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My Protector (Zombie and Kitty) [18+]


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My character:






Name: Tyler Douglas

Age: 26

Personality: Cold and gruffy on the outside, however bears a surprisingly warm heart inside. In general, Tyler is extremely protective over his friends, often they come before himself. For strangers, however, it isn't the same. He will often turn his back on someone he doesn't know well enough to trust. He despises getting comments about his smoking; if he's in a really bad mood, he may even show with violence this isn't something that should be mentioned. All in all, he's a person that uses actions more than words. He may be described as the silent type, people often find him mysterious as well. Even his friends often feel like they don't really know him. Tyler has built a tall wall around some parts of himself that no one else may know.

Sexuality: Gay-romantic pansexual.



Damn... He was late. A puff of smoke disappeared into air as deep brown eyes stared off into the distance. He was never late. Did something happen? A gush of air flew past and Tyler finally zipped up his leather jacket. His lip twitched as he glanced around, then looked at his watch. They were supposed to meet fifteen minutes ago, and he still hadn't gotten anything, not a text, not a message. That idiot really did get himself into trouble.


With a heavy sigh, the man pushed himself up from the bench, tossing the cigarette on the ground to step on. Fuck it, he had to go search. If anything, the other would just call him and they'd meet up somewhere else. He just hoped he wouldn't get a call from the hospital or something. In this situation, that seemed entirely possible. He was the idiot's emergency contact.


A soft groan slipped past his lips as he headed into the emptier alleyways. Where was he? Tyler decided the best way to find him would be to trace the way back to the other's house. He knew the way there just like he knew the back of his hand.

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Name: Liam Ross

Age: 24

Personality: Sweet, can be very loud at times and loves meeting new people. He could strike up a conversation with just about anybody! He was the complete opposite of his best friend- who can come off as cold. Liam, however, does have a bad tendency to mouth off to people; which has often than not, got him into some serious trouble. But underneath that loud mouth of his, he is very insecure about himself. He may come off as confident; however, deep down inside he really is a shy and scared young male.

Sexuality: Gay.



Panting was heard coming from a young male who was on the ground, blood was dripping down from his busted up lip. The young male was on his way to meet up with his friend, they were going to hang out at his house for a few. That was until some local gang members saw him walking- pulled him into the alleyway and started wailing on him. Now- here Liam was; on the ground- bleeding from the cuts on his arms, his pale cheek felt swollen.


He knew that there would probably be a bruise there later... His black form fitting shirt was torn and had pieces missing from it. He felt a swift kick to his side- a loud groan of pain left his open mouth. A chuckle was heard coming from above him.


"Awe, what's the matter? Do you hate the pain? Cause... I thought- your kind likes this kind of pain?"


Another kick came to his side, this time much harder.


“Ah! S-Stop! I-It… Hurts…!”


Liam hissed out through clutched teeth, why? Why, does this always happen to him? Why? He then started to think about Tyler. He wished that he was here right now… Don’t get him wrong, he could hold up his own in a fight. But- it was like five against one? Yeah… He was surely no match for them…

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Tyler froze in place for a few moments as he heard something - faint, but it sounded like a fight. Fuck. The man began walking faster, the cold air mercilessly lashing his cheeks and hands. Those were clenched into fists; not because of the cold, but from the anger and perhaps even fear.


He found the source of the sounds soon enough, and boy, did he not like the view. Rage took over him as a sound that was similar to an animal's growl left his mouth. "Ivan..." He hissed, stopping the 'leader from delivering another kick.


"Well, it's about time. Came to pick up your pet?" The leader snarled, apparently in the mood for chatting. Tyler, however, was never in the mood for it. One against five wasn't too favorable for him, but he'd manage. Not perfectly, but he should manage. As he was attacked from all sides, Tyler opted to defence first, standing in front of Liam to make sure no one else could get to him.


