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Shaman King (private w/ maknaehariiex27)


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Name: Lee Hongki


Age: 24


Personality: ongoing


Species: shaman


Likes: singing, making lyrics, playing drums and partying. Playing games in his spare time. Being himself

and is a free thinker. likes things his way and easy going. Sushi and dango is good sweets and snacks. likes

kissing and being flirty. Sex is what he do and love so get use to it. protective over what's his.


Orientation: Unknown


Bio: Born without parents, this young shaman had to find out on his own what life as a shaman was. This portay of being what he is.. he's learned it himself, and he's not fully there yet, of discovering what he truely can do. His long forgotten past has come and gone, it's a story he wants to forget. Funny how your past come back to haunt you, because now he have a chance to finally get what he needs to know uncovered. Was this the answer to his past, his family?..


Years passed and finally uncovering his family's death.. the story behind it all tore him to pieces. Now at the age of 24 he was finally able to be free. To know that his parent's death can be more restful as he sought what he needed. But was this really over? Or was history about to repeat itself again. The same as it did with his parents whom recieved a horrible faith. Or was it something different?


Being tracked after those times ago after he killed the other. Revenge is a bitch, and he was chased almost all over. it wasn't until he hid. Hiding away in the forest where he wasn't tracked for a while. He was out hunting when it happened. A small moment. A moment when he met a kitsune. His life shorely changed. life. is ths all worth it? Especially for the one you love?


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Name: Choi Minki


Nickname: Ren


Age: 19


species: fox demon


likes: watching movies, singing, dancing, eating, sleeping, flirtatious, sneaky when he's bored

sex, kissing, cuddling, biting


orientation: doesn't matter to him


bio: Ren is a young fox demon who for most of his life, has lived in the forest among the other animals. he doesn't remember much about his past, all he knows is that he was somewhere dark and there was a light ahead. when he walked through it, he found himself in the middle of a clearing with no idea as to what happened.

there were also a bunch of animals surrounding him and just staring at him, others were on top of him wondering when he would wake up.


After some time, ren came to live in the forest, eating and sleeping on a daily basis and exploring the forest since it was rather big and he had enough territory to explore. things were normal one day, he was running through the forest as part of his morning run when he picked up the scent of something unusual. following the scent, he saw someone who wasn't like him, no fox ears, or tail.


it was that first moment where things changed for him and how he saw the world.




"Uh.. hello?" ren called out as he walked out from behind the tree and his ears twitched, along with his tail swishing from side to side, he was curious about the ear-less man in front of him and he wanted to know what he was and why he was in his forest.


"Who are you? and what are you doing here? i thought only people like me lived here, i never saw you before." ren stated and he kept his guard up around him, he might have been curious but he didn't want to be an easy target in case the strange man would kill him


"If you have no business here, then leave." he said with a cute huff and he stared at him

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*the young shaman walked on in the forest. he wasn't armed with anything. but keeping a sword on his back came in handy just in case he needed to fight. but it became more of his style. Everywhere he went he always carried it with him. groaning, he was hungry and needed to find something to eat soon and fast. a frost would be coming soon and not having anything to eat, he would starve.


Moving, he heard some noise in the distance. he stopped and listened to any signs of movements. moving his sword he grabbed he handle still listening. when he didn't hear it any more, he moved his hand and continued on, as he was on his way back to his cabin if he couldn't find food. he searched. looking around, he moved climbing trees to see if he could find anything inside the trees or nest*


come on... there's got to be something that i can find to eat. *he said and walked on as he found a few birds nest. getting two eggs out of each as to not take them all he placed in his pocket and proceeding on* what else is there? *he moved going deeper into the forest. night fall was hiting and he needed something quick keeping his eyes and ears peeled for anything out of the ordinary*

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Ren was busy running through the forest, the other foxes following behind him, he was laughing and enjoying himself. Night was already descending, so he wanted to have one more run around the forest before he returned to his den and have some dinner.


But before he could do that, he needed to find some dinner, he didn't eat much today so, he had to make sure that he ate before bed. he switched into his fox form and kept an eye out for something fresh to kill. when he found a rabbit, he smiled and he chased it down.


"Gotcha~" he said and he held the rabbit down with his paws and he bit into the spot where it would be an instant kill. he picked it up with his mouth and started to walk off, taking his time as he returned to the deepest part of the forest. once he was close to his home, he changed back into his demon form and held the dead animal in his arms and he hummed in delight.


