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I Found You And Now You're in Trouble. (Coffee-Tastic and Raychu)[R18]


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No unnecessary pushing. Good. Good boy, he thought. An invitation of being allowed to drink his blood was tempting alone, but he wasn't going to do that. If he drank his blood, it'll just make Akito get hungrier faster. Speaking of, the newborn did need to eat more. Not a lot at once, but at least a little bit more frequently so he wouldn't have to deal with growing weakeningly hungry again. He didn't want to start thinking again about it though. Akito didn't deserve to be starved like that again, that was the point, that's all he wanted to remind himself of. He and Akito, they needed each other. Hotaru was lonely and Akito was lonely and he was a dangerous newborn that needed somewhere to belong. The older vampire already had plenty of control, Akito was below him, a dog. That was already decided between the both of them. To torture him by starving was too harsh now.... He'd be drinking plenty later. He won't be this stressed out about blood after tonight.


And then the topic went to Yuu. "Him... No... I wanted to give him some time before talking to him again. He seemed really upset when he left," the vampire sighed, "But I guess I should have still sent him that. I'll do that before getting on my shift, okay?" He glanced at Akito. The newborn said before how he shouldn't have fed into the bad aura that the two of them created. But still, Hotaru doubted he was actually sorry. The things Yuu said were really bad. "Knowing Yuu, I don't think that you'd be getting an apology." Closing the closet, he moved the opened luggage bag to the side, putting his back on the door and finally returning his gaze, "So I will. I'm sorry about the things he said. It was a bad idea, you were absolutely right." Admitting he was wrong again, he couldn't help it. It was something he could have done a different way and gotten the same result. Though, Ben with thinking that, Hotaru wouldn't have known what else to do. Yuu could be such a big issue when he wasn't on your side.

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  • Coffee-Tastic


  • Raychu


"I don't need your apology or his," Akito spoke in bit of a snappy tone. No matter how much he liked hearing he was right and Hotaru was wrong, he would've rather had it in a different situation. Hotaru and Yuu was something he should've never been apart of. He should've stayed in the room, never talked to the human. Jealousy was all he was getting, he didn't have anything Yuu should be jealous over. If he knew the relationship he wouldn't be so angry over it. At least, that's what the newborn thought, he knew there was jealousy in the mix, that's all. "I don't really care for it. Things were said, we both got upset, I'm at fault just as much as he is. I'll be the mature one and apologize." He didn't need the sympathetic apology from Hotaru. Yuu said a few things, touching a sensitive topic he should've never touched. It happened, it's done with. The newborn most likely did just the same by going over that Yuu could never be anything more than a friend to Hotaru.


"I really think you should drink my blood. Care to share why you are so against it all of a sudden?" The topic switched back to blood, even he didn't know why he changed it. No, that's not true, he knew exactly why he kept bringing it up. He didn't want Hotaru to drink some stranger's blood over his. The wasnt jealous of that, he just would rather have the other drink from him. Nowhere near jealousy, right? Right. Maybe, just maybe he wanted Hotaru to come back instead. Maybe. Probably. He closed his eyes, sighing loudly. Maybe he should go do one of those activities already, he was only bugging Hotaru more and more. Why is he being so talkative lately? Because of a simple realization in feelings. Not a very good reason, he needed to stop. There is still a wall they can't seem to cross, he wouldn't try either. Sleeping sounded good, maybe he would sleep off the things he was feeling, like he always did. "Never mind, I'll drop it. Sorry." After that the room went completely silent, he decided it would be best to just stay quiet for the rest of the time the older vampire was there. They could talk another time.

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He didn't see what the problem was to apologize. Maybe the only problem was bringing it up again, but Akito was the one bringing up things he shouldn't. Blood. Yuu. Why was the only time he was being chatty was with these things? He never said anything that Hotaru would enjoy talking about, that was unfair. He frowned and bent down to get the smaller things out of the bag, the socks and the underwear he hadn't used that belonged in his dresser. Akito could be as mature about it as he wanted, but he didn't have to be a douche when he tried to be nice and apologize. It was just a token of acknowledgement to say sorry. Didn't he already know by now that Hotaru wouldn't be apologizing about many things while they're together? If a snappy tone is what he'd getting when he tried to say that, then he'd just not apologize for anything anymore.


It wasn't just that he was on a roll with, he decided to continue the streak of being annoying by talking about blood again, which he was even more displeased about. "Care to share why you are so against it all of a sudden?" Akito says. No. He was not going to share. Akito would say that he's thinking too much about it. He'd be thinking that he cares too much. Hotaru didn't like explaining things like this, it was hard for him get words out when he was being on the spot for doing things he didn't need to. He could tell Akito wanted to know why he was holding back, when before he took when he wanted and also, the newborn was aware that Hotaru liked how he tasted.


After the silence and putting away the remaining clothes he needed to put back, he grabbed the luggage bag and kicked it under his bed. He contemplated letting Akito know that he might be back later that day or possibly tomorrow morning, but he didn't. Hotaru only looked at him for a moment and then turned away to get his bar vest. There was still a bit more time before leaving, so he'd dedicate the remaining time fixing his appearance in the washroom. He didn't need to be in this room and if Akito was just going to lay there, he might as well sleep like that. Closing the door behind him, leaving the newborn alone in there, he went off to do those small things, then he'd leave without another word. He really wouldn't have minded if they talked about other things, but Akito annoyed him far too much.

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The red eyes shot open when he heard the click of the closing door. Akito frowned, he was in such a bad mood all of a sudden? Was it really because the other was refusing to drink his blood and he wanted to know why? Childish, that's what he was being. Not even bothering to think about how Hotaru might feel, he never did though. He didn't care to think, he acted on what he thought, right now that just happened to be his irritation that the other was going to a stranger's house for blood. It was like an insult to the newborn, as if he did something wrong where the other was shoving it in his face that he wouldn't drink it. Why did he care so much? It was pointless, pointless blood. Its not like he had some need to feed the other, he should be happy that he wasn't starving. It was nice to feel full for once, the other not even trying to take it. But the newborn was offering it, he wanted the other to take the kind gesture. No. He didn't want to, irritating the brunette.


The newborn decided to sleep, not bothering to see the older vampire off. He'd just greet him when he came back, whenever that happened to be. When he awoke after his hour or so of a nap, he got up, grabbing the duck puzzle. He was grateful the other got him things to do while he was gone, even if he happened to not show it properly. He set it on the table, tearing the plastic cover off, throwing it away. He sat down, opening the box up. He started to work on the edge of the puzzle first, like you normally would. It didn't take long for him to get the corners and sides all done, starting to work out to in. He could already tell how annoying this was going to be to complete, knowing it would take hours and hours on end. He had plenty of time to waste until his master returned.


