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Maiden Rose ((FreakyFeline x AkiraVadel))


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Taki nodded his head, "that should be alright. We'll just tell them it's time for me to heal and be safe from harms way." He honestly wondered if they would go for that. The raven looked over at Klaus who was closer than he realized to his face.

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'Than it is settled' Klaus said and touched his face caressing his cheek he kissed him 'Let's go, it's better that we don't waste anytime, especially before the war breaks out, than it will be harder to convince the old men' Klaus picked him up with both hands and placed him on the bed. He rolled his sleeves and brushed through his messy blond hair ' but first I need to change my clothes'

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Taki blushed a bit when Klaus picked him up and placed him on the bed. He looked up at the bigger man feeling a heat stir inside himself. Why did this man have such an impact on him? He shivered and nodded his head as he looked up at him.

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'Will you wait for me? I won't take long' Klaus crossed his arms and looked at the other male. 'Don't go anywhere until I come back alright?' he spoke in a slight possessive tone. He couldn't shake the dread of thinking that Taki is taken away. Unfortunately, little does he know of his predicament to come, Taki will be separated from him in a different way.

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Taki nodded his head wondering why he would always cave to Klaus. The raven sighed heavily as he watched Klaus go then turned to look out the window. It was a nice day out even though it was a little overcast. He walked over to the table in his room to look over some of his paperwork.

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The sun was soaring up in the sky the day welled deep in the morning. The parade ground was filled with soldiers marching in packs and training their drills while the officer kept a close eyes on them. It was late enough for every soldier to be up and ready for training and the day's work, but Klaus still didn't come, there was no sign of him.

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Taki grew worried now. He got up from his desk and made sure to put his gloves on to help hide his cast. Wincing he gently wiggled his fingers into his tight glove but couldn't pull them over his wrist. It was simply too tight so he left it there hoping his coat would cover it. Getting his sword on his hip was another challenge with a broken arm. His fingers had lost a bit of their grip with the pain he felt shooting through his arm. He'd need to stop by the infirmary and speak to the doctor before finding Klaus.


Heading out he stopped by there for some more pain medication and to have him check to bindings. He helped Taki replace his glove knowing why he was wearing it. Then the raven started to ask around where his knight could be. He informed them Klaus was off to find information for him and he was wondering if Klaus need a hand since he was new to the area.

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Normally Klaus wouldn't just leave with out informing his soldier, but things had made a strange turn that made him unable to return to the room as he promised. The blond haired man made a mental note to apologize later. The truth was that he ended stumbling with the general and informed him that some spies had infiltrated in the village and they had plans to continue with their plans in kidnapping the young colonel. The general strictly forbid him to speak with Taki, he generally hated going with orders if they aren't coming from Taki, but he decided to go along with it. He didn't realize that it was a trap


The doctor told him that he didn't know much about what exactly was the mission that Klaus was sent for except that there were some informative, that would help to topple down the enemy. 'Your knight should be fine with his mission, I would rather suggest that you'd rest and recover from your injuries' the doctor's nose wrinkled as he said this, it was a habit of his when he was bothered by something, he wasn't too keen of having the precious colonel running after that foreign dog into danger.

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Taki was worried about Klaus but knew he had to let him go and do things for himself. The raven looked to the Doctor knowing he was right about resting, but he couldn't rest with Klaus away. How could he sleep? He felt nervous without his knight nearby and that wasn't good. He was already becoming very dependent on him, "don't worry, I'll be fine. I do think perhaps I should retire to a safe place while I heal. It's obviously not safe for me here."

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Klaus drove with his motorcyle on the way to the destination point where he was supposed to capture the spy, however soon enough he realized he was in enemy line. It was a pathway through the wilderness and so even he knew that it was easily to ambush anyone who'd come along. Shots flew in his direction, but he swiftly avoided, being hit and the barricades by the enemy. Sending him right to his enemy, his own people, made it ludicrously ironic. But it didn't mean anything to him, since they most probably consider him a traitor. He doesn't belong anywhere in this world, but only one means the world to him.



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Men shot at Klaus and the leader of the group called out for them not to kill him. So they changed tactics to try to capture the blond traitor. One easy way would be to use Taki. That obviously sent him running in a blind rage, but right now the traitor was there for the taking. The men surrounded the area as best they could and worked to take out the bike.

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He tried to avoid their attacks and he did so by maneuvering his bike, dangerously but very skilled. He wasn't about to give up that easily. He sped up trying to loose their tail along the long path.Klaus looked back but it seemed like it was clear. It was too easy, he thought to himself.

