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Truce: Peace in Discord (VirtualooXMorirp 18+)


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War, like children's fights, are meaningless, pitiless, and contemptible. -Rumi


Name: Akihito Fukumoto

Age: 35

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Honey with brown flecks

Height: 6'1

Weight: 174lbs

Personality: Cold, calculated and mysterious. He is generally quiet and observant, so when he speaks his subordinates are attentive.

History: The Fukumoto family decided to get into the American crime scene during WWII and Akihito took over the family business after his father died. His mother and sister are still alive but because either of them has yet to bread another son, and Akihito has yet to secure an heir so he is generally careful with his life. His mother constantly sets him up with women, and he is aware he will soon be expected to either take a wife or a mistress specifically to prepare an heir. He is openly gay, which hasn't caused him trouble because he is also openly deadly.

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(finally got my laptop back so its easier to type, sorry for the long delay

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Height:6 ft

Weight:160 lbs.

Personality: If he likes you, he can show a more playful and 'happy' side of him, a bit fun loving. But piss him off or make an enemy of him....He will become cold and calculating, loving to torture the enemy to get a rise out of them.

History: Its been an internal power struggle in the family as to who would lead the business for as long as he could remember. Being the oldest of his father or his brother, he had taken the seat at the head of the family business. He loves the thrill of it all and has no plans to settle down despite being urged to. He would rather have flings with whoever he pleases and not settle in with a wife as his family wants.

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Akihito was scrambling that day, several times he checked his pockets. He counted them off as routine as he could, but there was an odd desperation about him that day. Guns, clips, knife, keys, Guns, clips, knife, keys, gunsclipsknifekeys. He fiddled with a ring that he kept on his right index finger as three men came into the hall. They were all holstering weapons, these were his core three, the ones he couldn't run the business easily without. The Montriko family and the Fukumoto's had never had a reason to fight before, and as two of the most powerful families playing the game, Akihito liked to keep it that way. He was called the red dawn by his enemies and followers alike. His eyes the colour of honey liquor and a tongue sharp like a dagger. That day though, Montriko men had been caught passing a deal on his territory and there was an all out war going on already.


As his men readied for a fight Akihito would have rather avoided he pulled on gloves and went into battle with his family. Akihito had the accuracy, but at 35 he was a bit slower than some of his counter parts. That didn't stop him from coming out on top in the fight on his turf. He would cull the Montriko's back by about thirty members of their family, though they had their own losses to tend to that day. Wounds, fatalities. There would be several funerals, and Akihito himself had to handle a shot to the arm. Regardless, it left both families in retreat... At least for the moment.


It was only at this point that Akihito decided they needed a truce between the two families. They had always just operated on the civility of each other to stay off of one another's turf, but now those rules had been changed thanks to Montriko... Akihito drafted up a long contract, a truce, and gathered up a peace offering, sometimes you had to have a little tact, if they went into all out war against each other it would likely mean a third family could come in and finish the job of taking one of the families out. It's too bad there wasn't a woman to marry to part of the Montriko family somewhere, if he could offer a blood bond it would have been easier.


After the contract was written up Aki's honey eyes looked at the phone. How to go about this... it was a delicate operation. A phone call was put in, and all he stated was the meeting place. He knew that Montriko would show. He would have to, they had both had to handle too many casualties recently because of their little tiff.


Akihito would take only two men with him, as was common courtesy when a meeting like this was happening, but there were a dozen men surrounding the area, two had rifles should something happen. There was a cafe in the halfway point between their two territories that Akihito had chosen as a meeting place, and he arrived early, sitting at a table he'd ordered a drink. The man wasn't nervous, he never was. He'd been in this business too long to be nervous about a meeting, despite the fact that it was directly following several deaths.

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Yuki had everything all planned out...This deal was supposed to go off without any flaws. He didn't want to do it on his own turf and either way, the deal on the Fukumoto turf was going to turn up some good money for them. But something in his perfect plan caught the attention of the Fukumotos. It looked like today was going to be a fight and a pretty big one considering dealing on the Fukumoto turf.


