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(Question for Girl Only) What will you do if your boyfriend is Gay????


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I have heard a story abt one of my old friends :(

She is sexy, rich and very talented. Her boy friend used to be the most wanted boy in high school.....they have falled in love for 3 years.....

However, on the last Valentine'sday, he said to her that he didn't have interest in women...><...............and he was loving another boy in the dormitory...:msn_red_fox>


he said that he didnt want to let her down but....it was the truth...both of them must accept :msn_red_fox 4


she totally felt broken hearted....

she had called for me and cried for hours....


I am very sad and confused now

:msn_red_fox 4


I don't know how to calm her down or console her :msn_red_fox 4


I need ur opinion, really need ur help :msn_red_fox 4

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Hmmm... just try to convince her to face the truth... it would be hard, but that's the only way. She can't change him...


She must feel destroyed.... I would feel that way for sure!

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Oh my! Poor girl! I think I'd hang myself if I were her.... but you don't have to give her that idea, of course :D


Now really, as Leslie said, just try to help her face the situation... there's really nothing much you could do for her except trying to encourage her... :hamtaro-005 (6):

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Poor girl... Is he sure he is gay? Can't he change his mind or something? If he loved her for 3 years...maybe he changes his mind and will continue to be with her...

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im trying my best to help her :(


omg :( he is so bad..................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


she is feeble....and stubborn also...


you know, her boy loves another boy with one-sided love.....


that boy is not gay...


so now i hope that God can bring both of them together again.........:(


she said that if she lives without the existence of him, she will die...........:(

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If the other guy doesn't even love him, he will surely return to her... What will he do? Will he stay alone watching how the other guy dates some girls and cry all night?

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Poor girl... Is he sure he is gay? Can't he change his mind or something? If he loved her for 3 years...maybe he changes his mind and will continue to be with her...


i also asked her the same question


her BF said that because of her kindness and her love for him...he doesnt want to make her hurt :(



he is really stupid and cruel ...I think :((

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If the other guy doesn't even love him, he will surely return to her... What will he do? Will he stay alone watching how the other guy dates some girls and cry all night?


thanks Chacha

the thing im scared now is that..................if he failed with the first boy love

he will find another boy to fullfill and heal the pain without returning to her :(


the boy that he loves, actually, hates he now.....:(

she said that she felt heart broken when seeing him sad :(

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If he doesn't want to hurt her, why did he left her?


i dont know why :(


i also want to talk with him but he rejected all my msg and calls ..........

he even changed his phone number....:(

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i will fight him ...i swear..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bad boy........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I know.............


he used to live in the same room with the boy (he love).....in school's dormitory


but now he has changed the accommodation


that boy doesnt want to live with him..........

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He is so stupid... to let her for a guy that doesn't even care about him and who isn't even gay! :8yoyo13:

If he wouldn't know that the other guy doesn't like him, it would be somehow understandable, but he even knows it, cause the other one asked him to change the accommodation... I wonder... what was in his mind? :2yoyo4:

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.... now i find him miserable, too :msn_red_fox 4




actually, at first i find it's rather interesting ......


it's the first time i have had a gay friend....he is the same class with me in high skul XD


he may be stupid...but i think...his love for the other boy is true.....


i really want to talk to him

i have tried many ways but............he also tried to get far from me as well as his gf...>

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He is so stupid... to let her for a guy that doesn't even care about him and who isn't even gay! :8yoyo13:

If he wouldn't know that the other guy doesn't like him, it would be somehow understandable, but he even knows it, cause the other one asked him to change the accommodation... I wonder... what was in his mind? :2yoyo4:


i am wondering like you, too....


you know, the real love is sometimes rather foolish.......


His love is miserable one-sided love....:(


now i think that...should i try to console both of them? my friend and her gay lover??? (im trying to be a kind person :) )

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Yeah, well then they are in quite a similar situation... so they are both to be pityed... She loves him, and he loves another guy who doesn't love him...

Yeah, if he really loves the other guy and his feelings aren't just for a moment, then you should console him too... I think cause that must be very painful...

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I don't know if you already solved this, but maybe you should go with the girl to her boyfriend... well ex-bf... and try to talk clearly... to see if he is sure of his feelings for the other guy and if he hasn't changed his mind...

But if he is sure, I'm afraid that, even if this guy doesn't share his feelings, he will find somewhere another one that will love him back...

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no ....the problem between them havent been solved but...


i think my friend is better now...:) she said she tried to calm down and consider abt this carefully :)


may be she will have a talk with her ex-boyfriend XD....


she said that she also wanted her guy to be happy so....she didnt want to tie him with her..:)

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How about she pretends to have a new boyfriend, or that she is interested in another guy and maybe her ex-bf will become jealous and will realize he can't stand seeing her with another guy and he will realize that he loves her and will return to her :2yoyo4:

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Really... I don't know what to say... I suspect that my boyfriend is gay, (I don't know it for sure)... but I don't do anything about it...


About 3 weeks ago, I decided with a friend of mine to go to a club to fave fun and relax a bit. Ater I got to the club, I went to buy some drinks and.... surprise! My jaw dropped! I saw my boyfriend in a corner kissing and touching another guy. He saw me after a while and he was so shocked! :5yoyo21: He came to me to explain and told me it was just a friend of his and they did it just for fun.


I really don't know what to think anymore... it's true he was a bit drunk that night, but still... he was kissing that guy in such a way...


Another thing that makes me worry is that he seems to hide something in his laptop... He has panik attacks everytime I even get close to it... and I just can't imagine what that could be... I only think of the worse... some gay stuff? pics with guys? ... with THAT guy?

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she said that if she lives without the existence of him, she will die...........:(


I think she exaggerates a little bit. She's saying that now when the wound is still fresh, time can heal everything and I mean it. Humans are creatures with amazing strength. Parents can keep living even though they lost their children... isn't that worse? I know that what happened to her might seem a little difficult to deal with right now, but it's not the end of the world. Soon enough everything will be just some memory from the past. Just tell her to give it some time and also try to distract her, take her out, convince her to start making new friends etc.

As for getting them back together, don't even try it. They will end up both even more hurt. It's better to end things now before it gets worse, cause relationships where only one person is in love NEVER work out.

Well, probably I'm the last person who should give advice about love matters since I've never been in love, but I think that's the best she can do.



@YLover: Dear that must be really tough. Living with doubts and not knowing the truth can really drive you crazy. Your imagination runs wild and stuff. If I were you I would face him openly, tell him what I suspect. It's best to sit down and have a proper talk. If he still insists that nothing's going on, then ask him to show you his laptop. If he has nothing to hide then I don't think where's the problem... but if he panicks as you mentioned above, just break up with him. I'm sure you don't deserve that kind of disrespect, and there are better guys out there than the one who's lying on your face.

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@ koukoutsi: really thank you for your great advice :)....... i know that it's hard for her to forget him..because they have fell in love for 3 years and he kindly-treated her for those past years.......

i did try my best to help her...now i think it's time she should solve the problem herself...:)


@Ylover: you should have a face-to-face conversation with him, really :(

you should listen to his explanation ...........and be strong to say that:


"if you dont love me anymore, we should break up. I dont want both you and me to be hurted".........

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