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To Pleasure and Serve (w/ JR and Zombie)


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Florentine shuddered softly before breathing a gentle moan. The maids had placed a ice pack on his head and a hot press under him. When his master returned,the blonde slowly laid back on the headboard,shifting slightly." At least you were able to find them... Will you be all right,Master? Are you tired?"

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August scoffed, frowning deeply. "Focus on yourself getting better right now." He said, sitting on the edge of the bed. He ran a hand over his pet's hair softly, pulling the bucket closer in case he needed to throw up. "I made sure they won't ever touch you again." He whispered before pressing a kiss to his forehead. Dead men couldn't hurt anyone else. Just as killing people didn't hurt August. He was incredibly cold-blooded when it came to that.

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Florentine closed his eyes for a moment before throwing up into the bucket. Never in his life had he'd been drugged so badly. It was a strong reminder of how dangerous his position was. The thought that someone was waiting,waiting for him to collapse. It scared him,causing him to shudder greater than he already had." Ngh... Why would anyone do this...?" He asked weakly." I don't understand..."

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August sighed softly and laid down next to his pet, gently wrapping an arm around his waist. "People think they can get to me through you." He murmured, gently caressing his chest to soothe him. "So now I won't leave you alone for a moment. When you're home, you'll have several maids and a bodyguard around at all times, as well. Nothing else will happen to you... Whoever tries to hurt you again will die, painfully." He promised quietly, bits of anger showing in his voice.

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Florentine slightly gulped when he was brought closer to his master. He wouldn't be left alone now if maids and a bodyguard would be following him when his master was away. Why would anyone want to use him to get to his master was something that only baffled him."He must have more standing than I thought. I really should be careful." With a silent sigh the blonde slow wrapped his arms around his master's waist and brought him into a hug." Master,I'm sorry about this... I-I don't like it when you're like this...I can't do anything about it. None of this wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for me. I-I would still have family if it wasn't for me..." His last words tapered off after that,causing him to hide against his neck.

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August frowned, slightly annoyed at his pet's words. He forced himself to keep quiet about it, though, at least for now. "You don't like me be like what, exactly?" He asked, slowly rubbing his back, trying to soothe him. "As for your family, I'd say it's a little bit late to be thinking about them. You've been away for far too long to find them again." Although his words were harsh, they were true. Florentine's family probably forgot about him by now, or they can't do anything about it. August closed his eyes, holding his pet close. Florentine was weak, that couldn't be denied. Both physically and mentally. He couldn't handle the life he would have here unless he changed.

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"I never like to see anyone enraged." He sighed softly." That's what I meant,Master. That feeling has never settled right for me." Florentine slowly brought himself to close his eyes before shaking his head." I wouldn't want to look for someone that wouldn't want me. One night you drift off in your bed,only to find yourself in a different city hours later. It was then that dropped me here. It was them that abandoned their cross dressing son. I've said too much already. I wouldn't want you to get any more annoyed at me." The blonde slowly turned away,shuddering still from his sickness.

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August scoffed, his eye twitching slightly. The man had poor control over his anger, and Florentine's words definitely weren't helping. "I'm beginning to think you're too weak to stay with me." He exhaled slowly, running his fingers up and down his slender hip. "You'll see a lot of angry people, you'll have to learn how to deal with them. I'd like you to learn how to use a gun so you're not defenseless. I'll have you take self-defence classes. But none of that will help id you don't change the way you think. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. I can give you anything you want, you just have to protect your own life."

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"If you really could give me anything,then I would want my freedom. But I have to make sure that you're satisfied before anything else." With a silent sigh the blonde slave breathed a sigh before nuzzled into the sheets." As you wish,Master. I will try to change my way of thinking. If I can move on from that,then I guess I could be a better use." He sounded so emotionless with those last few words,as if he was trying to change right in front of his master's eyes.

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"Good." August cut off firmly, holding his pet to his body. He didn't want to see the other get emotional about... Well, anything. He wanted a slave, not a friend or a lover. "If you don't stop acting so pathetic, though, I'll have to think of another ways to use you. I don't want to drive you insane because you can't handle this life." He murmured quietly. The man couldn't bring himself to actually care a lot about his pet, honestly. He didn't care all that much about any of his servants. They were there to make him happy, not the other way around.

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"Of course,Master..." Florentine's words drifted off after that,along with his eyes closing. It was clear that his master did not truly care for him,or anyone else serving him. What kind of fool would actually believe they be master could really care for their pets. In those seven years he should've gotten it through his head. But something in him told him otherwise,that he could try to put something in his master. Looking at things now,the effort would be wasted. The blonde slowly drifted to sleep, golden locks falling over his face from his exhaustion.

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