The brunette got bored of working on the puzzle really quick, but he didn't stop. Because he was bored he started working on it in the first place. It was something to do, he was limited to these things, the puzzle would have to do for awhile. Hours were passing as he continued to focus on the puzzle only, not caring about anything else. He was nearing the middle, a few open spots here and there. It wasn't even that late and he was tired again, probably from sitting still too long. He had the jump rope, not really wanting to use it. He could go for a small walk as long as he kept to a limited path. He wasn't in the mood. He laid the side of his face against the puzzle, closing his eyes. Anymore sleep and he wouldn't be sleeping at all. He already slept so much that sleeping became harder and harder to do. He opened them back up, going back to working on his puzzle. The time was going by so slow, he just wanted the other to return soon. He hated being trapped in the apartment alone. He would rather have the teasing Hotaru around than to be filled with silence.


Should be apologize for being rude when the other apologized for Yuu? He should, unsure if he would. Hotaru shouldn't have done it, it wasn't his fault the human acted like a complete asshole the moment he walked through the door. Akito knew that very well, so he wouldn't take it if Hotaru apologized for his friend. He at least attempted to make them get along. Yesterday was tiring, how did he even survive? Running off, getting lost, stuck in the cold waiting. He should be apologizing for the olde rvampire for so many things, he was quite troublesome yesterday. He even took his faults for antagonizing Yuu to snap, pushing him about only being friends. They both decided to go at the sensitive subjects, Akito really was no better yesterday. Exactly why he is having Hotaru tell Yuu he was sorry.


The puzzle was almost completely done when Akito decided to call it a night, heading to the bedroom. He was tired, if the other came back while he was still awake, he'd go welcome him home and apologize then. If not, guess he had to wait. He fell on the soft bed, grabbing a pillow to hold. He was wondering if he should try to bring up what happened this morning, deciding against it. That might just upset the other to find out the newborn knew he was playing with his face and having fun with it. Yeah, he didn't want to touch the topic just yet. Since the other wasn't back, he'd take the bed for just the night, if Hotaru was there the next night, he'd take the couch. But since his master want back yet, he was taking the comfy bed. He closed his eyes, his breathing slowed. Falling slowly asleep.

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At work, he expected this to happen. All the people around him, it was very hard to act normal. Hard, but at least not impossible. Though his mouth constantly salivated and he had to be careful about how he spoke, because with the excitement of having 'prey' all around him, his fangs grew slightly longer and more sharp. He even had cut the tip of his tongue with them by mistake, and he needed to take bathroom breaks in order to calm down. It was better at the end of the night from the waves of people now gone, but... there was something that made him not so excited anymore. Not only were none of his friends available to come, the choices he had tonight were looking grim.


"Haha, no way..." Hotaru tried to sound interested in a conversation with a drunk man, but the topic was what he hated the most. Sports. It was getting bad. The whole night, he's hoped for many people to never leave, so he could prey on them, but he lost hope. This late in the night, the only people who were here were pairs, small groups or guys who looked like they couldn't be bothered or else they'd pull out a gun or something. But then there was this guy here. Giving him all this attention, though unwanted, and he definitely looked like a student who dropped out of his second year of college because it wasn't swag enough. He really didn't want for this to be the one. What other choice was there at this point?


The man was too drunk to realize that the bartender couldn't care less about what he was saying, and was feeling uncomfortable to constantly be given his full attention about football. "I've been a fan of them ever since I was a kid, but they're so disappointn' now! I'm starting to root for other teams and I know ma' pop won't be happy about that."


Cleaning a glass cup, the vampire cracked a half smile, "What a shame. I hope they turn around, man." Closing time was coming and he looked over, seeing more people go. Yep. What a catch... The question was, was Hotaru so hungry that he'd lower his standards and go back to this sport's junkie's house? He bet it smelled liked Axe cologne, that there were sports teams knickknacks all over the place and that he had at least one rug in the house with his favorite sport's team name written on it, or at least a towel that was on display for anyone who goes in could see. He felt a headache... "Um," he looked at the guy, snapping his fingers, trying to remember his name.


"Eh? "


He couldn't remember and just shook his head and chuckled, "Its pretty much time to close and, I'm quite worried about you." He said, leaning closer to him.


The drunkie looked intrigued, leaning closer too, his eyes closed, "Why? I feel like. Really good! Haha!"


"No. I mean ... Will you get home alright? Maybe you should allow me to take you home?" With his tone and his closeness, any idiot, or drunk, would know he was hinting at something more than just guiding him home. Thats not how it played out though.


"Dwaa you're a real cool dude..." He looked off, "Wow..." Then looked at Hotaru again and smiled more, "Really really? I'd love that'a lots."


"Yeah. Just wait here, I'll get my coat," he lowered his charm after getting this dope, the guy to allow him to lead him back to wherever he lived...


Leaving the bar, his boss sticking around to do the final closing as always, he had the man hold onto him for stable walking. Long story short, they get to his small apartment about thirty minutes away after driving his car with the drunk dude in the passenger seat, mumbling directions, barely being able to understand where he meant. At least he was wrong about all of the sport stuff. It was just a very boring place in general. Gee, and he thought he should be the one getting a cat.


While he looked around, he felt arms wrap around him all of a sudden, Hotaru looked behind him, expecting to see the man look back at him, but he leaned his face on him and was getting limp. He was falling asleep right there. "H-Hey," he said, trying to turn around before he fell, but the sudden weight had him falling over, the nameless human falling on his back, Hotaru basically softening the fall for him. "Hph..." He pouted and gout out from under him, sighing as he got up, dragging the man from his arms to the only room in the apartment. He was tired from being up early. He was hungry. He was standing up for hours at work. He held a conversation about sports, and now he was dragging someone who was not very light to their bed and carrying them into it. "I swear to god, you better not taste bad..."



