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A Slave's Punishment


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One day, YC is out wanting something to really enjoy himself with. He is a rich kid that enjoys the pain and suffering of others. He found this like when he accidentally turned to a site that showed some really sadistic porn. The moans of the male getting the horrible treatment were addictive. Since no one was really willing to just move in with YC and let themselves be toyed with and abused every single night, YC buys himself a slave that will do anything he wants and can't defy him. The best part of torturing someone is that you can watch them squirming under your authority.


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Completely dizzy and just coming to, a young teen, the youngest in the room, tried lifting his head as it just rolled to the side. He slowly opened his eyes trying to get them use to the light. There were a few people talking nearby but every sound was just a blur that made no sense. The male moved to try and rub his eyes but then he realized he couldn't move at all. The kid opened his eyes widely and looked at his situation. He was still in his usual clothes but he was completely tied up in a thick rope around his wrists, arms to his torso, and his ankles.


Looking around, everyone else just had some rope around their wrists to hold their arms behind their backs. Gareki was the only one with ropes around 3 different areas. He figured he must have fought back while he was unconscious, instinct taking over. The drugs needed to keep him out of it for the whole ride, were still running through his system and Gareki was feeling really weak. He did, however, let out a low growl and still tried to pull his wrists free.


After a minute, the door opened and Gareki closed his eyes trying to pretend he was still unconscious. He half opened his eyes to watch as a group of men dragged off a few of the people in the room. The male was still trying to understand what was happening and just then his memory rushed back to him. Everything came flying back to him, the fire, his adopted parent's deaths, the men kidnapping him. Gareki opened his eyes widely and began breathing heavily.


When the men returned they noticed Gareki was awake. They tried to get him out of the room but it was very difficult since Gareki began yelling and moving as much as he was. The men dragged the weak male out of the room and into another with glass walls. He was being placed on display for someone to buy him.

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Blake put on a mask and walked into the room.The room was rather large, with lavish decorations and bright lighting. With all the men and women wearing expensive clothing and masks, drinking, laughing and chatting, one may mistaken the scene for a masked dance party, if not for the section at the end of the room separated by glass walls, and the poor souls in them on display. This is a slave market, and a high class one at that.


And in fact this market was owned by the Gerhard Industries, though the money trail is so complicated and obscure that there's no way anyone could trace it back to Gerhard. It's also one of the few operations Blake Gerhard, the shadow ruler of Gerhard Industries, keeps a close tab on personally. Not because the income it creates, as it's insignificant in comparison to the other businesses of Gerhard, but because of the customers. Since only the rich and the powerful could afford a slave, it's like people pay you money to tell you their dirt, so you can blackmail them when needed. Of course the customers' identity is hidden from each other, but not hidden from the market.


And today Blake visited this establishment to receive report on the recent sales: That General bought another girl; that CEO bought a 6 year old; and that Arabic prince bought another boy, with specific instructions to remove the limbs when delivered. Business as usual. Afterwards he put on the mask and pretended to be one of the customers. Walking among the chatting crowd you never know what you'll overhear, especially in such a surreal place where all limits of worldly morality are removed. Younger customers in particular, since most are spoiled child who's only rich because of his heritage: their mouths are usually big.


Then the room began to stir up as a new victim was put on display, a young boy who's tied up unusually tight over his body, shouting and struggling as he was put in the glass room. Blake walked close to the glass wall and looked at the boy closer: he has black hair and blue eyes, though covered by the thick ropes around him one can still see his slim build. People began bidding on the young boy with a frenzy.


"10 million!" Blake announced loudly to the room and sealed the deal. Actually he could say any astronomical number he like, since this is his own market. Not that he can't actually pay that number of course. Blake smiled at the boy before leaving the room.


When he left the room a tall man in suits was waiting. Blake took off the mask and pass it to him.


"Bring the kid back home and take him to the....play room."Blake said smiling. "Make sure he's cleaned." Blake began walking.


"Yes, master. Anything else should I do to prepare him? Perhaps an injection?" the tall man answered, following Blake a few steps back.


"Nah, just chain him up after he's cleaned. I don't want him break too easily." Blake said before walking out the door, a private jet awaits outside.

