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Battlefield (Zombie and Pigeon) [18+]


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Zombie's character:





Name: Ramiel

Nickname: Ra

Age: Around 200 years.

Height: 5'5

Build: Very thin and short, appears to be fragile though it is the last thing he should be called.

Hair: Black

Skin: Completely white.

Misc: Has a scar right over his left temple. Usually covers it up with hair.

Power: Is not physically strong whatsoever, but has great psychic powers. He can make himself appear to be whatever he wants, can influence others to do what he wants them to do. When in great danger, he has the ability of sucking in his opponent's energy, often killing them in the process. Regenerates his powers by sleeping.

Personality: Rather lazy and calm, hard to actually anger. Most of the time he doesn't care too much about what's happening around him, unless someone starts talking about him. Surprisingly enough, he cares a lot about what other people think of him and craves for people to love him. This is one thing he doesn't use his powers for, however, as he'd made someone insane by attempting to make them love him in the past. Thanks to the fighting and his powers in general, he's developed slight paranoia and anxiety, which sometimes prove to be an obstacle during fights. He's good at hiding his emotions, but only for so long.



It was fucking cold. Ramiel stood by a wall, with a coat bigger than himself, completely bundled up into the warm fabric. He had a new mission today, and along with that he was getting a new partner. Of course, he wouldn't get a newbie. No, he'd heard of the creature that was about to become his partner. Hell, he had no idea what species he was, just the fact that he was one of those undead monsters. And he didn't use the term monster loosely.


Ramiel's dark red eyes glanced around frantically, his hands pushed deep into the pockets of his coat, one clutching the handle of a blade. He thought he heard something. Could've been the wind howling in his ears, or it could've been someone getting close. That someone didn't necessarily have good intentions, either. He hated being alone. It was like the voices of everyone he'd ever killed blended in with the wind. Ramiel didn't like killing people. Instead of death, he usually left them in a coma... At least like that, it wasn't entirely his fault if they died. This was also why he didn't like - or was allowed - to work alone. He could do his job, and he could do it well, but not the finishing blow. He needed someone else to finish it for him... Someone with brute force - like his soon-to-be partner.

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Pigeon's character:




Name: Thietmar

Nickname: Thie

Age: Unknown

Height: 6'3

Build: Lean but muscular

Hair: Dark grey, almost black

Skin: Dark grey

Misc: Scars all over his body, doesn't breath, body is just the temperature of his surroundings.

Power: Technically immortal, cannot die but doesn't regenerate. His body must be stitched together but the pieces will eventually fuse back together. Can change into a sort of a lizard like monster which he can control but is usually too emotional to do so.

Personality: Moody and aggressive, deep fear of causing pain to those around him. Becomes extremely protective of those close to him, but doesn't show them how much he actually cares.



Thie hated the cold just as much as anyone else, if not more. It made his joints stiff and a bit difficult to bend. If it got too cold then his body could completely freeze, making him unable to move. Fortunately it wasn't that cold yet. Coats didn't help much, but he still worn a thick jacket as he went to meet his new partner.


In truth Thie hated working with partners, it was the worst part of the job. He always felt responsible for protecting them, but at the same time felt held back by their presence. His reluctance was only amplified when he saw how weak his partner looked. He had heard that the other was very strong, but that didn't help him with his protective instincts.


"Ramiel?" He called out, walking closer, his hands deep in his pockets.

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Ramiel nearly jumped as his name was called out by an unfamiliar voice. Out of habit, first thing he did was morph into his surroundings - or at least make the other think that was what happened. In Thie's eyes, Ramiel would've disappeared into thin air. It took him a couple of moments to realize that the creature in front of him would be his new partner.


Letting the cover melt away, Ramiel stared right into the other's eyes. "Thietmar." He muttered out. Pushing himself away from the wall, the man tilted his head slightly. The difference in their heights was... Just a little bit scary. Ramiel's thin, blue-ish lips parted with a slow exhale. At the moment, he was deliberating whether or not to make himself familiarize with the other's mind. Just a taste of who he was. Without breaking eye contact, Ramiel let himself explore Thietmar's brain. He didn't dig deep at all. It was important for him to know what his partner's brain was like, so he would avoid attacking it by accident. Usually, people couldn't even tell this was being done. It was Ramiel's strong point - everything he did was done silently, without anyone realizing. He was the perfect asset for stealth operations.

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Thie could feel something wrong with his mind, after living for centuries he knew when something was wrong. He had dealt with psychics before and had heard that Ramiel was one of them. There was nothing he hated more than someone playing with his mind. His mind was the last thing he had. Parts of his body had been replaced over the years so it no longer felt like his own. But his mind was still his, he wouldn't let anyone take that from him.


