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I Summoned A Demon Prince?! (Z3N)


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Bastran looked at the human, a grin spreading upon his lips as he looked at the other with a mischievous glance in his eyes as if he could mess with the male’s head easily. Making himself comfortable in the sofa as if it was his own place. Laying one arm over the edge of the couch so he could face Ezekiel completely. Laying his head on his arm as he listened to what the other had to say. “I know. For tomorrow you don’t have to as long as you keep your promise to socialize with others.” He commented, not letting that part go as he didn’t want for the human to live a miserable and lonely life, not know that he had gotten summoned.


When the other went and came back with the dusty old book, he hummed at the sight of it. Sitting up more straight before taking the book out of the other’s hands. Smelling the old paper as he took a whiff from it, his eyes narrowing as he recognized it from the short time he met the previous summoner before bleeding to death. Some drops of the male’s blood had gotten onto it but had almost become a part of it due to the time that went by. After all, Earth went more slowly then in the Underworld for some reason. Nobody really had an explanation for it.


As he read the words written down, he noticed it was ancient Greek. Wondering how that book even got here as it was highly unlikely that people wanted anything to do with evil forces like him that could do more evil than good in this world. If he were to get out of control, angels would need to meddle into the affairs on Earth and probably make it their battleground like the old times. It wasn’t a pretty sight, it couldn’t be ignored either as the three worlds wanted to maintain the peace for as long as possible. For this book to have travelled to this place, it must mean that it was certainly something precious for human civilization as others would have probably been destroyed already out of fear.


“It’s about summoning an ancient force from Hell, like me. Meaning that the summoner would go in a blood contract with the demon until the inner desire is fulfilled. This desire may be different than the reason they summoned, only their deepest consciousness knows. In your case, your loneliness. It can’t be broken otherwise. The only other options to get out of the contract are the ones I named before or… by the death of the demon.” He glanced up for a second as he didn’t particularly like that one at all. “So pretty much saying what we already know.” He said before closing the book again, handing it back to Ezekiel.


“Though if you do decide to kill me, know that my defence mechanism will start working, meaning that my inner strength will take over and make me into a mindless killing machine.” He warned monotonously, giving a light shrug as he didn’t really mind but it would be bad for the humans.


“And, you can sleep in your bed since I don’t have to sleep as often as you do.” He explained.

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When did he make that promise? He doesn't remember promising to socialize with those idiots at that concrete prison of education. Ah, maybe Bastran wants him to make that promise?? Ezekiel sighed heavily to himself; well, it shouldn't be that bad as long as the demon doesn't expect him to do anything else but a grunt of a "hi" and a simple nod of his head. But whatever; socializing. "Yeah, sure," Ezekiel mumbled, leaning back on the table as he watched the demon examine the book. It was really old, so ancient he was surprised it made it that far.


How did it even end up at the store? It started to make less and less sense now that he really thought about it. How could the person who owned that store let such a powerful and evidently dangerous thing into his store where idiots like Ezekiel could just happen upon it and buy(steal) it without a single thought? If it's that much a potential threat, shouldn't the librarian have a charm on it so they would know if the book was still in the store or not? Or, did the guy want the book to be discovered?


No, no that's stupid.


Ah, so the prince was right about the inner desire thing. Why couldn't it be fucking simple? No, old time wizards have to make it deep and meaningful and a fucking hassle. Well, he glanced at the prince for a moment, it wasn't that much of a hassle really. That is, Bastran was alright once Ezekiel gotten a bit use to him. Just a bit. Besides his whole touching thing and the flirt--.He looked away, cursing how his cheeks became warm from the heat and nothing else; he wonders if the contract would ever be broekn. It's not like some demonic prince is going to make him "whole again" or something else equally cheesy.


Ezekiel couldn't help the grimace when the demon pointed out what his deepest desire was. Cool, just fucking shout it from the rooftop and let everyone in the neighborhood know as well. Wait, if the demon summoned killed him? He snapped his gaze back at the demon; did he fucking hear that right? That's an actual option in that fucking book?(He was secretly impressed at the fact that the prince could read the book so fluently but he rather be dead than to tell the other that). Taking the book back, Ezekiel examined it in both his hands, turning it this way and that before seeing something on the bottom spine of the book. It looked different from the internal writing; he frowned, the writing looked vaguely familiar. Shrugging he sat it on the space next to him.


"Cool, remind me never to fucking sneak up on your ticking time-bomb ass," he stood up, stretching a bit. Fucking Merlin, is the demon still on this? "Shut the hell up, you're a damn guest so you get my bedroom."


It's not that big of a deal! Ezekiel walked towards the kitchen, feeling his stomach rumble in distress. Oh yeah, he only had a taco and a half. "You hungry, Princey?"

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Bastran chuckled at the other when he was surprised at the fact that he had another side to him that nobody had seen before, well almost anybody, only his father witnessed it before and hell the old man was even afraid from what he could remember. He had always been told that he could surpass Hades himself if only he put enough effort into his actions to become a true king. But then again, he didn’t know if he wanted to be the ruler of the underworld as he preferred to stay out of the spotlight and being the face of one of the most dangerous creatures who’re alive. It was like he would get an immediate title which he couldn’t escape afterwards. He wanted to experience and do more than sitting back on the throne, being locked inside as the king wasn’t allowed to travel far in order to maintain the peace.


“I won’t explode on you since…” Pausing as he didn’t know if he should tell the other or not. “I can only defend myself when it comes to my contractor. I can’t physically hurt you.” He spilled the beans as it would be found out later on anyways. Not wanting to lie was new as mostly he came up with them as if he was telling the truth. Making it as believable as possible yet with this guy he could just say whatever he wanted without feeling the need to put on a front like in the Underworld. A prince was seen as a mighty creature, one that people looked up to and if they had manners and sweet words, it was even better, upping their status.


Moving behind the other as the other made his way to what looked like the kitchen. Humming lowly as he got just behind Ezekiel, laying his head on top of the male’s shoulder as he looked into the fridge for what they could eat this evening. Licking his lips as he watched the several ingredients, trying to make something up for what they could eat but since there were differences in the kitchen, he didn’t know how to prepare them. Though he could just ask the other to do it for him, learning while watching. But instead of doing that, he wanted to know what the human would prepare.


“So do you usually make something like wild cabbage soup or mushroom pies or is it different here?” He asked eventually, wrapping his arms around the other’s waist loosely, not realizing what he was doing as he was just feeling comfortable at the moment. Licking his lips as he started to get hungry, his face dangerously close to the human. “Or I could just eat you instead…” He commented jokingly, laughing softly as to make sure it wouldn’t be taken seriously.

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He can't harm Ezekiel? Well, he never really thought the other would hurt him intentionally, as was shown previously during their very public argument in the cafeteria. Then again, anyone would have some sense of fear if they saw someone break a fucking table in half with little effort and rage. But Bastran doesn't seems like that kind of person, anyway. Not that he really put thought into what kind of person the demon was. Anyway, bypassing that, at least he knows a bit more about the contract. Though, Ezekiel wonders why the creator of the ritual added such a feature, maybe in case whatever the summoner summoned tried to kill them? Remembering what the prince said, about how he would've killed him if he wasn't seen as worthy, replayed in his head. This was a fucking weird ass contract.


Sighing, Ezekiel opened the fridge, looking inside to see what he could make. Sandwiches might work, but he's been eating them for a couple of days now that if he even sees another sandwich again he'll gag on the spot. Maybe some soup? But what the hell kind of soup should he make? Chicken? That would seem too simple for someone like Bastran and why in the hell is he so fucking concerned about what to cook?! The prince was happy with three plates of tacos so whatever Ezekiel cooks should be just as fine! He bit his lip, glaring at a bottle of sauce in the back, wishing it would explode to distract him from his stupid thoughts.


Ezekiel jumped when he felt warmth behind his back, and a head resting upon his shoulder. What--. Body stiffening, he felt his whole form heat up and his cheeks burn from the close proximity. What the jumping fucking Merlin is the demon doing? Why is he so damn touchy! They already hugged it out awkwardly at the park, what more does the prince want!? Ezekiel's hands were lifted in the air, not knowing what to do at all as he stuttered; "N-N-No one willing eats fucking cabbage soup!" He could do mushroom pie, he thought, trying to distract himself from how close Bastran was. Maybe make some chicken and mushroom pie in-- holy shit fuck! Ezekiel's thoughts were cut short when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist loosely. What..what is this asshole doing! Doing something like this, and so casually!