It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. It wasn't satisfying to his tastes, but it was for the hunger that's been bothering him for the past few days. He was right about one thing. After drinking Akito's blood, it made someone else's blood half as good as it would have been. Damn the newborn... Gosh, how many times did he think that to himself? He wasn't sure about that, he wasn't sure about anything by the time he came home. He was so exhausted, he only managed to take his shoes and coat off at the door before walking to his room like a zombie, falling next to Akito and nearly falling asleep there instantly. It sucked now, but when he woke up, he knew he'd feel a lot better. Sleep was his cure, just like for the newborn

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Akito woke up to find the other on the bed, he grumbled, turning over. It was too early for him to be up, but his body was screaming at him to stay awake. He set the pillow back where it belonged, getting up from the bed. The air had a pungent smell of Axe, causing him to cough. It was obvious the other had gone home with someone, causing that irritation to come back. He knew the other needed to feed, did it have to be with some random stranger over him. It was a stab at his pride, an insult. He would get over it sooner or later, it wasn't something he needed to get so upset over. Hotaru fed, hopefully he wasn't hungry anymore, that's all that really mattered. Even if he was curious to know why a stranger was better to feed off of than himself, he would still get over it. Sooner or later he'd forget about it, nothing worth being hung up over. He knew that, he just had to let it go. Apologize for his attitude that came from the other picking someone random over him to drink blood from.


The newborn stretched, leaving the room without a word. He didn't want to wake the other by accident, not in the mood for talking with him yet. He was still tired, being tired meant he was crabby. Until he fully woke up, talking was a bad idea. He'd be too snappy to talk with the other calmly, or even attempt to apologize. It'd be easier if he waited, exactly what he would do. If Hotaru woke up before he was full awake and aware he's just ignore the other then. Even if it was rude, it was to keep the tension low. He didn't need to snap over something small and little, exactly why he didn't want to interact. He would talk with Hotaru on his own time, unless on that time the other left. That was for him to worry about later. He had other things to focus on now, things to keep his mind off of thinking so much. He should worry about those more. He was already almost complete with the puzzle, the coloring book would be gone in no time too. He only had the jump rope and card deck left, there wasn't much he could do with that. He needed to find another way to entertain himself soon.


He started working on the puzzle once more, finishing it up. It was boring, annoying, a headache for him to deal with, at least it kept his mind off of many things it could be on right now. It couldn't wander much when it was stuck in trying to find the missing piece to an area in the puzzle. The perfect piece that fit, where it was hidden among the many other pieces. This really was boring, it would be done and over with soon, not worth the time he wasted on it. He didn't know what time he got up, but he couldn't wait until something, such as Hotaru was up to fill the silence in the air. The puzzle wasn't waking him up any faster, instead it was close to putting him back to sleep. He took it back, he'd rather be crabby and attempt to talk with Hotaru than try to sit in silence any longer so he could wake up. The puzzle finally was finished after an hour or two, the newborn ready to just destroy it. The time it took to complete really wasn't worth. Never had he spent a day and a couple hours just working on a puzzle. This was a cruel way of punishing him.

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Hotaru slept a lot more hours after Akito even woke up, totally an extra six more than he did. He could sleep the whole day away if he wanted to, because the next time he had to work was Monday and it was a gift from the gods. A Saturday. Thank god... When he did wake up, he was in bed alone, and he could still smell the faint stench of that horrible body spray in his nose. Two top worst things to exist so far in the world was Hitler and Axe body spray. Dramatic? Yes, but thats only if you haven't smelled it before or if you were one of the losers that wore it. Aside from that, he felt pretty good! Complete rest, no hunger, no nothing. Hotaru really was tempted to happily fall asleep again, but then he remembered he wasn't alone in this house. Akito was no longer in bed, and he was wondering what he was up to. A puzzle? Stacking cards? Coloring? The list of possible guessed of what he were doing were dangerously short.


He was going to take a shower, but not after checking in on Akito. He needed the short updates of his dog. Taking off his shirt and putting it in the laundry ahead of time, he held onto his change of clothes while he came out of the room, his red eyes looking to find Akito, "Your master is awake~" he called out rather lazily, yawning between his calls, "Aki-chan, say good morning to your master, Aki-chaan~" Master. What a joke... That title was nothing more than a word of tease, a gag to go along with the fact that the newborn was his dog. They have one warm moment together and now he's incapable of being the usual ass he liked to be... The ass right now had to be Akito. Though. The last time they spoke, he had brought up chat conversations he shouldn't have attempted making. Blood. Yuu. Blood. "Why didn't you accept?" How could so many bad things come out of his mouth consecutively like that? It was some kind of new, surfaced talent Akito showed him from being cooped up in his apartment 24/7.

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Akito heard the voice of Hotaru ring through the air, happy yet at the same time he was unhappy chooser vampire was wake. He had to start right after he woke up. He was coloring the few last page of the coloring book, having plenty of time to work on that as well. The two best activities were running out, soon he would be stuck with nothing at all. Cards got old real quick and he personally wouldn't jump rope, ever. What was he supposed to do once th coloring book was done? He already finished the puzzle in no time at all. He refused to wreck what he had done, or it really wouldn't have been worth it. He'd wreck it at some point, just not right now. This is what he means, he barely has anything left to do as it is. Once the coloring book is done, nothing. Nothing at all. What should he do? Ask for more things? No, absolutely no to. He wasn't going to be greedy with Hotaru, it wouldn't happen.


"Good morning master," he mocked the other. Hotaru took the master thing to different levels at a time. It was one thing for him to say master, but when it's Hotaru telling him to say it, he couldn't help but get irritated and mock him for it. Master was such a stupid, pointless thing that shouldn't even exist. It was nothing more than a title they used because he was the dog. So why did the older vampire have to take if farther than that? He looked up at him from the kitchen chair, closing the book, setting it on the puzzle. "Oh, I'm sorry for yesterday. I snapped at you when you apologized. That was wrong of me, sorry." He looked over at the other, frowning slightly. He hated apologizing, it was such an annoyance. He felt stupid when he had to do so, both that it was much of a big deal, he just hated doing so. But Hotaru would want an apology or he might continue to poke at the wounds. Akito would rather feel a bit shameful with having to apologize than the other teasing him about it.

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Coming closer, he took a look at the puzzle under the coloring book that Akito closed. It was finished? Really?! Those things were super boring, how did he manage to finish the whole thing so fast!? Oh thats right. He has nothing else better to be doing with his free time. Free time meaning every waking moment his eyes were open. Still, he hadn't expected it to be finished already. Hotaru took the coloring book off the puzzle and stood behind the newborn, looking at the adorable yellow duckies. An apology. What a nice thing to hear in the morning/ afternoon. "I appreciate the apology. You were being a real piece of work yesterday and I didn't appreciate it... I also accept your apology." But that didn't mean he couldn't still feel some bitterness from that. He tilted his head and took out a middle piece of the puzzle tossing it to the side, "I should get you another puzzle, shouldn't I? To keep you busy?"


