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Muñeca (Chibimonkey /pandamonium)


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He laid motionless. His lifeless body, pale. His eyes, sunken. He touched the pale cheeks.

"Master, awaken." He murmured.

The corpse laid motionless. He shook his Master gently. He wouldn't move. After sometime, he laid next to the motionless body and closed his eyes.

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He had finished rereading his favorite story. He closed the book and put it back into his bag. He looked out the window as the train continued to move.

"sir, may i see your ticket."

He turned to see the conductor with his clipper. He nodded and searched his bag for the ticket. He pulled it out and handed it to the conductor. The conductor clipped the ticket and returned it back to him.

"thank you, sir. Enjoy your time on the Imperial Express train." The conductor left to continue clipping tickets.

He continued to look out the window, remembering as a child how his grandfather would tell him the story of the living doll, who's lover died from old age and how the doll stayed next to his lover for decades. He asked his grandfather if the story was true and his grandfather said it was. For years, he had wanted to meet the doll, but now that he was older, he didn't believe the story. It was still his favorite story from the book of children stories. He eventually feel asleep remembering his grandfather.

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I lifeless figure now sat on the corner of a street in the dull city. A city that once thrived with live, love and passion, had grown old and weary from its times of laughter and fun. It had aged, along with the people who lived within it, all except one person. The figure sitting there now on the corner. He stayed the same age and appearance of a person within their years of twenty. Yet all the while, over the past decades, people aged, and people left him, and abandoned the dying city.


Ever since those few decades ago when his master, his creator had passed, he grew into this state of lonesomeness. He used to be the life of the city, the main attraction, putting on shows and singing marvelously for them. But since the death of his lover and creator, he lost his own love and life of joy for his existence, and stopped singing, and stopped entertaining. So the city had died, as did the people who aged, which left the doll-like person alone and lonely.

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He awoke to an announcement. His stop was approaching. He grabbed his bag, that had fallen to the floor when he slept, and stood up. He headed to the luggage cart to grab his suitcases.

"please grab your belongings and make your way towards car seven to board off." The announcer ordered.

He walked towards the nearly empty car. He stood near the exit alongside a few other travelers.

The train slowly made a complete stop. The spots opened automatically.

"please wait until the passengers board off, before boarding on the train."

He got off the train to an almost empty platform. He walked towards the taxis parked near the entrance.


He approached the taxi driver standing next to his taxi, smoking a cigarette.

"excuse me. Um, hello. I need to get to this location. Would you mind if you may take me there, please?" He asked the taxi driver nervously.

He handed him a crumpled paper with the address. The taxi driver grabbed the paper and looked at the address. Hr nodded.

"yes, I'll be able to take you there, lad. Hop in." He motioned towards his bright yellow taxi with a red store on the side. Taxi written in black letters. He took I've last drag from his cigarette and threw the bud on the ground. Grinding it with the sole of his foot. He made his way around the driver's side. He opened the trunk and helped the young man load his bags in. He closed the trunk and made his way to the driver's side. The young man made his way to the back seat and skid inside, closing the for with a load slam. The driver turned on the taxi and left the train station.

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The doll figure sat to himself on the dusty, dirty side of the rode, hugging his knees to his chest. Though he was a creation, a doll, he was very much life-like and human-like. He could eat, drink, and even sleep as a human did. Nothing about him gave way that he may be anything but human. Except for his flawless beauty and attraction.


Despite the fact he could eat, it was good that he didn't need to. He could get an appetite, but ever since the lonesomeness had swallowed this city and his heart, he had lost such appetite that a human required and got. He sighed to himself, resting his chin on his knees. Anyone passing by would nearly pass him off as trash, or nothing of importance. His clothes were old, and he was covered in dirty, nicks and scratches along his body from the days secluded off by himself. But even through that it if paid attention, the males beauty could be seen through the dirt layering his face.


Of course, this was all imaginery; being on the streets and all. Avon was the name of the doll, the life-like male. Avan hardly left the mansion he was created in anymore, his masters mansion. After his death, he never left. There had been moments where he would go out for the people though, but they had soon lost interest in him, just as he did with them in turn. Which led to him being cooped back up by himself in the gorgeous, seemingly abandoned mansion of the city.


It being imaginary came in to play where the male had often fantasized about going outside again, where he would be greeted by warm arms, loved and cared for once more. Just like a doll, that's all he wished for. But no one had ever cared for him like his creator had. That's why he still was broken over his death, feeling his eternal life would never be as bright or .great as it had been with his creator. If only things could change, he hoped.

