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Collector of Sins (StainedCrimson and Exellda) 18+


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Silas sees Tony flinch slightly and waits it out as the other seems to catch on to what his thoughts as he pulls the lip free from the teeth. As the albino talks, he gives a slow pleased smile. "Fun in my office hmm? Just what kind of fun are you thinking of? Card games?" He teases lightly while enjoying the bit of back and forth. Then gives a slow thoughtful hum. "Although, you sound so unenthusiastic about it that perhaps you really mean you find going to the office with me boring."


When the other calls him 'cute', he blinks a bit taken back s he can't recall that ever being a term applied to him. Except, maybe, when he was a child by his mother. Though that train of thought is immediately derailed as Tony continues and then squeezes him. Giving a low pleased sound, and responding by his arousal starting to show physically, he gives another low rumble when he feels the albino's nails against his skin.


He personally prefers some marks from lovers after a session. The more intense they are the more he figures his partner enjoyed their time together. Although, that only applies when the other is able to either reach him or can leave marks. So s the nails trail against his skin he presses up against them slightly to make them push more firmly into him. "Well, now... I'm happy and pleased to hear you're curious about me in that manner. As for your anxiety..." He rubs up against Tony slightly as he shifts a little. "We'll just have to keep working on that won't we pet?"


Watching his pet kiss his finger while purring and suggesting they have some fun, anywhere really, his eyes darken a bit. "Oh? And just what is 'within reason' for you?" He asks curious, and yes, obviously enjoying this side of his pet but also wanting to know just where his pet is at mentally. Depending on the answer Silas will know just how much work he has ahead of him still to getting the other to start giving himself over fully. First will come the verbal interactions and some physical initiation, but the full giving of Tony will be mental and physical upon penetration he's sure. After all, it seems to be the only other real constant for the albino outside of changing hands so often.

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  • Exellda


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What Silas says makes Tony giggle in amusement, a smile finding its way onto his face. "If you want we can do card games too. Although... You look very intense while you work. I'm not sure really if you'd like me to bother you with such childish games, let alone to pleasure you..." He commented. The albino hadn't even thought about that before. How refreshing it was to hear that from his master. Something other than sex. That wasn't something he was expecting and he was actually surprised that his master would even suggest a thing like that. "Hmmn... No, not necessarily. Even if I'm not doing anything, at least I'm in your company..." The albino said.


The albino's eyes dart over to his hand, noticing how his master presses into him. So it would seem that his master liked being marked... Tony could do that for his master, he would let him know if he liked something of not. That was usually the signal in terms of pleasure... That also told him that his master probably really liked it rough... And Tony didn't mind that, nor did he mind the idea that his master would be into BDSM. "I'm sure you could guess that I mark easily..." The albino mutters halfway to himself before furrowing his brows at his master's comment. Anxiety..? "No... I'm not..." He paused. Wait. Was he? The thought had never occurred to him... But now that his master mentioned it... He supposed that was probably the correct diagnosis... "I guess... But with good reason." He huffed, as his past was not exactly the happiest...


But when he went to inhale, it turned into a sharp gasp as he had not anticipated his master's arousal. His eyes literally looked down for a moment before looking back up into his master's eyes. "I didn't know I could arouse you this much..." He utters softly, mind blanking for a brief moment before realizing that he still needed to reply to his master's question. "Oh, um... I mean, I like trying new things... You name it... I'll try anything once, but if I don't like it, then never again..." He hesitates, "But as for the things I simply won't do, you know, the things that are not 'within reason'... I won't do anything that involves an audience, even if it's one other person. Consider me shy and overly anxious. Nothing that involves choking, please... I kind of... Am petrified, considering what happened with the bee incident. Of course no bees... Um and nothing that involves cutting me open..." The last part he said a little awkwardly. As he would have thought that to be common sense but apparently not... The scar on the back of his neck had a story to tell.


Of course the albino figured he could just tell his master why he was still a virgin, but he felt that it was too soon and he was nervous that the other male might take advantage of the situation. He was scared that his master, or any master, would find out and potentially plot against him. Tony wasn't all cold to the bone... No, more like he was a softy who had to relentlessly be careful... After being passed around to so many masters, the albino had learned well that he could not trust any of them... Yet. He simply couldn't give his heart out so easily... As his virginity, sadly, the albino felt was the only thing worth value to him anymore... It was frowned upon that he had so many masters... While in the beginning, it was his beauty, innocence, and purity that defined him... Words like used, old, and hassle or even synonymous words like those followed him wherever he went... Whatever master got him, had the disappointment of a lifetime. They couldn't fuck their pet- which was basically essential.


Tony learned that he couldn't let anyone have it... He wouldn't be tricked, lured into thinking that a master would actually want him... Because, truth be told, none of them did. They all wanted sex... And Tony didn't want to end up with a crummy master... Rather, he wanted one that he could trust, someone who wouldn't abandon him nor toss him aside once they got bored- even better, if they never got bored of him to begin with... If he ever lost his virginity, the albino was absolutely sure that he would be abandoned... No one would want him. He would officially be the dreaded term used... There would be no more value to him. Worthless... That's Tony would be.


And yet, he couldn't help but to be intrigued by the sexy master in front of him. How different this man thought, let alone how he treated him... It was different, but in a good way, one that Tony liked... The albino allowed his other hand to drift downward, firmly grasping his master's arousal. It still somewhat shocked the albino that he could arouse his master this much... But he sure didn't mind taking advantage of it, especially if he could pleasure his attractive master. His hand easily slides up the shaft, slowly and in a lewd manner, then travels down to touch- "Oh-" Tony said in surprise. "I didn't know you had a piercing..." The albino said in awe, whilst his thumb in particular rubbed against the metal on the tip of his master's dick. "I've never had a master who had that kind of piercing... Did it hurt when you got it done?" Tony asks curiously, as if carrying on a normal conversation.

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Humming slightly he gives a small shrug. "That might be why I need a small break. As long as it wasn't every ten minutes I wouldn't see an issue with you needing some attention. Whether that would mean you pleasuring me or something else just to break the monotony of the place." He says slowly while continuing to slide his fingers along the soft skin of his pale pet. It's something he's given some thought to. He'll only bring the other around a few days a week in the beginning at least.


At Tony's surprise he gives a soft low laugh. "Why are you so surprised pet? I've already told you my thoughts on the matter. Though unlike the masters you've previously had, I'm not so green or lacking control that I'll get aroused for just anything or at a drop of a hat." That being said he does find the other attractive, and having a naked body on his lap is one way to get him to respond. Provided he's attracted to that body of course. His fingers slide along Tony's spine, his middle finger dipping into the crease towards the other's entrance, before sliding back up to pet and play with the hair on the albino's neck.


When the other's hand slides down and starts to stroke him, he lets out a low surprised groan. It's been a long time since he'd last had anyone else pleasure him. While he's never wanting for possible bed partners, he's long since lost interest in those only interested in him for his position and wealth. Not too mention he's not in the habit of bringing random people to his home. That would be foolish and possibly deadly for someone such as him.


Letting his head fall back with a breathless laugh, he watches the other from beneath his lashes. "No? Well I'm not surprised. Many enjoy the sight or pleasure it can bring, but few are able to handle the initial discomfort and healing process." He moves slightly into the touch while letting the albino continue to touch and explore. "It hurt a little but not any worse than sitting through hours of being tattooed." He enjoys the touch and bonding, though his restraint is being tested a little.


"I've gotten to enjoy some play with some that had this piercing. It makes for a fun time, even if no penetration is done." He comments slowly as he wonders if the other will do anything else.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The albino nods softly, making the mental note that he would not keep his master busy for too long. He would respect the fact that the other male wanted to get his work done. There was always time for play once they got home. "Alright." He murmured. He made a little humming noise when his master commented about getting aroused easily. He chuckled in the irony because his master was certainly aroused... He just wasn't acting upon it. The albino wasn't really sure what to think about it, other than the fact that he appreciated his master's restraint. While it was technically his job to please and pleasure his master, it also made the game more interesting when his masters didn't give in so easily...


