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Death Game (EvenEcho x WolfDog12) [18+]


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Plot: After a misunderstanding, a kidnapping, and a painful branding, an older teen is soon tossed into this old and run down city that is connected to a thick forest. The whole area is surrounded by super high electric gates that are also being watched and guarded at all times. The teen is now stuck in a kill or be killed situation. He runs across someone who is actually stronger then him. This man isn't interested in killing the teen because of how cute the teen seemed to him. Being bored with the game and wanting something more fun. The man kidnaps the teen to use as a little distraction. The teen has a strong desire to escape at first, though, it is hard to because his hips are in so much pain… Does he give up on wanting to escape? And why would he?









Name: Akira


Age: 19


Gender: Male


Orientation: always thought of himself being straight


Position: Uke


Weapon: small blade. (short sword)



Akira had always had this bed boy feeling and would typically get into fights but it was always for a good reason and he'd fight to save people from the real punks. When he was young his father gave him his weapon and showed Akira how to use it. It was actually Akira's mom that really instructed him how to fight hand to hand combat since he was tiny. His mother had died when Akira was 14, but not before teaching him everything he needed to know. His mother had been in the wrong place at the wrong time and got an illness that no one had a cure for at the time so in the end she passed away. After her death, the teen had a hard time dealing with it and would spend hours at the park just laying around and wasting time. Once, an old lady found him and gave him a long scarf since it had been snowing and he'd worn the scarf since. Akira's dad had always been running from a group of strangers constantly wanting to kill him. It had something to do with Akira's grandfather but he didn't know what. When Akira was 17 his father was finally caught and killed. The men turned to kill Akira but he slashed one across the face and fled. He was apparently an important person because not a week later Akira was arrested and quickly found himself trapped in a kill or be killed city. He had now entered the Death game.






After having slashed some important guy Akira, unaware of who exactly he was, was now facing one of his biggest challenges. The male with silvery hair and a kind of ninja like outfit, was waking up in some old abandoned building. As he stood there was a note near him that simply said "Kill or be killed. Your choice.". 'What kind of a note is this?!' the teen thought to himself before he crumbled up the piece of paper and threw it behind him. He slowly got onto his feet and looked around. What kind of a place was this? The building wasn't just a dump, it was in complete ruin.


Sighing, the male shifted around the room before stopping at a window glancing out. There didn't seem to be anyone around so he thought it was safe enough. He checked himself for a weapon and quickly came upon his short sword. With it still in his possession -the weapon he used to nearly kill a man of great stature- The teen quickly looked at the crumpled paper on the floor. Maybe what is said was true and they meant it literally… He shook his head brushing away the thought and jumped out the window. It was on the first floor and the glass had already been shattered so it was easy for him just to get out without any problems.


The male began to walk around, hiding his weapon. He was in a city he never knew existed. Where was he and for what reason was he put here? That, Akira didn't know. He kicked at some rocks still looking around. Suddenly he heard a strange sound coming from one of the buildings. What's that? He wondered as he moved closer. Akira moved quieter then a mouse and pressed his back against the wall of the building. Slowly he leaned over and glanced in the window. At first it was hard to make out what it was because it was so dark and cloudy over this whole city, but when he finally could tell, Akira panicked and pulled himself away as fast as he could. He covered his mouth, bending over. Weren't those both guys? and was the one on the bottom even alive?! Akira wasn't planning on looking again to find out. He moved out of earshot before he began sprinting down the road. Akira's mind was flooding and he just felt so lost. He couldn't unsee what he saw and he had no idea what to do. He didn't belong here and he certainly didn't want that happening to him.

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There was an unusual smell of human around his city and when he looked around he found the source. He saw the teen and snuck up behind him. He put his hands on his shoulders. "Hello?" Jun Ki smacked the teen's head and when he fell he picked him up. It wasn't like he wanted to honestly hurt him...actually, he did. Jun Ki took the human into his home and waited for him to wake up.


Jun Ki had a nice house, it was dark, just like the city. It was full of monsters, mostly half humans but a full human was rare, and he had it. He had the full human all to himself and he would keep him until he died, which for a human isn't very long. Jun Ki was on the verge of going to drink some of his blood but refrained, he would rather do it when he was awake just so he could see his reaction.


(Tell me if it needs to be longer. Sorry it took so long to reply.)

