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큰 꿈: Big Dreams (1x1 Funny Otaku and ~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~)


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It turned from sexy, hot, romance to, two kids giggling and laughing. They tossed and turned giggling. James smiles he was in a better mood now.

"Okay." He got up, smiling heading to his knew clothing.

He took out black jeans, a black cowboy bebop T-shirt with short sleeves and then a blue Flannel over it as sort of a jacket.

He walked over to the mirror in the room looking at how he looked..James been James saw, scars, dark circles an messy hair.

He tried fixing his hair..It just made it worse to him...He groaned annoyed..

"It'll never look good." He whispered to himself.

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After finishing getting dressed, he looks over at James, who was having trouble with his hair. Shun walks over to him, and reaches out, running his fingers through James's hair, changing a few things here and there, adding some styling cream, and then tweaking a few more things, he steps back, smiling. He'd given James a messy bed head look, but totally sexy and hot. "Yep, it's perfect." He grins, turning James so he could see his reflection in the mirror.


He then moves to the door, looking back to James. "So, you ready to go?" Shun asks, smiling. "We're going to eat with the others." When James was ready, they head to the car, and head off to the place where they were meeting the rest of the crew of the popular k-pop/j-pop group, '크로스 파이어' or 'Cross Fire'. It would take a while to get there though, since the building was on the other side of Tokyo.

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He just looked in the mirror,he was upset it. Shun came over fixing his hair. His hands felt nice in his hair. They were so soft.


After they were done. James liked the way he fixed it. He smiled..Everything Shun did looked great.

When they got in the car....

"It's not to expensive. Right I wan to pay for myself." He ask the other leaning on him.

"Also.....are you sure they'll like me..and are they okay with us?"

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"Heh, you don't have to pay. They're just ordering pizza." He grins, wrapping an arm around James's waist. "And don't worry, they'll like you. For sure." He grins a bit wider, and then looks out the car window, watching the scenery fly by as they drove. Eventually they reach the spot,nd get out of the car, looking up at the large bubuilding. "Ready? Let's go." He guides James into the fro t lobby of the building, heading oast the secretary, and going to the elevetor. They enter, and Shun enters a key, then presses the button for the top floor.


Once at the top, they step out, and three guys were waiting. "Hey Shun!" One calls, a bright eyed blonde, with pinkish colored eyes, nd a red rose in his hair. "You're late..." A black haired individual says, with stunning stormy grey eyes. "Aw, he was probably just having fun...if you know what I mean..." the third says, winking. He had light brown hair, a large chunk of his bangs were black. He had a lip piercing with a chain to his ear. An apple mark was on his cheek, be unique thing about him were his eyes. His left eye was a light sky blue, but his right eye was a purple color.


"Hey guys. I want you to meet someone." He nudges at James. "This here is Jemesu." He points at the blonde. "This is Takashi Kinshou." Takashi waves, smiling. Then Shun points to the black haired guy. "This is Natsu Ginjishiro. Don't mind his grumpiness, he's actually real nice." Natsu frown at Shun. Then he points to the one with the unique eyes. "And this pervert here is Reiji Soumo." He laughs. "Oi, I am not a pervert!" Reiji then laughs too. They all look to James. "It's nice to meet you!" All three say at once.


large.jpg Takashi Kinshou


large.jpg Natsu Ginjishiro


Animeguy-3.jpg Reiji Soumo

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James liked the way he put his arm around him. Soon they were at the destination, As the other entered the code all he could think of is what life did he walk into....As he saw them..As a gay man James couldn't help but notice how they were all hotter in person then on videos from youtube and Damn were they good looking. As Shun introduced them he had a blush coat his face and sweaty palms.

"Hi...like Shun said I'm James...I'm 19..From America...and got to uni." He said very nervously.

He held shuns shirt, looking at him.

"Sorry we a late.."

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The three smile brightly at James and Shun. Shun looks over at James, noticing the blush on his cheeks. "So, how about we go inside the room and eat?" Takashi asks, smiling widely at Shun and James. The blonde opens the door behind them, and they all file inside, a large loft appearing in view. The walls were all windows, giving a nearly one hundred degree view f the city below. Natsu sits down on a huge curving couch, while Reiji goes over to a big table with pizza of many different flavors and a large iced bin of different beers were, picking up a plate and getting some pepperoni pizza, and a beer.


