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My Psychotic Neighbor ( MysticallyAndrew x yumemochi )


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Character A is a seemingly normal student, going to school everyday, he takes on photography and lives by himself. What the other students don't know about him is that he has a secret. He was attracted to his neighbor. His new neighbor, who was apparently a psychotic killer who killed anyone he fancied that day or week. Character A takes pictures of him whenever he can and has his photos all over his room. Be it from committing a crime or after it. He swears to never report him of course and isn't sure why he had fallen for the criminal either. But one day, he is seen by his neighbor taking a picture of him after having just killed someone. The next day, said neighbor rings his doorbell and asks him to come over to his house for a cup of tea...??








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Ⓥⓘⓝⓒⓔⓝⓣ Ⓒⓐⓡⓦⓔⓛ


















✔Night time

✔Causing Pain



✗Bright colors

✗Overly cheerful people





⚣ Morbid

⚣ Calm

⚣ Sadomasochist

⚣ Creative

⚣ Clever



Vincent had an okay childhood. His mother was a stay at home mom and his father was a detective. He learnt a lot from his father. He planned on becoming a detective when he got older. When he was in middle school a year before entering high school, he was bullied really badly. Teased and picked on almost every day by the same boy. After this went on for some months, Vincent got fed up with it. He snapped one day, pushing the kid off him and beating him senseless. He got expelled from school for the rest of that year. When that summer came, he was a lake with his parents on vacation. To his bad luck, he ran into his middle school bully. Having the memories of what this kid did to him, he attacked him again. The only difference? Vincent didn’t stop beating the kid; instead he picked up a rather large rock and bashed the kids face in. He bashed his until the kid had stop moving, stopped struggling. Vincent had to get rid of the blood that stained his hands face and clothes, and also the rock. He went to side of the lake where no one was looking and slipped into the water, letting the rock drop from his grasp to the bottom. He washed his face and hands, removed his shirt and got rid of the stains. He scrubbed the small spots off his pants before returning to his parent’s side. No one suspected a thing. By the time they found the kids body. Vincent and his family were already gone. The whole ride home Vincent was jittery and he felt…. Alive. This event had turned him into what he was today. A killer; and loving it.






Frei Ashford


Position: Seke

Race: Human

Years: 20 years (A third year in College)

Height: 5'11"

Weight: ???

Eyes: Black

Hair: A clear grey




-Whimsical at times


-A little eccentric




Majors in Photography, albeit he lives a pretty normal life and is pretty average with everything. Although his peers claim he's especially bad at math and physics. He gets along with all sorts of people, from delinquents to the stuck-up ones, so in a way, he isn't all that 'normal'. He likes to capture things on his camera given to him by his parents apparently. But one day he ends up taking a picture of the night life and accidentally manages to capture a stolen shot of his new neighbor stained in red. From then onwards, he started developing an attraction of sorts to his neighbor and often takes pictures of him committing a crime or after it. It's only a little creepy how his room is now decorated with photos of the man.


Random information:

Likes: Taking pictures of others, his neighbor, pasta, odd things -often ranges form the morbid to just plain weird-

Dislikes: Getting his own picture taken, when his camera lens get dirty, dirty socks, milk








Tapping his pencil on the mahogany desk, -Frei had been doing so for awhile now-, as his grey eyes slid over to the wall clock in his room time and time again. Watching as the minute hand ticked by for what seemed like hours. He had just gotten back from school and was lounging about by his desk, waiting for a certain someone to arrive. Raising a hand to mess with his raven black hair and releasing a sigh, the college student gets up and decides to get something to tinker with his camera instead.


He pads across his room to the small table by his bed and takes out the silver-colored gadget, examining it momentarily for any scratches before turning it on and scanning the pictures he had taken over the past few weeks. His eyes gazed back at the clock traitorously when he was doing his best to stop feeling anxious and distract himself. 'He should be getting back around this time...' The brunette thought to himself and walked over to the window. Peering down at the streets, the street lamps illuminated it just a short while ago after evening had come around and Frei is reminded that he had yet to make dinner...


"He's late today..." He mutters to no one. Somewhat disappointed, he lets his eyes wander back to the camera in his hand and scrolled down at the various pictures he took. He had taken a lot of him recently and he thinks he's getting pretty good at taking them from various angles and where his eyes seemed alive the most. It was beautiful. Utterly beautiful that he couldn't help but be captivated by it. And as stalkerish as he was, he couldn't find it in himself to stop. He lingers a bit longer by the window at some pathetic hope that the man would suddenly appear... 'This must be what they call lovesickness, huh?' He thought to himself with a soft mirthless chuckle.



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Vincent had a hard time this night as he slumped his shoulders and walked along the side walk going back home. The man he had taken down, he might have been way to big for him. But nevertheless he had done it in he end. It just took him a longer time to do it. The shirt he was wearing under his coat was mess. It had blood that was soaking through and touching his skin. He gritted his teeth as he rounded the corner, now walking down his street. He should have just taken his car...


He had gotten to his door and was unlocking it. He needed to bathe change and burn the clothes. He also need to get ready for his big day tomorrow... The guy that was chained up in his basement was long over do for... Surgery. He had pushed his door open and then entered the house, slowing closing the door after he entered the house. He took off his coat and then peeled the shirt of his body as he dropped it into a paper bag near the front door. He then striped down and went to get into the shower.


