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Beyond The Horizon


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Beyond The Horizon [18+]


Written By: Sanjay_21


Florence Ashmore





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[td]London, England[/td]





















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[td]Mazuhi Mochikaru[/td]














- - - Updated - - -


A slight chilly breeze rushed in through the open window, causing the brown haired male who was a sleep in the back row of long desks to stir slightly from his sleep. Slowly, he shifted his head up slowly, his hair seeming to move in rythm as he did. Hazel eyes peered open slowly as Mazuhi glanced up at the direction of the chilly breeze. His gaze was soft as he took in the dark cloudy skys that lingered above the university. The news had been calling for a snow storm all week, and it was only now that he regretted now listening to it as the ominous clouds lurked above. "Hey, Maz~.." A hushed voice whispered to his right, causing him to turn his head to see the blonde headed, greened eyed volley ball star that he'd befriend when he moved here , leaning towards her with a finger against her lips in a hushed motion. "Mm?" He murmured sleepily, sitting up finally. "You are missing the whole class, what's the point of staying up late to study if you are just going to sleep through the lecture?" Ah, that was a good point. Giving her a thankful smile he nodded before whispering, "Yeah yeah, I got it." Turning his attention back towards the proffesor who stood in front of the class he refocused his attention.


"Now, Individuals diagnosed with manic-depressive illness, or bipolar disorder, have mood swings that alternate from periods of severe highs (mania) to extreme lows (depression). These mood swings, which are out of proportion or totally unrelated to events in a person’s life, affect thoughts, feelings, physical health, behavior, and functioning.

Bipolar disorder is a neurobiological brain disorder that affects approximately 2.3 million Americans today, or almost 1 percent of the population.

Although bipolar disorder usually begins in adolescence or early adulthood, it can sometimes start in early childhood or as late as age 40 or 50.

Generally, people with bipolar disorder consult three to four doctors and spend more than eight years seeking treatment before they receive a correct diag-"


Mazuhi tried his best to listen, but quickly tuned out the boring lecture once again and decided to bring his attention back to the clouds, where it usually was.However, before he could get to content, a huge rumble sounded and the entire class room shook with a force he'd never seen before. He toppled out of his seat, as did the rest of his class mates, hitting the ground with a painful thump he pulled his arms over his head to protect himself as the screams from the rest of his classmates sounded. It last for at least a minute, what felt like an eternity to all those inside of the class. Finally, the rumble and violent vibrations stopped, and Mazuhi opened his eyes slowly, confused and dazed at what had just happened. The rumbling had stopped, and all that could be heard was a few people crying and yelling, car alarms could be heard in the distance as well as sirens begining to go off.


"What, what the fuck was that!" The familiar voice of Rose jolted him out of his shocked state, and he pushing himself up into a sitting position carefully before trying to locate her. She must have tried to stand up through it because she was now standing in the row of desks in front of him, evidently she had toppled over the desk. "Rose!" He called out, standing up himself and looking her over. Her blonde hair was completely a mess, most of it had fallen from the messy bun on top of her head, and her arm looked like it was injured judging by the way she was holding it to her side. "Mazuhi!" She yelled, unnecicarly, out of relief when she caught sight of him. Carefully she climbed back over the desk, he reached over to help her and make sure he was steady before he let go and spoke. "Where did that even come from, an earthquake?" He spoke, looking around at the state of the class room. Everyone was rising slowly, a look of shock on there faces. The proffesor with the same look in her face slowly crawled out from underneath the podeum where she must have crawled to hide.


Before they could even be relieved or settle, a loud explosion was heard from inside he city, bits of wall and cieling began to crackle and fall. "Everyone, this structure isn't safe. Get outside, go go go!" The professor yelled, though it didn't seem neccicary considering the fact that everyone was already fleeing for the exit. "Something is going on outside, shouldn't we stay in here?" The hazeled eye'd male spoke, but clearly Rose didn't hear it because she had already snatched up his hand and was dragging him towards the packed exit. It took them about 10 minutes to get outside because of all the screaming, shoving, and rushing from the other students but as soon as he felt the chill hair smack his face he slowed down and came to a stop. Both students dropped there hands to there knees in an attempt to catch there breath. He was to busy panting to look up yet, but he heard a low, horrified voice coming from rose as she spoke, "What....what the hell happened?"


Finally looking up, he saw the city around then was in flames, there were fighter jets circling above the city and screams of sheer terror could be heard deeper inside of the city. His breath caught in his chest as he stared at the scene before him. Large clouds of smoke were quickly filling the air above them, illuminated by red light as another explosion went off across the city. The building rright next to the school didn't get off so easy, half of the top of it was completly gone, crumpled to the ground around it, with bits of it still falling. "The end! The end is here, repeant your sins!" A man who looked like a homeless person shrieked as he held a sign scribbled with sharpie and card board that red, "HELL HAS RISEN." A hand too a hold of his arm and he looked over to see the scared face of Rose look to him for some kind of answer, any kind of answer. "Mazuhi, what i-." A loud, roar unlike anything he had ever heard before cut her off, causing all of them to drop there to there knees and clasp there hands over there ears. "What, the hell!" He finally screamed, though no one heard him because the roar drowned him out entirely.

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Quiet it was always this way when it came to this place, it was always so quiet and lonely not that he minded. He enjoyed his peace, but he knew it wouldn't last forever but even still the nights were boring. His eyes pierced the sky and gazed off into the stars. Leo, one of the strongest archangels of the second generation to be created here in the heavens gazed off into space, a pass time when he wasn't training. The other angels made no effort to speak to him in fear of his power that equaled to that of Micheal. He was older and wise, the only angel that would speak to Leo. But even he had vanished for some time leaving him to look after the other angels. When he wasn't watching the stars his gaze would look down onto the planet that housed the children of his father. He enjoyed watching the small creatures live out their small lives, working so hard just to die off in the end. Leo admired their perseverance. Watching them die was also soothing as their little souls floated up to the clouds and became one with the stars resting and waiting for the time they would be born again.


Watching the small creatures was interesting enough to keep him distracted for a long time, soon he seemed to forget his loneliness and boredom altogether. That was time he noticed the world tremble and some areas crack and crumble. Without warning many souls fell up into the clouds startling Leo to sit up on his resting place. Had another war broke out? No usually the souls would some from one place, but they were coming from all over the small blue planet. What in the world was happening down there? Getting to his feet the angel was swift making his way to one of the watch towers not giving the guard time to react as he zipped pass him to get to the world globe. Peering into the globe he got a view of the ground floor of earth, what he saw made his brow furrow. Humans were dying left and right, or more like they were being killed but what his kind hated the most.


"Demons." His voice wasn't even above a whisper as he hurried down to an alarm pulling on the rope to alert his father that his children were becoming the victims of hell spawns. His cries were loud awaking his perfect fighters to take action even those who didn't like humans obeyed their father as they began to get ready to head down to earth. Leo was the only one who did not take his time as he place on his armor and grabbed his twin blades. Not waiting for his brother he jumped from the clouds and shot down to earth without any battle plans in mind the only thing on his mind was to kill every demon he saw and find a way to seal up the place they came from. The wing hit against his bladed wings as he fell rushing through the horribly choking smoke in the skies. The world was ugly, littered with dead corpses and raging demons and destruction.


Spreading his wings the wind caught in them and pulled him back as he glided across the skies before drawing his weapons and attacking anything that did not resemble a human. His head crackled as the voices of his brothers shouted at him to wait for them to come up with a plan of action, he ignored them no matter how hard it was for him. It was distracting and he wanted to cut it off, Leo's movement were halted when a giant hand came up on his right smacking him from the sky with enough force to send him flying into a building and through the other side of a school into a forest of trees till his head was the first thing to his the ground, sliding across the dirt till he slowed down and laid in a heap.

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Black smoke began to fill the air, at first it seemed like it was isolated to only the air above the city but when he strained his eyes a bit, Mazuhi could see that black ash looked to be begining to fall from the black smoke clouds. "Mazuhi, please, my mom. I need to see if she's okay!" Rose spoke, reaching over and grabbing a hold of his hand, dragging his attention back to reality from the clouds that he was gazing at. "Come on." She tugged him slightly harded in the direction of her mothers work building and numbly he started to follow her. Her glanced back over his shoulder as they began to pick up speed to see his teacher trying to calm down all of her students, even while her herself seemed to be in a scared freenzy. "Please, everyone gather together! We are going to make a dash for the woods, now every-" She spoke, rationally, however was quickly cut off with a huge explosion was heard over head and a flashing white, akin to a shooting star, shot straight through there university building.


The edges of the building began to crack up and break away, until with no warning the entire building seemed to crumble to pieces. Rose and Mazuhi were far enough away by now that they were safe, but all of his class mates that had been there and the professor herself were instantly crushed. There screams and shrieks of terror drowned out by the sound of large pieces of the building thuding and splintering against the ground. Looking back forward, his face now impassive and numb, he sped up, now he was the one dragging Rose behind him. The pair only made it about twenty minutes from the crash site, when they stopped dead on there feet, eyes wide. What looked like three grotesque and deformed panthers slowly walked towards them from a nearby alley right in front of them.