Takashi links arms with Shun, and pulls him towards the table, Shun clasping James's hand in his own, so pulling jim after. "Get what you want James-kun!" Takashi says, holding a plate out to him, before getting his own plate. He too sits down on the couch, crossing his legs up onto the cushion. Shun picks up a plate, and gets a piece of cheese pizza, and grabs a beer, waiting for James, before sitting next to Reiji, who was on the floor, his plate in a low table. "So, James, tell us about yourself." Reiji asks, grinning.

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James nodded. Following the lead of the others.

"This is amazing! Oh my god." James said amazed at the room. "Do you guys come here a lot?"

James followed to the food. His mouth watered at the sight.

"Thanks Takashi-kun." Taking the plate.

James took two pieces of pepperonis and a beer...

"God the best dinner! Pizza and beer." He sighed.

He followed his partner, to sitting down. He asked the question.

"Well, I lived in America and Lived with my grandmother since I was 12. Uh I was a big fan of you guys...Your music was everywhere in high school." HE smiled.

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At James's comment of pizza and beer being the best dinner ever, Reiji and Takashi smile. "Yeah, you're right, it is the best." Reiji says, grinning widely. "Oh, and to answer your question about coming here often, this is not only the main building for Cross Fire, but it's also Natsu's living quarters. His house if you will." Out of all of them, Natsu was the one with the most money in the bank, and in his pockets. Both his parents were presidents of very successful and wealthy companies, his sister was an actress, and his younger brother was a student in high school. "You know, it really annoys me when you go around telling everyone that." Natsu grumbles, a frown on his lips. "Everything annoys you Natsu..." Reiji retorts, chuckling a bit.


Moving on, they listen to James as he told a bit about himself, all three were impressed he was from America, though Natsu didn't let that show. "Wow, you're from America James-kun? I've never been there before. I know Natsu-kun and Reiji-kun have though! Me and Shun-kun have been planning to go for some time now. Right?" Takashi says, his voice showing his amazement. Shun smiles, and nods. "Yep. However, if we go, we're going to bring Jemesu with us." He grins at James, glad that things were going so well.

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James laughed.

"Ya it'll be fun we can go to Utah...Where I'm from. We live in Salt Lake, the 2002 olympics were there...And granny will def like to meet you two." He smiled,

He leaned on Shun's chest practically sitting on his lap.. It was nice...Just hang...He smiled.

"Ya Americas okay but I want to travel the world and help animals everywhere, work in circus's, zoos in the wild....I don't care I just want to see everything that I can, Granny says I'm crazy." He laughed

He took another sip of beer finishing the bottle...He got another one. James was not a drunk but when he had enough alcohol to get drunk that's what he would do.

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"Oooh Utah, huh? That sounds cool, James-kun!" Takashi exclaims, a huge grin on his face, excitement in his eyes. The other three guys laugh at his excitement. "Calm down Takashi! You don't wanna pee yourself with over excitement again, do ya?" Reiji says, snorting with laughter. At this comment, Takashi's cheeks burn a bright red, and he gets a cute pout on his face. "Hey, that's not cool! It only happened once, and it was only cause I had to go to the bathroom really bad!" Takashi whines, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away, the pout still on his lips.


Chuckling more, they listen to what else James had to say, impressed at what he wanted to do eith his life. Shun watches as James got up to get another beer, a smile on his lips. He then looks to Natsu. "Hey, you won't mind if me and Jemesu stay the night do you?" Natus raises an eyebrow, but shrugs. "No, not really. That was kind of the plan anyways. Reiji and Takashi are staying as well. So it's okay." Natsu replies, his voice bored slightly. "Thanks man." Shun says to him, Natsu just shrugging in response. "Oh, so Shun and James are staying? Sweet!" Reiji grins, nudging Shun's arm with his fist. "Try to keep things PG-13 while your here, if you know what I mean." Reiji winks. "Oh shut up, you pervert!"hThey both laugh, and Reiji tackles Shun, the two now wrestling on the floor.


