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My Ray of Sunshine (Zombie_In_A_Box and shelbyD) 18+


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shelbyD's character:




He made the mistake of getting his then girlfriend pregnant when he was 15. They had decided to keep the kid and get married when they turned 18, but things went south when she died during childbirth. He couldn't bear giving up their child, so with the help of his family and hers, he raised their daughter. Now 21, he and his 5 year old daughter live in a small apartment while he goes to school full-time. Her grandparents watch her while he is in class and also while he works, so he doesn't have to worry about daycare costs. Over all, it's not a horrible situation. Personality wise, he's pretty sweet, kind, and a caring person. He's not the smartest overall and doesn't get the best grades in school, but he tries. He can be slow on the uptake when it comes to hints romantically too and has screwed up more than one friendship with his inability to see when they are showing interest.




Zombie_In_A_Box's character:


Name: Kyle Ash


Age: 21


Proffesion: Safe Guard at the local beach.


Sexual Orientation: Pansexual.


Personality: As care-free as one can get. Kyle is an opportunist and will always take any bet - like dying his hair white. He even did his eyebrows and eyelashes, just to get his twenty bucks. He lives this moment, and working at the beach gets him the chance to stare at beautiful girls and boys all day...



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It had just been another day at the beach; the sun was shining, the waves were crashing against the shore, and the smell of the ocean was in the air. Of course, as soon as Dmitri considered it one of those days, he noticed that something was amiss. It wasn’t just something simple either, no, it was something very serious.


His daughter was missing.


Celes had just been right there beside him too. He could still hear her babbling away about how pretty the water looked and how she couldn’t wait to get some ice cream. Now, however, there was no chattering coming from the spot beside him and that caused a terrifying fear to fill him. It clawed at his stomach, his throat, and it burst its way out of his mouth in the form of her name. He was running before he even realized it, his feet hitting the sand and sinking a bit with each step, and it occurred to him in some far part of his mind that he was really out of shape if it was so hard to run in the sand.


He couldn’t focus on that though. He had to find his daughter, his precious baby girl; she was the only thing he truly had in this world. He had already lost Marcella and he refused to lose their child too. His late fiancée would never forgive him if he did nor would he forgive himself.


His voice became more and more panicked with each time he called her name. People were starting to notice that something was wrong as he rushed past them, hitting a few that stood in his way, and they began to talk amongst themselves. He didn’t have time to worry about that though as his eyes scanned the crowded beach frantically.


Where was she?

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People often joked about how his eyes were just meant to be somewhere near the ocean. Kyle always brushed it off with a laugh, and so did everyone else - who knew he would actually end up working as a safety guard at the local beach? Fate was a funny thing sometimes...


The man stretched out his arms, yawning widely. Nothing was happening today... There was barely any wind, so no one got knocked out by a wave or anything of the sort. However, he soon spotted something that made him a little bit, well, worried. Who wouldn't be worried when seeing a little girl walking through the beach and crying?..


Kyle quickly got down, walking up to the brunette with a friendly smile on his face. "Hey there!" He greeted, gently taking her hand. The man had crouched down to be on her eye-level, lightly wiping off her tears. "I can't... Can't find daddy..." The girl whimpered while something clicked in Kyle's head - he had what to do after all...


Swiftly swooping her up, the man grinned, placing the girl on his shoulders. "Now hold on tight, we're going on a mission to find your dad, okay?" The tanned male asked with a wide grin, holding her legs for safety. Kyle began walking, trying to keep contact with the girl so she wouldn't be scared or anything. The last thing he needed was her crying again... Either way, who'd lose such a cute child? The dad must've been extremely irresponsible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He was about four seconds from tripping over his own two feet as he pushed his body to the limit running through the sand. It wasn’t until he spotted the familiar reddish and loosely curled hair of his little girl that he stopped. He stared for a moment as he watched her come towards him, but she wasn’t alone. Celes was perched on top of a young man. The sight of her with some stranger incited more fear than when he had just thought she was missing. He had no clue who this guy was and he had somehow managed to convince his daughter to ride upon his shoulders. Dmitri thought that he had taught her about stranger danger, but she didn’t look the least bit nervous about her position. Sure, she looked distraught, but she wasn’t trying to run from him.


He began to move once more, but this time he knew where he was going. He walked towards the man with purpose and a glint in his eyes that spelled certain death. However, once he got closer he realized that this wasn’t just some random person. He was clearly some sort of lifeguard for the beach if his outfit was anything to go by. Dmitri felt some of the weight lift off his shoulders at that revelation. Maybe it wasn’t as bad as he thought and the guy was just helping his daughter out or something. After all, he was sure that any decent person would be concerned if they saw a girl her age wandering around alone.


“Celes, there you are! Why did you leave my side?!” These were the first words out of his mouth when he got within a few feet of the two. His little girl’s eyes lit up with happiness at the sight of him and she squealed, “Daddy!”


Dmitri turned his towards the man and addressed him, “I… T-Thank you so much for finding my daughter! I looked away for a moment or two and next thing I knew, she was gone…” He looked downwards at the sand for a moment as a look of shame crossed his face. Swallowing thickly, he glanced back up at him and said, “I, uh, I’m sorry about the trouble.” He probably looked like the worst parent in the world right now. Honestly, he felt like it too. How could he not notice that his daughter wasn’t talking to him anymore? That she wasn’t by his side? It made him sick to think about it.

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Kyle spent a few minutes just wandering around the beach, talking with the girl on his shoulders quite carefreely. He managed to get out her name and somewhat how her dad looked, otherwise they just talked about various things - everything from swimming to cats.


The white-haired man's eyes lit up as he saw a man that fit the describtion of Celes' dad's, but... Oh god, he did not like the look in his eyes. It was the look he sometimes got from his mother, and that never meant anything good. Imagine a short, middle-aged woman staring at you with a clear intention to kill; sometimes he was certain the woman had killed someone. No one could have that look and not have killed anyone!


You can imagine the relief he felt when that look disappeared from the man's eyes. Putting on a wide smile, Kyle carefully lifted the girl off of his shoulders, now certain that this man was her father. "Oh, it's no problem! It's my job, you know?" He laughed softly, ruffling up his hair with a relaxed expression on. However, after realizing the man looked, well, guilty, Kyle felt the need to reassure him...


"C'mon, it's cool. She's safe, right? Besides, now she's got a really cool friend!" Kyle joked as he pointed at himself, flashing a wide grin. "Be careful if you wanna swim, though. Losing her in the water could be a bit more complicated..." The man realized a little bit too late that he probably shouldn't have said that. Stupid..


"Ah, nevermind. Everyone's safe and happy, that's all that matters." He smiled, eyeing the man in front of him for a few moments. "Wait, is she your daughter? Really? You look so young..." Kyle himself knew for sure he wasn't ready for kids at the moment, no matter how much he loved them. But this guy... He looked so young, and his daughter seemed to be at least five, maybe six? "Erh, sorry if it's too personal, I don't mean to butt in or anything." He was fucking this up so bad, it was embarrassing...

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