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do you like sport?..CUZ I DOOOOOOOOO........N'T


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every sport lesson i always get yelled at "throw the ball.......catch the ball.....kick the ball...pour nitric acid on the ball...(well no really but then sport might be interesting >>) and if i try i get "go away if we loose te whole world will explode and catch fire. so whats your sport expirience . do you hate those sport fanatics who constintly harass you doing sport (and interstingly enough don't do it themselves) or do you think us lazy ******* should try for change. please comment and gove me advice as to deal with these people or how i should stop whinging and get a life ^^

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well, i'm not a sportive person, i think sport should be for fun ^_^

in middle school i used to be , the girls get beating or harassed because she is a fan of a rival football team, when they tried to ask me about a team i’m with , i tell them (the truth) i dont watch any football because i hate it,,,,,,,,,although i like playing it with my cousins

people made me feel like sports is a matter of dignity

i mean, it's good to be proud about winning but it doesn't have to be a way to spray hate

the only sport i like to watch is wrestling XD


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a rival football team? thats a bit much i'm always more of a ITS JUST A GAME GET OVER IT type person though i guess it is about fun but i just don't find sport fun :/

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I'll be honest. The only sport I care about is fencing, and even then I don't watch it on TV (mainly because it's never ON TV) and I really don't know any fanatics. I mean even my father who watches hockey and baseball only asks "what's wrong with you?" jokingly when I bring up the fact that I don't like sports.


EDIT: Fixed a typo.

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I'm not a sport person. I don't play them and I avoid watching them when possible. I do watch American football because my husband would murder me dead if I didn't and I do support and cheer on my hometown's football team when they play. I have a jersey and everything, so yeah.


Still, I didn't take to school sports and I never will. I think it's okay to support your favorite teams or support your friends who play, but it is true that so many people take it way too seriously and miss the point of sports. Sports are supposed to bring people together. Sports is about teamwork and it's about "sportsmanship" ("sports" is even part of the word!). Sportsmanship is refusing to be a sore loser. It's about congratulating the team that beat you. It's about respecting who you're playing against. Sportsmanship is all about "The Spirit of the Game", but it seems to be lost to so many people. People want to start fights. A man was recently hospitalized in America for going to a rival ball game to cheer on his favorite team. A group of men found him in the parking lot and beat him within an inch of his life. People have thrown chairs, hit fans, started fights during and after games and fans have even started street riots that have caused thousands of dollars in property damage as well as injuries to people. It's really sad to see sports be degenerated in this manner. It's no longer sending the right message and that is something that needs to change.

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Mmm, depends on what...

I like: running, sparring, badminton, strikeball, and volleyball is nice too... I want to play kendo :/ which doesn't exist here.... But I don't like to sport everyday just sometimes, or to play soccer, soccer is my greatest hate lmao >


I'm happy that I can't get fat...;D

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I like it al long as I play it with my friends. At school there are always people who want to win.. Every game is like a battle field for them. If they win they will scream and will scold the opposing team for losers. If they don't win and the other team is really glad they won they will say to them 'Shut up, it's not something to get exited about'. I really hate those kind of people so I only like to play with my friends...

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  • 4 weeks later...

REALLY SOMEONE WAS BASHED :o thats waaaaaaaaayyy to far. personally i'm think it's just a game. ITS NOT LIKE THE EATH IS GOING TO OPEN UP AND SUCK YOU INTO AN INTERNAL FLAME IF YOU LOOSE. I was even told by a friend that e was refused into a bar because he had the rival teams colours on. not jersy colours . what i don't understsand is "why so serious" i agree with you isn't spot supposed to be about pushing yourself and having fun. I play soccer now but.....i still hate sport or at least what its become.

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I'm sad to say that my father is one of those guys who tries to coach the team from the bleachers, it's very embarrassing, which is why I did academic sports in high school like science bowl and science olympiad. Also when I go watch my siblings doing whatever sport they are in at the time I sit as far away from him as I can. Its very annoying to hear him shouting at the players or the referees. I still play sports with my siblings like football, softball, basketball, volleyball, badminton, and lacrosse sometimes and only if my dad isn't around.