But then Tony's thoughts completely derailed. When his master's hand went down his back and to his butt, he was fine... But when his master's hand went up his spine and to the back of his neck, Tony shivered and inhaled sharply through his nose. A noise that was between the sound of a whimper and a whine escaped the albino. Meanwhile, his back arched slightly and his hand gripped his masters cock a little harder. This kind of reaction always occurred when someone touched the back of his neck, especially on or near the scar... As much as Tony hated getting aroused by the ugly scar... His body apparently didn't know any better. It didn't help that he was attracted to his master. "S-sorry... A little sensitive..." He comments, slightly embarrassed as well as slightly aroused.


While embarrassed, Tony tries to move the topic onward to his masters wonderful piercing located on the head of his cock. He is reminded that he never had a master with such a piercing... And so curiosity pulls on him. "What kind of fun...?" He asked, part of him hoping that his master would change the topic, yet the other... Wanted it to continue. "What makes this piercing so special, master?" He continued to ask, especially after his master concluded that it was 'fun' even 'without' penetration. Tony wasn't quite sure what his master meant by that. Mostly because he had no experience with this kind of piercing... He also didn't want to somehow hurt the other male... And yet... The pretty ring looked like it wanted to be toyed with. And without thinking about it, Tony comments, "I wonder if it will make me choke..? I don't really have a gag reflex... I suppose it shouldn't..." He talks more to himself, but loud enough that his gorgeous master can hear him.


Tony moves his hand up to the head of his master's ripening cock, his thumb is the first to make contact with the piercing. "...Suppose I should finish cleaning my master before I get carried away." Tony says, smirking softly. He wanted to play with his master but he also felt obligated to clean him, since he had been earlier. That, and he didn't want to make his master wait in cold water. Sure, they could refill the tub... But if they were in here for too long, Tony would very pruney. "What would you like me to wash next, master...? Legs..? Back..? Neck..? Feet..? Hmmn..?" Tony asked, wanting to know what his master wanted. Or if he even wanted Tony to continue washing him or not? Perhaps he should have been cleaning Yuuzuki's cock with his mouth or maybe he should kiss his chest or neck, both? The albino definitely liked to kiss his master's lips... Plus his master seemed to like it when he sucked on his fingers... Oh, all of the options...


The albino awaited his master's answer, halting any body movements.

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Silas hums, interested in the reaction before letting out a low rumble at the tightened grip. His thumb lightly runs along the scar, stroking the skin. "No need to apologize pet. I won't push for what caused it, but it seems as though it can give you some pleasant feelings at least. If you should ever want to share the story behind it, then I'll listen without judging you." Though depending on what he hears, retribution may yet be in order. Whether or not it's in front of his little pet is another matter.


At the question he slowly grins and slides his other hand up along Tony's thigh and hip. His thumb runs along the edge of the albino's partial arousal. "Let's see... On the particular individual I'm referencing to, he enjoyed his piercing being tugged on. So I would connect items to it to cause that sensation in varying levels. It can also increase the sensitivity around it." Grinning, Silas looks at the other. "Depending on how we get along, I've been thinking of giving you this piercing for me to have fun with. It'd be like a secondary ring or collar. What do you think pet?" He hums while running his thumb along Tony's flesh where the piercing would be.


At the choking comment, he lets out a long low sigh as he bites back a moan. "For you pet, or anyone else on the receiving end, during sex it would add extra stimulation to your prostate. As for giving oral, that would depend on you and your abilities. I wouldn't be opposed to you trying if you were interested." He comments giving invite to the other to play and try for himself, but not yet demanding his pet service him.


When Tony remembers that he was cleaning Silas, he once more lounges back in the tub, and raises an eyebrow with a faint smirk. "That is your decision to make. You started the process, so how you proceed and finish is up to you." He lightly taunts the other. Silas is curious to see how the other will respond. If the albino will shy away, raise to the bait, or react in another manner. His little gift is certainly full of surprises.

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Every time his master's thumb brushed against his scar, Tony could feel small jolts travel down his spine in a pleasurable manner. Although Tony did like the sensation, it was a constant reminder of his past. "I... Might tell you.. Maybe." Tony says, his voice getting softer the more unsure he was. His concentration was pulled in a new direction as he felt his masters hand slide up his hip and thigh, then touching his growing arousal. "I would do it..." Tony felt an overwhelming sense of flattery when his master mentioned that the piercing would be like a second collar... How nice that would be... But... "But..." Tony continued, "As flattering as that sounds, master... I find it very hard to believe that you actually are considering to keep me." Not that he wouldn't mind getting a piercing, albeit the idea of piercing his genitalia made him a little nervous... He felt that he could get over initial pain if it meant much pleasure would come eventually. The albino would probably handle piercings very well. He would try even though he would be nervous.


As his master explained the piercings effects, he found himself liking it more and more... Definitely something that he would want to try out someday... "Well..." The albino says, eyes glancing down into the water right where his master's cock would be. He was usually very confident in his abilities... After all, Tony had a lot of practice over the years. "I bet I could take you all in on my first try... But first..." The little albino smiled softly as he shifted, pulling away briefly from his master's wonderful touches, moving so he would have access to his master's left leg. "Let me finish what I started." He purred as he reached for the soap. Tony lathered his hands until they were thick with suds. He sat at an angle, pulled his master's leg onto his lap and then his eyes glanced up at his master. Finally, Tony's hands glided up his master's leg, taking full advantage of the fact that he could touch his master at will. His hands found themselves on Yuuzuki's upper thigh, rubbing slowly in oval-like rotations. He then slowly worked his way down the muscular leg.


And while he rubbed his master's leg, he contemplated if he really should tell him about how the scar on the back of his neck came to be.. He was torn between wanting to tell his master and not telling him at all. "About my scar..." If he told his master... It wouldn't be good. "You would probably get upset if I said anything..." His master didn't like his 'choking' story... His master would surely hate his 'scar' story even more. No, Yuuzuki definitely would get rid of him faster if he mentioned anything. "But don't worry about it okay..?" Tony said softly, not exactly making eye contact, mostly due to the fact that he was cleaning and massaging his master's leg. "There's many reasons why I have so many past masters... I'm a bad pet. No one wants me... And if I tell you..." Tony's eyes glanced from the water in the tub, trailed up his masters body and then made eye contact with Yuuzuki for a moment. "You won't want me anymore either." Then his eyes fell back to the leg his was cleaning because he couldn't handle looking at his master.


He could see it. This master leaving him over such an ordeal. Probably unheard of... He almost hated himself because... Because... He was stupid. Tony felt so stupid. Here he was, getting attached to a master he barely knew. He found himself fearing that this master would toss him aside if he told him. And Tony would tell him, if Yuuzuki really wanted to know... Part of him blamed what happened on the fact that Tony was stubborn... However, the other part of him knew better, reminded him that it wasn't all the way his fault... And then there was this newly forming part of him... One that didn't want to hide any secrets from this master because he oddly felt some kind of connection with him. This side also didn't want to ruin the mood between them... Although, he was pretty sure that mood was already ruined...

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Humming softly, he continues his soft petting and when he speaks it is in a low almost deceptively soft voice. "Well then pet, you have to decide. Are you going to listen to your Master or your own thoughts? Are you going to give yourself to me fully, or will you keep a part of you to yourself and let that keep us from what we could be?" He asks, making the other consider the tough questions. This is something that Tony will need to think about and settle sooner versus later. "Do you want to be my pet enough to freely and completely give yourself to me and trust me to do what's best for you? Or will you let your own thoughts and concerns to yourself thus letting them rule and sabotage you?"


After a moment he gives an approving sound when Tony states he will finish what he started. "Good. Follow through is very important pet. While realizing when you need to ask for help or knowing when to stop, following through on things you are able is a sign of good and strong character." He personally has been known to get rid of those who can't follow through on jobs or other aspects. That's why he has such a determined and reliable staff now. Silas got rid of those who continuously failed to uphold the expectations laid before them, or at the very least couldn't be reliable a majority of the time.


With a soft sigh, he lets his head fall back and his eyes close. "Well pet, it seems like you've decided my thoughts and feelings for me hasn't it? So that must mean I'm a poor master then if you've decided that I'll be thinking that you're 'bad' and 'I don't want you' without my even knowing. I must have done something truly awful to you to have given you such a poor opinion of me so soon." While a bit concerned he may be laying things on a bit thick, he also knows that the bit of guilt and knife twisting emotionally, it is needed to get the other to start actually thinking of how his self-demeaning behavior and predetermined responses he'll receive could be taken as insults or harmful by his master.