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"so tell me, lad. What's you name." The taxi driver inquired as he made left near an old building.

"my name is Alexander Vaughn. I'm terribly sorry, but i never bothered to ask your name. How may i address you?"

The driver stopped at a stop light and pulled our a cigarette, lighting it and taking a deep drag before the light turned green.

"I'm Larson Schmidt. But call me Lars. Like my fellow mates. Now why are you heading to that old abandoned building?" He took another drag. Letting a bellow off smoke escape his lips.

"I'm an architect. I saw pictures of this mansion and thought it was lovely. I wanted to fix it up."He explained.


After several minutes, they arrived to the old mansion. The gate was old, rusty and hung loosely.

"here we are, lad."

Alexander paid the man and got out the car. He grabbed his luggage from the trunk and closed the trunk.

"well if you ever need my services again, here's my card." He handed Alexander a business card.

He drive off and Alexander made his way into the old mansion.

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Sitting in the old and dusty room, the doll stairs out of the dirty-covered window, staring out at the small and old town below. He saw a few cars pass around, but for the most part, majority of the people walked around the small town. He sighed to himself, resting the chin of his head on his knees as he stared out at the old and dying town. It probably wouldn't be long before the entire place died and no one was left. No one but him. Then he would truly be alone.


He supposed it wouldn't be that big of a deal, if everyone died for good and the village died with them. Even if he didn't age with them, and die as well, he supposed being alone wouldn't be anything new for him. There were still people alive now, but it wouldn't make a difference, they still had completely forgotten about him.


As Avon was getting lost in his thoughts, his attention was brought out of such thoughts as he saw a yellow cab pull up to the mansion just outside the gates, and a man getting out, with bags. Blinking a couple times, to be sure that he wasn't seeing things, he saw there was indeed a man getting out. Tilting his head to the side curiously, he watched him as he approached the mansion that hadn't been entered in ages.


A visitor? How strange, the doll wondered. Why would someone visit this old place? There was nothing to see here. He watched the young male as he entered through the old gates, proceeding closer into the territory of the mansion.

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He noticed the overgrown shrubbery strewn about the large yard. Withered plants here and there. As he reached the front door, he noticed the weathered and chipped front door and patio.

'I'll need to fix the patio and door. Cut the yard and maybe plant some nice flowers. I'll need to call a gardener and contractor.' He thought.

He opened the door. A creak echoed through the mansion. He saw a mouse scurry by and the room covered in dust and spider webs.

'I'll need to call the exterminator, too.' He thought.

He took a step and a layer of dust lifted, causing him to cough violently. The entireplace was dark. He grabbed one PhD his bags and searched for a flashlight he had brought. He found it and turned it on. The furniture was still in place, covered in layers of dust and ripped open by the vermin. He went towards the large window covering nearly the entire wall and tried to open it. A loud scrapping sound came as the window , inch by inch, opened. The cool night breeze came in and caused dust to float around the room.

'it's growing late, i should clean my room, go to bed and start cleaning tomorrow.' He thought, "I'll also need to make appointments tomorrow."

He went to the spiral staircase. He stopped at the nearest room and walked in. The room was dark and the musty smell clung in the air. He coughed again. He moved his flashlight strong the room, checking it out. The room was large with a window. There was a bed in the corner, a boudoir and a table in the corner.

'nicely furnished, antique.'he thought.

He noticed a shadow near the window that he hadn't noticed earlier. It looked to be a figure. Was it a homeless person?

"excuse me, not trying to be rude, but who are you?" He asked.

He didn't want to blind the individual with his flashlight so he kept the light towards the wall.

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Sitting there by the window, he watched out it, watching the human curiously as he ventured further to the house, until he must be inside it, by the sound of hearing a door open. His eyes glanced back up to see the cab pulling away. He looked back to the front door from the window, only to see the figure was no longer there. He tried to acute his hearing in on the house itself, and could heard footsteps and coughing. The male must be inside. Why? Why would he come here.


He frowned to himself, hugging his knees a bit closer, feeling uncomfortable at the fact knowing another person was in this house, his masters house. Just because the man had passed decades ago, Avon didn't think that made the mansion any less of his. That was party why the doll stayed around. Not only was he attached to the closest place to his master, but his master and the house itself. It was as though he was staying to keep guard over it. He blinked a bit, hearing a voice - speaking to him?


