that I'm no seme to play it with you (T^T)

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ya, I've been wanting to do this one for a while. Had no idea anyone else had the same idea. Anyway, maybe it's for the best that you aren't a seme because that one was just taken last night.

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