He washed away the sweat and blood as he showered. He then wrapped the towel around his waist and walked from the bathroom to deal with his mess. He grinned as he looked at the paper bag and picked it up. He walked from his house to the back yard, tossing the bag into the fire pit and then lighting it on fire. he watched as it burned before turning and going back inside.


He went to his room as he dressed and then sighed, running his hand through his hair. It was just.. a long and tired night. He laid down on his bed, relaxing and letting his eyes close. He soon drifted off to sleep, a smile on his face as he thought about his next adventure with the man in his basement. He was going to have fun dissecting him... Dismembering him... Torturing him a little... It brought shivers down Vincent's spine.


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His stomach had grumble reminding him of dinner, and as Frei gave the moon a long-suffering expression, he was about to turn around when one of the street lights illuminated a certain figure as he was on his way home. Gasping quietly, he feels his heart lurch in his chest as his fingers stiffened. No way! He was here! Giving an uncharacteristically wide smile,he lifted his camera, zoomed in and took a picture. It was him. His neighbor...seemingly back after doing one of his 'rounds', or at least that's what Frei likes to call them. In a sleepy part of town like this, their were lots of talk of mad men, witch hunters, having heard them all. This man however, was pretty good at covering his tracks, so he was never suspected, making whatever death that appeared on the news seem like a tragic accident by some unknown means.


Others blamed it on the nature and for one not being too careful enough, while others simply ignored it and kept to themselves. He took another shot as he went inside his house. Till now, no one knew how, why and who was committing these heinous crimes..but now... Frei looks down at the various shots he had taken... there was proof. The murderer was his own next door neighbor. At first, Frei didn't even know about they guy, he kept to himself, and due to his conflicting schedule of day classes, he hardly got the chance to meet him personally or welcome him. He always went out sometime at night too... and he figured this would be the case for a while...


Until just a few weeks ago, he didn't think he could fall this hard for someone, that someone who may just be a bit insane... The brunette was brought out form his daze upon seeing the door shut close and he gives a soft sigh, deciding that's it for tonight. 'At least I got to see him...' He thought as he quietly made his way downstairs to his kitchen. Incidentally, there was a window there that gave him a good view of his neighbor's backyard. 'Ah...I don't even know his name...' Frei thought feeling even more disappointed in himself for being this pathetic. 'Is it too late to welcome him here...?' Tonight was actually one of the rare times he'd catch the other home rather than out on the streets...


While he was busy brooding to himself once more, he didn't notice said neighbor coming out of his house and to his backyard in a towel till the sight of fire caught his attention. He stares at the figure, without any clothes, just a simple towel wrapped around his waist, he must have just showered...the sight of fire illuminating the frames of his face... Frei doesn't even wonder of what was in the plastic bag as he was yet again captivated by the beauty standing half-naked in the dead of the night. Wasn't he cold..? His eyes follow him back to his house when it occurs to him that he had forgotten to take a picture. "Damn it..." It would have been a good shot too.... Sighing, the student decided to start on his very late dinner...


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Vincent laid there in his bed, the towel still wrapped around his waist. He sighed lightly as he slowly opened his eyes and slid from his bed. He removed his towel and tossed it in the hamper before going over to his closet and pulling it open. He reached inside and pulled out a pair of sweats pants. No boxers.


He then went into his kitchen as he flicked on a light. He washed his hands as he then got out a pot and filled it with water, lighting the stove and placing the pot on it. He then opened a box of noodles, pouring it into the pot and then sitting at his table. A knife in his hand as he looked over it. He grinned lightly.


Eating and playing with knifes where his two favorite things to do when he could not sleep at night. He twisted the knife in his hands as he watched the light dance off the blade. He slowly ran his fingers over the cool steel of the blade and then turned in his hand as he rammed it down, the tip of the blade slicing right through the surface of his table.


He let go of the handle as he stood up, the knife sticking up right and in place as he did so. He stirred his noodles and then got out a strainer and a can of sauce, with a bowl. He then placed them next to each other, stirred the noodles once more and then sat back down, waiting for them to get done.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Frei didn't know what to make so he decided to go with a simple meal of omurice, even though it was more of a breakfast thing, he decided he could care less of what other's think and started preparing the eggs and vegetables... While he was chopping up some parsley he found in the fridge, he noticed the kitchen lights across his yard flick open. 'Oh is he still awake..?' He thought as he stared blankly at that direction while chopping away. Maybe he could take more pictures...? but that would mean he would have to get closer... something he had never done before....


He swallowed a bit as temptation starts to mess with his rational thinking. never did he found himself afraid of his next door neighbor despite finding out of his late night rendezvous. Nor did he feel frightened at the prospect of becoming his latest fascination's target for the week. But it would be no good if he got caught...that meant he wouldn't be able to take pictures of him anymore... and Frei liked taking his photos a lot...


It brought a sense of rush through him knowing that this guy was unaware of him and his camera, hence not bothering to pose like all the others...everything was just so candid...so natural...even as he brought a knife down someone's throat...He jolts form his reverie when he accidentally nicked his finger with the knife. "Tch..." bringing the finger to his lips, he licked away the blood before going to the cupboard and taking one of the bandaids he had in it for moments like this...


The raven-haired male looks back to his dinner and decided to finish it first. It didn't take too long for him to finish cooking and eating everything bu as he placed away the dishes, he wondered if his neighbor was still awake... his heart rate rising again rapidly, he blinks when he felt the cool metal of his camera clutched between his fingers. Eyes flitting back and forth to the window across his yard and to his camera... everything should be alright...right?


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Sorry for the delay! ; v ; ))

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