Looking over at the demon, Ezekiel had a retort on this intimate situation (considering it was so fucking unnecessary) which died on the tip of his tongue a what the prince said. It felt like his heart dropped before soaring up and beating faster and faster. What if the demon did do that; laid him out and devoured him with that smirk of his, or would he let Ezekiel do it? Letting human make the prince into a pliant mess, face red as he lowers and-- why is he fucking thinking this?! "D-D-," as quickly as he could, he pushed Bastran away, leaning back into the fridge for some distance between them. He was practically panting, cursing himself for putting his hat away. Now he couldn't hide the fact that his shitty face was red! "Don't just say that! It's-! I-! Y-you..-"


Growling, because he was being fucking stupid because it's obvious that asshole was joking but who the hell jokes like that, Ezekiel stomped towards the cabinets on the other side of the kitchen, rummaging through them to look for some of the ingredients he'll need. Fucking stupid asshole demon prince saying stupid shit like that and making him have mini heart attacks.

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Bastran blinked in confusion as cabbage soup wasn’t seen as the normal food dish here, tilting his head to the side as he wondered what would be good instead. Honestly, the human world was pretty interesting from the short time he had been here. More so than he thought it would have been. A pleasant surprise. Watching the other lifting his hands up as if he admitted defeat and then suddenly twisting around so his back was against the refrigerator. This human was weird and he didn’t know what the other was thinking which wasn’t as usual, normally he could predict their actions easily but now nothing seemed to be like it. In the underworld this kind of touch wasn’t so unusual, they definitely liked to have skinship because it felt good, even more when they were lonely. Though of course, it only stayed between friends, family and lovers. With strangers it was less.


The boy stuttering obviously as if he had just witnessed something abnormal. Letting his hands droop next to his body as his touch wasn’t welcomed. Chewing on his bottom lip as he tried to figure out this odd society where people tended to avoid each other instead of actually socializing. Perhaps because there were limitations, not having cell phones or anything there but they did have mail birds which were similar to crows but only the skeleton of it remained. They were fast and easy to use. Others could use teleportation, so whenever they wanted to talk to someone they would go to where they thought their friends would be situated.


At the comment of eating Ezekiel, the human didn’t seem to know how to respond, making out some words of the blabbering. Raising an eyebrow as he thought he had understood something. “Oh, so you want to eat me?” He commented with a joking undertone. The bright red cheeks were clearly visible on the human. Rubbing the back of his neck as he decided to let the other calm down for now. “So… We could also make something easy? I’ve heard of fried rice and chicken before from one of my servants who had been called on Earth once.” He said. “She said that it didn’t seem too difficult to make so we could go with that if you have the ingredients.” He suggested, feeling a little hungry since he hadn’t eaten that much before.


Going to the fridge already before hearing the answer, nudging Ezekiel softly out of the way so he could open it. Squatting down in front of it as he let his eyes roam around. Seeing that there was some stuff inside that they could use, he took out the leftovers of chicken and vegetables, putting them on the counter. “I can help cut it. I don’t know how to use this thing though.” He said as he pointed towards the more advanced equipment in the kitchen.

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So rummaging through cabinets to try and pretend what just happened didn't mean anything wasn't the smartest idea he's had. He can feel the phantom touch on his waist and shoulder seeming to want to imprint themselves forever which is so fucking stupid. Does the demon just not know that touches like that isn't normal between strangers? Hell, it's not even normal for Ezekiel, he's not a fucking touchy person whatsoever. Though, he didn't really mind in the park, when they were basically spilling their guts out. Something he's actively trying to erase from his memory already. Then again, Bastran was the one who kind of forced the hug onto him. Crawling towards him and straddling his waist as he pushed him onto the ground-- "Fuck!" Ezekiel yelped, while he was thinking about that damn hug, he wasn't paying attention to what he was doing and knocked a bottle of soy sauce onto his face.


Clutching his nose, god he fucking wishes it wasn't bleeding, he glared down at the bottle which rolled away happily. That evil plastic waste of space. Fucking piece of shit, rubbing at his nose, he bent over and picked the bottle up and yet he nearly dropped it at what the demon said. Fumbling with the item before getting a better hold on it, the blush coming back full force. "Damn it, Bastran," he growled, trying to glare at the demon without letting his mind wander off with that one simple phrase that shouldn't feel so sexual. And yet here he was, taking it some innuendo and actually thinking that the demon prince means what he says as he wonders how said demon would be in that kind of situation and shut full fuck up brain.


Ezekiel watched the demon gather up the ingredients as he talked; it could just be him, but he seems nervous? No, no, it's just him because most of the blood flow was still in his fucking cheeks and now migrating to his nose. He flinched a bit when he was nudged out of the way. He had a servant that went to Earth? They, kind of sound close. (God, what is wrong with him. )Sighing, he silently gathered the pan from a lower cabinet and set it on the stove. Turning the knob so the burner underneath will heat up the pan at low heat. As he grabbed the butter, going to the utensil drawer and getting the knife, he started to speak softly but loud enough for Bastran to hear: "Look, I," he paused as he cut a small square of the butter, letting it drop into the pan with a sizzle. "Touching is really a thing that's not that normal here."


He's only doing this because he can't take it anymore. Even if they know how to officially break the contract without death, Ezekiel knows that it won't happen. But Bastran was just, being himself he guesses. It's not like they're be anything more than acquaintances, so he has to at least let the demon know about the customs here. (He hates how that makes his chest constrict painfully) Grabbing an egg, he cracks it into the skillet, whisking it with the knife before letting it settle there. "Not all humans," himself. "Are really touchy, so it's better to ask. I'm not...really use to it. So," he trailed off, staring at the egg as it cooked in the pan. This is so fucking stupid but he can't take the stupid touches that gives him fucking bullshit blushes and a pounding heart. "Sorry if I pushed you." He muttered finally, finally, looking over at the prince. Trying to convey that he was being honest (half honest) about this but he didn't hate the demon. (He just loathes what his actions does to him) "So, yeah, not normal for me, Princey"

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Watching the other whisk the egg and switching on the stove, taking in every detail that was happening even if it might have seemed like the most normal thing for a human. The underworld was still pretty traditional when it came to these things. They had a stove but nothing as advanced to this. Using wood to start a fire and a pot to cook in or a small space where it could bake. They never really felt to upgrade their techniques as they worked perfectly fine. Even the servants who worked there never mentioned anything about it, not even at the occasional ‘meeting’ they held once in a while. Asking for other things instead which were more necessary. Some asking for a raise in pay, others wanting some more free days to spend with their families. They were all reasonable requests and most of the time were granted.


Watching Ezekiel punch himself with a bottle followed by a small burst of anger both from that and his comment. However when the other started to talk more seriously, he unconsciously started to listen better. Hearing about the no-touching non-existent rule that people had, he wondered how that even came to be. It was seriously sad that humans couldn’t appreciate the touch of someone which could seriously feel good at shitty times. Though when he was here, he might need to hold back a bit so he wouldn’t fall out of tone.


Taking the vegetables and a knife, he easily cut through at a rather high speed, all in bite-size. Letting him think about it a bit more about what Ezekiel said. Was it really like that or did the male just dislike his touch in general. Honestly everything was so confusing so he decided to just ask instead. “So you really hate me touching you that bad?” He asked, focusing on the vegetables that he was cutting at the moment. Almost all was cut without giving it a second thought before turning back to Ezekiel, placing the knife onto the cutting board after having thrown the ingredients into a bowl he found in one of the cabins.


Having another idea to cure the awkwardness of Ezekiel when it came to touching people. “Why don’t you try hugging me? You might get used to it eventually.” He said, spreading his arms a bit, waiting for the other to make the decision to go to him or not. He wasn’t going to be angry if his suggestion was rejected. “I’m pretty warm for a demon.” He commented with a chuckle. Slightly hoping that the summoner would actually pull him into a hug, though it was just his wishful thinking here. The human was probably still too anxious to do this. The guy wasn’t to blame as it was a random request. They only got to know each other for a few hours too.

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When the egg was fully cooked, Ezekiel took out a ceramic blue bowl and set it on the counter near the stove. Grabbing the knife, he easily scraps the egg from the pan and into the bowl. God, it really has been a long time since he really cooked, now that he thinks about. He's been surviving on cereal, sandwiches and soda for so long now, that cooking with Bastran, kind of reminded him when he would cook with mom. They would dance around and sing together in the kitchen while he would try to help his mom out as much as he could at nine years old. Then again, them cooking together, while it was a time he cherished as a kid, was very few. So doing this again, with the prince, was a bit odd. It felt domestic, in a way. Shredding the fried egg with the knife into little pieces, Ezekiel set the bowl aside and went through he cabinets to look for some cooking oil. Yet, welcomed.


He glanced at the demon; he wonders just how long it would last. Opening the cap of the bottle, he poured a bit of the cooking oil into the skillet, making sure it wasn't too much that it filled it yet enough to cover it. Wait, he thinks-. Ezekiel looked at Bastran, confused; why the hell does this idiot think he hates touching him? Well he did push him, then told him not to touch him. He also doesn't really do much to let the other know he doesn't necessarily hate him touching him. Okay, he can kind of see why he asked. It's less out of hate though, and more out of he's not fucking use to it.


