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Meet Again Fight Again (18+ Noise Prince and virtualoo)


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"You are telling me that I won't do it? I am too scared? Or is it that you are afraid of me pulling it down? That you..come upa bit short" Kyandi smirked. "And emphasis on little fantasy..Now how little you are is the question" Kyandi said, feeling like he was being dared and now wanting to prove the other wrong. He was capable of such a taunt and wasnt going to back down now. He reached out for the others towel and yanked it off..."I can at least make good on threats" Kyandi looked up at Minato and smirked, turnign to leave with the others towel

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"So I am your fantasy then, huh?" Naoki retorted. His heart skipped a beat, despite the fact it was supposed to be a taunting phrase. And he was half-prepared to take off his own towel to prove his member's worth. He didn't have to though, as Kyandi had quickly removed it from his waist, exposing him.


"Hey now, you're not even going to admire the art you've unveiled?!" He asked when Kyandi immediately turned around. "You cocky bastard! I bet I'm more hung soft than you are hard!" He shouted, chasing after him, reaching for Kyandi's towel. However, the floor was wet, so while he managed to pull it down, he went down with it...

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Kyandi didn't get far before he felt a grab at the back of his towel followed by the cool breeze that followed from not having his towel on. He turned around to smack the other but saw Minato had fallen on the floor with it. While he was fuming, he still managed to put on a smirk. 'Couldn't even remove the towel without falling..like the view from down there?" Kyandi smirked as he stood above the other and looked down. "I'll be taking this back now tiny..' He said as he kneeled down to get his towel

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Angered, Naoki pushed himself up to sit on his knees.

"If you dried off properly, I wouldn't have slipped!" He insisted, using Kyandi's towel to wipe the floor a bit. "And I knew it, I am bigger!" He exclaimed with a valiant grin. He couldn't really tell or not at the moment, but he knew it'd rile the bastard up.


"Nope- it's miiiine now!" He asserted when Kyandi reached for the towel back, moving it behind him. And, not his brightest moment, he moved his face in front of Kyandi's in order to prevent him from leaning in any further.

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"Fuck no you aren't bigger so stop acting so smug.." Kyandi said and added "I will easily reach behind you for it!" with a smirk, leaning in further to get a good grip around the others back which only made them touch down there. He had to get the towel back before this became problematic. He fumbled around the other trying to get a grip on his towel to take it back.

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"Someone intimidated?" Naoki teased, pushing the towel further back. 'Bring it,' He thought when it seemed Kyandi was going to get more aggressive to get it back. 'We'll wrestle like the Greeks!'


He thought that with confidence, until they were touching in very sensitive areas. Naoki had relatively dark skin, and he hoped that was enough to hid if he was blushing. He ended up sliding a bit backwards as he tried to keep the towel out of his reach.


"It's mine- just accept it!"

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"Like you could beat me at wrestling anyways..bring...it...on!" Kyandi said with a smirk, knowing a blush might be a bit more revealing on his fairer, compared to the others, skin complexion. He followed the other forward as he slid back which only made them rub up more against each other. He tried to hold an arm above the others head in an attempt to get a better reach at the hand holding the towel behind his back.

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"And why do you think you stand a chance against me?" He asked. "You're already turning pink! The strain is too much for you, little boy!" More of their bare skin was touching, and both of them were slightly damp.


"Nnng, no you don't!" He noticed Kyandi trying to reach over him, and he started to arch his back so it was more difficult to reach over his head, spreading his legs to balance. "Are you so self-conscious that you want to cover up with your own towel so badly? I don't blame you, to be frank."

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"I'm not the one keeping the other persons towel away..You wanted me to naked wrestle you, couldnt handle the distance could you?" Kyandi sneered at the other as he reached an arm around the other to try to pull him up more so there was more room to work with. This wasn't working the way he wanted and having that damn Naokis skin touching and rubbing against him wasnt helping..

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"You're the one who took mine first!" Naoki reminded him. "And you're the one who wants to get rough. It seems like you're the one who can get enough of me! Could it be our rivalry has inspired impure thoughts in you?" Naoki continued to resist Kyandi's attempts to reclaim the damn towel. If he needed, he would bet that, by the way they were both positioned, it wouldn't be too difficult to wrap his legs around Kyandi and roll over on top of him. Naoki didn't want to do that, though, for obvious reasons.

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"Please, you retaliated and who was the one who wanted to 'wrestle like the greeks'? Me or you?" Kyandi smirked, getting a good grip on the towel and yanking it, sitting down right on top of the others legs as he pulled. He was not going to back down now and let the other win..despite their...situation. He tried to keep his focus on his rage and not stare at the other to bother his musclesinto reacting..

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"That's because I see the good in any situation! You're merely a pessimist!" Naoki hissed. He felt the towel nearly ripped from his grip, and he nearly lost the towel! Kyandi repositioned himself to be sitting on top Naoki's legs… okay, plan B.

Naoki let go of the towel, just to throw Kyandi off balance from pulling, and he sat up, throwing his body against Kyandi's holding him tightly, and twisting his upper body with all his might so that he ended up lying on top of him, and pushed himself up with one hand, and gripped the towel with the other, trapping Kyandi under him unless he let go of the towel.


"I am the better wrestler!" He declared.

