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៙BL 'Magnolia' ~Writer Contest~៙


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Graphics::Asakura-Sama lllll Organized::Saga lllll Approved::Key



"The magnolia flower's meaning is attached with the symbols of

perseverance, nobility, beauty, sweetness, dignity and love of nature.

The white magnolia's meaning include purity and perfection, while

The pink magnolia means youth and

innocence added with joy."




After being rich on contests for graphic, artists, video making,

we decided that it's time to make a contest for people who love

to write.


This month we will have a new theme set and it's - "Magnolia".


You have to present your masterpiece, which describes love between two males.

It's up to you how you will interpret "Magnolia".

So show us your imagination!





・Minimum 400 words, maximum 600 words. ・

Only stories are accepted, no poems.

・The story must be rated as for 16+ ・

No racism, no religious topics, no animal/child abuse.

・Love must be between two males. ・

Title of the story is up to you.

・Post the finished work on this thread. ・

Read the rules once again.





1,500 points for all that applied

5,000 points for the winner +

a Manga cover card from the iShop





Start - 03 May 2015

End - 31 May 2015




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Here is my entry for this month.

Title: - True Love -

Number of Words: - 599 -



- True Love -


He stared out of the window. Night had fallen and the twinkling stars reminded him that there was still hope. He took one last puff and put out his cigarette.




That word didn't mean a thing to him. He was past the point of caring. He was the sole survivor of his family. His house and everything was destroyed during an earthquake. The land had split into two and swallowed up his family too. He got a call that night from his lover who was sobbing so hard on the phone that he barely understood a word he said.


But he never went back.



The flower was placed upon his desk. “Is this the last one?” he whispered to himself. The man stared at the drooping petals and faded colour. It was slightly dirty and it looked like it had traveled a long distance just to reach him on time.


It was late though.




Kai got up and went about his normal morning routine. While he brewed his coffee, he checked his messages. This time however, he did a double take. He wiped his screen and checked the name again, just making sure that what he saw was what he really saw. Blinking, he called the number. Then hung up before it connected.


It had been over ten years. What was he supposed to say?




The man paced about in his study. How on earth was he going to find his lover. Nothing made sense anymore. His life was a mess. For ten years he lived with the single hope that his lover would come back to him. Every waking moment he spent waiting. All he received instead was a single white Magnolia with no note, nothing. But he knew it was from him. All it told him was that his lover was alive and kickin', probably moved on. It also told him he was somewhere in southeast Asia. Aside from that, there was nothing else.



Kai stared at his phone. He had to call him. Urgently. His hands shivered. His body hurt all over. He closed his eyes and for one blissful moment, envisioned a happy reunion. He wanted to throw everything and run back to his lover.


But he couldn't go back. Not now.

Not after everything that had happened.




The ninth year was different. The flower came with a note. The man took out his wallet and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. On it, the following words were written -

“Next year will be the last.”



Kai stared out of the window. Despite the heat, a cool breeze was blowing and he took a deep breath. His lover had found him. He smiled faintly. The note did the trick. He suddenly started grinning. The man waited one whole year before he made contact. What was he waiting for, the apocalypse? Kai shook his head, closing his eyes. He wondered if the man was still angry.




He looked down at the bouquet of flowers in his hands feeling slightly foolish. He checked himself once more hoping he looked decent enough. Then he knocked.


The door opened slowly and there stood Kai, rubbing his face sheepishly trying to hide the light blush that had formed on his pale skin.


“Oh Kai!”


He threw himself into the arms of his lover. The bouquet of flowers fell to the ground. Kai glanced at them and stared at his lover.


“You kept them all?”


“Of course I did Kai. They were the only reminder I had of you.”


“I love you.”


- Jo -


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Title: If I pick a Color

Word Count: 574



“Over here!!” Kei playfully shouted, waving at his guardian. Despite the fragile body, he was the type to move around without a single care—much to the chagrin of his guardian, Lumiere. Kei picked up random flowers in the grass field then showed them to the said guardian. It was a variety of colors and flowers. Each of them was beautiful in their own way.


“Oh~ you picked nice flowers today!” Lumiere commented as he picked the flowers off of Kei’s hands. He held a gentle smile as he bundled the flowers into a single crown fit enough to be on Kei’s head. He gave a good-natured chuckle, “It looks good on you.”


Kei removed the crown from his head then observed the fine details. It was very beautiful and colorful… speaking of colorful, “What color do you like..?” He said.


