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〔SAGA's Wonders〕 OQ: #04


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SAGA's Wonders〕

OQ: #04

Theme: The killer.

Life is, as I love to say, domino of choices and their consequences. Whatever you choose today, might not affect your past but is a result of it, as it will be the reason of your tomorrow.


Today I want to ask something rather...difficult to distinguish.

Imagine yourself tied to a chair. Yeah, just like some insane animal, though the question are you sane or not might pass by a bit later if not at all. You have a single earplug in your ear and an electronic voice, with goal to pitch-shit the real person's voice, speaks.

"There shall be ten people more..."


And the door on your left opens. Really, ten people walk in.

Then the voice continues,


"Five females and five males."


Your eyes quickly catch on the count, and you see the equality - five females and five males.


"Let's say there is a real killer in the room. You have one hour to point out who might the murderer be. If you don't manage to point them out, you might just as well die together with the people in the room. But if you point out the killer I promise your freedom with the one half of the people, the rest will be killed. But mind you, you might as well let the 'wrong one' out."


Intentionally not, your eyes see the clock before you, up high on the wall. Seemingly, the hour is just like picked, exactly five o'clock.


You don't know any of the faces in the room, that's the first thing you notice. The next is that they can't have a contact with you because their mouths are gagged. Nor they can free you off the chains, for you are surrounded by unbreakable metallic glass walls.

And you have one hour, starting from now.



Person first: Female dressed in a nice, fully pink outfit, with make up just like for a party. Her shoes however are blue.

Person second: Female with a suit on,at least appears to look like a lawyer or some business-woman; might be also a secretary.

Person third: Female, not very tall. She has a long hair tied up neatly and glasses on. Sportive pants and a loose, long sleeves blouse.

Person fourth: Female, looks like a teenage girl. Or so her childish face speaks. Long nails, having hello kitty necklace and some hair clips here and there.

Person fifth: A very skinny woman, one can tell at first, she is not from the type that can lift 30-40kg with that weak body of hers.

Person sixth: Male with his summer shorts on, looks like abducted from the beach; he is also tanned.

Person seventh: Another male that looks like a night owl that enjoys the club life. Well formed body, and a very suggestive way of dressing.

Person eighth: A male with his work-uniform, rather looks like an engineer.

Person ninth: A young male, with very dark hair. Rather self-conscious for his long hair that hides his face. Not to mention the short sleeve shirt that exposes the cuts on his wrists.

Person tenth: Ordinary salary man, only his suitcase is missing to complete the picture of a successful man that gets up each morning at 6AM just to be in time. His neatly done hair also speaks of his order and strict nature.


Who is the killer?

[Well. I hold the answer in my head as a scenery of this small "mind game". I can post it in one week, but might spoil it for people that answer after that time. So...whoever is interested about the answer, well about the set answer to the scenery, can ask me. XD.]

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Being an imaginary exercise makes things a bit harder. However, if I play the card we'll have this:

{You have a single earplug in your ear and an electronic voice, with goal to pitch-shit the real person's voice, speaks.

"There shall be ten people more..."} - Ok, so there are 10 people, 11 including me. It doesn't really matter their appearance, but I'll use this clue later. {"Five females and five males."} - Equality. Someone must be really organized. And we all know that most of killers tend to be organized. {Let's say there is a real killer in the room.} - "Let's say".."Let's". There's no killer among those 10. { But if you point out the killer I promise your freedom with the one half of the people, the rest will be killed.} - So even if I get the right answer, half of people will die. Easily seen who's the killer I'd say. THAT electronic voice (85%).


Ok, now, I can't leave this uncovered so, judging by appearance - killers tend to be (according to statistics) organized, nonsocial, more than 80% of killers are male, caucasian, in their 20s or 30s. Person tenth: Ordinary salary man, only his suitcase is missing to complete the picture of a successful man that gets up each morning at 6AM just to be in time. His neatly done hair also speaks of his order and strict nature. (15%).


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First suspect: tenth person


Second suspect: seventh person


Third suspect: first person


Fourth suspect: fifth person


Fifth suspect: ninth person


Well, This would be my list on the first glance.


The outcome would be unpredictable since: or neither of my suspects could be the true murder or if I successfully choose the right one, if the guy/girl was to be freed, I'm sure he/she would seek revenge. And my death in the end.


Psychopaths are known for their charm. They are charismatic, the most nice and friendly at the first moment.


So my first guess would be the most "normal guy" and most charismatic as well.


On the other hand I've read somewhere that some researchers ,psychopaths have a life more promiscuous(depends though) than other so there comes the seventh person as suspect.

The first person (and fifty person), well her shoes bothered me. Nothing else just my guts tell me. But again hearing the guts is something used for most detectives so....

