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Looking Mirror/Ignorance Isn't Bliss/Lost Children/--Persona AU


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"I was surprised that Isaan even stopped to see what the hell was going on. The kid isn't the most nicest person you can rely on."


Ruune let out a slightly pained sigh at Arish's words, and muttered softly, "Arish...just stop..." The younger twin really didn't appreciate Isaan being insulted, and if he didn't have such a migraine he would have given the older boy a lecture. The silver haired boy had been bullied before, and could not tolerate people insulting others, or putting each other down...it just wasn't right to him.


"Anyways, do you remember anything that happened Ruu? We kind of need to know."


Now here was a decision to make...if he told them too much, such as about the Velvet Room, he might be thought insane. If he lied and said he barely remembered anything, and they found out later...well, the results would defiantly not be good. Maybe if he told just enough information...and maybe if they found out the truth later the result would not be as bad.


>Tell them everything.

>Just limit what what is told to what happened tonight.

>Lie, say you barely remember anything.


"I...I was just walking home after a...a school project...and I was taking a short cut...and ended up...where ever I was...and was attacked by...by that thing," Ruune replied in a slightly pained voice, "Then I heard a...voice I guess...telling me to fight back and...my...persona?" He paused, adding a slightly confused tone to his voice, as if he was searching his brain for the right word to call Fallen, "Appeared...then big brother showed up...and the thing got...scarier...and then my head started to hurt...and Fallen turned into...I don't know..." Granted that the younger was a little out of it, he was lucid enough to put on an act. He wasn't stupid, and at this point it might be better to make himself seem more out of it than he actually was; less questions. Referring to Isaan as big brother added to that illusion...though, it was half a slip as well. Maybe the migraine was making him start falling back into old habits. Ruu felt bad for acting, hence forth lying, but he was sure it was the best option right now.


"Wat' I seen wus' utte'ly astonishin'. It is beyon' tha' pow'rs of both Arish's en' my persona."


Ruu hoped no one saw the small blush that colored his cheeks at the elder twin's words. He knew Isaan was just reporting what he saw, but the silver haired boy felt like it was praise, and, truthfully, besides his mother and Aunt he hadn't been praised for doing something good for a long time. Having the white haired athlete say it made his heart flutter slightly, and in a weird, yet pleasant way.

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Isaan glanced toward his brother, a look of confidence in his stature. The elder twin could notice the small hue or red splaying across the pale skin of his brother's cheek. "Righ' dats' wat' happened. So Hule ... wats witha' shadows in Tetrabeth. Ya' specifically said dat' , dat' won' happen."


The flamboyant man gave Isaan a confused look, his eyes darting to the thin teen. "I'm not sure. There had to be something to set the balance off. Shadows aren't suppose to be able to infiltrate the barriers that surround this town. There has to be some sort of mechanism defect. Some that has faltered.


"Mechanism? What? I'm confused."


"Ya'idiot. Ta' keep tha' shadows out, Hule surely had ta' have made some sort o' machine, or technology ta' keep those things out. Now, Hule...there has ta' be somethin' we can use ta' track these monsters down."


"You are more than correct Isaan, and I want to give you all a watch. One that is able to detect these shadows. I want the both of you to help Ruune with his persona as well. Now, I have only one detector at the moment, so I'll give it to Ruu. If it works, I'll make sure to make more for the remaining of you."


Arish nodded, taking the small metal-like watch from the chairman of the group to hand over to Ruune. "Our pleasure sir Hule. Here you are kid." Wiggling the small material to the other.


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Ruune clumsily caught the watch, and looked down at it nervously...why give this to him? To the young teen's opinion he was really nothing special...shouldn't it have been given to someone more experienced, like Isaan or Arish? Regardless, the silver haired boy put the watch on, examining the device for a moment...it looked like a normal watch, but had something weird about it. He wondered how the thing worked.


