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☠Stargazers: A Pirate's Tale☠ ~Akira x Yin~ *Private 18+*


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"Have you ever heard of the planet of Eden? It is said to hold the most valuable treasure of all time! Riches beyond your wildest dreams! Many have tried looking for this treasure planet... But none succeed... Many have either died or have gotten lost in the vast countless vacuum of space..." -- History book 6560...


☠Character Format☠





Hair color:

Eye color:



Blood type:



What is your status? (Captain or a new comer):


How many Planets have you gone to?:





Ivan James Patterson



Hair color:

Sandy blond

Eye color:






Blood type:



~Likes: To travel through space and collect rare jewels, finding rare treasures, swords, being free and seeing different kind of places.

*Dislikes: When people call him weak and judge him on how he looks.


Practicing sword fighting and enhancing his fighting skills.

What is your status? (Captain or a new comer):



Being a pirate is all that Ivan knows, he was born a pirate. It's in his blood, his father was a very well know cruel and wicked pirate who once owned his ship. The Dark Maiden. When he became of age which was 16 his father taught him all kinds of tricks and trades on how to rob people without them knowing it. However after his father's horrible death (which happened when he was trying to find the planet Eden) he became slightly cold heartened and wicked. So through the star's and galaxy's he is a very well feared pirate but also the best one that you want to become a crew member of.

How many Planets have you gone to?:


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Captain James Kelley



Hair color:


Eye color:






Blood type:



Likes: Collecting rare items of any sort, and traveling the universe

Dislikes: Being bored


Playing violin and sword fighting

What is your status? (Captain or a new comer):

Captain of the Golden Pearl


Known as one of the craziest pirates in time, James as traveled many parts of the galaxy in a way that no pirate has before. Many have searched for him to find out just how he was doing it all.

How many Planets have you gone to?:

When asked he says it's easier to name one he has been to.

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The air surrounding the young sandy blond male was quite intimating, he was holding up some cards to his face, a blank look was on his face. His gold eyes were narrowed slightly as he tapped his fingers on the table.


Across from him was another male who was dumb enough to bother him while he was taking a brake. His beer mug was sitting off on the side. The young Captain's name is Ivan James Patterson. One of the most feared pirates out there in the galaxy's.


The man across from him had sweat roll down from his forehead, his cigar was clutched tightly between his teeth. Ivan moved his finger's over top of his cards trying to see which one he wanted to get rid of. The man was shaking, while the long haired blond had a composed air about him, he finally grabbed the card and placed it down.


He tapped the table and the dealer handed him one card, he placed it in his hand and smirked. "Your move Sir Kalen..." Sir Kalen gulped and rubbed the back of his neck before he placed his cards down and frowned. "I fold..." He said with a gruff voice before looking down in shame.


Ivan stood up and grabbed his cloak from behind his chair, he put it on and patted his sleeves. "Well... Since you lost... Or folded in this case... You wouldn't mind if I take your family jewel do you?" The young Captain said in a soft voice while batting his eyelashes at the man who reluctantly handed over his families prize jewel.


Ivan smirked at the man's expression, he then handed the jewel over to his first mate who pocketed it and walked out of the back of the bar with a laugh. This was too easy!

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James Kelley a man not seen by most people so no one knew what he looked like. Even his crew mates always saw him with his mask on. Right now he was in port with the rest of them his mask on his face as they noticed another pirate ship was in port. His crew pushed him to raid that ship but knew it was a bad idea but to keep a mutiny from happening he went ahead with the raid.


Sneaking onto the ship with a few men they were able to get inside up unfortunately they were caught. He now was waiting in the cabin cuffed and waiting for the captain of this ship to return. Sighing softly he glared over at the couple of men that came with him, "idiots..."

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Just as soon as Ivan stepped foot on his ship his crew was telling him how there were these other pirate's who tried to raid his ship. Well that sure as hell pissed him off, how dare somebody try and steal from him! Were they stupid!?


Did they want a death wish? He sighed and nodded his head slowly. "Show me the prisoners...." He said in a harsh tone of voice which made his crew mates gulp. His second mate led him down under the deck, Ivan's black boots clicked against the hard wooden floor.


The younger male unlocked the door and held it opened for his captain. The long blond haired male stepped inside and saw the men tied up, his arms crossed over his chest in a very irritated kind of way. "You all must be really stupid to try and raid The Dark Maiden..." His voice was icy cold and held so much venom in it that it could match with a deadly snake.

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James heard the steps and knew he had to at least safe his dumb crew. Looking up at the other man he gave a smirk then, "welcome oh mighty Captain of the Dark Maiden." He nodded his head then smiled up at him.


"My crew and I came aboard to see what a lovely ship this was and got a bit over our head so I'll tell you what. Let my men go and you can have me," he knew this would be a bargain for any person. His name was well known throughout the galaxy and the treasure he had hidden and sought after by many but none had ever found it yet.


"Captain Pearl don't!" his teammate yelled to him in fear of loosing his Captain.