Waiting to hear how the other will respond, he continues to lay there as Tony cleans him. For him, the mood is something easily remedied. Their growing relationship, however, is something that needs to be carefully cultivated and it's becoming ever more clear to him that he's going to have to break Tony down and rebuild him up if things are going to go anywhere.

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  • 1 month later...

To be honest, the albino felt like he was being trapped into a corner but if he were being honest, he might have actually walked himself into it. Tony considered blaming his master although he knew that it was just his mouth, rambling on. Had he shut up to begin with maybe he wouldn't be sitting there with a small knot forming in his stomach. All he could think was that as soon as he confessed his master would toss him. Good riddance forever... What his master clearly didn't understand was how serious this was to Tony. Or maybe his master thought it was serious... But no matter how the little albino looked at it, Yuuzuki would surely not approve.


"I find it ironic that you would say that master because I have given myself fully to masters before. I've tried. So many times, I have tried... One master, in particular, in one prominent situation, all he ever did was take advantage of me. And while I understand everyone is interested in their own kinks and fetishes, this master treated me like a dog." The albino said, starring blankly at the tub water as he hands worked on his master leg. "I suppose he heard from past masters that I could not be tamed... So he took it upon himself to literally train me as a mutt. Stripped naked of my clothes, I crawled on hands and knees, following my master no matter where he went. Often I ate and drank like a dog as well. Sometimes I would literally be fed doggy food. I had an anal plug, one with a dog tail, in me at almost all times of the day and night. He would kick me, beat me, use me as a foot rest... I was lower than any slave... He made all of the decisions and I followed through, regardless if I thought it was wrong... I was piratically devoted to him... It was all seemingly swell and dandy..."


The albino turned his head, eyes gazing at his master with furrowed brows. "Until he blindfolded me as he told me that I would be greatly rewarded and then asked if I trusted him. At the time, if I were being honest I would have said no. However I said yes... And- And then-" Tony raised his hand, palm landing on the scar that was on the back of his neck. "Before I knew it, he cut me open, no anesthetics. He expected me to obediently hold still as he did the procedure... But I snapped, I couldn't take his abuse anymore and I defended myself." He voice shook slightly as he remembered being devastated, in a new unimaginable pain. "The reward? He wanted to officially make me his by implanting a chip into the back of my neck, by himself..." Tony drifted for a second, feeling that he made a point. He also felt that he should stop right there with his story. He briefly wondered how his master would react to this story, considering it was just as bad as the 'bee' story.


"...So when you ask me to give myself to you fully, to trust you... I feel that you don't understand... that for me it's not that easy anymore. And when you ask, how can I be so sure? So sure that you won't keep me..? You're not the first master I've ever had, look at the long, pitiful list behind you." Tony snapped lightly, "I'm not exactly new anymore... I'm used and abused, can't be tamed, slut, trash, emotional- I have attachment issues- I can be demanding, irrational, hot tempered, easily jealous... Most masters get rid of me within days. How could I honestly believe that you would be any different?" The albino blurted, feeling more angry and anxious at the same time. These thoughts had been on his mind for a while, even before Yuuzuki came around. He was used to it. Tony was use to being abandoned. He was use to owners abusing him and then tossing him out, much like the trash he felt he was.


"Would you like to know how I get away from certain masters? What excuse I like to tell them? I bet you would like to know considering that apparently you plan to keep me." The albino actually scoffed, his face was a little red from his little angry burst. On one hand, he was moody about this, while on the other hand, Tony felt relieved that he could actually voice his thoughts. These thoughts had been hidden for a long time... And at that moment, he didn't care if Yuuzuki would ditch him. Tony would just have another stupid name added to his long list of lousy masters. "I'll have you know that I- ...Uh-" He started to say, but hesitated for some odd reason as he stumbled on his words. At that moment he could no longer look at his master. In fact, he actually shifted his whole body to face away from Yuuzuki, almost in shame. And even though it seemed that he was angry, it was clear to anyone that he was not proud of what he was about to say. "I have blood on my hands... I've killed a total of four people..." And then he trailed off, not sure if he should explain himself of let himself be judged blindly.


The albino's stomach churned uneasily. He had definitely said too much. It was all his fault. He should have just kept his damn mouth shut. He was so stupid, so very stupid! So much for having a chance with this master. He wouldn't be surprised if his master flipped out on him, punished him or even- hell, Tony probably would not fight back if Yuuzuki were to beat him right now. He was so out of turn. He spoke way out of his permissions, surely. With all the muscle his master had, the albino was sure he would pack a good punch.


Now he awaited his fate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Silas listens quietly and leans back to mull the other's words in his mind, giving it the seriousness it deserves. Granted, to him killing four people isn't worth a blink of an eye considering his own background, but he can tell that for his little albino it is something that weighs heavily on small male. Then again, to main society murder even in self-defense is something generally shunned, so it is no surprise Tony was exposed to that. The extent of which is surprising though considering the human trafficking market in general.


After a few long moments, he lets out a slow breath and looks at the albino looking for all the world prepared and ready to accept more abuse before gotten rid of. Slowly, and carefully, he starts to stroke along Tony's slim legs until he's caressing along the ribline and hips. "It is good that you were honest with me. You should always feel free to do so, and we shall continue to work on you gaining that confidence and trust as we go forward." Tilting Tony's chin up, he lightly runs his thumb along his lower lip. "That said, I will not hold those deaths against you provided that they were in self-defense." While he has little room to point fingers, he doesn't want a pet that plans and carries out the death of his master.


"Now if you purposely sought to kill those people we will have a problem. It doesn't mean I will necessarily get rid of you, but it is something we will have to work out." This does mean he'll be introducing his pet to the... other side of his job. Sooner versus later it would appear as he will need to know if Tony can handle the violence and demanding nature of that side of his life after all the violence and abuse the albino has already gone through. Not that he'll let much, if any, touch his pretty pet if he can help it, but not all things go according to plan.


Shifting, he eases Tony around a bit so that they're seated more comfortably for the moment. "That being said, we should move this to a more comfortable and warm spot hmm? Go and get the tub draining then dry off. We'll move to the bedroom and continue talking." He pauses before looking the other over and rubbing his thumb along that full lower lip again. "Or leave the talking for tomorrow if that's what happens." Even if nothing sexual happens, his pet might need more of the comfort and assurance of just being held and petted by his master instead of continuing to dwell on what he'd just revealed to Silas.


Once out of the tub, he quickly dries himself off and then heads to the bed. Tony knows the way and can handle draining the tub and rinsing it out before joining him. Once settled between the covers, he waits to see what mindset Tony will be in.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Waiting for his master's response felt like it took forever. Moments like this always kept Tony on edge as he could never be sure of the outcome. Tony had to ask himself mentally what was good about telling this master things..? Personal things. Things that could literally be the death of him. Violating the contract between master and pet. Sure, sometimes things slip past his lips... However, Tony had never forwardly told another master about things in his past unless he could use it to get away from them... Or, he supposed in this situation, he wasn't quite sure why he felt the need to tell Yuuzuki everything... But it... Kind of... Felt nice? Relieving.


The albino had no idea how tense he actually was until he flinched slightly from his masters touch. He had not anticipated his master to touch him with soft, welcoming hands. No, the albino was expecting the worst. Yuuzuki seemed to have many surprises up his sleeve, so Tony found out quickly despite only being with the man less than a week. He was also surprisingly okay with some of the things Tony had to say. Oddly enough, his master knew how to make Tony stop, think, and want to be ridiculously honest. As if he was someone he could literally trust despite not knowing him for too long. It was strange to have a master whom actually wanted to listen to what he had to say... And seemingly was actually trying to comfort him right now.


His master's hand found its way up his thigh, slowly moving up and Tony allowed it. The little albino certainly wouldn't deny his master if he planned to caress his skin. Out of everything anyone could do for him, Tony thought that helped calm him down significantly. Why? He hadn't a clue... He supposed it made him feel better because he felt wanted, cared for, and maybe even loved- although most of those feelings were not romantic and they were often one-sided. Before the albino knew it, his master's hand successfully caressed up, over his waist and all the way to his ribs. Damn. Yuuzuki knew how to get under his skin... Tony felt like he was easily manipulated by this man, not necessarily in a bad way... But in a unique way, one that made Tony feel like he was playing a game with his master. He felt like he could fall asleep or find himself aroused, depending on which way his master took this.