Ezekiel scoffed, looking away as he screwed the cap back on and set the oil aside, trying to act nonchalant about the turn in conversation. Fidgeting with his hands, he tries to think about how to say this without revealing too much; "I don't," he paused. Fucking hell. "I don't like when anyone touches me." Which is not entirely a lie, since he's not close to almost anyone. So strangers touching him is going to fucking bother him, but the way the demon does it--. Fuck, what? Ezekiel turns sharply at the demon; he wants him to practice hugging on him? That's..that shouldn't be fucking cute. Why in the shitty hell was that cute to him? Why is this demon doing this to him?


Flustered, he didn't know what to say; he wanted to both yell at the asshole for saying that and pinch his cheeks for being so damn adorable and he hates this. Opening and closing his mouth, Ezekiel ran his fingers through his hair. Would it be so bad to hug the demon? It's not like the hug before, or what the prince did earlier. But it's still touching, and he told him no more touching but that stupid fucking cute demon took it another way and was even trying to help! Praying to Merlin cursing him all the same, Ezekiel bit his lip and took a few steps towards Bastran. Stopping while there was just a foot apart from each other. How the hell should he hug him? Is it really okay? Why is he over thinking this just hug him already.


Abruptly, he wrapped his arms around the demon's waist and pulled him into a hug. Hiding his face in the other's shoulder as he squeezes his eyes shut. Ah, the demon really is warm. It was a little nice, comforting. Sighing, Ezekiel's body relaxed a little, his hold on the prince tightening just a bit. Fuck, he might just want to stay like this.

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So he wasn’t the only one who was avoided to touch, it was everybody. Not knowing how it could even come to that, he didn’t want to ask through about it since it was the human’s right to keep it to himself. Even Bastran had things he didn’t want to talk about with anyone, some he didn’t even tell his family and just kept it to himself. It was a tricky situation but he made sure to never say anything about those subjects, avoiding them skilfully so they would go on to something else. Most of the time it worked, though other times he would just leave the room when they got too pushy about it, pissing him off completely. Honestly, his siblings were too curious for their own good, wanting to know every little thing that caught their eyes. Even the human world has piqued their interest despite having much knowledge about it. One would call it… adventurous?


Noticing Ezekiel hesitate when he suggested the hug, having wanted to lower his arms but suddenly the other started to move so he stayed in the same position as if he was trying to lure a weak animal with treats. Eventually, the human’s arms were wrapped around him, placed steadily on his waist which felt pretty nice. Not having felt this before, it was different than it was with the demons in his own world. How odd. Perhaps it was because of the different mana flow on Earth but that was high unlikely as it had nothing to do with that. Maybe because he was in a weaker state that he felt things differently? Was it that? He hoped it was or otherwise he would have no clue as to what this sensation was.


Wrapping his arms around the other loosely as he felt the grip tightening, having a fuzzy feeling inside of him. Comfortable, at ease. Dark eyes lowering themselves as he leaned into the human, wanting to be even closer even though that was impossible to do. Being let in, even if it was the slightest bit, by Ezekiel was nice. He couldn’t really describe it with words but he wanted to experience more with this human. See more in this world and witness things both bad and good, even the crying face of the other despite it having a high chance of being a mess. Wanting to tease and listen to the complaints, he wanted everything which was a scary thing. His greed starting to surface.


Ruffling through the male’s hair with a heart-warming smile on his lips. “Good boy.” He said cheerfully as he got what he wanted. Hearing his stomach rumble as if it was thundering outside. “Ah… Guess I’m hungry after all.” He stated with a grin, reluctantly letting go of the other, losing the warmth that he had with him. An empty feeling. Cutting the last bit of vegetables and giving the bowl to Ezekiel once everything was done. Watching the other prepare the food with the best of interest and fascination.


The smell surrounded the room within seconds once the aromas started to mix together. His slim tail started to swish left and right as his nose was being satisfied already. It popped out at random times, being able to retreat it easily once he took notice of it but this time he didn’t bother doing so. “Is it done?” He asked the moment it looked good in his eyes. A lot of colour was being used in it which made it that more appetizing.

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Ezekiel wasn't sure what he was expecting from this hug, but he had no suspicion that it would feel so nice. Well, nice wasn't exactly the right word for it that he could use. It was like something that he didn't know was missing for so long that just came to his realization. Making him feel warm, complete, like he was actually alive. He should hate this, how the demon for abruptly thrusting this feeling onto him without him fucking asking. Yet he's stubbornly unwilling to let it go, no matter how much his pride screams at the idea of being so exposed like this in front of anyone. The feeling seeming amplified with the demon. It felt like every single thing that bothered him, that stayed a constant reminder in the back of the deepest part of his mind, seemed meaningless now.


Ah, he wonders what this feeling is. This is the only fucking time he'll indulge it, would even acknowledge that it's a feeling. His heart was skipping, unlike the pounding from earlier and the leaps it did when Bastran first kissed him. With each skip it made it filled Ezekiel with a feeling of floating and a hum of warmth. Feeling the prince hug him back, his body relaxed further, leaning more into the demon to selfishly take as much as he could in this moment. Damn it, this wasn't what he wanted. Didn't want this at all, didn't want to suddenly get attached to the demon when it's just an accidental contract. Then again, the prince seems so willing to help him break it. So willing for his sake. However, that fucking small useless voice he tries to ignore wants the other to stay selfishly. Even if it means not being able to become so close to the other.


And, he's so far gone with this hug, Ezekiel is willing to entertain the idea. Feeling Bastran ruffle his hair, he let out a low noise of protest, tightening his hold at the extra physical display of affection. (He fucking hates how he secretly hopes that it was out of affection.) He blushed, a dust of pink painting the skin of his cheeks; fuck this demon and his stupid smooth talking. Flustered, Ezekiel leaned into the demon's neck muttering out; "Shut up." Ah-he inhaled; the demon smells nice. God it seems like everything is nice today. Though, he half expected the demon to smell like ash or something equally stereotypical for a demon. His scent reminded him more of a campfire during the summer and cinnamon.


Abruptly, the demon's stomach rumbled, breaking him from his trance of greedily breathing in the other's scent and nuzzling into the skin of his neck. Fucking shit. Ezekiel let go at the same time the demon did, feeling embarrassed at what the fuck he just did. How could he suddenly become so fucking needy? It was just a hug. The demon was just trying to be nice! Refusing to fully look a the demon, he took the bowl from Bastran hands and continued cooking. Merlin, what was going on between them?


Ezekiel wasn't sure if it was a good thing that the stir fry was a fast and easy thing to make, or bad thing. All while he was cooking, staying silent, his mind was racing with all the thoughts that came to light during that hug. Hell, he didn't even know he felt like that! He thought it was more simple than that, but that fuck, that stupid fucking hug, made obvious what he really felt. What he really wanted. And he's never felt more scared in his life. Grabbing two plates, he set them on the counter before turning the stove off.The smell of the food filling his lungs, even luring out Albus who went off god knows where. The cat staring deeply at him and mentally begging him for some of what they were going to eat. Fatass.


Ezekiel looked over at Bastran, his heart jumping at being asked a question and--. What is that. His eyes narrowed in on the slim tail wagging back and forth behind the demon. Since when did the demon have that, and why was the gesture kind of cute. Ezekiel had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling at the expressive tail. God fucking shitty ass feelings! Looking away, he took out a serving spoon and began to pile both their plates up. "Yeah, it's ready." Grabbing two forks, he set one on each plate and handed them both to the prince. "Take the plates to the living room, Princy," he nodded towards the cat who was now sitting in the middle of the kitchen staring. "I got to feed this fat bastard real quick before he decides to forcefully take our food."


He wasn't exaggerating, that fat ball of fur actually jumped on him to try and take his sandwich away. He might be a bad influence.

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Touching the place on his neck where he felt the breath of Ezekiel before, the warmth still lingering, a tingling sensation that didn’t seem to go away for now. He should just focus on something else and he would forget about it. At least he hoped so. Fingertips ghosting over his own skin before snapping out of this little trance as he heard the mewing of the cat that was way too fat for its size. It was pretty incredible for it to have become this big so one way he really praised it for having made it this far with laziness and food. He wouldn’t be able to do it as he wasn’t really one to sit still and do nothing all day unlike this animal who didn’t seem like the energetic kind. Well, he was grateful since the cat probably wouldn’t bother attacking him.