Hotaru took out another piece and looked at it. It kind of looked like a Nazi party symbol. "There are bigger ones than this. the largest one was 3 thousand, but one had normal sized pieces and the other one was a miniature. Difficult stuff there, but I know it'll keep you busy." The vampire put the anti-Jew puzzle piece back in it's spot but left the other one he took out to rot. "But I did want to ask you what other things you'd want to do, because to me, there's not a lot of things you enjoy to begin with." Putting his chin on Akito's back he chuckled, "Unless that is correct. If that's the case, I only suggest you kill more time and try to catch your tail like a doggy." Noticeably different, even to himself, Hotaru was glad to be feeling like himself again.

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A real piece of work? Yesterday? Akito wasn't that bad, was he? No, all he did was snap. What else did he do yesterday? Not that it mattered, his apology was accepted. When the older vampire grabbed the piece and tossed it to the side, he frowned. Then he took out another piece, at least he put that one back, but he left the other out. "Don't ruin my puzzle, it took forever to do this," he mumbled, grabbifn the piece, setting it back in its rightful place. He would have to destroy it at some point, that he knew. Just not yet, he couldn't bring himself to do it right away. He worked so hard on it, we destroying it right now would be a shame. It was just a puzzle, a stupid puzzle that took forever to do. That didn't matter, he wouldn't wreck it until he was ready to. At least let it be shown for just a little bit, show the amazing job he did in only two days. The coloring book he could care else about, Hotaru can destroy that if he wants. Just not the puzzle.


"No, no more puzzles. I hate them so much," he said as he rubbed his head. That wasn't a lie, he did. They were time consuming, frustrating, and not worth finishing in the end. He never liked them as a kid, he doesn't like them now. How he finished this one so fast amazed him. Being asked what he wanted, he didn't have to think about it much. He really didn't have much he liked or that he did in his spare time. "Can you get me books? I like to read." He was willing to spend hours and hours on end if he was reading. It wasn't something that gave him a headache, instead it was nice for him. Definitely worth his time. His immortal life could hold as man books as he could get. He ignored the last part, not letting himself get angry over it. He wanted to though, he wanted to snap about it. It was irritating him how much the other kept calling him a dog. "It's too easy being a good dog though. Every dog does something bad at some point, especially when they aren't getting the proper attention."

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Just watching Akito carefully and gently put back the puzzle piece he flicked out, he could almost laugh, but also he knew how fucked up it would be if he laughed for him caring about a complicated puzzle that he took real time with all by himself. He'd really care about the puzzle too if he had done it all on his own. Those cute little ducklings... The quality of the photo was pretty good. They looked so fluffy and huggable... What does a vampire have to do to get ahold of some baby ducks, huh? Anyways. If Akito was proud enough of the puzzle, they didn't have to ruin it. He'd offer to maybe get the pieces glued so it can go in a frame, but not only was a picture of ducklings out of place in his apartment, Akito said he hated puzzles. Never mind his idea. It would also have been going too far of an extra mile of kindness for Akito too, he guessed.


Books. He could get plenty of books for his newborn, that would be a lot easier that trying to figure out what things he'd want to play with, the puzzle, the cards, the jump rope... He probably hasn't even used it. How was Akito supposed to stay fit if he didn't do some exercise? What a disaster. Hotaru should bring him some heathy, fitness tips along with anything else he got. "Every dog does something bad at some point?" He smirked and pressed his nose onto Akito's neck mumbling on his skin and the collar that still wrapped around his neck, "Especially when they aren't getting the proper attention? Wow. That Sounds... Very kinky of you to say, Aki-chan... Someone doesn't like having his attention neglected, huh?" He lingered for a few seconds, but pulled away, "Define "proper attention" for me, then I'll care a little bit more." He knew what he meant. He was always home alone, he did isn't like that. So ultimately that must mean that he DID want Hotaru's attention. "I'm a busy man, Akito. I can't spend all day, every day tending to my attention- thirsty dog."

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Akito frowned, tensing when the other pressed against his neck. Did he just say that? Giving away all of his feelings about being left alone? Yes, yes he did. He even called himself a dog in the mix, good job. "I take it back then, I don't want to have to explain it. My owner should know what I mean," he mumbled, looking at the puzzle. Did he just say owner? He did. What was with him today, he usually didn't say these things. That puzzle looked pretty nice to wreck, it might calm him down. He was upset with himself now. Unsure of what to do. He literally just stated he wanted Hotaru's attention and that he wasn't getting enough of it. Huge mistake, very big mistake. A very bad one too. Now he gave the older vampire another thing to hold, giving him even more of an upper hand than he had before.


"I don't want your attention if you're going to call me an attention-thirsty dog," he grumbled. He was glad the other pulled away when he did, ready to push him off his neck at that point. "You're so clueless. I'm so well behaved for you too." He is, he really is. Sure he had his bad moments, but he is usually on his best behavior. A lot more than he should be. He didn't even think about what this is doing for him, he only behaves to get on Hotaru's good side. It works, really well. Akito realized that really quick if he behaved, nothing bad happened. Now he uses a lot of it to his advantage. "Never mind what I just said, it's not important. Forget I said it at all." That was a stretch, he knew that wouldn't happen so easily, even if he really wanted it to. This was Hotaru, he gave him something he could hold against him for eternity. Admitting he wants his attention, how stupid and careless of the newborn.

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And his owner he was. He didn't want Akito to loose his mind with boredom and lonelness, but hell, he bet that those two might have something to do with the newborn slipping into his dog trope, so he could hate it all he wants. Its for certain that Akito literally was a dog at this point. One that really didn't like to admit it and was quite cute trying to tell Hotaru to forget what he's been saying. Forget? Not a chance. "N~ope!" He chimed, leaning on the table beside Akito, "So you want more attention. I can see how. I leave you home all the time and you're lonely, poor pup... I guess since its the weekend, you can get some attention from me. But for that, how about you make yourself worth it. Remember, I don't have to stick around here. And though I'd love to stay home, I will leave to a friend's house just to spite you." He giggled and got up, "But anyways, I'm going to take a shower. Plenty of time to get..." he paused for dramatic effect, "creative!"