Lumiere raised a brow at the random question, “Why the sudden question?”


Kei just slowly shook his head, “No real purpose…” He continued to look at how the flowers were entangled together, “I suddenly became curious.” He placed the crown back on his head then created some pose just for fun, “Also… I’d like to know what kind of flowers you like.”


The taller male carried the fragile boy then gave him a ride on his shoulders. Kei giggled at Lumiere’s sudden movement. Lumiere tried to scare the younger male a bit by slightly jumping to make Kei lose balance even if it was a little bit. Kei slightly paled, “Please don’t do that..!”


Lumiere gave a mischievous grin, “If you can figure out, I’ll let you down!”


Kei stuck out a tongue, “Bully!”




Kei placed a finger under his lips and made a pondering expression, “Hmmm—eeeek!” He found himself clutching his hands on Lumiere’s head for life’s sake, “DON’T DO THAT!”


Lumiere looked pleased with Kei’s face, “As you wish… but you better hurry.”


Kei stuck out his tongue again. “Let’s see… Red..?”


“Ooohh~! Too bad!” Lumiere jumped a tad higher, literally scaring Kei out of his skin.


Tears dared to fall out of Kei’s eyes. Noticing, Lumiere immediately stopped his method of playing/ bullying Kei. He put the fragile boy down then wiped off the tears, “I was joking, I was joking..!” He carefully said in a soothing voice, “Don’t cry..!” He wrapped his arms around Kei then pat his head to prevent him from completely crying. “I’m so sorry, I won’t do it again!”


Well… That was kind-of bad for Kei’s heart after all.


Though… it will be hard NOT to bully this kid when he does start crying. Kei is by all means adorable and that includes all of the faces he makes.


Lumiere tightened his hug around Kei to prevent him from breaking down, “It’s alright now…”


Kei snuggled at the warmth he received, “Don’t do that again..!” He weakly said.


“I won’t…” Lumiere chuckled a bit, “I’ll answer your question this time.” He felt a nod from Kei.


“If I pick a color… It would be pink associated with the little things (the flowers).” Lumiere could practically see a question mark hanging on Kei’s head making his chuckle once more. He gave Kei yet another pat on the head plus an understanding face.


“You’ll get it once you’ve gotten old enough.”




Shishishi~~ I went with the pink magnolia XD

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Title: Mokuren

Words: 594

Comments: I hope cover the meaning of Mokuren in this short story (:








"The magnolia flower's meaning is attached with the symbols of perseverance, nobility, beauty, sweetness, dignity and love of nature. The white magnolia's meaning include purity and perfection, while The pink magnolia means youth and innocence added with joy."




My name is Mokuren.


My job…Well…



"Have you finished?" I ask casually.


"Give me two seconds" He barely manages a groan, thrusting in and out fiercely and still carefully. I don't understand what is to be so worked up.


I sigh when he finally finishes and sit on the mattress.


"You always take too long, you know. Don't you have others things to do? Friends, a business to run or perhaps a lovely wife at home?" I drawl easy-going. I'm entirely aware of my straight-forward border lining to annoyance rambling. Even so, today I cannot help myself. Strange, since I’m not much a talker. My line of work doesn't require much of that.


"Nah. No friends." He pauses. "No wife." He smiles "But I do have a business....However, right now…it isn’t what is requiring my attention." He smirks glancing at my body up and down.


I smile back pretending to be cool. No wife. Huh. "Sounds tough….And above all, getting to stay in a shithole like this…”


Honestly he could get to a much better brothel. Anyone can tell he’s loaded. “I can’t help but being curious…" I shrug still smiling.


He frowns and then softens his gaze. "Have you ever seen a magnolia?” When I don’t answer he continues “I often saw it at my parent’s house...They were beautiful…those white petals always shining under the moon……” He gently reaches for my snow-colored cheek. Holding an expression I can’t quite decipher. “.......beautiful...."


I shift my glance to the wall. Strange man. Comes every day and asks for me. Only me. We get to the ‘business’ and then he always blabbers nonsense. Weird. And even weirder the fact that I let him.


Because he's a good client? Maybe. He pays way more than average and doesn't break me. No.....true to be told....He's gentle. Too gentle.


Perhaps I shouldn’t let him stay so long anymore.



……You’re the beautiful one……..


"The magnolia flower's meaning perseverance, beauty, sweetness, dignity and love of nature.” He recites just like a spell.


“The white magnolia's meaning include purity and perfection......."His hand goes from cheek to my skinny arms. And I'm immediately taken back. I feel all the blood going to my face.


