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The Ram & Lion Cafe (EmbracingAnime x XiuLin)


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Trevor took the bite of Felix's food, and chewed. During this, he took Felix's chopsticks out of his hand and with his left hand, gently pushed a vase like table storage unit of chop sticks to the other. He takes a drink from his soda, and then goes to cooking his own food. He smiles, "That is indeed very good." He also begins dishing his own plate after everything was finishing cooking and began eating his meal. 'I'll see who takes the bill when it comes.' He thought to himself. He keeps enjoying the other company.

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"H-He just ate from my chopsticks! Who does that? Well, it was my fault for offering the food that way...but still! Wasn't that an...," Felix swallowed his nerves, refusing to finish his train of thought about indirect kissing. Hastily splitting a new pair of chopsticks, he resumed grilling and finishing the rest of his dinner.


With impeccable timing, their waitress cleared the empty plates, refilled their drinks, and left them their bill. Heedful of her inquisitive ways, Felix doubted her professional, timely reappearance and suspected she had been observing them at a distance. He sighed, hoping this comedy routine wouldn't replace his usual, quiet outings.


Flipping open the small book that concealed their bill, Felix slipped in his credit card, without scanning over the total. For someone as financially secure as him, money would never be a burden. His indifference in financial matters was a bad habit he continued to correct. Perhaps, such behaviors were another reason for his lack of friendships. "I've got this," he said, as the waitress took the little book away. He hoped his quick reassurance would smooth over his brief display of nonchalance.


When the waitress returned with his card and receipt, Felix scribbled a sloppy signature on their copy and nodded goodbye to their waving server. He turned to Trevor. "Shall we call it a night?"

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Trevor speaks, ¨Yes, we should.¨ He then quickly scoots to the other end of the booth and gets to his feet. After prolonged sitting, his feet and knees felt numb, so he kinda went face first into the other. But he manages to catch himself or grip himself from falling to floor onto Felix's arm.

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As he helped his fellow coworker up, Felix studied Trevor. His high spirits wilted with concern. He disregarded the accumulating stares locked on them. "Hey, are you okay?" He was so worried about Trevor's well-being that he failed to notice the close proximity of their faces. At such an intimate distance, Felix could make out each, individual lash that curled over over his coworker's alluring, amber eyes. He pulled away, when he realized he had been staring a little too long. Though it troubled his self-conscious state, Felix took Trevor by the hand and exited the establishment, ensuring his coworker wouldn't trip.


Once out, he deeply inhaled the fresh air. Pedestrian traffic had slowed to a lull, and neighboring shops began to close. Even the restaurant they dined at was winding down. Felix liked the night. There was a peaceful stillness about it that seemed to soothe him. If anything, it was a time of less interactions which meant less trouble and misunderstandings. He could lower his guard in the deserted quiet and not worry about repercussions.


Felix lingered in the his calm moment of reflection for awhile, until his attention wandered to a warm sensation in his had. He had held Trevor's hand longer than he intended! He quickly released his clutch on him, but the swift action seemed curt. A passing, night breeze cooled his flushed skin. Awash with awkwardness, he scratched his head of hazel hair. "Will you be okay, walking home?"

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When Trevor was asked if he was okay, he just nodded his head. Soon his hand was taken by Felix's and he was ushered out of the restaurant. "No Felix, I would like you to walk me home." He smiles at him, sincerely. "Really there is nothing like walking the night streets with another person. Less lonely that way and safer." He then replaces his hand in the other's comforting hand, still enjoying this with a smile on his face.


As Trevor begins walking in the direction of his home street, hand in hand with Felix. He begins talking more. "Heck you can even crash at my parents place, if you'll like. In my room with me because we have a early rise in the morning. Better to just get us both at the cafe at the same time, in stead of one at a time. What do you think about that, Felix?" He asks as he keeps walking with him towards his home.

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It took all of Felix's willpower to conceal his stupefaction. His mind lost in a distant daze, he walked in silence beside Trevor. They were once again hand-in-hand and already heading to Trevor's residence. How could he reject the overnight invitation at this point? He was aware of his roughness and lack of grace with words. Felix feared that turning down the offer would only create an awkward barrier between them and tension in the workplace.