"What the fuck are you doing?" He snarled, lunging forward to grab the boy. "You think you can fuck around with me?" His black eyes flashed orange, a sign that he might change form. "I'll fucking kill you." His entire body was shaking in pure rage. He really was ready to kill this boy for messing with his brain.

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Ramiel didn't manage to get out of the way fast enough not to be grabbed. Inhaling sharply, he looked into Thietmar's eyes once more. "Calm down." He spoke quietly, raising one hand to place on top of Thie's. "I won't do anything to your precious brain. I just need to know what it's like. Do you want to be attacked by me on accident during a fight?" He asked, the hand in his pocket still clutching the blade tightly. He was definitely surprised that Thie could feel him probing around. He didn't think he'd ever met anyone else who could feel him working.


"Do you mind letting go of me now? I suggest we start as soon as possible." Ramiel continued speaking in the same calm, rather monotone voice of his. It seemed like there were no emotions in him whatsoever. Of course, it only seemed that way. Their first meeting definitely could've gone better. He just hoped Thietmar would calm down. While Ramiel was confident in his ability of suppressing the other's anger himself, it was probably best if he didn't. He'd gotten a taste of what his mind was like - frantic, enraged, messy in all the wrong ways. At least, that was how it felt. Perhaps Thie would change.

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"You fucking psychics..." Thie snarled, dropping the man and stepping back. "Fine, let's just get this over with." He pushed his hands into his pockets, shooting Ramiel a short glare. "If I catch you fucking with my head I really will kill you."


He didn't say another word before starting to walk towards the location of their mission. Of course he was extremely angry, but deep down he was also terrified. Being able to tell that someone was messing with his head made it even worse. If he could just be completely ignorant to what was happening then it wouldn't be so terrible. But he did know, he could feel someone taking control. He didn't even want to talk to his new partner.

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Ramiel did not like his new partner one bit. He depended a lot on his partners, especially after the task was over. Whenever he finished a job, he needed to sleep. He didn't weigh a lot, so most of the time he worked it out with his partner to be carried on their back. With Thie... He didn't know if that could be done. He didn't want to force him into anything - he wanted to earn his trust instead.


Ramiel pushed his hand back into his pocket, quietly following after Thie. Maybe this one mission would be their last, too. It all depended on how well they worked together. He didn't even try to break the silence, although it was seeping into his mind like poison. He didn't seem to be blinking at all, staring right ahead of him, his face completely motionless. Thankfully, they reached the place of their task soon enough. "Stop." He muttered out to Thie, turning his face to his partner. "Three by the door. Six in the main corridor. Five guarding the entrance to the main hall. Give me five minutes and they won't be a problem." He spoke quietly, but quickly. He needed Thie to stick around with him until he was done. It was far too easy to attack him while he was working.

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Thie snarled softly in annoyance. "Just let me kill them..." He grumbled. Despite his annoyance Thie waited at his partner's side. It pissed him off to not be in control of the situation. But he was a bit afraid of psychics. He couldn't actually do anything to stop them besides attacking their bodies, which could give them time to stop him.


It would be extremely easy for him to kill everyone in the area, although he might end up destroying a lot of information that they could have gathered. Thie wasn't particularly good at controlling his attacks so there was always a lot of collateral damage.

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Ramiel's eyes fluttered closed as he sat down, his mind beginning to travel towards the building. As always, he didn't kill the ones he encountered. Quickly making sure they didn't have any important information, he put them into a coma. All except one. The very last one he paralyzed from the neck down, as well as his vocal chords until they got to him.


Inhaling sharply, Ramiel's eyes opened again, though they were of a noticeably duller red. As they were still pretty far away, this used up a little bit more energy than he would have liked. "Done. One has information." He muttered out while slowly standing up, closing his eyes as he took in a few deep breaths. They weren't anywhere near done. He couldn't give out just yet. And he wouldn't, god damn it. Glancing over at his partner, Ramiel lifted his head slightly. "Let's go."

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"That was fast" Thie observed, making his way into the building. He immediately stopped when he heard breathing after he stepped inside. "You didn't kill them..?" He snarled, turning to look at his partner. "What the fuck were you doing if you didn't kill them all?"


Rage started to bubble up in his chest. These psychics were all the same, just toying with people and making them suffer as much as possible. His eyes flickered orange and he could feel his body starting to change forms. He couldn't trust these freaks.