He sat up now, migraine starting to lessen, thankfully. He had a few questions for this Hule person. "Um...mister Hule...if you don't mind me asking, what is exactly going on here? I mean, I'm getting bits and pieces...but no one had explained to me the whole story yet...," Ruu asked softly, not liking how everyone seemed to think he knew what was going on enough to understand what they were talking about. He knew about personas all ready because of Igor, but they didn't know that, so, from what they know the younger twin was fairly ignorant at this moment.


Pale green eyes looked down at his lap as he wringed his hands slightly. Everything about his posture and body language at this point screamed that he was scared and nervous, but, in reality Ruune's jaw was clenched, and his eyes narrowed in slight frustration. The whole situation was confusing, and it seemed like they forgot he was in the room when they talked; a lot of adults had done this to him before, especially that stupid social worker who came to talk to his mom while she was sick. He was sitting right there, and she just talked to his mother about it like she knew him better than she did, and talked about how Ruu's meek nature was a sign of problems at home, and blah, blah, blah. He really hated when people tended to make judgments like that. And when she did talk to him she talked to the silver haired boy like he was still in elementary school, and he was fourteen at the time! He was sixteen and didn't want to be left out of the loop that Hule, Isaan, and Arish seemed to be in at the moment. It would make sense for them to explain better since he was going to be part of this team.

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"I will leave the explaining up to your brother here. I have something more important to tend to at the moment." Twirling quickly to leave the room. Hule had to glance into some research, something was confusing him. With the red head gone, Isaan released a sigh and averted his vision to the thin, silver haired teen.


"It's real'y not dat' hard ta' get Ruune. We all 're officially persona users, so it is our duty ta' protect all against shadows. Um...there is some strange disorded dat' spreads to those who ain't got personas. They happen ta' get somethin' keen to amnesia. Hule said dat' it isn't permanent, therefore destroyin' shadows help those gain back memories. This world wou'd all end once the father of all demons appear anyways. Says it's near impossible to destroy 'em. We must as well have fun wen' we can, right?"


Arish glanced at Isaan and shook his head. The white haired teen surely knew how to make a situation worse. Ruune didn't need to be discouraged. For all they know, the small teen could be what they need to finish this phenomenon. All it took was a little hope and faith.


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Ruune listened intently to his twin explain the shadows, and the whole situation. Ruu all ready knew the world was going to complete shit, he had lived in the city in the worst of times, but he had no idea that these things were the cause. Something occured to the silver haired boy as he thought about his old life...this sickness swept through the city he once lived in like something fierce; no medicine nor vaccine could heal it...most were cursed to die slowly. His mother was one of those people...and Ruune almost was...he survived.


He caught it when he was thirteen, and it was horrible. It was just like a small cold at first, just a little cough, and a temperature, but then his got worse. Welts started appearing on his body, mostly centering on his neck, and they hurt...a lot, and were itchy and discolored. He chest constantly felt like something was pushing on it, and he could barely keep anything down. The sickness worked slow, though, so it gradually got worse over the coarse of the year he had it. No hospital would take him, seeing that he was a hopeless case in their eyes. No hospital would take anyone anymore...they were all ready overloaded. He thought he was going to die...but, by some miracle, he just woke up one day and the pressure was gone, and the welts were starting to really heal, not just leak puss, and he could eat again. He had no idea how, the silver haired teen could barely recall the few days before his recovery, and, to be truthful, he felt like he forgot something major. His mother, though....she was not that lucky.


Ruune sighed and glanced up at his brother for a moment, a small, sad frown crossing his features...Isaan may not realize it but he looked a lot like Anya occasionally; they shared the same eye and hair colors. The younger twin nervously pulled up the color of his turtleneck slightly...it was his fault Anya wasn't there...she caught it taking care of Ruu.


"Do...do these Shadows make people sick?" The pale eyed teen asked softly, "Do you guys even know about the sickness going around in the cities?" He knew Isaan might not, since he knew that Aheal and Isaan used to live in a small town, a town that Ruune was forced to leave for the city after the divorce. He had no idea about Arish.