Takashi turns to watch, a smile replacing his frown. Natsu sighs, rolling his eyes. "You guys are such kids." He says, but was then pulled into it by the leg. "Hey! Let go of me you dolts!" He complains. "No way, you need to lighten up!" Reiji grins, and with a huff of annoyance, Natsu just shakes his head, a grin forming on his face as well, and soon enough, the three were wrestling on the floor, Takashi sitting on the arm of the couch watching the whole thing.

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James came back and sat on the others lap leaning on his chest.

"SO were staying the night?" He asked.. "But we don't have any PJ's? and Hope, whose gonna feed him and..and..and." James was shaking his aniexty was going threw the roof, he had never stayed at someone else house that wasn't family. His breathing was hitched and he started hyperventilating.

"What about...about Hope and and and." He kept repeating and.

He wanted his grandmother...He curled into a ball. He felt anxious and defenseless. He hated the way he could barley talk to people.

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(Um, Shun, Natsu, and Reiji are wrestling right now...)


The three wrestling didn't hear what James said, but Takashi did. He looks over at James, a look of worry on his face. "Hey, it's okay...I don't know who or what Hope is, but Mitsukuni will take care of them..." He reaches out, but starts to worry when James began to freak out. "Um, guys? What's going n with James?" He asks, concern on his face.


The three stop what they are doing, and look over at James, who was now curled up in a ball. Shun goes over to him, and places a comforting hand on James's shoulder, kneeling down next to him. "Hey, it's gonna be fine...Don,t worry, I'm here...and Hope will be fine too. Mitsukuni already agreed to take care of him. You can trust her, she's got a few pets of her own." Shun rubs Name's arm and shoulder, his voice calming and soothing. Reiji and Natsu watch in silence, Takashi had moved so he was kneeling down next to Shun and James. Tears formed in his eyes at the sight of distress that James was in. "Is everything okay? Is James-kun okay?" He asks, his voice quiet and strained sounding, as if he was trying to fight back the tears. Shun glances at Takashi. "Yeah, he'll be okay. He's just not used to this kind if thing..." "Oh, that's good." A few tears had escaped, and were dripping down his cheeks. Takashi sighs in relief.


Shun then looks at James again. "You don't need to worry James. You're with friends now..."

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(sorry I must have miss read)


James looked at Takashi-kun, He was still shaking and scared.

"Sorry you should''t cry because of no one should it's fine." He stuttered with a smile.

James held onto Shun, Hugging him. "Im scared." He muttered in english, when he was not paying attention he would speak in english

He held tighter to Shun putting his head nuzzled in the others neck. Shuns scent comfertated him. He sat there doing nothing..He was terrified by people..


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Takashi shakes his head. "I can't help crying...I'm a big baby..." he stands up, and walks over to Reiji and Natsu. Motioning for them to let Shun and James be alone for a bit. They walk away, leaving the room, so it was just the two of them. "Please don't be scared..." He murmurs, not really understsnding fully what the other had said, but caught on to the 'scared' part. "Everything is fine...it's fine..." He murmurs soothingly. He holds into James, letting the other calm down, his breathing soft and steady, his touch gentle, his body warm.


He glances towards the door, hoping that Takashi was alright. There were reasons he acted that way, his past was a rough one too, similar to James's past. And because of that, the blonde individual hated seeingothers stressed or crying, because it affected him too, causing him to lose control of his emotions, crying and being nervous, anxiety, you name it. Shun sighs softly, rubbing James's back softly.

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Jame's breathing calmed and he looked at Shun.

"Shun....Sorry ....I'm sorry....I ruined your fun and and."

He put his foreman on the others.

"Im so sorry."

He felt like dong somthing. He felt like making out with Shun to say sorry but he was embarrassed.

"Im sorry....Im not use to people....That's not in school."

He put his arms around the others neck.

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"That's alright. The other's will understand. Don't worry..." Their foreheads were pressed against each other, and Shun could look into James's eyes. He felt bad for bringing James along, he hadn't taken into consideration the other might end up freaking out. But then again, he didn't want to leave James alone at the apartment... "You'll get used to them soon enough..." Shun assures James, a soft smile on his lips.