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Ramiel followed after Thie, carefully stepping through the snow. He winced softly at the question and the rage that came with it. "They're in a coma. There's no way they'll wake up, and it's quieter this way. If you really need to, you can kill them yourself." He muttered out quietly. He couldn't kill people. The moments of their death would forever stay in his mind. He'd most likely go crazy... Of course when he was just starting out, he killed. And he regretted it, because it truly messed with his mind.


"If I killed them, I would feel as if I died with every single one of them. Dying isn't a nice feeling." He added quietly, looking up at his partner. Thie was quick to get enraged, it seemed. That could be a problem, especially since Ramiel worked in unconventional ways. He really hoped their partnership would work out...

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Thie's lips twitched into a smirk. "Are you fucking kidding? You're telling me that dying isn't nice?" He started to walk into the halls. "There's stuff worse than death you know." He reached the first guard in a coma and stomped on his head, crushing his skull instantly. He was doing his best to keep control of his emotions, but it was extremely difficult for him.

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Ramiel didn't even bother arguing. "Alright." He muttered out simply, looking away to the side as to not meet Thie's eyes anymore. The man tightened the defences around his mind when the killing began to keep himself from feeling lives around him flicker out. For him, there wasn't anything worse. He didn't care if Thie thought otherwise, Ramiel couldn't take experiencing so many deaths. Slowly, the man began walking through the halls, making sure not to get too far away from his partner. He kneeled down in front of the one awake soldier, pressing his hand against his head before closing his eyes. Time to extract the information... It wasn't the most pleasant feeling for his victims, but since this one was paralyzed, there was no actual reaction.

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Thie went around the base, crushing the skulls of every person he could find. Once he was fairly sure he had killed them all he returned to his partner's side. He stood in the doorway, watching as Ramiel searched the man's mind. It was disgusting, such a cowardly way to gain information. Just thinking about it made Thie's blood boil. This man could just play with people's mind however he wanted, he probably even enjoyed this sort of thing. A low growl escaped Thie's lips as he stared at the psychic. Why the hell did he have to work with this man?

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Ramiel was aware of the presence in the doorway, as well as the hate and disgust radiating from it. The man was done in a couple more minutes, slowly easing himself out of the other's mind. "I'm done. You can kill him." He muttered out, cutting off any ties he still had with his mind. Ramiel looked over at Thie, breathing out quietly. "No one has figured out we're here yet. I'd like to keep things as quiet as possible so we don't attract too much attention. The man we're looking for is on the fourth floor. Heavily guarded. I believe there are traps on the way there as well, ones I could easily break. We would be done with everything in less than an hour. Does that sound fair?" Ramiel finished, raising his brows slightly. He preferred to do things quickly and quietly, always. He wasn't good against many enemies at once either way.

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"Coward" Thie growled. He walked over and stomped on the man's head, crushing it like a melon. "What's the fucking point of me being here if you're just gonna fuck with everyone's head." A thick scaly tail emerged from his body, lashing back and forth like an angry cat. "I fucking hate this shit. People like you are scum." He was clearly just getting himself more and more worked up.

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Ramiel's lips tightened into a frown, a soft breath passing through his lips. "Would you rather get the attention of everyone and sacrifice our mission just because you don't like my way of working?" He asked quietly, uneasily watching the large tail that grew right out of Thie's body. He felt like prey. "You're here because I can't work alone. I need you to be with me when I work." There the man sighed, pushing his hands deep into his pockets. "Since you clearly hate my method, how about a compromise? Give me thirty seconds so I can deal with the leader and then you take over the control." He suggested, though he didn't like the idea one bit. Still, he didn't like the idea of dying because he angered his partner even more.

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"Your way of working is fucking sadistic." Thie hissed. "And you're doing pretty great alone aren't you? Just go ahead and play your sick little games with people's brains. I'll clean up your mess again."


He sat down in the corner, ready to spend the rest of the afternoon mercy-killing all of Ramiel's victims. His tail was still lashing, and his eyes glowed brightly. But he still had enough control over his emotions not to do anything stupid. Ramiel would have to hurry, the longer Thie spent here the more angry he would get.

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Ramiel didn't want to admit how much Thie's words actually affected him. Hell, it hurt to hear that. Turning away, the man sat down on the floor quietly, trying to collect his thoughts properly before he could actually work. It took him a little bit longer than thirty seconds to find the leader again, mostly because he was already a little bit tired, and Thie's words weren't helping whatsoever. Inducing paralysis again, the psychic stood up, stopping for a moment with his eyes closed. His head was spinning. Opening his eyes slowly, Ramiel turned around to face Thie, swallowing down some saliva to wet his dry mouth. "I'm done. Two guards by this door." He muttered out, trying not to show his current state. Ramiel walked towards the door, lightly pushing the top of the handle to open it, then quickly pulled away as the guards turned around in surprise, readying their weapons for the fight. Ramiel disappeared into thin air again, leaning back against the wall, ready to jump in if it was necessary.