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Isaan glanced to Ruune with a frown, crossing his arms over his chest. "I jus' said dat' Ruu. Dontcha' listen. I said dat' some strange symptom as amnesia is tendin' ta' take over all those who doesn't posses a persona."


Arish shook his head, hand reaching out to lightly push isaan back in a dismissal gesture. "No you idiot... I- think he means another sickness." Engrossing himself in the small, thin teen. "Enlightened us Ruu. I'm not sure that we know of this sickness. " The dark haired male could not shake the feeling of the small teen knowing something important. Something that could possibly save his loved one. His sister.


With a sneer, the elder twin groaned as he sat next to his brother. Isaan supposed he should listen as well. The information could come in useful to Hule.


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Ruune sighed and stared down at his lap for a few minutes before finally looking up at the sudden shifting of the couch as the elder twin took a seat. "You two were never in the cities...after the divorce that's where my mother and I went to live so she could get a job, and so we could live closer to my aunt," The silver haired boy began softly, "It swept through cities all over the country like a storm, since it seemed to only thrive in places with large amounts of people. At first they thought it was just another influenza, and that they could find the vaccine easily; there hasn't been any fatalities yet when they thought that. It was just a cough and a sore throat at first, then it'd get worse starting with chest pains. Then you'd get welts...," He instinctively rubbed his neck, "All over your body, and they'd be infected, itchy and painful. Then you..you started not being able to keep anything down...but it wasn't fast...it'd take it's time, work through your system, and fuck you up. They stopped taking in victims that weren't high priority when I was about...thirteen I think...and the sickness began when I was around twelve."


Ruune bit his lip...it had accrued to him that Isaan might not know about their mother, or at least not the nature she died in. If it wasn't for something his mother said in her last few days alive then he wouldn't have even connected the mysterious sickness to shadows.


>Don't say anything else.

>Tell them what happened to your mother.

>Don't say it directly.


He was done with beating around the bush with people, if he was going to be apart of a team he needed to tell them the whole truth. He took a shaky breath and continued, "...In the final days of a victim they start having really horrible hallucinations...they always involved shadows moving and demons...," He bit his lip and closed his eyes, fighting back tears, and forced out, "My mom used to scream that the shadows were coming for her, and sometimes my aunt and I would come in to check on her and there would be claw marks on her arms...I used to think that they were self inflicted...but now...now I'm just not too sure." Anya and Astaat told him after he recovered from the sickness he used to curl up and cry that the shadows were going to get him too, and start having a panic attack or freak out randomly. He didn't want to tell them that, though. He only got into to Tetrabeth because Astaat got her doctor friend Abel to lie on his medical records, so no one even knew he once had the disease...he was scared of anyone finding out. The silver haired twin also didn't want to admit he was responcable for his own mother's death. He held his face in his hands, not wanting to face the reactions of those around him.

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Isaan stared to his brother during the story, swallowing the small lump in his throat after the information about his mother. Ruune had been living without Anya for some time now, but only now did the white haired twin knew the woman who birth him was dead. He knew for sure that his father, Aheal, would have a mental breakdown.


"So moth'r died sufferin' from dese' shadow creatures dat' we persona users fight? A long, sufferin' death dat' no one could explain, nor understan'. Dat' is truly a horrific way to go I suppose." Averting his attention to the floor, as he felt waves of emotions settle into his stomach. This persona was truly making him a different person, and Isaan could accept that. It would finally feel different to feel emotions rather than none at all.


Arish only stood silent, feeling utterly out of place. He wanted to show benevolence and comfort the two, but with both twins being together, he felt that the two could use some alone time. The dark haired male could only imagine how it would feel to lose his mother. His sister, Emily, was sick and he grieved over her some nights, and the older male could tell that it could never compare to death. Arish would just hold in his questions for later. There was no way he would ruin the mood with his curiosity.