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Haha wow i'm sorry my mum doesn't really care what sport i'm in. I could join a gang and she probably offer them tea and take no notice of it . Which has it's advatages i couldn't stand the thought of my parents getting into a big fight with the ref' becuase lil' timmy fell and the guy 1 metre away from him looks shifty rabbit9. but i've seen it happen and it always made me go WHAH??!?! Collage football in the states the seriousness they take it too I never understood.

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Collage football in the states the seriousness they take it too I never understood.


Yeah I know and it's not just college football its regular football too. Also college basketball is really big especially in the city I live in.

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im an incredibly lazy person, the only sports i can play is bowling, swimming and tennis. i only play for fun and i get super annoyed at people who push me to do better though thats not my style. if they tell me to get better i just ignore them and ditch the sport activity

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I loved that whole nitric acid thing - couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes...


The one I always got harassed about playing was basketball. I'm a 5'10" female so I'd get bugged about it - always turned them down - can't be bothered with that whole running nonsense. Played a lot of different things - when I stayed for P.E. - the only thing that ever was fun for me was volleyball. Ended up playing about 4 hours a day in college. Not on a team, though, because I preferred playing with men. I'm pretty competitive, not afraid to get a little bloody to win. If someone's afraid to break a nail, well...grrr.

Because of that competitive nature I tend to avoid things that bring it out, I'm a recovering perfectionist, so games and sports tend to make me fall of the wagon.

At various other times I've had people I was dating try to get me interested in whatever floated their boat, but it never took for long - rather spend my money and time on a book, movie, concert, art supplies... yeah, like that.

Don't let 'em get you down, darlin' - liking something for somebody else' sake is like faking a smile, it'll cramp up your cheeks and then if someone doesn't notice there's something wrong, you'll get stuck that way. Being who you are - whomever that may be - is actually the easiest thing to do... whining is optional.



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I'm not much of a team player. My sports are usually the 1 vs 1 type. I play tennis (both lawn and table). I love bowling too, and swimming (still trying to learn how to swim until now) :)

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FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT" Urgh I can't running to ask me to run is like asking me to fly with a rainbow coming outta my ass but.....:6onion72: so fate looked on me and........laughed because nearly all sport involves running.



I don't mind collage football guys smashing each other to the floor is what im all about rabbit4 buuuut I was watching a movie called remember the titans and i went to a football game there and these guys getting into a fight at the entrance and I was like +100 foir entertainment -40 for appropriateness i mean this is a family event right? (i think it was michigan wolverines and some other team or something...I only went there because i had tickets XD)

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@ yourstalker that doesn't surprise me if it was a Michigan game the fans are very aggressive with the Michigan teams, I remember when I lived there it was so bad kids in my school would get into fights over who was the better team.


I love the movie Remember the Titans it is my favorite, I like watching football and hockey.

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I DID TOO" that little girl that was having an emotional break down because they were losing ....Some people remind me of that. I play football -mumbles- ontheplaystation 3- and never saw the fuss of it? But i guess it's not my pash like..if someone was to say light and L weren't boyfriends i'd DISSAGREE but...I don't think i'd punch them. set there car on fire maybe (jks) but not kill them. Everyone has an opinion and a team. Don't get your panties in a twist it's just a game.

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I totally agree, I may like to watch football and hockey but I don't go crazy if someone bad months my team or if my team loses...everyone is entitled to their opinion and I respect that. Every team has their good and bad days ya know what I mean?

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completly. Though I am..admittingly a very sore loser XD I won't attak the oposition what do you gain apart from looking like a D****.

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  • 1 month later...

Love sports so much, especially badminton and swimming,, sports really make my body healthier :D

And thank's to sports either, that I can reduce my overweight by 20 kg now :)

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I Love sports XD

I Play basketball , football , Running and Karate and of course Handball and Boxing

And planning to learn more XDD


And Shooting Guns ..... Is it a sport ? XP

Cause i play it XD

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