One by one, he managed to knock out all of them. In the process, his eyebrow was cut, his lip had begun to swell and he was sure most of his body would be covered in new bruises. As he wiped the blood from his brow, Tyler turned around and crouched down, silently picking his friend up.


"This won't ever happen again." He muttered, carefully holding him in his arms as he began walking. In the corner of his eye, he could see the gang moving, however they didn't seem to be going after them... At least for now. Tyler remained silent, one eye squinted from the blood that was dripping from his brow.

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Liam watched in silence as his friend took on the gang, his body was aching all over- but… seeing his friend put up such a fight against them… Made him worried, he hated seeing his friend fight his battles… Even though he would probably tell him, ‘that’s what friends are for…’ He sighed softly, causing the blood to drip down from his lips and onto his chin. He could see his warm breath hitting the air, causing it to come out in white visible puffs of air.


He blinked his eyes weakly as he felt his body being lifted up gently, he could feel himself hovering over the moving ground. He knew that Tyler was carrying him- like he usually did when he was too weak to walk from getting the shit beaten out of him.


The slightly younger male looked up at the slightly older males face and noticed that he had a cut above his left eyebrow. It also looked like he got some of it in his eye. Liam with as little strength as he could manage lifting his right hand up and wiped the blood away with his thumb. He winched a little bit- due to the sharp pain he felt in his side.


“Hehe… You always say that…” Liam chuckled in a humorless tone of voice; he knew that his friend would scold him for laughing in a situation like this.

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Tyler scoffed, staying silent. He tossed a small glare at the other, holding him a bit closer. This kept on happening... "You need to learn how to defend yourself. They can't keep picking on you when they want to get to me." He said quietly, stopping by the door of Liam's house. He didn't even ask for the key; he'd gotten a spare one a long time ago, for emergencies like this one.


As the two of them were finally inside, Tyler walked to the bedroom, setting his friend down on the bed. "Take off your clothes, I'll take care of your wounds." He muttered quietly and left to get the first aid kit. It didn't seem like there were any broken bones, at least he hoped not. While in the bathroom, the man quickly washed his face and put a plaster over the cut on his brow, ignoring all other bruises for the time being.


Tyler went back into the bedroom, carrying the ointment, spirit and bandages, along with band aids for smaller cuts. With a sigh, the man began patching his friend up, the silence in the room comforting for him. He disliked noisy surroundings, and this situation really didn't need words - at least in his opinion.

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Liam rolled his blue eyes at what Tyler had just said, but didn’t say anything to him- he just looked down at his torn shirt and frowned deeply. Well… There goes my favorite shirt… He thought with an irritated groan. When they got inside of his house, and after they got to the slightly younger males room- he still didn’t say a word to the two years apart older male.


But- he did however, followed up on what the other told him to do. He took off his shirt with a hiss of pain escaping from his busted up lip. He examined his shirt more clearly and sighed, yup… there was no saving it now… He threw it on the ground with a huff, a minute later he was cursing up a storm, due to his friend patching him up.


“Ow! You could be gentler, you know!” Liam glared heatedly at the other male; he knew that he was angry for saving him, once again. That’s when he looked down at his lap, he should be protecting himself more than he was… but… He shook his head lightly.


His once nicely combed over light blue dyed hair was now a complete mess- sticking up every which way. “Ty… I’m sorry… I cause you so much trouble…” He muttered under his breath, feeling guilty about getting his friend hurt.

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Tyler didn't seem to pay attention to the other's curses and complaints, just continuing to clean and bandage the wounds he got. The man let out a soft grunt as he finished up, gently skimming his fingers over the bandages, the checked over his skin to make sure he didn't miss anything. Only then did he look up - when Liam apologized.


"Sorry won't help here. Go and put on some muscle, learn self-defense... There will be a time when I won't be there in time, and you'll end up seriously hurt. Not just physically." The man spoke, standing up with a stern look. "Be careful now, don't move too much. Until the bigger ones heal, take it easy." With those words, he shrugged off his jacket, tossing it on the bed before removing his shirt. He groaned softly as he looked at the mirror, lightly pressing on the bruises. Didn't seem like anything serious...