He chuckles." .....while the 'pink' magnolia means youth and innocence added with joy......" He's keeps his soft gaze at me. Almost reverently. “Mokuren……”


And…..Something breaks inside me.


"Bullshit" I sneer malicious. "That’s just a stupid gibberish invented by romantic fools, mind you.”


“Magnolia is not beautiful. Not sweet. And definitely not perfect." I laugh menacing “It’s only a damn flower! An object to fulfill others desires, be used and discarded when worn!” I stop realizing I’m close to screaming. Screaming at a man who didn't do anything wrong. Only was nice to a used wench like me.


"I'm sorry......”I murmur softly as I slowly shake my head lowering my gaze. “Y-You should go..." I whisper barely audible avoiding his piercing gaze.


He just nods leaving the room.







After that he never came back.


I keep telling myself that was for the best.


A man like him deserves someone much better. Someone who’s not broken. Or ugly. Or……


I open the door of the room and suddenly gasp. A tiny tear slowly sliding from my left cheek.


Inside, a white-colored magnolia…the most beautiful man….. Both blossoming at me.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Title: A pray to destiny

Words: 620....pleaaaase don't delete it....



A pray to destiny


‘And I’m begging you….. I know I always did nothing more than asking, but for one time and only, close the world in your arms. Show them how beautiful life can be through your own drawing.

Kneeled as he was on the wooden floor, he clapped his hands twice, giving a temporary end to this pray of him. Twenty years were marked on his body. Mokuren stood and watched with awe the night sky, which for one more time seamed frozen, …..just like him. Stuck in ‘before’, in ‘now’, in his own forever, a fact, though, that wasn’t making him sad. Mokuren was indeed happy. It was just enough for him to serve at the temple and help out his father.

He smiled to the thought and started marching in the dark. Perhaps it was the night, perhaps again the win was lying, but Mokuren could hear the stars whispering his name. And as he leaned on his bed, the eyes got lost in the memories of the day that passed. How many times had he tried to enclose the world in a moment, but it was futile. The minutes were slipping from the tips of his fingers and falling down to the abyss of life.

With these thoughts his mind got in the ultimate chamber, where dreams are nothing more than dots on the fade background of imagination. However, as soon as the eyelids get heavy, the sun rises shattering the silence of mind. Quickly, Mokuren was back to his dull routine. While, he was cleaning up the leaves, that had quell the paved yard, he felt the aura surrounding him, charming him again. To this familiar smell, Mokuren raised his eyes only to face the imposing figure walking past him. To his appearance, his heart skipped once more. Pressing his fists on his chest, he suppressed for a thousandth time the explosion of his feelings. He, Mokuren, a shrine maiden could never be something more than a prisoner of his beliefs. Moreover, he was a man, the same as the fascinating stranger, who was visiting so often the little shrine. Even if Mokuren’s mind was screaming that it was a great mistake, his heart was staying silent long enough to make him fall helplessly for this unknown man.

Today, however, something was different. Crushed, as the man was standing in front of the shrine, his nobility seamed stepped on and his airy style, down on earth. Mokuren’s existence was pushing him to comfort him, but……what was really saint for someone like him? In an inner battle without an end, logic succumbed to his desire and he walked to the kneeled figure.

‘Um….Excuse me…Are you alright?’ Mokuren whispered shyly. An endless silence forced him to continue. ‘Whatever is this, which makes you so depressed…., you can always choose the future and not the present….I know that walking is hard, but you can’t crawl forever, right?’ He smiled to the broken man.

What happened next, a blink of an eye could get it vanished, one word could ruin it and a move could drag the dances into chaos. How, what or when…..Mokuren couldn’t explain. He was simply standing still with the lips of the stranger locked on his. Breathing seamed suddenly so difficult, while the hands of the man were pressing Mokuren gently on him….With only escape the fact to surrender, Mokuren left his desires to embrace them both.

The wind stroke the little bells that were hanging from his yukata. However, the sound seamed no more familiar, an omen of a new rhythm,…. without lyrics or chords, but only with senses. ‘And I’m begging you….I know I always did nothing more than asking, but don’t let this moment end….’…



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Title: The Persistent, Pink Magnolia

Words: 598 (Pretty sure I counted correctly...)

I hope this isn't too crappy of a story~


“Davie, time for work!” Calles Grady, from the first floor of Grady and Davie’s apartment.

