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A secret between Twins (closed)


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Once outisde, Myles let go and breathed a sigh of relief. " Finally! I envy people who work with that music constantly blasting in their ears. Or just to sit and listen to it..." The doctor walked back over to his car and hopped in the drivers side, leaning over the side to unlock and open Sana's door from the inside. He poked his head up through the sun roof. "..... How fast do you think we'd get pulled over if I drove like this?" He asked with a snickered and easy smirk.


" I.... Even if you say we've....'done it' before.... this still feels like the first time for me.... I'm nervous!" Tama answered honestly. He puffed out his cheeks in a pout, feeling stupid.

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"You wouldn't even make it to the road" Sana replied with a smirk as he sat in the seat and relaxed.


"I'll take it slow then" Yukie whispered kissing his twins neck.

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" ...... challenge accepted!!" And Myles proceeded to drive out of the parking lot, head still sticking out of the sunroof. He was on the main highway, when the sirens went off. He ducked back down laughing like he was told the funniest joke. He turned Sana, " Hop in the back real quick and pretend to be passed out drunk. Just trust me." He instructed with a smile.


Another gasp, a little moan. Who knew his neck was so sensitive. His legs came to wrap around Yukie's waist. His hands fisting his brother's shirt.

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"Yes sir!" Sana replied doing just that but of course making it so he was half naked.


"Mmh such a cute brother!" Yukie teased as he let a hand shake up his twins shirt and touch a nipple.

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Once Sana was settled in the back seat, Myles hopped over to the passenger side, and waited. He knelt his head down, like he was sleeping. Once the flashlight hit his face, Myles looked up and gave a drunken smile. Waving, "Howsszz it goin' Osifa?"

The cop looked into the car, like he was baffled. He looked to Myles, " Sir you been driven tonight?"

Myles looked surprised and answered, " Me drive? Hell no!! I'm fucked up!"

The officer then looked further into the car, he flashed the light at Sana, " Sir!? You alive back there?"


Tama squeaked when he felt the fingers on his little nipple. He began to shake. " N-no!! Those are really sensitive right now!!" Which was true, thanks to Yukie's own pregnancy, Tama started to have to massage his swelling chest every night, they had started to produce milk to feed the baby. So his chest was now more sensitive then normal.

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"THe roses tell me to dance like a ballerina~" Sana replied clearly drunk as fuck.


"Oh...mmh I HTML know you where lactating...I'm glad to know I'll have help feeding them~" Yukie replied as he pinched one lightly and pulled on it.

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"A-AH! That--" as he spoke, Tama's abused nipples began to like some of the milk that had been stored. He moaned as some of the built up pressure was released. "N-not fa-fair~" a whine had hitched onto the end of the younger twins statement.


Myles had to bite his cheek to keep from laughing. The cop groaned. "Shit ok where's your driver at? " He asked calmly. Myles shrugged "he was here a second ago but then he got out through the sunroof and darted to the woods.... I think he had to pee..."

Another groan and the cop told them both to hold on, he was going to call a cab for them. Once he left Myles looked to the back seat, covering his laughter, "the roses are telling you to dance?! The fuck kinda story is that?!" He asked in between giggles.

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"Mmh totally fair...I have to deal with childbirth" Yukie replied kissing tama.


"Mmh I'm a lightweight and apparently have told many weird stories at work from being drunk" Sana explained.

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Tama opened his mouth to retort before he was kissed. But the argument had died on his lips anyway.


Myles snickered but shushed them both when the officer started to walk back. "Umm ...m-my chief says he wants to talk to you..." The officer confused, hands over the phone. Myles took it and switched it to speaker.


"MYLES YOU FUCKIN ASS HOLE!! Don't screw with my new team members please!!"

Myles covered his mouth from the laughter again. "Hello to you to Chief Hanizawa, how's the wife?" The voice on the other end grumbled before stating "fine now please cut this shit will you? I need these boys to take this seriously" Myles chuckled but answered "Yes sir will do~ see you Friday for dinner?"

A mumbled ' yea yea' was his answer before Myles hung up and handed the phone back over to the new cop and slid back to his spot. He motioned for Sana to hop back up to the front.

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Yukie just continued pleasuring tama enjoying the fun of being able to touch his twin again.


"Mmh didn't think you knew the cheif" Sana replied ashe frowned finding it quite interesting.