Tyler patched himself up quickly, the tattoos on his body appearing stained from the blue and purple bruises over them. He turned around to look at his friend, holding the shirt in his hand. "Did they do anything else?" He asked, putting the shirt back on. Honestly, what he was scared the most of was Liam getting raped one time. That could be a traumatic experience for anyone...

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Liam's head was still down, not even bothering to look at him- after he had spoken harshly to him he winched lightly. He knew how to defend himself! However, at times he did feel powerless- especially when you get jumped out of nowhere and get wailed on for no reason. Was it because he was friends with Tyler? That's when he looked up and over at him with an unreadable expression on his face.


But- he shook that thought away quickly with a soft sigh leaving his mouth. "First of all, I do know how to defend myself! I took karate for a few years, remember?" He said in a matter of fact kind of tone. He crossed his arms over his chest and groaned in pain when he did so. It still hurt to move around; even if it’s a little bit of movement it still stung.


He was about to add more to what he was going to say but stopped himself when he heard Tyler ask if they did anything else to him. Liam froze on the spot, he didn't even look like he was breathing for a moment, his eyes closing tightly- while his body was shaking. He remembered at first they tried to, that was why his shirt was torn- however, he ended up putting up a fight and that's why he ended up on the ground... Being kicked and beaten.


He shook his head quickly, almost to quickly for his own good, "No! They did nothing to me okay!" His voice was shaking slightly, he knew that his friend would probably not believe him. His torn to shreds shirt was evidence enough that something almost happened, and how his body language is, along with his tone was a dead give away.

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"Clearly, your karate skills don't mean shit in these situations." Tyler said bluntly, looking at his friend with a steely gaze. "You should carry around pepper spray, maybe a whistle... At least to be able to run away. Self-defense classes are a good idea too, though." He muttered, letting a sigh part his lips before walking to sit down on the bed next to Liam. The man rubbed his face slightly, only lifting his head up at the nervous response he got to his question.


Eyes widening, Tyler could feel his lips parting slightly. "Don't lie..." He muttered, his voice appearing to have a hint of anger in it. The man looked at Liam closely, silently examining his expression. "What did they do?" He asked again, obviously showing he won't take 'nothing' for an answer. It was clear there was something done, he just didn't know how bad it was... The other didn't seem to be too shaken up when he found him, at least considering the situation he was in. If he'd been raped, Tyler imagined it would've been a bit different.

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"...." Liam was silent for a few moments- still not looking at his friend that he had known for years, his body still shaking slightly he took in a deep breath before he finally looked over at him with slightly glassy blue eyes. He looked like he was about to cry, but he was holding back his tears. He moved from his spot and climbed onto Tyler's lap for a minute- he leaned over the side of his bed and picked up the torn black t-shirt. He held it up with a shaking hand; he then sat up right on his friends lap.


He was clenching onto the torn fabric- the slightly younger male moved off of the slightly older male’s lap, in favor of sitting back next to him. Liam started to pick at the shirt unconsciously, finally he decided to say something- "Th-They tried too... But- I... I stopped them... That's why... Well..." He handed his shirt to his friend to look at it. He looked down and brought his legs up to his chest and placed his forehead down on his knees. A loud hiss of pain left his busted up lip, he could feel one of the larger cuts on his side open up- staining the bandages bright red.

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Tyler remained silent, patiently waiting for the moment Liam would speak. One thing he was good at was waiting, especially in silence. As the other climbed in his lap, the man brought one arm around him gently, resting it on the younger's thigh. He let out a soft sigh as he watched him take the shirt which was given to him soon enough. "Idiot. Don't move." Tyler groaned at first, putting the shirt aside. With one hand, he gently held his friend's chin, looking him right in the eyes. "I'm going to take you to the hospital. You need to get some of the cuts stitched." He said quietly, his gaze moving down to his lip, which he gently tapped with his thumb, turning the other's head with his hand.