Yet he kept at a safe distance from the pet as he didn’t feel like getting scratched today and not being able to do anything since the owner was the summoner. Otherwise, he would’ve thrown it out of the window. It would’ve survived, high likely shocked but that was about it. A flying cat. The thought was pretty amusing in itself as he could already imagine it. If only he could do it once without anyone seeing it but him, it would’ve made his day complete. It didn’t necessarily had to be him doing it, just a random stranger would do as well.


When he got the confirmation that the food was ready, he grinned widely as he could now finally taste the food of the human world which was different from his own. Taking on the plates and cutlery, nodding as he got the instructions of his contractor. Passing by the cat with ease as it was more focused on the food than on him. If the plates had food on them, it would’ve been a completely different story. Hell, his siblings would laugh themselves to death if they would hear that he got attacked by another cat on Earth.


“I’d say put him on a diet but I don’t want to feel his wrath so I won’t meddle.” He commented, receiving a glare from the animal as if it knew what he was talking about. Creepy. Shrugging it off as he didn’t want to get into a catfight, literally and made his way to the living room as instructed. Putting them on the coffee table in front of the sofa, plopping down on the spot where he sat before when he entered the house. It was quite comfortable, being able to squeeze more than two people in it if they wouldn’t hog a majority of it.


Leaning back to see what was going on in the kitchen, only to see Albus eating happily of the food that got plated for him. He really looked happy from behind, stuffing his face full with the delicious rice that had been prepared. Well, if it tasted as good as it smelled it was only normal to want some of it too.


Blinking as he realized his tail was out. Letting it twirl around his arm as he waited for the food to come out. Keeping himself busy with the small stuff such as looking around the interior of this room which was simple but nice. It didn’t need much to seem cosy, here and there some decoration but besides that it was clean so he didn’t need to complain about anything. He disliked it the most when a house was messy as he felt like cleaning up immediately like some freeloading maid. For a prince that was something he didn’t necessarily want to become here.

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This gives him some time to really think about what just happened. Hell, to be honest, Ezekiel rather not remember all that went through his head. But if he doesn't think about it right at this moment, he's afraid something might happen that would be bad for both of them. Stiffly, he began to give Albus some food, while the cat seemed more interested at satring at him.


Ezekiel always wondered if the fatass could actually understand him, until he finds Albus trying to raid the fridge one too many times. Also, it wouldn't make any fucking sense since it's just an overweight cat. That animal only understands laziness. Ezekiel let out a huff of a laugh; "I tried once and trust me, his wrath isn't something to fuck with."


No really, that fucker tore almost everything up in his house because that greedy asshole couldn't get any soft food or human food. The fight lasted a whole two days before the damage led to his room. Then Ezekiel had to give in to the cat's demand. He glared down at the cat, who was currently stuffing its whole face into the bowl. It's disgusting.


Now, where was he? Oh yeah, what the actaully hell was he thinking while hugging the demon? Wanting the prince to stay? And for what? They wouldn't be close, would always have some wedge between them just so Ezekiel can keep the demon here longer. It was selfish, selfish and so fucking stupid! Bastran has other things to do. For example; all the responsibilities that came with being the son of Hades. That shouldn't be less important because of his stupid fucking loneliness. But then, the had to be close, become closer, just so the demon could go back to his world. He felt his heart tighten harshly. Damn it, but it's for the best.


With newfound heaviness, Ezekiel gathered the skillet with the food and brought it to the living room. The smell curling around the air and reminding him of his hunger. He began to pile both his own and the demon's own before. "Eat up, Princey," he muttered before taking the now empty pan and setting it in the sink.


This is getting out of hand, he needs to just ignore all this shit and help this demon get back. And Ezekiel kept telling himself that, repeating it in various sentences. Until, when he comes back to the living room and sees the demon sitting so comfortably, tail wrapped around his own arm, and he knew right then that he won't last long.


Sighing, Ezekiel sat down on the floor in front of the couch. Not trusting himself to sit next to the demon and Merlin, how long can he live like this? Grabbing his plate, he began eating. The taste lost to him as his mind rushed about.

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Licking his lips as the food got carried over to the living room, covering his stomach with one hand to lessen the noise that it was making but to no use. Honestly, why was he even getting this hungry in the first place? Was it because it smelled good or was it because Earth was giving him some side-effects? It was strange but he didn’t mind as he got fed by his new summoner who seemed to know what he was doing in the kitchen. Bastran had only helped the chefs out before by doing the smaller tasks, watching them do the actual preparation. It was a good way to pass time and it was interesting to see it happen. A sort of magic in its own as not everybody could make it smell and look so good.


Watching Ezekiel put the rice on the plates, however he waited for the other to come back before taking up his spoon. Once the other sat down, on the ground of all places, he took his food and cutlery towards him, taking a bite from it which made him melt at the taste. It was a simple dish yet it was really tasty. It was fascinating how this could even suit his taste as mostly only the finest dishes could satisfy him.


The more he chewed on it though, the more nostalgic he got about something but he couldn’t place his finger where. It wasn’t home in the palace, it was different. Commoners food from demon civilians. It wasn’t from any of the servants working in the palace either. Taking another bite, enjoying the taste fully. The oddest thing about this was that he hadn’t lived nor eaten at a commoner’s restaurant, café or house. Mostly he was taken to those who had power and wealth, meaning that it was always expensive and prepared in detail.


Then it hit him. His biological mother, called Traglith, had made simple dishes like these whenever she had the time. She wasn’t wealthy nor powerful, just a common demon working in a popular café near the palace. He had only seen her a couple of times, and every time she would make something good without bothering to make it like that suited for royalty. It was heart-warming and it was the most comforting kind of food he ate. But because she wasn’t marry to his father, she wasn’t allowed to set foot in the castle, nor was she approved of to be his wife. Having thrown her away once Bastran was at a good age and married someone else to his standard: Lilith. Or the royal cunt as he called her.


His tail wrapped itself around his torso as if he was trying to comfort himself. “It’s good.” He said as he looked down at the plate that was already half finished. It filled his stomach up well unlike those tacos. It wasn’t well shown but there was a glance of sadness in his eyes, covered mostly by his hair by the way he was sitting but still barely visible. It only took a short moment before he returned back to normal, smiling gently towards the human as if nothing happened. “You’d make a fine wife.” He joked.


“But besides that, why are you sitting there while there’s room enough on the sofa?” He asked out of confusion. It would be way more comfortable to sit on something soft than on the hard ground. At least to him it was. Taking some more of the rice before swallowing it all down, putting the empty plate on the coffee table. “Or are you afraid that I might actually arouse you?” He asked in a low and teasing voice, provoking the other to get some kind of reaction out of the human.

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The taste of the vegetables and meat together could've been better, then again, Ezekiel hasn't cooked in a few years. Actually, he stopped cooking his first year in middle school. When his mom's business trips started getting longer and longer. The next spoonful he took was tasteless. Chewing, he took a peak at the demon, who was also eating in silence. His tail wrapped around his torso. Ezekiel looked back at his food, shuffling the food about with his spoon. This is going to be the death of him; how the fuck is he going to function without his heart jumping about and his mind racing with "he's really cute" and "I don't want him to leave" ?


Bastran was the only one besides his mother who put up his bullshit. Who took his outbursts in stride, even called him out on his shit. Which shouldn't be fucking endearing. God, he wonders what his mom would say? She'd probably encourage him to speak his mind while scolding him on how he even got the demon. However, she hasn't been here for a couple of months now, and, that would've been how the old her would've acted. And, he already knew how his father would act. The thought made a shudder go down his spine amd he returned to eating the rest of the rice.


Hearing the compliment from the prince had Ezekiel sit up straighter with pride, before he tried covering it with a scoff; "It's just food." Damn this shitty demon prince and his compliments. He could feel joy bloom within his chest, which he desperately tried squishing down. Reminding himself that the fucking demon is leaving soon anyway so don't get any bright ideas, heart. Though the organ still stubbornly skipped a beat and made warmth coil inside of his chest.


"Like anyone would marry me," Ezekiel grumbled, a bit of heat entering his voice without his consent. Him? Married? Please, him being a hermit with a few cats was a more likely future than that. His stupid fucking mind provided an image of him in a white suit walking down the aisle. Veil and a bundle of flowers in hand, the whole nine yards.


(He nearly thought about what the demon would look like in a black suit before mentally pimp slapping himself.)


Shit. Bastran was actually questioning his choice. "It's comfortable down here." Bullshit, the floor was so hard he could feel it putting a dent in his ass. But he's not willing to tell the demon prince why he chose to sit on the hard floor instead of next to something he shouldn't want. Yeah, that conversation would go over swimmingly. As he took the last bite of his food, just wrapping his lips around the utensil, Ezekiel chocked as he sharply inhaled the rice at Bastran's last question.