However, when his master started talking about the deaths the Tony was apart of in the past, he could feel his chest tighten up. His master's hand wrapped around his chin, and the albino knew he was supposed to look at his master, but he could only manage for a couple seconds before looking again. He found his bottom lip being toyed with. Yuuzuki had a strong presence, a strong stare. If he were being really honest, there was only one master that he felt bad for killing, that was also the one who- technically it was not even Tony's fault but he hadn't said anything about it yet... The other three however... Well, technically speaking, only one of those kills were out of defense. Fuck, that stressed Tony out more than it should. It wasn't even the fact that he killed three people, it was the judgement he'd receive from Yuuzuki- that made him feel slightly ashamed. That made him fear, if he spoke out, despite his master saying otherwise, perhaps he truly would get rid of him.


Would it be wise to tell him..? Or perhaps he should just shut up already? He felt exhausted, tired of all of this. And then he let his master shift him, so now they were more comfortably positioned. Tony softly bit his lip while in thought, up until the moment his master decided it was time to get out. Tony watched his master leave, actually adoring and very much appriciating the glimpse of the sexy tatoo his master had on his back. He paused for a moment, now alone in the tub, reflecting on what just happened as well as everything he had revealed to his newest master. And suddenly, Tony shoved his head underwater for almost a whole minute before resurfacing again, softly gasping the air. Maybe he should stop overthinking for a bit, just let things come as they were... Shortly after that the albino washed out his hair, then drain the tub and cleaned it out, he wrapped a towel around his body.


After a few calming deep breaths, Tony finally gets the courage to leave the bathroom. However, he halts at the doorway, glancing at the trash bag that was on the ground... Did his master want him to use that again..? Surely not while sleeping... But probably tomorrow... There was now an uneasiness in his gut again. He could literally throw a fit, complaining about how much he really did not want to wear that stupid trash bag. It was so humiliating. With a roll of his eyes, Tony approaches Yuuzuki's bedroom with only a towel hanging low on his hips. He poked his head through the doorway first, peaking in very obviously. He saw his master already laying there in between the sheets, looking fairly comfortable.


During this whole time he hadn't said really anything else since revealing the killings. He wasn't even sure of what he should say... Well except one thing. "I assume you would not want me to sleep with the trash bag on, right?" He asked softly. He actually looked rather calm despite what had been said earlier. Mostly because he was just suppressing it, but Tony was trying to relax... Trying. And so, without really saying anything else, Tony approached the bed, slightly cautiously, but nevertheless crawling onto the bed. And when Tony crawls onto the bed, it's more like an animal, seductively, out for the prey. His back arches slightly as he crawls towards his master on all fours. The albino doesn't stop there, no, he actually straddles his master- which loosens his towel enough that it almost falls off.


This action almost seems contradictory to what has occurred so far. However, in the current moment, Tony decided to spice things up. He hoped his master wouldn't mind... Although he suspected his master would be more or less okay with it. "Where would you like me, master?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hearing the question, he raises an eyebrow while slowly looking over at his pet and watches as the albino crawls over then straddles him. While outwardly he remains unchanged, inwardly a smile of triumph fills him. This is a big and positive step for them. "Be careful of using the word 'assume' when asking about my wants or desires pet. It could lead to some... correcting. Not that I think you'd mind it too much." A faint curling of the edges of his mouth hint at a grin forming. "Still, you are correct that if you wish to sleep in this bed and with me then no bag or clothing will be permitted." For that night at least. He's not going to force his pet to sleep naked all the time unless it is a preference.


Trailing his fingers teasingly along the open edges of the towel, he strokes the soft and slightly damp skin. At the next question he lets out a soft laugh. "I would think it more than obvious that I am currently content with where you are... After all, I get a nice view with where you're currently at and for the moment I'm not in any hurry to change it." That being said, sometime in the near future he plans on seeing what the albino looks like beneath him while lost in the pleasure that his master can give him. Still...


"That being said, if you plan on going right to sleep then laying down next to me is where you should be." Naturally he's curious to see if Tony will catch the implication that the event started in the bathroom will continued should the smaller male continue to straddle him, or if he'll perhaps not understand the implication. Whether intentional or not. Either way the night will be soon drawing to a close for them as Silas has many things to tend to tomorrow. First and foremost is finishing the plans for getting things started for his pet's space in the yard and his office. After that he has business with his father and the Family itself to deal with.


Just the thought of the issues needing to be addressed makes his fingers dig into the soft skin slightly, not yet enough to hurt or bruise, as well as a slight glint in his eyes. Some of his Family has managed to make a possibly big blunder and an example will need to be made before he goes about cleaning up that particular mess. Thinking it over a bit, he's come to the conclusion that it will be a mixture of the old tradition with a twist perhaps.


Realizing he's starting to get focused on work matters instead of enjoying his pet, he forces his mind to push those thoughts to the back of his mind while refocusing on the attractive male on his lap. His pet will have to up his game a little however if he wants to prevent Silas from focusing on work at home.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The albino crossed his arms for a moment, "Then go ahead and correct me if you feel the need, that's what masters do after all." He pointed out, speaking indifferently. If he was doing something wrong... And if Yuuzuki thought that 'assuming' was the wrong course of action, it was only right that he should correct him. That's how Tony saw it, that was how it worked between a master and pet. Although he did briefly wonder what his master would do to 'correct' him. Because as far as he could tell, 'assuming' was an okay thing to do. Like an educated guess as to what his master preferred and if he was wrong then he would quickly learn. He also thought that his master shouldn't have fret over it, considering that he openly admitted that Tony had 'assumed' correctly. But Tony dared not to speak that thought.


Feeling his master's fingers on his skin is a pleasant feeling for the albino. He is interested in what his master says to him and he knows that if he stayed on his master's lap long enough one thing could lead to another. However, his master's conversation is very short lived as Tony realized that he quickly became distracted by his thoughts. Well... This was certainly... Different. Tony only had about two other masters who were very focused on their work... And not on him. Good situation to be in when he wanted alone time, bad when he wanted attention. As he thought before... He would have to work a little harder to maintain this master's attention, that is, if he wanted it. He had noticed how his master's hand gripped him a little tighter whilst he thought...


And while he thought he wanted to be daring... There was something about being ignored that both pissed Tony off and disheartened him at the same time. On one hand, he wanted to do something that would gain his master's attention... On the other hand... It was easier to just give up- He felt that he was a lost cause anyway. Obviously, if his master liked him enough, he'd be able to gain his attention... Yet at the same time, why should he give the other male attention when he neglected him to begin with? He sighed softly, looking perplexed. There he went again, letting his thoughts cloud his mind.


Tony blinked a couple times, staring down at his new master as he slowly peeled away the towel that was falling off anyway. He simply got up, mindlessly folding the towel before tossing it into the clothes basket. Returning to the bed, this time Tony crawls next to his master. He carefully lifts up the blanket and slips inside, laying right next to his master but not exactly touching him as he technically did not have permission to do so. Yuuzuki had only said that he could lay next to him... Although Tony did assume that meant they would... 'cuddle' but he didn't say anything about it. "Wouldn't want to get your clean sheets dirty." He mumbled.

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At the muttering, Silas looks over and raises an eyebrow. "What was that pet?" He asks in a mild tone despite having heard quite clearly. He fights back the smile that's threatening to appear as he takes in what appears to be his little pet... pouting. It's quite adorable. Especially as the younger male clearly wants to be closer but is taking the order to 'lay next to him' quite literal.


Biting on his tongue to keep from laughing, certain his pet wouldn't appreciate it, he easily maneuvers the other male to be laying partially on top of him, chest to chest, and looks down at the other. One arm wrapping around the slim waist to hold Tony in place, the other hand raises the albino's chin using a knuckle to make him look at his master. "If you have something to say pet, then say it clearly." He chides lightly.


Shifting his hand around Tony's waist, he starts to do light teasing strokes along the other's spine, a finger dipping just into the crevice that leads to his pet's most guarded spot. Keeping eye contact, he continues the teasing caress even though his fingers never delve any further below. "While alone, especially at home, you may speak more freely to me." He decides to make that clear even though he's sure his pet can be vocal enough once he's comfortable, but the verbal permission may help his pet settle more quickly. Though Tony will have to curb that tongue a bit unless he wants to be corrected or punished.