"Put some clothes on, I'll get ice." Tyler said quietly and stood up, grabbing the shirt on his way out. It was no use keeping it, either way. He doubted Liam would like a reminder of what happened. The man tossed it in the hallway to grab before going to the car. As he got ice for the other's lip, Tyler stopped for a moment and thought - what would've happened it he was late? Would he'd found Liam dead? The man closed his eyes, holding the towel with ice inside tightly in his hand. He couldn't always be the protector. Groaning quietly, Tyler went back to the bedroom, holding the towel out. "Hold this against your lip."

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The younger male blushed lightly when he felt Tyler grab his chin, taking it off of his knee- to look at him in the eyes. He was about to protest about going to the hospital; but stopped himself from saying anything due to the fact that his friend tapped lightly on his bottom lip with his thumb. He then felt him pull away from him and tell him to get dressed before walking out of his room.


Liam sighed in a highly shaken up tone, he slowly slipped off the bed and ended up falling back on it, he was sitting at the edge of the bed feeling very light headed. His hand went to his side and held it- He heard his door open again and lifted his head up weakly, he saw his friend coming in with an make shift ice pack.


He slowly grabbed the towel from Tyler's hand; once he was in front of him. He placed it against his bottom lip- his eyes closing and opening slowly. He was starting to feel rather tired- his arm became slacked, he ended up dropping the towel and falling back on his bed. His breathing became rugged as he passed out cold on his bed.

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"You cannot be serious." Tyler groaned loudly as Liam lost consciousness. Hurrying to his side, the man hurriedly threw his leather jacket over the younger male before picking him up. He walked outside, stopping a cab once they were out in the street. He held the other close, making sure he wouldn't stop breathing. If he died, Tyler would make sure the other five would too, even if he went to prison for the rest of his life for it.


As soon as they were at the hospital, Tyler slammed the door open, calling for someone to help him - he must've looked pretty terrifying, his hands were stained with blood and he himself had quite a few bruises. Liam was soon taken away to have blood transferred and his cuts stitched up. Meanwhile, he himself was led to have his own cuts taken care of. After that, he just waited by his friend's bed for him to wake up.

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Liam looked like a mess- he was hooked up to an ivy drip, a heart monitor beeped slowly- his chest was moving up and down in a calm even like fashion. His cuts were bandaged properly, along with being stitched up. His lip looked swollen; the bruise on his left cheek was more noticeable against his pale face.


The younger male looked like he hadn't gotten much sleep. Just then, a very handsome looking young doctor came into the room with a clip board in his hands- he was flipping through the pages before walking over towards the dyed blue haired male’s bed.


He looked at his heart-rate and wrote it down on the last page of the papers. After he had done so, he looked over at Tyler with a raised black eyebrow- he flipped through the paper work again and found a page with the contact information on it. "Are you... Tyler Douglas?" He asked while lifting his head up again to stare at the man with serious green eyes.

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Tyler raised his head as the doctor entered the room, quietly observing what he did. He knew he must've looked scary, even in general people sometimes avoided him because they thought he was dangerous. He supposed it wasn't really a lie. He could be dangerous, as proved by today's events.


"Yeah." He answered shortly, crossing his arms as he leaned back against his chair. He doubted he'd be forced to leave, honestly... Although he had no idea how hospitals worked. Most of the time when he got hurt, it was while doing something either illegal or wrong in general; that's why he mostly avoided them. Tyler stared back at the doctor, his gaze firm and steady. He wouldn't break the silence that came after his reply first. If the doctor had what to say, he'd say it, that he was sure of.

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The doctor walked up to him and un-clipped the contact/information paper from the board, he handed him the papers- "I need you to finish filling these out... Since he failed to completely fill them out the last time he was here..." He spoke in slightly irritated tone of voice.


It was like Tyler's attitude was getting under his skin, "I'll be back in a few to check up on him and retrieve the paper work..." He looked over at Liam, who was resting peacefully on the hospital bed- hooked up to all sorts of machines.