"i can't wait to eat~~" he chimed and his tail moved around happily

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*time had began getting cold. he covered himself as he pulled his jacket over his head. He had nothing but rabbits and he needed something big. one raccoon and a few birds eggs* he could do much with it but he wanted more. he didn't know how long frost would last and maybe not much would be left. he found a nice fine deer and moved to kill it. grabbing an arrow and bow he moved pulling it back about to strike when he narrowed on the other and move to strike the creature. letting it go, it took the deer out and pumped his fist and was happy*


now i have a meal~ *he said and move to get the deer putting the bow back across his back and grabbing the deer. snow began falling as it began getting even cooler. he began on his way back home, now that he had a ways to go and darkness began creeping faster then he thought. looking up, more ground was covered in snow, and thigns that once had color turned white. blowing out cold air as he walked the dead deer dragging on the ground and rabbits and coons over his back tied to string. After some time of walking, he got home.


stopping in his shed, he put the deer, and coon and rabbits there so he could go back to get . he was going to skin later. right now he just wanted to get in his warm cabin. he moved taking a rabbit with him going inside. the eggs he gathered went to the fridge and he began working on skinning the rabbit preparing it to be cooked*

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it had started to snow now, the sun officially no longer in the sky until morning and the cold breeze passing through his skin.ren shivered and he wrapped one arm around his body and tried to quickly make it back to his den, even though it wouldn't do much in the cold weather. he was almost there when he picked up the scent of someone close by, he turned around and followed the scent back until he saw someone with a deer and a few smaller animals.


"Huh? where did he come from and how long has he been here?" ren asked and he followed behind him closely, making sure to keep a good distance between them so the other wouldn't notice him. "Where is he going?" he asked himself as he noticed in the distance, a faint light.


He blinked and continued following his tracks until the elder went inside, he walked along the side and he peeked inside the window and saw a fire, "It looks so warm in there." he said and he went around to make sure the other wasn't looking, "All right.~ i should be okay" he said and then went back to the other window and he opened it slowly.


he crawled inside slowly and he looked around, his ears twitched at the warmth and he spotted a bed and he crawled into the bed and he closed his eyes, "So comfy~" he mumbled and fell asleep

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*the young lad began cooking. Unaware that anything or any creature had crawled inside his window going straight to his bed making itself at home. singing slightly as he was now in the midst of cooking the rabbit he moved and nodded his head as he cut on the tv to see what the news was saying about the weather. The snow falling more and it turned slightly colder but the heat was more stronger inside as he had his fireplaces. while the food was simmering down he decided to take a hot shower before the pipes freeze over and he's stuck smelling of blood. *he made his way to the shower running the water grabbing things he needed as he slowly began stipping as he went*

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Ren snuggled into the blanket deeply, enjoying the warmth of the fireplace and the blanket. he hugged the pillow and he turned around in bed, facing the wall. he yawned and he rubbed his eyes, he could hear the other moving on the other side of the door but it didn't bother him since he was cozy and tired, his own den making it hard to sleep in unless he was in his fox form, and even then, finding a comfortable spot wasn't easy. he drifted off to sleep as he listened to the crackling sounds of the fire nearby and the faint wind outside the cabin, it was calming. soon, a faint snore could be heard from the young demon, deeply asleep with it's tail wrapped around it's body.

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*soon after time was done, the young lad had eaten and he moved to shower. the house stayed warm as h moved with the towel around hs head and his boxers on. he moved to get in his bed to lay down. grabbing the covers he sighed in relief and closed his eyes. he was on his side. it wasn't until he moved to his back trying to get more comfortable when he hit something fuzzy. Blinking, he moved in an instant grabbed the fuz by the tail moving to take it outside. the lighters were off and the only light was from the fire. the creature fought until he got to the door. When he saw it was a fox he thought about killing it since he never had a fox before it wasn't until the other bit into his flesh causing hongki to drop him his hind geets sratching his arm as it scurried to hide*

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*ren continued to sleep until it felt something near him on the bed, and suddenly being lifted his tail. he woke up and he squirmed around trying to get free from the other's grip, he started yelling at the elder and he growled but it looked like the other wasn't understanding what he said. once at the door, he stared at him, seeing that wasn't being let go and the other was eyeing him, he bit his hand causing him to fall. he scratched his arm and then made a run for it, he found a hiding spot and he hid underneath a pile of clothes inside a nearby closet, making sure to close it.*


sheesh, what is up with that guy? who does he think he is grabbing me by the tail like that? *he thought to himself and he pawed at his tail for a moment and then stayed still just in case the other walked by.

