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ಌ[YOAT] YaoiOtaku Artists Time - Theme 'Kindred Spirits'ಌ


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YaoiOtaku Artists Time ❤


❤Graphic by


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❤ Intro ❤

We are continuing with

our contest for YO's artists!

This time the theme is set around

'destined one' which can have many meanings, but truly we picked it

because of its strong meaning.

It's already summer,

before the heat passes us by we want

to remember Summer with some strong and beautiful theme.

Thus, our current theme shall be 'Kindred Spirit'.

So, how do you imagine that bishounen that found his kindred spirit?






❤ Where to upload/forward your drawing ❤

You can upload on any image sharing site,

like Photobucket,Imageshack,deviantArt and so on.



- No explicit images;

- You can forward us only ONE drawing;

- The drawing MUST be your creation, not stolen;

- Be creative;


❤ What to use to draw ❤

Basically you choose what to use.

You can draw digital drawing,

using different programs for the purpose,

or you can simply draw on a paper and scan it.

If you use camera to take a photo of your paper drawing,

make sure it's visible and as much as possible good quality.


❤ Deadline ❤

YaoiOtaku Artists Time

Starts -> 04.06.2013

Ends ->30.06.2013


❤ Prizes ❤

All who participate will get 2,500 points.

For the winner:

* 7,000 points;

* Unique customization of profile to their likes.




❤ Application Form ❤

Post your filled application form on this thread,and only once.


Link to your drawing:

State if you wish your drawing to be uploaded on YO's dA gallery: Yes/No



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Here I go~~~!













NOTE: I did not color the rest for I am bad at it :p --- Also the quality is not that good cuz my scanner broke down (I have to get a new one)

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It's anticlimactic posting my drawing in a thread that I made. But let me share my art just a little bit. warii. :cuteonion58:




Fresh from the paper! A couple of elves.


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Uhuh, here's my work, too. I'm sorry for the bad quility photo. I don't have a scanner. So, I tried to take a picture as good as possible. Oh, and please read explanation of my drawing. It's a very important part of my work, as well.





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Kindred Spirits


When both people accept and are accepted who they truly are by each other, when they understand one another. Then we can say that they are fated to be together. Actually we create fate ourselves. Yes, sometimes fate has a big influence in our lives, but still in the end we make the final decisions.


In this drawing you can clearly see two different humans. Masks on their faces symbolize the characteristics which they show to others. However, these characteristics are just for the show. It doesn’t depict their inner souls. Let’s be honest, we often act with strangers the same, we follow etiquette and almost always harbor deep in our souls what we truly think or feel. Eyes, which we can see from broken part of the masks, show their true selves. It finally happens when they find that special one, in this case, each other, and they expose who they truly are and accept everything about one another. Though, this is just their little secret between them. There’s no doubt, they’re truly kindred souls.


So, I wish all of you to find your special person, too. But remember that’s not only depends on fate. You’ll have to try hard, as well.






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Here's mine too..;)


Opposites attract each other.. And what can be more opposite than angel and devil?

They maintain the balance of University. Love and hate, good and bad, pure and filthy..

But we all know that life isn't such a simple thing: no one is just bad or just good.. And love can enter every heart..;)





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I want to join in too :D


Here is mine, and it can't be anything bad about to have a photo (or photos) with the one you belong to? :)





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hahh! I'm joining! I'm joining!

I have used a water color as medium for this I hope you peoplez will enjoy it! ^^ :_red_fox 14




We live in two different Existence


and yet...


My Heart Choose you......




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Yahoooo~ Miss Blank is joined again! May I? :D:D:D


Honestly, I don't really understand about kindred spirit. When I search it with google I found this meaning :

"Kindred Spirits are two people that make a special connection by sharing a bond that has joined them by the means of an experience that has drawn them together on a higher level of consciousness. This connection can be from the same experience at the same time or two separate experiences similar in nature".

So I think love between male itself is already categorized as kindred spirit. Because two males in love are like madness and impossible to separated. Plus it's forbidden's love so they need to fight to maintain their love and be happy like this picture:






This my first time coloring picture using watercolor pencils.. it's get me stressed when I dropped water at my picture and need correcting it.. and sorry if the uke is to girly. Hope you guys still like it ^^


Have a Nice Day Minna-san~:D

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ok well i finally finished, god you know i had a massive panic when i started inking this i was so scared...it turned out alright..i think@~@ so this is Sebastian and Ciel since i think these 2 are simply made for each other despite never having a more intimate relationship being hinted at either in the manga or the anime (i heard there's meant to be season 3 this year..not sure if its true??)

So yer here my drawing i hope you like it ^_^


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At last I see your picture! ^^ You draw realy nice and sweet faces for your characters. I like it :)

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Disclaimer: While the below image depicts British Military Members, it does not in any way represent, in the slightest manner, the truth of the British Military. It is merely used as a theme for this art.




That's a paratrooper (injured), and that's an air vice-marshal (uniformed).

I don't suppose you typically have a high-ranking air vice-marshal tending to the injury of a mere paratrooper in the field. You get how it's a 'Kindred Spirit'? lol

P/S: Sorry for the disastrous muscles.


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I'm joining again. I drew it then edited it on PhotoBucket. Is that acceptable?



Kindred Spirits : School Idol X School Nerd





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And I'm here again : D


Wow, many great artworks we have here!


So.. I was gone for few weeks, but still, even with little time

I wouldn't let YOAT pass without me joining in : D


Here's my "Kindred Spirits". : )



Even when we fall apart.

Our soul would still meet.

Our hearts still beats the same rhythm.




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XD I'm not yet late ne : D

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sorry if I'm being redundant... haha...

but i edited this to make look fresh...


i believe kindred spirits... are two people who becomes one in feelings... :)




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here's my own 'kindred spirits'


i hope i'm not late cause i only posted now..

i'm a frustrated mangaka so please bear with my drawing...

:_red_fox 14rabbit0





for me kindred spirits really suits misaki and usagi...


no matter how misaki refused to say how much he loved usagi-san..

usagi can easily read him and know what he was thinking...


and how much usagi-san hide his pain misaki can easily know when he was hurt or happy or grumpy..


that's how deep their connection is...


and i really love this couple...

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no matter how misaki refused to say how much he loved usagi-san..

usagi can easily read him and know what he was thinking...


and how much usagi-san hide his pain misaki can easily know when he was hurt or happy or grumpy..


i totally agree they are the best couple, i haven't found a couple yet that even comes close to how good these two are together, they are defiantly kindred spirits!!

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  • 2 weeks later...


END OF YOAT - "Kindred Spirits"



.. All members that took part in YOAT shall receive 2,500 points.

- Thank you all for taking interest to represent

the image of Kindred Spirits and making the contest successful!

Everyone who agreed their art to be shared can review (I have to add the previous and the current ones later this week) the entries on our

dA gallery ->

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WINNER OF YOAT - "Kindred Spirits"



.. Our winner of the fourth YOAT,"Kindred Spirits",is Miss Blank.

- Congratulations Miss Blank! (:


As said, your rewards are:

.. 7,000 points

.. Unique customization of profile to your likes [fill out the application below]

Note: Fill the places you don't have much preference with "freestyle" in the application for Customization of Profile.


+ SPECIAL PRIZE (4,500 points):

* gin;

* AomineDaiki;


▦▦ Application for Customization of Profile ▦▦

Main theme color:

Profile Picture:

Background Picture:

ALT. Colors:


Note: "ALT. Colors" is alternative choice of colors

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My Pizza~~~~






Congratulations na ;)



:hamtaro-005 (23):

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Arigatou nee~


such a surprise after long time not playing in YO..

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