Roses hand on Mazuhi's tightened as he took a step back, pushing her behind him. "Rose, run." He murmured softly, before one of them pounded forward, "Rose, Run!" He screamed, turning and shoving her forward before taking off himself. However, right in front of him, one of them jumped, landing directly down on his best friend and sinking it's teeth into her neck, instantly cutting off her scream and splattering blood everywhere. His face dropped from horror, to numb. Without pausing a beat, his feet pounded against the pavement as he took off in the opposite direction. The professor said to head for the woods, and right now that idea seemed better than staying where he was. Screams and sirens filled the air, the air was thickening, making it hard for him to both breath and see.


Even after entering the woods, he didn't stop running despite the painful, tearing stitch in his side. However, he didn't make it to far before he promtly tripped over something solid and tumbling to the ground face first. "Shit." He mumbled, reaching up he rubbed his side, trying to get the stitch to subside a bit as he pushed himself back to his feet. Turning around, he went to see what he had tripped over and his lips parted and eyes widened at the sight before him. There, laying on the ground was what he assumed to be an angel. The others skin was porcilien white and his hair looked like the color of snow. The wings that protruded from his back were so white and pure that there was really no way to describe them. The figure lay, unmoving before him so carefully, he took a step towards him. Gingerly, he extended a leg and nudged the other to no avail.


Well, this was not his problem, he had other things to worry about. Turning around, he took a step to leave when a cracking noise then shriek of laughter was heard nearby and his eyes widened. Those things had followed him, cursing softly, he braced him to run again but stopped. Glancing behind him at the unmoving angel that lay there, then up towards the darkened woods. "Oh, fucking hell." He cursed, rushing forward, grabbing one of the others arms he hooked it around his neck and hauled him up. Quickly, he started to half carry half drag the other deeper into the forest.

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The voices in his mind they stopped, but how was that possible you would never stop hearing those voices, it must have happened when he hit the earth. He wasn't knocked out, but he couldn't move ether, his body was healing itself as he laid there in darkness. Although even with his eyes closed he could see a bright light coming toward him, such a pure and gentle light. He had heard that pure souls were drawn to angels, but Leo didn't think that he would count since he was a different angel altogether. The light got brighter as it drew near till it tripped over him, and a surge or energy shocked his whole body. What in heavens name was that, it felt as if an electric spark coursed through his spine healing his left wing with incredible speed. Did it come from the pure light, could there really be a human, that wasn't a child, that was untainted? He wanted to open his eyes, but his body rejected the idea as it was still healing from the shock of being hit so hard, even with all his training one hit was enough to shake his core to restart. Ranting in his head Leo felt something nudge him in the side, it was the light again, even with that small contract the surge came back giving him feeling in his fingers again.


He laid there and waited, but the sound of a demon drew near, of all the times for those beasts to appear, now the pure soul would be frighted and run away, was what Leo had thought. A hand grabbed his arms and pulled at him till he could see nothing but white and felt more sparks run up his spine filling his body with a healing energy. He was finally able to let out a groan as the human dragged him away. But he knew it would not be able to outrun the fast approaching demons, Leo twitched feeling going through his body at the speed of light, the sounds of bones cracking back into place was heard as his wings drew up and began to flap about lifting the human's body off the ground a little before landing again. His eyes fluttered then opened staring down at the the body that held the pure soul. It seemed that Leo was only able to see the soul if his eyes were closed. This human was trying to save him, but why it would have been able to get away a lot quicker if it had left Leo to the demons. Looking back Leo spotted the demons closing in after them, hate was the only thing that was seen in his eyes.


His wings erect Leo flicked it back shooting out a bladed feather that hit the demons in their eyes blinding them. His arm gripped around the human holding it close before flapping again and taking off into the air taking the being with him, since this human was brave enough to try and save Leo risking their own life, Leo would return the favor and spare this rare soul from despair. High in the air the destruction from the demons was seen more clearly as the skies darkened to block out the pureness of the sun. The quickest way to kill many demon was the sun, he would have to get rid of the source of that smog.

"Don't wiggle around or I shall lose my grip on you." Leo spoke in a voice that was human so that he would not burn the ears of the being with his real voice. He looked down at it, not really caring for the gender, but seeing it's small body Leo thought it must have been a female, it was rather strong for one to be able to pick him up. But this was the body of the child his father created, such a beautiful one even if the angle was awkward.


Looking for a safe place to land Leo spotted a tall building that had not been knocked over he read the human text of the building and saw that it was a salt factory. Perfect place to hide, demons hated salt it was no wonder the building was untouched, gently floating down Leo let the other go before landing himself, tucking his wings inside and turning around to face the female.

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Mazuhi cursed softly under his breath as he tried to speed up his haul of the other as he heard the noises around them getting louder, meaning they were closing in. An image of Rose, getting ripped apart by those things flashed through his mind and his eyes narrowed slightly in determination. She was athletic, quick, and smart, and she was still ripped to pieces in a moment, meaning that he had no chance, especially not carrying someone, no, something else. Still, for a reason that was far beyond him, he couldn't bring himself to simply drop the other to fend for himself and take off. Hell, if he did that they might even get distracted and he could make it. He nearly stopped for a moment to glance at the other when he felt the angels skin begin to heat up under his touch, but knew now was certainly not the time to gawk at it.


Mazuhi was far to focused on the ground in front of them to notice the man around his arm began to shift and twitch his way back to contiousness. However, there was no missing the sound of bones begining to crack beside him. At first he assumed that one of the things had caught up to them already and sense he felt no pain had pounced onto the angel but his eyes widened and he nearly tripped over his own feet at what he saw when he looked over at the glorious angel. The man's wings were begining to shift upward in a jerking manor as the bones inside seemed to what he could only assume rectify themselves. Once they were risen just above half way, they shot up and before he could even react he felt the ground beneath him lift from his feet.


The words to describe it simply did not exist, his stomach nearly dropped from mouth as he found himself now all but clinging to the others arm to keep from falling. However they barely rose before he felt a jerk to the side and once again his feet connected with the ground. If he hadn't been holding the white haired angel in a death grip he was sure he would have tumbled to the ground in surprise. "What the-hey!" He meant to shout at the other in shock but found that his voice was barely louder than a whisper as he was still trying to absorb the shock of the entire situation. He was about to actually yell, but found himself cut off when his eyes met the gaze of the others, his eyes only widened. They were like nothing he'd ever seen before, like they held an entire galexy in them, like somehow they were sorrowful and hopeful all at the same time.


He found himself all but muted at the simple gaze and his lips parted as he let out a breath he didn't realize he was even holding. His own hazel eyes were to trained on the angel to see that the bladed feather was throne but he certainly felt the jerk and heard the shriek of the creature before a dull thump sounded. He went to look behind them to see what had happened but found himself pressed up against the angel before he could. A rose colored tint fulled his cheeks as the best smell he had ever inhaled filled his nose at the close promixity to the other. However the moment his feet lost the solid footing of the ground again the color quickly drained from his cheeks to be replaced with a pale, horrified one. One thing he didn't think of until now, was how much he really hated hights.


The angel's rythmic voice rang in his ears and he instinctivly gripped harder at the instructions he was given, which with the death grip he already had didn't seem to be possible. Closing his eyes tightly, his breath caught in his throat as he pressed his face to the Angel in an attempt to keep himself from looking down. Which seemed to work effectively well to his surprise. His eyes remained closed until he felt the angel's grip loosen and he peered down to see he was hovering just above the roof of a building. His death grip released as well and he stepped down onto the solid ground, releasing a death he didn't realize he was holding. Sinking to the ground he touched the ground below him, only once he was certain that it wsa real and not just his mind trying to comfort him did he finally rise to see himself looking directly at an angel, and an angel was looking back at him.


"Thanks, for that. You kind of saved us there I think. Ah, i'm Mazuhi by the way." He spoke softly and simply, despite everything that had happened there was a sense of calm about him. He'd just watched his classmates and best friends die but somehow he was still alive so was trying to remain calm in order to stay that way. If he lost control of himself right now then he could attract unwanted attention or for all he knew this angel would simply push him off the edge of the roof and continue on about his buisness. Wait, what was his buisness? Glancing up at the dark, clouded sky above them he spoke again, "What...what is going on, I would ask you if this is real but at this point I think I am past the point of denying that one.


The eery calm he held about him was definetly going to break sooner rather than later, but he couldn't worry abut that just yet. Right now the city was burning, people were dying, and he was standing in front of an undeniable angel, so he had more important things to focus on than his own loss of sanity.

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It was strange were female human usually this calm, but Leo knew that flying was the one thing that frightened the human a lot but this one was well balanced and calm. Glancing down the building he could easily see people fleeing, screaming, panicking, crying and dying yet this one held it's nerves and spoke as if nothing was wrong. Where did this power come from, if it were possible this human would make a fine archangel. Not a word was said when he listened to the human speak toward him even giving the angel their name. Mazuhi.....Mazuhi sounded familiar it also sounded like the name of a male. Closing his eyes Leo looked at the bright soul as if searching for something and once he found it his eyes snapped open with a look on his face as if discovering something.