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Ruune tentatively shifted closer to his twin on the couch, and swallowed the anxiety welling in his chest, "...I'm sorry...I thought you might have all ready known..." He bit his lip and placed a comforting hand on Isaan's knee, remembering that was how his mother used to comfort the younger when ever he had a run in with the bullies and needed to talk. He would hug the other, but considering how the elder teen reacted last time Ruu tried to hug him he held back. The silver haired teen felt horrible now...he shouldn't have been the person Isaan heard this from.


Ruune actually felt tears well up in his eyes at this point...all this talk of his mother brought back the memories of her final days; he could never forget all the screaming. He refused to cry, though...he was always such a cry baby growing up...he refused to be any longer. He wanted to prove that he had grown, that he wasn't a fragile little child anymore...but he couldn't fight back as small tear fell down his cheek. He missed his mother...Anya used to be all he had in the world.

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Isaan's chocolate colored orbs darted to the hand now resting upon his knee. Pursing his lips, the elder teen gave a groan. "I'm fine. I jus' need to think. So this disease, is it still spreadin' like before? What, 'bout tha' people who 're affected with dis' weird syndrome. Is it a symptom of this virus you are speakin' of?" Isaan spoke slowly glancing toward his little brother.


Arish, deciding to give the others proper privacy, backed away and waved goodbye as he exited the door. Isaan and Ruune was in a critically emotional situation and he knew the two didn't need or want any extra company. He guess that he could go home, after all, he didn't have any other place to go. Erin wasn't his anymore, and he didn't have any friends. The only one he relied his happiness on had demanded the two see other people. It was a disaster. Now he was on his own. Sometimes he wished that he had someone to lean on as Ruune did. It would be helpful.


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"It...it usually spreads in high population areas...but with the population growing in Tetrabeth and the shadows appearing like they did tonight it...it might start to really spread here...," The younger whispered, with a small sigh, glancing back at the other, pale green meeting chocolate, "The amnesia, though...it might be a new symptom...mom never had it...but if they're both caused by shadows it might be more of a warning sign..." Ruune contemplated this, it made sense in a way...virus evolve and change over time..what if the amnesia showing up was a sign that everything was getting worse?! The though struck him! Or is could mean something much, much worse...that shadow's influence might be getting even stronger.


Ruune gulped, an expression of worry taking over his features, "What...what if this means the shadows are getting stronger...or at least their influence on people."




Erin pulled his hood up further to hide his bruised face as he walked down the sidewalk...he had to lie tonight, and say he was going over Ruune's. He couldn't stand being in that house another night...he just couldn't! The brunette couldn't tell anyone, though...he was too ashamed of himself.


'Too prideful, stubborn...you just want to solve every problem yourself, don't you?' A voice that's been plaguing him for months hissed in his ear, causing him to wince. Squeezing his eyes shut he shook his head, trying to banish it...he wished it would just shut up!


Erin shivered, and sat down on a near by bench under a flickering street light. He curled up into a ball on the bench, face buried in his knees, and breathed in shakily. He wished Arish was here...but he just couldn't let the other see how disgusting he was...how filthy and broken.


'No one wants broken goods...but do you really think Arish would hate you? Or are you just to scared to face him after promising that he'd be the only one who you'd allow to touch your body?' The voice hissed again, 'Coward!'


"Sh-shut up," He whispered, pressing his hands up to where his ears would be under his hood, so he didn't even hear any approaching footsteps. A few tears began to fall down his cheeks, as he tried to hold back his small sobs.

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Isaan gave a frown, the same thought roaming around in his head. With as many people having amnesia symptoms as Hule had informed, the influence that the shadows were having upon thr human population was gradually increasing. The white haired teen had even noticed his father was acting stranger than usual. With a lick to his dry lips, the elder twin nodded to the speculation before opening his mouth.