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(It's ok)


The male found himself freaking out and trying to turn to the source of the voice before everything suddenly went dark. 'How did he-," That was all Akira could think just before he was knocked out. He had just ducked into another building and was caught already. It was stupid of him to have entered. He should have continued sprinting down the road.


Akira only managed to wake a couple hours later and at first he opened his eyes slowly, blinking over and over, his eyes trying like crazy to focus. Where was he now? This was different from where he was. Akira felt so heavy and dizzy from being knocked out, but when his eyes finally focused enough, the male sat up and looked around soon noticing the other male. 'He's not planning on doing to me what that other guy was doing, is he? He's going to kill me?' Akira's hand jolted up to his head.

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It was exciting to see the teen wake up, scared. He took a deep breath, "So, who are you and how did you stumble into this little city?" Jun Ki crossed his fingers and sat on a desk, his legs criss-crossed. It was so fascinating, "Do you even talk? How does your funny body work?" He was honestly considering cutting him open and seeing for himself. Jun Ki hadn't tied Akira down, knowing that he could easily disarm him and take him down.


Jun Ki cocked his head to the side and his small fangs were apparent. His brown hair falling around his face, making him seem cuter, but he wasn't cute really, he was mean and he liked it. Jun Ki uncrossed his legs and let them dangle over the edge of the desk.

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"Shut up, I didn't ask to come here I was ditched here!" Akira had only managed to answer one of the questions asked of him, and refused to tell his name. "My body is completely normal you freak," The male growled temperamentally. This human had a lot of fire in his eyes. He was scared of this stranger, sure but that didn't seem to matter much as the only problem was, he had no idea how to get away. That's what made it even more frightening.


"Why'd you bring me here?" Akira was unaware that demons and vampires and other creatures even existed. To him they were nothing but myths, stories written to scare people. Despite the strange fangs, this stranger looked completely human to Akira.

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"Whoa, I just brought you here because people like me don't see many of you people around here. Ya know, humans." He jumped from the desk and walked up to him, "Yeah, we get half humans a lot, we have a little city, it has enough of us, but your kind is rare and I wanted one for myself." Jun Ki was staring at him. He wanted to give him pretty things but he wanted to see how he worked, he also wanted to eat him.


With slight dissociation he prodded at the other and finally the fangs dropped completely and horns grew from his head, long curled black horns, much like a rams. He growled and moaned as his shoulders broke to let wings grow from him. "So, would you rather me eat you or keep you?" He was the master, and he wanted to feel as such. His chest puffed out intimidatingly.

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"What are you-," The sliver-haired male was once again cut off as he saw the other start to transform. He'd have thought it was fake until he heard the loud snapping as the other's body accommodated for a pair of large wings. The male suddenly looked terrified. Was this real? No, he had to be dreaming, this had to be some kind of trick. The male was freaking out in complete panic and in no rush to be eaten.


"No way I want to be eaten..." The only other option wasn't all that great either. "W-what do you mean by... Keep me?" Akira was shaking and couldn't stop staring at the fangs, horns, and wings. The human moved as far back and away from the demon as he could. "This can't be real," he whispered not realizing he'd spoken out loud just then.

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He waited as his body continued to crack and distort itself to accommodate the long tail. Finally, out of the pain of transformation, Jun Ki turned around, "Well I'm a demon, isn't that obvious." He turned around again and his shark teeth snapped by his ear, "So you want to be eaten. Or kept...? Well, it means I can just keep you, like for when I'm lonely, or feel down, or want to take something out for dinner." He kept calling humans 'it' or 'things', never straight on them being people like himself. He simply didn't understand, and he didn't care. He had only ever known them as food or toys, what else could they even do?


Jun Ki had a long forked tongue in this state and his tail danced behind him before wrapping around his leg.

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"I'm not a 'thing' for you to play with. I'm a human being and you can't just keep me here like some kind of pet!" he growl viciously. Akira got to his feet finally and made half glance around the room until he saw the door. The male huffed and quickly brought his hand around behind him to draw his small blade from behind his back. It was attached to his belt along his lower back area. Unsheathed, Akira flipped the blade in his fingers before he got a firm grip of it, his thumb closer to the end of the hilt then the blade.


He made a fast movement to try and slash the demon not even caring if he made contact or not. Akira was just using the movement to allow himself some space to aim for the door. He took off running as fast as he could somehow knowing this was a bad idea that without a doubt, wouldn't work.