"Ah yes human number 9.252 billion Mazuhi Mochikaru, age 19 you were the brightest and bouncing soul in heaven to be born. Causing the most trouble by wandering off and bouncing around evading angels left and right." A smirk came to Leo's face he remembered nineteen years ago being the one to capture that soul and place it back in line to be born on earth. Such a strong soul this one was and it seemed that he just got brighter and stronger, no wonder he was so calm and how he was able to heal Leo's body, since he touched this soul before it was born he was Mazuhi's angel who guided the young one through life, but from what he remembered Mazuhi was in the line for male souls.


"Oh you are male, my mistake, as for my reason to be here." Lifting his sword into the air, ripples of golden yellow light appeared behind the angel as many arrows appeared as if taking aim. Leo's sword made a small circle in the air causing the arrows to shift a bit till his arm trigger the attack by thrusting down and forward. Arrows rained down toward the earth and hit nothing but demons. It was as if the arrows locked on the the ugly creatures and pieced them till they fell to the ground. When one demon hit the ground the arrows that were still gliding down from the air locking onto a live demon before striking it down. All the demon that were near the salt factory turned to black ash and caught on fire, turning back toward his human Leo sheath his sword.


"I am here to get rid of them, me and my brothers that is, if they would hurry up and get down here to help me. Although I can not talk with them right now my communication has been severed." Leo touched his head to see if he could speak with his brothers but still nothing, did this soul's healing energy not work on something like this, Leo thought about it, but then a thought came to mind maybe he needed closer contact with this soul. With that thought in mind he walked over to Mazuhi and grabbed his arm pulling him closer, the healing energy could be felt but nothing was happening maybe he needed skin contact with the problemed area. So moving his face closer their foreheads touch sending a shocking chill up and down Leo's spine. As he focused he started to hear voices, but they were quite loud, his brothers were panicking shouting out his name hoping for a response. Scared that he might have been unconscious, or injured some said he was dead and were yelled at by those who didn't want that. Since Leo was so close Mazuhi would be able to hear the angelic voices in his own language.


"Oh it works." Leo thought causing all the voices to go quiet and then at the same time they all shouted his name making the angel flinch while getting bombarded with questions from the others. The usual one like where he was, what happened, why didn't he say anything, was he hurt the normal ones there was even some angry one like why didn't he wait for them, that he was acting rash again and if he was dying or captured?


"Calm down all of you, you'll make Mazuhi's head explode listen my mental communication is down I'm only able to talk to you through a human with a bright soul. I can't beat these demons alone so get your feathery asses down here and help me!!" Once he said what he needed to Leo moved away and he could no longer hear the voices of his brothers.

(What the attack would look like)

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The brown eye'd male watched the other curiously as he closed his eyes, seemingly searching for something though what the human didn't know. Cautiously, he took a step closer to the angel, about to ask if he was alright. He had found the other collapsed in a heap in the woods after all, come to think of it, he'd seen a shooting star just slice through the building in the direction of where the angel was laying. That could mean, that the person whose fault the building had collapsed was the angel standing right in front of him. Shaking his head slightly, he dismissed the idea. There was no way the creature before him would have done that, he'd just pulled Mazuhi directly out of the line of fire with the things that had followed him into the woods after all.


He didn't have much more time to consider it though, before he perked back up as soon as he heard the others voice again. Though, what came from the Angels mouth was not exactly what he expected to hear. His brow furrowed slightly in confusion, "Soul?" He repeated as if saying the word would give him clarity as to what the other meant. He'd never stepped foot in a church, his parents had been buddist so christianity, the whole heaven and hell, god and satan, deamons and angels, were not exactly topics he knew much about. But from what he could gather, and he knew the other was not lying because he knew his last name and age without any context on the matter. Simple logic, black and white, was what he was good at.


"Mistake?" He spoke again, this time his voice was a bit louder than before as he looked down at himself. Sure, he was a bit scrawny, and had small hands, a pierced ear, short, well, maybe it wasn't the others fault for mistaking him. Only now did he regret not trying to lift some weights or something before all of this happened, perhaps he could have made himself somewhat more masculine. Then again, the last time he tried he managed to drop one on his foot and swore be damned he'd never lift one again after three months in a cast when he was younger. Despite his reasonable explination to himself, he still felt a slight tint raise up to his cheeks at the thought of actually have been mistaking as a girl. Reaching up, he patted his flat chest almost as if to reasure both of them.


He deduced all of that in the short few moments it took the angel to raise his sword to the heavens. His eyes widened as he watched the bright golden hues appear behind the other, he felt no fear as the arrows took there aim. The moment they began to shoot, Mizu's eyes followed them as they left streams of gold in the air behind them for a moment as they flew. Wide, curious eyes watched them all fly and turned around quickly to follow them as they began to hit there targets. Despite everything that had happened, it was like this site made him forget it all for even just a few moments. Running along side the arrows as they flung through the air, until he had to stop when he reached the end of the roof which was blocked off by a large gate.


His hands caught himself before he ran face first into the gate and his fingers curled around the tiny wires as he gazed in awe at the site before him. The deamons began to rain from the sky where they were causing havoc, the golden arrows seemed to light up the dark clouded black sky, that hung above a city of fire and screams. He should be scared he was going to die, he should care that his friends were likely all dead, that the life he'd worked so hard for up until now and have been living every day was never going to come back, but somehow the only thing in his mind was how beautiful the scene before him was. Only once it had quieted down did he let his hands fall from the fence as he turned back towards the angel and walked back to where he stood before, ready and waiting for the answer he was waiting for.


When he heard the word brothers, he glanced around for a moment and noted that he didn't see any other angels but the one who had saved his life. When he looked back to the angel, he saw that the other was walking towards him and he returned a look of waryness as he found himself standing adjacent from the angel. He went to move his arm back when the other reached for him and pulled him forward, not from fear but from confusion. "Angel?" His own soft voice questioned the other but instead of an answer he found himself face to face with him. His eyes widened at the contact, as he found himself all but swallowed up by that gaze. For a moment, maybe even a millisecond, time seemed to freeze. Everything around him went white.


He was somewhere he didn't know, and just kind of floating in the air it felt. It was air more clear and pure than he'd ever inhaled in his lifetime, he couldn't think or speak but somehow he felt the feelings of playful rebellion and pure freedom and over whelming hope and excitement. Somewhere in the distance he heard a faint voice echo, "Come on now little one, you have done enough playing. It's time for your life to begin." The voice sounded familiar, and it only took him a moment to realize that this must have been his memory that the angel had spoke about, his spirit in the heavens. But, that seemed pretty impossible, even if it was true there was no way he'd ever remember that. Then again, maybe it had something to do with the angel pressing his forehead to his own.


Just as soon as it had engulfed his mind, it was gone, his eyes snapped open and he found himself staring right into the face of the magnificant angel, his cheeks did more than just tint this time. Heat spread up his cheeks all the way to the tips of his ears as he could feel the angel's breath against his face, his own breath had caught in his throat the moment he'd opened his eyes. Then, ruining the moment, what ever kind of moment it was, he heard the shouting.








The voices booked inside of his head and he had to shut his eyes again tightly at how loud they were being. Hearing them almost felt wrong in a way, like each voice was to pure for his ears to handle. He heard hundreds of them, maybe even thousands, each one clearly relieved to hear from the angel who he was currrently head butting in a sense. As soon as he felt the pressure release from his forhead, there was a pang in his chest, almost as though he didn't really want the angel to pull away. "Did you just use me as a telephone?" He asked the other, and couldn't help but actually laugh as he rubbed his ear in an attempt to get the ringing out of it which took a few moments. "Leo, then. So they are coming to help then, where were they when all of my friends were just ripped apart and crushed and my city torn apart?" He asked, his tone was low but almost seemed to loose a bit of it's softness as he spoke the last sentance.


In his entire life, he seemed to lack rage. It took a lot, and he meant a lot, to get him to the point of even raising his voice. This entire situation had shocked his system, but suddenly, with all the deamons nearby now dead and the area around them quiet, did he slowly feel anger begining to creep in and it felt like a shock that he'd never felt before. Taking a step towards Leo, he continued, without giving the other a chance to explain. "Do you know how many people just died? Innocent people, who did nothing wrong. There was a light that crashed through my school building just after he got out, and it went in the direction where I found you. So, your buddies where up in heaven worrying about you, letting everyone get slaughtered, while you were down here, crashing threw my school which resulted in my teacher and class mates getting crushed by the falling rubble!" His voice was no longer just a few octives above where it normally was, for the first time in his entire life, he was yelling, no screaming at the angel before him. Reaching out, he shoved at the angel as slowly tears began to fall from his eyes.

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Such strange creatures humans were able to change their emotions so freely. Especially this one right here first it was calm, then confuse, it laughed and now it was angry. To make matters worst it waa throwing its anger toward the angel. Upset that he and his brothers weren't there to save them Leo did not get upset. Not even when the other blamed him for killing some humans when he crashed through that school building he just stood there letting the other shout at him till he was tired of hearing the other whine and complain. Who was this child to question him, he was nothing more than a human with a unique soul nothing more. He was not the only one in this world so Leo could easily send him up into the stars. Annoyance rose in him as he drew out his sword and pointed it close toward the human's neck speaking in a loud voice as if someone turned the bass all the way up on a radio.