The figure was quiet for a few minutes, not saying anything. Could he speak? It had been so long, he honestly wasn't sure anymore that he knew how to. Finally, he managed a few words out "Who am I?" he asked as he turned to look at the male slightly "I should be asking you that. What are you doing here?" he asked, though realized the other would probably just want to know the same about him. Many people had forgotten about the glorious doll of decades ago. He was old history, just that; history.

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Alexander was surprised by the figure's question. He decided to be polite and answer him.

"hello, my name is Alexander Vaughn. I recently purchased this estate and intend to fix it up." He answered politely.

He walked closer to the curled figure. As he approached the figure, he noticed from the Finn light his face. He was beautiful. He nearly dropped the flashlight from his shock.

"please, I'm not trying to kick you out, I'm just curious to see someone in this abandoned building. From what I've read of this building, it's been decades since someone inhabited this mansion."

He looked around the room again, admiring the room.

"but i must say, this place is in great condition, for how long it's been uninhabited."

He looked at the lonely individual, he felt terrible for how much he must have suffered. Staying in a place like this, alone. How long has he been here?


He thought about what to do with the person. He couldn't kick him out. That would be cruel. Out would be lonely and terrifying to live here alone. Why not have a fellow housemate. He smiled warmly towards the man.

"please, stay here with me. You obviously were here first, so it would be terribly nasty of me to kick you out. Plus it would be lonely and scary to live here alone. So...what do you say? Housemate." He holding his hand out.

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The doll stared up at the larger figure, watching him as he could tell he seemed surprised. Avon himself couldn't make such an expression, he didn't know how to anymore. It had been so long since he had interacted with anyone before, he no longer know how to act like the humans did, show such facial expressions and emotions through their features. The last shown emotion he had probably displayed was his mourning of his creator when he died those decades ago.


He listened as the other introduced himself, his name. But when he said how he had bought this property, he blinked a bit, eyes widening slightly "Bought it?" he inquired with a slight frown as he looked to him "That's not correct. This place hasn't been abandoned. I have been living here for a long time" he said as he was confused. People really did forget, he supposed. It really had been that long. He frowned a bit to himself more as he realized this.


Sighing, he hugged his knees closer to his chest "I wasn't going to leave even if you asked me to. I've no where else to go" he said, glad the other was alright with him staying there. Or at least not kicking him out "This is my home, it always has been, as it belonged to my master" He muttered softly as he looked back out the window "My name is Avon. Just Avon" he said, not having a last name.

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Alexander was surprised by what Avon had said.

"I'm not trying to be rude, but since your Master lived here? I've researched this place, before purchasing and even asked the realtor if anyone has lived here recently. She explained that this place has been uninhabited for nearly a century. I've read that this town was bustling, but during the great depression, the majority of people left and eventually everyone left. So that would mean you've had to be here for decades, but you look so young."

He saw the emotionless figure before him. How could someone stay young and live for nearly a century? This and others were questions for another time.

"I'm sorry, but i can't just leave this place. I've planned to fix it up and such. Add electricity and running water. and as much as like to continue speaking with you, it's getting late, tomorrow is a busy day and i need to sleep after the long travel. I do fell terrible for sol this, don't get me wrong. Just think of it as bringing this house to it's former glory."

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Avon studied the others face, noting the others surprise and his questioning "I understand its complex for a human to understand, but I have lived here with and since my master has passed. I am seventy years old" he spoke, which was true. But he of course didn't age. He never has, and he wasn't created to age. His master had only made him the age he was made into.

He frowned a bit as he was listening to the other who spoke about how he wasn't going to leave this place, and he was talking about renovating it up and getting it back and running again and everything. He frowned slightly as he watched the other "I don't mind letting you stay here, I suppose...But I can't allow you to change this house" he said as he moved to stand up a bit as he faced the other who seemed tired and ready to pass out. "I don't like intruders on this property, having paid for it or not, it truly belongs to my master. I'll let you stay here but I wont allow you to change anything" he spoke. He didn't want anything changed...anything different than how his master had made and wanted it. Avon had even done well to tending to the gardens and what his master had most enjoyed and prized about the mansion.

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Alexander sighed, not wanting to start anything with Avon, but he had invested a lot to fix this placeup. He had even called Assn electrician a few days ago to come tomorrow and install electricity.