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Gareki was already a little dizzy and the people all shouting and bidding were messing with his head even more. The young male continued to squirm, fire in his eyes as he glared at the crowd bidding to buy. His blurry mind managed to handle hearing someone shout above the others and that after everyone else went quiet, but other then that, Gareki couldn't understand what was happening just beyond the glass.


It wasn't long after that he found himself being pulled out of the glass room again and away from everyone. Thousands of questions came flooding into his head but Gareki wasn't able to pull a single one out of the jumbled mess his brain created and he just squirmed. It took three men to hold Gareki down to be washed successfully and they quickly chained him up afterwards. He let off many horrid swears, his loud mouth irritating everyone on the plane.


Gareki growled and hissed at the people until they had to gag him just to shut up his random and pointless babble. It really was random because even Gareki wasn't sure what the hell he was talking about. He fought against the chains and was sure to create the worst headache to everyone who had been on that plane. After a while he couldn't fight the drugs and the bindings anymore, so he relaxed a little and rested in his seat. The boy figured he was going need his strength soon enough.

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Unlike the servants who were irritated by the boy, Blake watched joyfully at the boy's struggle. He chuckled at the growls and moans of the boy. When the boy finally calmed down Blake was actually a bit disappointed, but figured the boy was probably saving energy for later.


Blake asked one of the servants to bring him his laptop, checking reports and sending instructions to his puppet uncle, as well as to his staff at his mansion. Neither a multinational corporation nor a household would run itself.


After hours of flight the plane landed on a private runway near a large mansion, surrounded by acres of forests. The mansion used to belong to an old aristocratic family, but they've died out decades ago. Blake bought this mansion and modified it according to his own preference, largely keeping the facade of the original mansion while adding some modern elements, including a huge multiple angled glass and steel structure which took up almost the entire rear of the original mansion. The interior was also completely modernized both in look and in hardware. The only place left largely untouched inside was the dungeon. Apparently one of the previous owner had a taste for imprisoning young girls for his enjoyment. The dungeon was kept unused ever since the nobleman died, and now it welcomes its first victim in decades.


When Blake got off the plane several servants were there waiting. One of them was a tall women in black suits. She stepped forward:


"Welcome back, master." She said with a cold voice.


"Hello Rose, anything happened when I was away?" Blake asked while walking towards the mansion, the women called Rose followed, so did the others, who were a few steps behind her.


"Nothing out of the ordinary, master. And we have began the modifications for the dungeon as you've instructed."


"Good. How long will it take?"


"About three days."


"Um....a bit slow....But I'm sure you've tried your best to make it as quick as possible." Blake tilted his head and looked at her, with a smile on his face.


The women froze for a second, she bowed down and said:" I'll tell the workers to make haste."


"You will? That's wonderful! I'm a bit tired now, put the kid in the dungeon, there're many vacant rooms there, I'm sure he wouldn't mind a little construction noise. Oh, remember to feed him. I don"t want him faint for the wrong reasons."

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The guards all seemed nervous around their master which really said a lot to Gareki who had begun squirming again making it really hard for the people who carried him, to hold onto him. Gareki managed to kick his feet up kick the guard holding his feet, in the bottom of his chin and the two dropped Gareki to the ground. He tried to move away but he was bound way up and couldn't even get off the ground. The guards really wanted to hit him and he just glared back as he was lifted back off the ground.


The guards took a while, but finally, Gareki was placed in the dungeon and tied down so he couldn't even move around the room. One guard came with food for the newest victim and untied the gag after he'd placed the food down. The guards were forced to feed the male but he continually turned his head refusing food. He'd managed to go nearly a week without food when he was only 5 and there was no way his 15 year-old self was losing to that.


After just a couple minutes, one guard got so pissed off he tried choking Gareki until he coughed so the guard could hold open the teen's jaw and the one that brought the food began stuffing the rice meal straight down the male's throat until he was practically choking on it. This process took nearly 2 hours and the guards were finally able to leave the dungeon after locking the door.


Gareki swore and screamed squirming and fidgeting trying to irritate anyone nearby. Luckily, the construction people managed to drown out his sound and eventually the male's throat dried out and he laid quietly. He didn't manage to get any sleep being more use to a quiet village then a loud dungeon. The next morning, he hadn't even dosed off and it showed with the huge bags under his eyes. Despite that, Gareki still had fire in his eyes and he looked even more pissed then before, if that was at all possible.