"KNOW YOUR PLACE MORTAL, WE OWE YOU OR YOUR FRIENDS NOTHING!! YOU ARE MERELY SHEEP KEPT IN THIS CAGE YOU CALL EARTH!! BE GRATEFUL THAT WE ARE EVEN HERE TO SAVE YOUR SHORT LIVED LIVES AND NOT JUST LEAVE YOU TO THESE DEMON MONGRELS!!" His once gentle voice was gone his soft eyes now filled with rage his soft light now bright and full showing the true glow of an archangel. But after his angry retort the angel calmed down and lowered his sword. He was now glaring at his unique soul so he was just like all the other humans that whined and complained when praying to them asking where they were and why they never came to help them when they were in trouble, so annoying. Leo hated listening to such selfish prayers making it seem like the angels were at fault.


"You humans are all alike always crying and begging us for help and then becoming angry when we do nothing or are too late. I did not kill your friend on purpose, I was hit in that direction when fighting a demon, my brothers distracted me tell me to come back so that they could come up with a plan on how to deal with these demons. I rushed in without a plan at all I was the only one that responded quickly to these demons who are destroying human lives. I can't save those who are gone but I can save as many that are still alive as I can so don't you shout your anger to me!" Leo went quiet after that as he put his sword away and turned away from Mazuhi walking to the edge of the building. He was a fool to think the other had not changed at all when he spoted him chasing after his arrows when they fired off. The excitement the boy showed brought Leo back to the past when he use to chase that free spirited orb around heaven.


Spreading his wings he was about to take off and just leave the ungrateful human there when the clouds above parted and a low rumble was heard. Leo froze on the spot and looked up toward the sky as if listening to the rumbling. His face made a look of annoyance as he crossed his arms.


"He is the one who started this, if he doesn't want me here then I will leave him." Leo seemed to be arguing with the sky, and when he tried to take off a bolt of lightening shot down and striked him to the ground like a child getting hit with a belt from a parent.

"OW!! UGH WHY DO I HAVE TO-.....Rumble......But I-.......Rumble Rumble Rumble......I don't want too." The rumbling stopped and all was silent till another bolt came from the sky and sent Leo flying back into an ac unit smoke rising from his fried body. He just laid there his eyes squeezed shut as the opened sky was closed up by the dark cloud and the rumbling grew distant.


"Stupid father." Leo mumbled as he folded his arms and did not attempt to move from the spot he laid.

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Mazuhi's hands were clenched into fists as his side as he glared at the being before him, despite his anger the other was an angel, he didn't think the other would do much other than probably just fly off in annoyance. So when the other rose his sword towards him, his eyes flicked down towards it but he had already decided he didn't have room for fear right now. If Leo was going to kill him, he would do it, scared or not. So the best thing Mazuhi could do, was make sure the other one wouldn't forget him. His gaze bore into the others as ash began to rain down around them, falling from the sky. A breeze seemed to pick up and ruffle both of there hairs and he was clenching one of his fists so tightly that a small drop off blood dripped from his hand where his nails had dug in.


However, the moment he heard the booming voice his eyes widened, loosing there rage and filling with pain instead. Reaching up he covered his ears in an attempt to quiet the noice but it was to little avail, he closed his eyes tighty he sunk to his knees breathing heavily and for the first time in this, shaking with fear. Once the voice finally quited, his shoulders dropped int relieve and he brought his gaze back up to the other. Still angry, but clearly at this point he was becomingto exghausted to care, everything that was happened, everything that he had just lost was slowly begining to ache inside of him. "You want to save lives still, but you point your sword at me for yelling at you, your kind, no maybe it's just you, you are hypocritical."


He spoke, pushing himself off of the ground and looked up at the dark clouds as the angel walked towards the edge. Some some reason, he couldn't bring himself to look at it right now. He knew it was leaving, and when it left, he would be done for as soon as he stepped foot outside of this place. But for a reason he couldn't grasp, he felt himself begining to calm down again, falling back into the soft and impassive person that he'd managed to be when all of this began. It seemed hard to believe that three hours ago, everything had been fine and now nothing would ever be again. When he didn't the flap of wings, he lowered his gaze to rest on the angel who was now facing away from him.


The other seemed agitated for a moment and he took a cautious step forward before calling out, "Leo?" From what he could tell, the angel was talking to himself. So, now he was the crazy one? However a loud rumble was heard from the parted skys and his eyes widened. No way, that couldn't be.....god himself? He couldn't tell what the rumbles meant, but he could see Leo getting more aggitated as he took off, just ot be shot down by a strike. "Leo!" He yelled, rushing towards the other just to watch him literally shot backwards into the unit. Breathing hard, Mazuhi looked up towards the sky and yelled out again, "Stop it!" Rushing forward, he was more than confused, was god himself striking down his own son? It was clear by now that the angel and him wouldn't get along, but it wasn't right to watch. He came to a stop standing right in front of the angel that seemed to be more of a huff than injured behind him, raising his arms up he blocked the path to Leo, his eyes never leaving the parted clouds.


"Stop it, please." He spoke once more, his voice was soft again, his gaze was one of simple sadness now, no more anger or rage seemed to be left.

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His body hurt once more he was glad his brothers were not here to see this, getting whooped by their father was embarrassing. Closing his eyes he just laid there, but his ears perked hearing Mazuhi's voice he oped his eyes to see the other blocking the path of his father's wrath. What in the world was he doing, did he want to get struck down himself, but the better question was why was he defending him when they had just fault? Lifting his hands Leo pulled himself from the AC unit and fell onto the floor.


"Are you insane, one strike will kill you, I can take it since my body is tougher than yours. I am only getting disciplined." Leo pulled the other back from the line of fire, but he knew his father would never strike down his own children especially one with a soul as bright as this one. He stared intently at the other as if weighting his options his father was upset for him leaving the human that he was assigned to from long ago. So Leo would have to protect the other? How was he suppose to fight if he was babysitting this boy, sighing he looked up to the sky his father worked in mysterious ways. So it was best to do what he said since in the end it would work out for them.


"Come on we can't stay here forever, the more I sit here the more humans die." He didn't feel like arguing with the other it would get them no where. Leo moved his arms down and scooped up Mazuhi as if he was a dainty princess. The surge came back healing his tired body instantly, even if he whined this guy had his perks. Lights flashed from the sky, fire erupting from the dark clouds as if eating away at the darkness so that the sun shined through. Orbs of light flew down from the sky and zipped about rushing off in different directions. It was about time his brothers showed up Leo looked down hearing the cries of demons far off that burned up in the light of the sun. But he knew that the sun could only do so much higher ranking demons would be annoyed by the sun, but not killed. He must have been in charge of this city, if his brothers flew off without grouping, they must have been heading to other cities and states to deal with this demonic outbreak.


"I need to get to work." Leo mumbled jumping onto the edge of the building wings spread he jumped off and flew. Making sure to have a tight grip on Mazuhi so that the other would not fall. His mind was racing maybe it was a good idea to leave the other in the salt building where it was safe and go out to fight then come to check up on him. That seemed like a very good idea, but what if tainted souls found him, demons wouldn't go near the building but other humans with impure thoughts would. Leo groaned as he glided around the building absentmindedly , taking care of someone else was so hard his way of living was so simple when he was all by himself.


"What should I do with you?" Leo mumbled his gaze looking down at Mazuhi, but there was no time for this he had to fight, so sticking to his first mind it was decided that the male would come with him as he fraught he would just have to keep a good eye on him. With that in mind Leo finally gained speed as he flew away from the salt factory and out into the burning city.

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Mazuhi head the shifting of aluminum and glanced over his shoulder to see the other plop down from the ac, his face was still beautiful but looked pretty annoyed at the current situation he was in. Then again, who could blame him, he'd just been struck by lightening twice now, the hazel eye'd male was sure if that happened to him he would be in anything but a pleasant mood afterwards. He moved to extend a hand to help the angel up but thinking about the argument , if that's what you would ever call it, he chose to take a cautious step away instead. Hearing the others first words, he glanced back up at the part in the angry looking grounds and shrugged slightly. For a reason he could not place, he didn't feel threatened in the least by the lightening that had just struck the other down.


Despite that, he felt himself yanked out of the line of fire and found himself staring straight back into the angels orbs once again. Though now, he couldn't tell what Leo was thinking, "Leo?" He questioned, but the other seemed to deep in thought to answer him. For a moment, as the angels next words he considered muttering a smart comment about how many had already died while he made a phone call to his buddies but he didn't get the chance because the next thing he knew the ground once again dissappeared underneath his feet. To his relief they weren't flying, but the angel had just hooked his arms under his knees and upper back. Though, his relief was short lived as he realized what Leo meant, flying. Closing his eyes tightly he instandly leaned close to the others chest while clutching his own shirt collor tightly in order to remain calm.


