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Highschool Confidential (18+)


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"Ever since I was a kid, I had always wanted to be a writer. I've wanted to travel the world, engage myself with fascinating people and events, and write compelling stories of everything I experienced. It was simply my dream job, and one I worked very hard to have in my grasp.


I received an assignment, my first as a reporter, to enroll in high school, as a student, to gain some insight into kids today.


Understandably, returning to high school quickly became my worst nightmare ever."



Okay, so we kick this off with everyone heading for the first class of the day. Students, teachers, and reporters, find your classes.


Technicians have an equipment van. They can stay in the van, close by to the action, or they could head back to the editor's office, unless plot takes precedent, in which case, they can go rogue.

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Kiran sat in the van watching the monitors while munching on a pack of cookies. Honestly he didn't know what the company was up to nor what was the point in filming a school. Everyone had gone to school before so what was the point of filming student culture. He yawned and zoomed in on the monitors, cameras had been secretly placed around the school to film what the students did without their knowledge. Whether they did something embarrassing or not, Kiran would see it all. That was the only fun part about the current job.


Munching on a cookie, something on one of the monitors caught his eye. He sat up and zoomed in on that particular camera. Sigh, what on earth were students nowadays doing? Skipping class to have a make out session? Kiran had it all recorded down into the memory base reluctantly. He didn't want to have his memory chips tainted by pornography. Oh Christ! They were removing their clothes. Kiran grabbed his long hair and shielded his eyes from the scene. Why was he doing a job like this again?


He opened the door of the van and stepped out. The video feeds were automatically saved anyways, he didn't have to be in there the whole time. Leaning against the door of the van, Kiran took out a pack of cigarettes and lit a stick. Taking a deep breath of the nicotine, Kiran blew out the smoke and sighed. He could feel he stress of life weighing upon him. At times like this, he would think back on his childhood days. Students these days were really lucky. They had parents who showered them with affection and gifts. All which they took for granted. Well, he could be wrong and there were exceptions, but he was certain that most of them were like that.


When he finished the cigarette, Kiran slowly opened the van door and peeked in. The two students on the monitor had gone which was a relieve. Kiran got back into the van but left the door open for ventilation within the vehicle.

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Wolf ran from his home after looking at the time, and trying to get away from his older sister that was starting to nag at him for forgetting to take out the trash. 'I'm moving out in a few weeks, I just have to keep packing in secret and then I'm home free when they go for their trip later in the month. Just a bit longer! Run you idiot! NO! Car!' He skidded to a halt when he nearly ran into the hood of a small red car. He froze momentarily before backing away quickly onto the sidewalk.


His body shaking a bit as he bent forward his hands resting on his knees as he waited for the signal to cross. Breathing heavily from the run, he walked across the road and leaned against a wall to try and calm himself down. 'What a way to start the day. Get run over like road kill!' he thought his brown eyes lazily following a cloud across the light blue ocean above. He pushed himself off the wall once he had finally caught his breath and calmed down enough to run to school again. He was a bit more careful around the cars and other things with wheels this time and made it through the gates of the school without being hit. Thankfully.


"Damn, I'm late," he muttered to himself as he started his run once more. He raced to his locker, dodging stragglers easily as if they weren't even moving. Slamming himself against the locker as a way to stop his full on run, he quickly unlocked it and threw whatever he didn't need in, and took whatever he needed out. He looked at his schedule once more to make sure that he had it memorized correctly and stuck it on the inside of his locker.


He quickly ran down the halls to his classroom, watching the numbers as they passed. He spotted his number a bit to late and did a quick spin on his heel nearly falling as he now faced the door. He took a quick breath and opened it calmly and took his seat. He put his bag to his side and ran a hand through his brown hair. He knew the two cowlicks on top of his head will never go away, no matter how hard he tried. He wasn't sure if it was his sister's doing either. But he liked how it made him look almost wolfish, and his dark eyes only made him more so as he distanced himself from others as best he could. He never liked people, people were evil. He does like watching them in pain, his mind drifted as he watched the outside world. Barely paying attention to what's going on, but he knew he barely made it on time.