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Quickly the tail that had been wrapped around Jun Ki's leg bolted away from the owner and pulled on the leg of Akira. He sighed and walked towards him, "I'm the nicest thing around here." He said honestly, "They will all just kill you. I'm trying to actually keep you somewhat alive." Jun Ki's wings lifted him off the ground and his hovered over Akira. "Slash me with that knife and there's no telling how I'll react." He offered honestly. "Accept it. You're my prisoner know. So, would you prefer to stay alive?"

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Akira fell as the tail grabbed hold of one of his legs. He crashed forwards onto the ground even dropping his blade. The male reached out for it as the demon warned him not to use it. Akira was already aware that he was no match for a creature like this and yet he just wanted to escape the best that he could. The human struggled but with his leg still bound, Akira couldn't reach his sword, it was inches from his finger tips.


"I-I don't want to die..." he admitted weakly. He couldn't even understand how he'd gotten into this mess to begin with. Sure he had attacked someone important, but he also thought that this was going way too far. If humans were so rare around here, he'd certainly be attacked by another demon the moment he stepped out of this one's house.

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"Hey. I'm not going to kill you immidietly. I'm your best bet." He offered, his tail retracting and his horns shrinking back into his head. His wings still flapped enough to keep him off the ground. "During the day, you don't even have to see me. I'm a dancer, so I'll be gone. You just have to stay here and keep hidden. I'll take care of you. Food, water, shelter, warmth." He was wearing clothes but he was curious, "Why do you wear clothes? I wear them because I get cold and if I don't then it'll show that I can be vulnerable. Is that why you do it?"

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Akira quickly grabbed up his blade the moment the tail was off him. He got to his feet and backed away from the demon cautiously. The teen wasn't a fan of being treated like some kind of pet but he figured it was better then being killed or eaten himself. He stared at the other for a while before placing his short sword back in its sheath.


"Why do I wear clothes? That's a weird question... Humans wear them... so.. uh... So other people don't just see everything... I guess... We also do it to keep warm, though some humans feel more free without wearing them... Why are you so willing to take me in and care for me? What are you planning because something tells me it's not just because you felt like it."

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"That's weird." He sighed and looked back at him, "Of course I have a plan and it's not because I felt like it. You're rare and I want you, therefore I will get you." He smiled and he stood above him before dropping to his knees to straddle. "What's your name? Or should I just give you a new one?" He spoke to himself a bit for the last part. He tapped his chin with his finger.


This was interesting, this human was interesting. He bet he tasted good.

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"I'm not weird! And what do you mean I'm rare? There are thousands, millions of humans in this world so why is it so rare to come across one? I don't even like the thought of being owned, especially by a demon." Akira growled at the other almost forgetting to tell his name. He took a couple steps back nearing the opposite wall. He soon realized if he didn't tell his name he'd probably end up with a stupid one, though, telling his name didn't guarantee that he didn't end up with a stupid name either.


"Akira... My name's, Akira." He clenched his hands into fists clearly not a fan of telling this man his name quite so easily.

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"Nice name. And you're rare because we can't leave this city unless we are specifically called on by a human to aid them in some way. I have not yet gotten the chance." He sighed, "So there, Akira, that's why your kind is so rare." He chuckled, "And I am determined to keep you as my own little plaything." He didn't know which direction to take this, so many things were going through his head. "First, tell me about yourself. I want to know about you. I think." He was unsure of this plan of action.

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"I'm not going to be your Plaything so get that out of your thick skull!! Second off, I'm not telling you about myself because there is no reason to! You know my name and that I'm human. That's all you need!" Akira had a strength in his voice that made him sound like he was the boss here instead. He had taken another step back and felt his heel press against the wall. The male was trying to give enough distance between them so he could book it to the door without being grabbed so easily. "You said you had some kind of plan, so what is it? Are you just going to show me off as you owning a human?"

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Jun Ki screeched, "Show you off?! Hell no." He hissed, "They'd just take you away. Your kind is either killed or...well, auctioned to the highest bidder. Why would I pay for something I already have?" He took a breath and picked Akira up, "Come on, it won't be so bad. I'm pretty attractive." He was conceited but he was a perfect demon, why shouldn't he be? "And you are too. Plus, I could torture you. Did you like what you saw in the house I found you by? Do you think you could handle something like that happening to you?"