Almost immediately, he felt a rush of air as Leo jumped from the spot they were to the edge of the roof, his stomach dropped slightly as the instant movement and his eyes only shut tighter in response. Just as his gut warned him, in an instant, they were off. He didn't dare opening his eyes just yet, but could feel the vibration of Leo's voice through the chest that he was leaning against and only now did he notice just how warm this angel was against his skin. It wasn't burning or anything, but it felt like there was a soft, radiating warmth seeping from the angel, only then did he realize how cold he had been before. It was winter after all, his cheeks had gone pale before but color was already returning to them, the same for his ears.


Carefully, he peered his eyes open to glance down at his hands only to see that his fingers were also pale and shaking as well as had some blood on them. Though he didn't get hurt yet, so he knew it was probably Leo's from when he'd tried to carry the other to saftey earlier when he'd found him. Carefully, so he wouldn't be squirming in the angels iron grip, he pu one of his hands to Leo's chest and within seconds he could feel the warmth begin to seep back into his finger tips along with a tinge of color. He heard Leo question what to do with him, but to be honest he didn't know either. He knew he would do nothing but get in the angels way, but he also knew that if Leo just left him somewhere he was probably going to die. He wasn't a good fighter, by any means, the only thing he had on him was he certainly knew how to run."Are you still hurt? You know, from the fall earlier or being hit or whatever happened earlier?" He spoke, tilting his head back just slighty, careful not to let his gaze wonder for the fear of accidenty looking down. The angels hair was blowing in the window, framing the others face and making him look even more angelic than he already did. The sun that began to fill the city once more and lit up the Leo's face as well, causing his eyes to catch the reflection.

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The flight so far was silent the only thing distracting the angel were cold fingers, his eyes glanced down at a shivering body, there were different reasons for shivering. Ether the human felt fear which was highly likely since he didn't seem to enjoy flying. Another would be from pleasure, but Leo knew that one couldn't be it, he hoped, and the last one would be from feeling cold. It had to be the last one since the male was snuggling against his radiant light for warmth. He couldn't afford for the male to get since, it was the winter season and they were in the air to make matters worst. So Leo would have to find warmed clothes. Humans were such sensitive beings covering up when they were cold and stripping when it was hot.


When humans needed clothing they went to shops, so Leo would just have to head there looked down he could see some humans looting. It brought up a memory of when something bad happens to the human like the acts of mother nature their first mind set is to loot from shops. His brothers always found it funny, but Leo saw no point in such a thing, unless the items were needed to survive like food and water, other items like the humans precious electronics would slow them down and serve no purpose. Leo never enjoyed watching such a thing, he thought it was rather said that humans would revert back to their primal instincts. Gaining speed he didn't want to gain any attention, once humans saw an angel-like figure they seemed to crowd around it and right now Leo could only handle on human to protect.


"Ah." He finally saw a shop that wasn't too bad or in flames so he floated down once his feet touched the earth his wings vanished and he set Mazuhi down. He could sense it there were demons near them the feeling in the air made his skin crawl. He acted as a shield pushing the petite male behind him as he drew out his sword and glanced around.


"Go into the shop and get warmer clothing, I'll clear the area." He didn't want to do the same attack he did on the roof it would cause too much unwanted attention so close combat it would have to be. Hissing noises drew closer the direction it was coming from was north, Leo drew his second blade taking a stance as he watch three snake like demon come out of the shadows of an alley, the light of the sun only made them sluggish so that meant they were not low level demon. Fire flared in Leo's eyes as they drew near not knowing the strength that was before them, but Leo had to be careful he could not let a single one get pass him. The bared their fangs to try intimidate him, but Leo didn't move from his place in front of the door. It was a stare down till one of the snakes made the first move lashing out it aimed for his neck. The angel waited till it got close flipped the sword in his right palm around to deflect the snake, spun around to gain momentum and with the sword in his left hand brought the blade down on the exposed neck of the demon blood spraying all over as its cries of pain died out and its husk laid limp on the concrete. Leo was back in his fighting stance he hadn't even taken a step forward as he glared down the remaining two who decided they would rush the angel if they attacked him together and from opposite sides. They closed in at an alarming speed, the angel was calm as he ducked down causing a collision the snakes had impaled one another with their own fangs, but to finish the job like the first one Leo slit their throats and they dropped before him before all three turned to black ash and burst into green flames. Blood dripping from his face Leo stood there on high alert.

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Mazuhi was so enthralled with the other that he almost forgot that he was not on solid ground, almost. He could tell by the air flow that was coming from underneath them now that they were decending. He could almost feel the warmth radiating from below as they passed over a few buildings that were aflame still. Once they began to slow, he let his hands untangle from Leo and shifted slightly so he could glance at the ground. To his relief they were only about twenty feet above it now, quickly scanning around below for any signs of deamons or what ever else could be lurking about right now he nodded silently to himself when he saw none. From what he could tell, this entire street looked deserted for the most part, there was rubble everywhere.


There was a car or two that looked like something had flipped them over, one of there lights were flashing continuously and the alarm was going off, but the other showed no signs of life. Something about the area seemed just..wrong? When they finally slowed enough, Leo felt the subtle thud from Leo's feet stepping onto the ground. He shifted slightly as he was set down carefully, and let out a sigh of relief feeling solid earth under his feet again. Though when he stepped away from Leo he found that the cold air around them began to once again drain the color from his face and feeling from his finger tips. Crossing his arms over his chest he took a further step back as he watched the angel turn around. He parted his lips and soft puffs of air were seen in there air from his breathing, about to ask the other what they were doing.


"Le-" He began, but found the angel cautiously backing him up towards the building behind them, only when the other finally spoke did he realize that they had come all this way, down into enemy lines, just to get him some warmer clothes. While he was relived, knowing fully well he needed some, he couldn't help but feel guilty. Then again, Leo was here to do a job, so it was not llike he did this just for Mizuhi, right? Still, reaching forward he put his hand against Leo's back and spoke, "I'll be quick, I promise." With the simple statement he turned and all but fled into the building that was apparently one of those stores for angsty teenagers that hated life and chose to express it in there clothing choices. These, were certainly anything but his style ,then again, it was past the point for being picky.


The lights inside had blown out, and many of the stands were knocked over meaning there had probably been people in here when everything went to hell, literally. Making his way down the isles, he stopped when he saw a store mannequin laying on the ground. Reaching down he hauled it up right and looked at the clothes it was wearing. Pulling it off the large doll he slide on the black short sleeve shirt and then buttoned up the black and white plaid flannet jacket with a hood that went over it, then pulled on the pair of thick white jeans. To his surprise, the clothing were actually pretty warm. After another few moments, he managed to locate a pair of black socks and gloves and a pair of black and white high top sneakers. He felt a bit to old for the clothing he was now wearing but stopped at a mirror. Reaching behind him he pulled up the hood that was lined with warm fake fur and nodded at his reflection before making his way back towards the door.


However, he was stopped, frozen in his tracks, when he saw a red pool seeping out from underneath a fallen clothing rack by the register. Looking towards the door he was about to call LEo for help but figured that he needed to at least try and fend for himself. Taking in a deep breath, he made his way towards it, slowly and carefully, once he was close enough, he slid off one of the gloves and knelt down, traving the tip of his finger in it and his fears were correct. Blood, what's worse, it was still warm. Hazel eyes wide, with a slow hand, he reached out and lifted up a few of the clothes and instantly turned away from it , falling to his knees and putting a hand over his mouth as he dry heaved for a moment. There was a body, literally mauled.


Pushing himseld to his feet he wiped took off towards the door, almost slipping on the blood in the process. The moment he stepped outside he called out, "Leo!", his mad dash didn't stop until he was right beside the other. "Leo, there was.." His voice trailed off as he took in the scene. There was even more ash before, and it looked thicker than the rest, deamons. Turning his attention back towards the angel and his eyes narrowed. Blood. "Did you get hurt? I didn't mean to take that long. Do you need to rest?" He murmured out quickly, bending down and grabbing some snow before holding it up to carefully clean the blood from Leo's face. The whole time he'd been inside, the other must have been protecting the interance. "We can find somewhere and hole up for a bit, it's not like the deamons are going anywhere." He spoke, looking around at the now empty street again, despite his earlier outburst he was more concered with the angel in front of him right now.

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After wiping his sword off he put them away and waited for the human to come back out, his ears burned hearing the male shout out his name. Looking back everything felt like it was in slow motion Mazuhi's choice of clothing was very intriguing he like it. But the sound of Hazuhi's voice and look on his place snapped him out of it. He sounded scared, then worried, he was about the mention something till he saw the state Leo was in and froze now he was worrying about him instead, what for he was not injured. He didn't even flinch when the cold snow was rubbed onto him, what was he cleaning, oh yeah he had forgotten that he was covered in blood. Leo didn't have to touch the other to feel the emotions that were pouring out, did the state of what was going on around him finally sink into the boys mind or did seeing the only thing that could protect him getting hurt scare him the most. Ether way Leo wanted to stop the other before he goes into shock, he could hear the boy's heart racing so fast, so reaching out Leo grabbed the male and pulled him into a one armed embrace. He knew that being near his chest calm this little spirit down the most for some reason.