Coughing, he slammed the spoon down, hitting his own chest to calm down the coughing fit. His face turning red from two different reasons. Did, did the asshole know?! How does he fucking know? When the coughing was subsiding, Ezekiel looked up at the prince with a swirl of shock, embarrassment, and guilt. Merlin, even if the demon acted like that, he had no right to think those things about him! And since the prince knows that, what else does he know?


Face turning brighter, Ezekiel scrambled up onto his feet and dashed towards the stairs. No, no he doesn't want to think that. He can't know, he can't know he has a stupid little crush-.




"I-I'm going to go take a shower!" He shouted over his shoulder, tripping a bit on his way to and up the stairs.

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Thinking that Ezekiel was a bit cute for not taking compliments well, just a tiny bit, it made him expect more of the other. Even to the point of wanting to embarrass the human in front of the people in his school. Blame it on his sadistic side which came with him being a demon, it was in his nature to still be somewhat evil, like it or not. Honestly, this guy was so easy to tease, it was almost too easy which made him a bit worried. What if people took advantage of that before? He certainly hoped that it wasn’t the case since he wanted to be the only one to see this side of the human.


… Wait. Why did he even want to be the only one? It wasn’t like they were together or anything, they just met today, plus they were in a contract so they were being forced to hang around each other. So why didn’t he just go out and explore some stuff instead of sitting here at this house without anything to do. Well, they could do something… No, no. Let’s not go there now. Slapping himself mentally to get his act straight. This wasn’t the time to get horny all of a sudden.


Being in the safe zone, he managed to get his head straight again and went back to the usual teasing. He didn’t know however that he was right about the arousing part he had joked about, did this guy actually have a thing for him? How? Ezekiel didn’t look the part at all and just blurted whatever popped up inside of his head, no matter what the consequences were as seen as before. Scolding to cover up his true feeling like a true ‘tsundere’. Well, that had his positives too as it was funny to see.


Watching the other go through his coughing fit, waiting patiently for what was to come and his expectations were reached. The shocked expression on the male’s face was completely worth it. Grinning mischievously as he watched the other’s actions, not saying much afterwards as he might have said a bit too much this time. Too provoking or was he just that innocent? He must have jerked off before otherwise it would be way too weird. Making him curious.


Without a second thought, he followed behind the other once Ezekiel mentioned the shower part. Wanting to tease more, see more, hear more, feel more. He lost a bit of his rationality as he was solely focused on Ezekiel. Giving the other a back hug, placing his hands on the male’s hips. “Say~ Have you ever jerked yourself off before? How do you do it? Do you imagine something or do you watch magazines or videos?” He asked in a sweet voice, letting his hands slide down, stopping on the human’s thighs, squeezing the inner parts lightly.


Ah, what am I even doing? He thought to himself but he couldn’t get himself to stop as he was captured by the other, a human of all things. A weak being with greed and complicated feelings that a demon didn’t have any knowledge of. Even more, a young person who hadn’t gone through a lot in his life, still having to go through many years. Yet here he was, completely intrigued, trapped with the charm of Ezekiel. A brat that couldn’t do anything else but to swear and get embarrassed about a lot of things.

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Ezekiel couldn't believe this was happening; this fucking demon knows about his stupid fucking little crush and now he has to go drown himself in the shower. Actually, that wasn't that bad of a plan. That would end the contract, the demon would leave, and fuck Albus would be here by himself. He doubts Bastran would take the cat, considering the furball's hatred towards the prince. So that ideal planning was flawed, now what? He continued trying to run up the stairs as fast as he could disregarding the fact that he doesn't run for shit.


How is going to face the demon prince after this? Easy, he's not; he's going to stay locked up in the bathroom and never come back out until his mom came back. So that would be about a fucking year. Just as Ezekiel took another step, he felt a pair of hands held onto his hips, making him freeze in place because what in the hell is this prince doing? Why does he keep touching him! Ezekiel felt a jolt of a shudder, run down his spine at the questions Bastran was throwing at him. The blush reaching up to the tips of his ears and down his throat. Why is this asshole asking him that! He doesn't think of much when he does touch himself, which is fucking few as it is since more of a stress relief and why in the Merlin's ass is he thinking about this?!


"D-Don't just fucking ask me that shit!" Ezekiel would forever deny any accusations that he squeaked that out. Nope, he totally yelled that filled with anger. He in no way curled into himself at how sweet that voice sounded, nor did he think of how it would sound in very explicit scenarios involving the both of them. (Horizontal, in a variety of positions.) He'll deny it all the way to his fucking grave, and with how the demon was making him nearly explode, it's fucking soon. "Just fucking let- Ah!" Ezekiel let out an gasping moan when Bastran ever so lightly squeezed his inner thighs. He could feel himself twitch in his jeans from the simple touch, heat spreading in his lower abdomen. His eyes widened; did he just fucking let out a moan!? Since when were his inner thighs so sensitive!?


Grabbing the other's hands off of his thighs, Ezekiel flopped and caught himself on the stairs, turning onto his back and trying to cover just how much of a fucking virgin he was with his hands. Closing his legs as extra security. (God, please just trike him down. Just...Just end it all right now.) He didn't know what to say, his body was still shaking and he doesn't know if the demon was going to follow him if he tried to run. Again. This is fucking bullshit. His face felt permanently flushed. his breathing a bit more heavy as his imagination took that small instance of touching and ran with it. Why, why the hell did that prince bastard do that?


Why would he just touch him like that?! Didn't he just tell him about the whole no fucking touching or Ezekiel will die in the kitchen? No, that's not the most important thing right now. The more important matter was the fact that the prince knew how he felt. And was still doing this! Was-... was the demon mocking him? That, that makes sense. The demon wasn't okay with this, they only talked for a day. He was just mocking the fucking lonely human for fun, for entertainment. Squeezing his eyes shut, he turned his gaze away from Bastran. The demon would actually do that, he's just teasing how fucking weak he was being. He hates him, he really fucking hates him. (He hates how he only hates the thought that the demon could be doing this to tease him and not that actual prince)


"Don't fucking mock me," Ezekiel growled, wanting nothing more than to run but his body was being a piece of shit! He's now trapped on the fucking stairs hiding a half chub with a very touchy demon. Great. Awesome. He's running away.

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When the other started twitching just by a simple squeeze of the thighs, his eyes widened as he didn’t think the other would react like this. But then again, seeing that the guy was still a virgin and not used to being touched like this it wouldn’t be that surprising. The biggest shock was how Ezekiel moaned by his actions. Shuddering as he heard the voice. Honestly this guy could be really cute when he was like this, if only he stayed this way, it would be so much better. But it might cause for a lot of tension, sexual mainly as Bastran wasn’t used to arousing someone this easily. He didn’t even put the effort into it either, he was just teasing… right? Right?!


Calm down here, you fucking idiot. You shouldn’t just go fucking make your summoner hard here, you just met the guy. But he’s kind off cute when he acts like that. No, no. Get your shit straight. You can’t molest a human virgin without feeling the slightest bit of guilt. Then again, he might need some experience for… Ah for fuck sake. His thoughts were a complete mess as he was conflicted about what to do now. Should he go in or not? In the underworld it was so different. If they felt like it, they would just do it and that was about it. No strings attached but this time it was different. He wanted to monopolize the male in a way. Monopolize? Holy shit, he started to sound like a maiden in love here.


The moment Ezekiel turned around and showed his completely flushed face, being embarrassed about the whole situation. His eyes becoming more intense as he didn’t want to miss any expression that Ezekiel was showing right now. Watching them carefully as if it were a movie that he could never see again. Licking his lips as he stood there momentarily, not knowing what to do since he had never been in this situation before. How could someone even react so fucking cute with just that? Ezekiel wasn’t even a girl to begin with.


However when he heard what the other said next while his legs were pressed close, hands covering the light bulge in his pants, his body started to move on its own. Going closer to the other, supporting himself on his knee and hand. Head only a few inches away from the other, his ruby red eyes staring into Ezekiel’s, noticing the long eyelashes the other had. They were pretty, beautiful. “I’m not mocking you.” He said lowly into the other’s ear, blowing on Ezekiel’s neck lightly. “Also, you might want to take care of that.” He commented teasingly again. “Or do you want me to help you out?”


Having a light grip on the other’s chin, practically forcing the other to look at him, though since his grip wasn’t too tight, Ezekiel could still escape from him easily.

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Shame was beginning to flood his heated blood, and Ezekiel just wanted to disappear. God, he's never been more happy about the fact that is mom was always away. He would actually die if she was here to witness this. He bit his lip, trying to seem invisible even though that is very fucking stupid. But hey, can't blame him for trying to ignore all of this right now. He's never been touched by another person that wasn't light hugs and simple head pats from his mother. The furthest he's gotten with a crush was hand holding and he was fucking nine damn it. And even that didn't last long for a multitude of reasons that he really doesn't want to recall at this moment.