"Wat' you are sayin' may be true Ruune, but we won't make decisions upon ourselves. I'll talk to Hule about this. Maybe it seems like dis' ta' us 'cause we are new to dis'. It has been happenin' for a while and not as many people were affected in Tetrabeth. We have always been protected until today. As we kno' Hule announced that thr balance was corrupted. Personally, I think it had somethin' ta' do wit' you." Chocolate orbs roaming over the other's face.




Halting in his steps, the dark haired teen stared at the figure curling itself against a bench under a light pole. From the figure, and brown locks peeking from behind rhe hood, Arish could tell that it was his ex lover. Now, the older male wouldn't have spoken a word any other time, but it was getting dark and Tetrabeth could become freakishly scary at night.


With a heavy groan Arish approached the other to notice small sniffiling. "Erin, what is wrong with you?"


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An expression of guilt appeared on the tiny teen's face, and he ducked his head to hide his shame. He saw the logic...he saw how he could have caused this. Ruune always seemed to cause things...first he got their mother sick, and now he brought the sickness to Tetrabeth...or maybe the shadows just followed him. "Maybe this is my fault...," The silver haired twin muttered, burring his face in his hands again. He hoped Isaan could tell he was holding back on information...that would be a bad thing.




"Erin, what is wrong with you?"


Erin jumped slightly, head whipping up and body tense, though trembling slightly. Accidentally the hood slipped back a little, revealing the dark bruise on his face for a second before the brunette quickly pulled the hood back up. He wasn't expecting Arish...then again, maybe his feet lead him to where he wanted to be.


He shook his head slightly at his ex-boyfriend, and shrunk down slightly, attempting to wipe away the tears from his eyes. He was acting the complete opposite of who he was, of the fiery teenager he truly was, but he couldn't help it.


'Coward! Why don't you tell him! You can't face this on your own! Idiot!' The voice screamed, the the street lamp flickering, threatening to go out, and making Erin flinch.

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Of course the dark haired teen noticed the bruised that littered the smaller male's face. With a sigh, Arish sat beside the brunette and placed a hand upon his knee. "You know Erin, even though you aren't my lover anymore I will always love you. I will never turn my back on you. What happened to you telling me everything. You confiding in me about your problems. I'm the same Arish, Erin. You can tell me anything. I'm worried about you. You haven't been coming to school and I miss you, regardless of our relationship status."


A small smile was given, the older man grabbing Erin and pulling him against his torso. He would be here to comfort the othrr no matter what.




This isn't what the elder twin intended to occur. For Ruune was already in enough pain, and he didn't want to point fingers st Hus brother. "Dat's not wat' I'm tryin' to do Ruu. Although what you said may make logical sense, I'm not saying dat' it is true dat' you caused dis'. Maybe the shadows came wit' your persona. Have you told me everything Ruu. I can tell when you are hiding something from me. If it is personal then no need to tell me. I jus' wanna make sure you 're okay."


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Erin stiffened immediately as he was pulled against his former lover's chest, and whimpered at the sudden contact. Physical contact was not something he was used too anymore. Arish's words rang in his head and the brunette shook his head rapidly, and muttered brokenly, "Stop...you could do so much better than me." He loved Arish with all his heart and he wanted the other to be happy...Erin had convinced himself that Arish would be happier without the brunette being a burdan. It was getting harder to keep lying...but he couldn't let Arish know...he couldn't let anyone know. He told him that no one would want him, that no one woud want damaged goods...and Erin was the definition of damaged goods. A small sob broke through his lip, and he couldn't help the tears that began to flow down his cheeks...he didn't want everyone to hate him.




Ruune bit his lip and glanced up at his twin, not sure what to do. Taking a small breath, the younger decided to trust his twin, "You...you have to promise not to tell anyone...please...not father, not Hule, not anyone, please," He whispered softly, silently begging Isaan to agree.

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Isaan, just from one syllabus, knew that Ruune was absolutely terrified of the information that he was about to share. The white haired teen wasn't much for knowing others secrets if it would cause a mental breakdown in the process. The smaller teen was keen to a dirty attacks, every since little, and it was a trait that Isaan would never forget the thin teenager had.