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Blake stretched as he awake from his dreams. He sit up from the bed and walked to the large window. He said to the empty room: "Open window", and the voice command systems of the house responded to his command. The curtains slid to the sides, and the large glass windows opened. In front of him the beautiful view of the sun rising behind the trees of the garden gradually opened. Feeling the cool breeze of morning he took a deep breath.


Blake's day then proceed much like it normally does, taking breakfast while reading a report on worldly events assembled by his staff, not like the entertainment and propaganda filled news but information straight to the point. Then he began working, checking e-mails and reports, flows of the stock market, etc, interrupted by the lunch in the middle of the day.


And in the afternoon Blake get to rest, having a afternoon tea in the large garden. Feeling the vibration under his feet he finally remembered there're some construction going on in the dungeon. "How is the kid doing?" Blake asked Rose who was standing behind him.


"The men were able to force feed some food to him, but according to the guard he hasn't got any sleep yet." she replied.


"Really? I guess the construction sound was too noisy after all. My my, what a horrible host I am! I should pay him a visit." Blake stood up and walked back to the house and down the stairs hidden behind an old fireplace. All of the sound of construction seized as he reached the dungeon. The guards bowed to Blake as they saw him coming.


The guards opened the cell door for Blake, and he walked inside the small room, looking down at the boy who was tied down on the floor. He knelt down in front of him, picking up his cheek so he could see his face more clearly. He looked quite young, probably only 14 to 15, but is handsome nevertheless.


"Hello. My name Blake Gerhard. What's your name?" Blake asked smiling.

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Gareki had closed his eyes and began listening and figuring which tools were being used for the construction. He had nothing else to do so early but a while before noon, a couple guards came down and had to force feed him again. The male choked on the rice dish again as the guards left and Gareki breathed heavily before focusing on the construction again.


It wasn't long after the second force feeding that the construction sounds stopped and Gareki opened his eyes to see why. He just glanced at the door, which opened for the head of the house to enter, and his face was pulled upward to face the young master. The teen glared irritably at the other.


When Blake asked gareki his name, he clicked his tongue loudly showing his irritation. He couldn't care less who this brat was and he snapped his head away from Blake's hand and looked away from him trying to focus on something else.

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'What! You little....!" Seeing their master being disrespected the guards was about to kick Gareki, but Blake raised his hand, signaling them to stand down. He smiled at Gareki and said: "Now that was impolite, wasn't it. So what? Mommy and Daddy didn't teach you manners? But it's OK, I'm sure your manners will improve in know time!"


Blake stood up and said to the guards: "Would you mind help me to take his clothes off? Spread his arms and legs and chain him to the ground while you're at it."


The guards did as Blake commanded, holding Gareki down they took of the ropes around him, then teared his cloths into pieces. Meanwhile some guards came into the room with shackles and chains and held Gareki's limbs tightly to the ground.


Satisfied with the sight in front of him, Blake signaled the guards to leave the room. The sound of the metal door banged shut echoed through the dungeon.


"I will ask you one more time, kid. What's your name? Or should I name you myself? Hmm....how about Pinky? Or Puffy? Maybe Mr Tinkles?"

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Gareki was surprised by the request but part of him thought he was going to be whipped which was why Blake requested it. That however, did not change the fact that Gareki fought back the moment the men unchained him. He managed several good kicks but was slightly embarrassed about having his clothes torn off. The only thing he had left were the goggles on his head that he never really took off. The also were out of the way so no one bothered removing them.


The teen glared back at Blake not wanting to give him any satisfaction. He laid there as if he were proud of his body and didn't care who looked at it. Blake seemed happy with his find. Gareki huffed and didn't plan on telling Blake his name until he heard these awful, cat names.


"What are you 5?" He called mockingly. "My name is Gareki." He could probably use the old man and woman's last name since they raised him for ten years but he was hesitant and didn't want this guy to know and ruin the name. He didn't bother saying anything else.

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"Gareki? That's a interesting name. Though I'd rather go with Puffy...Anyway! I have to be honest with you, this is my first time owning a slave. I have bunch of servants and employees but that's a different story. So I'm not exactly sure what to do to you. I mean, I didn't even took a good look at you bere I bought you! Glad you end up looking just fine. But I promise I'll do my best to be a good master, and make the rest of your existence a rewarding and productive one, serving and pleasuring me."