'Was that a van I seen on my way in? I think it was a van. . . oh well, it's probably nothing.' he shook the thought aside and glanced around the room to make sure people didn't disturb or get to close to him. Although there are a few that would try. 'I didn't run into the wrong room did? No this is the right room. Yes, it's the right room. I spent most of the night looking at the paper, how can this not be the right room?' he gave a soft sigh as he blankly watched his surroundings half weary of others around him. He was so glad for the windows. A crowded room full of people that he probably didn't like. 'Window, save me from this insanity. . .' he thought and turned his attention back to the outside world.

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Iron always had this tradition to start his day by drinking a glass or two - well sometimes three - of whiskey before heading out for school. He couldn't remember when this started or what he's actually doing this for. Something inside just told him it was the right thing to do one day and just kept on doing it ever since. And on his way to school, he'd puff vape or mevius (cigarette), basically for the same reason. He's the kind of free man that did what his guts told him to do. And many times it did him no good. Today was one of this days.




*Crrriinnggg - Crrrinnngg - Crriingg*

The very monotonous sound of his alarm clock had Iron enter the state of being half awake, trying to reach for the cube like object at his right in an attempt to silence it down. But for some weird reason, the sound wouldn't just stop. The annoying buzzing of the clock went on for forever as though to make fun of him. This really annoyed Iron and when nothing seemed to work, he decided to throw it outside the window before going back to sleep.


The next time he woke up, the sun was already shining above the sky as though looking down on an idiot. Iron then glanced over the drawer to check the time but the alarm clock he just recently bought was missing. Again. It annoyed him that his clock always mysteriously disappear after few weeks usage. He could search for it but his guts was telling him he had more important thing to do, and that was to get to school the soonest time possible.


He probably had just beaten the Guinness world record for shortest shower and while his heart, body and soul was craving for some whiskey, he couldn't risk getting late for the day. His teaching career was at cliff's edge. A single push would get him exterminated from work.


And... there just had to be a traffic that day. Of all fucking days, today just had to be the lucky day. Not one thing was right for him today. He wished a meteor would hit earth, destroy everything so he'd have reason to be late and be all like ' I'm sorry, a meteor blocked the road ' or something along those lines. Just... anything that could get his excuse legit, really.


And finally! From what seemed eternity, Iron came to school, fourteen minutes and twenty nine seconds late. He was within the fifteen minute grace period before he was really considered late. He had thirty-one seconds left to get into his classroom. Lucky, his first class was on the ground floor and didn't have to run all the way to the third floor to get into class.


"Hello everyone! Wha-t... what a fine day it is today. Don't mind me getting inside this way. I just had this urge to get away from a social norm for once. And going to class from the window seems to be a good start, don't you guys think so? ahahaha... "


Just as Iron said, he sneaked into the class from the window. This was the only way for him to get into the class without getting late. And he wasn't about to care about his image when his career is at stake. Then the class started.

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James left the principal's office, shutting the door behind him, a sly smirk playing on his lips. Enrollment had turned out to be much easier than he had anticipated, none of the staff or students so far had suspected a thing. The blonde looked up to an otherwise unnoticeable camera and he gave an excited thumbs up for the techs and other potential viewers, showing off his positive status. He turned shortly after, making his way to his first class.


His heart was hammering in his chest, knowing he was in the heart of the action. Undercover... it'd been everything James had hoped for in his career, and it was his first job! There was no way he was going to mess this up. All he had to do is skulk around school, find himself a promising exposé, and he'd have this in the bag.


As he mused to himself, James finally found the classroom he was looking for. He opened the door, and walked in, barely enough time to miss the scene where the teacher had clambered in through the window. "Hello? Is this Mr.Sakashita's class?" He asked, walking in with the barest amount of trepidity.

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Kiran laid comfortably in the van letting his legs dangle outside the door while humming a tune. It was getting a little boring watching the students enter the school. His silvet eyes shifted to the monitors to see James, one of the undercover students giving the camera a thumbs up. Kiran laughed and shook his head at that. That guy was just too excited for his first job but Kiran hoped that no student had seen him giving a thumbs up sign to no one.


Just then, the phone in the van had started to ring. Kiran knew that it wasn't the company or any acquaintance calling. It was the school, that particular number had only been given to the school and no one else, Kiran communicated with the bosses through his cellphone.


Kiran answered the phone with the best professional tone he could muster. "Hello. This is best engineers in the world private limited. May i know who am i speaking to?" Kiran almost laughed at the name that came out of his own mouth. It was the first thing that came to his mind when he had first came in contact with the school.