And yet, Ezekiel doesn't really have a say in it; flashes of a kid the same age as him smiling so brightly, laughing, reaching a hand out towards him when no one else would. Fucking hell why is he remembering that! It was years ago, nearly a fucking decade and he did so well on not recalling it until this very instant. Maybe it was because Bastran sort of reminded him of the kid; pushy, seemingly okay with all of his outbursts, though it was less ones of rage during that time. Though, they were so different, the demon was more insistent than anything.


Ezekiel jumped, memories of a lost past disappearing when the demon hovered over him. Instinctively, he put his hands up on the other's shoulders with nearly every intent on pushing him away. Though, he couldn't find the strength to. Wait, the demon wasn't mocking him? He shook at the warm air blown onto the skin of his neck, turning his head further away as his heart seems to melt from the small gesture. Why? Why wasn't he mocking him? Why is the demon okay with this? There has to be some logical reasoning for this bullshit that he's going through. Is it because he's the summoner? Is that it? Ezekiel didn't know how to answer to the continued teasing, swallowing the dryness in his throat and trying to reason with the thrumming arousal in his lower abdomen.


Fucking- did Bastran just offer to help? Eyes widening, Ezekiel was forced, though gently, to look at the prince. The air leaving his lungs abruptly. He doesn't understand. He doesn't fucking understand. Why is this demon doing this to him? He wishes he died trying to summon him. Or that he never found that book. (Even if he got s second chance, Ezekiel knows he would've still went to get the book because he's pathetic) To be honest, what did he have left to lose? The demon already knew how he felt, he wasn't sure if he was even telling the truth that he wasn't mocking him, and Ezekiel can only take so much shame and embarrassment in one day. With resigned reluctance and a sliver of bravado, he whispered out; "I do..,"


Ezekiel cleared his throat before speaking more clearly. "I do. But," He shook his head, looking away once again and pushing Bastran away. "You don't want to, so that's fine or whatever. You shouldn't force yourself just because I'm your fucking summoner with a stupid little--," He bit his bottom lip from saying too much, retreating backwards up the stairs and refusing to look at the prince. He fears that if he does, the demon would know what he was going to say. What he meant, would see everything that was going on in his head.


"I...I'll just...," Run. He needs to run. He needs to hide. He doesn't want the demon seeing him like this, doesn't want to see a mockingly smug look on the other's face that Ezekiel just knows will be there. God, he really should've just summoned wind.

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The reason why he was doing this was still unknown for Bastran. Tangled between thorns that resemble his sins, he couldn’t just freely do whatever he pleased. Hence why the bond stopped him from hurting the summoner as it would’ve been too easy to solve. His sins were varied as he manipulated people to get what he wanted or achieve something, playing around with people while not taking them seriously, killing those who he got into pointless combats with, etc. There were too many to sum up but these three were the main sins he had as he had done them quite a few times already. He couldn’t deny it, he couldn’t run from it.


Therefore it was quite the change when he came to Earth as people didn’t necessarily have a big status, most of them were commoners, being able to live their lives the way they wanted to. They could love each other without being scolded, they could say what they wanted without the fear of people getting seriously angry, they could just do anything as long as it was within the rules of each country they lived in. It was nice to see and he was slightly jealous about it as well since the Underworld wasn’t a peaceful place like here. If only he could just stay here and not go back, but that was a wild fantasy he had there. He would need to return one day, if he wanted to or not. That was how it went.


Snapping back to where he was, he realized what he was doing which wasn’t the nicest to the human. The kid was probably terrified about what was going on right now and Bastran just made it worse with acting like the way he did. He even told himself not to do it, vaguely but still. Seeing the denial in Ezekiel’s eyes, he slowly pulled away from the other once he was being pushed. It made his head hurt as he didn’t know how to act around the other. Where the limits were and what he was allowed to do. What were the humans favourites? What did the guy hate? All questions that he didn’t have the answer to which was frustrating. The responses he received from the other didn’t help as it only confused him more.


When he heard that the human thought that he was forcing himself to get close, he was taken aback as he couldn’t believe what he heard right then and there. Yes, he did fool around with others but only if he liked them, not even a contract could change that. It seemed like he wasn’t convincing the other though, only making Ezekiel more cautious and scared than necessary. “Got it. I won’t touch you anymore.” He responded with a smile that lightly hinted towards sadness. Standing up so the other had room to move. “I’ll be around here, just yell my name when you need me.” He said before turning around and walking into the living room.


Putting on his shoes before opening and closing the front door behind him. He wasn’t particularly angry nor sad about this, he just felt like he had to give the human some space so he would need to hold himself back with the touching and everything. It wasn’t going to be easy but he’d try his best. That was what he said to himself.


Taking a deep breath before jumping up and landing on top of the roof of this house. It felt better to be outside than between four walls. He always felt like this, well maybe most of the time. Taking in the fresh air, without the screams of newcomers to Hell, making him feel way more relaxed than he used to be. Laying down comfortably on the highest point, letting his eyes look up to the night evening sky. It started to become a darker colour with here and there some stars that could be seen, even by a human. The clouds started to become bigger, decorating it gracefully. Into the distance, the sun was going under, giving an orange-like glow.

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Ezekiel didn't know what to say, how to lie about this. Deep down, he wished the demon could see right through what he was saying. Could know exactly what he meant so he didn't have to say it himself. It's stupid for him to even think this, pathetic actually. He hates how there was so much more he wanted to say, and yet he fucking refuses to. He doesn't know how to even explain why he doesn't want to be touched because he's never had to! He's never had this problem of someone so willing to be this close in his space, which, now that he admits that, sounds fucking sad considering he's eighteen.


What? Ezekiel looked up at the demon when he backed off, a simply small smile on his face as he gave him room. Did, the demon just give him room? Did he actually want to touch him? No, no that's not what he wanted. He's okay with the touching. The very thought of not having that hug causing something nauseating burst inside of his chest. And yet, he clenched his teeth from spilling it all out. Keeping his body still as he internally screamed that Bastran was wrong. That he was okay if the prince was okay with it. But Ezekiel still kept it all inside. Watching as the demon turned and left, the sound of the front door opening and closing deafening to his own ears.


He sat there, a shaky exhale leaving his mouth as he looked down. His eyes started to burn and no, no he wasn't going to cry. Who the hell cries over this? This was what he wanted, he wanted the other to stop feeding that infuriating part of himself. To give him space and stop getting his hopes up. And it's for the best. However, why did he feel like shit? Feel like reaching out and spilling out everything he kept inside away from Bastran. Gingerly, Ezekiel stood up, running trembling fingers through his hair. It's better this way, this is what he wanted. Blinking away the unnecessary tears, he turned on the stairs, taking a couple of steps up.


"Meow?" Ezekiel stopped and looked over his shoulder to see Albus sitting at the foot of the stairs. Staring up at him as if asking if he was okay. God, even the cat knows he's a mess. He sighed; "Come one, fatass. Bedtime." The cat sat there for a few more seconds before trotting up the stairs and past him, only stopping at the top of the stairs and meowing down at him. Honestly this cat was too observant for his own good. Shaking his head, Ezekiel head up and into the bathroom. Unbuttoning his shirt and letting it fall to the floor. He needs to clear his head, to get himself under control. Ezekiel turned towards the mirror and paused. Eyes fixated on the skin of his chest.


There, on his right pectoral, was a symbol branded into his skin. Made up of runes that he could barely decipher. He does, however, know of their purpose; to keep his magic in check. The process was, painful. Tracing the edges of the lifted skin, Ezekiel grimaced as he could remember the sting of pain. Shaking himself, he turned towards the shower, making sure the water was scorching hot before he undressed completely and hopped right in. Hissing at the feeling but also accepting it. The water from the shower head falling into his head, flattening it against his head as he leaned his forehead against the tile wall.


How is he going to deal with the rest of his time with Bastran after all of this mess? There's no way he could tell the demon what's wrong, his best bet is just pretending that everything was fine. Yeah, yeah he can do that. No getting attached, not having to be rejected if he told the demon how he felt by not saying anything at all. Yeah that can work out for the best. (That stupid small voice in his head disagreed but when has it ever had any ideas that turned out good?)


After washing up, Ezekiel turned off the shower and stepped out. Throwing his dirty clothes into a hamper and wrapping his lower body in a blue fluffy towel. Which had small polka dots on them and even tinier stars in between. He walked out the bathroom, some of the steam from his scorching shower curling into the hallway and up into the air, and walked straight towards his room. His bedroom was a bit of a mess, mostly consisting of dark colors of blues and blacks. On the floor nothing but more papers and about four pillows on his mess of a bed. His walls were covered in a varied of posters that increased in numbers throughout his youth.