"Be calm, the blood is not mine besides being close to you heals me faster than resting." He spoke in a low and soothing voice, memories flooded his mind of the restless orb calming in his embrace when it was too bouncy. Maybe the sight of blood was taboo, so that would mean Leo would have to ether bathe or change his clothing. He would choose the latter and wipe off the blood if the water in this store still worked.


"Have you calmed down now?" He looked down to Mazuhi slowly letting the other go the weight in his feet shifting to go inside the building where he saw the body. The soul floating above it, when humans were killing the soul would linger around the dead body before ascending to the stars. Leo walked over to the body and kneeled down to the body and held his hand out toward the soul.


"May you rest peacefully as you ascend up to your one true home till we meet again we promise to let you live in a safer world where you will live out your life more peacefully, amen." The soul floated toward Leo its light low yet gentle as it floated up through the roof heading toward the sky. He knew that he would be doing this a lot his gaze looking down to the body touching it the body glowed disappearing in little specks of golden petal till there was nothing left not even the blood pool. Leo stood turning away from the empty floor his quiet body walking over to the human clothing, when he found what he wanted to were his armor seemed to disappear as if unequipping it. He stood in the middle of the store in all his naked glory with no shame of hiding anything. Only his face had dry blood on it so he walked around finding water in a small mini fridge he picked up a discarded shirt and used it to wipe his face clean. The clothing he chose were easy to put on and he liked the feel, they were itchy wool, or hard metal it was a rather cozy feeling. The one thing he liked about humans were how creative they were walking toward where Mazuhi was he passed a mirror moving backward he looked at himself loving what he saw these clothes were simply appealing to him.


When he got his fill of seeing himself he walked over toward where Mazuhi was and crossed his arms.

"We should leave is there anything else from this place that you need? Oh and I found water in these convenient containers."

(Nearly forgot Leo's outfit:

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Mazuhi watched the other carefully, waiting for a response. Though, it was not the one he thought he was going to get. His lips parted in surprise as one minute he was watching Leo's face for a reaction and the next he found himself pressed up against the angels chest. He stiffened at first, surprised by the unforseen action, but after a few moments he found himself begining to calm down. His breathing slowed, as did his heart beat until they both practically matched the same rythm they would have if he were asleep. He found feel the steady rise and fall of Leo's chest against his face, and hear the shifting of Leo's clothing as he breathed in and out. The screams and explosions from earlier seemed to have died down finally, and all he could hear was a distance car alarm steadily droaning on and the steady blowing of the wind kicking up some of the snow and ash that had settled earlier.


The steady warmth against his face caused him to close his eyes for a moment before he felt Leo's voice through the vibration of his chest. "Well, looks like we have a partnership then. I can help you heal, and you can keep me from dying. " He spoke in the once again gentle tone that he'd used for his entire life up until this point, he felt the angels arm around him loosen and he took a few steps back before nodding, "Yeah, i'm sorry. I have never found a mangled body while clothes browsing before. Then again, I guess I should probably start getting used to that by now, huh?" He laughed at the idea of such a sick thing becoming the norm, but sombered when he realized it was actually reality now. He followed after Leo as they headed inside, keeping a few feet away from him as to not crowd him, but still close enough that he still felt safe.


When they approached the body, at first Mazuhi attempted to avert his eyes, not wanting to retch again. But quickly redirectly his attention back to it, making himself look at it in order to begin the process of decensatizing himself. Though it became clear very quickly that it was going to take some time as he found himself stepping away to dry heave once again. Once he was sombered, he turned, with wide eys, to see a soft glow float towards the angel. He couldn't see the soup persay, but could see a shift in the air right above the body. His gaze loweder when the other knelt down and though he couldn't see past Leo's back, he could tell from a leg that was in his view that it began to glow and dissipate. There really was getting around how magnificant an angel was apparently, and he couldn't help but gape for a moment.


The angel seemed to have his mind elsewhere though, because as soon as the body was gone Leo set off on what looked to be his own task. For a moment he considered just waiting where he was for Leo to return, but one look at the spot where the body had been instantly put his feet into motion. Turning towards the register he climbed over the counter and plopped down behind it, making his way to the non working vending machine that was still attatched to the wall. "Let's see, let's see.." He murmured softly, bending down to look in it. All there seemed to be was junk food, but it was going to have to do. Plus, with all the perservatives, it's like like any of it would be expiring any time soon. Looking around for something to get it open with, he picked up an empty clothing rack before begining to beat at the glass.


It took a few tries and by the time he finished, he was out of breath, but finally managed to smash it. Using his boot to kick away any access glass, he began to remove some of the food inside. Setting a full arm full of food oonto the counter, he climbed back over and picked up a bag from the floor. Ripping the tag off, he sat it down and began to shove the food inside. Just in time as it seemed, he heard the dull echo of approaching foot steps and loked to see Leo returning. Zipping open the bag, he threw it over his shoulder before heading towards him. He was stopped however, when he noticed the angel promptly stop moving to exaimine himself. To which he couldn't help but let out a vibrant life, the idea of a self admiring angel was something just to good.


Once Leo made it over to him, he'd managed to somber the laughs but was still smiling at the funny sight. "Well, I have to say, you look like one bad ass angel, and that's me being modest." He teased, laughing at his own joke before reaching forward and reaching for the containers. Stuffing them in the bag on his back, "It's a water bottle, they are really common here. I also have some food and threw in some extra clothing for us in the bag I found. Does this make a looters?" He questioned, looking over at the angel, he couldn't help but feel bad for just taking the things that they had. However, not to far away, a few gun shots were heard and caused Mazuhi's attention to redirect before murmurering. "Actually, I think we should probably get going now." His voice was low and soft a he instinctivly ducked down a bit, his gaze stuck on the see through door to the building.

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Badass, that must have been a phrase humans used to describe something, looking into the air as if looking up and term and the words ultra cool came to his mind. Never has anyone ever called him that before in fact no one has really spoken that much to him unless they were in battle and coming up with strategy plans. How was he feeling right now talking so much to his calm soul, happy? Yeah it was a sort of happiness the ends of his lips curving up slightly, crossing his arms his whole face turned to the door to hid that small moment of emotion. He listened to the other speak of them being looters his mind going right back to being reasonable.


"You have no choice seeing as this is a time of survival, you take what you need to live, what I don't understand is why some humans take tvs, and other electronic they weight you down and are of no convenience." His words stopped hearing the sharp sounds of bullets being fired far off, it sounded as if humans were trying to defend themselves. It was hopeless normal bullets would just annoy demons of higher levels the humans were better off running away. Turning toward the sound Leo walked toward the back of the store where there was a door. Opening it to the cold outside world he was now in another alleyway looking back and forth nothing was there. He glanced back to Mazuhi as if telling the other to stick close to him as he walked. He would protect the boy with his body as they walked.


"Just so you know normal bullet won't effect demons, but if you have holy bullets they'd die from one shot." Leo let out one of his wings the large snow white feathers gave a soft glow as fingers ran through the feathers till some came off naturally. When three were in hand the wing tucked back in and vanished completely. He turned to Mazuhi showing him the bladed feathers, but soon the metal took hold morpghing the feather into a familiar shape to humans. One turned into a hand held gun, while the other became twelve bullets with feather over a cross engraved in it. Leo loaded the gun with all twelve bullets closed it and held it out to Mazuhi.


"Just in case I will give this to you so that you at least have a way to defend yourself, if you run out just say reload, one of my loose feathers will replace the bullets instantly. And don't worry about the word being said by accident it only works if you have the gun in your hand." He should have given this boy a weapon sooner it would have put his mind at ease, but he wasn't thinking about it till he heard the guns go off. He had to hurry to that sound and kill the demon nearby.

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Mazuhi watched as the other headed towards the back of the store, for a moment he questioned if he should follow however as soon as Leo gave him a glance he quickly pulled the bag back on his shoulders and headed after the other. Nearer to the door, he could hear the gun shots getting louder and a slight shudder went down his spine. He'd never so much as seen a real gun before, other than in movies or pictures on the internet. The closest he'd come to one was just hearing a few shots since he had lived in the city his whole life but even then he would just roll over in bed and disregard them as possible fireworks. Though now, it was clear that there was no more disregarding anything. He stopped at the door and watched silently as the angel stepped out of it, his gaze traced over the door frame to the exit and lingered at the snowy ground just outside of it.


The moment he stepped outside that doorway, he would begin this journey with Leo. Where ever it may take them he didn't know, and that was the scary part. With a low, outtake of breath that showed in the air, he stepped outside. Following after Leo, he found himself stepping closer to the other as the gun shots began to get louder. When the angel spoke, he was about to make a sarcastic comment about the lack of holy bullets on the market right now but before he could speak he heard a shifting behind him. Looking back he saw as one of Leo's pure white wings, only looking whiter with the contrast against the black, dangerous clothing that the othe was wearing. His gaze was stuck in both curiousity and what felt like awe at the simple beauty and grace as smooth delicated fingers frushed through his wings.