Blake walked beside Gareki and did a little jump, moving his centre of gravity backward he petty much dropped on Gareki and landed his butt on Gareki's belly. Looking down at Gareki's painful expression he said smiling: "What do you think I should do to you?" As he spoke he poked at Gareki's face with his finger.

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Damn this brat's annoying. Gareki thought to himself. He watched Blake get up and start walking a couple steps before he jumped back and landed on the teen. Gareki's eyes bugged and he near got the wind knocked out of him. He coughed loudly and tried to get Blake off him but his hands were bound too tightly. Now the male thought he was going to throw up the rice he had earlier.


"Get.... the Fuck off!!" Gareki growled, trying to take more shallow breaths. He glared violently and if his hands were free, he'd hit Blake until he couldn't move.

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"What was that? Did I hear the word 'fuck'? Naughty boy! We barely know each other and you already want me to fuck you? Take it easy Galeki...we have a long...long way to go. You know what all those construction noises are for? I told my guys to renovate the rest of the rooms in this dungeon specially for you! You can't even imagine all the toys and gadgets I got for you."


Blake chuckled and said :"But before they're done, I just have to entertain you bare handed." Blake's finger began slowly slide down from Gareki's face, down to his chin, along his throat. He stayed at the collar bones for quite sometime, touching it lightly back and forth, varying the pressure. His fingers then left the collar bones to the side of his chest, to ythe armpit, then back to the front again.

"Pinky would've been a good name too. Just look at those cute little pink nipples!" Blake said while putting his fingers on them, gently, touching, pressing, flipping, pinching. Then he leaned down, reaching out his tongue and began to lick Kareki's nipple, while still playing with the other with his finger. After licking for a while he began to mix in with a littke bite, then began to suck on the nipple like a child.

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"Shut up and just get off of me! I can't breathe properly!" Gareki snapped at the hand that caressed his face, missing. He really couldn't understand why this other was touching him so much. He clearly knew Gareki was a guy and yet his hand continued to grope Gareki's bare body.


The teen jumped a little, shocked as Blake began touching and playing with his nipples. He really wished Blake would shut up about those stupid names. He refused to be called by any of them. Gareki almost became scared when Blake leaned down and began locking and sucking at his nipples. He growled loudly and squirmed to try and get Blake off him.


"I don't know what your talking about with the construction, but, get off of me and stop messing around!! I'm not a slave I was kidnapped!!" He glared and really wanted nothing more then to punch this kid's head in. Gareki wasn't even sure of Blake's age.

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"Silly Gareki.....you don't decide whether you're a slave or not, I do. And you are mine from now on." Blake was quite amused by Gareki's reaction. He smiled and moved off Gareki's belly, letting him breath more freely.


But this didn't mean Blake was about to stop. His mouth continued downwards, licking, kissing, biting on Gareki's chest, belly and waist, leaving countless red marks as if marking his territory, while his hands also glided along the curves of Gareki's body, feeling the smoothness of his skin. Finally he reached Gareki's crotch. He looked at it and smiled: "This is quite impressive even when it's soft! I wonder how big it can get." Blake opend his mouth and swallowed the whole thing into his mouth.

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"Cut it out..." He muttered as Blake continually left marks all over his body. Gareki knew there wasn't a lot he could do about being a slave but he refused to wear any chains that kept him to this place. So, if he had the chance to run, he'd take it.


He shivered quite a bit as Blake's hand rubbed along his body and the locking and biting all over him. It really was an uncomfortable feeling and one Gareki wasn't use to. The male's eyes widened when Blake made it down to his crotch. What the hell was he admiring?! They were both-. Just then Gareki had his whole member swallowed. "What the Hell?! Get off!!! We're both guys you moron!!!!" Gareki got a lot louder and struggled to no end. He freaked out and struggled like crazy until the chains pierced his skin. The teen continued to try and protest but his body was having a different, hotter reaction. It wasn't too long that he was hard.

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Blake pulled the now harden penis out of his mouth, he looked up to Gareki to see his expression, while licking the penis' tip he said smiling : "What? .....Ah.....You've never heard that men can do these things...um... to each other too? And besides....you seems to be enjoying it aren't you?"


Blake opened his mouth and swallowed the now hardened penis again, all the way down to his throat, moving his head up and down and sucking on it hard, while his hand reached for Gareki's balls, holding them in his fingers, he played around with them and squeezed them gently.