With caution, comforting as a set goal in mind, the older brother reached over to draw small patterns in the other's skin "I don' need ta' kno' if ya' down' wish ta' tell me. If you do though, I'll keel it to myself. I won't tell anyone if ya' don' want me to." Isaan reassured, chocolate orbs scanning the other's reactions.




Arish could fight off the frown, shaking his head as he slowly pulled away from the other. "I really wish that you would just tell me. It really hurts to see you this way. You are clearly hurt so what the fuck is wrong with you Erin? I'm concerned damnit!" Gripping the other harshly and shaking him a bit. Afterwards, he noticed his actions and quickly stopped. "I apologize babe...um..I mean Erin. I'm sorry."


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Feeling his brother rub comforting circles and patterns on his back like when they were children the tiny teen relaxed greatly. Tentatively resting his head on the other's shoulder, Ruu took in a deep breath, ready to come clean with the elder twin; if he backed out now he might never earn back Isaan's trust, and, at least, his friendship. "Wh-when I was thirteen...I caught the disease...and it raged through my body for about a year. The...the hospital said I was a lost cause so...M-mom had to take care of me...everyone who had the disease had died so far...but mom was a nurse...she thought she could help me...," The younger took a shaky breath and continued, "Some how...some how I lived...though...the fever was so high I should have been dead...I just woke up one day with no fever, and started feeling better. Mom thought it was a miracle...but with the whole persona, and shadow thing I don't think it was...it was chance...I was getting ready to die...so I accepted my faults without a fuss. Then...then mom caught it...and I thought she could pull though so...so Auntie Astaat and I took care of her the best we could...but...but...it's my fault she got sick...and she died..." Ruune could hold back he tears any longer, and they began dripping down pale cheeks.


"I...I wish I died in her place...Mom didn't deserve to die," The smaller whispered into Isaan's shoulder, trembling slightly. He hoped Isaan understood why he couldn't tell...they would either kick Ruune out of Tetrabeth, thinking he was a carrier, or turn Ruune into some sort of sick science experiment to find out why he survived a disease that seemed to have no other survivors.




Erin was trembling in fear, dull green eyes huge, he wasn't expecting Arish to do that...and he wasn't expecting the shaking to throw off his hood completely, revealing the full damage. There was a puffy, fresh bruise practically covering the right half of his face, a split lip, and a vertical cut across his left eye that looked a little old, though it also looked a little infected. Around he neck there were older bruises that looked as if someone had tried to strangle him. He had more marks of abuse covering his body, but what happened to his face and neck were the only visible things. That made Erin break down, and start crying harder than he was before, and curl back up in a defensive ball on the bench, shaking with fear.


"You'd hate me! You...y-y-you'd think...I'm...I'm a disgusting f-f-freak too!" The younger sobbed out.


'Broken freak...you just have to keep beating around the bush...he'll probably figure it out on his own now anyways," The voice said in a grumble this time instead of a hiss.

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Of course the confession had the elder twin staring at his brother with wide eyes. So this terrible virus that went around killing all of its victims hadn't manage to take Ruune. That was shocking, yet a relief. If both Ruune and his mother had passed, Isaan would be devastated. Chocolate orbs stared with a furrowed brow, the white haired teen slowly nodding at the other.


"Don't you ever say that again! I mean honestly...what makes you think you deserved to die instead of mother. I know she is the one that took care of you, but she loved you up until that day...you have to let to Ruune. I know it's hard, but crying and blaming yourself won't bring her back. You should be thankful you survived. You were strong...I'm proud of you." The older twin confessed, smiling g slightly.




Coal eyes was staring at the other with disbelief, thought after thought clicking into his head. The other said that he'd think he was disgusting...well that couldn't be just from physical abuse. Erin had stooped letting him touch him, that too could mean more than physical abuse, although that also could have been the reason.