He leans foreword a bit, and gently presses his lips against James's, kissing him softly. He holds it there, before pulling back. He looks deep into James's eyes. "Do you think you'll be okay now?" He asks softly, running his slender fingers through James's hair.

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James nodded. Kissing him again. He held him there.

"I love you." He mumbled.

He crawled on Shun's lap,

"Don't leave me. Please...I want you to meet granny and I want to meet your parents. I want family with you."

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Shun smiles, glad that James had calmed down. He savors the second kiss, and when James crawls into his lap,/moves his arms so that they were wrapped around James's waist. He enjoyed the warmth from the other male, as they were so close, their body heat mingling. He could hear James speaking again. "Don't worry...I won't leave you. Not ever..." He says nothing about James's comment about meeting Shun's parents. He doubted that would ever happen, but who knew?


"Family...yes, we can be family...everyone else too...how does that sound? Takashi, and Reiji, and Natsu...you and me...one big family...does that sound good?" He murmurs softly to James, resting his head gently on James's shoulder.

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James nodded.

"Okay....you like them and they are your band." He said smiling. He hugged him tighter.

"Hey Shun...Im sorry...I..I just had a very different childhood and stuff so its hard. Don't ever think that it;s because of you. Im sorry...Im sorry I'm a nuisance.'

He hugged him tight and nuzzled closer..

"It was the first time..somone did what you did to me earlier and it felt good and i love you and i..i..i like you but I'm so messed up."

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"Okay." Shun smiles happily, glad that James was okay with his suggestion. "And don't worry, you're not a nuisance...I don't think that, I never will. And I doubt that the others will think that either." He hugs James, feeling the other holding him tighter. He smiles at James comment about how what had happened earlier was the first time, and that he'd enjoyed it.


"You're not messed up...you just have problems you need to deal with..." He kisses James again. "And I like you too...so your problems, are now mine. I want to share the load, to help you move on. Okay?" He hugs James again, hoping the others didn't mind the time that he and James were taking.

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"Hey....." He mumbled. He was tired...

"I want to be with you." He kissed him again. James had a very low tolerance for achol and he had taken the most alcoholic beer they had. He wasn't drunk but he was tipsy.

"We should get a room." He smiled. "We share each others problems from now on hun."

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Shun looked at James. A small frown on his lips. "We can't just yet, well...I can't. I still need to discuss things with the other guys... you can go to bed if you want though..." He hoped James would stay out with them, but he wouldn't force the other to do something he didn't want to do. "Yes, we share each other's problems now." He smiles, the frown disappearing.


"Is it okay if the others come in now?" He asks, hoping that James was all calmed down, and they could continue hanging out.

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James nodded.

"Sorry. Guys you can come in...Im and axoius ass I'm sorry." He yelled at the door.

he held onto shun wail drinking more beer he wanted to get drunk so his inabitions would go away. He finished it getting his 4th bottle...He smiled

"Let's hang."

His inanition was slowly going away, he had a looser mind and was ready to face everyone.

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The three enter the room, and Shun smiles at James. Natsu retakes his spot on the couch, and Takashi kneels down next to Shun and James, a smile on his lips. Reiji takes his spot on the floor by the table. "Sorry about that guys, we needed to sort out a few things." He noticed that James was drinking even more, and was becoming more and more tipsy.


"Don't worry about it. We all have our issues man." Reiji says, and the other two nod in agreement. "That's right. Let's just continue having fun, okay Shun-kun, James-kun?" Takashi adds, a smile on his face, however it was obvious he was still a little shaken up. Natsu and Reiji grab a beer, and Reiji gets one for Shun. "So, what should we do? Got any fun ideas Reiji?" Shun asks. "Yeah,/but maybe James has an idea?" They look to James. "Got any fun games you ever play at parties James?" Shun asks, smiling.

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James looked at them nervously.

"Honestly whenever I went to a party it was either all nerds and we just watched anime and listened to you guys or one like after a football game I would get to drunk to remember anything...Like black out drunk...but I only got invited to a few of them." He smiled

"What Ideas do you have..I mean I'll I have are awkward or from movies."

He said taking another gulp of the beer. It was bitter down his throat.

"You have any fun games Reiji-kun?"

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