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Occulō: The Past Will Never Leave You


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"the past will never leave you."






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(v.) to hide, conceal, and cover[/td]















The alpha of a notorious pack called The Lost Ones

that has resided in Yokohama, Japan since the early 1990's.

Rhonen is an effective leader who lays down guidelines for his own

to follow and wields a stern voice over them, his subordinates are

very loyal to him. The pack is like family to one another, they need

each other and this has made Rhonen hold relationships important to

himself because a werewolf is doomed to die without kin.


He has a sense of duty to keep werewolves from under a vampires

thumb, he wants to build a large community of his kind and while he

doesn't have a goal to eliminate the vampire species - an impossible and

illogical idea - he will kill or harm any that pose a threat to his own kind.

Rhonen can be somewhat inconsiderate of others, he doesn't concern

himself with the well-being of others unless they are somehow his own

responsibility but even then he can be a little insensitive. He can be

judgmental of others, he's also stubborn to boot so it takes effort for him

to change his mindset on an individual.


But Rhonen is very honest and direct towards individuals, he doesn't

like manipulating the truth and rather be frank even if the truth could

hurt someone. He believes that hearing the truth is much more easier

than having someone toy with your emotions but even if he's honest

Rhonen still has secrets to keep. He's a person who takes full responsibility

of his duties and actions, so that means he also takes on the responsibility

of the failures that comes with it and blames himself brutally.



  • ISTJ "The Logistician"
  • Smokes cigarettes on a daily basis & has a tattoo on his
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  • Yokohama used to be a Vampire dominant territory until Rhonen arrived, leading his pack into a battle over Yokohama. Now Yokohama is home to Werewolves but the Vampires still have Tokyo.
  • Enhanced reflexes, durability, strength, senses, and healing factors.







NAIVE. Rhonen Mauro, notorious gang leader of a pack of wolves, was once young, inexperienced, and never had to worry about being cautious around others because he lacked the knowledge that beings are deceitful things that care only about themselves but most importantly his hands were clean. Everyone, at one point in their life, thought that the world was fair to everyone and that all people had hearts of gold, some having this mindset for too long and some sadly too short. At one point a person is hit in the face with a dose of reality, a simple truth that the world was a cruel place where fairness never once existed and that the people who ran the world played dirty. Rhonen was one of those people who GREW UP too early, saw the ugly part of world at an age that made others say, he grew up too fast, what a shame, and then adjusted as best he could like the rest. But the world keeps turning, day turns to night and night turns to day.


Rhonen would never think that growing up so quickly was a bad thing though, it was inevitable that he'd learn one day so learning earlier on wasn't ultimately a bad thing. He adapted, the world was an ugly place full of danger and if he kept an unrealistic view of the world then he'd surely perish. Like Darwin's theory, survival of the fittest. He was cautious around others, never trusting and somewhat cynical as others would say but he saw this as being knowledgeable and as logical thinking. Rhonen knew that people were selfish, they only did things that benefited themselves and he wasn't blaming them, he knew he was the same because everyone lived for themselves and their own sake.


Most people would argue that people do care for other people's sake, they'd point out that people fall in love and cherish their lovers. Rhonen could admit that he had that privilege of finding love or what he thought was love, it was one of the most happiest times in his life. He understood that living for another individual was absolute bliss and feeling that he wasn't alone because he had someone, it was incredible to think that. But love did not last for Rhonen, his heart was broken because of reasons he won't speak of. Rhonen doesn't blame or criticize people who still have faith in people, he had thought that once too and just maybe he doesn't have the strength like those other people do. It's possible that giving up on people is much more easier than believing in them. Rhonen's story is a cliche, he fell in love with a man that he adored and that man ended turning out to be someone else than he originally thought. There were other mistakes made along the way and the most good they did him was make him learn from these mistakes but also close himself off.




Leaning against a brick wall, a lit cigarette wedged between his lips, and a hand resting inside one of his pockets, Rhonen with his dark eyes observed the activity of the night. Being the alpha of a pack of werewolves meant that he rarely had time to be completely alone, there were people who counted on him and responsibilities that he needed to uphold so most of his time was consumed by others along with his duties as leader but he wasn't complaining. Though there were brief moments where he could slip away, wander the streets of Yokohama and smoke a few cigarettes in peace. His dreads sometimes falling to cover one side of his face then he'd repeatedly brush the locks back. The dark skinned male was slightly startled by the vibrations in his back pocket, he stood up stright and reached in his pocket to grab his phone.




-- Boss! We need you back at the garage, so can you head over now?


Silence never lasted long but he wasn't complaining, he enjoyed having responsibilities even if he complained a little because it meant he was in charge. "I'm finished with my walk anyway, I'll head there now." Rhonen closed his phone and slipped it back into his pocket, he grabbed the cigarette between his lips and a cloud of smoke left his mouth. He took a minute to enjoy the cigarette before throwing it to the ground and stepping on the lit bud and turning around to leave the area.