"look, Avon. I respect the fact that you've lived here for seventy years and how it belonged to your Master. That's very heart-breaking and sweet, but I'm not trying to seem like a villain or anything. I just need to make this a home got me and you. I need certain things like electricity and running water. Plus, this place needs to be fixed in some areas, like the patio and vermin that inhabited this place alongside you have eaten away done of the furniture. I'll find a way to fix them and if i can't I'll have to exchange them with some newer furniture."

He sat on the bed, ribbing his growing headache from the musty smell. He didn't want to m make Avon angry, but in life you must flow with the changes. Because if you don't, the day will come when everyone well leave you behind. Like this town and sadly, what happened with Avon. He didn't want Avon to keep himself closed off from the world.


- - - Updated - - -


Alexander sighed, not wanting to start anything with Avon, but he had invested a lot to fix this placeup. He had even called Assn electrician a few days ago to come tomorrow and install electricity.

"look, Avon. I respect the fact that you've lived here for seventy years and how it belonged to your Master. That's very heart-breaking and sweet, but I'm not trying to seem like a villain or anything. I just need to make this a home got me and you. I need certain things like electricity and running water. Plus, this place needs to be fixed in some areas, like the patio and vermin that inhabited this place alongside you have eaten away done of the furniture. I'll find a way to fix them and if i can't I'll have to exchange them with some newer furniture."

He sat on the bed, ribbing his growing headache from the musty smell. He didn't want to m make Avon angry, but in life you must flow with the changes. Because if you don't, the day will come when everyone well leave you behind. Like this town and sadly, what happened with Avon. He didn't want Avon to keep himself closed off from the world.

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Avon frowned a bit more at the others words. He knew the other wasn't trying to be a villain, as he had said. Avon could tell that much. But it still bothered him that the other wanted to change the place up. He glanced around the room slightly, frowning to himself. How different would it be when the other did as he planned with it? Would he be able to recognize it any more? Would his master have approved of it? He wasn't sure what to think or accept.


Glancing back tothe male as he finished speaking, Avon was silent for a few moments. "It seems I don't have much rule or say in this" he said as he watched the other, able to see his exhaustion growing as the day continued "I will let you proceed...but I will stop you if I disapprove of something" he warned the intruder, before nodding his head "You are tired, you may sleep in this room" he said as he stood up, walking past the other. There was something about his walk, his air that seemed odd, and different. That didn't make him feel human. Passing by the other, he stepped outside the room "THis is a guest room. I usually stay in here, so I suppose it's the cleanest as of the moment. My health isn't affected by the state of the house, but humans can get ill, so stay here for the night" he spoke as he then just vanished down the hall, and was gone in another room.

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Alexander agreed with what Avon had said

"I have no problem with you voicing your disagreement with some of my decision. You could also voice your opinion, on how to renovate or decorate. I'm open-minded." He yawned.

He Avon stand and head for the door. His walk was graceful and eerie. No mere human can do that. He heard Avon allow him to sleep in the room.

"thank you. Good night." He said as he laid on the bed and fell asleep.


The next day, he awoke to his phone vibrating. He picked it up and answered.

"good morning, sorry for being rude, but who is this?" He coughed into his hand.

"hello, sorry to wake you, but I'm the electrician you hired a few days ago. Just called to let you know that I'll be arriving in half an hour."

"okay, thank you. I'm already here, so I'll see you in half an hour. Thank you for letting me know. Bye."

"no problem, bye."

The electrician hung up and he stood up. He walked towards the window and opened it, letting the cool morning breeze inside. He slipped on his shoes and headed to the living room to wait for the electrician.

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Avon nodded to the other as he spoke, before simply leaving the room and letting the man go to sleep. Avon himself did not require sleep. He could if he wanted to - though, he wasn't able to dream like a human could during sleep. That night, Avon did not go to sleep, but he stayed in the master bedroom, where his master had stayed and slept. It had been decades, and yes, Avon had gotten over the mans death, no longer mourning. But there wasn't a day he didn't think about him, or didn't miss him. After all, his creator was all he had left any more. Throughout the night, Avon had decided to check up on the stranger male. He stopped by the room he was staying in, watching him a bit. It may have been a bit creepy, in a sense, but Avon was unsure what to think and make of this intruder. The doll wasn't made to be mean or cruel. But he would stand up for this property. He wasn't sure how he would have to deal with the intruder if it came to that. So he just watched him for a bit as he slept through the night, trying to judge him and figure him out.

