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To Pleasure and Serve (w/ JR and Zombie)


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Here comes another active night in the Red Light district. Soft rain patters down the slicked streets,mist sheeting the line of neon lights in an eerie glow. It could be argued that such a sight would be beautiful. A beautiful sight for such a sinful place. That was the last glimpse that he could catch when he was pulled from the truck.


A young man,around his early twenties knew exactly what was waiting for him that night. He was all too familiar with this certain scenario in his seven years of the salve trade. Your pervious master dresses you up to show you off to whoever and will always catch an eye at the auctions. You try to turn your head and attempt to hide that building fear of whatever hell that awaited you after you were sold. Too many good friends had been subjected to the process,and too many times had the young blonde been traded around to different masters and knowing that he would endure the same abuse over,and over. His name was a vague memory from past masters,only the driven tale that he was there to serve them. The drive or being weak compared to them, insignificant, easily replaceable. Those were the words that he was to let almost everyday. His will on the brink of shattering, fear planted so firmly in his mind that the thought of rebellion was almost unheard of. He was completely lose in vacant thought to even speak. The only thing that drew him out of such a trance was the hard slap and grope of his panty clad ass at the hand of his master." You're time will come soon enough." The older man hissed in his ear." I will miss destroying those plush of your everyday,but you've been too much trouble to trouble and are not worth the effort to keep. I'm sure tonight I can find something a little cheaper." At the last word he roughly kneaded into his cheek to show empathize for his point. It took all he had to not to yelp in pain,clear eyes hazed over from how building tears. Wherever he was going to go could never match his old master. No one could even come close.


The young blonde was then being pushed in a large room with a circular stage set at the very center. Bright lights blinding his light colored orbs, lacy garments illuminated and barring for all to see behind those one way windows lining the walls. It wasn't long for a voice to roar over the hidden speakers." Up next, loyal buyers, is a true blonde bomb shell. Don't be fooled by those curves and open chest. This twenty-two year old is a sheet boy at best glances." As the voice continued the stage below the blonde's feet slowly started to turn his body around. Even though he couldn't see it, the blonde knew what was going on in each private room. Unseen eyes undressing him,almost wondering what kind of tortures could break such a weak,feminine looking young man. He was at their mercy,and not a thing could be done about it. Whoever would bid the highest you be taking him.


"The bidding will start at one thousand dollars. Please place your bids with the designated screen on your controllers. Good luck loyal buyers,and bid well!" So this is it. The blonde would be moving on to another master. Who would buy him, and how would his personal hell continue from there?

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Name: August Blackwood

Age: 32


He was back again. His slaves kept on disappointing him... They were all either too easy to break or too damn feisty. Could he not have a nice young slave that would fit his needs for once? He couldn't stand not having someone to fuck when he needed to, to clean, to cook... He wanted his very own maid slut. How could he afford it? He was the owner of a successful company, although that was from the outside. The company was run by mafia, and he was the leader, he was the one who pulled all of the strings. He loved the power.


Entering the old building, August could not help the smirk on his face. He'd brought his previous slave along, getting rid of him as soon as possible. Maybe he'll actually please someone else, as he failed to please him.


He entered the private room to observe the slaves that were to be sold. Nothing quite caught his eye until a cute blonde was shown. He had just the right amount of curves, and gods, that lingerie on him seemed incredible. Without wasting any time, August placed his bid of fifteen thousand, guessing he wasn't the only one who set his eyes on the pretty prize. He was right - there was someone else trying to buy the beauty. He ended paying twenty thousand, only then did the other let go.


With a satisfied smirk, August walked out of the room to pick up his prize. As he saw the young blond, the man couldn't help licking his lips; he looked absolutely delishious. Reaching out, he ran a hand over his hair, lightly tugging at it to make the slave tilt his head. "I'm going to assume there are no health problems for me to worry about?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, looking at the other man, the seller. "He's a real beauty..." August trailed off, letting his fingers dance across the other's cheek gently, feeling the soft skin. Appearance-wise he was perfect. If he didn't do too well on his tasks, August would keep him as something to show off to others.


After making sure the other's health was in top condition, August pulled out a collar - but not any cheap thing, this was made special for him, with several diamonds and gold lining. "Do you have a name or do I only reffer to you as slave?" He asked, his voice flowing, dark and deep. "I hope you don't disappoint, pet..." He added, walking towards his car after the collar was on securely.


As he got into the vehicle, he motioned for the blonde to kneel at the floor. "Show me what you can do with that pretty mouth of yours." He ordered, and even though he was merely half hard, there was a rather big bulge in his pants. He needed to see how well his new pet would do... That would determine a lot in how he was treated.