Yuki polished off and loaded up his favorite gun, loving the cold feeling of the metal and the way it sat on his hands. It saw many deaths from its muzzle and it was once owned by his father. He had it especially made when he headed the family, wanting a gun that saw no one else's hand but his own. Yuki was ready to defend his actions and get a few 'problems' out of the way. The fight had though lost him many men, needing to retreat when the battle was gaining him many losses. If they were not dead, many were injured in that fight. They all died respectful deaths and he would attend each and every funeral, even if they were sappy and sad. Died with honor so this much should be expected of him..


Yuki was looking into his next course of action, trying to find out how operations should go for awhile until they can get more members among their family. It was then he got a phone call, a non-detailed one only stating a meeting place. The Fukumotos...what did they want with him? Interesting...He could not pass up that opportunity. He donned his favorite hat, keeping his pistol hidden under a brown coat. He never went anywhere without his pistol, packing a knife in case of an 'emergency'.


Yuki took two of his own men in the higher ranks, having them nearby in case he got into a tricky situation. They knew what to do should this meeting go south should his own readiness not be enough. He headed towards the café, eyeing up the place. And there he was, already sitting down and acting quite casual. Yuki headed towards the table, taking the empty seat across from the other. "Fukumoto.." He addressed him quietly as he took off his hat, setting it in his lap.

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Akihito waited patiently, and when he heard the door open to the cafe his honey hues lifted, viewing the man that walked in. He hadn't seen the other on friendly ground in quite some time. He pushed fingers through his hair as his free hand lifted his cup of coffe, bringing the black liquid to his lips. "Montriko." He waited for the other to get comfortable before he waved a waiter over - the man already had a cup of coffee in his hand and cream and sugar on the side. The waiter smiled gently. "Here is some coffee to get you started sir, would you like something else perhaps?" Akihito had paid to have the place to themselves, and he had paid for the owner's silence, so it was just the two of them, and their men. Akihito's voice rumbled up "please, bring the other men some coffee as well.


Akihito studied Yuki closely, he didn't show any sign of injury, where he'd taken a shot to the arm. Well two years had apparently made a difference in this case, Yuki seemed he was faster. Still Akihito didn't show that he had at all been phased either, he couldn't show weakness, so he hid the injury, using primarily his good arm. "So, Yuki, it's been quite some time since our families have had to speak about territory. Generally you stay on yours, and we stay on ours."


Akito took a sip of coffee, his eyes cold as ice. "So would you like to tell me what you were doing in my territory? A miss calculation that lead to the death of thirty of your men, and ten of mine?" Of course the Fukumoto's had lost less lives, they'd been on their home turf for the fight so they knew what to expect, where to hide, how to take the high ground to avoid getting shot. That and Aki was a strategist, he thought of a lot of angles before he put anything into motion.


He took in the sight of the other male, it was too bad their family's were at war - he was attractive. He would like to devour the shorter male's soul. Even if he was only shorter by an inch. Akihito adjusted his suit, the black jacket shifted a bit as his grey tie and white button down where moved. The hilt of his gun flashed unashamed at the other male. Akihito didn't bother trying to hide it, it would be stupid to think they were both unarmed.

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Yuki got himself a coffee once the waitress had come over to the table, adding sugar and milk until it tasted sweet. He did like black coffee but he could not help his sweet tooth. It often gotten him told he was quite childish in addition to some other rare mannerisms, the teasing making him assert more dominance but he let it slide amongst the members of the family he liked. If anyone crossed him the wrong way, he would not hesitate to be very....very childish and forget how to show self restraint.


From what he could see, Akihito had not been injured that badly although his movements seemed to hiding something. He was unable to determine what at the moment, focusing his attention on the conversation at hand. "It has been some time yes.." Yuki nodded in agreement, sipping at his coffee. When was the last time they sat so casually face to face like this? It had definitely been some time indeed...Yuki mused as he sipped more at his coffee.


