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King's Pawn (XxMissxPhantomhivexX & ideduce)


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Arminas looked to the house hearing the noise and dropped down. He looked around and just started stealing the booz in front of him and any pouches that could have coin in it. He then down the halls and grabbed the man's hand that was raised and spun him around. With a cheeky grin Arminas went to punch the man in the face.

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Julian's father stumbled back, a look of surprise on his face. He recovered quickly and snarled, swinging his fists at Arminas. Julian climbed painfully to his feet, arms wrapped around his sides. They were bruised, hopefully no ribs broken.

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He ducked and dodged with a toothy smile. There was a loud clang. He would let the man hit him in the gut and a silver platter fell from his shirt. He winked at the man.


"My turn."


He kneed him in the gut and pulled his shirt over his head and moved swiftly behind the man. He then gave him a boot to his rear.


"Respect your elders. Even if they younger than you."


He looked over to the box and his protege. He picked him up bridal style and started running. Using his back to open doors. Soon the man was on them again, but it was like the man knew the house for years and he just kept going through doors and finally after passing the living room another time he kicked the chair to the door to stop it from opening. There was a loud thud as the man ran into it bull headedly. Arminas just laughed and walked out the door after giving it a swift kick. "Got everything?" he asked in a good mood.

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Julian stared up at Arminas in shock. Just how did he navigate his house so well. He nodded at his question, glad his back had remained on his back. He wiggled, wanting to be put down but then stopped and gasped as his side protested the movement quite loudly.

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"Easy easy. I didn't get to see what he all did to you Julian." He carefully placed him on his horse. Then walked his horse so it wouldn't hurt or make Julian go raw between his legs.


He had the horse trot right out of town and to the docks. It was a long silent walk.


"Just relax we have a hot spring in the hole." he stated matter a factly.


He went to a cave and walked it in the dark HIs purple eyes reflecting light in the dark.They were so stunning and vibant. Eventually there was light and many theives.


"He's with me, my apprentice if you will. Servent. Something." he shruged. "Whatever fancies me that day."


He walked into the place and it was it's own city beneath the actual city. "It's so easy to know everything here." he walked the unground streets and came to a underground castle of his own made of gold. "Bet you didn't know this was under here did you." He laughed. "Now fall into my arms I'll be gentle." he held his arms out to him. "After this we can soak in a hot springs bath. What do you say?"

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Julian winced when he was put on the horse. He gripped the horses mane of hair as Arminas lead the horse out of town. They walked for while until they came upon a cave. They walked inside, Julian unable to say anything. Suddenly, there was light and Julian squinted at the sudden brightness. When he could see properly again there were many people there. He looked around warily, feeling slightly scared. As Arminas lead them deeper the boy could feel his eyes widening.


A whole city underground! But he felt his eyes grow even wider when Arminas stopped at a castle made entirely of gold! Arminas held out his arms toward the mute boy, saying to fall down into them. Julian looked down uneasy. It wasn't a terribly long fall but it would hurt. Probably a lot. He took a deep breath and slid ungracefully from the horse. He landed in the other mans arms, biting his lip hard as his side flared in agony, a sharp gasp leaving his lips.

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"That bad huh?"


he lead him to his bed chambers. Silks and gold feather pillows and feather filled mattress.


"Let me help you out of this I'm sure I can fix something."


He was busy trying to get the other's top off.


"just relax and only move as much as you have to. I doubt it's broken though."


He tried to look.

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Julian paled when Arminas tried to take his shirt off. He tried to pat the other mans hands away with panicky movements but the material slipped over his head against his will. Julian immediately looked at the ground as old bruises and scars appeared, decortaing his arms, torso and back. The right side of his chest was slowly darkening in a bruise.

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"This will no longer continue, maybe we'll have our adventure another time, you're not fit to move around nimbly if you look like this."


He walked off.


"Stay there."


Eventually he returned with some eggs and touched at his skin. He had a basket full of them.