The dark haired male shook his head, eyes closing. "You have to be kidding me. Babe....y-your father is... Molesting you isn't he?"

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Ruune looked up at his twin with wide pale green eyes, and gave the other a small, thankful smile. Hell, he thought that Isaan would hate him for getting their mother sick...but he never considered the other would just be happy Ruu survived. Maybe the silver haired teen's low self worth was telling him what to think again...he always had a habit of suspecting the worse in a situation. He was just glad to know the other still cared about him. A crack was was heard and time seemed to stop for a minute, with Ruu being the only one aware of it. A slightly glowing card appeared between the two, the Hierophant Arcana. It was upside down, but flipped back upwards.


'Thou art I....And I am thou...


Thou hast fixed an established bond....


It seeks to reveal the truth.


Thou shalt be blessed when creating Personas of the Hierophant Arcana...'


Once time started flowing again, and the warm feeling of the beginnings of a bond formed between the two settled in the tiny twin's chest, the younger, relieved, hugged Isaan tightly around the waist, "Thank you...brother."




Erin just stared at the other wide eyed...Arish had figured him out. He wondered why the other wasn't angry at him...he should be, the brunette broke their promise. Slowly, the green eyed teen whimpered, and gave an small nod to the other, confirming the other's suspicions. "'m damaged goods...," He said brokenly, pointing towards more than just molestation. He wanted to run, but he knew, without a doubt, Arish would catch him...so why bother.

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Isaan was surprised at the hug, giving a small cackle as he rubbed his hand against the other's back. Gently pushing the silver haired teen away, he stood and reached his hand for the smaller twin to take. "That's good you got that off your chest, but you should be returning home. I wouldn't let you dare walk alone... Let me take you there." Awaiting for the other to take his hand to be safely led back to Astaat's arms.




Arish gave a not, knowing that he was right all along. The dark haired teen sighed, reaching to pull the brunette into his arms. "I get why you wouldn't want me to touch you. Why you wouldn't feel bothered with my flirting. Why you couldn't concentrate in school and all of that other stuff. What I don't get is why you left me. Why you didn't inform me what was going on, and why you stay housed in that same building that brings you suffering every other night.' You know I love you and I still do no matter what happens to you or what you label yourself. I have a home. My father likes you. You could stay as long as you wanted, albeit you'd rather stay away from me instead of sharing your problems. I could have helped Erin. I thought you love and trusted me." The elder male said a bit hurt. He didn't know what he could do at this moment. Erin was already beyond broken.


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Ruune took the other teen's hand tightly in his own, smiling up at the elder twin. "I hope Astaat isn't too worried about me," Ruu muttered with a small frown, "She can be a bit...over protective." The silver haired teen was happy that he and Isaan's bond was restored, though, there was still the mystery about the letters to solve, but he'd get on that as soon as he could. He kind of wished he could search his old apartment...he might be able to find more clues there.




Erin shakily wrapped his arms around Arish's waist, and buried his face in the other's chest. "Scared...didn't want you to hate me...I'm sorry...," The brunette whispered into the dark haired teen's chest, "I...I didn't want to hurt you...I just...I just though you could do better than me...I wanted you to be happy." He loved Arish more than anything, and now he probably messed that up...big time. He wanted to let the other touch him, and hold him, and love him, but when it happened he'd get scared, really scared, and he saw how much that hurt Arish; he just wanted to stop hurting the other.

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Arish only stared at the other, his eyes radiating hurt with every second the other spoke. The dark haired teen just didn't know what to do. Now that the one he loved so much was hurt, the older teen just wished he had of known sooner. That he would have been smarter and not think the other was cheating on him. That was his problem. He had let jealousy get in the way, and it clouded his thoughts. Never would his brunette cheat on him. Never.


"It's not your fault Erin. It's your step father's. Have you informed anyone? Your mom...a teacher, the principal........Ruune?" He asked, hand gesturing in a hurrying motion. If the brunette didn't inform his mother, than Arish would take it upon himself to do so.