He felt bad for the young man. The doctor looked away from the young male and walked towards the door, but not before he said in a harsh tone of voice- "Once you’re done, leave so he could get some rest..." With that said the man walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

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Tyler grunted quietly, taking the forms from the doctor's hands. He scowled at the papers, quickly beginning to scribble the information that was needed. The man ignored everything the other said - well, except for the very last words. His head shot up, teeth clenching as he glared at the backside of the doctor. Fucking asshole...


Tyler let out a sound that was more like a growl than a groan, the vein on his neck popping out as he squeezed the pen in his hand. He remained in his seat, purposely leaving a few blank spaces that he "wasn't sure about". Anything to spend more time with Liam. Besides... How could he possibly be disturbing his rest if the other was unconscious. Tyler huffed, twirling the pen in his hand. Screw hospital rules. If he could break the law, he could break these rules as well.

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A soft mutter left the dye blue haired males swollen lips, "T-Ty-Tyler..." The lone name left his mouth, his lips parted slightly to inhale a deep breath of air- he started to cough lightly due to the sudden rush of air in his lungs. His blue eyes squeezed tightly due to the pain that he was in.


Liam's coughing fit died down, he turned his head towards the side where his friend was sitting at. "... Ty... I... I'm... Sorry..." He whispered in his sleep- a small whimper left from his throat, tears fell down from his closed eyes. It looked like he was having a nightmare, his hand gripped the blanket tightly- his knuckles were turning white due to the strong grip he had.


The blanket wrinkled under his grasp, the heart beat on his monitor was hiking up. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." He kept repeating over and over again in his sleep; as his tears started to mix in with his sweat that had started to gather on his face.

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Tyler flinched slightly when he heard his name, biting down on his lip the slightest bit. He placed his hand over Liam's, gently taking it into his own. "I'm here. It's okay." He muttered, hoping to ease the other back to peaceful sleep. He pressed his lips against his friend's knuckles gently, just holding his hand like that. Gently, Tyler stroked his hand with his thumb, with the other lightly pushing the hair away from his face, brushing off the beads of sweat.


Tyler ran his fingers over the dyed hair, letting out a quiet sigh as he waited for Liam to calm down. He hated being helpless. He hated seeing his friends suffer, especially since he didn't have that many. He hated seeing Liam in pain the most, he really cared about him...

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Liam did in fact start to calm down, his heart rate was dropping to a lower beat than it was a moment ago- his eyes moved slightly, the tears stopped- but his cheeks were still damp. His lids fluttered for a few minutes before his eyes opened slowly with a low groan leaving his throat.


He blinked his blue orbs a couple of times, when he got his sight focused- he gave his friend a small smile. His eyes were glasses due to him waking up- along with the tears that had fallen a few seconds ago. "... Hey... Ty..." His voice was groggy and sleep laced, the morphine was starting to wear off. He groaned and hissed in pain. His whole body ached!


Liam's face scrunched up in some serious pain, at that moment the doctor had walked in with a nurse. He was talking to her but; he stopped when he noticed that the young male was in pain. He rushed over towards his bedside with the nurse right behind him- "He needs morphine! Quickly, get a needle ready!"


He ordered the nurse who just nodded her blond head and rushed out of there to do what she was told to do. The doctor looked over at Tyler with a heated glare, "Get... Out..." His voice was ten times harsher than it was earlier. The nurse rushed out of the room to get a needle ready for the doctor.

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Tyler flinched as the doctor came in, glancing at the man while holding onto Liam's hand. "It's going to be okay, I promise." He muttered quickly, just before the other told him to leave. The man stood up, finding himself taller than the doctor. He held up the papers, his lips pursed together into a tight frown. "I wasn't sure about a few things." He said quietly, grabbing his jacket as he tilted his head, looking down at the other man almost mockingly.