"Hard boiled, you can cool off your bruises and when you're done you can eat them." he smiled. "It'll be good for you to heal up."


After he lightly massaged him with them and pealed the shell and ate some with him he moved on to to a green bottle. It was goopy whatever it was. The scent it gave off was really sweet.


"If we keep this on you for the rest of the day most of those bruises will go away." he got his arms. "I'll just have to feed you myself and everything until then. It's not harmful just don't get it in your eyes because that stings but won't do much other than that."

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Julian gave him a strange look when Arminas returned with the eggs. He stayed still however, and let the man continue with his weird remedies. Julian then shivered when the cold green substance was applied to his arms.

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"You can lay in my bed, we'll have that bath in the morning. Just rest and get better. I'll feed you when you're hungry just ring this bell."


He placed a silver bell on the bed.

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Julian nodded and climbed onto the bed. He laid down, sighing as he closed his eyes. His arms unconsciously wrapped around the pillow, hugging it to his chest as he buried his face into the fabric. Soon his breathing deepened and he was fast asleep.

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He went over to him and laid next to him. Sleeping on his back. He hoped the remidy would work it's magic today and he'd be free of the bruises.

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Julian seemed to sense the presence of someone next to him and unconsciously rolled towards them. He snuggled against Arminas's side, seeking warmth and comfort. He sighed, still fast asleep.

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He glanced at the body and stroked his hair for a moment. He then hummed a lullaby and lulled himself to sleep. When he woke up he checked over the other's body, and smiled seeing the bruises mostly all had faded into nothing.

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"What to go for a swim before breakfast?" he asked. "Pretty sure you could now that you aren't purple. Have a looksy at yerself." he smiled gesturing to him.

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Julian looked down and jerked in surprise. All of his bruises were..gone. He gently touched his pale skin then looked up at Arminas, giving him a large smile before he hugged him.

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He held him and rubbed his back.


"We'll eat, and steal, and then come back for a swim." he laughed. lifting the other up a little before holding him on his lap.

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Julian nodded happily, closing his eyes and he relaxed against Arminas's chest. Happiness was filling him up. Life was good. He had a friend, no father to beat him black and blue, and he got to go on adventures! This was more than he could ever ask for.

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Breakfast did come and they had baked beans, fried tomatoes, fried stuffed mushrooms, hash browns, and wraps stuffed with letice, tomato, bell pepper, avocado, with egg and an orange drizzled on sauce.


"We do eat eggs, milk, cheese, and occasionally fish but usually we don't eat much of it. Still if you ever need meat I can get you fish easily. If you want steak or something else we'll have to go above land. So." He got up after he ate and drank his honey milk. And for dessert peach and pineapple filled crepes. He sauntered a bit. "Come help me put on my leather." he instructed he got undressed in front of him and into normal clothes.

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Julian enjoyed breakfast greatly, having never tasted such delicious food before. He gave Arminas a questioning look when he got up then blushed bright red when the other male undressed then pulled on normal clothes. Julian got up, mentally slapping himself. Why are you blushing?! He's a male, same as you. There is no need to be embarrassed! He mentally scolded himself as he picked up said armor then gave the man a questioning look, not sure what went where.

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"I'll show you." Moves his arm out. "This straps here now the otherside."


He instructed him so he'd prepare him for battle from head to toe.




He gave him some armour as well.


"Try that on now that you know how to get it on." he would let him practice a bit.


He caught the other's gaze. Maybe he'd act on it tonight should their adventure prove successful. He knew he always felt rather hard up after a good night's work with his pocket line with coin.

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Julian accepted the armor hesitantly. He had never worn any before so he didn't really know what to do even though Arminas had just shown him how. He tried to copy what the other male had shown him, movements awkward.

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He moved closer pressing against him slightly and helped him.


"Here this can be tricky if you don't have help.


He was lacing it up for him making sure the fabric could breath. Touching him subtly.

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