"This is the operations manager of xx high. I called yesterday to have someone come down and have a look at the school's PA system but no one has arrived yet," another voice on the other side spoke.


Clearing his throat, Kiran replied. "Ah yes. Our engineer had just contacted us just now that there was a heavy traffic jam on the highway. If you could wait for another fifteen minutes, he will arrive shortly." Kiran put down the phone and sighed. That gave him another ten minutes to laze around before work.

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Wolf was the first to see Mr. Sakashita and witness him crawling through the window. 'Okay, when I said take me away from this insanity. . . I didn't mean this.' he thought and waited for the man to pass by so he could keep watching the outside world. 'Now properly take me away from this insanity. No more farting rainbow troll. . . actually my mind is too far gone to drift that far into the abyss.' He switched his attention to the guy that crawled through his momentary escape from reality window, only to find a dark greenish toad floating around with a rainbow coming out of its ass. He soon noticed a butterfly fluttering in and started to get into a locked combat with the toad. 'I'm either sleeping on my desk or this is actually happening. . . it killed the butterfly. . .' he watched the colorful bug crash down and the toad gloating over it's victory before setting off towards the door that seemed to open on it's own.


Wolf blinked a few times but the class went on as usual, like nothing of the epic battle between the toad and the butterfly ever happened. 'Either going without sleep for nearly a week has corrupted my mind, or I ate something bad at breakfast. . . Maybe I really did get run over by that car? I have no idea of what is happening right now. . . Students are dancing. Sleep Danny. Sleep.' he turned away from the dancing rage party and the teacher that somehow became the MC, to look out at his window once more. He lay his head down on his arms to see if he could get some actual sleep, or maybe possibly wake up from this weird dream. He hoped for either.


Unfortunately it never happened since some kid started poking him. He was on the verge of either taking that pencil and stabbing the kid, or sit up and throw him out the window. The poking was persistent. Giving a soft growl he sat up to see what was happening. 'No imps shitting rainbows or butterflies chasing after them. So far so good. New student? Don't care. Why was I being bothered? I'm top of the class, I don't need this right now. Well, actually I'm not the top. . . I'll believe I am though. I'm probably fifth, or hopefully fourth.' he gave a small yawn, and listened to what had to be said. He didn't exactly tell anyone about his insomnia only gave a vague note that he doesn't sleep well.


He ran a hand through his hair hoping to get rid of his wolf like appearance, but the hair refuse to let go of the look. 'Must be her doing. I wonder how she found time to do it. Do I just pass out of nowhere, and then she attacks? Well, one thing for sure is that people are evil. I wonder what the chances are if someone gets hurt around me. It would make my day, but then again my better instinct would be to help the poor bastard. Then I'll cause them a bit of pain.' a small grin found it's way to his lips, 'who says I can't be evil too? Am I even listening to what's going on?' drifting out of his own thoughts he tuned into the classroom. 'Boring! May I go back to sleep? If that is even possible. . . I don't think I can. . .' he rested his head in one of his palms, his pencil, ready to stab someone lightly twirled in his other hand. He kept his dark gaze steady and offered a small grin to anyone that looks at him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tripping ever so slightly, Taki scuffed his shoes running down the edge of the path to school. Shrugging on his two sizes too big jumper, the young boy continued to make his way to his destination. With the entrance gates in site, Taki picked up speed with the fact he was late for his class. Running up the steps, gripping onto his rucksack, the thin boy skidded down the now empty halls to his first lesson. Bursting through the door, Taki quickly made his way to his seat in the far corner. "S-Sorry I'm late, sir" Bowing his head down, the young boy kept his eyes cast down from the history teacher. Shakily getting out his books, the boy drew his eyes to the window next to him. Watching the outside world relaxed him, peaceful in fact.


Catching his breath, the slightly flushed student focused back on the lesson at hand. Writing notes was the easy part, learning the facts was the difficult matter. Not that he hated history, he just didn't have the time or skill to learn so. It's not like he could ask a friend, he was too shy to ask a teacher and his brother was too busy with his job. So instead of making a fuss or a big deal out of it, Taki kept it to himself, not wanting to be more of a burden than he already was.

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Ten minutes later, Kiran was strolling into the school. He made his way into the main office where visitors were received and pressed the bell located on the receptionist counter. Moments later, a middle aged lady came to attend to him. "May i help you?" She asked.