Albus, who was laying on one of the pillows of his bed, lifted his head and looked up at him. Blinking slowly before it yawned and laid back down. Ezekiel envies that fat ball of fur, it could go about life with little to no worries. The lucky bastard. Narrowing his eyes at the cat, he walked towards his dresser, pulling out the middles drawer and getting a blue t-Shirt and a pair of sweats. Dropping the towel, he got dressed. Pulling the shirt on last. When he was done, he flopped backwards onto his beds.


Now what? He has no clue where the demon went. And he's getting a little worried. Ezekiel sighed, closing his eyes; the prince did say to call his name if he needs something. But he's only going to call him as a summoner, not because he didn't want to see hat look one the Prince's face ever again. The demon is his responsibility, he's not going to let his stupid fucking feelings get in the way. No matter how persistent they are. Taking in a deep breath, he called out softly; "Hey, Bastran? Can...can you come here?"


It's only so he can give the demon clothes to change into. That's it.

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An empty feeling resided in Bastran from the beginning of times. He wasn’t the son of Lilith and Hades, instead he was born from a servant with the kindest heart. The one who gave him the knowledge about feelings without struggling too much with it. Being able to understand them once he caught sight of it, sometimes still in doubt whenever he couldn’t read them. It was almost like a game for him. The more he got it right, the prouder he became in his skill to see the difference. It was something he had to learn while feeling, it was a complicated thing for a demon but his mother had patience with him as she knew that he was different from her.


She had lived as a human before but due to taking the wrong path so many times, she was doomed to roam into hell until her debt was repaid. It could take centuries, multiple of them and until this day, she hadn’t repaid them just yet. Though he knew she was close to forgiveness. He could see it as she was trying her hardest and the aura around her had changed with the years. It was barely visible but since she was one of the few people he held close, he noticed it almost immediately. Watching her closely, lovingly. Being capable to love, it was quite something. He never thought that he would manage to do it but because of her constant love and wisdom, it came to that point.


However it changed when he was officially acknowledged by the royal family, welcoming him in but not his mother. She was an outcast, a commoner, someone who shouldn’t walk into the palace so easily. Even Hades showed her the door instead of letting her in. Even if it was just as a maid, he would still have her beside him. But it wasn’t supposed to be like this. After all, the Underworld wasn’t the place for fairy tales to come true, it never was and never will be. It was a sad future to look at, even for his siblings who wanted to see more of the worlds. They didn’t specifically mean to do harm to others, they just wanted to experience something new that most demons couldn’t. Something to brag about. Call it childish or not.


He met his siblings not that long ago, perhaps two hundred years which wasn’t long for their kind. In the beginning it was difficult as they didn’t know what to say to each other and just kept being polite until the youngest of the three, his sister Dilgren, gave up on acting like a princess at their own home. Wanting to relax when they weren’t on duty. Because of her, they started to open up to each other and try to accept the flaws that came with them. It worked and they got close like a family should be unlike with his parents who only saw him as an opportunity to show their strength even more. He never really got along with them, neither did he try after what had happened with his mother. His siblings didn’t have anything to do with it so they shouldn’t belong in that discussion, that was what he always thought.


Why was he even remembering these bits and pieces? They were mere fragments of his life and still they changed him into who he was today. The smallest bits could indeed do the most harm to people without them even realizing it. Of course major events could change a person too but that wasn’t always the case. What changed him the most was during the wars with heaven. He had to let go of pieces of him from what he witnessed. Pieces that could never be restored. A reminder of what could happen when things didn’t go as planned. But it was over now at last. After centuries, it finally calmed down.


The scar on his chest aching, rubbing it unconsciously as he remembered how he got it. It wasn’t pretty to say the least. “Why am I even getting depressed all of a sudden.” He muttered under his breath, stretching out his hand towards the evening sky, trying to grasp one of those clouds by making his hand into a fist. It was pretty lonely when he was in the castle now that he thought about it. He wasn’t always with his siblings, and the one night stands weren’t exactly helping either as they were just used to satisfy his needs.


When he heard his name being called, as soft as a whisper, his eyes widened themselves as he didn’t think the other would call for him today. “Up the roof.” He responded back. “I’ll come down through the window.” With that, he started to move towards the right direction of where Ezekiel was situated. Pushing the window open with the slightest movements, slipping inside easily, making a soft thud once his feet touched the floor.


Feeling better as he could see Ezekiel, showing it on his face as he couldn’t help it. Moving closer to the bed where Ezekiel was, sitting at the side. “You need me?” He asked, his finger going to the other’s hair but stopped just before he touched it, reminding himself that he couldn’t just do this anymore. Pulling his hand back and stuffing them between his legs so he wouldn’t be tempted so easily. “I won’t disappear. We’re in a contract, remember?” He said with an empty laugh as this was what their relationship was. They couldn’t deny it.

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Albus moved from his pillow and slowly walked onto Ezekiel's lap. Plopping himself down and facing the window with bored eyes. He petted the cat softly as he stared back at the dark ceiling. What if the demon didn't come? He couldn't really blame Bastran; every time it seems like they're taking a step forward, every time Ezekiel feels like their moving ahead, he somehow pushes themselves a mile back.


But it's not his fault! He just doesn't get the prince! Why does he just want to touch him? To actually get to know him? No one wants to get to know him, and the ones that do seem to wish they never did. So why? Is it all for the sake of breaking the contract? He blinked. The contract, that stupid fucking thing that put him in this shit in the first place. If it wasn't for that old crusty principal, they wouldn't be dealing with this shit. He wouldn't be so fucking confused and wouldn't have made the demon upset-.


No. No, if it wasn't for that contract...they would have never met. Something cold settled deep in his chest; despite the circumstances that made them come to be together, despite how confused he became emotionally, if it wasn't for that contract, the demon wouldn't be here. Which makes it so much worse because if they ever get closer the prince would have to leave and...and...


He doesn't want that. He shouldn't be thinking so fucking selfishly. Bastran has every single right to leave if he wants to. Ezekiel will have to just suck it up and trot on. It won't be any different with the ones who came and went in his life before. Suddenly, he sat up when he heard the prince's answering voice. What the fuck? Why the hell was he on the roof? Actaully, no, he never left? He had every single fucking right to, and yet he didn't leave?


Ezekiel swallowed at that, turning his gaze towards the window. His heart leaping when a figure opened the window and smoothly sliding into his room with a low thud. Albus let out a low growl at the demon. (Seeing him again made something swoop inside of him with exhilaration, along with something sharp stabbing through filled with guilt.) Cradling the cat closer to himself, Ezekiel decides to silent that small voice. It didn't know any better, it was a selfish and stupid fucking thing. He's doing this for Bastran, a prince far from home and stuck in a contract with an incompetent human. If getting close to the prince means letting the other get back home (and breaking his heart down even further because it's not like it's not a feeling he's all too unfamiliar with) then he can swallow down his bullshit.


His eyes widened a bit as the demon sat down and reached towards him, as if he was going to pet his head. And, Ezekiel is fucking pissed that his heart began to jump around with anticipation. A sharp inhale as that hand came closer and then... the demon drew back. Oh. Right. He told him not to touch. Ezekiel tried as hard as he could to hide the disappointment, choosing to instead look down at the cat with a frown. This was what he wanted before, but it seems like no matter what choice he makes, selfish or selfless, he'll end up hurt. However, he'll go to the one that won't have the demon hate him forever. Wincing at the reminder, he curled into himself more.


Fuck, so this is what it's like hearing someone using your own words against you. It fucking sucks. "Right," he said lowly, teeth knawing into his bottom lip as he set the cat on the farthest side of the bed (he doesn't doubt that the fat ass would try and attack the prince) and stood up. Walking towards his dresser to look for some clothes for his demon.


"I just, wanted to give you some pajamas." There's a faded graphic tee, orange and sort of a size too big on himself. He grabs that and sets it on the top of the dresser before continuing to see if he can finds some pants. It's time to be be selfless. (You're going to regret it, just tell him, that fucking piece of shit voice says in his head. Which is wrong because it's not paying attention to the bigger issue here which is he shouldn't fucking have feelings.)


"I'm sorry if I...said something bad," he says a lot of shit to be honest. "I'm just not...use to this. Any of it." A harsh laugh fell past his lips as he stopped his search, still not looking up at Bastran. "I mean, why the hell would anyone want to be close to me? I doubt you'd actually do if the contract wasn't involved."


No, no he's trying to be compassionate. Selfless. Not a fucking asshole. Shaking himself, Ezekiel continued; "I mean that, I'm not use to any kind of...relationship. Platonic or not." Grabbing some checkered red pajama pants, he sets that ontop of the shirt before grabbing the bundle and finally turning towards the demon.


But he'll be damned before he looks the prince in the eye. "I have no idea what I'm doing, but, I know you want to probably get back home. And...," he took in a shaky breath.

"I shouldn't let my bullshit get in the way of that."

