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Warm Bodies (Kittypanda & Xianghua)


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Cold bodies. Warm hearts.




Name: Unknown. Begins with an R.

Age: Unknown. Ranges anywhere from later teenage years to mid twenties.




R staggered through the dead and decayed streets, with a small group of other zombies, sharing a few mumbled grunts with his best friend, M.

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Name: Justin

Age: 19




Justin sighed softly as he looked at his friends who were with him, his father told him to go and find some food for everybody. He looked around with his blue eyes but returned to what he was doing. Him and his friends were in this old abandon warehouse looking for food.


His boyfriend was keeping a look out to see if there was any zombies coming or not, "Come on hurry up!" Perry shouted at Justin and his friends who just rolled their eyes and continued to look for food.

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A group of zombies burst through the doors, R in the front. They growled and roared, chasing everyone in the group. R looked at Justin, then quickly turned his head, joining the rest of the zombies in rampage.

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Perry's eyes widened when he saw the zombies in the room chasing everybody, he was running behind Justin and his friends who were running for their dear lives. He turned around and started to run backwards while shooting his gun off, all that mattered to him right now was to get his boyfriend and his friends to safety.


He saw R and shot him right in the chest hoping that it would stop the rampaging zombie from moving any farther. He knew just by running backwards he was slowing himself down but at least in his mind it meant that Justin would be semi-okay.

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R stopped, looking at the bullet in his chest. No blood dripped from him. He looked up at Perry and growled, pushing him behind a table, where nobody could see. He sat on the other's chest, grabbing his wrist and biting it, allowing the blood to spill everywhere. He grabbed a microscope off the table, and beat Perry's head with it until his skull cracked open. He grabbed chunks of brain out, shoving it in his mouth and smiling at the taste, as he viewed Perry's memories, many involving Justin.


(Forgot to mention. In Warm Bodies, when a zombie doesn't eat the brain, the person will turn into a zombie, but when they do eat the brain, they see all of the person's memories.)

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Justin let out a loud shout in fear as he was cornered by zombies, he was so stupid enough not to bring a gun with him. His friends however somehow escaped leaving him cornered like a mouse. Yeah some friends I have... He thought with an eye roll... Well he would have rolled his eyes if he wasn't so damn scared.


He knew at that moment that he was going to die without seeing his father or the others again. The zombies were moving in on him quite quickly causing his whole body to shiver in fear.


(Ah I see... Thank you for clearing that up with me ^-^~)

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Once the memories stopped replaying, R stood up, seeing the zombies cornering in on Justin. He growled at them, chasing them off, then turned to Justin, once all the zombies were gone, and kneeled before him. He looked at the other, then lifted his finger to the other's mouth, the gently shushing him. He wiped some of Perry's blood on the other's face, so he would blend in with the zombies.

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The blue eyed male stared at the zombie in fear, his body was shaking even more when he felt him touch him. But a part of him was grateful that he chased the other's away. However his grateful demeter dropped when he felt him put blood on his, whose blood was this?! It freaked him out to no end but he would rather just leave without being noticed instead of ending up dead or a zombie.... He wasn't sure which one was worse...

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"C-come..." R grunted, standing up, leading Justin through the streets, to the inside of a broken down airplane. Many random items were scattered about the plane, and an old record player sat in the corner, playing Lonely Boy by The Black Keys.

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Justin blinked his eyes a few times when he entered the airplane with no problem what so ever, but he did feel uneasy around the zombie. He stood still to freaked out to move... Wait! Did he just hear the zombie say a word? Or was he imagining things.. "Why did you take me here? Aren't you going to eat me or something?" He said with a confused look crossing over his face. So many factors were just not right here... Why did he save him? Why bother keeping him alive?

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"Keep... you safe..." R struggled to get the words out. He grabbed a tattered blanket off the floor and held it out to Justin. "N-not... bad..." He pointed to himself with one hand.

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The black haired male narrowed his eyes in a thinking kind of way, yup he did hear him speak... So he wasn't going crazy. He still had a disbelieving look on his face, but shook his head and took in a deep breath, "I thought zombies eat people not keep them safe..." He said in a very low tone.


Justin was still not believing him but... He did just save him from being zombie food. He racked his fingers through his black hair, "Well... You can't be all that bad if you did save me... Thanks..." He took the blanket from him, his fingers brushed against the others for a quick moment. Jeez! His fingers were ice cold!

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R smiled slightly, an (ADORABLE) awkward side smile. He sat in one of the many seats on the plane. A high pitched screetch came from outside. R didn't budge, he was used to it. He looked over at Justin.

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Justin however was not use to that sound and let out a very unmanly sound before he hid inbetween seats, the blanket was over his head. His body was shaking violently, all he wanted to do was go back to the enclave and be with his father. He closed his blue eyes. He knew he should act more tuff but he was by no way a tuff guy what so ever!

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R continued to look at Justin. He wasn't sure what to do.


(In the movie, Julie asks R to get her some food, so he leaves to find it, and when he's gone, she tries to run away, but is cornered by zombies again, so she hides behind an airplane wheel, when R finds her and leads her safely back to his airplane, that's kind of when she starts to trust him.)

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(Ah Got it~)


Justin then felt his stomach growl and blushed slightly, he pulled down the blanket and looked at the zombie. "I'm kind of hungry... Do you think you could get me something to eat?" He asked looking at him with a soft look crossing over his face. He knew that as soon as he leaves then he would make a break for it!

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Once Justin made sure the zombie was out of sight he stood up and threw the blanket off to the side and walked over towards the airplane opening. He looked around outside and saw that the close was clear, he walked off of the plane and sighed softly.


A soft smile spread across his face but sadly it didn't last long since he heard a loud groan which made him turn his head over in that direction. His blue eyes widened as he saw ten zombies coming right at him! My god today is so not my day! Justin thought in a freaked out kind of way.


He then started to back up, come on why can't he get a break! He turned around at the last second and ran. His breath was coming out in short pants. He turned his head over his shoulder and saw them chasing after him. That was when he slid to a stop and looked around for a place to hide, his chest was moving quickly with his speeding breath. He then noticed the airplane wheel. Well worth a shot... He ran over towards it and hid behind it.

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R returned a few minutes later, with some cans of fruit. He dropped them and ran when he saw Justin was missing. He ducked behind the other behind the wheel, grabbing his shoulder.

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Justin jumped up when he felt somebody touch his shoulder, he then turned around and saw R behind him, the black haired boy's pale face turned even paler when he saw him. "Uh... I can explain..." He said but nothing came to mind as to how he could explain this.

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Justin frowned but followed what R had said and acted like he was dead even though he looked kind of funny staggering along. It was very uncomfortable for him to walk like a zombie and act like one too. Part of him was laughing which was the inside part but on the outside he was scared as all get out.

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"Uh... Thank you..." Justin said softly for both the food and for saving him once again from the zombies, he grabbed the fruit cans from him feeling his cold fingers once again brush against his warm fingers. He then walked over towards a random seat and sat down on it.


He opened one of the can's up and started to eat the fruit slowly, "I'm sorry I tried to run but..." He sighed and placed the can down before he gave the zombie a soft smile. "Do you have a name?" He asked looking right at him. "Because my name is Justin..."

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R sat at a seat across from - but not too close to - Justin. He thought for a moment. Oh shit, what's my name? he wondered. "Rrrrrr..." He made an R sound, all he could remember that it started with an R.

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