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Kyandi found the other suddenly let go, falling back onto the tiles of the bathroom with the towel in hand. Before he could get away, Naoki flipped them over and now he was the one on top of him and pulling the towel. "The only thing you can pull..over compensating for the small dick. At least I got the balls to walk to my room without a towel and not need to get it back, more for convenience. Bet you would get hard thinking about me fucking you over and walking down the hall" He groaned, still struggling with the towel.

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"You're the one desperate to get your towel back! And you're obsessed with keeping me naked!" Naoki insisted, leaning closer to his face. He tightened his grip on the towel.


"Thinking of fucking me? I think you're projecting your fantasies on to me again." He whispered teasingly. "But let's face it, I'm waaaay out of your league, anyway!"


…He was really handsome though… he was the reason Naoki had such self-esteem issues in junior high. He was also the reason he gained back his self-esteem as he got older- it was clear that he was probably more attractive now that they were older.




He's totally more attractive. Look at that boring-ass coloring and dull line art. Yeah. 10/10 would bang.




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"Like I would ever want to be in your league..out of your league is right, I am above yours" Kyandi said, finally getting bored of this and letting go. "Now can we just get dressed before someone thinks you are getting fucked and horny in the middle of the bathroom?" He smirked, trying to get out from underneath him. It would be much easier to hate him even more if he was less beautiful..he was a good looking man which made him only want to look even better.

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"I'm clearly not the only one looking like I'm fucking here." Naoki retorted. "Though clearly no one want to think of your ugly ass having sex, particularly with me. I exude sex pheromones, I can't help it!"


He got off of him, letting of of the towel in exchange for his own, discarded closer towards the door. He was about to wrap it around himself, but he stopped.


"On second thought, use this to cover your face. My penis is a lot more appropriate for public." He said, tossing the towel over Kyandi's head. He almost forgot his shampoo and soap! Naoki grabbed those real fast before going towards the door.

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"At least I can get sex!" Kyandi said as he threw the towel back at the other. He wrapped his own towel around himself, just wanting to go to his room, get his clothes and not have to deal with him. Stupid naked Naoki thinking he is better than me..Kyandi thought as he gathered all of his bath supplies again to leave.

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"You think with your dick, that's why you don't dedicate enough time to other, more worth-while pursuits." Naoki shot back, nearly missing to catch the towel thrown at him. He threw it over his shoulder, to prove his point about not being ashamed of his body- and proving that he had the balls to walk out naked.


"But… uh, Kyandi… let's not talk about what happened here ever again, okay?" He muttered as he turned around again.

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"All the more time to be better skills at sports and other area and you know nothing about my other pursuits" Kyandi said right back as he stood up. "And why would I want to mention you wanted to naked wrestle me to get the towel back..?" He said quietly as he wrapped his towel around his waist and went to leave the bathroom. He thought he just needed time to himself, so he would just get dressed and get out a bit

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"What? We've been glued together since junior high- you just can't leave me alone!" Naoki stated. "I know how you spend your time!"


Always the same classes, always the same sport, always the same fighting-for-dominance. They would spend maybe three lunch periods weekly just bickering over who was better, and how much harder the other trained in their spare time. Naoki remembered just how much of his energy Kyandi sucked from him. Like a vampire.


"You're like a fucking leech!" He stated, stepping out of the bathroom with unusually large strides, feeling accomplished that he left the bathroom first. "You'd want to tell people about it to brag- to leech off my popularity!"

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"You know nothingn about my time or how I have spent it!" Kyandi spouted at the other as he followed him out of the bathroom. "I worked like hell to get out of this town and away from everyone and now you are in the same college as me and roommate!" He said, steaming that the other would dare accuse him of being the leech. No matter where he went, Naoki was always right there trying to out do him. He had to fight hard to be at his level and surpass him..

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scene: the hallway. Kyandi and Naoki are walking side by side now, bickering. They approach the camera, which stays where it is. They eventually walk past the camera, revealing a lanky residence with short hair and a toothbrush, fully clothed.



"Hey, I worked really hard, too, for the same reason! I thought I left you behind in high school, and you follow me here! Naoki shouted back. "I thought I was going to have a cool roommate, and make friends this year- since you were always around me in junior high and high school, you totally ruined my image and no one but the team would do more than say "hi" to me!" He insisted it was Kyandi's fault he had virtually no social life, since so much time and effort went into one-upping him.

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"How do you think I feel? No one wants to be around you and mess with you and since you were constantly pestering me, I didn't have the time to make many friends!" Kyandi said right back, approaching the door and opening it. "I thought for once in my life I can go through school beig far away from all the things I hate.." He groaned as he got his clean clothes to wear and put on.

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"How you feel?! You're the thing I hate most! How do you think I feel?!" Naoki retorted, sliding in just when the door was open wide enough to, in order to get in before Kyandi. "You didn't have friends because your personality sucks!" He insisted, yanking out a pair of boxer briefs from his drawer, picking out one of his nicer pairs. If he knew Kyandi was going to be his roommate, he would have gone out and bought some new underpants.

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Kyandi didn't even have a retort..He was just too angry. He put on some black boxers before getting dressed in blue jeans and a tight form fitting black t shirt. He couldn't be around he other another second before he would snap more, putting his dirty towel in the hamper and leaving, slamming the door behind him.

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