“J-Just a minute!” A crash is heard from atop the second floor in Davie’s bedroom.

“Davie!” Grady rushes up the stairs and into Davie’s room, to find him flat on his face, half naked.

“W-What the hell are you doing! It’s time to go to work, not last-minute masturbation!” Taking the nearest pillow, he covered his face.

“Dammit Grady, I told you not to come into my room for a reason!” Pulling down the blanket off of his bed, Davie covers his naked lower half.

Moving the pillow off of his face yet still shielding his eyes, Grady speaks in a calmer tone. “I’m sorry, I was just worried. How did you fall in the middle of that anyways?”

Blushing a pretty shade of pink he looks away. “I-I have no idea, honestly…I was having this dream—and man was it a good one—and then I heard your voice and I fell down on the floor face-first.”

“So you were having a wet dream and I interrupted you in the middle of it?”


“Wait, why were you half-naked?!” Grady yells at Davie, with the pillow he was holding throw aside.

“I always sleep like this…just in case.”

“Since when, I don’t remember you doing this when we had sleepovers as kids.”

“I wore pants then and my sex drive wasn’t as bad as it is now.”

Grady pulls Davie’s blond hair streaked with pink and tosses him back onto his bed. “Get ready for work or stay home.” His voice stern.

“Okay, okay, calm down, I’ll just skip today.” He waves his hands dismissively. “No biggie.”

“…This better be the last time that this happens, we need the money and you know it.”

“Once we get our business going there’ll be no problem about money.”

If we can get it started you mean.”


“Finally we can celebrate. Our flower shop is complete!” Davie raised his fists in the air, victorious.

“Don’t be too happy, we still got a long ways to go.” Grady ruffles Davie’s hair. “But…for now I suppose we can take a break and relax.”

Walking down the street, Davie suddenly grabs Grady’s hand.

“W-Whoa, what are you doing, Davie?!” He jerks his hand away.

“I thought this was okay…ya know I’ve been meaning to tell you that I liked you.” The pink on Davie’s face resembles the exact color of his recently dyed, dusty pink hair.

“I already knew that stupid, I was just surprised.”

“Y-You knew, why didn’t you say something before?”

“I was waiting for you to confess.”

After those words were spoken Grady grabbed Davie by the waist and gave him a chaste kiss. It was definitely a memorable moment for the two men.


“I-I thought you were a more shy type of—Fuck—lover.” Grady moaned, arching even more into Davie’s hand.

“Are you sure this is all you want…just a hand job? Why be shy over a hand job?” Davie didn’t even bother looking down to see what he was doing.

“Ah-Ahhh~ Fuck, Davie, I’m going to…” Making a mess on his own chest and Davie’s hand, Grady cums, hard.

“Serious man…what are you, a teenager? That was weak.” He laughs at his still panting boyfriend.

“S-Shut it, it’s been awhile…”

“I’ll say. Alright, my turn!” The impatient man threw himself onto the bed the men shared, waiting.

“Prepare to beg for more than a hand job.”


Though they still act like kids, their love is as strong as ever.

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Word Count: 600




THE END: Magnolia Dyed In Blood


His silver hair falls straight; tracing the contour of his pale face designed with his dark blue eyes and rosy red lips. This man was known for his pretty face devoid of emotion with expression that is perpetually cold. He walks unsteadily and halted when he reached the cliff; he then kneeled. He coughed up blood dyeing the pink petals of magnolia in his left hand.


...Ten years...


"I'm home." His whisper was carried by the wind. Then slowly, his eyes closed.




"Zero." A golden-haired man called. He has brilliant smile and gentle demeanor.


I offended some people and almost lost my life. Xenon saved me. "Blood for Blood" I never believe in kindness that's why i swore to repay this debt. But the man was patient and persistent. He's like the sun. He melted my defenses. His smile sends warmth to my heart until he wormed his way in.


Love was something foreign to me until i met "him". Deep in my heart, i'm scared. He's far too precious; so dear. I used to have nothing but now, he became my everything. It was exhilarating yet truly terrifying.


"You're here in the cliff again. You sure take good care of them. You even come here to visit everyday. I'm jealous." He said smiling.

"But these are your favorite flowers. You said it was your mother who took care of them personally."

"That was a long time ago. You still remembered."

"I never forgot your words."

"Then why don't you give me your answer?"

"X-Xenon" He hugged me from behind. His breath sends shiver to my spine.

"I can't wait for you forever. I don't have much time." He whispered. He smiled bitterly and left.