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As the blonde took refuge in the large car he could barely made out his new master's request. But he did not need to hear his words to know what the man even wanted. Sitting in front of his master on his knees he began to fiddle with the fly of his pants. Once he was able to open it the blonde fished out the half risen shaft. Not many would be able to hear it but when he pulled out the shaft a soft whimper escaped his lips. Even after all of his seven years doing this sort of act to different men,it never got easier. It was the anticipation of punishment if he did just one simple thing wrong. The pressure,was just too much. But he knew that he couldn't stall,not like this. With a soft gulp he slowly took the tip of the shaft and slowly began to suck on it. He kept his eyes hidden in his hair so no one would would able to see his brimming tears.

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August watched as the blond fiddled with his pants, clicking his tongue a bit impatiently. This one seemed nervous. "Look at me." He ordered, running a hand over the soft locks, lightly gripping onto it. "You haven't told me your name, pet. Stop for a moment and say it." He muttered, letting the young male pull away for long enough to say it. He couldn't believe how pretty he was... It was rather hard to find someone with such amazing looks. "I can't wait to have you dressed up in all sorts of cute underwear. This one suits you so well..." August muttered as he traced his free hand over the top, feeling the fabric. It seemed pretty cheap, he didn't like that. His pets could only wear the best - that was obvious from the collar alone. Diamonds and gold - not anyone could afford such an accessory.

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The blonde weakly gulped when he was forced away from his master. When being asked on what his name was he gave another inaudible whimper before he spoke." I-I do not remember it,Master." His voice was so weak,soft to the ear from years of training it to such a volume." My previous masters barely used it to the point of me completely forgetting it. I must apologize..." The blonde tried his hardest not to flinch away from his master's touch. Memories of trying to escape would only land him in great punishment. The sting of his cheeks were already set on his soft skin."He couldn't take such an answer." hr thought." He would probably hit me for lying."

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August frowned, gently cupping his cheek. "That's no good, pet. Can you really not remember anything?" He asked, a bit dissatisfied. It certainly wasn't to the point where he'd hit the other, though. This wasn't a matter worth punishing. "Is there a name that you would want to be called? Florentine is a pretty name..." He trailed off, merely suggesting. "You can think about it until we get home. Now come on, this won't go away by itself." August sighed as he motioned to his cock, moving his hand back into his hair.

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"I am sorry,Master. I really am sorry..." The blonde truly sounded sincere with the apology,like he was ashamed that he could not give the answer that he had wanted. That kind of feeling was simply drilled into his head in the first year of the trade. Everything was his fault, even though he coy don't control the outcomes for some. When bringing the blonde's attbetion back to his master's shaft his clear eyes slightly shattered."You know your place. Do not forget why you were bought in the first place." He softly gripped at his cock and put his mouth at the tip once more,slowly beginning to suck on it. His tongue softly slipped over the tip ever so often. He did not put any more in at first. It seemed that the blonde wanted to do it right.

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August didn't pay that much attention to the apology, although he was a bit dissatisfied that his new toy was so broken. He could use it for the better, there wouldn't be resistance, but he didn't want the blond to fear him that much... He'd work on that later. "Show me if you can take it whole. Then you can continue to doing it your way." He ordered, relaxing against the seat. At least with this kind of pet he would be sure he wouldn't run away. "I hope you can cook and clean, as well. You won't be purely for sex. You're incredibly pretty, though, so I'll want you with me most of the time." He spoke, slowly running his fingers over his hair. "Be sure not to lose what I give you, pet. My belongings are expensive. I doubt I need to explain you'd get punished, correct?"

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The blonde closed his eyes for a moment before slowly sliding the rest of his new master's hardening cock. He could already feel his throat trying to shift and shape to such a large shaft. Even while he was slowly sucking him off he could hear all that he was instructed. Only a few choice times in his life where he was bought not just for sex. Even before that he did remember cooking for himself and cleaning when no one was around. After a moment the slave picked up his pace. His head bobbed up and down as much as it could with the quickening pace. Another inaudible whimper could pass over his lips the longer he went on. He simply hated the experience.

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August hummed in satisfaction as the rest of his cock disappeared into the warmth, the tightness simply amazing. He adored getting blowjobs... "That's a good boy..." The raven breathed out, his hand placed firmly on top of his head. It really felt incredible. It didn't take him long to get to his climax, but just before that, he pulled out. "Keep your mouth open." He groaned out, stroking his saft a few more times before shooting his load over his pet's face, some landing in his mouth as well. Satisfied, he tucked his cock back in and zipped up his pants. "Come here." He ordered, patting his lap. "Have you thought of a name yet?" August asked, his eyes hooded over with hunger.