Eventually, he left the man to sleep by himself in the room. Avon wandered around the house, before going outside as the morning sun started to rise over the horizon. Clockwork, like every morning Avon tended to the beautiful garden in the front of the house. It was the most beautiful thing about the place at the time. He tended to the flowers and the bushes, pulling weeds and grass, evening out the dirt. He was in the middle of this when he heard footsteps. He glanced up, frowning a bit. Another man coming to the house? How many people were going to come? Avon may have been lonely, being ignored and cooped up in the house by himself, but that didn't mean he wanted a party of people over at it. He watched the man, noticing his bags and everything in his hands "Who are you?" he demanded, as he stood upright from his knelt down gardening position.

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The electrician had arrived and made his way to the mansion. He heard someone ask him why he has arrived and turned. Before him stood such a beautiful person, that he was confides whether it was a man our woman. He began to blush slightly.

"oh, hi. I didn't see you there. Do you happen to be..." He pulled out his clipboard," Alexander Vaughn?"

He noticed the garden hidden away from the rest if the estate.

"that's such a lovely garden! You have quite the green thumb!" He exclaimed.


Half an hour had passed and Alexander decided to check if the electrician had arrived. He coughed, opening the. He saw the what appeared to be the hood of a vehicle and assumed it must be the electrician. He made his way to the door and went to get the electrician. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't seen Avon since he woke up. Was he still asleep? Our was he just a figment of his imagination? But what had transpired last night felt so real. He headed to the gate to meet up with the election. As he grew closer to the gate, he noticed the electrician far of into what appeared to be a garden. He hadn't noticed it last night, but now that he saw it was truly a sight. Such color and livelihood. And the scent of the garden, so sweet and delicate. He felt a tinge of pain in his chest. He brushed it off and saw the electrician speaking with Avon. So it want a dream. He felt so relieved.

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Avon looked to the man who stood and spoke to him when he had spoken up. He still didn't get an answer on who he was though. He frowned slightly "I am not" he spoke before glancing to the garden as he was complimented on it "Thank...you" he spoke softly. How odd it was to receive a compliment. It's not like he never got one before. But it had been ages, decades, quite literally, since he had been spoke to as such, and kindly too. It was nice to know the garden was appreciated by anothers eyes, other than just his own.


Looking back to the male, he considered. He looked at his uniform, the equipment he had, then off to the truck down at the road of the gates to the estate. He concluded the male must be the electrician Alexander had been talking about the other night. He supposed he could accept that. Electricity would be fine. "You're the electrician" he said, instead of questioned, as he looked to him "Will you have to damage or change the property in any way to work?" he asked. Depending on his answer, he could let the other through and continue his work.

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The electrician smiled nervously.

"well...judging by how it's an old estate, I'll have to make a few incisions in the wall to add cables. But it can be easily fixed with plaster. So when I'm done the walls will just need to be painted to hide the plaster."

Alexander arrived to the scene and greyed the electrician.

"good morning. You must be Robert. Thank you for coming today." He held his hand or to shake the electrician's. The electrician returned the gesture and nodded.

"yes, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I was just speaking with your wife, here about some of the things I'll need to do."

Alexander nodded and scratched his head nervously when the electrician aimed Avon was his wife.

"well do come in, I'll show you into the house."

He led the way to the estate. The electrician nodded and turned to Avon.

"it was a pleasure speaking with you miss."

They into the testate and the electrician inspected the walls.

"they seem to be in good shape. Have you spoken with a contractor?"

Alexander nodded.

"i have, but they won't be able to send one out until two days from now."

"i see, well, since the walls are in decent condition, i don't see any problem with checking out the place, but I'll only be able too work for give hours here, i have another appointment today. Last minute, only guy to take the call."

"of course. Well, i need to go into town to grab provisions, do I'll leave you to your work I'd you have any questions, you can contact me on my phone."

The electrician nodded and continued to check the walls of the mansion.

He went out to where Avon had been. He saw him and asked him a question

"would you like to come into town with me? I need to grab things and it'll be nice to get out of this stuffy place."

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Avon listened to the other explain how he would have to do a few things. He frowned a bit at the thought, but could tell it didn't seem like it would really damage the place. Electricity was rather needed too, so, he supposed he would let it go. He just nodded his head lightly to the other in understanding and agreement, before looking to Alexander as he came out and spoke to the electrician.


He looked to the two as the spoke, before blinking slightly at the others comment, calling him the males wife. "Uh..er, w-wait-" he started but the two were already gone and inside the house. He frowned a bit, not only at being called a female, but also at the way Alexander acted as this was his home and place. Well, according to money and law, it technically was, since he bought it. But Avon still wouldn't accept that.