Briefly that leads to thoughts as to whether or not the other is into the lesser vanilla aspects of a relationship. Seeing Tony writhe while having his bottom reddened and then walking around with the aftermath of a spanking for Silas to see, well, he has to fight down his returning arousal so he can continue to stay focused on his pet in the here and now.

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For some reason Tony had the feeling that he master was messing with him. As if he was two steps ahead of him. Somehow Yuuzuki could keep him on his toes, and it's only been a couple days. The smaller male didn't know what to think anymore. It was weird to be honest... But Tony kind of liked it. First his master doesn't pay attention to him... And now he was pulling him on top of him... The infuriating part was that he had assumed correctly. Tony found himself being held down with one arm while the other, Yuuzuki's hand lifts his chin up. The albino looks at his master with curious eyes, trying to figure him out. Why was he so different?


Interestingly enough his master tells him to speak clearer, followed by his hand sinking down his back and towards his butt. The albino couldn't hide the light blush the bloomed on his cheeks. Staring at his master was also both intimidating and... oddly arousing. Apparently his master wanted some kind of attention. Alright, alright... Tony couldn't necessarily deny that he wasn't interested. He supposed he could oblige his master. After all, his master did say that he could speak more freely at home and when they were alone... Well... Okay... "You'd like me to speak up more?" He asks softly, bringing up his hands to support himself on the other male's chest. "But what if what I have to say isn't to your liking..? Are you going to punish me?" The albino asked, slowly dragging his right hand down, his nails lightly scraping the skin.


"You know... I'm kind of curious as to what you want, master. You always seem to have a smug look on your face..." The albino arches his back slightly, his butt hiking up a bit. "Do you like good pets, or naughty pets? Hmmn?" He was taking the bait and he did not really know what to expect from his master. He liked to play his poker face often... And Tony was still learning. "What if I want to be punished, master..?" And when he asked the question, his body shifted against the other males naked form, lightly grinding against him. He could be a slutty pet if that's what his master liked. Tony was sure he could handle whatever his master tossed at him. He was definitely not vanilla, unlike his pale skin. "I'm not vanilla like my skin, you know?" He would at least try and see what his master had on his mind. Because obviously, he wasn't in the mood to sleep right now. And with the way things were going, Tony wasn't sure if he could sleep either.

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Silas gives a slow grin at his pet's questions. "As long as we're alone and it's not too out of place you needn't worry about being punished for voicing your feelings and concerns to me. If I don't like something then we'll deal with it at that time." He's not going to set up restrictions and punishments now when he's still learning the other. Not too mention the punishment should fit the crime and individual whenever possible. ''


Laughing softly he gives the raised bottom a firm squeeze before continuing to pet the other. "Do I now? Perhaps I'm just very pleased most of the time." He lightly tosses back The grin widens as his pet continues on. "What kind? I suppose a pet that can be both. Can't take a naughty pet to work with me after all..." He muses slightly to himself. "As for wanting to be punished... Is it really punishment you're seeking or is it play?" There is a difference to be had here and the answer will have a major impact on their relationship going forward.


At the last question Tony tosses at him in response, he finally lets out a short laugh. "Oh pet, I can tell you'll keep me on my toes. Or at the very least I'll never be bored with you around." Moving suddenly, he has Tony under him with one hand pinning the albino's hands above his head while the other trails down the pale chest, nails pressing hard enough to leave pink trails in their wake. "I suppose we'll just have to see how true that is won't we? Though that means you need safe words despite being a pet." He pauses and tilts his head as though thinking. "Or perhaps it should be said that it's because your my pet you need them."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seeing his master smile made Tony feel many things, but two of the most prominent were feelings of being reassured and oddly enough, comfort. His master was definitely playing with his mind. Tony couldn't understand how his master would be pleased all of the time. It didn't make any sense to him. He hadn't heard that line before. Although, it appeared that being playful with his master seemed to work to a certain degree. Was it weird that Tony thought it was odd for his master to smile at him? For the albino it was not exactly normal for him. He was use to many disapproving looks, being frowned upon and so on. He supposed it was a nice change of pace.


The albino hid bit the corner of his lip when his master squeezed his butt. Yeah, he got him. His master was certainly a tricky one. "Hmmn?" Tony furrows his brows, almost snorting with a laugh nearly escaped his lips. Wasn't it obvious? "I'm talking about 'punishment' for pleasure, master. Surely you must be pulling my leg. I know the difference, of course." Besides, Yuuzuki was really mean when it came to his punishments. Tony had only been punished once and he had to wear a trash bag... So humiliating. Although Tony knew that knowing the difference was a lot different than acting upon it. He, to an extent, couldn't help it if a punishment were to, say, turn him on. Wearing trash bags were definitely not a turn on for him and he was sure his master could find other things to punish him with, things that would not be enjoyful for the albino.


Hearing his master laugh was a strangely amusing experience. He hadn't meant to make the other male laugh... But he did. So he supposed it was a good thing. What his master says, though, makes Tony pause for a moment in thought. Now that his master mentioned it, he thought his master would be the same way. Yuuzuki would keep him on his toes as well. It... actually sounded like his master was enjoying his presence here, the little time they've spent together. Weird. Tony had very few masters who thought that about him- This train of thought is quickly abandoned when Tony found his world suddenly shifting and before his knew what had happened, he was pinned under his master. Blinking slowly, Tony's eyes focused on his master, a soft gasp escaped his lips when he felt his master's nails scraping down his chest.


Butterflies seemed to swirl in his stomach making Tony feel nervous, anxious and even excited. He had an overall curiosity as to what his playful master was going to do. "Oh? I need a safety word with you, hmmn? Well..." He said thoughtfully, thinking about what 'safe' word he could use. He didn't have something like this come up often. Usually the word was something that did not connect with the sexual encounter. "Did you have a word in mind, then?" He asked, because he was halfway drawing a blank. "Would the word 'bees' work? Is that an acceptable word? Or should it be something like cucumber? More complex? Or perhaps something creative... Like a word that turns you off?" He implied, somewhat asking what exactly would turn off his master.

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When Tony seeks his input on a safe word, he pauses and tilts his head, a thoughtful look crossing his face for a moment. "My thoughts on what word isn't the focus here. The only requirements are that it be one you'll be able to recall it easily and use it whenever you feel the need to." Giving a faint shrug he addresses the remaining questions. "If you want 'bees' as your safe word then that's fine. Something complex isn't necessary nor is one that is unappealing to me."


Looking down, a faint satisfied look forms in his eyes as he looks at the pink trails along his pet's chest. He enjoys the sight of his marks on the other, and since the other is still debating on a safe word, he decides to see if the albino's nipples are sensitive at all and gives one a flick and pinch. Tugging on the nub, he looks back at Tony. "Well pet? Have you settled on your word yet? If not we won't continue until you do." Giving one last tug to the abused flesh, he lightly trails his fingers down the path his nails had left, almost tickling the smaller male with how light the caress is.


As Silas waits for a response, he allows his mind to wander and imagine what the other would look like tied up, leaving marks on that pert little bottom with his hands or maybe a paddle, making the other wait for an orgasm that may or may not be granted.... The possibilities leave him eager to explore limits with the other. Perhaps some wax play? His pet would look lovely drizzled in shades of blue or red... He ponders as his interest in the thoughts and the body beneath him reveals itself by his flesh getting harder.

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  • 1 month later...

The albino huffed as he tried to think of something easy. It was actually harder to do when his master kept touching him. He could feel his cheeks begin to heat up, "I... I..." Tony inhaled through his nose, biting on his bottom lip as his master toyed with his nipple. "Mmmnn- B-banana!" He blurted out as he body squirmed under his master's grip. That was a simple enough word. Something that wouldn't be confused with any other word and at the same time it was easy to say. Surely that would be an acceptable word. His stomach muscles twitched under his masters 'ghost' touch. Tony could almost laugh from the touch as he hadn't been tickled in a long time.


"But hold up- Aren't I still in trouble?" Tony inquired, wondering why his master would want to play with him when he was still technically in trouble. "You asked me if I knew the difference between punishment and play, but I am starting to think that you're the one who doesn't exactly know... Master." His master just made him more confused. Besides, it wasn't that he didn't like the attention... And if he were being honest, he wasn't exactly in the mood to be toyed with. Sure he had made a small show of himself just minutes ago... But... Then there was the fact that his body wanted the attention... Tony was just trying to decide if he should give in to his master, or play stubborn.


