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Do you hide your yaoi addiction?


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I totally hide my addiction/obsession from everyone, family or friends. My friends do talk about stuff that seems totally R-rated but if I accidentally let my obsession show they look at me weird and slightly freak out…

I read yaoi manga and watch yaoi anime in front of my little sister but she doesn’t really care that much and I won’t wave it around like crazy, if you know what I mean.

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Is it bad that rather than hiding it I attempt to convert everyone I know? Little sister is the exception but I let her watch Gravitation and the like to get her corrupted early XD

I would never hide it but I do advise people not to attempt to read over my shoulder^^

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I don't hide it, but I'm not...as open with it as I'd like to be. Honestly, I live in the 'bible-belt', where anything dealing with homosexuality is taboo and gets you landed in the hot seat where people poke and prod at you with fire laden sporks. That and half the people where I live don't know what anime even IS. Such rednecks. T_T So when it comes to reading/watching anything rather...er...explicit? I keep it to myself. Anything else, psh, I don't care. I have a shirt that says 'Yaoi is my anti-drug' and people here have asked me if it was some sort of fruit. I've had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. XD

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I don't hide it, but I'm not...as open with it as I'd like to be. Honestly, I live in the 'bible-belt', where anything dealing with homosexuality is taboo and gets you landed in the hot seat where people poke and prod at you with fire laden sporks. That and half the people where I live don't know what anime even IS. Such rednecks. T_T So when it comes to reading/watching anything rather...er...explicit? I keep it to myself. Anything else, psh, I don't care. I have a shirt that says 'Yaoi is my anti-drug' and people here have asked me if it was some sort of fruit. I've had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. XD

I know the country bumpkin feeling but I aint letting a town with more churches than you can poke a stick at stop me XD

Also yaoi could be a fruit...We eat it up after all^^

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I don't hide it, but I'm not...as open with it as I'd like to be. Honestly, I live in the 'bible-belt', where anything dealing with homosexuality is taboo and gets you landed in the hot seat where people poke and prod at you with fire laden sporks. That and half the people where I live don't know what anime even IS. Such rednecks. T_T So when it comes to reading/watching anything rather...er...explicit? I keep it to myself. Anything else, psh, I don't care. I have a shirt that says 'Yaoi is my anti-drug' and people here have asked me if it was some sort of fruit. I've had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. XD


I couldn’t stop laughing at the fruit thing ^-^

I would love to talk to my friends about it but it’s just not something they would accept completely. I mean I’m sure they won’t stop talking to me or anything horrible but they would think I’m weirder than I already am…

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I have a shirt that says 'Yaoi is my anti-drug' and people here have asked me if it was some sort of fruit. I've had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. XD


looool??? xDD very nice xDD and what do you say when they ask you that?? i couldnt resist laughing a lot xD


ps. i want that shirt ¬w¬ xD

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I have a shirt that says 'Yaoi is my anti-drug' and people here have asked me if it was some sort of fruit. I've had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. XD


I would have laugh out lound in that person face... I have hard times trying to control myself when it comes to these situations... :msn_red_fox 14


About my yaoi addiction... it´s not like I hide it or anything. if someone asks me directly I say yes, obviously. But I am not running around spreding it eather...


I feel extremely sad to partly hide it... only my close friends know it. I meen, I would love to tell every one! But most people don´t understand and don´t try to...

Just look down on us and say we are weard and have no morals! It is not true!! :leaf16:



That is why I´m so happy to have found this place, where I can share my yaoi love with everyone!!


Arigato minna!! :D

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yup~but not from my parents, they never bothered

but im hiding it from my siblings~but not too much

as im typing this now..my sisters are right next to me but they are unaware! XD

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I just hide it from my family..except for my younger sister..because she is like yaoi as me..hehe~

and I don't hide it from my friends..because most of them love yaoi so much..even me and my friends often share things about yaoi..we can be crazy just because our friends (actually boys) who do skinship...haha..

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Guess what I did? I actually confessed my BL addiction to my friend, and she was cool with it. She actually thinks boyxboy relationships are very cute, and she told me she has another friend (who I've met a few times) who also likes BL. :)


And I told my mother. I made sure I described yaoi as Love Stories about boys. She accepts it and is fine with it. At first she thought it was a little weird that a straight person likes stories with same sex pairings, but she quickly got over it. She's relatively open minded, so she won't be kicking me out because of that. XD

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Usually when they ask me that I reply with "Yep, it's the most delicious fruit this side of San Fransisco." Sadly...none of them get it. XD


loool you're great xD


Guess what I did? I actually confessed my BL addiction to my friend, and she was cool with it. She actually thinks boyxboy relationships are very cute, and she told me she has another friend (who I've met a few times) who also likes BL.


And I told my mother. I made sure I described yaoi as Love Stories about boys. She accepts it and is fine with it. At first she thought it was a little weird that a straight person likes stories with same sex pairings, but she quickly got over it. She's relatively open minded, so she won't be kicking me out because of that. XD


im happy for you, you were very brave ^^

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if someone aske me, i won't hide it -'_'-


but my friend, they just smiled and said that I was not normal when I mentioned yaoi in front of them XD



I don't hide it from my friends.. leaf2

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All of my friends watch yaoi(my fault) even the male ones :)

My family pretty much knows everything XD i tell them what i watched when what happened and annoy my grandma and mom to no end but they think its fine that i watch it(i pretty much grew up around my moms best friend who's gay and thought him and his bf were so cute even when i was young, they've been together so long now like 8 years i think)

I rant to my dad all the time,its normal to him :D

teachers too saw my phone full of boyxboy images and videos

no one finds it weird tbh :D

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i dont hide it at all besides my family and friends are clueless about the subject they dont like this type of stuff i do hide my coumputer when im looking or searching for something i like privacy but most of all i dont let my kids watch what i do specially here :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
I don't hide my Yaoi addiction, not from my friends or my mum. My mum has even bought Yaoi manga's off of amazon for me.:)


haha wow amazing I can't even imagine my mom doing that. She is anti gay so its kind of hard for me

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Yeah you should! hehe You rock! We have just a few guys here on the forum... most are girls.


Well I am a guy but yah I think mostly girls like yaoi. :(

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actually im not brave enough :))


all the BL movies are seen at night


when everyone was sleeping :msn_red_fox 9...........


i will turn off the light, put the blanket above myself and my lap-kun .............:msn_red_fox 9


then enjoy movies and dramas ....:msn_red_fox 9


i love this activity everynight....XD


haha cool! I have done that too!! :)

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I'm forced to hide it. My parents may have a clue thanks to the multiple yaoi/shonen-ai books I make them order for me (and all those attempts to sneak it in hout having them look through all of the volumes) If someone doesn't know, I keep it that way.


:hamtaro-005 (8): I really admire people who can go out into the world with their addiction hanging on their sleeve. Sadly, my fears may never allow me to be one of those people. :hamtaro-005 (5):


I'm a lot the same. most people dont know I like guys :p

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. .i supah hide it,

. .if my family finds out that i'm watching stuff like this, "i'll be dead!"

. .we're kinda "conservative", (our family)

. .and because of this, i'm sad, cause i can't be the real me when they're around :(

sad but true!!!

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:hamtaro-005 (9):No way would I ever try to hide being addicted to yaoi !!!!!! I'm a hetro girl who loves yaoi, so what ????? I think that YO is way auwsome and my mom and friends are totally cool with it . Im a proud fan of YO and the everyone within this site!!!!! You all rock,you're the absolute best !!!!!!! I mean it . From my heart to yours!!!!!!!xoxo:hamtaro-005 (5)::):):)

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