Akito could do it or not. He didn't think he would do anything, so saying he'd go to someone else's place was just a meaningless bluff. But he would just ignore Akito as best as he could. Maybe put some porn on his phone to fuck with his newborn and follow him around, wouldn't that be hilarious? Possibly dangerous for his phone. He could only imagine that ending with Akito snatching it and breaking it like the savage that he was like when he broke his precious handcuffs. He couldn't car less about Yuu's pair, it was way... I forgot to text Yuu.... Oh well. After the bath I'll do it.

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Akito coughed loudly when the other threatened to leave if he didn't find something to keep him there. It wasn't going happen anyway so Hotaru could leave. Make himself worth it? Not happening. What could he possibly offer the other to make him want to stay? Nothing. He wouldn't try either, it didn't matter much. So what if he wanted attention? He survived this long without getting it, he didn't need it to live either. The puzzle he worked so hard on became his relief for his anger and stress, destroying what he had worked so hard just because the other got him so irritated. Oh well. He finished it once, he didn't need to work on it ever again. He wouldn't touch it ever again. He nearly placed the pieces he broke apart back in the box, his anger quelled. He didn't have much else to destroy if he got angry again, then he'd most likely snap at the other. He didn't really want to do that, it only made him seem like he was in just as much as bad mood as yesterday.


That was done, the table was cleared, no longer a mess. Now what did he want to do? Not interact with Hotaru, that feeling quickly changed when he decided to blurt out about not having enough attention. He could go back to sleep, for how long? Not very. He could color some more, that wasn't fun. He could jump rope? No. Play solitaire with the new deck of cards? He wasn't in the mood. He could go for a walk so he didn't have to interact with the other? That sounded reasonable. Thad exactly what the newborn would do. He grabbed one of the bags, pulling out the socks the other had got him. He opened the package up, slipping a pair on. They fit nicely, glad the other was able to read sizes better. He slipped on his shoes, ready to walk out the door when eh remembered the collar. He was okay wearing it around Hotaru, even if it was on the street. When he was alone it just felt a bit wrong to walk into public like this. He undid the collar, tossing it on the couch. He'd just put it back on when he returned, not a big deal. He walked out the door, heading to walking around the block. It was long enough to appease him, all he had to do was walk around everything multiple times. It was short, he wouldn't get lost this time.

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In the bath, not a shower, Hotaru could hear Akito leave the apartment. He rolled his eyes and squeezed out bubble liquid into the running water, wanting to be surrounded in temperature-less snow while he enjoyed a soothing bath to relax his muscles, which always served the vampire well after the soak. Warm water, the smell of mango and pineapple... He swore, he might just fall asleep in there again! He learned from the last time that doing that wasn't a very good idea. Wrinkles were his enemy and after falling asleep in a a bath, he woke up, believing that he had aged from how prune his body became. So... Never. Again.


Hotaru forced himself out the bath when he felt like he might dose off for real and left the washroom with the tub draining. He put his underwear on and a soft pair of sweatpants and a light shirt, ruffling his wet hair with his towel, "Hmm hmhmmm~" he hummed happily and looked around. He didn't hear Akito come back, so why was he looking for him? It was out of habit he supposed... The vampire went to sit down on the couch to maybe watch a movie from Netflix, but he sat on something. "Owie." He reached under his ass and grabbed the thing he had sat on. Akito's... Collar...


Um. Why did he take it off?


Why the hell did he take it off?


Hotaru stood up, staring at the collar as if it just told him when the world will end. Taking the collar off wasn't an issue before. He preferred Akito wear it at all times, but he understood he couldn't wear it all the time, but he had taken it off. It was left here on the couch as if it was tossed away, and Akito wasn't here. He suddenly got deathly afraid. No, he couldn't have actually run away for real, right? "I hate you!" He yelled at the Akito that was not here. He wanted to relax, but he couldn't do that anymore. For christ's sake, his hair was still dripping wet. Hotaru threw in the towel, no pun intended, and went to his closet to put on his coat again, sloppily putting on his shoes and scarf before going out to see where Akito was, the collar in his pocket as well as the leash once he found him...


He went outside and looked around. There was no sight of him. "You better not have actually..." Muttering, he ran in one direction, hoping to find him quickly. If he had to spend he while night looking for Akito again, he might actually kill him out of revenge. "Akito!!" He shouted loudly. He didn't care that he wasn't the only one in the street. He didn't care that people were looking at him funny and chuckling at his frantic behavior on the sidewalk.

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The collar wasn't on, it didn't feel natural. Maybe Akito shouldn't have taken it off. He just didn't want any weird looks that obviously assumed him to be some creepy guy wearing a collar. Because it's normal, not. Hotaru hid the collar under his scarf the one time he saw him wear it out, the newborn had nothing to cover it up with. It made him feel so out of place, if the red eyes and the sharp fangs didn't do that for him already. He ran his fingers gently over the part of his neck where the collar always was. It did feel wrong to have it off, it's not like he had s reputation to keep if he did wear it outside. Maybe it was a new generation fashion that he had no idea about. It was too late to worry about it now, he chose to take it off, he was able to go back right now and put it back on if he wanted it back that desperately. It wasn't that big of a deal, continue to walk, or go home. Simple options, easy choosing. He would stay and walk for a bit more. He liked the cool breeze, he didn't want to leave just yet. He could always return home in a few minutes. One more lap would be nice.


He halted, stopping dead in his tracks, when his name sounded out. He looked around to see what it was, or if he was delirious and hearing it. He knew he wasn't, that was distinctly Hotaru's voice. What was he doing? Didn't Akito already tell him he wouldn't be running away? What was he doing? He went into the direction of when he name was called, but only to find it empty, no Hotaru. Maybe he was just hearing things. A sign he was getting old. He was so sure it was real though, the panic in the voice, something he rarely heard. He looked around to see people's stares, their laughter at something... amusing. He went over in that direction, seeing nothing but a rushing a figure. Was he really going crazy? He needed to return home before he started seeing something more frightening. The brunette headed back in the direction of the apartment, ignoring whatever happened to him just now. It was a kind of meltdown, that's what it was.


The newborn walked inside the apartment, looking around for Hotaru. No Hotaru? Where could he be? Was he not imagining that? He went to grabs the collar, only to find it missing. He wasn't hallucinating. That actually happened. The older vampire was out there now, looking for him. Why? He already stated he wasn't going to run away, he was too attached, why is he looking then? Does he really not trust the newborn's words? Are they that hard to believe? He meant it. Akito meant every word he said the other night, ever single one. That included his part about being unable to run away, he wouldn't do something so stupid. So why is Hotaru out there now? This had to be the dumbest thing the other could have done, he probably jumped to conclusions.