"I do not need to be reminded of how many of my men fell...And there was good money to be had, Easy as that" Yuki didn't elaborate much further on this as he glared right back into those honey eyes that returned glares at him. For a Fukumoto, he was not half bad looking. He thinks he is some big shot? Even if he was a little taller than him, he could do so many things to him and that body that he would fall on his knees in defeat.

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Akihito let the man tend his coffee, there were pleasantries that had to be adhered to. Politeness was expected for two high ranking family members. Hardly ever would something like this end in a scuffle, they were too high up the food chain, both of them. Akihito's let his eyes wander, jawline, eyes, hair. He took in the sight. He thought about it, and the last time he'd seen the man in front of him he was sure they'd just been teenagers, learning their father's businesses.


When money was brought up Akihito nodded slowly. "It's always about money Yuki." he used the other's name in a casual manner, it wasn't to be impolite, in fact it was an attempt to bridge the gap between them. After all they were the same age almost. "But you should know better than to just barge into my territory like that. A simple call, and a bit of money for use of my land would have been sufficient to overlook your people doing business in place of mine." he looked at the man. His eyes sharp. "I want a truce, between your family and mine before this gets out of hand and we have an all out war."


Akihito rummaged in his suit pocket for an envelope - it was large and bulky. He dropped it to the table. "This is reimbursement for ten funerals... This way neither of us is paying more than half the losses of our recent... dispute. There is an extra bump in the finances for you to take your cut. I want the territorial lines put back in place and I want both families to co-exist, instead of biting the tail off of a different snake every day."


It was a metaphor, but a decent one. If both families were criminals then both would be considered snakes in society, and if each snake began eating at the other's tail eventually they would consume each other. Who would win? Would both snakes die? He didn't want to find out. "What do you say?"

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Yuki often dealt more with the underlings of the Fukumoto family more so than Akihito himself. He did mature rather well, a nice, how to put it, 'tough guy' appearance about him. How much would it take to break you? Either way, the years have been kind to him since they were teenagers. It would be a lie to say he did not have some eye catching features that were to his advantage in situations.


He was ready to speak his mind about the whole affair, about how he did not want to have to give a cut of his money to any Fukumoto. He wanted to run things his way and gain the most profit, of course at the cost of as few lives as possible. What did peak his interest was the mention of a truce...A Fukumoto, Akihito Fukumoto, proposing a truce? What type of drugs was he on?


Yuki soon saw Akihito reaching into his jacket, reaching his hand toward the side where his gun was kept, in case the other was grabbing a weapon. When he did not, Yuki removed his hand and looked curiously at the envelope. Money...and that was it? His interests were piqued at the envelope of money before him, certainly with all the funerals and a deal gone south to deal with.


But could he trust Akihito to keep the peace and keep his word? This whole arrangement certainly was interesting enough, chuckling slightly. "For a Fukumoto, you sure know how to win me over Akihito.." He interlocked his hands together, resting his chin on his hands. "Fine, I will agree to these terms" Yuki pulled the envelope toward him as he took another sip of coffee, licking some sugar from the corner of his lips. But what happened now was the question...What would come of this 'Truce'? Who would rise to the top?

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Akihito saw that dangerous, attractive glint in the other man's eyes, but as usual his stoic features were all business. He nodded and reached into his pocket again pulling out a thick pile of papers. He dropped them to the table. "It's not such an unusual thing Yuki, money talks, and your family has always used dollars instead of periods to end their sentences." Akihito had the bigger family, it was true, but the Montriko family had the greed that would drive them to scary limits.


He clicked his pen and put it down in front of Yuki on top of the Truce agreement. "This is the agreement. Your family and my family will stay in our respected areas for ten years. This should give you and I long enough to discuss further development of both families, so that we may both succeed in our end goals." Akihito wasn't shy about it. He intended to bring his family to the top of the crime world.