"Yes. I am the engineer you called. Sorry for my tardiness, bad traffic," Kiran replied. "The problem was a virus in the school's PA system am i right?" Kiran inwardly smirked at this. The only reason why he could infiltrate the school like this was because of this virus. A virus which he had created and introduced to the school's system himself. Which was why their own staff couldn't solve the problem and had to call in professional help.


"Yes. Please follow me," The lady said and exited the office with Kidan close behind. As they walked, the lady decided to make small talk with him. "You look young yet already an engineer. Shouldn't you be in school at your age?"


Kiran smiled at her and replied. "I skipped grades a few times which is why i graduated early."


"My my. You must be really smart then, it ain't easy to become an engineer. The company said that you were their best," she said with awe evident in her voice.


"You flatter me," Kiran said with a nervous laugh. "I'm not that great," they arrived at the main control room. Kiran made his way to the monitors and turned them on. When the system was up, Kiran inwardly cringed at the amount of damage his virus had already done. He proceeded to work, keying in commands and putting up defences to repair the damage slightly. He could of course repair everything and kill the virus quickly but he needed the time. The lady stood by the side watching cluelessly.


After a while, Kiran stood up and made up an excuse. "This virus is a little troublesome. I'm afraid that the programmer for this virus is incredibly skilled. The system's firewalls have been badly breached and it takes time to repair them. Not to mention, the virus hasn't yet been killed. It may take a few days for me to find a solution during which i can only do my best to minimize the damage done," Kiran explained. "Could you show me to the classrooms? The virus has already spread to the projectors and sound system. If measures aren't taken, the facilities in the school would be rendered useless."


The lady shook her head in dismay. "Who could have done such a terrible thing to our school?" Kiran inwardly replied. 'Me!' "Please come with me," she said and led him to the classrooms. When they had arrived at the first one, the lady excused herself and left Kiran to his own devices. Humming, he opened the door and entered.


When he entered the classroom, his eyes moved immediately to the white haired teacher. Were teachers allowed to dye their hair now? Such a bad example. Then his attention shifted to James whom he winked at. "Please ignore me and continue with your lessons. I'm just somone minding my own business," he said and went towards the projector.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Giving a soft sigh as he seen a few more people enter the classroom since it started. 'So, starting from when I got here, I was almost late. But at least I still beat the teacher here. A new student walked in, that is understandable. A little odd if I do say so myself. Then again, the teacher crawled through a window. A window. And then another student walks in late. I think I'm still following along. And now this guy walks in. What is with this class that seems to get more popular by the day? It doesn't make sense that I would be seeing the imp floating around, again.' He decided to ignore the toad and at least try to pay attention. He hoped that it would let him fall asleep faster.


Then he felt it again. The poking. Why was he the one that was being bothered? This happens only a few times a day. 'It's because I look like this. It's official, my sister hates me.' The poking continued for a little longer then stopped. 'Someone almost caught them, maybe when that guy passed by? Actually, feels like they switched hands. Hiding.' he thought lightly, then the poking continued. 'I don't have friends in this class, they are in a different class, and I have one in Drama club. So this kid poking me is of no concern of mine.' he patiently waited for the poking to stop, and figured while he waited, he would think of an exact revenge to pay the guy behind him, back for such persistent poking.


Wolf took a quick glance around the room, some were taking notes, others were whispering about the new kid, some were slacking off. 'Yeah, I'm the only one being bothered. I wonder if sending this guy to the infer-' suddenly gasping when he felt the support under him was now gone "Wha-!" landing with a soft thud and a small noise, he sat there for a moment trying to gather himself quickly, he heard a few people laugh at him. "Ouch. . ." he said softly under his breath as he stood and looked at the person behind him. The guy was smiling. Smiling! Oh, how he so wanted to throw him out the window. He was Tsuyaza Isamu, he's been creating problems for him for quite some time. Of course he always stayed under the radar.


"Have a nice fall?" Isamu said with a laugh. He couldn't stay mad at him. This class was a bit boring. And besides he could seek vengeance when class is out. He liked getting people back when no one is watching. Less chance of getting expelled.


"Why, yes I did. Thank you for your concern, Tsuyuza-san. I must have been dozing off, hahaha" Wolf said rubbing the back of his head and smiled at Isamu. He took his chair back and sat down once more. 'Just you wait, you'll be going home soon enough.' he thought, resting his head in the palm of his hand as he watched what was going on.

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