The last suspect was because his appearance he gave a impression of despair. As I like to say desperate people are unpredictable.


But in the end a question resides in my mind.


I have to find the true murder or "a murder"?


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who is the murder? i wonder too xDDDD

just guess for fun, i'm sure those people include me sure die with the current state of my brain xDDD



Person first: Female dressed in a nice, fully pink outfit, with make up just like for a party. Her shoes however are blue.


Person second: Female with a suit on,at least appears to look like a lawyer or some business-woman; might be also a secretary.


Person third: Female, not very tall. She has a long hair tied up neatly and glasses on. Sportive pants and a loose, long sleeves blouse.


Person fourth: Female, looks like a teenage girl. Or so her childish face speaks. Long nails, having hello kitty necklace and some hair clips here and there.


Person fifth: A very skinny woman, one can tell at first, she is not from the type that can lift 30-40kg with that weak body of hers.


Person sixth: Male with his summer shorts on, looks like abducted from the beach; he is also tanned.


Person seventh: Another male that looks like a night owl that enjoys the club life. Well formed body, and a very suggestive way of dressing.


Person eighth: A male with his work-uniform, rather looks like an engineer.


Person ninth: A young male, with very dark hair. Rather self-conscious for his long hair that hides his face. Not to mention the short sleeve shirt that exposes the cuts on his wrists.


Person tenth: Ordinary salary man, only his suitcase is missing to complete the picture of a successful man that gets up each morning at 6AM just to be in time. His neatly done hair also speaks of his order and strict nature.

those 5 people for me are, from strong to less suspect : 2th 5th 10th 7th 3th (no need to worry if i let a murder out, i just need to kill him/her later ;) )



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...Can I go ahead and say I'm the killer?

Why else should I be the one tied to a chair?

Is this pitch-shifted voice in on it? Are they giving me the option to kill again with half the people in the room having to die?

Besides, you can't tell just from the way somebody dresses or carries themself.

...I'm going to say it's me.

It's definitely me...




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I still can't get of my head the reason why i'm tied up like that, with no way of escaping possible.

I also wonder what would happen if i chose myself. Would i be the only one dying? Will the 10 people be freed for sure?

Other thing to think of is that there might be one killer. Does that mean that there could also be ZERO killers there? Would i be killing innocent people? Is this like one of those sayings "a sacrifice in the name of saving many"

Also, what type of murder was it? Too many questions... I don't think the voice would give me the answers.


Having the life of other people in my hands is no joke. What right do i have to kill someone?

And no matter what i do, in this scenario, there will always be people dying.


Anyway, i wish i could choose myself but in truth, if i were really in that situation, i have the feeling that indeed my fear and my egoism would take over. After all it's the animals' instinct to survive. It would be different if someone i cared for were in the game. So, i think in that situation i would end up picking someone.

This is what i would do:

1) 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10=55 (55) 5+5= 10 (10) 1+0= 1 I would choose number one


2) (if possible, i would rather do this) I would close my eyes and ask them to change positions and then, still with eyes closed, i would say a random number. The number that at the time i would feel like saying, that one would be my choice.


I think that if i were to choose randomly, i would feel less like a murder myself. Quite the cowardly way of acting... >.

But i don't think we can tell who is a killer and who is not by their way of dressing... :/

There are many types of killers, each one with their way of acting. It could be the neat one, the organized one, the excentric one, the less expected one and so on...


Anyway, if i were to survive wouldn't I become a murder as well? Maybe next time i would be one of those numbers and someone else in that chair would be trying to guess my number...


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  • 3 months later...

Alright, heres my guess:



Number 4! But... Thats personal, cause grown ups with "Hello Kitty" or "Spongebob" stuff freak me out...

and then : I made the mistake and read some other post before I made my own opinion...



About the other guess: youre the murderer! Correct! The fact that Im in a glassbox and tied to a "Chair"? Thatd be like it is in America. That there would be people on the other side of the glass aint that hard a riddle! Theyre Family, both yours and the victims. I guess number Eight and /or Ten are working in this Prison?

Right so, WHY are seeing this "Game"? Hearing this Voice? Because youre living a psychotic episode, most likely a schizophrenic one.

I guess my story goes "Killed someone in a rash action, was captured, condemned."

Most Death Candidates are in Jail for a lifetime, cause the Trials take so long.

And most (about, I think I read 98%?) evolve a mental disposition, in most cases Schizophrenia, Dissoziative Disorders, Manic Depressions... Psychosises. Thatd explain the Voice. Well, everything...


Thats my Explanation...

Didnt a certain someone say that he'd solve this wondering? ;P

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