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ಌ[YOAT] YaoiOtaku Artists Time - Theme 'Winter Flower'ಌ


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ᒶ YaoiOtaku Artists Time ᒳ

✦Organized by


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.:: Intro ::.

We are continuing with

our contest for YO's artists!

This time the theme is set around

'flowers' during the cold season.

It's still winter,but there is the Spring coming in a few months.

Whether you want to draw a "melting" from the heat flower,

or completely glacial masterpiece is up to you.

Thus we called it

'Winter Flower'

Show us how you imagine the image of a bishie

who is a loner,but yet the guardian of Winter Flowers!



*Bishie = Bishounen = It's a term for ''beautiful man''.




.:: Where to upload/forward your drawing ::.

You can upload on any image sharing site,

like Photobucket,Imageshack,deviantArt and so on.


.:: RULES of YOAT ::.

- No explicit images;

- You can forward us only ONE drawing;

- The drawing MUST be your creation, not stolen;

- Be creative;


.:: What to use to draw ::.

Basically you choose what to use.

You can draw digital drawing,

using different programs for the purpose,

or you can simply draw on a paper and scan it.

If you use camera to take a photo of your paper drawing,

make sure it's visible and as much as possible good quality.


.:: Deadline ::.

YaoiOtaku Artists Time

Starts -> 09.01.2013

Ends -> 09.03.2013


.:: Prizes ::.

All who participate will get 2,500 points.

For the winner:

* 7,000 points;

* Unique customization of profile to their likes.





▦▦ Application Form ▦▦

Post your filled application form on this thread,and only once.


Link to your drawing:

State if you wish your drawing to be uploaded on YO's dA gallery: Yes/No




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So um, I've always wanted to learn how to draw but I've never really picked up a pencil before until now. This contests has revived my interest in learning how to draw. Though this can't even compare to what many of you can do, I'll keep on practicing so I can improve!



My bishie is trying to cover/protect the lonely flower from the falling snow. Sorry I don't own a scanner and the one at the library is not working. Hope the quality is good enough. (I'll stop my babbling now ^^")





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First time for me without colorful stuffs....


5 minutes I drew this...




And yes

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I can't imagine my WINTER flowers, so I look around my place ^^



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Let's rock :D




My Mr. D :)







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this is my first picture after 4 years and I make a lot of mistakes because because I did not draw in a long time, I'd even hold a pencil after 4 years right now!

Even so I want to participate in this event and have fun with all of you :D

hope you do not mind to see my picture



Bihsie in my picture carrying cage containing snowdrop flowers. Snowdrops symbolize new beginnings and hope because they typically bloom at the end of winter and announce the approach of spring.




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this is my first picture after 4 years and I make a lot of mistakes because because I did not draw in a long time, I'd even hold a pencil after 4 years right now!

Even so I want to participate in this event and have fun with all of you :D

hope you do not mind to see my picture



Bihsie in my picture carrying cage containing snowdrop flowers. Snowdrops symbolize new beginnings and hope because they typically bloom at the end of winter and announce the approach of spring.




love how you shade the shadows :o

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I'm here~~

Here's my drawing for Winter Flower contest! Enjoy! \(n___n)/







Do you think snow is alike stars? When you're enjoying the stars, suddenly snow falling down for the sky...like blessing yourself. (^^)

And you're protecting you most important thing from going away like you're protecting the flower from wilt.


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This was just an idea that there was a lone flower sticking up out of the ground and snow, so a fire guardian attempts to save the flower by heating it up and covering it with a protective dome so that it doesn't get cold or get snowed on or picked at by the nearby wildlife. Hence the animal footprints at the bottom in the snow. I hope you all like it :hamtaro-005 (8):


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Here is mine!:)

Simply digital watercolouring....couldn't make line art cuz i wouldn't be able to meet the deadline!Hope ya like it...i don't!xD

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For full size plz download it...idk why it got that small!xD

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Um...Hello! I also want to enter the contest. Here's my drawing. The flowers that I draw are called Oemleria cerasiformis, also known as Osoberry and Indian Plum. These flowers burst forth in late winter to early spring. It is among the first plants to leaf out and flowers early in the spring. I hope you like it. (-^v^-)





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sorry for late submit

I'm not too late, aren't I?




I did it on the free time. Hope this work. :D

I'm dedicating this for

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, thank you for your forgiveness.


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kyahhh.. i hope i made it in time.. T__T

i was really busy at work..

but anyway.. here's my entry..

and a very simple one//

colored using SAI and CS5.



He might not be considered as a bishie.. but eh, it just came across my mind that a child can personify a winter flower, for me ^_^ It's because of the word "Growing".. or "Blooming".. since it's the end of winter, and spring is starting ..



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.. All members that took part in YOAT shall receive 2,500 points.

- Thank you all for taking interest to represent

the image of WINTER FLOWER and making the contest successful!

Everyone who agreed their art to be shared can review the entries on our

dA gallery ->

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special prizes



.. Our winner of the third YOAT,"WINTER FLOWER",is Ventamus.

- Congratulations Ventamus! (:


As said, your rewards are:

.. 7,000 points

.. Unique customization of profile to your likes [fill out the application below]

Note: Fill the places you don't have much preference with "freestyle" in the application for Customization of Profile.



* We decided to give special prize ( 4,000 points ) to the following users:

-> gin

-> rainbowman

-> manikong

-> Miharu.187

-> rosebud1296

▦▦ Application for Customization of Profile ▦▦

Main theme color:

Profile Picture:

Background Picture:

ALT. Colors:


Note: "ALT. Colors" is alternative choice of colors.

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! And to all who got special awards, all your drawings were great *_*

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