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My precious Stone Flower (( FreakyfelineXkisa-shouta ))


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Yet another day in the city, bustling with people filling it with vibrant energy and festive air. The sounds of the drum echoed so loudly that could feel its beat drumming into you ears as the row of the large carriages paraded their way through the city and raining the crowded people below them with colourful confetti. The carriages were made of exuberant forms such as flying rockets or animals with funny clothes. Following the carriages where the circus staff,; fire eaters, aerobic athletes, monkeys riding on tricycles, clowns and last bot not least Nyanpora waving and holding a bag with the other hand, he was surrounded by the children, struggling and pushing each other because everyone wants a piece of candy.


'Okay kids' Nyonpora stuck his hand rummaging in the bag and pulled out a lollipop. He threw it in the air and while it was descending he spinned around and caught it from behind and then turned to give it to one of the children 'everyone will have some candy!' he said cheerily, the children awed and then cheered.

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Gareki watched in annoyance from his spot farther back as the blonde haired male went around handing out lollypops in his frickin nyanperona costume. honestly, it was like the same thing everytime they did one of these. granted, they didnt have to do much, but still. even though this was just a way to apologize for any damage they did, it was still painfully agonizing for him to walk all the way there, only to rest untill they were done.

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Nyanpora spotted him amoung the crowd and wavered at him frantically to grab his attention. Knowing that Gareki would probably avoid him he excused himself from the children and walked to him ''Yo Gareki want a candy?'' he said pointing a candy wrapped lollipop at the black haired boy. He always had been the kind of coming up with the most handful and unusual start of conversation lines.

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gareki side stepped the costume wearing blonde and kept walking. he really didnt wanna be aproched by nyanperona and offered candy. how old did the idiot think he was? five? he began doing his best to avoid the blonde so he wouldnt have to be embarrassed by him.

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''HEY WAIT UP' Nyoanpora followed him and tucked Gareki's sleeve. He then pulled back the head of his costume, revealing his messy blond hair and beautiful purple eyes with the look of a wounded pup plastered on his face. ''You really hate me don't you'' It seemed like he had a knack of sending people on a guilty trip, even though he doesn't realize it.

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gareki let out a che' and sighed. "i dont hate you. you're just highly annoying during the circus." he said before starting to walk again, they were falling behind and stares were being drawn from the crowd. "we're being left behind." he said with a sigh before continueing to walk, almost to the end of the parade walk.

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Yogi was silent for a moment than he took a deep breathe 'well actually there was something I wanted to tell you'' he said with a sound of urgency in his voice. 'Not worried about the parade besides they can continue with out us' he took his hand and dragged him to side street, away from the people.

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"o-oi!" he said as yogi grabbed his hand and began dragging him away from the parade. what could be so damn important? and gareki knew that nai would be looking for him. he started to pull his hand, trying to get it away ffrom yogi. "come on, nai's probably looking for me" he said

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Yogi shot him a stern look, there was a subtle hint of jealousy in his eyes. ''I'll never find time to tell you this!'' he said as he pulled him to an empty side-street. His handsome features changed to a serious demeanor ''You know what you told me about..joining the circus''

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"then what the hell is it thats so important yogi!?" he growled slightly in annoyance. "nai's going to get himself lost again if i dont find him." he said snatching his hand back, only to slip them into his own pockets. e didnt have time for the blonde to be acting like a spoiled child.

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'I am worried too about Nai's well-being but..well'' he scratched his head, it was useless, he though he would make the sentence in his head but in the end, he could not just say clearly his feelings. Before he could open his mouth there was an explosion nearby creating a commotion.

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Gareki whiped around and darted back out to the street, despratly scanning for nai to make sure he was okay.

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Yogi followed having a sinking feeling in his heart. Two dark shadows towered over them, stopping in their path. These looked like people who were in contact with volga. ''...Where is..'' quickly Yogi drew his sword. One volga with awkwardly long arms approached closer.

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after getting nai out of the way, he ran back to where Yogi was located, only to be knocked into the wall by one of the two attackers. he let out a sharp gasp as he slid down the wall.

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'Gareki!' he called out for his name stretching his arm out but before he could grab him, the rocks blocked his way. He started to panic as he ran around the corner looking for another way.


The Volga people approached Gareki, one landed its massive hand down towards the black haired teen.

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he rolled out of the way, just in time to barely miss getting slammed into the cracked brick wall again. he staggered to his feet, only to have something slam into his back, forcing him to the ground again. he let out a sharp inhale of pain as he felt his arm break.

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The Volga creature gave him a dumbfounded look for a moment but it raised its hand ready to attack again. In the meantime Yogi ran as much as he could, he just had received Intel that there were a number of Volga attacking in other places of which the other members of the Circus were taking care of. He didn't know if he should feel relieved or worried but for the moment he had to get to Gareki-kun before he gets hurt.

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by the time the other had gotten there, gareki had been cornered by the more frightening of the two and was helplessly watching as the varuga got closer and closer.

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Yogi felt his blood turning into ice when he saw him. He quickly drew his fancy sword and sent a black whirl of wind towards the volga. Its feet rose from the ground and flew against the wall. With that attack he drew attention to himself by the other volga who turned around and prepared to attack him.

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gareki heaved himself to his feet, nursing his now broken arm. he went into the ally and slid down the side of the building and to the ground where he sat, watching the battle between that stupid cat suit wearing idiot and the varuga.

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He pulled off his suit and took a stance, his purple eyes narrowed in determination and his eyebrow furrowed in the middle as he was focusing on his enemy. He looked very different from his usual cheery self. He was determined to protect his friends from any danger they may encounter, to protect him. The Varugo growled, it wasn't as big as the other one but it looked as threatening. It opened his mouth and spewed venomous liquid from it's mouth. Yogi dogded it at a length's breathe and it did touch his arm but where the liquid hit, it started melting. These two were rather late stages of Varugo, which meant that their enemy isn't beating around the bush anymore


'Gareki are you okay?' he asked with out looking

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"F*cker broke my arm..." he hissed out through clenched teeth. This needed t be over, and he couldnt do anything, again. Always no help why was he there?

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Yogi gave him a worried look but it was briefly cut off by the second volge, who again it spew its venomous saliva towards the blond haired young man. Swiftly he dodged it again and lifted the hilt of his sword mumbling words which drew power to his weapon and send another swirling wind towards the volga making him loose his balance. In that precise moment Yogi created an opening in which he drew the sword right into the enemy and defeated it.


There was a strange look of seriousness for a moment that quickly changed to his old self when he saw Gareki injured, He quickly ran to him with oogle eyes. 'You're hurt you must be treated immediately' he muttered in an urgent voice, despite that he had a burn scrap along the side of his arm, in which it was fresh and sizzling as though it was still burning.

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"you arent much better..." he said hoisting himself up and cradling his arm, they were going to need treatment fast. nai was already safe but now gareki had to worry about yogi hurting himself more too. he had no idea why the idiot kept throwing himself to the lions for him and nai. they could manage on their own somehow, as they had before. so why?

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'It's just a scratch'' though the numb sensation itched whenever he moved his arm. Most likely it was a superficial wound but it still doesn't let him move as freely. ''Let's go to the ship' he said 'Dr Akagi can take care of us'' he took him by the arm to help him stand up.

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