The blade began to shift and the next thing he knew, he was being offered a gun. Reaching out, he took it and felt the weight in his hand comforting somehow. The metal felt cold against his hand, and it felt a bit heavier than he imagined as well. Then again, he didn't exactly know what they usually weighed. "Got it." He murmured, looking down at it before moving to put it in his bed. However, the next gun shot rang and it was so close it seemed to echo and he decided to keep it out. Holding it close to his side, he stepped a bit closer to the angel as they walked. Leo seemed to speed up so he let himself trail behind a bit in an attempt to stay out of the way, and as soon as they turned the corner it was clear he made the right decision.


Instantly, a large, skeletal creature with wings like a bat tackled the angel beside him, "Leo!" He called out, raising the gun in an attempt to shoot at whatever the thing was but before he could something else hit him from the side and he went tumbling down into the snow as well with a heavy thud. There was a gush of snow and air above him as he tried to push himself back up and gather his barings but before he could something shoved him back down in the snow and he cried out in fear. The gun. He'd dropped it when he was shoved down, he rolled over just in time to see another of the winged beasts raising it's claw out towards him and bringing it down. He managed to push himself out of the way, the claw just managed to graze his cheek slightly. Pushing himself up he saw the black metal that stood out in the white snow and he dove for it.


His hand grasped it just in time as he felt it grip his ankle and yank him back with a snarl, his hand gripped the gun tighter as he rolled back over and pointed it up at the deamon, the shot rang out, then another, then another as he let out a yell. Panting, his heartbeat could be heard in his ears as he watched it instantly turn to ash. He held the gun with two shaky hands as he frantically looked for the angel only to see that LEo had a swarm of them attacking him. Whoever had been shooting earlier, was trying to shoot at these things and clearly they lost. "Leo!" He creamed again, pushing himself up from the ground.

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"Damn it!" Leo groaned as he glared at the boned creature he hated these things, they were so hard to sense since they were literately nothing but bones with wings. Not only that but if there was one there were more of them since they loved to hunt in packs which meant that Mazuhi would be in danger. He had to hurry up and get to him, there were three ways to kill these annoying bone demons, option one were the holy bullets which were the easiest, option two would be stabbing their hearts with their own bones that was the toughest, and option three was Leo's holy light, but that would kill anything demon in a one mile radius circle, and it would drain Leo of his energy for a while he hated that idea more so killing them with their own bones it would be. The beast above Leo snarled and tried to bite his face off but the angel had a strong grip on the two protruding fangs at the front of the face. Grunting he lifted his foot kicking the demon hard in the face ripping its fangs out in the process. What was heard next was a blood curling scream of pain but it was silenced by one of the fangs piercing through the bones and lounged right into the heart making the bones crack and crumble to dust.


"Mazuhi!" Leo looked over toward Mazuhi who was getting throw down by the second boned creature, he had to help him, but was blind sighted by a boned tail whacking him in the side and tossing him to the ground. Leo grunted at the strong force and glared back at another three, no four more of those bone demons, looked like the one he killed succeeded in calling for its friends. He truly hated these demons stealth, lifting the giant fang in his hand he readied himself as they rushed at him, but all that was on his mind was saving his bouncy little soul. Lunging at one of the demons the bone jabbed in but missed as fangs chomped down on his leg and pulled him back. Holding in a shout of surprise and pain the angel was pulled to the snowy ground and piled on. Dodging claws and fangs from fatally wounding him he kicked out at the demon holding his leg. Annoyance clearly on his face, but what caught him off guard the most was three bell chimed sounds from the bullets of the gun Leo gave to the boy were heard, panic rose in the angel, were there more of these creatures than he saw? Did they aim for Mazuhi because of his pure soul he also heard the human boys voice screaming.


"MAZUHI!!" Leo shouted sparks crackling around the angel his eyes going from his normal striking gold yellow color to a pure white as he went for option three which was called 'Thunder Nova' by his brothers since in Leo's case he used sound-wave type attacks. Sparks danced around his body making the demons move back in pain as a loud thunderous 'BOOM' was heard almost shaking the ground, and what looked like a shock wave of light blasted out from the angel turning the demons right at the blunt of the attack to dust and blowing the snow away from the surrounding area. The wave would have no effect on humans only feeling like a strong wind to them. The wave went in a perfect three-sixty circle for a whole one mile radius turning any middle and lower class demon to black dust. All demons of a higher class was sent flying by the holy light, but when the dust cleared in the center of the blast stood Leo covered in a brilliant light, sparks jolting off his body as if purifying the ground, he stood there with glowing eyes. Slowly the light died down the sparks ceased and his eyes searched for Mazuhi seeing the male still alive and well holding the gun he gave him in hand.


"You......You're.....saf....e." His body seemed to relax as he gave a gentle smile his eyes showing how relieved he was to see the other was not hurt or dying as his world turned dark and the angel fell to the ground in another heap. How embarrassing how many times had his face kissed this earth?! If this kept happening Mazuhi would think of him as some sort of delicate flower fainting from every attack he used, but this was the only one that he used the least because he hated feeling so weak after using it, so he never built up a tolerance for this attack like some of his brothers. He would always faint for about three minutes and would be able to move his body in the next five. So a total of eight minutes would be wasted being defenseless. They would always tell him to practice this attack because his was the strongest and longest of them all. Leo would always find a way to avoid doing it and here was the end results to his poor decision, face down on the cold hard ground of some random road completely defenseless. The good new was there were no demons within a one mile radius all around, the bad news was he looked like a fool on the ground and could do nothing about it for eight whole minutes.

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Mazuhi raised the gun again, panting from exersion as he took aim at the swarming things around the angel. He'd had trouble with just one of these things, and Leo had about 20 or so literally swarming him. If he missed, he could have easily ended up hitting Leo with the bullet, thne again if it was a holy bullet he wasn't surehow much of an effect it would have. Though before he could try and make the decision to shoot or not, his eyes connected with the angels, though this time the look he recieved was anything but calming. Leo's eyes seemed to be sparking, not sparkling, almost like the other was begining to pulse electricity around him. "L-Leo!" He panted, trying to call out to the other, but his voice was drowned out as was felt like a huge burst of wind pulsed forward.


Cursing softly, he raised his hands up to cover his face as snow and debree whipped around, the shrieks of the deamons could be heard faintly in his ears but it was as if they were already far, far away and everything went white for a moment as it felt like the earth itself was vibrating under his feet. He didn't know if it had lasted a few seconds, or a few minutes, but when all was quiet he peered his eyes open slowly to see Leo standing there looking back at him. Relif filled him for a moment as he saw Leo standing there calmly, with all the deamons gone now. However his relief was short lived because just as he was about to sure the other that he wasa fine, the all might angel fall to the snow covered earth, motionless. His eyes widened as he called out, "Leo, Hey!" Rushing over, he dropped the gun into the snow beside the other and dropped to his knees. His hands hovered over the angel, unsure of what to do.


He could see that Leo had injuries,glancing down at himself he saw that despite his ankle being a bit sore from the snatch he was fine, not a scratch on him except for the small slice in his cheek that wasn't even deep enough to reall sting. So he hadn't really been hurt at all, but here Leo was, unmoving, and somehow he felt it was his fault. He could see blood seaping out from the others leg and quickly snatched the bag off of his back. Pulling out another of the sweaters he grabbed, he adjusted himself next to the others leg and pulled it up into his lap carefully. The others blood quickly seeped onto his own pale hands given a sickening contract that nearly made the human dry heave again. If he hadn't been here, then Leo could have just flown away if there were to many. His gaze lowered to the leg again and hewrapped the sweater just above the wound and tied it tightly in a make shift tourniquet, only once he was sure it was tight enough did he move up to the angels face.




His own breath had calmed by now, so all was silent, reaching up carefully he brushed the angels soft strands of hair from his face, his fingers trailed down the others cheek, then jaw, as he inspected him to make sure there wasn't more dire wounds. From this close, he could really see how perfect angels were, well maybe it wasn't even all angels, but this one was absolutely flawless in his features. He heard the sound of a building crumbling somewhere nearby and figure it was best to get out of the street, so carefully he pushed himself back up and reached back down. Once again, taking a hold of the others arm, he drapped it over his shoulder and put his free arm around Leo's slim waist as he made his way towards what looked like an abandoned apartment building.




He had to set the other against the wall as he got to the door and shoved it open, pulling Leo back up, he made his way inside the unlit, abandoned building. People had clearly left here in a rush, at the end of the hall he noticed an open door and pushed it completely open with his foot before pulling the other inside. His eyes landed on a couch as he made his way over to it and did his best to lay Leo down on it. Once the angel was situated, he made his way into the kitchen to see if there was anything he could use for the angel, and afte a few minutes of searching he managed to cover Leo with a quilt he found, and was focusing on making some warm tea for them in the kitchen.