Akito headed back out, powerwalking to where he saw the rushing figure. Now it was him trying to find the older vampire, funny. They were both looking for each other now, hilarious turn of events. "Hotaru!" He shouted, walking past the people now staring at him. What caused the other to jump to such a stupid conclusion? He was going to find that out and fix it. He hated it when he said something that was true for him and have it be brushed off, taken for granted. Something Hotaru was doing right now. If he trusted the newborn, he would've stayed and sat there, waiting. If he didn't show up within the night, then it would be okay to assume he ran off. But the newborn wanted to be trusted by Hotaru, this was showing now signs of any trust. It was just a walk, one little walk, and the other began to worry about him running away again. "Hotaru!!" He shouted again, looking around for the other. Why is he out here looking for the older vampire? He could've just sat and waited until he got back from his pointless search.

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Hotaru had nothing but trust for Akito, but he couldn't help but be afraid seeing his collar left behind on the couch. He had even seen how Akito got rid of the puzzle. Was he mad? Out here, wiping his face from the water that dripped down his hair, he was questioning if he was in the wrong or if Akito was. Hotaru teased around with him again just like he had before, so he didn't think he'd leave. Though he and Akito had kind of a moment before, so was it okay to try and tell the newborn that if he didn't entertain him,made be left alone again? Akito might not have. But would he leave Hotaru again? What gave him the most fear was the fact that he left without taking his loyalty with him, aka his collar. For him, it felt necessary, even if it was just a prop for their dog and master roles. Would it have killed him to wear it? If he was worried about people seeing it, he could have just borrowed his scarf. It wasn't like Hotaru was planning on using it anyways.


He didn't want to go outside today at all. And here he was. Calling out Akito's name on the street like a crazy man. He wanted hot chocolate so badly right now too, his wet hair wasn't a great thing to have when it was cold outside. The vampire sniffled and rubbed his nose with the sleeve of his coat, growling under his breath, "Akito..." He was getting mad. Mad with worry actually. He couldn't find Akito and shouting his name out around, he didn't ever get a response from him. There of course was a chance newborn went back home, but if Akito wasn't there, Hotaru would feel like he wasted time he could be using to get him back. If he had gone back and this was just a stunt to make Hotaru afraid... No... Akito wouldn't do that. The vampire stopped walking and shouting, rubbing the leather collar in the safety of his pocket, sighing. Akito wouldn't leave him either, would he? No... He wouldn't do that... After that night, no amount of teasing would make him do that.


But he was out here anyways. The vampire typically acted out of worry, he always did because that was just him ensuring something remained alright. Suspicions and negative possibilities always ran through Hotaru's head because it was safer to overreact than not. Like if Akito was home, he'd rather have been making sure he was still outside than going home with the possibility he wasn't there. Insurance is what a vampire always craved in terms of living, Hotaru wanted that insurance as well as the one that Akito would stay with him. Man. Why couldn't he have just kept the damn collar on? He just had to leave in on the couch for him to find?? There was no doubting it for him, that was a cruel thing for Akito to do. The raven haired vampire wiped his nose again and pushed his damp bangs off of his forehead, looking around as if that was any more effective than actually shouting his name loudly.


He was thinking about where else to go, wondering if he should keep faithful in this direction or go the opposite way from his house instead, but a voice put his thoughts in a halt. It was his name being called out by Akito. He was in a weird street where the call made it sound like it came from two different places, but turning the corner, he knew he was getting closer to Akito. His walk turned into a run and shortly, he caught sight of the newborn, who was walking ahead with his back turned. He frowned and ran towards him, pissed off. The vampire didn't call his name, but maybe his footsteps were heard... Didn't matter. As soon as he got to Akito, he shoved him hard and sneered, "What the hell is your problem?!"

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Akito was had no idea where to go. He saw the figure once, Hotaru could easily be long gone down another street by now. He was worried, if he went any farther he would get lost once more. That wasn't fun the first time, it is like the be any better the second. He didn't want to head back to the apartment either. He was willing to risk getting lost again to find Hotaru. He felt if he went back to the apartment, he'd be doing something wrong. The other was looking for him, the reasons unknown, but he was still looking. If the newborn went back, he'd be leaving the other to look. That older vampire was stubborn, he would look for hours if he needed, just to find the missing brunette who decided to leave out of a fit of anger. Twice. He did his twice now. All because of some teasing, it wasn't even that big of a deal. To anyone else it may have been minor, not to him.


Being alone was the worst thing for the newborn. Hotaru continued to push that to its limits, of course he would get upset about it. Having to work for some time with his owner. He didn't do much, that was true, he could always try and do more, but being told he needed to entertain the other to keep him around, pissed him off. Just little chats with the other were fine with him. He was alone most of the day when the other left, he was alone most of the time he had been there. Just a little bit of time would've been nice. Just a little. He was given things to entertain himself during the day but it wasn't enough to actually do much for him. He finished them in no time, it was nothing but a waste of time. He wanted to spend time with the older vampire. That wasn't a good sign, he was growing too attached to the other. Wanting too much of his time. No wonder Hotaru was getting annoyed, Akito was practically begging for all this attention all the time. Why though? Why did he want it so bad?


The sound of stomping footsteps were heard coming towards him, before he had a chance to see who it was, he was shoved. He stumbled over his feet, landing on his ass when he fell. He wasn't expecting something like that. Looking up to see it was Hotaru, he frowned. The other was obviously upset over Akito's sudden leaving. "Sorry," was all he would say. He didn't have much else he could say to him. "I'm sorry." He repeated. He wasn't going to attempt to fight the other, he was in the wrong for leaving like that. Though he still didn't know why it was so upsetting for him to have left. He was given permission wasn't he? He was told he could leave, so why was it a problem? Because he took off the collar? It's just a collar. He wanted to be trusted as the person, not to have a collar to show he could trust him. He didn't leave the first time, a collar shouldn't have to show he wouldn't leave at all. His face showed his guilt, as he stood up, bruising off his pants. It was like he was a puppy being scolded, actually he was. He was being told he was bad for running away without the collar.

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Hotaru was causing a scene, but from the moment he left the apartment yelling Akito's name, he already didn't care. Why would he start now once he found the newborn? He was angry. "You're sorry, yeah?" He took out the collar from his pocket, frowning as he leaned down, latching the leather around his neck again, "You can leave the apartment, Akito, but don't leave without this! How hard is it to keep it on?! I thought you left me because of it!" The clasp clicked in place and after hearing it, he took out the leash as well, slapping the metal around the metal attachment. People stared at him, the man who was putting a collar on another man, scolding him and leashing him like a dog that ran away. "Damn right. You had better be fucking sorry." He held his side of the master's leash firmly and got up, "Get up. We're going home." Hotaru's tone was so much different from the usual, so much more threatening, sharp and angry.