"You call me when you get out." He called out to Liam, the stepped out of the room, still holding the forms he was supposed to fill out. On his way out, the man pushed the doctor out of the way, barely even noticing he did this. Guess he better find himself a nurse who'd tell him what he needed to write down in those spaces...

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The nurse ran back into the room as soon as Tyler had walked out of the room, she handed the doctor the needle- who was regaining his footing due to the fact that the man that had walked out of the room had bumped into him.


He sighed and took it from her; he flicked it a few times. Liam's eyes widened in fear- he hated needles! He started to struggle- however; it was a bad idea... considering the fact that the pain in his body increased. The doctor was trying for him to relax, "Shush... I'm only injecting this in your IV drip... Calm down... Please..." The young black haired doctor said trying to ease the young man down.


Once he injected the morphine into the drip, the young dyed blue haired male started to settle down a little bit- his heart beat was slowly easing down. The doctor sighed softly and gave the young man a small smile, "You feel better now?" He asked in a softer tone of voice. Liam blinked his eyes a few times and slowly nodded his head.


"Hmmmm... I feel better..." He replied in a calmer tone than he did before. The doctor chuckled and walked over towards the waste bin and threw the used needle away. "I'm glad... Well... Get some rest... Alright…?" "Hmmmm... I'll relax..." He nodded his head watching the doctor and nurse walk out of the room, but not before they both told him that he could call for either of them if he needed them.


At a desk on the same floor, a woman in her mid-forties was helping Tyler finish filling out the forms. "That should do it! And..." She noticed that the doctor and the other nurse walked out of the young man's room, "I think it's safe for you to go back in there..." She said nodding her head in the direction of the door that Liam was in.

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Tyler walked straight to the information desk, asking a nurse there to tell him what he needed to fill in, and if he'd filled in the previous spaces correctly. The man instantly took a liking to the woman, pulling off most of his defenses as he spoke to her, soon finishing up with the whole form. "Thank you." He said simply, offering the nurse a small smile before taking the papers and heading back into Liam's room. As he put the form down, Tyler walked closer to his friend, letting out a soft sigh. "You shouldn't be in here for too long." He murmured, leaning down to press a small kiss to his forehead - Liam was the only one he still did this for.


"I've gotta go for now, but you have to call me when you know the date of your release. You won't be going anywhere without me anymore." Tyler said firmly, looking at his friend with a stern look. He wouldn't leave until it was promised.

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"Mm... Your kisses feel nice... Can I have more?" Liam asked in a lightly airy tone of voice, it seemed like the morphine was starting to kick in. He reached up slowly and grabbed the front of his friends shirt- his blue eyes looked a little glassy due to the drug working through his system to relax his aching body.


"Please... Don't leave me- alone... I'm scared without you by my side..." His voice sounded slightly different, it was cracking a tad bit. "I need you by my side Tyler... You’re... Special... To me..." Liam's grip became slightly slacked on his best friends shirt, man was he feeling sleepy now.


His eyes fluttered a few times, "I... Lo..." Before he could finish his sentence he passed out. The drug made him so relaxed that he fell fast asleep. Light snores left his slightly opened mouth- his hand was still resting on Tyler's shirt.

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Tyler stayed silent, moving one hand to place on top of the other's. He had to go, even if he wanted to stay. His bills weren't going to pay themselves, nor was his rent - although those were only excuses, for he felt as if Liam was getting too close to him. He was far too close to breaking the walls he'd built around him, and he didn't like it. He didn't want to let anyone inside, no one could ever see him as him again.


"I know." Tyler muttered quietly, gently removing Liam's hand from his shirt before turning around to leave. Before doing so, however, he scribbled down a note for his friend, asking him to call when he woke up and needed company. For the time being, though, he decided to leave. Immediately heading to work, Tyler quietly greeted the receptionist and went to sit down at his desk. Surely, it was a simple job as a programmer at the local bank, but it payed pretty well, so he didn't complain. Besides, programming had always been easy for him.

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