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Ignite Flames of Love w/Teesie


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Shion laughed looking at Umi. " I should be the one asking you that. You see ...i'm not a pimp Umi. Im a leader of the most powerful Yakuza gang in Japan. I'm the dangerous one, but I won't let anything happen to you."


Shion climbed out of his bed walking to Umi. "I love you Umi. I've never felt this feelings for anyone but you." he confessed smiling.

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Umi's ears turned red. "S-Shion...! Don't say that so suddenly. I wasn't prepared. Well anyway, its surprising to hear your a yakuza but that finally explains everything." he said softly. He wonders what is going to become of himself.


"Wait a minute!! If you are so dangerous then why don't you speak to the loan shark boss for me. Put some fear in him so I don't have to get killed." Umi said softly

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"You never gave me a chance to. I will protect you no matter what. I will go as far as killing the bastard , because he hurt you." he explains staring at the beauty. He leaned forward kissing the boy's lips softly. "Ok prepare yourself....I love you."

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Umi closes his eyes as he listens to Shion. "You sure can flatter a guy. I will show you the place tomorrow or whenever we get out of here." he said feeling Shion's lips on his own. Once again he lit up bright red and hides behind his hands. "Still very unprepared... you meanie." he said softly

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Shion laughs kissing his forehead before walking back to his bed. He was glad that Umi had decided to be with him. Now that hole that once was present in his life was filled. He would do anything for the boy.


"Well....you should get some rest. We need to both recover, but you especially." he informed closing his eyes.

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"Eh then go back to your bed silly. I won't be able to sleep in we share the bed like this." he says shyly. He was far too awake for this kind of thing. Besides it was different before. They were at Shion's house and this time they were in a hospital. "Think if a nurse walks in. We could get in trouble." he said nervously blushing.

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"I want to hold you." he confessed. Wrapping his arms around the boys thin waist inhaling his sweet scent. He smelled the same as always. He pulled Umi closer to his body spooning the boy.


"The nurse can't do anything but make me get into my own bed. It'll be fine." he chuckled.

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Umi just stayed silent as he let Shion hold him. "I feel like I am basking in the moonlight. Its kind of romantic dont you agree?" he asked him as he was starting to feel sleepy. "To think I held onto these feeling from that staircase incident back when we were younger." he mumbles falling asleep


That had been a time when Umi wasn't all too liked by any of his classmates. They felt he was dolling up to take their girlfriends and he often got picked on or beat up. He had started to let his appearance fail and didn't care how he looked. It wasn't until Shion who pointed out how breathtaking he really looked that made him decided to try modeling as a career.

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Shion smiled. Umi had fallen asleep. Though what really made him overwhelmed was now he could call Umi his. Finally Umi had accepted him and not pushed him away. He just hoped it continued like that, because if he was to leave him again, he didn't know if he could live after that.

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Umi was awoken the next morning by a doctor. He opens his eyes and noticed Shion still there. "Well let's see how you're doing." he said starting to check him. Umi looked at the doctor. "Will we be able to leave?" he asked.


The doctor looks at him. "Yes you both can go home. I just need signatures from both of you on here. You can leave the clipboard on the bed when you leave. the doctor says as he walks away.

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Shion opened his eyes when the doctor left. "I can't sign that. Just hurry so we could leave." Shion said kissing Umi's head. He stood and leaned against the door. "Your so beautiful Umi." he said out of the blue.

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"Ugh... okay..." he said confused as to why the other didn't want to sign. He focused on getting his clothes back on. "You do sure enjoy saying that about me huh. I still can't understand why. I am not all that good looking." Umi said as he signs the papers and heads out the room.

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Shion laugh. "Then you must be blind." he teased wrapping his arm around the other's waist. "So tell me what happened to you yesterday. Did the boss himself hurt you? Why did they attack you?" he asked frowning.


"You told me you paid them off...was that a lie?" looking into Umi's eyes.

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"I only met the boss once. The day I found out about the debt. He told me how much it was and that everyday they would come to collect. If I missed a single payment I'd have to pay with my body. I made sure to always have something to pay them with no matter what. I kept track of the amount and how much I was giving. I know I paid them off. Though the two that would come and collect still continue to come everyday. They say the boss is too busy to see me but say its interest that I am paying. They are the once who chased me down yesterday. I just think if I can talk to the boss i can make some sort of deal or something to stop these payments." he says

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"I see. Do you know where he's located i'd be more than happy to take you there. Because if those punks ever hurt you again i'll take it into my own hands." he said angrily. How dare they hurt HIS beautiful Umi.

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Umi nods as he looked at him. "He's the owner of the casino. The man who always wears a red suit." he said softly as he looked at him. He was nervous about going there.

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"Would you like to go now? I could take you do you can get this straighten out." he wasn't going to risk losing Umi over something so foolish as money. "Plus....if he doesnt accept i'll make him." he said. He was serious. No one was going to hurt Umi again.

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"Yes then lets do this now. The sooner the better." he mutters softly. Umi wanted to try and return to a slightly normal way of living.

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Shion nodded wrapping his hand around the brunette's waist. He began to quickly pull him down the hall. Once there they walked down a flight of stairs before going to the entrance door to exit.


He opened the door for Umi following behind him. "Is it close by or away?" he asked slightly curious. "Oh and one question. Do you think those thugs are harrassing you on their own or do you think their boss tell them to?" he was curious as to what Uni thought.

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Umi follows behind Shion as he was surprised by the other's rush. Once outside he looked around. "Its not far from where we are right now. Its actually in walking distance if you are up to that." he said softly.


"I am not all too sure. I mean I did have the thought at one point but the man is a loan shark so I assumed he is just a tricky person to trust." Umi says

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Shion nodded "Yeah your coreect. Lead the way." he said following behind Umi. Why would...no how could they torture someone this beautiful. Shion knew what the guy wanted..like Umi said before 'pay with my body' hmm Shion sneered that perverted shark wanted to touch HIS Umi. It wouldn't happen. EVER!

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Umi walked a few blocks before arriving in front of the casino. He reached for the door only to freeze up. They were glass doors so he could see inside. The two goons that have been hassling him as well as chased him down were right inside. They seemed to be talking to the boss. "Shion..... that's the two and the one in red is the boss." he mutters

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"There's nothing to worry about i'm here. I won't let them hurt you." he smiled. Wrapping his arm around Umi's waist he nudged his chin so that he was looking at him. Leaning down he kissed the boy's lips.

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Umi blushed from the sudden kiss. "Shall we go in?" he asked as he reached for the door. He was still scared out his mind. His body trembling a bit.

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"Yes, but only when your ready. Your frightened. I won't let them hurt you but my words alone won't help you." he said rubbing the other's back. "I don't want you to have a panic attack." he teased a little, but was still serious.

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