"You're going to set bad examples for me, aren't you, master?" Tony commented as his bottom lip came out and he made a pouting face. "Bad examples from a bad master, tut, tut." Tony teased, not really claiming that his master was bad- he didn't know that yet or not. Although it really wouldn't make any difference, considering that he wasn't even a good pet to begin with. So he actually had no room to talk. "Don't tell me I'll have to use the safeword on you to make you behave." He said with a little sass.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hearing the word his pet decided upon almost causes him to let out a chuckle, but manages to refrain. Barely. "Alright then... 'Banana' will be your safe word. Be sure to use it when you need it." He gives the nipple another tug before moving to tease the other one. His other hand gives Tony's ass a firm smack when he starts getting sassy. "Just because you're in trouble doesn't mean I can't have my fun with you. I'm not the one being punished." Giving that firm bottom another smack, he then shifts and leans back slightly.


With a slow grin, he gives Tony's member a stroke before squeezing it firmly. "And I am thoroughly enjoying myself. However, this is where I'll be stopping for tonight." Without giving Tony a chance to react respond, he reaches over with his other hand and grabs something. Moving quickly and with purpose, soon Tony's cock and balls are bound up with leather and locked into place. With a low chuckle he gives the hard flesh a firm tug. "This is how you'll be staying tonight, maybe I'll be nice and let you come in a day or two."


Shifting he moves Tony and reaches down to grasp his own hard flesh stroking it while keeping his gaze on the albino, an almost smug grin. Without a word he starts stroking himself in slow leisurely movements. Letting out a low pleased sound, he continues to pleasure himself while watching to see how his pretty and curious little pet.

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Tony gasped in surprise when his master gave him a firm smack to his behind. He didn't anticipate that his master would... Spank him. Oof- Twice... It seemed like everything Tony did, his master could wittingly outdo him. This master had him beat like no other. Not once had this man snapped on him yet and he was beginning to think that he just had a strange master... It didn't occur to Tony that maybe he wasn't actually a bad pet. Everything his master said was true... The albino clearly hadn't thought of it that way... It made sense, really... How could he not see this coming? Yuuzuki seemed to know all of the loopholes. He knew exactly what to say and what to do... To make Tony question himself. And make him bite his bottom lip from the sudden contract his master gave to his cock. He really didn't need that stimulation...


And before he could even consider moving, his master was quick to reach over, grab something- Before he knew it, his master had his cock and balls bound by leather. While he had something like this before... The stupid thing brought unwanted pleasure... It was both snug and comfortable, yet restrictive and bothersome. If Tony was learning anything about his master... It was that this man would literally make him suffer, sexually or not. This man seemed to always be one step ahead... He seemed to know exactly what to do to make Tony sweat. The albino knew that if he let his mind wander for too long, or if his master were to arouse him more in any way... He would have a very hard time sleeping tonight. He wasn't against being tied up, he actually liked it a lot -the spanking was a plus too. Once it was over, his master gave him a tug, a move that made him shudder. A gasp got caught in his throat because was still biting his bottom lip. He didn't even bother to argue.


The albino just holds still, staring up at his master, who is clearly enjoying himself... The man was now showing himself off for Tony, or at least that's how the albino saw it. He had to admit, his master was gorgeous. It would be hard to turn this man down... Especially... Since he was openly pleasuring himself right in front of him... And looking right at him, making eye contact... While doing that... Tony couldn't handle it. He didn't know why he suddenly lost composure just then, but Tony suddenly started to blush, very darkly. His face, his ears and even some of his neck was a shade of red. No, Tony knew exactly why he was blushing, he just didn't want to admit that it was something so simple... On instinct, the albino reaches up to the nearest pillow and covers his face with it. He shifts his body the best he could, so that he was facing away from his master. "Good night, master." He said, which was muffled by the pillow.


He should have gone to bed when he had a chance. Now he was laying there, like a fool with a pillow covering his face, his heart seemingly beating a million times a second. Why did it bother him so much? Why did something so simple cause him to fluster and blush like a little girl? The albino just wanted the night to be over with already. He was tired and embarrassed and flustered and naked... Tony just laid there stiff and silent, helplessly wishing to calm down so that his face would turn back to its normal color. What was so special about his master looking him in the eye as he pleasured himself? Nothing really... It was just... Tony couldn't handle being stared at like that and then have his master lock eyes with him... It just wasn't normal... When his past masters would look at him while they were in a sexual situation, never did any of them lock eyes with him. No, past masters looked at his body... Not his eyes. He wasn't a person. He was a sexual object. Plus, Tony was often told to look down. He was below his master's and shouldn't ever look up to them in a sexual situation unless asked otherwise, as that was declared 'disrespectful'.


And for some reason Tony was scared, excited, and incredibly flustered that his master would actually look him in the eye and pleasure himself. It might not have been anything special for Yuuzuki, but for Tony... It meant everything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Giving a long low laugh, he continue to stroke himself while watching Tony out of the corner of his eye. "Do you not like my show for you pet?" He teases, his voice getting lower and huskier. Giving himself a nice firm squeeze, he allows a low groan to be released and possibly heard through the pillow that the albino is trying to hide underneath. Not perturbed at all by the other suddenly going into hiding, he continues to pleasure himself. Regardless of how the other had reacted, he would have finished anyway, but seeing his pretty little pet get all flustered and hide was well... It made him want to mess the other up even more.


Finally, with a near growling groan he comes spilling on his chest and stomach. With a pleased murmur he gives himself a few more strokes before letting his softening member go. Stretching he lets out a low yawn then settles down into the bed, pulling Tony over to him. Giving the other a lazy nip to the neck, he then pulls the covers over them. "Goodnight pet." He rumbles, voice still containing a husky edge to it. Soon his breathing evens out and he's sleeping peacefully without a care as to what being pressed up against Silas, who still has streaks of cum cooling on his body, does to the other.


Come morning he stretches with a yawn, reveling in the luxury of sleeping in, and slowly opens his eyes to look around before taking stock of his pet's location and state. After last night he's curious to see how the other responds. The memory of which still causes a satisfied look to appear on his face. With a low rumble he begins to move so he can take a shower to rinse off the remnants of his fun last night and then see to food before getting dressed to start his day.


Standing up he mulls that thought over. For today he should actually go visit his father and see Shiro. "Hmm, perhaps lunch and dinner?" He muses thinking of seeing each person with the corresponding meals respectively. After doing a quick rinse off he wipes down with a towel before heading to the kitchen to get some food before calling and making plans.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"It's certainly not that, master..." He uttered under the pillow softly. The albino tried to ignore the shiver that went down his spine. The sounds his master made filled his ears, making the albino want to turn around and join him. However, the poor pet wanted to clear his mind of such thoughts. That kind of participation would not have a good ending for him... Considering... The albino peeked from under his pillow, down at his cock which was bound by leather. Yes, it would be a definite bad idea to play with his master. Tony thought he could control his urges enough that his master wouldn't affect him if he concentrated hard enough. The easiest way to do that was to simply calm down and try to sleep.


The urge to peek over at his master, the curiosity was killing Tony internally. Everything made his curious about this situation. He wanted to see his master's face when he was being pleasured. What did his face look like when he released? How did his master gripped himself? -wait. No. No. Tony pressed the pillow against his face tightly. What was he doing? Exactly the opposite of what he originally planned. The albino was both frustrated with himself and frustrated with his master who somehow knew how to make him squirm. In retrospect Tony knew that he was being difficult. If he hadn't teased his master to begin with, maybe he wouldn't be laying here with his dick bound in leather, resisting the temptation to play around with his newest master.


Of course the albino was lost in his thoughts and wasn't paying attention, so when Yuuzuki pulled him closer he had been surprised- Tony pursed his lips as a sudden frown formed on his face. On a normal occasion he might not have minded to be this close to his master however it irked him that his master was okay with sleeping dirty. Or at least Tony didn't appreciate being pressed up against his masters cum. Jeez, his master should have let him clean him off first! "G-Good night..." He huffed out softly as he felt a tingling sensation on the back of his neck. Tony figured it would be too late to ask... His master seemed to have full intentions of falling asleep as is. It wasn't his master's cum that bothered him. Cum in general he wasn't bothered by... However, sleeping with it on was incredibly uncomfortable for him. Sticky...