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*hongki moved searching for the small creature. unable to sleep until he found the other or killed it. eitherway, he wantd the creature out. he moved seaching every crack, turn hidden passage and whatnot. he was determined to find what he needed. looking at the other, he groaned and move to get some food to lure the other out* come on foxxy.. where are you? I justwant to get you out.. so letsmake this easy ne *he seached while holding the food*

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*ren could hear the other walking around and he could smell food, his stomach rumbled, he had forgotten to eat and now his hunger was going to give him away. he lightly pushed the closet door open, just a bit and he sniffed, trying to figure out what it was. he smiled and his tail swished side to side, it smelled really delicious, he stepped out of the closet and he followed the scent and went up to him. he pawed his legs and he headbutted him* give me the food you stupid thing! *he said in his head and he made a few noises and howled, looking up at him and his tail wagged as he watched the food expectantly* arrrgggg feed me, feed me now! *he yelled in his head and he watched as he set the food down and he eagerly began to eat, savoring the taste and he laid down, eating in peace*

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*blinking when he lookd down to see the other paw at his leg. he blinked tilting head to see that the other was mainly of it of a dog. having him howl and do different things just to tell him he wanted the food, he took a piece and flicked it at the other to see him catch it. he did itagain before moving to walk on. he went towards the door to let the other have a chance in living but the creature stayed put. blinking he heard the other noises and looked at his tail waving* your nothing more then a puppy *he looked at the small fox and move gong back over to the other slowly approaching it before moving to look at the food moving it arond to see his eyes watching the food. shakes head as he tossed it to the creature. he saw the small thing eat it and moved back* so you were only hungry.. is that why you snuck into my home? *he said and decided to get the creature some milk. grabbing a bowl, he filled it half way with water moving to put it down near the fox* you better enjoy that while you can. *he moved going closer towards the other trying to get a better view of it

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*ren's eyes followed the food wherever the elder was moving it and he would catch a piece whenever it was thrown to him. his tail wagging in anticipation and he ate all the food when the elder set the bowl down, his ears twitching as he listened to the elder speak but he paid no mind to it. when the bowl of water was placed next to him, his ears perked up and he drank the water in joy* ahhh~~ this is awesome~ the food and water taste so much better than anything i make~ *ren said as he savored the meal and he licked his paws and then laid down, his tail resting beside him and he yawned, looking up at the elder male curiously* i wonder what this guy will do now? he'll probably just try to kick me out, tch good luck to that, i'll just bite him again and scratch and mess him up. *he said and he stretched his body out and he pawed at his own face, almost as if he was rubbing it, then he curled up on the floor and took a good look around the cabin* it is pretty warm in here..i wonder if i can trick him into letting me stay here *he wondered*

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*looking at the othe finish eating and blinkd all the more when the creature justseem to make itself comfortable inside his hom. tilting his head he looked at the fox* so.. you.. your full and decide to camp in.. Many animals eat and run yet you eat and stay.. you must really want to get killed *he said and move to look outside to see that the weather had gotten more rough* fine.. you can stay the night. just dont get any ideas of stealing anything. but first thing in the morning, your out *he mentioned looking at the animal grabbing a blanket for him as he moved going to thecouch and laying down keeping warm by the fire as he soon began dozing*

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*ren blinked seeing him look out the window and then come back over and grab a blanket. he followed his movements to the couch and he got up, stretching and then jumped on the couch next to him and buried himself under the blanket.* so comfy~~ *he thought in his head and he wrapped his tail around his body, yawned softly and then fell asleep beside the elder, liking the warmth coming off the elder. after a while, ren woke up and he climbed on top of the elder and made himself comfy and went back to sleep. little did he know, was that he was changing into his demon form, he had his regular form now along with his ears and tail still showing.*

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*having the other too tired to stay and watch the fox, he fell asleep. He was too tired to leta fox botherhim and besides he fed hit which may have showed that he wasn't gonna do anything. Unknowing that the creature had slipped into the covers with him he looked continue to sleep undisturbed. groaning some his body and breath went steady. later on that morning the light began coming up as he felt a small lightness to his chest. ignoring it he wastoo much into his sleep to worry. groaning when he felt the something getting heaier on him. he moved turning his head some as he slept more unknowint that the other was therefor changing into his other form. More of the heaviness came as his breathing came a bit more. taking in a deep breath he turned his head as his hand unconsciously went up and around the other's waist as his grip came a bit more

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*ren stirred in his sleep, he had already changed completely into his foxxy form, his body laying on top of the other. he nuzzled closer feeling the other's hand grip his waist, his ears twitching a bit as he was dreaming, and his tail hanging off the couch* mmmm~ *he mumbled in his sleep and he snuggled close to him, gripping his shirt, unaware of what was going on*


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*ren stirred in his sleep, he had already changed completely into his foxxy form, his body laying on top of the other. he nuzzled closer feeling the other's hand grip his waist, his ears twitching a bit as he was dreaming, and his tail hanging off the couch* mmmm~ *he mumbled in his sleep and he snuggled close to him, gripping his shirt, unaware of what was going on. after a few hours he woke up and he looked around, wondering what happened and he blinked* oh right.. i climbed up here with him *he said to himself, noticing the other under him and his hand at his waist. he took his hand away slowly and he looked down at him, almost straddling him and tilting his head* he looks peaceful.. *he said and he leaned down and then poked his cheek and then his neck and chest* it's weird that he doesn't have ears or a tail like i do.. *he hummed and his ears twitched in thought*