Finding Akito calling out for him too made him even more angry because it was idiotic to think they were looking for each other for who knows how long. Akito made him afraid that he left, he didn't deserve to be looking for him out in the street, pretending to care and be worried for Hotaru. Despite his childish reasons for getting so angry, he was actually thankful to have found him looking for him instead of being several blocks away, trying to escape the town and from Hotaru. And he would be far more angry if he came home to find Akito there, chilling on the sofa while waiting for him to get back.


Hotaru walked fast, being energized by the anger he felt for this situation. Akito going around, acting like Hotaru was the one who was lost... He was the one getting scared. Hotaru wasn't the one who would leave and not come back, he had nothing that would make Akito worry about him not coming back. He always would come back, it was his home... And Akito would also always come back. It was his home now too... He didn't want to give Akito any sort of benefit of doubt. He didn't want to be the one overreacting with his emotions, but when did he not? The vampire liked to hide a lot of his feelings, and it was becoming harder to control having the newborn in his life now.

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Akito felt the heat spread across his cheeks. Everyone was looking, this was so demeaning to him as a person. The click of the collar, the snapping of the leash, it was the only sound that spread through the street besides Hotaru's voice. Dead silence, all the eyes on them. He stood up, his head lowering. He really didn't mean to upset he other like this, it was truly an accident. Then again, it showed the collar was the only thing holding trust between them. He should be able to to be trusted as just him, not have to wear some rich that showed he was owned. Then again, this was Hotaru. Things didn't work easily like that. The newborn was taking a walk to cool himself down, it only ended up making the other more upset. Not because he went on the walk, he wasn't wearing the collar when he did. He didn't mean to scare the other by doing so, he just wanted to go for a walk. Simple as that. Go on a nice, peaceful walk without people staring at you. That turned out to be the complete opposite of what he wanted.


"I didn't... mean to upset you. Sorry," he mumbled so quietly, it would be amazing if the other actually heard him. He could apologize many times, it didn't mean the other would accept it. He could easily brush it off because of how angry he was. How often did he actually see the other this angry? Not very often. Sure he had his moments where he was crying and angry, it wasn't as often as you would think. He decided to remain silent for the rest of the time, not wanting to upset the older vampire anymore than he already had. The damage was done. He got angry, the newborn left the collar on the couch, only to have it backfire on him in the end. Hotaru was a lot more angry than he was before he decided to take the walk that caused this mess. Why didn't he just leave it on? He was embarrassed? This scene being caused is probably a hell lot more embarrassing than just wearing the collar in the first place.


The newborn really wanted to ask if the trust they held was only due to the collar around his neck. Did it keep everything in place? Was the collar the one thing that held them together when they were ready to tear apart. It was just a collar, his words before were when he had no collar. He truly meant it when he said he wouldn't leave. It was insult to him that the other actually thought he ran off because he took off the collar. It meant nothing to him, nothing. It was an accessory he wore. Sure, it gave the other more ownership and power over him, but it meant nothing to him in the end. He wore the collar because he was wanted to by the older vampire, that's it. Why did it have to mean so much to Hotaru when it meant nothing to him? It was nothing but leather and metal on his neck. That was it. No real purpose, or maybe he was overlooking that purpose.

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Oh, he heard Akito. But he wasn't going to deal with another apology. He continued off home, wondering how what to do once they did get home. He didn't want to even stop holding the leash once they got back... So he wouldn't... What Akito wanted was attention, right? He'd get it then, in one of the ways Hotaru knew how to give that. Once they had actually gotten back, he pulled Akito to the sofa where he demanded in the same tone he used while scolding the newborn outside, pushing him to sit down even before saying so, "Sit. And don't even speak yet until I say so. I don't want to be hearing your apologies or anything else right now... You want attention? Fine. I'll give it to you right now. I hope you'll finally be happy, Akito." Between teases and actually doing something physical with Akito, he knew he didn't like them. At least, with touching and such, he didn't hate it for long... But it would be interesting to know how he'd react if he wasn't playful and slutty, but dominating and aggressive.


Akito could wonder all he wanted if his trust was this small with them. It wasn't... Right? If Akito left with that collar still on him, he wouldn't have worried in the slightest amount. He'd stay home and put on a movie like he said he would. And if Akito would have come back before putting on something, they could have sat together and picked something together. That backfired hard. He didn't want to give himself the same explanation to himself as to why he wasn't acting insane for going outside running around and that he wasn't wrong for worrying Akito wouldn't come back. Right now, he was going to do something different with his pet dog. Should teach him to not scare him him like this.


He dropped his coat at the side and was grabbing at Akito's clothes and stripped the, off roughly, "You wanted attention," he wrapped more of the leash around his wrist, keeping it raised high to keep his newborn from looking down from his eyes, "That means you should enjoy this, right dog?" Hotaru shoved Akito again so his back would meet the cushion of his sofa. "You do as I say then. You got that?" No grin, no smirk... He still was just as pissed as he was before.

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Akito stuck to being silent the rest of the way, the other obviously was in no mood for his apologies. He dragged his feet, trying not to focus on the eyes that were locked on them. Upon returning to the apartment, he was about to explain himself, that didn't happen though. Hotaru had other plans than to nicely talk this out, much different plans. The newborn sat on the couch as he was told to do, his frown deepening. This isn't the attention he wanted, nowhere close. This was completely different from what he wanted. This Hotaru was angry, extremely angry. For once, the brunette was genuinely scared of what Hotaru would do. This was the first time he's seen him so angry without the tears to go with it. This was just anger, no sadness, or none that the the younger vampire knew of. Pure, genuine anger. It was terrifying for someone who got to witness it first hand, especially with the kind of relationship they have. Anything can go with the older vampire.


Next thing the newborn knew, his clothes were being roughly taken off. As he attempted to fight it, his head was yanked up when the length of the leash was shortened again, the clanging of the metal pieces sounding through the room. His lips pursed into a thin line when the other brought up that he wanted attention so he should like this. Call him a dog all you want, not every dog likes every single type of attention. He sure as hell didn't like kind, too rough for him. You do as I say then. You got that? Akito could only give a small nod, unsure if that meant he was supposed to answer the other or not. He didn't want to make him more upset than he already was. His shoulder tensed, obvious he wasn't exacf thrilled for what the other might do. This wasn't supposed to happen, it wasn't supposed to end like this. If Hotaru was in a better mood, maybe they could've talked it out. That was an if situation that didn't happen. This was happening now. The choice was made by the older vampire.