I never attempted to touch him; afraid to taint him. He's far too good for me. That's why i pretended not to understand. But those last words made me uneasy.


A month later, Xenon collapsed. The healer said it was only exhaustion but as days passed, his body gradually weakens.


"Xen, that healer is worthless. I'll bring you another." I was extremely worried. He is always the energetic one; always full of life. Just looking at him makes you feel like living is too simple. Not this skinny, pale man. Even the luster of his golden hair is gone.


"Zero, you remember the cliff where i saved you? You haven't been there these days, right? Bring me there."


I intended to refuse but the look in his eyes made me waver. In the end i carried him to that place.


"I love you, you know?" He smiled weakly. He told me he was sick. He was born with defective heart.

"Am I really untrustworthy? OR do you believe I'll change upon knowing?"

"I hate to be pitied!! ESPECIALLY YOU!!"

"You ordered me look solely at you. But I can't even share your pain?" *breathes* "We should head back. It started raining." I gritted my teeth. I felt betrayed.

"Zero, I've been doing what i wanted and even met you. i'm grateful. If i have time, i'll make you mine." *I'm selfish. Knowing you'll suffer when i'm gone, makes me happy.*


I thought of confessing but hesitated.


"X-xen...h-hey?.y-y-you!!!" My body trembles. His eyes are closed.


"Pl-please.! a-i only have you." I choked and closed my eyes; tears streaming. The wind howls furiously. I remember the childish pranks, the youthful laughter. It pricks my heart knowing those smiles were now memories.


..My sun..


Without you, the world seems dark. My lips trembled.


I kissed his eyes; nose; lastly, his lips. I hugged him close.


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Rui was walking around the beautiful gardens in the palace when he heard some rustling sounds near the bushes. Wondering if it's Fuu again...


Rui : Come out! Don't hide behind the bushes..


Trembling Fuu pop out... saying "I was not hiding... I was just squatting..."


Rui : Still considered as hiding unless you happen to do your business just now


Fuu : Meanie Rui! Always bullying me...


Fuu's mind was scrambling with thoughts of whether to ask or not... plucking his courage...


Fuu : Rui, may I know whats your favourite flower?


Rui : Why you ask?


Fuu : I'm your childhood friend since young but I never knew whats your favourite stuffs...


Rui : Well... It's Magnolia


Fuu : Magnolia? Why Magnolia? *mutters more like ice-cold rose if your type... thorny Rui*


Rui : Why? It's my favourite and that's that.


Rui walks off but whispers... "you should know why it's my favourite"


Rui reminiscence their childhood... Rui was small and got lost in the palace. No matter where he got lost, Fuu always managed to find him and cheer him up whenever he's down.


There's one time that Rui was so upset as his mom passed away and he was left alone. He got lost in the forest behind the palace, he wanted to pick the ginseng to cure his mom but it was too late.


Wandering in the forest, Rui was thinking "Bears are gonna eat me and no one is gonna miss me or think of me". Suddenly Rui heard "Rui! Rui! Where are you?" It was Fuu wandering after him...


Fuu was behind him, following him. Just then, a bear came out and was heading for Rui. It was Fuu who protected him and got injured.


Rui never forgot that accident and adores Magnolia as it always remind him of Fuu's innocence and beauty.


Rui also never forgot the time he managed to make Fuu his lover.


Rui : Ceh! He must have forgot why I like Magnolia


Fuu always make flower garlands for him and it was always using Magnolia flowers.


Rui was thinking how to make Fuu remember all this.


Rui decided to think of ways to make Fuu be punished.


That night, Fuu would always remember and blushes whenever he saw Magnolia flowers and Rui got his way.


Let's say that the next day Fuu could not walk and Rui was blinding bright and full of energy.



Wordcount : 406

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|| END OF ៙BL Magnolia ~Writer Contest~៙ ||

[YaoiOtaku Writer Contest]





Thank you all for taking part in our seventh Writer Contest!

The choice has been really hard since all of you are skilled and talented.

The winners of ៙BL Magnolia ~Writer Contest~៙ are

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the BL Love Stories "Mokuren" and "THE END: Magnolia Dyed In Blood"





As promised everyone who participated will get 2,000 points.





The winners win as follow,

- 5,000 points

- 1 Manga Cover card


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Congrats you two! Superb stories ^_^

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i actually won :)


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Hey! Thanks @

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and @
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Congrats for @

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And ultimately, thanks for the lovely stories, great job everyone -winks-

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