"Hush, we all got into this mess and it's my job to protect all of you," James looked towards the blond. "Lets make a deal, Captain to Captain, what do you say?"

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Ivan raised an eyebrow and tapped his chin in a thoughtful kind of way, "Hmm... Have the Captain of the Golden Pearl here on my ship sounds like a nice idea... However..." His gold eyes narrowed in an icy cold kind of way as he took out his sword and pointed it at the man's neck.


"And why should I believe you Captain? Do you honestly think I'm dumb..." He said in his harsh tone of voice before he pressed his blade even more against his neck. "What sort of deal?" He finally asked with a raised eyebrow but still kept his sword tip planted against the other Captain's neck.

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James watched the captain before him contemplate what he had told him. Seeing the eyes narrow made his own narrow. This man didn't seem like the type to kill in cold blood but he didn't know him yet. He tilted his head back showing no fear as the blade pressed against his neck. His own golden eyes glanced over at his men then back to the other captain, "I'll share a small part of my treasure."


He smirked knowing any captain would have a hard time passing that by. Hearing the men around them start to talk about his treasure made him smirk no he knew this captain would be stuck, "on one condition that I need to talk to you alone about."

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The long blond haired pirate Captain rolled his eyes at the other men's incessant yammering. He turned to his second and first mate, "Now now boy's let's give our guest the best comfort that they could get..." Ivan said in a soft but scheming tone of voice which caused them to smirk.


"Right away Cap'tin!" They both said as they grabbed the other men and shoved them out of the room and into another room, which was by far more darker and creeper then the other room. The room that they were in was a very special room that messes with your minds. The Captain smirked but still had his sword pointing right at the man's neck, "You have my undivided attention..." He chuckled in a cruel kind of way.

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Smirking back James dropped the cuffs from around his wrists that he picked and stood up, "now then." He rubbed his wrists and looked over at the boy. "I'm Captain James Kelley of the Golden Pearl, and I'm laying myself on the line for my men. Captain to Captain you should know what this means. Now release my men and I shall show you a world you've never seen."


He smirked at him, he was really awful cocky. The blond man winked at him from his mask which you could see his eyes through. It was a black wrap that covered everything but his mouth and two eye holes. Putting his hands on his hips he looked over the other face.


"Otherwise we have no deal."

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Gold eyes narrowed slightly when they saw the man get out of the cuffs, Ivan put his sword back into its sheath before he sighed and walked over towards a wall and pressed his thumb against a button that was on it.


A speaker came out off to the side. He coughed to clear his throat before he spoke through the speaker. "Release the prisoners and return them to their ship..." His voice was heard all around the ship, he then pressed his thumb against the button again causing the speaker to move back into the wall.


The long blond haired male turned around and looked at the slightly shorter man. "You got your wish... Just hold your end of the deal or so help me when we get the rockets fueled up if you don't then I will throw you over board..." His voice was icy cold, he could hear men talking in the hallway for a few minutes before the voices disappear.


Ivan didn't have to introduce himself since it was obvious who he was. Anybody who saw the Dark Maiden knew without a second thought who the Captain was, you could say he was infamous.

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James let out the air he was holding then walked over to the Captains desk and sat at his chair kicking his feet up onto the desk. He chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest, "oh I will I never break my deals or promises."


The blond smirked over at the other blond, "you're going to be a treat to travel with." Looking over the other man he took in his sexy attire and smirked a bit more. "Thousands of worlds at all parts of the galaxy. Treasure beyond your wildest dreams... I've seen it all." He smiled and stood walking over to the window looking out. "Things... no one should see..."

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Ivan rolled his gold colored eyes at James and was about to scold him for being in his chair but saw that he got up and walked to the window. He was still at port on a small market planet, he sat down in his chair after he took off his cloak and placed it neatly behind on the back of his chair.


"Yeah right... There is probably one planet you haven't been too..." He said as he taped the top part of his desk and a holographic projection of a planet appeared before him. Just then he heard over the inter com system that they were about to take off, but paid no mind to it.


The ship started to shake slightly before it started to move from port and out of the planets gravitational pull, it was still shaking slightly but soon the shaking stopped. He sighed and shook his head, he leaned back in his chair crossing his legs over one another.


His black gloved covered fingers tapped on the arm rest. He had put in the cordinates for the planet Eden and on the holographic image it showed it was surround by countless meteors. He wanted to know how he could get there without getting killed...

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James felt the shaking and continued to look out the window watching as his ship went out of sight. He hoped his men would be alright and that he could get his ship back... Today was the day he lost a lot... His ship, crew and...


Taking a deep breath he turned around and looked at the planet on the hologram, "not every one but the ones worth going to." The blond walked over and leaned an arm against the chair and smirked. "Eden... have you ever touched the surface?" He walked around the back of the chair running his fingers across the back of it.

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Ivan leaned back in his chair and tilted his head back so that he could look at the other male. His blond bangs were parted showing off his forehead, "No... Have you?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.