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The slave slowly pulled himself on to his master's and softly gulped the load that had at least made it into his mouth. When asked what his name would be he let out a ragged breath." I was thinking of taking your suggestion and naming myself Florentine. It seems like a good name,and I could easily remember it. I hope this is okay with you,Master." The blonde rubbed his face a little so he could clear it from the climax that was still on his face and in his hair.

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"It's perfect, my pet." August muttered, tracing his hands over the soft skin. He moved closer, hungrily tracing his lips over his neck, nibbling on it sweetly. "Pet, have you played with toys?" He asked, curiously moving one hand down, squeezing his soft ass. "I'd love to see how much I can fit into you... I'd imagine a lot, and your body simply shaking with pleasure. I want to make you cum, too..." He muttered, pulling their bodies together. "When was the last time you ate? My pet must have enough strength to play for a couple hours." He said with a smirk, biting into a visible spot a bit harsher, intending to leave a bright mark.

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The newly named Florentine slightly shuddered under the touch of his master. He could feel the hunger eminating from him with each stroke of his skin. At the mention of toys he closed his eyes before breathing a weak sigh." I have had experience with toys, Master. But I haven't done things like that in months..." As their bodies were pulled close together it was apparent that their figures fit together like lost prices. It was frightening. Too unreal for this world." I haven't eaten for three days... My old master wanted me to keep my curves in the right places... Ngh..."

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August clacked his tongue, slipping his hand down the other's panties, rubbing his hole gently. "You'll get used to toys while you're with me." He murmured, happy for once that he wouldn't have to worry about disobedience. However, when he heard how long ago his pet had been fed, the raven pulled away with a dissatisfied huff. "As long as I'm your master, you must gain some weight. I'd rather have you chubby than fainting after one round." He spoke, tilting Florentine's head back to kiss his neck, trailing his tongue over his skin. "Tell me, pet... What do you like most when it comes to pleasing your Master? Do you like gentle treatment or roughness? Blowjobs or anal?" He needed to know to be able to give proper rewards and punishments. It was all about his pet... "Once you're fed and ready, I'll let you pick out a few outfits..." He trailed off with a smile on his face.

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Florentine's shuddering seemed to highten when his master slipped a hand into the back of his panties to tease his hole. His spin straightened all it could with each rub into it. He seemed so disappointed to hear of his lack of feeding and simply told him that he wouldn't mind the blonde chubby and pulled his hands away. For a moment he could ease his spine,but then again it was only for a moment. With the toll of his head he could feel his neck being kissed once more,licked by such a slick muscle. When being asked so many questions the blonde could only muster a weak whimper." No one has ever asked something like that... I want it to be gentle,but it never comes out that way..."

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August smiled at the answer, slowly moving his lips down his neck, pulling his body close. "As long as you behave well, pet, I'll be sure to be gentle once in a while." He promised with a smirk, pulling away from his neck to look him in the eyes. "I suppose a few rules should be established... Number one being the most obvious one, don't run away. If you even try to do that, you'll get put into a cage from which you won't leave." He spoke, keeping eye contact. "You must always be ready to please me, even if I wake you up hungry. It's your duty to make sure I'm satisfied... You may touch me when you want to, you need not ask permission for that." August said, gently running his fingers over his hair. "You shall eat with me when I'm home, and when I'm not you'll eat by yourself, however much you want. You may occupy yourself with whatever activities you find in the house, except for my office. I'll show you around." He added, moving closer to plant a short kiss to his lips. "Did you understand everything, pet?"

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The slave softly gulped before he replied to his master." I understand,Master. I'll be sure to remember those rules." The fear was already set in his eyes from that point. The idea of running was not something he would attempt again. He'd been punished too much for that one offense alone,and from what he could know he did not want to be olaced in a cage. He was already imprisoned as he was them." Is there anything else I should know,Master?" He asked weakly." Is there nothing else?"

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August shook his head, almost lovingly cupping the younger man's cheek, looking him over one last time. "This is what I can think of right now. I won't punish you for anything I haven't told you shouldn't do. I will warn you if I dislike something." He said just as the car came to a stop. "Oh, what great timing!" The raven smiled, gently patting Florentine's ass. "Go on, get out of the car. I'll lead you inside." He said with a light smile, waiting for his pet to get off before moving out himself. Tugging the blond closer, he looked down at the short male. "What would you like to eat, pet?" He asked, beginning to walk towards the big, mansion-like house. There were quite a few people outside, each staring at the cum-covered face of Florentine. "I can see already everyone's going to like you." August smiled to himself, wrapping an arm around his waist.