He already had dealings with the Italian and Russian mafia in town, and despite his recent tussle with Yuki, nothing the other would do could ever stand in his way. Not even the runt's ambitions. The truce was going in place so that his family could continue with their plans without having to worry about the pip squeak being an upstart brat.


Akihito sipped his coffee for a moment. "It outlines territory agreements, what we've each known was each other's from the beginning, and it outlines how we will go about carrying out business on each other's turf from this point on. No more sneaking around, you want to do business in my area I get a cut. I want to do business in yours, you get a cut. Five percent both ways, no lost lives."

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"At least it makes...'cents' in the end" Yuki said with a little chuckle at the play on words. He should have expected a truce agreement to be followed by a shit ton of papers. He never liked the paperwork behind well...any matter of life but now it was more important than ever. At least there would be evidence for when Akihito might go back on his word and try to short change him in some shape or form.


"Fine, I will sign it...That does not mean we are friends or anything. Hell, at least if Father had a sister this whole truce paper signing bull wouldn't be needed" Yuki said as he worked on the papers. He would have to get a lot more deals and good money rolling in to make up for these losses. He will play the others game for now but he would need to watch his own back. Akihito might try something s he should be ready for his backlash. Being told what to do, even with money, was not something he liked. He had to get back...but how? That was for another time..


"Done" Yuki said as he had signed every last paper that needed to be done. "Glad that parts over with...God I need to get a good drink tonight or something" Yuki said more to himself as he needed some kind of alcohol tonight after a rough last few days. "So you wined and dined me, paperworks sign, What do you suppose we do now? What you came here for is done yes?" Yuki said as he watched those honey eyes still bare to him. Sweet honey eyes yet filled with the cold twinge of a tough man..

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Akihito hid a chuckle behind a hand, ok, that was the first cute thing the other had done that Aki could ever remember. By the tie he pulled his hand down though, the smirk was gone, and every trace of a smile went with it. He didn't like showing his smile to anyone, least of all Yuki. When the documents were signed Akihito relaxed a bit in his chair. He had hardly noticed how stiff he'd been but any act of violence now would be directly in conflict with the agreement they had just signed. It wouldn't be entirely uncommon, but shooting the leader of an opposing syndicate was welcoming a fight.


Akihito rubbed his temples gently, when the other mentioned drinking he nodded. "I could also use a very strong drink." he nodded, his eyes closing briefly before he drained his coffee cup, letting it clunk against the table as he put it down. He had a lot of work to do, but he didn't want to be impolite and just leave. He took up the papers and stuffed them back in his suit pocket. "I'll have a messenger deliver a copy of the documents tomorrow."


"I hardly consider a cup of coffee wining and dinning. If you wanted wine and dinner we should have met later in the evening. Two is hardly time for dinner unless you're my grandmother." There was a hint of amusement in Akihito's voice, a playful light igniting in his eyes before he stood. "As for our business... yes, I believe we are done. Unless there is anything else you'd like to discuss."

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Finally done...Yuki thought as he might enjoy himself a night out on the town tonight. He needed to formulate more plans and prepare for any back stabbing that might occur. But he needed to get work out of his mind, enjoy himself without needing to worry about work. If somehow enjoyment came out of work, he would not mind as long as he had a good time tonight. "Understood, I will be waiting for them and someone shall bring them to me" Yuki nodded, unfolding his hands as he leaned back in his chair.


"I hardly think that you of all people could make my evening more eventful than they normally are" Yuki said with his own smirk, feeling playful today. He was in a good mood, even around the head of the Fukumotos. You have no idea how the shorty you seem to underestimate can take you down in partying or anything else. He pushed those thoughts aside for now as he set his hat back on top of his head.