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He felt so heavy, this was what he hated about using his holy light so much time and energy wasted in a single minute. Even with the healing power of Mazuhi's soul Leo's body fell into a sleep never had he felt so tired after a single day. He wanted to groan, but nothing happened on the outside all he knew was that he had been moved and now it was warm. Slowly it started getting brighter his eyes twitched, opening to a dark and dusty looking ceiling. Good he was able to open his eyes, but what about the rest of his body? Nothing he couldn't move a single thing not even his head, so the only thing that moved around were his eyes he was inside a building once again. Although this time he was alone, where was Mazuhi?! He closed his eyes quickly looking around in the darkness, his small panic attack losing effect once he saw the bright soul in another room. Sighing out in relief he opened his eyes again, why were they here Leo looked around the abandoned room out the window to see that it was starting to get dark outside.


"Mm.....Ma.....Mazuhi." His mouth worked somewhat but it took so much effort to speak that it was to the point of exhaustion. Not to mention his voice was not even above a whisper, how sad an angel of his power reduced to nothing more than a sexy body pillow. So he would have to sit here and just wait for the other to come in here and notice that he was awake but paralyzed at the moment. He was impressed that Mazuhi was able to find them a place of rest, and from what he could hear it was rather quiet outside even though demon thived at night it was as if the shock wave scared them for the time being. That would be good, and since his brothers got rid of the dark clouds when they came down to earth the human would be a little safer in the sunlight.


Closing his eyes he watched Mazuhi's soul it was as bright and pure as always like nothing phased it at all. Such a strong human, although humans were very complicated when it came to their emotions. They could switch between them so easily it was so strange. Leo only felt a couple of emotions the biggest being anger, other than that there was nothing else he felt, but right now he was just calm. he sighed lightly opening his eyes he stared at nothing on the wall. He hated this not being able to see the stars, but he knew it was too cold for Mazuhi to sleep outside. Leo never liked being indoors at night time it made him anxious, would that be considered an emotion?

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Mazuhi stepped away from the pot as he waited for it to boil for the tea as he realized he'd been staring at it, "A watched pot never boils." He chided himself softly as he let his gaze ran over everything in the foreign kitchen. Takind a step back he heard a crack and looked down to see a plate, splintered under his shoe, against the tile. Bending down, he plucked up on of the pieces and winced as he cut his finger with his own carelessness. A small drop of blood dropped to the floor, the small red dot stood out in contrast against the tile. "Ah, damn." He murmured, raising back up he looked around the kitchen for a rag or paper towel. Picking up the duck patterned cloth that was laying in the fridge handle, he bent down and swipped it up. Only then did he realize there was no point to it, the people who lived here were long gone, likely dead, and never coming back.


There were dishes in the sink and the drain rack beside of it, the fridge was silver and had a few photos and papers magnetted to it. Reaching forward, he took one of the photos and looked down at it. There was an olderly looking spanish woman sitting on a picnic blanket, behind her was what looked like her husband and there were three other people included a baby. His chest ached as he looked at it, knowing they had probably died while trying to excape. Removing his bag, he set it on the table and carefully slid the picture inside. In the silence, the sound of bubbles came to his ears and he looked over to see that the water was finally boiling. Looking threw the cabnets, he managed to find two mugs and set them down next to the tea bags he'd located earlier.


Once the tea was finished, he picked up the mugs and made his way back into the living room where he had earlier deposited of the angel. He poked his head in the room first to see if the other had began to stir yet but saw no movement yet. "This is what you get for trying to protect yourself and a human." He murmurd softly, setting the mugs down on the coffee table beside the couch. He raised his gaze up a bit and noticed that the covers he'd placed on Leo earlier had slipped a bit so pulled them off, moving to put them back on the angel however as soon as he laid it down his gaze raised up to see the others open eye's and he jumped back startled enough to loose his footing and stumble backwards over the corner of the table and fall uncerimoniously on his butt.


"Dammit! Dammit Leo!" He yelled, catching his breath from the scare he'd just had. "Why didn't you say something, you just about gave me a heart attack there, jeezus." He cursed softly, pushing himself up of the ground as he finally caught his breath and motioned to the tea. "I managed to find us something warm to drink....Leo?" He spoke, noticing that despite clearly awake eyes the other wasn't moving at all.

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Finally the other came into the room with him he was so restless he was going to try and thrash his body about until he could move. But the male said some mean things about him getting what he deserved for protecting himself and a human Leo frowned when he was able to feel his face. This ungrateful little speck on earth how dare he say such a thing, but maybe he was upset that Leo got hurt helping the other, naw that couldn't be it this human didn't like him they even fought which resulted in him getting hit by his father. But sweet karma smiled on him as Mazuhi freaked out seeing Leo's open eyes and he fell over, he could feel his lips curl up into a smirk of satisfaction.


"Hmph serves you right for bad mouthing me you brat." Leo still wore the smirk on his face, he was starting to be able to move again, the eight minutes must have been up and his body was waking back up. He was being a brat himself saying these things to the other, but it was all a cover up to hide how touched he felt toward the human for carrying him here. Once again he did not leave Leo behind and run off with the holy weapon to protect himself alone. Instead he carried him into a safe place, for now, and even went so far as to make tea for him. Even if he was spewing such nonsense the boy was still being very considerate.


"I couldn't move my body or even speak loud enough for you to hear me, anyway what is this place?" Leo slowly sat up the warmth in his body coming back to his body. Stretching his limbs out he moved to the edge of the couch to have something to rest against. He was not going to do something like that again a move like that was to be used as a last resort kind of move. Lifting his hand Leo's fingers got close together and created a small spark, he looked around the dark room spotting a small lamp aiming his finger toward the lamp the spark shot out hitting it thus turning it on to light up the room a bit. He wanted to get up to close the curtains so that the light would not be seen not only by demons but by any humans as well there was nothing more dangerous than a human back into a corner.


"If the water of this place is working you should go bath the smell of blood is on you." Leo lifted his arm reaching for the cup of tea the boy brought to him.

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[td]Middle Class Ice Demon/Rebel[/td]




Was it funny to turn on your own kind because you shared different ideals, and right before a promotion to boot. So stuck as a middle classed demon traitor was certain death for him, not that he was worried the lower classes would never try to attack him alone. So groups would always come after him since there was a bounty on him from what he heard from the last group if they killed him they would get promoted to middle class. They didn't get their wish though all they were now were frozen demon sickles. Heat a demon that was the strongest of the middle class demons escaped from him former home to the surface of the earth. His name was pure irony as he wielded control over ice and was constantly reminded by other demons and was made fun of for it not that he cared.


He rested on the roof of a clock tower watching the chaos below human screaming and fleeing for their lives, some fighting back but to no avail, and hundreds getting slaughtered, eaten or killed by fallen debris not that there was anything he could do able it what point would it be to save some humans? But he did have to admit it was really nice and cold up here, if not for the hell going on below him the fallen snow would be a real beauty. Laying his head on his knee he closed his eyes enjoying the chilly breeze, till the tower he was on trembled and a loud boom was heard. Curious Heat opened his eyes and looked toward the sound seeing a giant shock wave heading right at him.


"Holy Light?!" He stood up quickly only to be blown back by the shield like light, it burned and shocked him as he went soaring backwards. The cries of the lower class demons below screaming out as the light killed them completely. The light pushed him out only so far before he caught himself opening leathery black wings he floated in the sky. His eyes on fire from the light his body curling up in pain. What was an angel doing here, and judging from that light it was a strong one, Heat had just gotten up here a minute ago and so he didn't think he'd have to deal with an angel. When the burning settled down he opened his eyes gazing in the direction the light came from. It was quiet now besides himself there were no other middle class demons in the area so all the lower ones were dead.


"Hm...If I hook up with that kind of power I could go against the higher ups." Heat spoke to himself, he had to come up with a plan if the angel saw him it would just attack him on the spot. Maybe observing the angel was the best choice for now and when the time came he would help them out to prove he means no harm. It was a good plan so with that in mind he flew in the direction of the light. It took him a bit since he was still a bit shaken up by the sudden blast and stopped himself from falling out of the sky for the third time. He made it to what looked like the center of the blast landing on the snowy ground he looked around. There was no one here all that remind was the lingering scent of a human and something else. It must have been the angel, since Heat had never smelled an angel before, no demon in their right mind would get that close to an angel to smell them it was suicide. Following the smell he came to an abandoned building but he didn't go inside instead he flew up to the building right next to it and landed on the roof looking through the windows.


One window showed light that was on inside, maybe it was the human he smelled before, but something was wrong he felt himself being drawn in. As if some strong force was calling to him, the urge was strong and Heat couldn't help but float down toward the window and peek inside. The first being he saw was the angel dress in all black a very appealing look if Heat had to say so himself he was talking to someone across the room, it turned out to be the human. Heat froze when his eyes laid on the human such a bright, strong, and pure soul that was radiating off of him. Was there really a human like this in a world so full of poison, and the situation that was going on right now how was this soul untainted? Not only that but the body this soul live in was so cute the urge to taint that soul was strong Heat had to hold himself back from jumping inside and stealing the male away. Moving away from the window Heat flew back over to the building next to this one and hid inside.


Leo sensed him his gaze looking over to the window he glared at it window slowly getting up he walked over to it and looked around outside for a bit then directed his gaze over toward the building across from them. He said nothing as he stared before closing the opening window and pulling down the blinds.

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