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A deep, red blush burned in Gareki's cheeks as he continued to hold back his voice. The blow job felt much better then he thought it would and the pleasure was unimaginable. Gareki pulled more on the chains though this time because he knew he was about to cum. He bit his lip until it bled just to be sure he wouldn't moan.


Gareki had made it a point to ignore Blake because he couldn't let go of his lip without moaning. As soon as Blake sucked hard and played with his balls, that was the last trigger for Gareki and he came in Blake's mouth let out a tiny sound from deep in his throat as he couldn't keep completely silent.

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Blake chuckeld as he moved upward. He choked on Gareki's throat to force his mouth open, then he opend his own mouth while extending his tongue, dripping the white cum and his own saliva down Greki's mouth.


"Do you like it? Get used to the taste because you'll have lots of it inside you the the future. I heard you've give my employees quite a hard time when they try to feed you. Maybe I'll consider making it the only thing in your diet if you continue to do so." Blake smiled and stood up. He knocked on the door and the guards outside opened it for him.


Blake said to the guard: "Give my thanks to the workers who stopped because of me, and tell them they can continue."


"What about the kid?"


"Just leave him like this." Blake said before going up the stairs.

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Gareki coughed and tried to cough the cum out of his mouth but too much of it had already gone down this throat. He glared viciously and breathed heavily. Gareki was definitely planning on eating his stupid rice dishes without any more trouble. He watched Blake get up and walk away really hoping at the very least, he'd throw a blanket or something on Gareki before leaving. That wasn't the case.


"Shit! HEY! You can't just leave me like this!!! It's freezing down here!!!" Gareki shouted on deaf ears and leaned his head back again. "SHIT!!" He growled and knew he wasn't getting any sleep tonight either. When the workers continued, Gareki just let his mind drift and wander but he never did fall asleep and looked like shit the next morning when the guards came to feed him. They were surprised they didn't have to force feed Gareki this time and he ate the food properly.

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Blake woke up from his sleep, and frankly he didn't get too much rest last night, as he was still dwelling in the, for the lack of a better word, aftertaste of Gareki. While he played with Gareki's body he was also aroused, but instead of letting himself lose yesterday he refrained his desires. He wanted to save the fun for later, and for all night imagined how he would play with Gareki.


As Blake finished his breakfast Rose came up to him and said: "Master, the workers have completed the renovation. All the equipments and facilities have been installed according to your instructions."


"Really? That fast? I thought you said it would take three days! What magic did you use?"


"I've merely told them that master believe they would do whatever they can to finish the construction as quick as possible."


"Wow. I guess there're hidden potential in all of us!" Blake showed an exaggerated expression. "So all the rooms are finished right? Um....Put Gareki in the one with all the chains for me, would you?"


"Yes, master." Rose bowed submissively, she than took out her cell phone and spoke instructions to the men. Soon the guards in the dungeon entered the cell room holding Gareki and unchained him, pulled him to another room nearby, where several chains hanged down from what looked like linear gaps on the ceiling, on the other end were metal cuffs of different sizes on the scattered on the ground. They put the cuffs to each of Gareki's limbs then they left the room, leaving Gareki relatively free to roam around.

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Garekifocused when all the construction ended and all the men moved out. He wondered if what they were working on was finished and what exactly it was. He was aware of what Blake had said about it being for him but he didn't know what that meant.


After some time, guards came in and began unchaining him. Gareki smirked a little and managed to punch one of the guards. It still took a bunch of them to drag him out and chain him up again. The guards hurried away and Gareki found he could move his body.


He slowly stood up for the first time in 2 and a half days. He stretched out his body really wished he had clothes on. Either way, Gareki began wondering if Blake was coming down today and if so, when. He stretched more and walked over to the door and looked around to try and find someone or something to help him escape.

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Blake walked down the stairs leading to the dungeon soon after breakfast. Even though he is the head of a multinational corporation, he is still very young, and every cell in is body were filled with energy and screaming for more pleasure. Especially after yesterday's play he could barely hold himself.


Blake arrived at the dungeon. With the construction completed and Gareki in chains there's little reason for anyone other than Blake to be down here. Not that Blake doesn't appreciate some audience from time to time, just not always.