"If that is all, I will be going now, See ya" Yuki said with a small saluting gesture off his forehead as he stood up. There was so much to be done in so little time...and he would not let the other ruin his good mood. And to think he got comfortable enough to joke like that...He really did need that drink.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"I might be two years older than you Yuki, but I'm sure I could still entertain you for a night. That is, if the rumors of your bedroom preferences are true." He smirked and winked at the other, before slipping into his jacket. With that movement he set a large stack of bills on the table, and then turned to leave. Yuki wouldn't be so petty now as to take that money, it would just reignite the war - nothing either of them wanted right then he was sure.


Aki took long strides out of the cafe, and he slipped into a waiting car, it was a signal to his snipers that things had gone well and they all eased a bit on their weapon sights. In his car Akihito lit a cigarette and told his driver to go. His second in command smiled, Leo was an american Aki had brought in after they graduated college together, they'd been best friends as long as he could remember. The blond spoke gently, "I assume things went well."

Akihito smirked, "Of course they did, they had to. We've held the upper hand for so long he couldn't help but sign the papers" He threw them down on the seat with a flutter. "Copies need to be made up and brought to Yuki tomorrow. He still acts like a child after all these years, eager to get important things over so he can be free to rule his part of the world."


The blond laughed. "For someone you're willing to brush aside, you're certainly talking about him a lot." Akihito's eyes narrowed. "What are you suggesting?"

Leo laughed. "Nothing boss, just that I've not seen you this awake after a business meeting... well almost ever."

The car moved smoothly down the road, Akihito's eyes on his second as they fell into the normal rhythm of talking about business.

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Yuki glared at him when he suggested having fun and rumors of his bedroom preferences. Aki, you have no idea what my preferences are...I could rough you up so much you could not walk damn Fukumoto. It only sparked more anger when he seemed to just drop money on the table again before walking away. How dare he toy with him like that! Aki Fukumoto, I will show you my sexual preferences, even if it starts another war. I will ram it into you until you know who tops who, literally and figuratively.


Yuki left the café soon after, getting into his own car. A random higher up gang member was driving, setting down his hat beside him. "Make sure all affairs if needed are settled before tonight. I have an annoying little dog I need to put back in its place" He said to the man with a small smirk. He was really going to enjoy showing that Fukumoto that he was not to be toyed with and he would come on top. That man probably expects him to be bottom..? Ha! I will be the one having an entertaining night.


As soon as he got to the headquarters, he placed a phone call to the Fukumotos for him to meet him at a club in his territory for celebratory truce drinks. Now, a matter of clothes...Toy with that Fukumoto even more to make sure he gets it further into his skull. Sexual preferences...ha...He laughed as he dressed more casually in some slimming jeans and a v neck t shirt. He stashed so his pocket and had a knife for back up. Yuki had a car take him to his club to set his plan in motion to drug the others drink and dominate the other completly.

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Akihito took the call, celebration drinks? He didn't trust it, but he supposed he could attend. It would look bad if he proposed the truce and then at their first chance to test the strength of it's bonds, he failed to show up. So, he accepted, glad to hear it wouldn't be at the man's headquarters.


Aki dressed for a more... casual night than usual. He wore a red button down, unbuttoned at the very top, a loose black tie and an unbuttoned vest, and black slacks with black shoes. When he arrived at the club the party was already going strong. Not surprised, it was a Saturday night after all. His hair was pushed back out of his eyes, and when him and his second in command arrived with a body guard they were escorted to the VIP area of the club, where Yuki was waiting.


He smiled coyly at the leader. "Drinks to celebrate?" Leo held out a bottle of Aki's favorite champagne. It was well over $300 a bottle, so it was a nice gift to the celebration. "I've got three bottles for us to start with." He might be 35, but he could still party like a kid when the time was right.

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Yuki arrived at the club, party in full swing just as it should be. He loved the crowd enjoying themselves and having a good time just as they should. A sweet escape from life to a life of partying and who knows what else. He figured that the man would try to bring company and his own protection so he would probably need to drug one or two people and then his bodyguard knock on the other bodyguard. Take Aki into another private room and then the fun can begin..He would probably need to show a lot of force so the other wouldn't try to fight back, topping him was not an option he would even think to consider.