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Isaak is depicted to have a calculating

personality yet willing to eradicate

humans that aggravates him. He is

ruthless and doesn't care about human

life for they're mortals. Along

the passing of time, Isaak's emotions

had gradually been washed away.

Leaving only the ability to dispose

little to none expressions.


His appearance would always hoodwink

people, luring them into becoming his

prey. This immaculate disposition of his

was primarily caused by his curse of

being a vampire.


Albeit to the rumors, Isaak can walk in

the day with complete normalcy and

is in fact a devoted Roman-Catholic.


The Battle of Königsberg, WW1 & WW2;

surely Isaak had the luxury of time to

aid such tumultuous wars.



  • INTJ "The Architect"
  • likes to play the piano
  • strong inclination to spicy food








*cue the


Ephemeral. His long lashes that curtained the darkest black orbs that lulled the deepest of the abyss scanned the busy streets of Yokohama. Isaak Dietrich, of all the people in the entirety of the world, had shared the longest past earth could offer. With all of those fleeting moments that were undeniably memorable to the vampire, he kept thousands of journals in his apartment. These were the proof of his existence, an existence that he couldn't even put out.




In their short moments people often wished they're once immortal. Those naivete desires Isaak loathes with a passion. Little did these humans knew that being immortal also brought a burden; a punishment for watching people he'd taken care of die six feet below the ground. At first it was sad, painful, despairing and then none---he had enough of watching the mortals, grave by grave, pass by.


Tiring to the point of exhausting, Isaak had given up his coven. He left it for no good for he was tired of the cycle of hunting and to be hunted. Despite making thousands of enemies, Isaak resigned from his position as the coven's head. He'd guessed it was time for him to lay-low, probably enjoy life once again. Gather back the emotions that once was lost through time.


Despite being one of the oldest vampires in history, not once Dietrich had turned someone into a vampire. Being cold-hearted doesn't mean that he's going to involve an innocent human just to drag him to the pits of never ending cycle.




Life was never been easy with Isaak, with a childhood he'd dare not to speak of, he's always keen on everything. Being the only son of two vampires, Isaak lived the life of being a pure blood. He was never there to salivate with the thirst some low rank vampires would experience since his parents would usually took touching efforts to sustain their son's life. Loving Isaak was the easiest part, he may be quiet and always in the dark but his physical appearance surpasses his aloofness. The abundance of friends might be great yet to Isaak loving someone is the hardest part.


Borderline stupidity, that's what he'd always said when dozen of maidens an even man who'd express their undying love towards him. It was laughable to look at, pathetic even. These beings just wanted his power and nothing else or the desire to consummate with one of the most perfect looking of God's creation.


Isaak never loved someone, no. He'd let someone in but that's a story he'd treasured and loathed at the same time. He was a complicated man after all, his acquaintances shared. But that person once said, he was just so simple and so easy to understand.


Chuckling, he never would've thought in all his lifetime he'd found someone who can play about with the 'HOT' and 'COLD' of his.




No matter how long he'd lived, how many experience he'd achieved, Isaak's still not invincible with taking faults. It was part of his being, and it was etched in his soul to live the life with the wrong-doings of his past. Living the life of a monster, he was feared by the society but Isaak had long embraced it.


Still with all of those times, Isaak's still apt to mistakes. His vivid eyes landed at the person who was leaning casually at the wall with a cigarette in between his plump lips.


Life is just a series of never-ending cycle of futility. The fruition of God's powers, Isaak had a fair share of seeing it with his own eyes.


Finally voicing his hesitation to call the guy, dark orbs clashing with each other.


This is were it begins----




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To Rhonen it felt as if he had been standing in place for a century staring into those gorgeously red stained orbs, they were sucking him in and the vampire's smooth voice echoed inside his own head. He wasn't convinced that anything he was seeing or hearing was real, that he may have lost his mind or he was having a terribly vivid dream but it had been ages since the last time he had hallucinated or dreamed about the other. As seconds passed without the hallucination going away he realized that Isaak was truly there, that if he walked towards him with his own hand stretched out then at some point his hand would touch the vampire's torso and not go through him. With this realization, that the figure in front of him was as real as his own being, it made him somewhat nauseous and to some degree frightened. Rhonen had never been fearful of the vampire, how could he when all he had felt for the other was devotion and affection.