He walked up to the room Gareki was being held at, and took a small object which looked like a TV remote controller out of his pocket. He then pressed some of the buttons on it, and could hear the sound of machinery at work and the surprised cry of Gareki across the door. He smiled as he pushed the door open, and saw Gareki's legs have been pulled up by the chains, making him hanging in mid air up side down.


"Hellp Gareki. I have to so you look really nice naked in chains." He looked around the room and set his eyes back on Gareki: "Quite a interesting gadget isn't it? I ordered it just for you! By making the chains move along the gaps on the ceiling, and controlling the length of the chains coming out of it, I can pretty much control your every move, like a puppet with strings on it! Watch!" Blake then pushed a few more buttons, letting his legs down but pulling his hands up, then pulled him all the way back so he was slammed into the back wall. "Oops. Sorry about that! This is my first time playing this, I need some practice." Blake continued to play around with his "puppet", making him flip around in mid air.


"Hmm....I guess that's enough practice..." Blake used the remote to pull up Gareki's legs, bringing his hips about Blake's face level. "I haven't got a chance to check up your butt yet...Let me see.." Blake said while putting his hands on Gareki's rear, rubbing and pinching. For a long time he simply indulged himself in the touch, then he spread Gareki's rear open to reveal Gareki's entrance. "Look at that! Your ass look so alluring! Like it's meant it get fucked!" Gareki chuckled as he brought his face closer and extended his tongue.

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He could hear someone coming and he got ready to strike but just before he could do anything, the male felt a pull on his feet and next thing he knew, he was being pulled upwards by his feet and flipped upside down. "WHA~" He let out a small yell as he was suddenly flipped and he struggled wanting his feet free. He quickly looked to see Blake walk right in. He glared and let out a low growl when Blake talked about how he looked good chained up and naked because he really wanted something on his body that wasn't the chains. Pervert Gareki viciously thought to himself.


Gareki turned his head and acted as if he was ignoring Blake's explanation but he was listening to it to find out more of his situation. The male freaked a little when he was flipped again and painfully pulled up by his arms. The idea of being a puppet pissed him off to no end and Gareki wanted to hit Blake so badly but suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back. He was slammed to the back wall and he let out a small hacking sound and a couple sounds of pain. He hardly had any time to recover before Blake began to play and make Gareki flip about in the air. The male knew he'd been through worse then this and sucked it up until he landed with his ass right in front of Blake's face.


The teen really wanted to get away now and squirmed as much as his legs allowed it but soon he found his butt being played with. Gareki really wasn't sure what Blake was planning this time and he sure as hell did not want to be played with down there. He remembered what happened yesterday and was so pissed, he could feel his blood boiling. Every movement Blake's hands made to play with and pinch at Gareki's rear end, pissed him off more and more. His eyes widened when his ass was spread and Blake began moving his tongue closer to his hole.


"Get off!!! You sick perverted Bastard!!! Don't-" His voice cut off when the tongue touched his ass and licked it. His ass was all wet now and he whined about the touch. To Gareki, it was both gross and arousing. He fidgeted wanting to get free but also, somewhere deep down where he was most ashamed, wanting Blake to keep going farther and farther.

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Blake licked and sucked on the pink opening of Gareki, carefully going through all the folds on it, like a bee sucking honey from a flower. He began to use the tip of his tongue to reach deeper, forcing the opening wider, and wider. He then pulled his face away and put his finger in instead. With the help of the saliva his finger was able to enter Gareki's body.


"Your ass is so warm, so tight! I can barely move my finger! What, you like my finger so much you don't want it out? You naughty boy..." Blake began to move his finger around inside Gareki in and out, pressing from the inside and trying to find the spot that causes the most reaction from him.

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"Ugh!! Stop it!!" he shivered and wanted Blake to stop but his body was sending different, stranger messages. "Take it out it hurts!!" He really doubted that Blake would stop but he couldn't help but continually yell at him.


It hurt so much at first, but after a while, Gareki started getting use to the feeling and he began feeling a little numb at the entrance. He was too aware of the finger roaming about in him and he suddenly jolted, a wave of pleasure crossing over him. Blake hit Gareki's prostate and the teen was taken by surprise. He had no idea a guy could feel that good from being penetrated. He knew about guys doing it but he was unaware of having such a pleasurable spot. "Stop, Please!" He wasn't sure why he was being polite now but he was afraid of how good this felt. Gareki was also feeling ashamed because he'd gotten so hard.

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