However, what left him more stunned was the absence of his reluctance. Since when did he yield to Trevor's assertive personality? Felix exhaled a defeated sigh. "I would hate to impose on your family, but if you insist, I guess I could sleep over. It might be more convenient for us, I suppose. I'd have to run to my apartment for a change of clothes and my uniform though."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Trevor nodded his head quickly. "Okay. I'll be waiting up for you to come back to our home, after picking up a change of clothes and your work uniform. Just call me or ring door bell when you get back." He then reaches for the door knob, finding out his parents did lock up already. He takes out his keys and opens the door. He goes into the house, and locks the door before going to brew a pot of coffee. He would need it as he waits for the other to return.


He takes off his shoes and just leaves them where they fall at, as he waits for the coffee to brew. He then takes out a music player and earbuds. He listens to music for a whole ten minutes and as he drinks his first mug of coffee for the evening.

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Felix waved hesitantly. He wondered if fatigue had caused Trevor to accidentally say "our home". Even if Trevor simply meant his family's house, Felix's mind still had a will of its own. It wandered off, imagining what a day living with Trevor would look like. Shoving his hands into his pockets, Felix briskly returned to his apartment, internally fending off his stubborn imagination.


Once back at his apartment, he paced around the room for awhile. Never being invited to a sleepover before, he was at a loss for what to bring. The desperate thought of seeking direction from the all-knowing Google crossed his mind, but he decided that would be quite pathetic. Instead, after much unavailing deliberation, Felix packed practically everything in sight. His gorged, duffle bag looked as though it would burst at the seams. In fact, it was crammed so full that he tore off a zipper, in a struggle to close it!


After a long, triple checking of everything, Felix finally locked up and left for Trevor's. The night air felt cool on his skin. Overhead, leafy canopies glowed beneath the penetrating moonlight. The once bustling street was now deserted, with the exception of a few, drunk stragglers meandering home. Occasionally, a group of loitering louts would stare intensely at Felix, as though asking for trouble. In spite of the itch to glare back menacingly, Felix ignored them. For some reason, he felt compelled to behave his best. Perhaps, he didn't wish to upset Trevor, coming to his doorstep roughed up from a brawl.


Since he was too distracted before, Felix couldn't remember where to go and ended up going in circles. Eventually, after passing Trevor's house a couple of times, he arrived at their door. He motioned for the doorbell but stopped, realizing that Trevor's family could already be fast asleep. Pulling out his phone, he dialed Trevor's number. "Trevor? It's me, Felix. I'm outside your house."

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Eventually, Trevor got bored of his music and turns his music player off. Now he was just finishing up his third cup of coffee, and going for a fourth, he has his phone in his pocket and now he feels it shake against his abs. He quickly answers it and goes for the door, setting down his coffee mug on the nearest piece of flat furniture. "I'll be at the door soon." He says into the phone, then hangs up.


He unlocks the door and greets Felix again, with a smile. "Please do come in. Need help with your bag?" He opens the door more for the other to walk in, taking his bag for him.


"Do you need something warm to drink? I made coffee." He said to him walking into the kitchen. "Please lock the door."


He then pours the black liquid of coffee into a fresh mug. "Please make it how you like it." He then walks out of the kitchen and gets his own mug where he had left it. He goes back into the kitchen and pours his fourth cup. He put sugar and instant creamer inside it, taking it with him. He then readjusts the straps of the duffle bag on his shoulder. "I'm taking this to my room." He then goes down the hall quietly with the other's bag, gently placing it on his bed.


He rejoins Felix in the living room.

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"Okay, thanks," Felix replied, locking the door behind him. A loud click sounded throughout the house. Felix hoped his overnight bag wasn't too heavy for Trevor. Perhaps, he had misjudged his coworker's physical strength. Either way, he didn't wish to be a burden, despite being a guest.


Although the kitchen was unfamiliar, Felix managed to find a few packets of sugar and creamer. The smooth liquid swirled into the black coffee, until it was evenly distributed. Felix took a sip. It was milky and sweet—just the way he liked it.


As he made his way into the living room, he wondered why Trevor offered coffee. Surely, there was nothing more to sleepovers than heading straight to bed. He couldn't think of a reason, as to why Trevor wanted to stay up. Though perplexed, he tried to act natural, as if he were invited overnight often.

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