He liked to hear his voice, he liked to hear the ingenious things he had to say, yes, ingenious they were.

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'Why would monsters even want humans?' Akira thought to himself. Before he realized in, the demon had gotten up and picked Akira up like he was some kind of kitten. "LET GO!!!" He snarled and started flailing about. He couldn't care less about this narcissist's words until he mentioned the house and the scene that Akira witnessed. The human stopped moving and fighting completely. He had no idea what to say or do at this point. There was no way he wanted that. To be killed and then raped like that? A shiver ran down his spine and it was apparent that he'd lost this battle.


"I don't want to die," He admitted meekly.

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Jun Ki nodded, "I think that's a great outlook on life. Survival." He set him down on the bed he had placed him originally and he sat back down on the desk. "I just want to know about you and your kind." He smiled, "Hey, do you think I'm hot. I mean, I think so, but there are other demons who could be more attractive. I've never met one." He smiled and his teeth shut together perfectly.


He relaxed as he leaned back on his arms, looking at Akira. He wanted validation. He wanted to control the other, and how would he do that? Well, he would obviously have to use the one thing he knew both demons and humans understood. Sex. Right? That's probably how it worked in the human areas, they weren't nearly as useful as demons. Nope, that couldn't be. Jun Ki looked at Akira again, maybe he was missing something, could he just shut him off, he did that earlier, that was fear, he understood fear. It was a great tool. So he must be scared of torture and rape. Good to know, good to know.


Jun Ki was silent for far too long but he was having a perfectly good conversation in his head, with himself.

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"Humans aren't all that great so there's not much to tell... Anyway, I don't think you're hot. I simply don't swing that way. No doubt every girl would swoon for you but don't expect me to." Akira looked away and pulled his knees up towards his chest. It was clearly his way of putting up his defense though it wasn't much. At least doing this made him feel better. Akira soon found himself hitting a wall of exhaustion. His eyes were shutting and he was dosing off but continually tried to keep himself awake.


Akira quickly shook his head, He'd been about 3-4 days now running on nothing but a couple hours of sleep total. He'd not been unconscious long while he was being brought to this room or even to this city and he'd been through a lot already. The teen, however, wasn't about to let his guard down around this demon.

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The demon cringed, swing which way? That was weird, he wasn't swinging anyway in his sight. Well, humans were weird and they said curious things that he didn't fully understand. Jun Ki went to get some human food for the teen and then left the room to go to the main house of his. He didn't know what he ate so he put some suitable fruits, like star-fruit and grapes, on a plate and went back to the room. He usually had pomegranates around this time of the year but he was out. Some demon baby must have been stealing them. "You wanna eat? You can sleep. I won't try anything... it's not fair if your asleep."

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Akira was too sleepy to even notice the demon had left the room and when he returned with the food, the teen was pretty pissed he hadn't taken advantage of it and run off. He forced himself to get up and took the plate. 'There's no way he'd poison me after everything he's said... but I still can't trust him, he'd probably just eat me when I fall asleep. No... He wants me alive... at least for now... I should be safe for a couple days at least. If I don't give him too much information, he'll want to keep me around to learn more... I'll find my time to escape.' Akira thought to himself as he stared at the plate silently. He finally started eating and was pretty happy about it.


The food brought was all something he enjoyed and he was thrilled it wasn't some strange meat like another human or something. Akira ate the fruit and stared at Jun Ki. "Before I go to sleep, tell me, What's your name?"

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"I'm Jun Ki." He smiled, "I'm a Dokkaebi. A mischievous little monster, people call us demons, we're okay with that." He states simply. He watched him eat and finally he needed to go to dance. "I have to go." He left but he locked the door from the outside. He also placed a chair under the handle to keep the human from picking the lock. He went to practice. Hopefully the human would get some sleep, he looked very tired and he kept falling asleep. How rude for a human to do such a thing to a majestic being like himself.

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Akira got up right away and waited for Jun Ki's foot steps to disappear before he walked over and tested the door. He knew it was locked and had no way of picking it. He then searched for a window but it was no use anyway. The human paced around for almost an hour before he walked back to the bed and laid down. As his head hit the pillow, the teen fell instantly to sleep.


He dreamed about what had happened to him and what could happen to him. He somehow slept for several hours before waking after a demon had cut his throat. Akira woke up screaming and sat up instantly, panting heavily. He looked around and the room was really dark now. He'd really been out for a long time.

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