From this angle he looked more cute and younger instead of the cruel side of him. "Besides you must have been a ghost to navigate through that ruff meteor patch protecting the planet..." He said before leaning forwards again and taped the surface of the table making the hologram disappear. He sighed and shook his head before standing up, he walked over towards a window and looked outside of it looking at the vast vacuum of space.


He loved this life style, to be free and pillage unsuspecting people. He touched the window, he had a distant expression on his face. Like he was lost in a memory of a time.

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James smirked at the question and tucked his hands into his pockets looking over at the window, "you have no idea." He walked over to stand next to him at the window looking out at the darkness. "I know that there are better things out there." He smiled and glanced over at him before turning to look back out among the stars.


"I've seen so many things for so long..." the blond's eyes seemed to grow a little distant then he turned to him and smiled, "I'm starving, got anything to eat?"

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The sandy blond haired male tore his gold eyes away from the window before he looked over at him and nodded his head. "There is a dinning area up on the upper level of the ship..." He said before turning around and walked over towards his chair as he grabbed his cloak and put it on before heading out.


When then got in the steal elevator he pressed a button and a mono-toned robotic voice spoke up, "Where is your detestation?" Ivan took in a deep breath before he answered. "Dinning area..." He spoke loud and clearly. The elevator felt like it didn't move at all but that was when the doors opened and the monotone voice spoke up.


"You have arrived at your detestation..." He watched the other Captain walk out of the elevator while Ivan however stayed inside of it. "Don't cause any problems for my crew..." He said before he spoke inside of the elevator. The monotone voiced asked the same question as before.


"Captain's Quarters" The elevator doors closed when he had said that and left the other Captain there.

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James looked around then back at the elevator as the doors closed. He smirked and tucked his hands in his pockets as he walked around looking around at the different things in there. The ship was older but obviously had been fixed up and well maintained. Walking over to the kitchen he grabbed an apple and wondered back out as the cook and his people worked.


He slipped to the back of the ship and looked out over the engine haul hearing the hum. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, what had he gotten himself into?...


Taking a bite of his apple he leaned against the railing as he pondered his situation.

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When Ivan got to his quarters he placed his hand on the scanner letting it scan his hand. The sensation made him chuckle lightly before he heard a welcome back Captain, he walked inside of his room and headed straight for his bathroom.


He felt like he needed a nice long hot bath. As he started to strip his clothing off and untie his hair he released a soft sigh. The blond then placed his foot in the warm water and got in, he closed his eyes and let his body relax. Today was one hell of a day for him that was for sure.

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James sighed and looked around knowing he was stuck for the moment but knew he would find a way to get out of it. Man his men must be pissed. He smiled softly and started to explore the ship getting into every spot and learning every part of the ship. The blond man smiled when he reached the top of a mast just outside of the Captain's room and perched on the top of it.

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Once Ivan was done with his relaxing but yet calming bath he drained the large Roman tub and wrapped a black fluffy towel around his waist and pressed the button to open the sliding door. He walked into his room not aware that James was outside on the mast.


He then walked towards his drawers and took out some sleeping clothes out and placed them on his bed. He took the towel off and started to dry his body off a long with his long blond hair.

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James noticed movement out of the corner of his eyes and smirked seeing him changing. He rested on arm on his raised knee and watched him from his perch. He had a clear view into his room and knew he'd be pissed if he looked his direction and was all prepared to wave if he looked his way. This guy was his type in almost every way but he had a thing going with someone from his ship already but that guy didn't seem as serious as he did.

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Ivan was slipping on his night pants and was about to tie them when he felt eyes watching his every move. Who was dumb enough to watch him get dressed?! His left eyebrow twitched in a very annoyed kind of way before he turned his attention towards the direction that he felt the eyes coming from.


When he noticed who was staring at him he glared heatedly at him and walked over towards his bedside table. He opened it up and took out his revolver before he closed his drawer and walked over towards his balcony doors. The long blond haired male press a button which caused the doors to slide open.


He had a cold look on his face as he walked to the railing and pointed his gun at the man. "I suggest you stop looking at me before I blow your head off!" He yelled at the man who was on the mast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

James smiled as he looked at the other down the barrel of the gun and chuckled, "I was up here admiring the view when all of a sudden a better view came along." He slipped down from the mast and stepped onto the balcony.


"Your rather lovely did you know that?" he smiled softly at him the night sky shinning in his golden eyes. His hands tucked into his pockets as he stood there in a very relaxed manner.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ivan glared at him as a light blush rose to his cheeks but he cocked his gun and pointed it at the man's head. "You take one more step towards me and I'll blow your head off!" He said taking a step back while still keeping eye contact with the man in front of him.


This could end badly for either of them if the other man doesn't back off. He would not allow such behavior on his ship! Nor will he become a peep show for this man in front of him! Some nerve he has for peeping at him while he got dress! He gritted his teeth, his long blond hair was still slightly damp from his bath. His bangs were still sticking to his forehead.

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