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Myles grinned " I'm the reason he has grey hairs at forty" He stated quiet proud of himself. He waved to the cop and gave an encouraging smile and friendly advice to administer 'The Test' first then ask questions. And with that he drove away, leaving the poor newbie standing in the road. " That's why I say cops can ride free with me. I used to be a little shit when I was in my teens, but Chief looked out for me ..... Mum wasn't really the parenting type. So he's more like my Dad I guess...."


Tama pulled away, trying to catch his breath. He looked at the older twin and bit his lip. " Was there.... was there anything you liked I can do?" He felt odd having all the attention. Yukie was the one having the baby, Tama wanted to give a little something in return first!

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"He sounds like a nice guy to work for" Sana replied as he played with his phone checking in with afew people he knew..."did you grow up alone?"


"Mmh no it's best I don't have fun...wouldn't want them to come out to early" Yukie replied with a smirk.

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Myles shrugged. " Not exactly. Mother was .... around. Just not for me. She.... wasn't expecting me so she didn't do much to pay me any special attention."


Tama bit his lip again, " Not.... not even with my mouth?" His voice came out almost timid and whispered.

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"Sounds lonely...did you finish school?" Sana asked interested in Myles life.


"I guess I might be able to but the monitors would start screaming" Yukie replied amused by his twins antics.

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Tama deadpanned. Wouldn't the monitors go off if they were intimate as it was? " Well .... what if I do it slowly?" He asked. "We just have to keep your heart beat regualr right?"


" Not really, and yea, Chief saw to that. He treated me like his own kid." Myles chuckled " He even made me say he was my legal guardian to the school so he'd see all my report cards" He laughed at the memory

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"Or you could unplug it" Yukie whispered smirking.


"It sounds nice" Sana replied wondering what kind of life one would have with a guardian.

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" .... or that too...." Tama mumbled and reached over, looking the machine over. He found the plug and held his breath and unplugged it waiting for alarms that never went off. He looked around as if an invisible little fairy would come out and say they did BAD! When nothing happened Tama climbed back onto the bed, keeping an eye on the door.


" It was great really." Myles smiled as he drove. " But what about you? You said your family is around, that by choice or ...." Myles trailed off giving the other option to not answer if he wanted

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"Don't worry Myles locked it" Yukie whispered as he smiled and kissed tama gently.


"Yes and no....mum and dad kinda hate that I don't like woman" Sana replied with a sigh..."they are pissed I got fired and result to medication to help with my anxiety" he replied.

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Myles narrowed his eyes for a moment. " They uh..... they know that males and females mated with the same sex quite often back in the old days right?? I mean does anybody even know why there are three sexes in the first place?" Myles truly hated hearing stories like that. It reminded him how out of touch society really was.


Tama sighed softly in the kiss. He pulled away and lowered himself down and lifted the older twin's hospital gown revealing the others erection. He swallowed looking at it. He was oddly excited, the younger felt it in his own member. " Can I um... can I start?" Tama never took his eyes of Yukie's dick.

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"They are old fashioned and strict and as the only son they are basically disowning me" Sana replied with a sigh.


"Yes just be gentle" Yukie replied setting down so it would be comfy for him and the babies.

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Tama lowered his mouth to Yukie the moment the other gave him the go ahead. Taking the whole thing in his mouth, sucking eagerly, if a little sloppy.


They had pulled up to the buffet and Myles got out and opened Sana's own door. " Well ... I'm sorry to hear it but your here now and they where ever they are and who gives a shit."

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Yukie moaned and gripped the bed quite happy to be touched.


"Eh I live my life to piss them off"Sana replied getting out.

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Myles shook his head with a smirk "anyway go inside and find a table. I'm headin to the bathroom first..... no offense but I didn't feel comfortable using the club's ..."


Tama heard the moan and bobbed his head, enjoying the weight and taste of his twin in his mouth and on his tongue. He moaned around it, pushing more into his mouth till he gagged himself.

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"understandable" Sana replied paying and going to find a table away from a lot of people.


Yukie tried to keep quiet not wanting to alert a nurse.

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Myles came out a few minutes later, looking around for Sana, noticing a hoodie figure in a far corner of the dinning room. The hooded figure seemed to be watching the whole buffet. Myles raised an eyebrow as he walked to the back table, but shrugged off the funny feeling. Probably a secret shopper... shitty disguise though. And he sat down across from Sana, starting to make idel chit chat as they waited for a server to come by. " So....the roses tell me you like to enjoy the occasional drink? What's it like to talk to flowers?" He asked with a smirk.


The younger pulled away, tracing a line to the underside of Yukie's cock with the tip of his tongue. Another flash of images in his mind.

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