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When Ezekiel said that it was for the pyjamas, he chuckled lightly as he didn’t need those as he didn’t feel tired and probably wouldn’t go to sleep today. Being able to move around without feeling tired for days was one of the perks of being a demon, the same went with food. They were like evolved humans but showing most of the bad side of their being. It came with ups and downs, weirdly enough it wasn’t mostly downs, it depended from person to person really just like on Earth. It were their own decisions which fucked them up. Sometimes they even got killed by Bastran himself for being too reckless or trying to provoke unnecessary combat with the angels who came by occasionally to check up on things. They weren’t bad but they weren’t well liked in the realm.


The moment the human started rambling on in his depressive state of mind again, he let out a deep sigh as he was at a loss for words. First he didn’t want to be touched, then he did want to but was too stubborn to admit and now was he blaming himself, for what? For confusing himself to the point where he didn’t know what was right and wrong? Humans surely were a pain in the ass as well as they were interesting. Guessing that he couldn’t only get the best, having to take both sides now that he was bound to this person.


If it was someone with an actual goal, it would’ve been far easier to go through the contract and be send back to the underworld where he wouldn’t need to be involved in their mess anymore. But this time it was different. He just had to make Ezekiel feel good, not lonely. And honestly, asking a demon something like that wasn’t the best thing to do since they were known for their bad habits such as leaving without notice and coming back days later as if they hadn’t done anything wrong. It would naturally make someone feel lonely, sad and angry. Taking in account that he should avoid doing something like that in the future or he could fuck it up quite bad.


Pinching the bridge of his nose as he wondered what he should say now but instead of using words, he decided to do something else instead. Placing his lips against the other, gently letting them feel and taste each other. It wasn’t anything too wild or passionate since he didn’t want to completely destroy the human’s conscience, it was gentle. Slowly pulling back so he could say: “Shut up. You’re my contractor, one of the two people who ever managed to call upon me. So pull yourself together and have some pride.” His voice was low, intimidating yet nothing threatening. Trying to let the male know that he didn’t do anything wrong for summoning Bastran.


“I know I shouldn’t touch you but you’re making it fucking hard for me here.” He growled as he plopped down in annoyance onto the bed. Crossing his legs and arms as he looked the other way, slightly pissed that he couldn’t do whatever he pleased since this wasn’t his world.

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Sometimes Ezekiel regrets the fact that he didn't have any friends, or wasn't even close to anyone that wasn't his cat. But never to the extent of regret that he was feeling right now. Mostly because no one ever really tried hard to befriend him, giving up after one outburst. Then again, not everyone was in a fucking binding contract with him. Though that's besides the point; he's being a complete and utter shit to the demon and has no fucking clue what to do about it. Ezekiel wants to be close to the demon, and yet lashes out when it comes to it. It's fucking sounds pathetic, but, he's never experience physical affection much. While yes, his mom (when she is around) does ruffle his hair now and then, however it was a fleeting touch. Barely there to be recognized.


And now here comes Bastran doing full body touches and causing his heart to malfunction. Add that to the prince's soft praises and bullshit flirting. Ezekiel wants to hate the demon for this, wants to loath him like all the other assholes at the school. But no, it couldn't be easy. He had to summon a decent enough demon whose personality was better than anyone he's ever met. (Granted, the prince was still very much an asshole in his own way.) However, here he is; being a fucking mess of a human being in front of Bastran just from a few small touches and kind words. Merlin he really is a shitty mess. Ezekiel jolted from his self-loathing when he felt a soft pair of lips on his own.


His first thought was to move away, to stop the other from kissing him with a push. Though, he knew that wouldn't do shit for the both of them. He wants this, and he needs to get over everything that everyone else done to him and realize the demon wasn't like that. (Thanks to the contract which sounds like an unhealthy attraction out of context.) Relaxing, Ezekiel let out a soft exhale as he closed his eyes into the soft kiss. His hold on the pile of clothes loosening just a bit. It was different from the other kisses, it was more ginger, slower. Like they had all the time in the world.


His eyes fluttered open as Bastran pulled back; cool, he pissed off the demon. Again. He licked his lips, hating himself a little for chasing the taste of the kiss while he's being scolded. Yeah, he really has his priorities straight. Wait. Ezekiel's eyes grew in size from shock. What the fuck did the demon just say? How in the hell is he making it hard for him?! If anyone was making it hard on anyone it was the fucking demon!

He stared at the demon who sat himself back down on the bed, not looking his way. Albus made a disgruntled noise before hopping off the pillow and landing on the floor with a low thud. Walking out of the room with bored eyes. Did, did this fucking demon actually want to touch him? Fucking why? God this was a lot more complicated than he wanted! Ezekiel sighed, setting the clothes on top of the dresser before facing the prince. Irritation and a small amount of embarrassment in his voice. "And I shouldn't want to touch you, but you make it so fucking hard." He growled, leaning forward and holding the other's chin. Turning Bastran's head to look at him.


"I've never fucking wanted anyone to touch me and here you come being nice and drop-dead gorgeous. Fucking making me have heart palpitations with your damn flirting and I don't know if I either want to hit you in the fucking face or just-," he cut himself off. Biting his lip as he let go of the demon and leaned away. Damn it, should he actually say that? But fuck, he's trying to make it better. Sighing, he tugged at his hair a bit, going to the spot next to Bastran and flopping down face first into the mattress. Growling lowly to himself. "This is so fucking stupid. I'm being fucking stupid." he muttered into the covers, moving his hands up and folding them underneath his head as he glanced over at the prince. Turning his head to face him.


He hates how infatuated he became with this demon, how he feels like a kid with crush at ho irrational he was being. "Sometimes you annoy me so much I want to kiss you, or when you act cute with your stupid fucking smile I want to just pinch your cheeks." He's not going to go into the more explicit things. (Maybe not ever with the way his cheeks was just burning from that confession alone.) "That's why I'm confusing myself and you, I've never had to deal with this before." He can feel the heat burning his face, his heart pounding from admitting this.

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Bastran was a bit shocked when Ezekiel initiated a touch, making his eyes go slightly wider as he didn’t know what he should expect now. A punch in the face? Getting stabbed by a knife? Yet nothing like that happened, merely his chin was being held so he would look directly at Ezekiel, not letting anything slip away from his sight. Raising an eyebrow as he heard the comeback form the human who was all over the place with his words and actions. He completely couldn’t follow anymore and didn’t want to either since it was just going to give him a headache. Realizing that it was just better to go with the flow instead of trying to guess what the other was going to do or say since nothing of it was what he would expect.


Once he was let go of, he nearly pouted but refrained from doing so since that didn’t suit his image at all. A demon pouting as if he was a little kid. Though perhaps it could make the human laugh once he showed it? No, no fucking way. Talking about pride and here I am thinking about embarrassing myself for his sake. For a human. For my contractor… But his smile is nice. No Bastran. Keep your shit together. Having a battle with himself about what to do so he wouldn’t make the human feel more depressed, yet his pride won and resisted the pouting bit since he couldn’t do that just yet. He didn’t even show it to his family.


“So… I’m drop-dead gorgeous? Who knew you would prefer my demon form? Is it that erotic?” He asked teasingly, getting back to his usual self since he heard the confession of Ezekiel, sounding clearly inside of his head which meant that the no-touching rule was thrown out of the window right then and there. A shudder running throughout his entire body when he heard what Ezekiel said next. Honestly this kid was getting the better of him and he didn’t know if that was good or bad.


“You know you just confessed to me right?” He commented, wanting to hear the agreement of the other. “So you want me to touch you but you’re not sure since I’m a demon and in a contract with you. Meaning that I could do this just because you’re my summoner. I understand where you come from but listen, if I don’t like something I won’t even look at it, let alone touch.” He responded, letting himself fall onto his back on the bed as well so their faces would be in a direct line with each other.


“You’re just an idiot virgin.” He stated with a laugh, saying it in a joking way so the other wouldn’t get too hurt by it. After all, the human said so himself. “Also, had your hard-on calmed down already or did I make it come back?” His mischievous side peeking up again now that he knew about how Ezekiel felt. Well, he did realize that he had to be more careful around the other but still, it wasn’t forbidden to tease the male a little… right?


Letting his finger slide over the bare skin of Ezekiel, moving it under the male’s shirt. “Why don’t you try relieving yourself? Maybe it could help with making decisions next time?” Bastran whispered suggestively. Thankful that the stupid cat had left the room or he would’ve kicked it out already. A stupid hairball like that would only ruin the mood with it’s meow’ing all the freaking time. Even in the underworld they wouldn’t shut the fuck up for even a minute. It did came to a point where he nearly threw the shitty animal out of the window but one of the servants stopped him since it was the pet of his sister which she cherished. Honestly, she could choose anything but she chose that fucked up thing.

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