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(RP IDEA) College Secrets (Human Professor/Neko)


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So meet Julien. :) He is a neko, but finds himself having to hide his ears and tail. Because he is going to college. No one really knows why he wears a cap on his head, even in class, and most don't even bother asking. Other than the fact that the school nurse had gotten a letter stating that the boy had a medical condition and that they were required to allow him to wear the cap in class. Its just a normal black baseball cap. He was also given special permission to have his own private dorm, due to his medical condition. However... He gets found out by one of his professors one day after class. Normally he keeps to himself, sporting the bad boy look quite well. But the cap that had been hiding his uniqueness had fallen off when he picks something up off the floor. I am quite tempted to have your character make him sit through classes with a vibrator in him. could be quite amusing. Send me a PM if you are interested in this rp. idea.


Name: Julien Ontoyo

Age: 18 years old

Location: Alida University

Race: Neko

Occupation: Student






Julien was just a normal average guy or so it seemed as he slowly made his way into the classroom. He was a new student here at Alida University. He wanted to go into the arts program, it had been his dream to paint beautiful pictures. But his mother wanted him to be a doctor. A doctor?! Of all the careers she could of picked, it had to be a doctor. What would people say if they found out that he wasn't just a normal boy?!


The black cap on his head was placed there on purpose, to hide something that the nurse and principle said was a medical condition and that it would be a distraction if he didn't wear it. So here is was, in a pair of jeans and a boring shirt. His bag was slung over his shoulder as his bright green eyes scanned the room a long moment. There were so many people here, they surely couldn't all be here for this art class?


He blinked for a short moment before his attention was brought to the professor when his name was announced. "Please... take a seat, Mr. Ontoyo." he snapped out of his thoughts after a short moment of staring at the man before him. This man couldn't be the professor... he surely didn't look it in the least. He had heard that all professors were old and wrinkly men, but this one. He wasn't old at all, he looked fairly young.


"Y-Yes Sir." He whispered softly, maybe it was just the new jitters of being in a place that he had never been before. But he wasn't so sure about that look he had gotten from the professor. He scurried off to take a seat in the back. He surely as hell didn't want to sit in the front, just in case something did happen. It was the first day of class, the thought bored him because it all meant introductions into the class and all he wanted to do was doodle or paint.


So while the teacher began talking, he soon found himself drawing on an empty notepad he had brought with him. Half the time not even paying attention to the instructor in the room.

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