Tony wasn't able to sleep. No matter how hard he tried, the thought of sleeping with dried cum bothered him that much... He would make sure to lecture- to talk to his master about this later... But for now... Tony waited until his master was fully asleep before sneaking out of bed. The bathroom was not close enough in his opinion. The thought of taking a shower did cross his mind but eh, he could do that tomorrow. The albino was tired from today. All he wanted to do was clean up and go to bed and that's exactly what he did. Tony grabbed a washcloth and cleaned his back off, then promptly cleaned off the rag so it could be used again. Back to the bedroom he went. Tony got right back under the covers and hesitated when he remembered that his master still needed to be cleaned... Oh well. Guess he wasn't lying next to him tonight. Tony made sure to have adequate distance between him and his master before cuddling into the blankets, inhaling deeply, and with an exhausted sigh tried to fall asleep once more.


Morning came too quickly for him. Tony felt like he didn't sleep at all... Last night he had been plagued with all kinds of nightmares and he practically woke up almost every hour. There was even one point that he actually got out of bed and paced around the bedroom for about 30 minutes. Tony wasn't the type to scream from his dreams, no, if anything he sometimes cried. And while a part of him wanted to cuddle right up to his master because he really, really wanted to be held, Tony was too stubborn. At one point he stopped using his pillow as a pillow. He started to hug the thing like it was a person or perhaps a stuffed animal. And so, when morning came around, he didn't wake up as early as he was exhausted from his nightmares.


It was when his master got out of bed that Tony actually woke up. With blurry eyes he glanced over, watching his naked master get out of bed, mumble something and then head out of the room. Relief hit him when he heard his master start up the shower. Suppose he should get up now, shouldn't he? With a tired sigh he finally got out of bed. Tossing the pillow onto the bed, the albino made his way over to the closet and swiftly pulled out his apron. Might as well start up breakfast for his master since he was already in the shower. The red eyed male pulled on his frilly apron and headed off to the kitchen. Honestly Tony was too tired to make anything super extravagant so he merely stuck to the basics. Toast, bacon and eggs.

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As he heads to the kitchen where he can hear his pet cooking, he pauses briefly in thought. Continuing on he looks over the back of the albino and notices no traces of his dried cum on the other. Not so much as a flake or streak. That means he slipped out of bed and took care of himself, but didn't bother to tend to his master as well hmm? Guess that means another punishment is in order. He muses inwardly while a faint grin tugs at his lips. If his pet found the thought of sleeping with drying cum on his bothersome for a night, what today will bring will drive his pretty pet up the wall.


Sitting down after getting himself something to drink, he waits for the food to be finished. "After we eat pet, wait for me before you get dressed." Of course Tony's outfit can barely be called getting dressed as he still needs to wear the garbage bag for roughly half the day still, but it's still something that covers his form so the phrase still works albeit loosely. Command relayed, he pulls out his phone and begins to text Shiro to see about his plans for the night.


Once breakfast is eaten and Tony cleans up, Silas heads back to the bedroom to prepare a few things as he waits for his pet to appear. When the albino arrives he points to the bed. "Lay down on your back." He gives Tony a few moments to process the order, but it's clear that the other is expected to do as told. When the other finally complies he quickly uses padded cuffs to handcuff the male to the bed and then straps the slim legs together with leather strips so the calf is against the back of the thigh. "Now then, as you may not realize what this is about I shall let you know."


"I have no problem with you not wanting to sleep with cum drying on your skin pet, but you should be considerate enough to your master to clean both of you up if you get out of bed to do so. Though of course there may be times where I might feel the desire to have you stay covered in my cum." He comments almost offhandedly. He grabs something that clinks slightly before settling on his knees between the bound albino.


A lazy grin slides across his face, almost evil in nature. "Now then, as recompense for being so rude and inconsiderate you must keep your eyes open this time." One-handed he undoes his slacks and Tony is faced with two realizations. One: His master tends to go commando. Two: He's about to fully witness what he tried to hid from last night. Almost laughing out loud Silas begins to stroke himself while keeping his gaze on the albino's face. Whenever the pale male tries to turn away or close his eyes, Silas either gives a firm smack to one round butt cheek or gives a pinch and tug to a nipple with his free hand.


Silas doesn't drag the show out, this time, as he has other plans to adhere to and so soon releases on the body beneath him. However, he's not done just yet. Scooping up some of his cum and coats his fingers before rubbing then pressing into the slightly exposed puckered opening of his pet. He teases the other a good bit, pressing on that fun little bundle of nerves, but doesn't use more than two fingers. withdrawing them he gathers up some more of the sticky fluid and coats something he grabs next to him then pushes it into the stretched opening. Swiftly some chains are wrapped around Tony's waist and connected to the leather binding the albino's cock and balls.


Grinning, Silas looks up at Tony and holds up his phone then pushes the screen causing the small piece that had been put inside the other to vibrate. "You'll be keeping this in all day as I've put a lock on it. Be careful while you're doing things pet as you never know when this might go off or for how long." He rumbles hitting the screen again causing the vibrations to stop.


Getting up he goes to wipe himself off then tucks himself up again before releasing Tony from the bed. That done he sets the bindings to the side for him to clean later then finishes getting dressed. "I am going out today and will not be back until dinner. Be sure to stay in the apartment and I will call when you're allowed to put on your regular clothes and take off the bag." He finishes tying his tie then shrugs on a jacket over his shirt before padding out into the main living area after glancing at his pet to make sure the other is doing alright. "If you need to contact me my number will be on the counter."


After one last look over at Tony, Silas turns and leaves to head to the office for a meeting before it was time for him to visit his father.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Breakfast seemed to go off without any problems. Briefly Tony thought that his master wouldn't notice that he had cleaned himself. Although it wasn't like he was trying to hide it. This would tell him how much he could get away with. This would also tell him how well his master paid attention to details in general. It was a small detail. So it really wouldn't be the end of the world if his master didn't notice. His stomach churned uneasily when his master told him to wait for him after breakfast. Other than that, for the most part breakfast went on casually... And it was actually quite pleasant. Tony almost felt like he was having a 'normal' meal together with his master. The situation was almost strange and foreign... But oddly very comforting.


Of course the moment seemed to be very short lived, he could tell. His instincts gave him the sinking feeling that he was about to be punished for last nights cleaning... Tony wanted to talk to to his master about it anyway. However, by the looks of it, his master was already a step ahead of him. The albino didn't take the time to wash the dishes as the anticipation was starting to make him nervous and fidgety. He merely left everything in the sink after cleaning off the table. Then the albino paused in the kitchen, taking a moment to inhale slowly, exhale slowly and try to gain some form of composure. Each master reacted differently and no matter how long he was with a master, he always found himself nervous to see how they would react. Every time he got a new master, just as he would get use to an old one, he would have to start all over again. Even though his face didn't show any signs of his turmoil, he looked a little stiff.


Quietly making his way to the bedroom where his master was patiently waiting for him, Tony is in the middle of pulling off his apron when he hears his masters first command. His mind raced at the possibility that he was wrong and that his master was in the mood to do something frisky. He couldn't think of anything else other than last nights cleaning... So this was either a punishment or a pleasure session... Whichever it was, Tony had a hunch it wouldn't be 'good' for him- More than likely it would be troublesome. The albino was quick to fold the apron and set it aside. Red eyes settled on his master for a moment before glancing over to the bed. Well he certainly couldn't keep the other man waiting. It was clear that he had no choice in the matter. So the albino made his way to the bed, he crawled on and then laid right down just as his master wanted.


There was no stopping his master once he was laying down. Tony tried to say something, ask a question, something- anything but found that he somehow lost his voice. The albino felt very anxious as his master had cuffed him. Without even thinking about it, he had jerked on the cuff almost on instinct. Once he realized that his wrists didn't hurt, his eyes glanced up and then he realized that the cuffs were padded. This brief moment clicked somewhere in the back of his mind, allowing him to calm down enough to relax again. He needed to remind himself that this master was different than past ones... This master had no intentions of hurting him... yet. Plus, he was given a safe word. Yes, there was no need to get so worked up. Calm down, calm down... Getting worked up wouldn't solve anything. While he was lost in his worried mind he almost hadn't realized that his master tied his legs up. It wasn't uncomfortable because Tony was amazingly flexible. Tony blinked and inhaled slowly again when Yuuzuki's voice broke his thoughts. He really had a bad habit of 'spacing out'...