Sighing to himself, Avon turned back to his precious garden, and continued working on it. It was really quiet a large garden, covering at least an acre of the land. It took hours to tend to even when it was kept to daily. He was working on pulling some more weeds from the dirt, before glancing up hearing a voice. The other was talking to him?


He got up, looking over at Alexander who was asking about going in to town. He blinked a bit "In...to town?" He inquired softly glancing to the gate then back to him "I don't go into the town. I don't go anywhere, but here" he said, like it was the most normal sort of thing that he kept himself locked away to this estate.

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Alexander was taken aback by how Avon hadn't left the estate. Then how did he survive all these years without leaving? He was staring to suspect Avon wasn't human, buy he couldn't outright tell him. He'll have to get to know him better.

"come on, it'll be fun! We can get some ice cream and lunch. We could also go shopping.doesn't that sound like fun?" He inquired.

He pulled out his phone and called the taxi driver.

"good morning, I'm Alexander. The guy you gave a ride to. I need to go into town, so are you available?"

"oh! Good morning, lad! Yes, I'm available. I'll be there in twenty. Bye."

"thank you, later."

He hung up and turned towards Avon.

"sorry about that. So what do you say?"

He smiled and put his phone back into his pocket.

"the taxi will be here in twenty minutes."he informed Avon.

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Avon just looked at the other curiously as he had tried to encourage him to go along with him into the town. He frowned slightly, feeling uncomfortable just at the thought of going into the town and surrounded by the people. "Ice cream...?

" he murmured in thought, reminiscing about how Lyson, his master, would say the same thing to him.


He would take him out for icecream, which was a favored treat the two shared together. Mentally sighing to himself, he closed his eyes, shaking his head "No, it wont be fun. I prefer it here in the mansion" He said as he made up his mind once more, even if the other had gotten him to second guess about it, and his decision to stay. But thinking it through, Avon was sure he didn't want to leave. He hadn't at all this past several decades.


He looked to the other as he pulled out an odd device and he tilted his head slightly, curious as to the object as he looked at it "What is that?" he inquired, looking at the object the other had just been talking to and had disregarded back into his pocket. How odd, talking to an object? Was it some sort of communication device? As the other asked about his decision to stay once more, he simply shook his head "I'll stay"

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Avon had rejected his offer to go into town. He was disappointed, but wouldn't force him to go. When Avon asked about his phone, he sneered.

"oh, this is a portable phone. I'm able to communicate with others using this. Would you poke your own? That way if I'm not here, you can contact me?" He asked.

He looked at the large garden and smiled.

"you have taken great care of this garden. I was thinking about planting some flowers around the mansion., would you recommend any?"


The taxi driver arrived and honked.

"oh! The taxi is here. If you change your mind, it's not too late. Well I better go, don't want to keep him waiting. Have a nice time working on your garden. See you in a few hours."

Alexander went over to the taxi driver.

"hey there, lad. Where to?" The driver pulled out a cigarette and lit it. Taking a deep drag he blew out the smoke.

"the nearest shopping area, please."


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Avon tilted his head a bit as the other explained how his was a portable phone. When he elaborated more on what it was exactly, he then understood. So it was some form of communication device. How interesting, he thought. Lyson would have loved such a thing, he was sure. He blinked when the other asked if he had his own, so they could share and contact each other if need be "Me? I do not have such a thing" he spoke as though it would be the most obvious and plain thing in the world. "Why would I need to contact you?" He asked. He wasn't trying to be rude or mean, he simply didn't see why he would need such a thing. "I don't leave the estate. If you need me for anything, I will be here" he said, not seeing the simplicity and ease of having a phone so traveling to talk to another wasn't necessary if it was a small thing.


When the other started asking about more flowers about the mansion, he didn't mind the idea. It still bothered him somehow how the other was acting like this place was his own that he could do what he pleased with. Which, it was, technically, but Avon still refused to accept it, and he probably would continue to do so for a while. "I suppose any are fine. It doesn't matter what types of flowers, really, so long as they go well together" he said "If you have any in mind, I can help you put together sets" He said. Flowers were one thing he loved most. It was pretty much what he focused on all these years.


As the taxi arrived, and Alexander went to leave, he nodded to him, watching him leave. As he heard the car drive away, Avon slowly turned his attention back to the garden, continuing pulling weeds and cleaning it up.

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