"You're coming to live with me from now on Erin, ok? Its not an offer...its a demand." He cleared up, standing to take the other's hand.




Isaan nodded, pulling the other along with him to the area where Astaat was staying. You think. Tsch, like she isn't going to be pissed that you're hanging with me. Ha, t'at woman hates me." He spoke, giving a crooked smile as he found it utterly comical.

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"It's not your fault Erin. It's your step father's. Have you informed anyone? Your mom...a teacher, the principal........Ruune?"


Erin shook his head, and muttered softly, "Not worth it...he'd hurt me worse...mom think's I've just been getting into fights...I don't want to make her sad. Ruune cares...but he's had a lot on his mind lately, so I don't want to bother him. What could a teacher do? Call socail services? I'm 18...I'd be out on the streets...plus, he'd find someway to turn it back on me, and make it seem like everything was my fault."


"You're coming to live with me from now on Erin, ok? Its not an offer...its a demand."


He stared at the other's outstretched hand wide eyed for a moment, before gripping it tightly in his own. He needed Arish...he really did...and maybe now the other needed him.


'Pfft...just wait, he's going to become just like everyone else. No one cares...he probably just wants the sex back,' The voice whispered in his ear, followed by a sharp pain to the base of the brunette's skull. Erin unoccupied hand rubbed the back of his head, wincing slightly, refusing to believe the doubts the stupid voice was planting in his mind. He wanted to tell Arish about the voice too, but what if the other thought he was crazy?




"You think. Tsch, like she isn't going to be pissed that you're hanging with me. Ha, t'at woman hates me."


"I think she'll be more pissed I was out after dark...," Ruune laughed slightly, shaking his head a little, "I don't think she hates you...she's just still mad about..." The smaller trailed off and sighed...he didn't want to make Isaan feel guilty about the panic attack when he was twelve...if someone was withholding their letters then his trip to the hospital was their fault, not his twins.


"...The divorce...and she doesn't want to see me get hurt. She treats me like a little kid a lot...it gets really annoying," The younger continued after some hesitation. Despite his past of being a clingy and dependent child Ruune had to grow to very independent over the years. His mother used to work two jobs, so Ruu had to maintain the house, cook the meals, etc, but he was glad to, as long as he was helping his mother out. He wanted people to stop seeing him as some frail, immature kid, and start seeing him as the adult he was becoming.

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Arish trailed to his home, watching the streets intently for any harmful shadows or humans for that matter. Erin had made him white upset in some ways. Not wanting to hurt his mother, but continue to be with a scum that was having her and her own blood. Disgusting.


"You know Erin...I still don't understand why you don't trust me enough to tell me things. We use to never hold secrets from one another. Never. Now.....now I don't know whether I can trust you anymore. How will I ever know if you're telling me everything that goes on in your life." He asked, shaking his head as he once again faced forward.


The house that he and his father was residing in was just in front of them. Within moments the elder teen pulled out his keys to unlock the door. He opened it and stepped aside for the other to go in first. "Welcome to your home love."




"I guess I can believe that. Whatever. Anyways...I'm thinking maybe I should take you to my house we can call Astaat and explain to her where you are. Well...that's if it's ok with you. I don't want to force you to come with me if that isn't what you wish to do."


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Erin ducked his head down in shame and stepped inside and, looking back at Arish muttered, "Thank you...love." He attempted to smile at the other, though he felt as if he wasn't doing very well. He was truly thankful to the dark haired teen...maybe he'd tell the other about the voice later, but now he needed a nap; the brunette felt exhausted.




Ruune nodded and looked over at his twin. "That's a good idea...think she'll believe I just got lost on the way home and you found me?" The smaller asked softly, though he felt a little bit uneasy about going around their father. He knew his father wouldn't hurt him at all, but he just couldn't get the memory of the last time he was the man out of his head. The silver haired teen was just glad that he had the white haired twin...Isaan made him feel more at ease about these sorts of things.

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