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Create your own yaoi manga


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I guess a lot of people starts drawing after reading or watching manga/anime huh? so I wonder if anyone used to or trying to draw her/his own yaoi manga?

It would be great to get a site like that, sharing out our dream together ? Lolz

I haven't try a yaoi one but I've some shoujou , don't mind checking it out

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on Facebook and I will try the yaoi one next time posting there :D

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I've tried that a lot of times, but in the end I find the story r crap the dialogs r cheap... so I just quit

maybe I can improve drawing but I can't writ the lins of the story.. to make it charming, touching, and so

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i do have ideas... but i would never be able to creat one since i suck at drawing and i have no talent in writting what so ever! xD


yeah... life's tought!! :p

i keep on reading other people's work!! ^^


but wish the best of luck to anyone who is trying to creat one!! :D Gambatte!!


hey mixie... keep up the hard work!! you'll see in the future you'll be able to make outstanding dialogues!! ^^

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I've just started making my own graphic novels and manga. I have a shounen ai/yaoi idea which I am working on, though my main project is action/fantasy/adventure.


I like making the yaoi manga as practice. I only need to find a good name for the uke and I'll be all set to start drawing it. :D


Panels are the biggest challenge though. There's a lot of stuff I need to think about when it comes to panels. It's all about making the story flow and set the mood of the scenes. :p

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I don't draw manga style at all so making the full actual manga is impossible for me. Back in the day I've written scenarios for some of my friends who could draw well. We completed one project, but I don't have it anymore and I've completly lost contact with the said artist u.u So I don't think I'll ever see the finnished product again. But it was a fun thing to try~


I'd love for some of my fanfics or original stories to be turned in mangas though *O* That would be a dream come true!

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wow like a lot of people like drawing , it's like a dream come true :D

well guess there's people who can draw well but need a good story line and there's good writer so we can support each other :D

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I think the hard part in yaoi is the bed scene , it's hard to draw like a real one huh? and we need to research about that ??? *nose-bleeding* unfortunately I can't stand the sexy scene and I don't think I can show those to people , I'm working on visa to go study japan so If my mom know that I want to draw yaoi then I'm screw :(

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I'd be willing to collaborate with an artist or two with my stories.

I do have specs though...I don't mind manga-like appearances but they have to be anatomically possible too.

I like men to look like men and the women looking like women and not just faceless gnomes that disappear in the background.

We could work on some actual people as inspirations. :)

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@kiri-kun, well, I disagree with u, I thing the bed scene r the easiet... if u actualy read a lot and lot of yaoi manga

the movment r clear, the position limited ... I guess the hardest thing is to make the charecters sexy and charming !!

-my point of veiw!!


and wow u r ganna go to japan wa~ take me with u *,*

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@mix : I don't know, never try drawing the bed scene, like the old people said try it then say it *but I can't cause I'm too weak to go that far*

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if you want to go I can suggest you some school that takes foreigner . it's manga illustrate school. like manga senmon gakkou . it worth going . thought I'm still sucking with the 2kyuu test .

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for the school's information to go japan , I hope it help you guys . what's better than purchasing your dream . so your life candle will light up brightly ^_^

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hey @Nitro+Chiral_Fan maybe you can find an artist here in YO!! ^^

that would be cool don'tyou think? :)


That would definitly be cool *__* Thing is I write in French so I'd need an artist that can speak that language... or I'd need to translate my sroties which would be very long, but I guess it's possible.

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Creating my own manga, i've tried.


But the manga basics are:

first, think a plot/characters, then draw random stickfigures, sketch it to your characters, then with a ink-pen relining, you do that on a light table. also you need templates, and you need some materials to draw good like inkpen, and color ink or something like that.


Its very expensive, since I am going to be an artist (I hope) after all. I tried to draw a manga without those basics, but ofcourse I failed... But I'd like to try everything once ;'D


today i made a random uke with a slutty pose :B

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Sorry, I don't have g-pens. I only got fineliners atm.If I have the money, i will but a lot stuff for creating manga or drawing.


but I use them untill they are empty. or what do yoou mean ;P

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lolz, G-pen's tip is for drawing the character , mangaka changes every 3 pages so it remain the fine line. the background is drawing by Maru-pen . beside that is don, ink , brush , cutter etc. I think fine-liners is for the sub-grid . well, the manuscript paper is important but I think the drawing is the most important haha... you can order it all from ebay. zebra provide good stuff

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Can be and I know where to buy the stuff dear ;3


Hmmm, well I don't watch alot of manga video's. And I never tried it before so I have no clue!

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