Yuki saw Aki coming in and damn did Fukumoti clean up good dressing casual. Sure he himself was a lot more casual but he wanted to run his eyes all over that body to see what would soon be his. "You got the good stuff...? Nice, that's a good bottle. Brought some of my own" He said, opening the bottle in front of them and pouring them two glasses. A bit of the powdered drugs slipped into both glasses, pouring another for himself and sipping out of it to show its "harmless". "He cleans up good" He told the other guy about Aki, finishing off his glass easily.

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Akihito laughed at the fact that the other brought his own. "I would assume you had your own here, this is your place after all. Everything is yours on these shelves isn't it?" When he was handed the glass though, he easily palmed it. Setting the glass down as he prepared to take a seat. It wasn't anything meant to offend Yuki, he had just been told in the past to never take a drink from a stranger; despite their long history as children and young adults growing in the same world - tonight more than ever it was apparent that they were strangers.


One of the bottles that Akihito brought with him was opened as he found a seat next to Yuki, settling down. They moved to refill Yuki's glass, handing Aki a new one filled with his favorite champagne he smiled, and thanked them, before taking a long drink. He wouldn't be offended if Yuki, too, felt the need to put the drink aside, it would just mean more champagne for him anyways. Still Leo smiled when Yuki mentioned Akihito's good looks "He's always this attractive, you're just usually not on friendly terms." Leo - not having the same training that Akihito had, took a drink from the glass that was handed to him.


Aki was just about to strike up a conversation about the good fortune of their family's entering a truce.... when Leo collapsed. His sharp eyes narrowed, "what the fuck is going on?"

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Yuki knew there would be a wrench in the plans when his friend took a drink before him. He should have accounted for Aki being cautious before he did this but at least one peg would be down and out of the way of his plans. And maybe a little struggle would make things more fun to make him submit. This will definetly show more dominance over the other. But they will have to have fun in this little private room instead of another room.


"I don't like being toyed with or looked down on Fukumoto. And jokes about my sexual preference? You know nothing....yet. Your friend will be fine, just knocks you out for a good while" He smirked, scratching a spot just under the sleeve of his v neck shirt. "I hope you don't think I bottom in bed, rumors can be interesting no?" Yuki said with a chuckle. He didn't care if his started a war, from the very moment he signed, the other managed to piss him off.

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Akihito stood up and looked at his body guard. "Get Leo out, I can handle myself." The bodyguard shook his head "No sir, I'm staying right here."

Aki's firey eyes looked over at his guard, "Do as your told, that was a direct order." The guard grunted and nodded, hoisting Leo up onto his shoulder and leaving Aki standing in a room of people that were his enemy - alone. His body guard on the otherhand was half way out the door when he punched someone, laying them out cold. His phone already dialing for backup as he left the club into the cold night. Akihito's eyes turned from the scene to Yuki.


A hard backhand came down against the younger male's cheek. "I should have figured you were still just a child. We had a chance to mend the ways of our family's and you're going to throw it away because I know you prefer to sleep with men? It's not exactly a secret Yuki, nor is it a big deal. I'm sure you know I have the same preference." Akihito's mind was running supercharged. Gun, he had one holstered to his back, there was a knife tucked into his ankle holster, and another small emergency pistol but he didn't think it'd be enough to get out of the room. He would have to wait for backup.... Still he looked at the people that were in the room sizing them up quietly. "This is between you and me Yuki, get your lackies out of here."

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Yuki took the slap to the face without so much as a flinch, turning his head back toward Aki. Now there's the fire in his eyes he liked to see beyond cold and calculating. He had almost a twinge of regret at this plan but backing out would be more childish. The bodyguards were ready to pounce but he raised a hand. "Leave and do not come into this room until you are told..that is an order" Yuki said while stating Aki down. His guards were hesitant but they did leave quietly, closing the door behind them.