Ah... So he was correct. His master had seen that he cleaned himself. Seems like he wasn't too pleased about it. Although Tony wanted to tell him master his reasoning for leaving his master be... One part of him felt that his master wouldn't care to hear it and that it wouldn't be worth mentioning... The other part of him, that really wanted to express his thoughts- couldn't because his found that his voice was still caught in his throat. Since when was he so speechless? Tony's red eyes look up at his master, who was smirking and undoing his slacks. His heart skipped with anxiousness, excitement and curiosity. Now he knew what his master was going to do and of course the albino's instinct was to look away and close his eyes. He still couldn't stand his master's gaze... Intensely... Looking right at him. However, after a smack to his ass, Tony's eyes opened and he spared a glance over at his master- Oh... His master had every intention of making him watch whether he wanted to or not. Anytime Tony tried to be coy and look away, or close his eyes for a moment, his master would pull his attention back with either a smack or a twist, pinch of his nipple... And it was starting to be bothersome for him... So Tony sucked it up and watched his master pleasure himself.


It wasn't his master pleasuring himself that bothered Tony, it was the intense eye contact his master seemed to want. It was just so... Strange... Why would a master want to look him in the eyes? Just this simple action made him flustered like he had been last night. But with nowhere to hide... Tony felt like a fool, unconsciously biting the corner of his lip. Whenever his cheeks got red, it was so easy to see on his pale skin. His master certainly didn't waste any time cumming onto him. Great, he would have to clean himself up again- The albino gasped in surprise when he felt his masters fingers at his entrance, mostly because for a brief moment he had 'spaced out' thinking about cleaning himself after this whole thing was over. His body shivered from the touch. The contact made him squirm slightly, there wasn't much he could do while being tied up.


His master's fingers pushed almost effortlessly inside of him. Tony tensed up for a second before immediately relaxing with a soft moan escaping past his lips. If his master's fingers kept teasing him like this- he would not only get hard in no time, but he would surely go insane! It's not that he was trying to resist his master, no, quite the opposite, he would like to enjoy this... But with his cock bound in leather, he was dreading getting too aroused. Dare he say this was unfair... His punishments seemed to keep stacking up. It wasn't like his master told him that he couldn't clean himself! Besides, how was he supposed to know that his new master would have been okay with getting up just to be cleaned? He feared that he would have been yelled at or something... Tony was starting to think that anything he did would get him some kind of punishment... Or perhaps his master just enjoyed watching him struggle to keep it together?


Struggling to keep any composure he had left, the poor albino let out a small whimper when his master pulled his fingers out. Was it over? No- Tony could see his master reach for something and then he felt that same something prodding at his entrance. A small vibrator of sorts? That was his first guess and he couldn't do anything to stop his master from easily sliding it inside of him. Then his master wrapped a small chain around him, connecting with his leather bound cock. Yuuzuki was a very ambitious man... Pulling out his phone, which had Tony confused for a split second until the vibrations came. It was a real struggle to concentrate on his masters words. Keeping quiet was hard enough. Tony didn't want to get carried away, no... But he could already feel the leather getting tighter around him...


The albino is lightly panting by the time his master turns off the vibrator. Tony could curse this day already. The only part of him that was looking forward to this treatment would be his semi erect cock... Although it would have been a lie if he said that he didn't want the attention... He knew this was supposed to be a punishment, but he couldn't help but to be slightly turned on by what his master said... His mind was totally in the gutter. When his master moves away from him, Tony actually moves slightly before catching himself. He was just about to attempt to keep his master there. He had almost gave into the urge to ask, possible beg for his master to finish him off... Where in the heel did all of his control go? Some masters couldn't even get him to squirm, and then there was this one- Yuuzuki would surely drive him insane by the end of the day.


After being released, Tony laid on the bed for a while longer, feeling a rush of different feelings and numbness at the same time. It was almost a blissful feeling... However his eyes never left his master... That man was playful, sinful, too handsome, seemingly charming... and somehow dangerous- dangerously appealing too. Tony felt scared that this master somehow would break him. Or was that excitement? Guess he would have to find out. In the end, Tony never voiced his thoughts. He didn't know what held him back, when usually, for the most part, he just blurt things out. He listened to what his master had to say, as well as the command to stick with three punishments. The albino wondered if his master would know if he didn't follow orders... He wouldn't be home anyway... Yet, Tony felt uneasy about not listening to this master. Somehow, Tony felt that Yuuzuki would find out if he disobeyed. That was enough to make Tony decide to fight it all day, even though he anticipated feeling sexually frustrated, he would listen to his master...


Tony followed his master out of the bedroom absentmindedly, still very naked other than the chain and leather that was strapped around him. Then he halts suddenly when his master looks back at him. Oh yeah, he needed to get the trash bag... He felt himself lightly blushing from frustrating embarrassment. He would be fine... He could handle this. This was nothing... Easy... Hopefully. The more he thought about it, he more he dreaded the rest of the day... It was still morning and Yuuzuki wouldn't be home until after dinner! "M-Master-!" Tony called out, hesitating once he realized that his master was leaving now, and pausing because he hadn't meant to say 'master' so loudly. The surprise was evident on Tony's face... "Uh, sorry... I mean, may I clean myself before putting on the bag..?" He figured that asking to clean himself might have been a good start. After all, Yuuzuki did release on him and Tony felt sticky. It would be a mess if he wore the bag too... It would spread... And it just would not be good until everything dried. Tony hoped his master would understand... And yet, a part of him expected his master to say no.

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A bit surprised by his normally quiet pet calling out for him, he does in fact pause to look at the other. Hearing the question he gives a small smile and soft laugh. "Yes, you may clean yourself pet. Just be mindful of the leather." He cautions unsure of how familiar the albino is with the care of leather items. That thought causes him to mull a little bit. "If you know how to take care of leather items and such, then you may clean the items I just used on you. If not, leave them be and I'll teach you when I get home."


That relayed he leaves, shutting the door behind him. With a chuckle he gets into his car and goes to see his father at the family home. Upon arrival he is greeted by the staff and those part of the family, blood and not. Upon reaching his father's room he gives a small smile and sits besides a man who gives a future glimpse at what Silas may look like. "Hello father." He greets with a wide smile which the older man returns.


"Silas! It's good to see you." The man greets Silas while sitting upright on the setup on the other side of a bamboo sliding door. Sitting down near his father's knee, the two start talking. After a few minutes some tea was brought to them and lunch shortly after that. As the meal wraps up, the older man sighs while leaning back against a support beam of the porch they're on. "Well son, I think I'm about ready to retire and see if you sink or swim." He grins while leaning back, but if one looked closely and knew the man it was clear he was tired and fading.


He manages to grin faintly but almost looks sad. "I think I can handle this bunch. You go enjoy getting fat somewhere." Silas weakly teases back. Shifting he clears his throat glancing away for a moment.


"I'll have to introduce my new pet to you before you go gallivanting off to sow a few more oats." He tosses out causing his father to perk up in interest. Soon there's a shoot off of questions and the atmosphere lightens. About another hour passes before Silas gets up and heads out after saying 'goodbye' to his dad. Unbeknownst to his father he'd randomly been using his phone to send signals to the vibrator in his pet lasting different lengths of time.


Thinking of his pet he lets out a low laugh. "I should put in a few cameras so that I can see his reactions." Getting in his car he goes and takes care of some things at work until he meets with Shiro. On the way he calls home to check on his pet. "Hello pet, how have you felt while taking your punishments?" He asks with a grin, but also serious as knowing how the other is feeling and responding impacts how effective something is and if at all dangerous for the other.


He lets the other talk then gives a low thoughtful hum before responding. "Alright pet, you can take off the bag and put on regular clothing. You may also throw the bag away. Make sure you eat something for lunch and dinner." He orders before finishing the conversation then hanging up.


After he takes care of some work at the office he heads out to meet Shiro for dinner. They had decided to meet at their usual place and after they place their order, Silas leans in with a serious look. "So, what have you found out?"

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