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The blonde slightly yelped with each pay to his behind as he climbed out of the stopped car. What he found out there was a sight he had seen many times. A mansion like estate with what he guested were house staff,waiting for their master to return. It was embarrassing to just walk with cum all over his face with so many people to see. But it only seemed like a sign of what he was even there for. With his master's arm already around his slim waist Florentine looked right ahead as he was asked what he wanted for a meal." Mmph...I'm thinking so hardy soup. I haven't been properly clothed and this wind is not really helping with maintaining body hear."

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August smiled, pulling the blond closer, as if to shield him from the wind. "Don't worry, pet, the inside if warm. I'll be sure to get you something to wear outside, too, if you ever need to go." He spoke, walking inside the expensive house. As the maids greeted him, he told them immediately that soup was to be made for his new pet. "I suppose we have a bit of time now. I'll show you the bedroom and bathroom, everything else you may explore later. The rooms you are not to enter are locked." He said, leading Florentine to the second floor, soon reaching a grand bedroom. Inside, there was a king-size bed and next to it, something that resembled a dog bed, although with a pillow and blankets to cover up. "For the first few nights, you will sleep there. If you really behave well, you will be allowed to sleep next to me." August said with a smile, pointing to the door in the back of the room as he continued speaking, "That's where all of the toys are. You're free to explore there, take whatever you want and either keep it on you or put it back into its place."

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"The embarrassment just won't end will it?"
Florentine stayed silent for a few brief moments that they toured the master bedroom. The sheer fact that he was going to sleep in a dog bed was just upsetting. He figured that his master took the title of 'pet' literally. He was wearing a collar for his own sake. He slowly rubbed his bare arms as he caught another draft passing through,this time by his own body." Mmph,any doors on this place leading into a bathroom?"
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August rose an eyebrow, turning Florentine to himself with a bit more force. As he gripped his jaw, looking into his eyes, a bit of irritation showed in his own. "I thought for sure your manners would stay. Always call me Master when you speak to me." He said, letting go after a short bit. "There are several bathrooms. The closest one is right here." August spoke as he walked out of the bedroom and opened the door on his right. "You can wash your face if you'd like." He suggested, although the cum would be back pretty soon. Perhaps in different places, though. After his pet was fed, he planned on introducing him to the various clothes he could pick from and the he would see how much his pet could really take.

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The blonde slightly winced when being grabbed,his jaw being pressed into with the slight mistake of not calling master. In other circumstances he would be on the floor,holding to his cheek as it was previously smacked into. He only consider himself lucky that it did not come to that. When he was shown a bathroom Florentine slowly stepped in and took a spot at a sink. Not even glancing at the mirror he turned the faucet and washed his face. Once he finished he turned back to his master and board his head." Thank you Master...that felt better than I'd hoped."

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August waited patiently as his pet washed off the cum, his lip twitching as he looked over the lingerie. Was this really the best his previous master could afford? "I can't have you like this." He sighed, shaking his head. "Come, I need you to get dressed more appropriately." The raven said, turning around to go back into the bedroom. "If you've noticed, your collar is one of a kind. The diamonds encrusted in it are all real, and all very expensive. Treasure it, pet." He added, walking towards the door in his bedroom. As he opened it, the two of them were greeted by a rather unexpected view, or at the very least uncommon. The room was full of various toys, whips, collars, ropes, straps, whips... It had everything what one could think of. There were a few beds with straps on them, and in the very back of the greatly lit room, there was a big section of clothing. August walked into it, soon emerging with a see-through set of lingerie, something similar to what Florentine was wearing right now, the difference being the color, white, and the fabric - it was made purely out of silk. "Change into this." He ordered, giving his pet the new clothes.

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"I would think I'd have to guard the collar with my life. It's a treasure,he says. And it's slowly digging into my neck." Ss the pair walked into the 'toy' closet Florentine couldn't help but to feel anxious. So much in that room alone, so many of those kinds of toys. His master must've been a true enthusiast when it came to certain kinks. At the clothing closet he gave him a new set of lingerie,almost like the set he was in now only made of a different material and in a different color. With a silent sigh the blonde stripped off his old garments and put on the set he was given. The silk felt so cool against his soft skin. It was like night and day." Is this set pleasing to you,Master?" He asked weakly." This is much more comfortable."

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