"Learn to trust no one...I know I would have been betrayed sooner or later but I chose to act first" Yuki shrugged, hand at his hip ready to grab his knife if needed. "Seems we are at an impasse now...Your backup will be here soon and I'll probably get hell" He chuckled to himself. His blood was pumping in near fear but excitement at possibly starting another war, opening a can of trouble possibly. But what would happen while they were along for the first time in ever with a failed plan?

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Akihito glared. "I had no intention of breaking our truce, you selfish brat." When the guards left the room Akihito let out a breath. Yuki alone he could handle fairly easily. It was them he'd been worried about. "I can call off my backup, and we can try and restore the order of freshly signed documents, or we could end this the hard way." Akihito took a step forward, his body nearly touching Yuki's.


"It's too bad you're so stubborn. You're kind of cute." he grabbed Yuki's hand, the one that rested on his knife and pulled it, before he forced the other male to drop it. Akihito kicked the blade aside and drew his own gun slowly, setting it on a table out of reach of both of them. Once they were disarmed (at least a bit) he sighed and rubbed his temples, Yuki had always been a bit childish in his opinion but this was ridiculous. He bit his bottom lip - thinking, desperate for an idea.


His eyes lifted to look into Yuki's asking something he never thought he would. "What do we do now? Do I call off my backup and we try and salvage this? Do I leave in gun fire? What would it take for you to trust in this truce?"

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Yuki didn't believe him in the slightest but he knew when he had met his match. It would just be him and a few guards versus Akihitos backup and himself with a gun. "Kind of? I'm a lot cuter than you are" Yuki laughed, not minding that he was disarmed as long as the other was disarmed as well. "I guess even for a Fukumoto you're sexy too" Yuki poured himself another glass of his wine and downed it in one glass.


"Call it off...Even the child knows when he has met his match" Yuki said, hating to admit defeat. "Can't touch me or it would make you a pedophile...." Yuki chuckle at the joke he made as he leaned back on the couch.

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When Yuki said to call it off, Akihito lifted his phone quickly. He dialed a number, Leo wasn't his only backup and with him incapacitated Aki had to have another step up in his place for now. He dialed quickly and Mika answered quickly - a russian man he'd picked up for his family in college. "Mika, listen to me, I want you to go on stand by. I'm fine, I'm doing business with ... Montriko now."


There was a bit of mumbling on the other line and Aki eyed Yuki. "Stay outside the club, if I'm not out or you haven't heard from me in two hours, come in and get me." There was a few disgruntled words but Aki wasn't paying attention to them. He hung up and set an alarm on his phone, an hour and a half - just to be sure. "Now that we've got a little time, brat." He smirked and leaned down over Yuki, snatching up his lips into a quick, but firm kiss. "You're such a pain in the ass."

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Yuki let the other make his call, pouring himself more champagne into his glass. He was getting a good buzz now as he waited for the other to finish. Akihito and him had two hours to renegotiate their terms or get friendly again. He didn't expect a kiss from aki, the lips surprisingly soft and warm. "Me the pain in the ass?" Yuki smirked, tanking on the others tie and pulling him toward himz "you're the pain in the ass" He smirked, returning a firm and quick kiss of his own.

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Akihito hated to admit that this situation was probably inevitable After years and years of feuding and half flirting, eventually this was going to be the outcome. The two primary families in the greater metro area both had gay sons, a unique opportunity to unite the two, but a difficult one because who would they claim as their heir? Akihito was still waiting for his sister to provide him with a son after all.


The tug of his tie pulled him down into Yuki's lap. A bit awkward because he was a smidge taller, but he accepted the kiss, retorting to Yuki calling him a pain in the ass only after it was broken. "Me? The pain in the ass, surely you're mistaken. You're the one who was going to drug me." Aki picked up the bottle that Yuki had been drinking out of and drank straight from it, welcoming the warm bubbly alcohol into his mouth. He drank quite a bit in a single shot before setting the bottle back down and working up the nerve to kiss Yuki again - this time he held it a bit longer.

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