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The Strip Club *Private*

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Rick smiled as the younger slowly fell asleep.

he kissed his head and he closed his eyes as well

and then he fell asleep soon after he did

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"Yes, i know~" he smiled and he pecked his head

"Now, get to sleep, you will need it for tomorrow"

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"Buttttt I want you." I whined and cuddled closer. "RIIIcccck....." I whined again.

"I want to learn about you."

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he loved how clingy and childish he was being and he stroked his hair,

"All right, what do you want to know? i will answer anything you

are curious about."

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"Uhh, best childhood memory." I asked looking at him. I waited for the answer and I just want to know.


"Oh and your favorite color."

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"Hmmm...best childhood memory... that would be the day when i had my 9th birthday, my mom had gotten me a little hamster and i got to name it it Tikki, i'm not sure why i decided on that name, i guess it was because it sounded cute. anyways, he has been with me for a long time and he was just an excited little furball."


"And for my favorite color..that would be blue"

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"DO you still have him..thats so cute tiki." I smiled..I had a pet snail for two week...until they found it ad threw it out...

"How many people have you slept with."

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"No, I gave Tiki away to my niece, she really liked him and Tiki seemed to really like her, i go to visit him at least once a month." he said and he thought for a moment on his next question. "I've been with a couple of people, not too many since most are just there for a one night stand and i'm not into that"

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I thought about what he said "One night stand"....Thats what would have happened with us if i said yes...

"Was that your first time at the strip club...." I asked

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He shook his head, "No, i've been there before but there was never anyone i liked in there, except for you of course"

he said and he pecked his head

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I laughed. I looked up at him scooting towards he face kissing his lip softly.

"You flirt." I laughed

"Uhh what if the first drug you have done.." I asked because...You know how high school parties get.

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"Yesh i know, i'm a flirt~" he said and he kissed him back.

he looked up at the ceiling and he hummed, "first drug....well, i've had weed before, it was pretty

fun, never did it again after." he said

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"Only weed man you haven't lived i might have been a virgin but you have to come to a high school party sometime with me old man." I laughed. I had done weed to acid. My fave was acid because you could just trip and not pay attention to your life.

"Do you want to know anything about me."

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"Well then, you have done some crazy things~ i'm impressed, if i ever did any other drugs

my parents would have punished me so badly, you know, rich kids can't tarnish their parent's

reputation." he chuckled and he looked at him, "If there's a high school party and you want me to come

i'll tag along"

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"Nothing you want to know about your crazy teen lover." I joked.

I leaned in as close as i possible could...I was really attached to him now...He took my virginity. It meant something to me...

"You hold my virginity.."

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"Well, what's your favorite memory? and what about your favorite color?"

he asked and he looked at him, running his fingers through his hair gently and he nodded

"I know, and I'm glad i'm the one who has it."

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His hand felt so good in my hair..

"Favorite memory...." I thought for awhile. "Probably with Max the boy i loved.. he was me life the greatest memories were always just watching him, his reactions, the way his lips curled up as he laughed, the way he looked at those he loved, the way he would stand up for me when i got beat the shit out of by the other kids in school....Just him...He was a perfect person....Favorite color....black or green."

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"Sounds to me like you were in your love phase with that boy~" he said with a small chuckle and he pecked his nose

and he smiled, "Black or green? well, that's a new one, most people i have met, have liked red or blue. but it's to be

expected that you don't like what everyone else likes"

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"Well, the best way i could explain is, when you are in love with the person, not just a crush, like everything about them made you smile or made your heart skip a beat." he said

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"ya then it was my love phase..i want to think about you that way...." I replied sadly...

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"Don't worry~ you can take your time with that, i'm not expecting you to have those same feelings as your first crush, you just have to let me know when you do, so i can love just the same"

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"Thanks Rick...can i asks you this..What made me different..i mean you told me about the spark in my eyes..but that can't be it what is the appeal of me I'm 17..sorta have a drinking and bad childhood ptsd...just ugh....it makes no sense!" I groaned into his chest...

"So many things happened that you don't no of, you a rich kid.....you should have gotten your prince."

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"Ah, still want an answer to it?" he asked and he hummed, he sat up in the bed and wrapped his arms around his waist, keeping him close. "Well, let's see, you remind me of someone i was friend's with, he had the same attitude you had when we first met, he was rather rude and obnoxious, to me mostly, and he would verbally assault me on a daily basis. but it was his way of greeting me and being friendly, i learned that as i hung out with him more, he had told me about how no one would ever be his friend and the one time he made one, that person had betrayed him, so he decided to build a wall around himself. he eventually lowered it for me and we got closer, that's how i got to see how he really was, and i actually grew to have a crush on him for it, that vulnerable side that only i got to see and how needy he could be. In a way, you are like him. i couldn't pursue anything with him since he had left and when i saw him again, i found that he had gotten married..so, i guess, with you, it's like a second chance, i know it sounds silly and it probably hurt your feelings."

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