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Just up the trail they waited until the last minute and pulled up a wire to take out the blond's bike. They know this would hurt him but they wanted to weaken him so he would be easier to take down.

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The wheels of Klaus' bike tripped over the wire, and because of the speed that he was driving, it sent him flying a few meters off after being separated from his bike because of the collision. He hit hard against the ground, having nothing to soften the impact as he rolled several few meters until he came to stop. He lost consciousness at first, but he quickly woke up realizing that his helmet was still on and glad because it protected his cranium, however he couldn't feel his left leg, and a burning sensation crept over his right arm, it was severely scraped due to the fall on the uneven pathway.

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The men started to close in on him gun drawn. They knew they had to be careful with this man even with him injured. What they didn't notice was the team closing in on them. Taki sent out a search party and refused to return until he was found. Not far from there Taki was inside an armored vehicle monitoring the chatter over the radios.


Shots rang out but they only got two of the men before they bolted into the forest and ran from sight. Taki's men ran over and knelt down next to Klaus, "Sir, we found him."

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It must have been less than an hour since he crashed, but it felt longer like head been for days. He was conscious but disorientated, he had a hard time to remember what just happened to him. He tried to get up but a sharp pain shot through his leg, and his arm made it a little hard to support him. He could hear the flying bullets, although they sounded far away, but he knew that he was in the enemy line. It was then when a group of men approached him, he was alert at first but he recognized the faces, he sighed in relief.

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The men pulled him onto a stretcher they had with them trying to be careful since it was easy to tell where he was hurt. Quickly they ran back into the truck and slide him in. They piled in and the truck started off.


Taki was in the back waiting for him. Once he was in there the medic started to get to work and Taki took Klaus's hand, "my knight... How did you get yourself so banged up?" His other hand came up to caress his hair from his face. It was broken but he could still use his fingers a little.

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Klaus hated being unable to move and being helped by those people. It was very rare for him to be taken care of, especially when he found himself in bed with Taki by his side touching him softly and accompanying him, his voice and his accent were soothing to his senses as he heard him talk. HE found it a little painful to recall but startle the sequence of events started take its course inside his mind. He told him about the orders and the ambush by the enemies. 'Eveything about this whole business sounds fishy' he said, it wasn't a farfetched theory that someone on the inside was behind this, not just Klaus had enemies within military quarters but even Taki. Men who are displeased with the young man's rank and seeing it as means of abuse of power.

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Taki made sure Klaus was put into his bedroom and given medication. He know he would be in pain and fretted for him. Even he tried to ignore his broken hand and tend to his knight while getting strange looks from everyone around him. He hadn't seeing this powerful man broken down and hoped he would heal quickly. Once everyone left he looked down at Klaus, "try not to push yourself..."

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Klaus hated himself most when he saw Taki, still with his broken arm while he is in bed at the cost of his recklessness. The blond haired man placed a hand over Taki's hand ( of his healthy arm) 'I am sorry' he said 'I have failed to protect you once again' he felt horrified in thinking the possibilities that could have outcome when he was ambushed by the enemies. It was a perfect opening and if Taki wasn't safe with his platoon, he might have gotten a lot worse situation than a broken arm. Klaus bitterly squeezed his hands, feeling that he was not worthy to be his knight.

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"Klaus..." Taki leaned down and gently kissed the bigger blond on the lips. He hated seeing him hurt like this. He really hoped he would be better and back to normal soon. The raven gently held his knight wanting to make everything okay for him. Turning his hand over he held Klaus's hand and used his broken one to gently push his hair out of his face.

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Klaus lifted his arm, wincing from the pain of his sore and injured body protesting angrily at his movements. He ignored he pain and placed a hand on Taki's cheek after the raven haired placed a kiss on his lips. 'I failed you' he said meekly 'We have to be more careful than ever'

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"You could never fail me, my knight," Taki gave him a soft smile as he leaned over him. Bringing his own hand up he gently touched the others hand with his. He kissed his palm then looked back down at those blue eyes. "We do need to be careful."

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'Yes, we were too close twice, we have to watch our steps from now one, more than ever' he said squeezing his hand while still holding it. It was almost painful for him, the closer he wished to be with Taki, the more the wide ocean spreads between them and the leisure of being in his company becomes less. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

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Taki nodded his head in understanding, "Klaus I-" He looked up at the door from the knock. He made sure his weapons were close, even though the guards had been doubled. "Come in." He wasn't about to move from under Klaus. He had him perched comfortably on his lap.

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