Being pushed, shoved, and pulled around by the older vampire was causing him to tire. His eyes looked away from the other's, too ashamed to actually look at the other. This was embarrassing, so embarrassing. He was being shown completely to the other again. He didn't want it on this way though, it was too much for him to take. Why did he have to make such a stupid mistake as taking the collar off? It wouldn't have been that big of a deal to be seen by a couple of people, maybe get a few weird looks. He was fine with it now, too bad he couldn't change what he originally did. A stupid mistake made, one he can't take back, not even with a simple apology. He wanted to just try to make the other listen to him, try to make him understand why he did it. Not on purpose, he wasn't doing it to make the other worry. He just didn't... that was no real excuse. Even he didn't find a good excuse for himself to explain why he took off the collar. He just did. That was that.

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"Good boy," he said and gave his cheek a small slap like a master would do to their actual dog, "but what's the matter? You're looking away from me? How come? You wanted my attention. You have it now. Congratulations." He roamed his hand down, to his chest, rubbing circles between his flat breasts, "I'm giving you attention now, Akito. I'm only looking at you, touching only you. It's aaall about Akito now." He leaned closer to his face, making it near impossible to simply ignore and look away from his gaze. He did not care if he was making Akito any bit uncomfortable, because what WAS uncomfortable was to be going around outside with his hair soaking wet when it was not exactly summer weather outside. His nose has been running constantly and he felt like he might actually get a cold this time after being lucky the other day when he had been walking around with sweat half dried and half frozen to his body because he had given Akito his coat.


Hotaru's chest rub's range increased, sliding down his navel and even brushed over his crotch as well before roaming upward again. The vampire stayed at his side, but that didn't mean he was already well past the invasion of personal space, leaning half on him and the other part of him was propping up on the sofa, putting a knee between the space between Aktio's crotch and the edge of the couch. So if the newborn even thought about escaping, he couldn't. "I hope you think twice about trying to pull a stunt like that. Think before you take action, dog." Hotaru leaned into the newborn's neck licking the space that was Akito's jawline and the rest of his neck, moving his hand down again to his crotch again, lingering on it, rubbing and breathing on his neck, "Don't abuse the care I have for you. It is not very nice. And I do not appreciate it."

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The next best thing Akito could do to avoid looking at the older vampire was to close his eyes, which he did. He didn't want it to be all about him now. He didn't want the attention anymore, none of it. Right now he was wishing he was left alone, having to work on another puzzle. No amount of hate them could top how much he hated this right now. It was an honest to god mistake he made. One he seemed to regret much more than he thought he would've. A walk without the collar seemed so little, so small. Not the the older vampire apparently. He was the one who ran out thinking the newborn had gone. Something both of them knew so very well, he wouldn't do. He wouldn't last a day out in the world without Hotaru, they both knew that. He hadn't even had a taste of human blood yet, feeding off of the other vampire. He wouldn't touch a human and end in the same exact position as he was before. What kind of idiot would try to go back into that? Not him, he wasn't going to put himself through that pain again. The first time was hard enough, even though he went through it a second time with Hotaru, that's besides the point. He wouldn't leave, ever. It was a nonnegotiable thing for him.


The touch was worrying him. He should be thinking about how sensual it could be, no, he was worried what the other was going to do. The things Hotaru had on him. The fantasies, the power, anything and everything he seemed to have control of. His breaths became shaky as the other licked his neck. He was trying to prepare himself for something, he just couldn't figure out what, making him even more unprepared than he was before. When the older vampire said he needed to stop abusing his kindness, he felt an urge to defend himself. He tensed as he bit down on his tongue, stopping himself from saying something irrational.


Hotaru was in no mood to hear Akito's excused or explanations, it would only make this a lot worse. But there was nothing more he wanted to do than state it wasn't on purpose. He was going to come back. He wouldn't have left the other alone like that just because he was teased a little, nothing like that would ever happen. He would stay there for as long as he wanted, only to leave when told. He wanted to tell the other he didn't even need to go look for him, it shows there was no trust that his puppy might return. He did, then he went to go look for his master. Instead of praise for that, he got scolded. Hotaru's behaviors were becoming more and more unpredictable. Anything was able to rub him the wrong way now. How was the newborn supposed to read that? He couldn't.

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Hotaru could normally handle being rubbed the wrong way, or having things happen that weren't supposed to. Life was full of that for any human and he's lived far longer than that. He wasn't threatened easily until that bad thing happened to him and his family. With things that he care for, he didn't think he'd be so strongly affected to the point of throwing away trust that he didn't think he would. Hotaru really did believe that Akito wouldn't leave him, even from the start he knew it deep inside. But when Akito didn't come back from his walk, he was devastated and heart broken more than he'd ever realize truthfully. Akito leaving with his collar just triggered a similar reaction, but instead of hugging and holding Akito, he became angry and was doing this. And what was he doing? Hotaru already had all of the power, he was the one and only person the newborn could rely on. Did Akito really need this kind of treatment? In the older vampire's head, yes. Because he made him worry and he made him start to feel scared again. That was reason enough for him right now.


Biting his neck under the collar's place around is throat, a bite with his fangs that didn't go through the skin just yet, the raven haired vampire sucked his reddened skin, sliding his hand under the hem of Akito's underwear so he could cause more distress for the extremity underneath. He had no intention of lightening his mood, but for just one line, he quieted his voice into more of a whisper, "Where is this behavior coming from Akito? Did you not want attention? I also clearly remember you saying something to me," He held the side of Akito's cheek, making him face down, looking up at him with a frown and targeting eyes, "You hate the collar. You hate losing control. But it's exciting to think someone else has power over you."


"So you just be enjoying this right? You can close your eyes all you want, but you're sitting here, unable to run away and you can't even speak because I have yet to give you permission to do so. This this the kind of power you were thinking of? This is what you want. You could have told me. As much as I'd like to sit on your lap like a cum slut and make you crumble, I don't mind using other methods of getting you off. I can't feed my dog the same treat over and over again after all." Hotaru pushed open more of Akito's pants with the side of his wrist, making space to take out the newborn's member, "Now how about I let you speak now? Tell me that you won't take off the collar I bought for you when you leave on your own again."

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