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"Finally..." Thie's body stretched and contorted as he changed into the smaller of his two 'combat' forms. He thought of it as his smaller form, but even this was huge. He looked something like a black and orange komodo dragon, but was more than twice as large and had a full set of teeth.


The guards' bullets bounced off Thie's thick scales and ricocetted around the room, hitting one of the guards in the leg and the other in the shoulder. Thie lunged at the two, ripping off one's head with his jaws immediately. The other managed to get a shot inside Thie's mouth which ripped through his cheek but didn't cause him to even flinch. Seconds later the heads of both guards were on the floor, skin melting from Thie's saliva.


Thie's eyes were glowing orange and without a moment to lose he slammed his body against the closest door, smashing the wood into splinters.

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Ramiel's body tensed at the sight of Thie changing form. What distressed him most about the change was how different his mind felt. While in his humanoid form, Thie's mind was messy, but it wasn't this... Angry, to say the least. That feeling instilled fear in Ramiel's body. Had it been an enemy with such a mind, he wouldn't have had such a big problem, but knowing that he had to work with someone this unstable truly terrified him.


He watched wide-eyed as the two guards were slaughtered right in front of him. And he was the one who was sadistic? His opponents didn't feel fear, nor pain. They just fell into an abyss, their minds shutting off on their own. Thie's way of killing was brutal.


Ramiel followed after his partner as quickly as he could, jumping back slightly as he slammed into the door. "You idiot!" He hissed, while the alarm began blaring throughout the whole building. If Thie had listened more to him, they could have finished this quickly and easily... This mission was going to be hard. Ramiel ran in front of Thie, letting his camouflage melt away. "They're sending men over. Twenty at the very least. Maybe you can fight back against them, but if they get me, we're both fucked. So how about you calm yourself down a little and I can show you the quickest way up?" He spoke hurriedly, hoping to get through to Thie's mind. He didn't fancy dying just yet.

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"I can take them." Thie hissed. He was much more unstable in this form and so all his frustration towards his partner was coming out. His form shuddered and shook as he began to change into his larger form. This form had a similar shape to the last, but with a long snakelike neck. It was also much larger, his back scraped against the ceiling as he moved. It would be extremely difficult to fight in such a confined space, but he was too far gone to think about that.


He reached out with his forelegs and grabbed each side of the door frame, pulling hard. The wall cracked as he ripped out a chunk, but he still couldn't fit through. A low snarl escaped his throat and he slammed his body against the cracked wall, finally knocking it down completely.

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Ramiel was realizing this mission was doomed. Instead of trying to get through to Thie anymore, he dashed through a different door, praying that he wouldn't get caught. He'd either have to kill someone if he did or he'd be captured, neither of which seemed to be a good idea. Thanks to his powers, of course, he had an idea of what was around him, and was capable of escaping any guards. If he didn't hurry up, Thie would end up knocking down the entire building and all of the people inside would just die.


He was so sluggish and tired... He couldn't work with this partner. By the time he reached the room where the boss was, Ramiel was breathing heavily, his legs trembling slightly. He had to do something he hated almost as much as killing people. Finding a closed off corner, he accessed one of the guards' minds, forcing him to succumb to his will entirely. His own head throbbed as he forced the man to take his boss and walk out of the room. He'd have to be sacrificed for their mission to succeed. Ramiel continued to mind-control the man to walk up to the window and jump out while protecting the boss with his own body. After that Ramiel climbed out of the building himself, landing in the snow with a soft 'oof'. Right before the guard hit the ground, Ramiel cut off all ties he had with his mind, protecting himself this way from feeling his death. Everything was going dark in front of him. He could only pray that Thie would realize what happened.

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Thie killed almost all the people in the building. Eventually the only guards alive had fled in terror, and Thie began to calm down slightly. It was only then that he noticed his partner had disappeared. He managed to change into his smaller form so he could move around more easily and began to search for the other's scent. He followed the scent to the target's room and outside to the snow.

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Ramiel breathed heavily, his body aching all over as he laid in the snow, just trying to keep himself conscious. He couldn't fall asleep in the snow. It wasn't safe. Even so, he could feel himself slowly slipping away. The man gripped tightly onto the boss's hand, using what power he had left to make sure he stayed alive as well. At some point, he felt Thie's mind getting close. He was too exhausted to call him to himself, but he could try to convey the information straight to his mind. And so he did, using the last bits of power he had. They were just short flashes of images, showing where Ramiel and their hostage was. He wouldn't last long like this.

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