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*having the other grip onto his shirt, he felt the small tightness. smiling, as he was dreaming a good dream he moved furrowing his brow some when he heard he hum fromthe other. figering it was still in his dream. he continu to sleep. it wasn't till his phone went off waking him up. groaning, he sighed and moved reaching into his pocket taking out his phone stopping the noise from happening further. opening his eyes he cut it off as his arms cameup stretching. he rubbed his eyes trying to get up, but couldn't when he just realized something was on top him. blinking he looked to see hair in his face. a person? he asked himself ashe looked at the person. moving to raise their chin up, he saw it was a girl. quickly moving the other rolled to the couch still sleeping. unmoved at the movement. blinking the young male tilt his head. blinking he move around and moved closer to the other. a hand her hair out the way* she's beautiful. *sees the dirt covering her body. hair messy and dirty. he moved wrapping the cover overher to keep her warm sinceshe was naked. her back towards him* how did you get in here? *says moving from over the couch to go prepare breakfast so he could shower after*

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*ren stirred after some time and he opened his eyes slowly, noticing the light's warmth on his back. he yawned and he got up and looked around, rubbing his eyes and the blanket lightly falling off his body. he looked down and he noticed that he had changed back into his foxxy form* huh..? i guess i changed forms in my sleep again... where is that weird human? *ren asked as he got up and he wrapped the blanket around his body and he walked around until he stumbled upon the kitchen and spotted him inside. he quietly made his way to the table and he sat down at the table and watched him cook something, and by the smell of it, it smelled yummy. he licked his lips unconsciously and waited for the food to be done so he can eat and maybe he can get a shower, since he knows he doesn't smell all that good.*


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*ren stirred after some time and he opened his eyes slowly, noticing the light's warmth on his back. he yawned and he got up and looked around, rubbing his eyes and the blanket lightly falling off his body. he looked down and he noticed that he had changed back into his foxxy form* huh..? i guess i changed forms in my sleep again... where is that weird human? *ren asked as he got up and he wrapped the blanket around his body and he walked around until he stumbled upon the kitchen and spotted him inside. he quietly made his way to the table and he sat down at the table and watched him cook something, and by the smell of it, it smelled yummy. he licked his lips unconsciously and waited for the food to be done so he can eat and maybe he can get a shower, since he knows he doesn't smell all that good.*

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*when he was done, he decided to let the food simmer a bit as heput on a low heat. he move to go take a shower. the food would be ready when he got out. moving to rub his eys again and then ruffling his hair he move placing the towel on the center island moving togo though the open way. he hadn't noticed theother sitting at the table still half asleep. thinking the other was still sleeping. he move to the back taking off his clothes turning on the shower going in loving the feel of the warm water running down his body. he closed his eyes with his head down as the water ran down his head* ahhh~ this feels nice. *a hand on the wall still letting teh water run*

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*he blinked seeing the other leave the kitchen and he puffed his cheeks* hey, but...food... *ren mumbled thinking that the elder just left the food alone to over cook. he got up and went over to the stove and eyed the food wondering if he finished or not, he hummed and he decided to walk around the cabin, exploring a bit since he never got the chance to considering that the elder was trying to throw him out and he was more concerned about getting warm and eating.* i wonder what he has in here... *he said and he went into his room and he went through his drawers and closet, seeing a bunch of clothes, and even a gun as well* what's this guy doing in the forest anyway? *he wondered since he never saw any other humans*

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*time had come and gone as the other was in the shower. after some time, he showered and then gotten out to dry himself off. he felt and smelled good. sighing in content, he walked out, towel around his waist and searched for some clothes to wear. ruffling his hiar as it fell flat to his face he moved his hair out his face as it went back. he put on boxers and bottoms. his well toned abed chest exposed. he continue to wonder on how the femalehad gotten into his home. and most importantly on top of him*

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*After some time, ren walked out of the room and explored more of the cabin, soon growing bored, he went back to the kitchen and puffed his cheeks wondering if the food was done yet.* maybe it's ready...? *he asked himself as he reached inside the pot not realizing how hot it was. he flinched and yanked his hand out letting out a pained cry, tears forming in his eyes, he held his hand and then covered it with the blanket, sniffling in pain* stupid...stupid thing *he said to the pot and he glared at it, he looked down at his hand and noticed the burned spots and he whimpered, he licked his hand trying to soothe the pain*

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*grabbing a shirt, he was about to dress himself when he heard a loud cry coming from inside the other room. blinking he dropped the shirt moving towards the door and out the room. he followed the whimpers to see the other was gone from her spot. he looked around beforelooking towards the kitchen. moving he walked though to see the other on the floor with the blanket over his hand he looked at the other blinking* you ok?

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