The darker toned man who stood in that alley way had an expression across his face that showed he was in shock, disbelief, and then realization mixed with brown eyes that fluctuated from sad to anxious. No one could have been prepared for a moment similar to this, he had so many emotions filling up inside him and they constantly replaced one another in seconds. What was Isaak expecting him to do and why was he there in that alley with him? Rhonen, in all honesty, was full of joy that Isaak was standing a few feet away from him, so joyous that he could almost cry but those tears would fall not only from happiness. He also felt pain from looking at the vampire, they hadn't spoken in years after Isaak had left him heart broken and now he was standing in front of him with that same awful expression that masked every intention that Isaak ever held. Rhonen loathed the vampire more than anything really, that's what he liked to think but there was no denying the fact that he felt devoted to the other even when he was a terrible person.


Rhonen determined the best course of action was to ignore the ancient vampire, to walk past the other man with a stern expression and let it be known that he didn't want to be bothered by the other. The brunette finally started to drag his feet along, making them move along the pavement with all his will power to make it past the vampire and he kept his eyes looking straightforward. But most time's what people think and then what they do are two very different things. He tried to stay calm, to be the mature one in the situation when he was clearly a child in the eyes of a man who lived for more than 1,000 years.


His hand in a swift movement clutched onto the older man's pale neck, pushing his body against the brick wall and staring intently into Isaak's gorgeously red stained orbs. Rhonen's own orbs were no longer the graceful brown they had been, they were now a soft yellow that pierced the others. The change in his eyes were a dead giveaway that he was frustrated, angry, and upset about the whole situation. He felt enraged, he could no longer keep up a calm appearance like usual and of course it was Isaak that was the one who had caused such a rare change in him. Rhonen was usually able to deal with his emotions and capable to keep up a calm appearance but leave it to the vampire to make the werewolf lose control of himself, he had done things similar in the past.


"What do you want now?" The tone in his voice sounded dreading, he was curious as well as fearful of the older males answer. The darker toned male continued to stare intently into the other males eyes, if he looked away then Isaak could take it as a sign of weakness and Rhonen didn't want the vampire thinking he had become weak. He could not show any sign of weakness towards the vampire, he was afraid he'd be able to point out his weak spots and then use that information to his own advantage. Rhonen saw Isaak as someone who was both emotionally and physically strong but he was as well to an extent, he knew his strength could not compare to the other but at least he could a present himself as fearless in the situation.

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Warii, for replying a little bit late. :')



Beautiful, it was the profound beauty that Isaak had noticed towards Rhonen. The way his chocolate orbs swirled with untold emotions that seemed to fluctuate with the rapid thoughts swarming inside the other man's head. Clearly, the vampire couldn't help but felt proud that the person whom he was well acquainted before never really changed despite the years they were apart.


For Isaak years were like minutes, a fleeting moment which he couldn't understand yet to humans--it was deemed important. Looking at the person in front of him had made him stop and travel down to memory lane.


Those precious times where Isaak taught Rhonen the importance of music with the use of the piano. The days where Isaak watched from a hill as Rhonen regally led his pack to a vicious hunt and feast during full moon. The other guy remained unchanged despite the passing of time, like a prepossessing flower that held an eternal bloom.


To Isaak, Rhonen was the only constant thing in his wretched definition of so called life. He felt nothing but envy for the guy that can express whatever emotion he'd wanted so easily. Maybe, the reason Isaak went to Yokohama was to acquire Rhonen's ability to feel.


He could almost laugh at his own pitiful way of doing such things. Just like a leech, he'd nothing to offer but suck the life out of other being and turn them once to despair. It was malevolent of him to tarnish Rhonen again yet he couldn't, for the life of him, stay away from the guy that held the most vibrant orbs that took him captive whenever they converse with each other. The certain thing that he felt something.


The certain high that it fed him.


Isaak was clearly disillusioned of leaving his entire coven yet he couldn't care less as long as he'd caught a glimpse of a certain someone who'd some time of his life tug at least a bit of his emotion, if there was. He could throw his position for all he cared.


"What do you want now?"


Call him masochistic but Isaak preferred hate from the other person. At least, he'd been feeling something towards a pitiful vampire like him.


For a vampire so old, wisdom was the last thing that Isaak could've used with his relationship with Rhonen. They we're completely estranged in a sense that they've kept chasing with no sense of knowing as to what the both of them were chasing.


It was the most complicated relationship, it should've been simple but when Isaak was placed on an equation--


Nothing is simple.


"And here I thought it's blowjob Wednesday,"
he chuckled.


Despite being slammed in a nearby wall, Isaak just couldn't tune down the sass when talking to Rhonen. When he'd live for thousand of years, surely Isaak can manipulate what kind of reaction he's going to showcase. In Rhonen's case, he'd play the part of playful since the beginning they've met.


They said eyes were a window to thy soul. Those kind of saying doesn't apply to Isaak's crimson red eyes, that held no ounce of inkling as to what he was thinking. Maybe the fact that he'd felt close to nothing was the cause.



Isaak Dietrich is surely a lost case of crazy.


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